THE SHERSTON CLIFFHANGER October 2019 PUBLISHED BY SHERSTON PARISH COUNCIL DELIVERED FREE Pumpkins Pre-School: Aladdin’s Open Days and Opening Ceremony on his way! PresentedPresentedd by SHERSTONSHEHERSTR ONN DRAMADRAAMA GROUPGROUP by TobyTobyo BradfordB &Tina WebsterWebster We are delighted that our new building is now completed and that we are ready to open our doors for you to see the fi nished result! Th is invitation extends to the whole community – everyone is very welcome to pop in and have a look around and to see what will be on off er for the children in our new pre-school when it opens on SHERSTONSHERS Monday 4 November. VILLAGE HALL Open days will be running throughout the second WED 30 OCT - FRI 1 NOV 7.30 PM half of October so please pop in and join us for a SAT 2 NOV 2.30 PM & 7.30 PM By arrangement with Noda Pantomimes coff ee and a chat whilst the children take part in fun ADULTS £8 CHILD/CONS £6.50 activities in the workshops that we will be laying on Fully licensed cash bar for them. Fancy dress competition for children on Thursday Octoberob 31st during the interval. No need to book - just turn up when it’s TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM SHERSTON POST OFFICE STORES OR BOX OFFICE 07970 111601 convenient for you but if you would like to arrange an appointment you can do that too by emailing: Sherston Drama Group announces that Aladdin
[email protected]. is set to fl y into Sherston on his magic carpet from Open Days Wednesday 30 October until Saturday 2 November.