The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society North Ayrshire Branch Scottish Charity No. SCO26565 Secretary: Deirdre Wright, 25 Fullerton Drive, West Kilbride, KA23 9HS, Tel: 01294 829276 E-mail:
[email protected] MINUTES OF THE 70 th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, North Ayrshire Branch was held on Thursday 31st May, 2018 at 7.30pm in Kirkgate Parish Church Hall, Chapelwell Street, Saltcoats. A total of 17 members attended. 1 CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME. Interim Chairman Trish Lorraine welcomed everyone. 2 SEDERUNT Trish Lorraine, John Coy, Alison Coy, David Donaldson, Elizabeth Howie, Solveig McCulloch, May Holmes, Jim Holmes, Vikki Spencer, Karen Hamilton, Wendy McNab, Pat Anslow, Fiona Grant, Pat Johnston, Rhona Dickson, John Dickson, Deirdre Wright. 3 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. John Kitson, Elizabeth Kitson, Dorothy McCrum, Elizabeth McHardy, Sheila West, Wren Dick, Margaret Ballantine, Oluf Olufsen, Marjorie Falconer, Elma MacFadyen, Sue Meek, Bill Meek, Sandra Mollison, Margaret Green, Betty Fulton, Marjorie Young. 4 ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF 69 th AGM – 18 th MAY, 2017 Proposed by Pat Anslow, seconded by Wendy McNab 5 MATTERS ARISING Sandra Mollison has collected photos and memorabilia concerning our late Honorary President Alistair Aitkenhead. Minutes of the AGM will be sent out after this AGM as well as a month before the next AGM. 6 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Trish Lorraine, as interim chairman, delivered a resume of the year’s activities of the branch and thanked all the committee for their support over the year. 7 TREASURER’S REPORT 2016/2017 The branch’s finances are healthy.