Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso 20 Years in the Evolution of Picasso 1903-1923 New York: Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc., 1937 [un-paginated, illus., paper-bound] $20.00 5.11.70 13.11.70 5.11.70 13.11.70 Croquis Dessin New York: Mitchell-Innes & Nash, 2004 [88 p, illus., hardcover] $40.00 A Pablo Picasso Eluard, Paul London: Secker & Warburg, 1947 [168 p, illus., paper-bound, in French] $23.00 The Architecture of the Museo Picasso Málaga from the Sixth Century BC to the Twenty-First Century Giménez, Carmen Museo Picasso Malaga [un-paginated, illus., hardcover, DJ] $30.00 Arlequin con espejo y La flauta de Pan, Picasso 1923 Serra, Tomas Llorens et al. Madrid: Colleción Thyssen-Bornemisza, 1995 [79 p, illus., hardcover, DJ, in Spanish] $35.00 Besuche bei Picasso Rosengart, Siegfried & Angela (photos) Luzerne: Galerie Rosengart, 1972 [un-paginated, illus., paper-bound, in German] (2) $30.00 Buste de Femme by Pablo Picasso New York: M. Knoedler & Company [un-paginated, information in leather case] $30.00 Children’s Hommage to Picasso, with 52 drawings by Picasso and 48 drawings by the children of Vallauris Batterberry, Michael & Ariane Ruskin New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1970 [un-paginated, illus., hardcover, plastic jacket] $50.00 Contacting Pablo Picasso: The Influence of Picasso on American Printmakers, Prints from the collection of Reba and Dave Williams Williams, Reba & Save New York: The Spanish Institute, 1995 [un-paginated, pamphlet] $5.00 Les Demoiselles d’Avignon Rubin, William, Helene Seckel, Judith Cousins New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1994 [279 p, illus., hardcover, DJ] $40.00 Les Demoiselles d’Avignon Guide de l’Exposition Musee Picasso Paris [14 p, illus., pamphlet, in French] $8.00 De Picasso à Barceló: les Artistes Espagnols De Castro, Maria Antonia & Francois Boisivon trans.
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