Living Well With Dementia in North Celebration Report ‘Bring Me Sunshine’ Living Well With Dementia in | Celebration Report


Foreword ...... 4 Dementia Friendly Communities ...... 41 Who we are ...... 5 Case Study - Community Partnerships ...... 42 Case Study: Blue Badges ...... 42 Executive Summary ...... 7 Local Dementia Action Groups in the Clinical Commissioning areas ...... 8 Case Study: Dementia Friendly music and movement ...... 43 Summary ...... 44 Making It Happen ...... 10 Workforce Development ...... 45 Dementia Strategy ...... 11 Alzheimer’s Society Care Home Guide ...... 45 Principles: ...... 11 Airedale, Wharfedale and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area ...... 46 Priorities: ...... 11 Case Study: Dyneley House Surgery ...... 46 Action Plan ...... 14 Case Study: Craven District Council ...... 47 Bring Me Sunshine – Making It Happen Conference ...... 15 Case Study: Tesco ...... 47 Dementia Friendly North Yorkshire ...... 16 Summary ...... 48 Hambleton, and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area ...... 17 Diagnosis and GP engagement ...... 49 Hambleton and Richmondshire Partnerships ...... 17 Alzheimer’s Society GP Clinics ...... 49 Whitby Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) ...... 18 Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area ...... 50 Case Study: Community Roadshow Events ...... 20 and Rural District Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area ...... 50 Case Study: Reminiscence Cafés Hambleton and Richmondshire ...... 20 Summary ...... 51 Vale of Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area ...... 21 Support and Advice ...... 52 The and Villages Action on Dementia Alliance ...... 21 Case Study: Alzheimer’s Society ...... 52 District Dementia Friendly Community ...... 21 Case Study Start: Strategies for Relatives - coping interventions Case Study: Dementia Friends PHSE sessions ...... 22 for family carers of people living with dementia ...... 52 Case Study: Sporting Memories ...... 23 Case Study: (January 2018) GP Dementia Advice Services ...... 53 Summary ...... 54 Harrogate and Rural District Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG area) ...... 24 Harrogate Public Services Leadership Board ...... 24 Planning for the future and dying well ...... 55 Case Study: Lasting power of attorney ...... 55 Case Study: Young Onset – Younger People Living with dementia ...... 26 Case Study: Law Clinics ...... 55 Case Study: Wellbeing Café – Harrogate and Rural District ...... 28 Case Study: Death Cafés ...... 55 Case Study: Dementia Friendly Community - ...... 28 Case Study: Still Caring ...... 56 Case Study: Supporting Dementia across Generations and Cultures ...... 29 Case Study: (2017) GP Dementia Advice Services () ...... 56 ‘Show me you care’ ...... 30 Case Studies: Yorkshire Ambulance Service ...... 57 Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area ...... 32 Summary ...... 58 Dementia Friendly Craven ...... 32 Moving On ...... 59 Case Study: Leeds and Morecambe Community Rail Partnership – The Bentham Line ...... 35 Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area ...... 39 Scarborough Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) ...... 39

2 3 ‘Bring Me Sunshine’ Living Well With Dementia in North Yorkshire | Celebration Report

Foreword Who we are The ‘Bring Me Sunshine – Living Well with Dementia in North Yorkshire Strategy’ Welcome to our celebration (The Dementia Strategy), its Action Plans and this Celebration Report would not have been possible without individuals living with dementia or their families, carers or of the work to implement loved ones, the ‘Bring Me Sunshine – Living Well with Dementia in North Yorkshire North Yorkshire’s Dementia Partnership’, the local Dementia Action Alliances, Dementia Friendly Communities Groups and various Voluntary Sector organisations (The Partners or The Partnership) . Strategy Bring Me Sunshine - Living Well with Dementia

York Teaching Hospital in North Yorkshire. NHS Foundation Trust

This celebration report is an opportunity to thank all partners and individuals across North Yorkshire who have committed to making North Yorkshire a place where people living with dementia can live well .

This report highlights some of the excellent work that has been undertaken as well as showing our collective continued commitment for next year and beyond . This report also recognises ongoing work and commitment from partners that has been co-ordinated and facilitated by The Partnership .

The key achievements of 2018 have been driven by the passion and commitment of local individuals, partners and organisations to work together to improve the lives of people living with dementia within their local communities by championing the four principles and five priorities of the Dementia Strategy and concentrating efforts on how to make North Yorkshire more Dementia Friendly .

2019 will see a continued effort on making North Yorkshire Dementia Friendly, whilst also continuing to work towards local action plans to support workforce changes, improvements in diagnosis, simplifying information, advice and guidance and supporting individuals to plan for their future .

4 5 ‘Bring Me Sunshine’ Living Well With Dementia in North Yorkshire | Celebration Report

Executive Summary In October 2017, we launched ‘Bring Me Sunshine’ the North Yorkshire Dementia strategy and now seems a fitting time to reflect on the past successes and to look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. This report sets out some of the key successes but we are acutely aware of the challenges that still lie ahead.

‘Bring Me Sunshine’ brought together The key success of the strategy has been people interested in dementia from across in uniting people around this shared vision North Yorkshire and the wider region to and an agreed set of objectives . As a result, develop a shared vision and goal for what over the past year NYCC has worked with we believe care and support for people 15 local groups to develop and deliver living with dementia should look like . local action plans and to begin to drive change in our communities . These groups Following extensive consultation 4 Principles are led and owned by local communities and 5 Priorities were developed which with chairs ranging from local volunteers, became the underpinning for our approach Councillors, employees of voluntary sector to supporting people living with dementia in organisations and health professionals . North Yorkshire . Through working closely with people living with dementia and their carers Each local group has developed its own set through the development of the strategy we of priorities and actions to address these, could be sure that these principles and priorities full details can be found within the report: reflected the true wishes of our communities .

We also knew that a strategy attempting to address an issue as large as dementia in a place as large and diverse as North Yorkshire could only succeed by engaging with and empowering our communities . From the outset we sought to work with existing local organisation and interested parties and this network has become the Bring Me Sunshine partnership which now drives forward delivery of the strategy .

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Local dementia action groups in the Clinical Commissioning areas Whitby Dementia Action Alliance • Make Whitby a Dementia Friendly Community Hambleton and Richmondshire • Undertake the Dementia Friendly Community recognition process Dementia Collaborative: • Create a new website and • Supported Employment Opportunities social media presence • Networks – how can we all work together • Continue to work with partners more effectively as organisations, and support local events. professionals and citizens • Customer Friendly Environments • Young onset dementia

Scarborough Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) • Working in partnership across Scarborough and Whitby • Celebrate our achievements • Increase dementia awareness and engagement

The Easingwold and Villages Action on Dementia Alliance Dementia Friendly Craven • Awareness and understanding • To enable residents and groups all over the • Community events District to work towards improving the local dementia friendliness of their own communities; • Reducing the stigma of dementia • To create a district wide network to • Training and education support local communities; • The collective voice • To work toward developing a self-advocacy • Influence and Change group to enable people living with dementia to speak for themselves; and • Capacity and Resource • Membership • To promote better understanding of Harrogate Public Services Dementia dementia across communities Leadership Board Friendly Community • Co-ordination and Collaboration • Local service delivery • Create a dementia friendly Harrogate • Share good practice • Communication • Workforce development • Celebrate our achievements • Engagement • Diagnosis – rates and process • Increase awareness • Planning for the suture and dying well • Create a dementia friendly Selby

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Making It Happen Dementia Strategy Bring Me Sunshine began as a loose collaboration The Dementia Strategy was launched in autumn The Dementia Strategy has four key of statutory and voluntary partners, however over 2017, following extensive consultation and principles and five key priority areas which the past three years of development and publication engagement with people living with dementia will shape the approach to dementia in North the strategy has taken on a life of its own and now and their carers, families and friends . It highlights Yorkshire over the lifetime of the strategy . takes on many forms, mirroring the diversity to be what is important to people living with dementia found in the communities of North Yorkshire . and areas of achievement and improvement Priorities: across North Yorkshire . Alongside personal In May 2018 the strategy partners delivered the ‘Bring stories, the Dementia Strategy also describes Me Sunshine – Making It Happen’ conference in the current position in terms of the number Dementia Friendly Scarborough . Attended by over 150 people, approximately of people living with dementia and highlights half of whom were people living with dementia and some lesser known facts about people living North Yorkshire carers, the event allowed people from across the with young onset dementia and people living county to come together to discuss local issues and to with dementia and a learning disability . explore ways in which these could be addressed .

Along with invited speakers the conference focussed Principles: Workforce on 4 key discussion areas: Our Communities, Diagnosis Development Pathway, Where would we like to be? And How Do We Get I am Me There? These topics allowed attendees to share thoughts and ideas with people from their own districts and across I am not dementia North Yorkshire to inform the development of local plans . I have a name and I expect it to be used

From working on hospital wards in Scarborough to railway Diagnosis stations in Craven via reminiscence groups in and Carers Matter school visits in the partnership has begun the gradual process of making North Yorkshire a place where Treat them as well as they treat us it is possible to live well with dementia and has begun to take on the challenge in unique and inspiring ways . The Small Things Support and Advice Small acts of understanding can make a huge difference

Consistency Planning for the Where I live shouldn’t determine Future and Dying Well how I am treated

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PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE Based on the I am Me Carers Matter PRINCIPLE Consistency The Small Things Where I live principles and I am not dementia Treat them as well as they treat us Small acts of shouldn’t determine priorities, a high I have a name understanding how I am treated and I expect it can make a huge level action plan to be used difference was formed. PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY Dementia Friendly Workforce Diagnosis Support and Advice Planning for the North Yorkshire Development Future and Dying Well

WE WILL: WE WILL: WE WILL: WE WILL: WE WILL: • work with local government, • work to improve the • work to ensure that the • create simple points of access • develop training and awareness businesses and communities understanding of, the experiences diagnosis process is clear and for information for people living around the importance of to promote dementia and impacts of living with transparent to people and with dementia and their carers planning for the future and friendly communities dementia, amongst health and involves no more professionals in North Yorkshire including having open discussions around across North Yorkshire social care professionals or appointments than necessary improved access to peer support people’s wishes and fears • develop a schools’ dementia • review the training and • work towards a target of • review our current information • improve and promote information awareness programme to create development offer to independent everyone receiving timely and advice offer to people, look advice and guidance to enable a ‘dementia friendly generation’ sector care staff and work with formal diagnosis at ways of improving what already people to make early and • work with employers to providers to assess training • work with professionals to exists and where there is scope informed decisions around emphasise the importance and development needs ensure that a diagnosis is for a more innovative approach mental capacity, planning for of supporting and valuing • ensure that all signatories delivered in a suitable way that • monitor and share the progress the future and end of life care carers of people living with to this strategy work to recognises the impact on the of new technology and the ways • work to challenge the dementia in employment become dementia friendly person and their carer and that it could support people living social and professional • support local Dementia Action organisations and aspire to all full follow up support is offered with dementia and their carers stigma and nervousness Alliances and Collaboratives to public facing staff undertaking • ensure that everyone who • ensure dedicated Dementia around death and dying make communities accessible dementia friends training wishes to be is referred on to Support Services for people • continue to support bereaved and welcoming to people living • support individuals and our dementia support services living with dementia and carers to ensure they have with dementia and their carers groups who wish to challenge • ensure that carers are offered their carers from diagnosis the physical, emotional and • develop and deliver examples of bad practice support and advice relevant to through to bereavement social support they need accommodation options • ensure health and social care their needs and are supported • develop support specifically for people living with professionals are aware of through the diagnosis process for people living with young dementia and their carers and trained in the importance onset dementia, people living OUTCOMES of carers and the specific with a learning disability and 1 . Improved access challenges carers of people OUTCOMES dementia and their families to knowledgeable OUTCOMES living with dementia can face 1 . More timely and effective professional support 1 . People living with dementia diagnosis routes 2 . Clearer information around what and their carers feel accepted, OUTCOMES to expect and how to plan OUTCOMES 2 . More effective and consistent supported and understood post diagnostic referrals 1 . Clearer, more accessible 3 . Better support for in their communities 1 . Greater awareness of living 3 . A better experience both information, advice and guidance bereaved carers 2 . Support for people living with with dementia amongst health practically and emotionally produced with people living dementia and their carers is and soclal care professionals of the diagnosis process with dementia and their carers embedded in our communities 2 . People are treated as 2 . Greater access to peer 3 . Improved public individuals rather than a support and learning understanding of dementia person with dementia 3 . Adoption of new approaches 3 . People will experience a more where technology advances personalised and coordinated health and social care system

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Action Plan Bring Me Sunshine – Building on previous achievements and Making It Happen Conference the high level Action Plan described During the development of the Dementia The agenda covered a wide above, the focus of 2018 has been Strategy, The Partnership hosted a range of topics including: highly successful conference to gather • A personal story from a self- to work collaboratively with partners individual stories and experiences to advocate living with dementia; influence the design, development and production of the Dementia Strategy . • The journey so far for the local across North Yorkshire to implement the dementia charities; Strategy’s aims through local Partnerships Following this success The Partnership • Understanding how the local hosted the ‘Bring Me Sunshine -Making CCG prioritises dementia; and Action Plans. In some areas this it Happen Conference’ in May 2018 at Scarborough Rugby Club . The main focus • Dementia Friendly Dancing and Movement; has been through established Dementia of the conference was to continue to have • Research item on the diagnosis and support open conversations between individuals for younger people living with dementia; and Collaboratives, Dementia Action Alliances living with dementia, their carers and health • Themed workshops to encourage discussion and social care professionals to build on the and Dementia Friendly Communities, between people living with dementia, successes of The Strategy and to influence their carers and professionals . The the development of the local Action Plans . whereas in other areas new groups have workshop themes were: Our Communities, been set up to lead this implementation. The conference was a huge success with Diagnosis Pathway, Where would we like over 150 people attending . Approximately to be? And How Do We Get There? This report celebrates the local implementation of the Dementia Strategy half of the attendees were people living with Feedback from the day was incredibly positive, through these Partnership Groups, on all priorities of the Action Plan with a dementia, their carers or families . Other with the personal story really resonating with special focus on Dementia Friendly North Yorkshire . Following publication attendees included people working across attendees . Information gathered as part of the of this Celebration Report, local Dementia Strategy Action Plans will be the health and social care sectors or with workshops has been used to influence and published to highlight commitments for next year (and beyond) . a professional interest in dementia care . develop the local plans which ensures that the plans concentrate on local issues identified This report will examine each priority individually, detailing the aims for each priority, by people living within those local areas . This the progress which has been achieved so far and providing case studies highlighting has also resulted in connections, networks these achievements, along with future commitment and focus for 2019 . and relationships being built and strengthened through open discussions to help improve outcomes for people living with dementia .

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Hambleton, Richmondshire and The full action plan will be available to view Dementia Friendly Whitby Clinical Commissioning following publication of this report . Group (CCG) area The Hambleton and Richmondshire North Yorkshire Hambleton and Richmondshire Collaborative has also supported people Partnerships living with dementia and their carers to access and respond to the Blue Badge A key theme identified through the Dementia The Hambleton and Richmondshire Dementia consultation, encouraging the Government to Collaborative have had a number of multi- consider the eligibility of people with ‘hidden’ Strategy engagement was challenging the stigma agency meetings throughout the year . We held disabilities to access the Blue Badge . around and raising awareness of dementia. an all-day planning session in February 2018 and have dedicated subsequent meetings to In 2018 Making Space a local dementia 21% of individuals said awareness of dementia North Yorkshire is fortunate to have a number of analysing the results and information from the support charity worked in partnership with: was the most important issue for them and groups that are working towards making North planning session and developing an action • The local Carers Group to support their the places they live and places go to need to Yorkshire Dementia Friendly . Some of these plan . The action plan covers four themes: be dementia aware and Dementia Friendly . groups have been established for a long time monthly Peer Support Group Meeting; • Supported Employment Opportunities – and are building on their previous successes • North Yorkshire Library Service to The Collaborative will work closely with Accessibility was also an important in implementing the strategy in their local establish good working relationship employers to enable understanding of the theme including topics such as signage, area . Other groups are new and are learning with local library staff and to provide benefits of supporting people living with Dementia Friendly Communities, from best practice from their cross county Dementia Friendly training; dementia and / or their carers to remain Transport, Inclusivity and Equality . colleagues . All groups have been working on in work, Support larger organisations • Botton Farm to begin to establish stronger individual Action Plans to support the Dementia to encourage staff volunteer days . links with organisations supporting Strategy Action Plan . They will measure their people living with a learning disability; • Networks – The Collaborative will develop “There is still a progress against these throughout the year . Dementia Friendly Awards, provide • Botton Village to provide Dementia Friends stigma around All actions will work towards achieving a awareness sessions and identify and share training sessions to staff and residents . dementia and too Dementia Friendly North Yorkshire where: good joint working practice, create local many of us are too 1 . People living with dementia and their • Danby Memory Lane Lunch to provide Dementia Friends to raise awareness about carers feel accepted, supported and support and information to people living scared or embarrassed dementia, establish a support framework for to tell even those understood in their communities; with dementia and their carers; “We want to live people following diagnosis, identify options closest to us” in our homes and • Memory Café to provide support 2 . Support for people living with dementia for engaging with GPs and pharmacy staff communities for as and improve interagency communications . and information to people living long as possible” and their carers is embedded with dementia and their carers; in our communities; and • Customer Friendly Environments – The Collaborative will encourage local • Danby Memory Lane Music to provide 3 . There is an improved public communities, shops and businesses to support and information to people living understanding of dementia . with dementia and their carers; and “Being able to get become Dementia Friendly and provide around my community Dementia Friendly window stickers . • Richmond Business and Tourism with ‘signage simple • Starting Young – The Collaborative Group to raise awareness of dementia and clear, shops will work closely with partners to by offering Dementia Friends thinking about what understand the true number of younger sessions and additional training . it means when they people living with dementia and raise change layout / offer” awareness of young onset dementia .

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Whitby Dementia Action Whitby Dementia Action Alliance will become a Alliance (DAA) Dementia Friendly Community, and encourage businesses to become more Dementia Whitby DAA is supporting the Bring Friendly allowing them to display the ‘working Me Sunshine – Living Well with to become Dementia Friendly’ logo . Dementia Partnership and delivery of the strategy in Whitby . By becoming a Dementia Friendly Community Group, Whitby DAA will undertake the On the 14th August there was an open recognition process and will create a steering Dementia Friends Information session held group to support this process . Whitby DAA at Kirkham Close Community Centre . will create a steering group to undertake the activities around creating a new website and activities leaflet to provide a central point of information for people living in Whitby .

People living with dementia and their carers have highlighted some key issues around the During Dementia Awareness Week, Whitby 2019 onwards will see Whitby accessibility of Baxtergate due to the colour DAA supported a number of information Dementia Action Alliance: change of the tarmac from light grey to jet stands including at GP surgeries, as well • Become a Dementia Friendly Community black . Some people living with dementia can as supporting the local roadshow bus . • Undertake the Dementia Friendly have difficulty with visual perception, specifically Community recognition process around black representing black holes or blues representing rivers . Following discussions with • Create a new website and This was followed on the 21st August by Whitby DAA to highlight these issues, Whitby social media presence a Dementia Champion Session held at DAA have made it a key action to work in Whitby Museum which saw the creation • Continue to work with partners partnership with Scarborough Borough Council of 16 new Dementia Champions and support local events . to raise awareness about living with dementia The full action plan will be available to view and how these changes can affect individuals . following publication of this report . Other actions include mandatory dementia awareness training for all care and support workers through supporting the Dementia Friends programme and informing local businesses that they can access free e-learning through North Yorkshire County Council’s Learning Zone .

In partnership with Beyond Housing (formerly Yorkshire Coast Housing), Whitby DAA supported the National Play Day, an event which brings together people of all ages to enjoy an afternoon of fun and games .

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Case Study: Community Vale of York Clinical Commissioning • Review the membership of EVADA Roadshow Events Group (CCG) area to ensure it is truly representative of local providers, user groups and other In 2018 the Alzheimer’s Society hosted The Easingwold and Villages key stakeholders (schools, the police, their Community Roadshow across North Action on Dementia Alliance churches, local businesses etc .) . Yorkshire . Beginning in early May Roadshow events have taken place in Harrogate, The Easingwold and Villages Action on The full action plan will be available to view York, Skipton, Scarborough, Whitby, Dementia Alliance has been formulating their following publication of this report . Northallerton, Richmond, Catterick which action plan which includes three themed areas: engaged directly with over 2500 people . • Awareness and understanding Selby District Dementia Friendly Community Partner organisations shared their own local • Community events In early 2018, the Selby District Dementia information and visited the roadshows to speak • Reducing the stigma of dementia Friendly Communities Group was set up . directly with members of the public . North • Training and education Partners from the following organisations Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service were able have joined forces to create the group: to promote their home safety checks which • The collective voice was a great example of partnership working . • Influence and Change • Alzheimer’s Society; • Dementia Forward; Case Study: Reminiscence Cafés • Capacity and Resource Hambleton and Richmondshire • Membership • Volunteer Cars Association; • Sherburn Community Trust; Making Space have initiated and developed • Co-ordination and Collaboration a monthly themed Reminiscence Café at • Selby Community Library; • Local service delivery Northallerton Library (started August 2018) • Sherburn Visiting Scheme; and the Nostalgic Memories Themed • Communication • Community First Yorkshire; Reminiscence Group (approximately a year • Engagement old) at Richmondshire Swimming Pool which • North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service; enable people living with dementia and 2019 onwards will see Easingwold and • North Yorkshire County Council’s their carers to meet new people and make Villages Action on Dementia Alliance: Stronger Communities; new friendships whilst enjoying themed • Attend community events throughout the year conversations supported and stimulated by to raise awareness of the issues faced by • North Yorkshire County memorabilia and photos, followed by an activity people living with dementia and their carers; Council’s Living Well team including a quiz, games, craft or art, along with • Produce, distribute and review a leaflet • Health and Adult Services Care free refreshments . The Nostalgic Memories to explain the dementia ‘journey’ and and Support team; and Themed Reminiscence Group in Richmond to promote local service providers; • Health and Adult Services has been nominated for a community award . Commissioning team . Benefits of these sessions include linking in • Gather evidence of need and statistical with the local forces community and expanding data to identify gaps in local provision membership to include a serving member . and challenge those with responsibility for service delivery at a regional level where appropriate; and

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The group has been working to produce The full action plan will be available to view Case Study: Sporting Memories an action plan which includes: following publication of this report . Sporting Memories is a charity which supports • Understanding the information gathered at older people living in and Wales the Bring Me Sunshine Event held in May; Case Study: Dementia with dementia, depression and loneliness by Friends PHSE sessions • Seeking additional views of people engaging them in social activities and helping living with dementia, their families and Teachers from Local Authority-led schools them to recall memories of watching or carers to understand what’s important across North Yorkshire attended a Dementia playing sport . By sharing memories of sporting to people locally and what’s good Friends Awareness session aimed at moments and tapping into a passion for sport, / could be improved in Selby; encouraging teachers to adopt the Dementia Sporting Memories help people to connect Friends resources to use within their Personal, with others and with their past, reawakening • Working in partnership with other local Health and Social Education (PHSE) sessions . positive thoughts and feelings that otherwise groups to share their good practice may be lost . The charity trains volunteers to to propel the Selby Dementia Friendly Feedback from teachers included: help run groups across England and Wales . Community group forward; • Resources have been shared • Celebrating achievements from the with other PSHE staff; In North Yorkshire there are a number local community of good practice that of established groups including • A number of teachers have used has improved the wellbeing of people sessions at Easingwold, Northallerton, the resources as conversation living with dementia and their carers; Knaresborough and Harrogate . tool with young people; • Working with Stronger Communities • Plans in place to use the resources as to increase dementia awareness part of Dementia Awareness Week; and membership of the Dementia Friendly Community Group; and • Teachers recognised that although the resources are useful they will need to • Creating Dementia Friendly Communities be implemented with care as many and joining the recognition process . young people may be affected; 2019 onwards will see Selby District • They felt the resources were simple to use Dementia Friendly Community: and the pupils got a lot from them . Two • Review membership to ensure it is truly of the six teachers who hadn’t yet used representative of local providers, user groups the resources said they were planning and other key stakeholders (schools, the them use them in the future; and police, churches, local businesses etc .); • One school has now established • Offer Dementia Friends Information sessions a link with a care home . to personal and professional networks; • Raise awareness about carers and their invaluable support for people living with dementia; and • Launch the Dementia Friendly Communities website and Facebook page .

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Harrogate and Rural District Clinical The full action plan considers what is working 2019 onwards will see: The key things achieved so far linked to the Commissioning Group (CCG area) well and what the areas for development • Integration of views from people living with implementation discussion process have been: are for each of the five priorities . Below are dementia and their carers into the action plan; • Feedback from people living with dementia Harrogate Public Services some of the areas for further development: Leadership Board • Review previous information captured and and their families/carers including a young • Dementia Friendly North Yorkshire – further agree key themes of work to take forward adult’s experience of supporting her mum In March 2018, partners from nine public development of the local Dementia Action on the action plan . These may include; through diagnosis of young onset of Frontal and voluntary organisations attended the Alliance is required . Other action areas Lobe Dementia, navigating pathways first meeting to discuss the implementation • raising awareness and celebrating include communications and raising public and residential care and the discussion of the Dementia Strategy across Harrogate . the good things we are already awareness of what is already available, at the ‘Young onset group curry night’; Harrogate Public Services Leadership Board doing across the District, and looking at the suitability and costs • Identified a wealth of good work already (PSLB) agreed that a local implementation of some services including housing and • awareness of what is available/ going on in the district including: action plan should be developed in cost of residential or nursing care . training for employed staff across collaboration with partners building on a range of organisations • Dementia Friendly communities relationships already established . • Workforce Development – undertaking across Harrogate District; training and development of new and • care homes (availability/ensure equipped to provide support); • Intergenerational awareness existing health and social care staff, raising work in schools improving workforce capacity to cope • Production of a draft action plan and agree with increasing demand as the number of governance and sign off process; and • Awareness raising video for people living with dementia increases, and Northern Rail staff linked with ‘The • Consideration under the ‘Planning increasing awareness of all staff of local Bentham Line’ Project; and for the future and Dying Well’ section referral routes and the dementia pathway . of the Dementia Strategy if Partners • Internal, organisational training • Diagnosis – Reviewing information, would be interested in organising an and standards for partners, advice and support around diagnosis and event for Advanced Care Planning . • Identified and facilitated support groups impacts of diagnosis on people living with and activities available for people living dementia and their families / carers with dementia and their carers . • Support, Advice and Information – ensuring The full action plan will be available to view relevant information, advice and signposting following publication of this report . The meeting provided an opportunity to gather by staff that understand the dementia information on all the good work already pathway and referral process, encourage the taking place in the District and to identify areas use and knowledge of dementia schemes that need support or further development . such as the Butterfly Scheme, ensure Information collated as part of the discussions support and advice is available to support has subsequently informed a local action plan . people with younger onset dementia . • Planning for the Future and Dying Well – improve planning for the future signposting pathway and understand what support other partners can provide, including Yorkshire Ambulance Service .

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Case Study: Young Onset – Younger Harrogate has a young onset group called People Living with Dementia Time Out Together (also known as TOT) The day begins with coffee and a chat at the Dementia Forward which is the only one of its kind in North The Dementia Strategy highlighted a number hub in Burton Leonard and the plan for the day is agreed Using. Yorkshire . The group consists of younger of issues relating to young onset dementia, people aged between 52 and 64 living with Dementia Forward’s minibus the group travels to various activities, from the inaccuracies around diagnosis dementia and their carers and families . figures to changes in the coding of people including cycling, walking, golf, motor boats, seaside trips, living with dementia as they age, as well The aims of the group are: museums, arts and crafts, an archaeological dig, activities with as a lack of awareness and services for • To provide meaningful outward bound activity; animals, cinema trips and Christmas shopping . On occasion the younger people living with dementia . • To focus on what people can still do; group has chosen to do some DIY or gardening at the hub which When an individual is diagnosed with dementia, • To encourage activity and social they call home . There are currently 15 members and a waiting health care professionals will code the individual interaction to maintain good wellbeing; based on their diagnosis e .g . Alzheimers list . Alongside Time Out Together Dementia Forward also runs a • To provide a day respite break for carers; and disease, Vascular dementia, Lewy Body carers discussion group and there are ad hoc social events . dementia (etc .) . Currently, there isn’t a code • To create supportive peer support to identify people diagnosed prior to age 65 . networks for both the person diagnosed and the carers and families As an individual moves along their journey The Dementia Strategy aims to the coding remains the same therefore improve awareness and services for making it difficult to understand how many younger people living with dementia . people are diagnosed prior to age 65 . During a recent curry night the TOT Example: A person aged 67 who was diagnosed group provided some in-depth at 63 will be counted into the over 65 statistics . feedback about how the condition “I found getting affects them and their experiences Without accurate statistics it is impossible of the diagnosis process . For some to understand, track and plan for people help really difficult at first because nothing people this is a significant source of living with young onset dementia and was for people my frustration with issues relating to the this influences service design . age but I found the lengthy diagnostic process and people Dementia Forward have been promoting and Time Out Together being misdiagnosed . The curry night (TOT) group” campaigning to raise awareness of these enabled commissioners from across issues, which has resulted in NHS England North Yorkshire to meet with an recognising the issues around young people’s established group of younger people coding and reviewing their systems within “[I get my to discuss how similar groups can be rolled out across North Yorkshire . the Health Services, as well as discussing support] from the services which can support younger people Dementia Forward are actively seeking Alzheimer’s society funding to enable this roll out . living with dementia . This is in the early stages in Scarborough but of development but is a huge success for there is nothing for Alzheimer’s Society has reviewed younger people living with dementia . people my age” their approach and resources at local cafes to ensure they are inclusive of younger people living with dementia .

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Case Study: Wellbeing Café – The Wellbeing Cafes are so popular and Case Study: Supporting Dementia Harrogate and Rural District successful that Dementia Forward have set across Generations and Cultures up two out of area in Otley and Sussex . Across Harrogate and Rural district and Vale During the 2016 Bring Me Sunshine Conference This model is sustainable and provides of York CCG areas, Dementia Forward have in Harrogate, students from Harrogate High skills within the community and promotes been supporting local communities to set up School and St Aidan’s School presented social interaction and engagement . Community Cafes based on the ‘Wellbeing their stories about how they had completed Café’ model, providing the skills and support dementia awareness sessions and have to support people living with dementia within Case Study: Dementia Friendly now started creating Dementia Friends and an inclusive community café in their local Community - Knaresborough Dementia Friends Champions within their area . These cafes are running weekly and are Alzheimer’s Society has supported the schools . One of these schools has now volunteer–led . Established cafes are run at: development of a Dementia Friendly Community chosen to work with their local primary in Knaresborough . They have organised two • ; schools to spread awareness . To support Dementia Friends sessions, a Memory Walk and this Dementia Forward have created activities • Burton Leonard; the local Town Council has asked to be involved which can be used with primary schools . • Hampsthwaite; in the steering group . The steering group has representatives from Healthwatch, NYCC Dementia Forward has launched a project with • St Luke’s Church Centre, Harrogate; Library Service, third sector charities including a local care home, The Hall, in Pocklington and • Wesley Chapel, Harrogate; Alzheimer’s Society and Over the Rainbow a culturally diverse school in Leeds - Hovingham This project allows communities to break down School - to bring together children and people • ; and Care . The group has used social media to the stigma and fear around dementia, as well generate interest and information published on living within care homes to share experiences . as trying to include care homes as a real part • Kelcbar near Tadcaster; their Facebook page which has been viewed The year 5 pupils visited the home every week of their communities to reduce social isolation throughout the school year for games, crafts Two further cafes are in development; by over 4,800 people in September 2018 . and loneliness for people living in care homes . and other activities which found some children one at the Holy Trinity Church in eating mince pies for the first time and some Alzheimer’s Society has also been delivering Ripon and one in Easingwold . residents learning to use iPads for the first time . Dementia Friends sessions within schools, The school has made a film and has recently encouraging local schools to become won an award for the work they have been involved in supporting and visiting local doing . Hovingham School has committed to residential homes and delivering sessions continue with a new cohort of children next year . to Scouts and Young Firefighters .

“Dementia is a difficult subject to talk about across all backgrounds, ages and cultures, so awareness is key to tackling the stigma”

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‘Show me you care’ Each person involved help the yellow balloon and answered three questions: Photography project – Dementia Forward During Dementia Action Week in May 2018, • How does someone show they care for you? Dementia Forward undertook a photography • How do you think society could care project to understand what good dementia care more for people with dementia? and support means to members of the public . • Do you have experience of dementia?

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Airedale, Wharfedale and Awareness Week and information about • Alzheimer’s Society; Carleton Craven Clinical Commissioning regular support and activity sessions . • Making Space; and Carleton Community Hub has been very active Group (CCG) area in raising understanding of dementia in the local This leaflet is regularly updated and has been • Carers Resource . community . They have held Dementia Friends circulated to local libraries, and community Dementia Friendly Craven The group has been meeting regularly over Sessions and set up the Carleton reminiscence venues . It can also be downloaded from Local people and organisations are the last 12 months . In that time they have sessions which take place every Tuesday in the Craven District Council’s website . working together to make Craven District agreed terms of reference, set up a bank the village hub . These sessions are aimed at more Dementia Friendly . This coordinated There are currently six communities in account, carried out fundraising activities, people living with dementia and their carers . approach has been a positive outcome of Craven working to become Dementia attended Dementia Champions training in They are 1:1 sessions promoting conversation investment by Stronger Communities and Friendly: Skipton, Settle, Bentham, Carleton order to deliver Dementia Friends sessions based on individual’s hobbies and interests . Dementia Engagement Empowerment and and Draughton . in future, registered on the Dementia Friends Project (DEEP) funding in a Development website, started to develop an action plan Settle Worker . The role had four objectives: In the New Year network meetings will be and set up an action group to co-ordinate Settle launched its Dementia Action Alliance held so that representatives from each events and Dementia Friends sessions . in 2016, and a small group of organisations, • To enable residents and groups all of these groups can share ideas and interested residents and people living with over the District to work towards plan joint actions, building on the work Some of the achievements in Skipton include: dementia have been meeting to encourage improving the local dementia friendliness undertaken by the Development Worker . • Opening a Dementia Friendly businesses and organisations in the town and of their own communities; supermarket aisle; its environs to better understand how they • To create a district wide network Skipton can be more Dementia Friendly . This could • Making public buildings easier to navigate; to support local communities; Dementia Friendly Skipton is made up of include changes in signage, understanding • Delivering Dementia Friends Training • To work toward developing a self-advocacy people with dementia, their carers and family and awareness . During the last few months Sessions for staff in local organisations; group to enable people living with members, local businesses, community the group has organised open gatherings dementia to speak for themselves; and groups, health and social care providers, • Holding events at Skipton Fire Station; called Coffee and Chat to learn more about local government and public services . issues faced by people living with dementia • To promote better understanding of • Organising Dementia Friendly Local member organisations include: and their carers . There will be further sessions dementia across communities community activities; • Tesco; in spring 2019 . In the last year local Dementia • Holding public information events The project came to an end in May 2018 Champions have undertaken Dementia Friends • Skipton Building Society; throughout the year; with the publication of an accessible toolkit sessions for Settle Rotary, local solicitors and to share with other areas in North Yorkshire . • Craven U3A; • Taking part in National Dementia Action volunteers at local churches . The Alliance’s The toolkit comprises a simple process • Mewies Solicitors; Week and International Alzheimer’s Day; aim is to provide a ‘What next?’ session to based on experience of success in Craven develop the new programme of work for 2019 . • Catholic Care; • Holding a Dementia Awareness communities, entitled “Friendly Craven, how Football Tournament; to create Dementia Friendly communities” . • Dyneley House Surgery; • Delivering Dementia Awareness This pinpointed tips for success, including • Howcrofts Funeral Services; learning gained from York Minds and Voices, Sessions to local schools; and • Craven District Council the importance of local champions and a • Hosting a Dementia Friendly range of useful contacts for ongoing support . • North Yorkshire County Council; Communities Network meeting . • Skipton Academy; As part of activities to promote National Dementia Action Week a leaflet was pulled • ; together listing planned activities for Dementia • North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service;

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Bentham Draughton Case Study: Leeds and Ltd), the Association of Community Rail Bentham and District Dementia Friendly The Dales care Home in Draughton has Morecambe Community Rail Partnerships (ACoRP), the Alzheimer’s Community has delivered Alzheimer’s Society organised a range of activities open to the Partnership – The Bentham Line Society and the Forest of Bowland AONB . Dementia information sessions to firefighters wider community to encourage more local The Bentham Line is working to create The Bentham Line links a host of communities from Bentham and Settle fire stations, people to use the resources of the care a Dementia Friendly railway by: working together to become Dementia volunteers at Bentham Community Library home . This includes a regular Don’t Dine Friendly, including Skipton and Bentham . and representatives from local businesses . Alone invitation, gentle exercise classes • Raising awareness of dementia with staff, volunteers and passengers; and an Elf Day celebration event . Partners from Northern and LMCRP Pioneer Projects is a local charity based • Supporting the journeys of people created two videos; one to raise awareness in Bentham that promotes and improves Promoting Dementia awareness living with dementia, their carers and with all their staff and volunteers and the the health and wellbeing of individuals in the wider rural area anyone supporting them; and second to focus on the Dementia Friend and communities using creative arts Members of the Dementia Friendly Skipton • Creating Dementia Friendly station walk being created for Morecambe . and celebration . They also provide: group have been keen to think of ways of environments, stations and activities . engaging with the wider rural area around • Monthly carers sessions for carers Skipton; especially the dispersed farming of people living with dementia; The project group members include Leeds community . This has included identifying – Morecambe Community Rail Partnership • Weekly creative sessions for contacts in the farming community and (LMCRP), Northern (Arriva Rail North people living with dementia; meeting with Skipton Livestock Market The early part of • Weekly community drop in and to discuss holding information events the year saw trials lunch that is Dementia Friendly; at the venue . Future plans include: of the materials Filming of dementia with front line staff • Trips for people living with dementia • Using the NYCC mobile library February 2018 awareness and including Northern’s Morecambe Dementia and their carers; and bus to promote dementia-related Apprentices, staff Friendly walk videos, from Community Rail, information in outlying villages; in partnership • Training to all volunteers who Lancashire and the with Northern. ‘Northern Crowd’. volunteer in this area of support . • Having an information stand at Skipton February 2018. Livestock Market early in 2019; and Grassington • Writing a two-page article on local Over the past couple of months key and national dementia issues in the organisations have started to discuss how farming communities, which will feature they can work together to make Grassington in the Farmers Guardian Health and more Dementia Friendly . An initial meeting Wellbeing supplement early in 2019 . has been held between Grassington Village “Make the Forum, Gills Top Care Home, Craven District The full action plan will be available to view February 2018 Bentham Line Council and North Yorkshire County Council . following publication of this report . March 2018 a place where The local Fire Station and Boots Chemists people living Trialling the dementia with dementia would also like to be involved moving forward . awareness sessions with the are understood, ‘Northern Crowd’ in Leeds. respected and A group of staff managers supported” and directors from across the northern Network. March 2018

First trial sessions with Northern apprentices. February 2018.

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Case Study: Leeds and Morecambe Community Rail Partnership – The Bentham Line Followed by launch at Bentham station. Jools Townsend, Chief Kulvinder Bassi of the Department Executive at the Association of for Transport addressing guests. Community Rail Partnerships Clear, simplified posters produced at Bentham Banner and poster used at stations May 2018 to aid station navigation and timetable. along the Bentham Line in 2018 March 2018

Project launch and special train at Leeds. May 2018.

August 2018 June 2018 July 2018 The Making Art Over the summer the LMCRP organised a number of Dementia group visits to Morecambe including linking with Pioneer from Pioneer Alzheimer’s Society cupcake Projects Activities’ Making Art group for people living Projects at Bentham day. The Partnership stall with dementia, tea at the famous Midlands Hotel with carers and at Lancaster station to and picnics on the promenade. LMCRP have also supporters on their help raise awareness with been developing local Dementia Friendly walks. way to Morecambe passengers. June 2018 for afternoon tea Individuals found the experience very positive at the Midland and gained confidence, whilst sharing their Hotel. July 2018 experiences in a kind and supportive way.

Dementia Friendly Keighley members with Eric at A party from Dementia September 2018 Northern’s apprentices August 2018 October 2018 Awareness sessions October 2018 Morecambe. August 2018 Friendly Keighley visit with the staff at the and year-in-industry to Birch Hills Trail in Association of Community students at Bentham the Forest of Bowland Rail Partnerships HQ in for awareness sessions. AONB. September Huddersfield. October 2018 October 2018. 2018. One of 4 Dementia-Friendly walks developed Awareness sessions for during the project. British Transport Police from Lancaster and Preston. August 2018.

January 2019 In January 2019, the partnership with ‘The Bentham Line‘ October 2018 and Northern Trains saw the naming of a newly re-furbished Class 150 train to “The Bentham Line – A Dementia Friendly Bentham Line Railway”. The train has been decorated with the ‘forget me Ticket Office and not’ symbol to raise awareness about dementia and dementia Gate Line staff – friendly signage and posters are available inside to enable following a dementia individuals to easily locate priority seating and toilets. awareness sessions The train will travel across the Northern network to encourage at Skipton Station. other lines to develop a community based approach to ‘hidden’ October 2018. illnesses and conditions such as dementia. All involved are incredibly grateful to Northern for this kind and important gesture.

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Since summer 2018 the LMCRP partnership In 2019, the Leeds-Morecambe Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical and their carers were invited to send their has been working with the ‘Making Art’ group, Community Rail Partnership will: Commissioning Group (CCG) area experiences in advance, as well as to attend on facilitated by Pioneer Projects in Bentham (a the day to share their stories with the team . • Continue to raise awareness with Northern Scarborough Dementia local art and health charity) on the ‘Window staff, Volunteers and passengers; on Bowland and The Dales’ project which Action Alliance (DAA) The costs and quality of adult social care • Continue to make links with organisations have been a source of anxiety to carers has given local residents who are living with The Scarborough DAA has been challenging that support people living with dementia; of people with dementia . There has been dementia the opportunity to capture their the low diagnosis rates in the Scarborough correspondence with Caroline Dineage at the surroundings artistically, each supported by a • Continue to respond constructively and Ryedale area . This has led to the Clinical Department of Health and Social Care, and local volunteer and led by a professional artist on all aspects of the project to other Commissioning Group undertaking an local politicians have attended Question and in a safe, calm and supportive environment . interested parties, including community afternoon’s training in September 2018 for GP Answer sessions with the DAA . It is hoped that rail partnerships, train operating services surgeries, headed by Bradford-based Dr Sara In January 2019, a new laser-cut piece of a representative from North Yorkshire Adult and leading rail bodies such as The Humphrey . On 6 December, the Yorkshire & artwork was unveiled at Bentham station, Social Care will become a regular contributing Department of Transport; and Humber Clinical Network came to conduct created by professional artist, Alastair member of the DAA . Members responded a ‘Deep Dive’ enquiry to understand how Nicholson, from the drawings, paintings and • Prepare a full report including the creation of to the Local Government Association Green improvements could be made in diagnosis poetry developed by the members of the toolkits for sharing best practice with other Paper on social care and wellbeing, the rates in Scarborough and Ryedale . The event Making Art group as part of the ‘Window interested parties and the wider rail industry . lives we want to lead . The Alliance strongly was attended by CCG representatives, the on Bowland and The Dales’ project . supported the successful campaign to extend Further information about The TEWV Memory Service, North Yorkshire the Blue Badge Parking Scheme to those with Bentham Line Project is available Commissioning, and Community and Voluntary cognitive difficulties and hidden disabilities . at: www.communityraillancashire. organisations . Individuals living with dementia

Contact details: Telephone: 015242 98940

Email: [email protected]

The full action plan will be available to view following publication of this report .

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Out of the activity programme laid on for • Scarborough DAA continue to work closely Ryedale Dementia • Working with Stronger Communities Dementia Action Week in May 2018 has grown: with Scarborough Hospital on dementia Friendly Communities to increase dementia awareness awareness and on further training of staff, and membership of the Dementia • A weekly inclusive Swimming group The Ryedale Dementia Friendly Communities and there has been interest from some Friendly Community Group; and at Scarborough Sports Village Group was established in early 2018 . Partners local banks and building societies in (Mondays 10am – 11am); from the following organisations have joined • Creating Dementia Friendly Communities becoming more Dementia Friendly; and • A weekly Dementia-Friendly gym session forces to create a group for the Ryedale area: and joining the recognition process . • Wheatcroft, a local primary school, has (Fridays 1:30pm – 2:30pm) at Scarborough • Alzheimer’s Society; 2019 onwards will see Ryedale Sports Village commenced in December become the first Dementia Friendly • Making Space; Dementia Friendly Community: 2018, following the Sports Village becoming School in Scarborough, with children a member of the DAA, and the Centre from Years 4, 5 and 6 working with • Dementia Forward; • Review membership to ensure it is truly St Cecilia’s Nursing Home . representative of local providers, user groups Managers becoming dementia friends; • Royal Voluntary Service; and other key stakeholders (schools, the • The Scarborough Singing for the Brain 2019 will see Scarborough • Ryedale Carers Support; police, churches, local businesses etc .); Group released a CD of songs in September, Dementia Action Alliance: • Next Steps; • Offer Dementia Friends Information sessions in conjunction with Scarborough UTC, • Continue to work closely with Scarborough • British Red Cross; to personal and professional networks; supported by Scarborough Cavaliers and and Ryedale CCG to understand the their Rotary partner in the Netherlands diagnosis rates and ways to improve this; • White Rose Home Improvements • Raise awareness about carers and to raise awareness of dementia and the their invaluable support for people • North Yorkshire County Council’s benefits of singing for health and wellbeing . • Continue to encourage Dementia Friendly living with dementia; and activities across sports, arts and theatre; and Stronger Communities; and • The Autumn Memory Walk has become an • Launch the Dementia Friendly Communities • Health and Adult Services annual feature raising awareness of dementia • Undertake the Dementia Friendly website and Facebook page . Commissioning team . and the impact of living with dementia; Communities recognition programme . The full action plan will be available to view • The Stephen Joseph Theatre took advice The full action plan will be available to view The group has been working to produce following publication of this report . from people with dementia when they following publication of this report . an action plan which includes: refurbished their premises, and have • Understanding the information extended their programme of Dementia gathered at the Bring Me Sunshine Friendly activities to include monthly film Event held in May 2018; screenings . A play called Three Emos, tackling the onset of dementia, performed • Seeking additional views of people living in October which was sponsored by with dementia, their families and carers; Dementia Engagement and Empowerment • Working in partnership with Scarborough Project and Making Space . A Dementia- and Whitby Dementia Action Alliances to Friendly movement session is run by Making share their good practice to propel the Space each week . Their collaborative work Ryedale Dementia Friendly group forward; between people with dementia and children • Celebrating achievements from the from Childhaven Nursery was featured local community of good practice that on BBC Look North in January 2019 . has improved the wellbeing of people living with dementia and their carers;

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Case Study: Community Partnerships Case Study: Blue Badges • Over the past year DEEP VIBES has Case Study: Dementia Friendly campaigned for Blue Badges for people Alzheimer’s Society actively supports the Partners across North Yorkshire have been music and movement living with dementia and worked with the local Dementia Action Alliances, Dementia working together to enable people living Blue Badge team at North Yorkshire County Friendly Communities Groups and the with dementia to access Blue Badges Council to enable people living with dementia Hambleton and Richmondshire Collaborative . where appropriate . North Yorkshire County to apply over the phone . DEEP VIBES also Council’s Blue Badge Team have undertaken campaigned for a consultation on criteria for Community partnerships have given Dementia Friends Awareness Sessions and Blue Badge . The Department for Transport Alzheimer’s Society the opportunity to have worked closely with partners to improve launched the consultation in March 2018 . build relationships with high street retailers the application process for Blue Badges . including Argos, Sainsbury’s, Thomas the Following the consultation new criteria was Bakers and Wilko’s . They have supported The Scarborough DEEP group has also been introduced in January 2019 to include those these organisations with the delivery of actively campaigning for clearer guidance on who are unable to navigate a familiar journey . Dementia Friends sessions to their teams, Blue Badges for people living with ‘hidden’ • At the beginning of 2018 DEEP VIBES promoted awareness and supported their disabilities such as dementia and autism . joined with Minds and Voices in York Making Space have launched gentle, creative staff and customers affected by dementia . and Face It Together in Bradford to form sessions using movement and music to have Making Space has been working in Yorkshire DEEP and design two banners fun in a Dementia Friendly environment at The Alzheimer’s Society has been working partnership with the DEEP project to on the theme of a Grand Day Out . This was Stephen Joseph Theatre in Scarborough . The in partnership with North Yorkshire Fire create and facilitate a DEEP group in chosen as all partners had campaigned to sessions also include coffee and cake included and Rescue Service for a number of Scarborough called DEEP VIBES . improve opportunities for people living with in the price and are available across 10 weeks years . As a result of this in May the fire • The Dementia Engage & Empower Project dementia to travel and get out and about . during school term time . Once a term, children service launched their Dementia Charter, (DEEP) brings together groups of people from the local nursery also attend the sessions . which is their commitment to becoming with dementia from across the UK . In a Dementia Friendly Organisation . Scarborough the DEEP VIBES group The benefits of the sessions include reducing social isolation and improving individual’s Over 200 Dementia Friends have been created supports people living with dementia and wellbeing while offering light fun exercise . within the fire service’s operational, support carers to work together to create positive change in their community . It is also an and office-based staff . Two operational The Dementia Friendly music and movement opportunity for people to meet and support fire engines are also partially wrapped in sessions have been so successful that people in a similar situation to their own . Alzheimer’s Society branding to raise awareness sessions are now available at Springwood of dementia, promote the partnership and Hospital, Malton and Rowan Lea Hospital, promote the support available for people Scarborough . Both hospitals provide affected by dementia . The fire service also The DEEP VIBES care for people with complex needs . actively refers into Alzheimer’s Society services group meets monthly through their Community Safety Officers . at Stephen Joseph “I am writing this card Theatre and we have “I have in anticipation of another been involved in so enjoyed good day with like-minded redesign of signage “It’s just that Dementia people, because of your at theatre and their it’s a lot of fun. dedication to your work Dementia Friendly Friendly We love it, it helps and attention to detail, productions dancing” us such a lot and I and lots more of us are we feel we can indebted to you. Thank you join other things” once again for putting in a shift and a half as usual”

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Summary Workforce Development 2018 has seen significant momentum 7% of people who took part in the and passion for making North Yorkshire Dementia Strategy engagement said that Dementia Friendly and this will continue. workforce development was important.

Highlights include: 2019 will see: A number of key workforce development Alzheimer’s Society has jointly delivered • Increase of Dementia Friends and • Continued collaboration between actions have been discussed within the Dementia Friends sessions to 84% of Dementia Friends Champions; partners to understand issues facing Making North Yorkshire Dementia Friendly Scarborough Hospital Staff to promote people living with dementia; priority and actions have been captured a Dementia Friendly approach within the • Increase in businesses and organisations for workforce within the wider Partnership hospital across all roles as well as supporting aiming to become Dementia Friendly; • Improved interagency communications; and Group Action Plans . These actions will: the induction process for nurses and health • The conversion of some Dementia Action • Increase in publicity of local groups • Ensure greater awareness of living care assistants at Scarborough Hospital . Alliances to Dementia Friendly Communities and their work within local areas . with dementia among health and Alzheimer’s Society has increased its and the launch of new Dementia Friendly social care professionals; Communities in Ryedale and Selby; Full Action Plans can be viewed external training offer from their Training and following publication of this report . • Ensure that people are treated as individuals Consultancy team . This enables them to offer • The launch of the ‘The Bentham Line’ rather than a person with dementia; and a wide range of affordable training to external – Dementia Friendly Railway; and • Ensure that people will experience a organisations, including a one day courses . • The launch of Dementia Friendly Personal, more personalised and co-ordinated As part of the Bring Me Sunshine Partnership, Health and Social Education lesson resources health and social care system . for use in primary and secondary schools . Alzheimer’s Society has continued to deliver Dementia Friends sessions to NYCC staff and Alzheimer’s Society attend team meetings, promoting available Care Home Guide services and how these can support NYCC In 2018 Alzheimer’s Society launched the staff to support people affected by dementia . Care Home Guide which aims to promote community integration within Care Homes . They prioritised work with local care homes “Where does over the next 12 months to promote improved the business training and Dementia Friends sessions, person go to offering advice to residents’ carers and “Traditional day get information services and respite about being supporting the care homes to adopt the are not appropriate more Dementia practices within the Care Home Guide . for young people with Friendly?” dementia – they are The guide is available at: https://www. not age-appropriate and do not support those Friendly-communities/care-home- more physically able” community-engagement-toolkit

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Airedale, Wharfedale and Discussions have been held with BDCT and Case Study: Craven District Council • Delivering Dementia Friends Pioneer Projects in respect of an activity Sessions to Councillors; Craven Clinical Commissioning Craven District Council has been based in the Dyneley Barn . This forms part Group (CCG) area working to make services and • Providing Dementia awareness information of the Trust’s 5 year Strategy to help create facilities more Dementia Friendly . to local parish councils; and Case Study: Dyneley House Surgery a “soft discharge arrangement” . A major • Ensuring all employees access dementia “The practice proactively worked in development in the past year has been the The Council has produced an action training as part of the employment induction . partnership with the local community role out of the Social Prescribing agenda, plan setting out what they will do to and several organisations to support and the Surgery will continue to update the achieve this, which can be viewed on the patients’ health and social care Craven Community Activities Calendar . Dementia Action Alliance Website . Case Study: Tesco Skipton needs.” (CQC Report 2016) The store has continued to be committed to There are plans to raise awareness of the Some of the Actions delivered include: undertaking a rolling programme of dementia Skipton Dementia Friendly Community “Dyneley House Surgery in Skipton • Delivering Dementia Friends Sessions to awareness sessions for its managers and staff . and other groups at a number of continues to be committed to maintaining Customer Services and Town Hall staff There are now three Dementia Champions events and activities, including: Dementia Friendly status in 2018 and carrying out this programme and helping • Creating a Councillor Dementia in future years by developing a wide • Patient Participation Group meetings to hold information stands in the store for Champion and Dementia Lead Officer; range of activities and services including and its Virtual Reference Group; its customers . The store is also working many which have a direct benefit to • Registering Skipton Town Hall and • World Alzheimer’s Day with colleagues at Alzheimer’s Society to its patients who have been diagnosed Belle Vue Square Offices with the North promote a number of initiatives such as with dementia and their carers.” • World Mental Health Day Yorkshire Safe Places scheme; Side by Side and the recent Elf Day . These include: • Self-Care Week • Making Belle Vue Square Reception Tesco’s little Elves 2018 • A Dementia Advice Clinic held • Utilising Flu Clinic dates to distribute more Dementia Friendly; every third Tuesday morning; Dementia Friendly Community flyers; • Making developments at Skipton • Bradford District Care Trust’s • Reviewing the content of the Briefing Town Hall Dementia Friendly; weekly Carer’s Hub; document on the Long Term Plan • Launching a Skipton Town Hall Dementia • Carers Resource appointment for the NHS with reference to mental Friendly access and programming focus facility at Dyneley Barn; health and dementia; and group during Dementia Action Week; • The monthly Sporting Memories • Considering the contents of the recently • Hosting Dementia Champions and Group . Contributing to the North published Dementia Care Pathway Dementia Friendly Communities Yorkshire Connect database; and Implementation Guidance document . Networking Meetings; and • Working as an active member of • Offering staff the opportunity to Dementia Friendly Skipton . train as Dementia champions .

Future actions include: • Making the leisure centre is more Dementia Friendly; • Delivering Dementia Friends Sessions to Craven Leisure staff; • Delivering Dementia Friends Sessions to Bereavement Services staff;

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Summary Diagnosis and 2018 has seen significant momentum and passion GP engagement for making North Yorkshire Dementia Friendly Diagnosis and support were important and tackling some of the workforce issues. themes for people who took part in the Highlights include: 2019 will see: • Increase of Dementia Friends and • Continued collaboration between Dementia Strategy engagement. Dementia Friends Champions improving partners to understand issues facing Some actions and achievements have already Alzheimer’s Society GP Clinics awareness of staff across Craven; people living with dementia; been mentioned within the Making North Dementia Support Workers from Alzheimer’s • Increase in businesses and organisations • Continuing to raise awareness with staff Yorkshire Dementia Friendly priority above Society are also running Dementia Advice aiming to become Dementia Friendly; and public about dementia; and and further actions have been documented Clinics in local GP surgeries across Ripon, within the local action plans which will: • Launch of Care Home guide from • Continuing to increase the Harrogate, York and Selby . The Dementia Alzheimer’s Society to provide number of Dementia Friends • Ensure a more timely and Support Worker can offer information and information to Care Homes; including at Skipton Council . effective diagnosis route; practical guidance for people living with dementia and their carers to enable them • Regular activities held at Dyneley • Ensure more effective and consist Workforce development will continue to to understand the condition, cope with day House Surgery, Skipton; post diagnostic referrals; and be a priority across North Yorkshire for to day challenges and plan for the future . • Ensuring developments at Skipton Town 2019 and full action plans can be viewed • Ensure a better experience both physically They can also help individuals to remain Hall are Dementia Friendly; and following publication of this report . and emotionally of the diagnosis process . independent, stay active, link up with other organisations and access further support • Raising awareness of dementia during Alzheimer’s Society Elf Day . networks . These sessions are available to people living with dementia, their carers, family “Whilst many of members or people who are worried about their us receive a timely memory . The sessions are run monthly at: diagnosis this is not • Tadcaster Medical Centre – 3rd always the case, often Thursday of month – 10am – 12pm we are passed between • Church Avenue Medical Group, Harrogate doctors and clinics – 1st Wednesday of month – 10am – 1pm with no-one taking responsibility for making • Beech House Surgery, Knaresborough – 4th a final decision” Wednesday of month – 09:30am – 12:30pm • Stockwell Road Surgery, Knaresborough – 4th Tuesday of month – 1pm – 4pm • The Grange Medical Surgery, Harrogate – 2nd Tuesday of month – 1pm – 4pm

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• Eastgate Medical Surgery, Harrogate – 1st Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical promote the Dementia Support service that and awareness sessions with information Wednesday of month – 1pm – 4pm Commissioning Group (CCG) area is available to people living with dementia . available via notice boards and a focus group of people living with dementia to • East Parade Medical Practice, York – 1st Across North Yorkshire Alzheimer’s Society has Further work with GP practices includes regular help people understand the changes . Tuesday of month – 2:15pm – 4:15pm developed the GP specific services in order to use of the space at Kings Road Surgery to meet • Unity Health, Kimberlow Hill Surgery, York provide easier access to support . Working in people for review following their annual review . Training and awareness sessions have – 2nd Monday of month – 1pm – 4pm partnership with GP’s, Alzheimer’s Society are been held with a number of trainee actively promoting the importance of a diagnosis Partnership working with North Street Surgery • York Medical Centre, York – 4th GPs and across surgeries in Harrogate, and the support needed through that process . in Ripon has provided a Dementia Friendly Knaresborough, and Ripon . Tuesday of month – 1pm – 4pm environment at the surgery, education • Millford Surgery, Easingwold – They have worked with Scarborough Dementia Stillington and Tollerton Surgeries Action Alliance to jointly present to Scarborough Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group on the • St John Surgery, Aldborough benefits of an early diagnosis, providing key Summary These clinics are also available in other speakers who have been impacted negatively areas across North Yorkshire as a result of a delayed diagnosis . Alzheimer’s Society Training and Consultancy team offer 2018 has seen significant momentum and passion • Filey Surgery GP specific training . Although this is a very for making North Yorkshire Dementia Friendly • Peasholme Surgery, Scarborough new offer, awareness with GPs means that there has already been some take up of • Falsgrave Surgery, Scarborough and tackling some of the diagnosis issues. this training in the North Yorkshire area . • Quakers Lane Surgery, Richmond Highlights include: 2019 will see: • Scorton Medical Centre Harrogate and Rural District Clinical • Working with Scarborough and Ryedale • Continued collaboration between partners • Kirkwood Hall Extra Care – , Commissioning Group (CCG) area CCG to understand the diagnosis rates to understand diagnosis issues facing and Harewood Dementia Forward has been working closely across Scarborough and Ryedale; people living with dementia; and with GP surgeries connected to the • Dyneley House Surgery, Skipton – 3rd • GP awareness raising sessions and • Improvements in communications Group (Haxby and Wiggington, Huntington, Tuesday of month – 10am – 1pm Dementia Friends sessions; and signposting between health New Earswick, Stockton on the Forest, • The launch of Alzheimer’s and social care agencies . There are plans to roll out additional clinics in Gale Farm and The Old Forge) to raise Society GP clinics; and Filey, Scarborough, Whitby and Northallerton . awareness of the local dementia services Diagnosis will be a continued priority and the use of the DeAR-GP and DiADem • The use of DeAR – GP and DiADEM tools . across North Yorkshire for 2019 tools . DeAR- GP is paper-based tool to and full action plans can be viewed enable care workers to identify people who following publication of this report . may be showing signs of dementia . DiADem is a paper-based diagnosis tool that can be used by care home staff who believe someone is living with advanced dementia but have not been previously diagnosed .

During Dementia Action Week 2018, Dementia Forward attended a number of flu clinics to

50 51 ‘Bring Me Sunshine’ Living Well With Dementia in North Yorkshire | Celebration Report

Case Study: (January 2018) GP Outcome Support and Advice Dementia Advice Services The couple received an assessment from The couple were referred to the GP Service Health and Adult Services and had a named During the Dementia Strategy engagement Case Study: Alzheimer’s Society by the surgery’s Community Link Nurse . Mr A worker to assist with respite care and ensuring consistent care and support Alzheimer’s Society actively promotes and has a recent diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and his equipment that was needed in the home . was a key theme with 13% of people refers into partner organisations across wife is currently identifying as his main carer . They received a benefits check from saying that experiences of living with North Yorkshire They. are currently delivering Age UK and are now in receipt of dementia is too varied and the system dementia advice clinics to 20 GP’s across The couple have recently located to the area eligible benefit entitlements . is often disjointed and bewildering . North Yorkshire and are continuing to develop and were not aware of any services available locally . Since Mr A’s diagnosis his wife had Some actions and achievements have already this service . Accessible advice sessions in They have attended one of the activity been making frequent visits and phone calls being mentioned within the Making North the community are in development . One groups but both feel that the one to one to the GP surgery often in a high state of Yorkshire Dementia Friendly priority above example of this is the monthly Dementia Side by Side service would be more anxiety of how they might cope in the future . and further actions have been documented Advice Sessions being set up at local day care suitable . Mr A is currently on the waiting list centres for carers . So far this has resulted in within the local action plans which will: During the appointment I was able to offer to be matched with a volunteer to enable many referrals for much needed support for information and signposting about the following: him to go out on local seafront walks . • Ensure clearer and more accessible people caring for people living with dementia . information, advice and guidance • Benefits check with Age UK to ensure they Mrs A carries a carers Emergency Card which produced with people living with Case Study Start: Strategies for are both in receipt of the correct benefits; she states help to give her peace of mind dementia and their carers; Relatives - coping interventions • Adult Services to request a needs if anything were to happen to her, knowing • Provide greater access to peer for family carers of people assessment for some possible future that help could be sought for her husband . support and learning; and living with dementia respite care and a Carers Assessment; Mrs A attended the CRISP course where • Promote adoption of new approached Making Space have supported 4 carers with • Information about a future CRISP she met other Carers and she identified in where technology advances . eight 1-1 individual intervention sessions over course (Carers Resource Information this group how she would need to do more the past year . These sessions promote the Support Programme) facilitated for herself to help her to continue caring . development of coping strategies amongst by the Alzheimer’s Society; carers of people living with dementia and Feedback from the GP nurse was that • Information about the local Alzheimer’s working with carers to identify individual since receiving the service Mr and Mrs A Society Activity Cafes and Singing difficulties and implement strategies . no longer keep contacting the surgery for “Once we receive a for the Brain and the Side By Side reassurance since receiving the support diagnosis there should be Service and Telephone Support; via the dementia advice service . a consistent process that • Making Space to offer home visit offers advice, support Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Support Worker and lets us know what and the Navigator Service; and to do next, too many of • Carers Emergency Card . us feel lost or abandoned with the life changing news of a diagnosis”

52 53 ‘Bring Me Sunshine’ Living Well With Dementia in North Yorkshire | Celebration Report

Summary Planning for the future 2018 has seen significant momentum and passion and dying well for making North Yorkshire Dementia Friendly and During conversations with people living with Case Study: Lasting tackling some of the support and advice issues. dementia and their carers, planning for the power of attorney future was a very important theme . 17% Nationally, Alzheimer’s Society offers practical of people responding to the engagement Highlights include: 2019 will see: support to people wishing to put in place said that having control as far as possible a Lasting Power of Attorney . Alzheimer’s • Active referral and signposting across • Continued collaboration between partners was important, and early diagnosis makes Society is continuing to develop the Dementia the health and social care sector; to understand support issues facing advance care planning, decision making Connect service, which aims to offer support people living with dementia; and • Positive interventions from and planning for end of life care easier . to everyone affected by dementia from the dementia support services; • Improved communications and signposting Plans for planning for the future and dying beginning of that journey to the end . • START support for carers of people between health and social care agencies . well can be viewed in more detail as part Locally, Alzheimer’s Society has increased living with dementia; and Support and advice will continue to be a of the action plans, although this is a key the number of Carers Information and priority across North Yorkshire for 2019 • CRISP courses for carers of area where further work is required to: Support Programmes delivered within North and full action plans can be viewed people living with dementia . • Improve access to knowledgeable Yorkshire which cover topics in relation to following publication of this report . professional support; preparing and planning for the future . • Provide clearer information around what to expect and how to plan; and Case Study: Law Clinics • Better support bereaved carers . In October 2018 Making Space staff, in partnership with Manchester University, launched a Dementia Friendly law clinic facilitated via Skype . Manchester University law students offer free, confidential advice to people living with dementia, “You only their families and carers . The sessions die once, run monthly at Scarborough Library . let’s get it right please” Case Study: Death Cafés Across England and Wales communities are setting up Death Cafés which are Friendly, open environments where people meet to talk about planning their future, advanced decisions, wills and funerals . Conversations about death and dying are difficult and these cafés are being set up to help tackle the stigma associated with dying .

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Communities across North Yorkshire are Mr B thought that this was exactly the type of Case Studies: Yorkshire beginning to adopt this approach . Several thing which would help to ease his worries . I Ambulance Service cafés are planned to be launched in 2019 supported him to sign up to the free Carers Over the last year Yorkshire Ambulance Service including Leyburn and Scarborough . Emergency Support Scheme . By talking it – patient transport ambulances have been through with him he was able to speak with trying to introduce the use of music therapy his next door neighbour to engage him in Case Study: Still Caring on their ambulances to help improve wellbeing the process too . The neighbour agreed that Making Space has developed a peer support for people living with dementia and their carers he would check on the couple at least once group which was requested by the carers they on ambulance transport services . There have daily and if he realised there was a concern support . The group provides an opportunity been some challenges with the licensing about the Carers health he would contact the to have a chat and cup of tea with other arrangements of playing music . Our aim is emergency services and Adult Services . carers of people living with dementia . The to continue to rally support for this idea and group meets on a monthly basis at Plaxton The couple were also informed about provide innovative solutions to help improve Court Extra Care Scheme, Scarborough . the local Activity Café facilitated by the wellbeing of people living with dementia . the Alzheimer’s Society and were Yorkshire Ambulance Service will be presenting Case Study: (2017) GP Dementia interested in attending this too . Advice Services (Filey) their 2 year dementia friendly plan in March Outcome 2019, building on work to create a dementia Mr and Mrs B were referred to the Service via friendly ambulance service . As part of this The couple started attending the Activity their GP practice . Mrs B had a diagnosis of plan, Yorkshire Ambulance Service: Alzheimer’s Type dementia 4 years ago . She Café where they enjoyed taking part and lives at home with her husband who is her sole meeting others for several months . • Is committed to and progressing the making carer . He supported his wife with all aspects of of Dementia Friends across the whole of the However, at Christmas Mr B had a brain her daily living needs and domestic routines . organisation and is hoping to build these haemorrhage when he was with his wife at He wanted to continue with this role and felt sessions into their new induction programme . home . The neighbour who had agreed to able to maintain this level of support . However, do a daily check found him collapsed and • Have developed dedicated resources on he stated that his main concern is what would alerted the ambulance/GP . The neighbour also the Yorkshire Ambulance Service staff happen to his wife if he became ill or was alerted Adult Services to inform them of the website and for the LGBT network . admitted into hospital himself . His wife would need for emergency respite care for Mrs B . not be capable of raising any alert to get help . • Have developed a critical friends network to engage carers and people living Follow up contact has been made with Mr B I informed Mr B about the Carers Emergency with dementia, we implemented two who stated that he had been so thankful that Support Scheme which is in place via the focus workshops to include ‘what is he had the Carers Emergency Support card in local Council . This enables the Carer to carry important to you in an emergency’ place and that he had made the arrangement a card which identifies him as a Carer . This with his neighbour as we had discussed . • Have dedicated resources for number can be contacted in an emergency dementia awareness week . and the Council staff would then get in Mr B is back at home and his wife remains • Will engage across all of the 6000 square touch with the Carers Emergency backup in 24 hour care, he visits her regularly and miles into as many groups as we can to person or Health and Adult Services to hopes that they will both start to attend forge out links and approaches to supporting alert them that his wife is a Vulnerable Adult the monthly activity café again soon . who would be in need of 24 hour care people with dementia and their carers . Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Support Worker without the support from her husband .

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Summary Moving On 2018 has seen significant momentum and After reflecting on the year’s achievements passion for making North Yorkshire Dementia the Council and partners would like to Friendly and tackling some of the issues around thank again the many individuals, volunteers planning for the future and dying well. However, and organisations without whom none this is still an area of significant development. of this would have been possible.

Highlights include: 2019 will see: The key focus for work undertaken in 2018 • Continuing to focus on the five key priorities: • Positive interventions from • Rollout of Death Cafes; and was around making North Yorkshire more • Dementia Friendly North Yorkshire; dementia support services; Dementia Friendly . Moving into 2019 this work • Further support from the law clinic . will continue, with other priority areas including: • Workforce Development; • START support for carers of • Diagnosis; people living with dementia; Planning for the future and dying well will • Continuing to support local Dementia continue to be a priority across North Action Alliances and Dementia • Support and Advice; and • CRISP courses for carers of Yorkshire for 2019 and full Action Plans can Friendly Community Groups; people living with dementia; • Planning for the Future and Dying Well . be viewed following publication of this report . • Continuing to develop and monitor • Information and advice around Lasting local action plan, which will be Power of Attorney’s and ‘living wills’; published early 2019; • Planning for Death Cafes; • Continuing to champion the four principles • Launch of the law clinic; and of the Bring Me Sunshine Living Well with Dementia in North Yorkshire Strategy: • Still Caring peer support groups . • I am Me, I am not dementia, I have a name and I expect it to be used; • Carers Matters, Treat them as well as they treat us; • The Small Things, Small acts of understanding can make a huge difference; and • Consistency, where I live shouldn’t determine how I am treated; and

58 59 Contact us W: www .northyorks .gov .uk E: customer .services@northyorks gov. .uk T: 01609 780 780 (Monday to Friday 8 .00am - 5 .30pm closed weekends and bank holidays)

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