TF-CSIRT Activity Update

Gorazd Božič [email protected]

Based on materials provided by TERENA TF-CSIRT


• TERENA Task Force: – Operation defined by Terms of Reference – Two years recurring lifecycle with review – Members and non-members of TERENA – No membership fee, just travel & hotel costs – Active participation by members – Success depends on members’ commitment – TERENA plays role of professional facilitator: • Secretarial tasks • Logistical support

© TERENA 2005 TF-CSIRT way of working

• Meeting every four months • Venue rotates among members who volunteer to host • Two days: –1st day for seminars and presentations –2nd day for Task Force official meeting • Evening in-between: social event organised by the hosting member • Contacts between meetings provided by mailing list and project groups

© TERENA 2005 Deliverables and Projects

• Trusted Introducer Service & Directory • RIPE IRT object • Clearing House for Incident Handling Tools • Assistance to new CSIRTs • Incident Handling Procedures • Vulnerability and Exploit Description and Exchange Format WG

© TERENA 2005 Recent activities

• New TI (Trusted Introducer) services • RTIR working group • Interaction with ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency)

© TERENA 2005 Questions?

September 2000, Paris, France January 2001, Barcelona, Spain May 2001, Ljubljana, Slovenia September 2001, Manchaster, United Kingdom January 2002, Stockholm, Sweden May 2002, , Denmark September 2002, Syros, Greece January 2003, , Croatia May 2003, Warsaw, Poland September 2003, , Netherlands January 2004, Madrid, Spain May 2004, Hamburg, Germany September 2004, Valetta, Malta January 2005, London, United Kingdom May 2005, Zürich, Switzerland September 2005, , Portugal

© TERENA 2005