Science, Technology, Humanities & Citizenry

Commission on Future Challenges Council on the Future

Santiago, 17, 18 & 19 January, 2013 Main Hall - Catedral 1158

Registration: Press room: [email protected] Twitter: @congresofuturo Program Inauguration 2 Thursday 17 January 08:30 – 09:30 a.m. Registration

09:45 – 11:10 a.m. Opening Ceremony Cristián Larroulet, since 2010 Minister Secretary General of the Presidency, Business Administration degree at Universidad Católica de Chile, Master’s degree in economics at University of Chicago. Mr. Larroulet has a longstanding academic career as Professor at Universidad Católica de Chile, and Director of the Instituto Libertad y Desarrollo.

Camilo Escalona, President of the Senate. Senator for Region X – Los Lagos, since 2006. Son of a union bakery worker and an independent worker. He joined the Socialist Party Youth in 1969, at age 13.

Nicolas Monckeberg, President of the Chamber of Deputies. Lawyer, Pontifical Catholic University and Master of Liberal Arts, Harvard University Extension School. Deputy for District 18 (National Renewal party) since 2002. Guido Girardi, President, Commission on Future Challenges. Physician specialized in pediatrics and epidemiology. Member, Party for Democracy (PPD). Senator for the Western Constituency of Santiago since 2006.

Juan Asenjo, President, National Academy of Science. Professor, Faculty of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile. 2004 National Science Prize for Applied and Technological Science. Director, Center for Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Chile. Civil Engineer, University of Chile, Ph.D. University College London. Opening Seminar 3a Citizenry and Local Governance Thursday 17 January

11.30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.


Ricardo Lagos Escobar. Former President of Chile (March 2000 – March 2006). Lawyer, economist, academic, researcher and politician. Former U.N. Special Envoy on Climate Change.

Josep Borell. Aeronautical Engineer, Polytechnical University, Madrid, Master in Operations Research, Stanford University. Former President of the European Parliament, (2004 – 2007). Former President, European University Institute (up to 2012 - Italy).

Cristovam Cavalcanti Buarque. Mechanical Engineer, Federal University, Pernambuco, Ph.D. in Economics, La Sorbonne, Paris. He worked for the IADB in Ecuador, Honduras and the United States (1973 – 1979). First Chancellor elected by direct election, University of Brasilia. Governor of the Federal District and Minister of Education under President Ignacio “Lula” da Silva.

José Miguel Benavente. Civil industrial Engineer, Catholic University, Valparaiso. M.A. in Economics, University of Chile. Ph.D. in Economics, University of Oxford. Consultant for several organizations and governments. 4 Macro Topic I

The Cries of the Earth

Thursday 17 January

Earth is a constantly changing planet, a huge chemical factory that has created and transported matter for four billion years. Thanks to its regulators and balances, this factory has managed to maintain, on its surface, the conditions that gave rise to life. But modern chemistry and physics show us that the balance is being altered and that the planet is suffering. Can humans, a product of the Earth, modify the geochemical cycles that have made the factory work for billions of years?

Juan Carlos Castilla. Ph.D. in Marine Biology, and Sc.D., both from the University of Wales, United Kingdom. Professor, Department of Ecology and Las Cruces Coastal Marine Research Station (ECIM), Faculty of Biological Sciences, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. He has made important contributions to the study of coastal ecosystems. Macro Topic I 5 The Cries of the Earth Thursday 17 January

2:45-3:45 p.m. The Earth’s health: Main future challenges for the planet


Gino Casassa. Hydraulics Engineer, University of Chile. His love for mountain climbing and science led him to study the high peaks of the Andes, Tibet and Antarctica. M.A. in Geophysics/Glaciology, Hokkaido University, Japan. Ph.D. Ohio State University (U.S.A.).

Claude Allégre. French politician and geochemist. Former Minister of Education (June 1997 - March 2000). Member of the French Academy of Sciences, of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

Reynaldo Charrier. Geologist, University of Chile. Specialized in structural and tectonic geology, Technical University of Munich. Ph.D. in Science, Free University, Berlin, Germany. Full professor, University of Chile and Andres Bello University (UNAB). Chairman, Chilean Geological Society. His research focuses on Andean structural geology and tectonics. Macro Topic I 6 The Cries of the Earth Thursday, 17 January

3:45-4:45 p.m. Chile: A Country of Natural Disasters. Living with them and Moving Forward.


Donald Dingwell. Secretary General, European Research Council (ERC). He is currently investigating explosive volcano eruptions, the highest energy events on the planet.

Jaime Campos. Doctor in Geophysics, University of Paris. Associate professor, Department of Geophysics, University of Chile. Director, Montessus de Ballore International Earthquake Research Center (laboratory run in partnership by the CNRS and the FCFM, University of Chile). Former Scientific Director, National Seismological Bureau (1997 - 2007).

Enrique Tirapegui: B.A. in Physics, University of Chile. Ph.D. in Mathematics and Doctor, Theoretical Physics, University of Paris. 1991 National Science Prize. Professor, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile. Scientific Advisor, Council on the Future, Senate of Chile. Macro Topic I 7 The Cries of the Earth Thursday 17 January

5:00-6:30 p.m. The Post-Fossil Fuel World.


Maurizio Bezzeccheri. President, Enel Green Power, Spain and Latin America. Chemical Engineer, graduated from the University of Naples (1984). He worked there as a researcher in modeling combustion equipment.

Hugh Rudnick. Full professor, Faculty of Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Nominated Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2000. Electrical Civil Engineer, University of Chile. Ph.D., The Victoria University of Manchester, United Kingdom.

Peter Politzer. Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of New Orleans. His research focuses on the elucidation and prediction of molecular properties and reactive behavior. Dr. Politzer studies biologically active agents (such as anticonvulsants and HIV drugs) for high energy systems.

Alejandro Toro Labbé. Full professor, Faculty of Chemistry, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Docteur d´Etat en Sciences Physiques, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France. His line of research focuses on developing the theory of reactivity and chemical reactions. Macro Topic I 8

The Cries of the Earth

Thursday 17 January

6:30-7:30 p.m. The Health of the Oceans


Ben Halpern. Director, Center for Marine Assessment and Planning; research biologist, Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara. His research focuses mainly on coastal and marine spatial planning.

Juan Carlos Castilla. Ph.D. in Marine Biology, Senior Professor, Universidad Católica de Chile.

Macro Topic II 9 Friday 18 January The Laboratory of Life

There is currently no doubt that life functions according to the laws of physics and chemistry. We can say that it is a state of matter, but with a unique singularity, the specific features of which modern science has yet to decipher fully. That vague frontier between inanimate matter and life is one of the great topics of this century, one that combines the recent spectacular discoveries of biology and astronomy.

9.00- 9.10 a.m. Introduction

Rafael Vicuña. Biochemist, University of Chile, Ph.D. in molecular biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York. Currently, full professor, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. His research focuses on astrobiology. Macro Topic II 10a The Laboratory of Life

Friday 18 January 9:10 – 10:15 a.m. The New Frontiers of Life: Artificial Intelligence, Stem Cells


Jean Paul Thiery. Professor and Head Department of Biochemistry, National University of Singapore. His research seeks to unravel the mechanism of invasion and metastasis of carcinoma cells

Pedro Maldonado. Sc.D., University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (1993). B.A. in Biological Science, Faculty of Science, University of Chile (1984). Member, U.S. Society for Neuroscience. Director, Chilean Society for Neuroscience. Director, Center for Integrative Neuroscience, CENI.

Pablo Valenzuela. A pioneer in the development of biotechnology in Chile. 2002 National Prize for Applied and Technological Science. He was involved in the invention of the vaccine against Hepatitis B and in the discovery of the Hepatitis C virus. He has provided advisory services to the U.S. Congress and the United Nations.

Cecilia Hidalgo. Biochemist and first woman to receive an Sc.D. from the University of Chile. Post graduate studies, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, U.S.A. 2006 National Prize for Natural Science. Director of the FONDAP Center for Molecular Studies of the Cell, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile. Macro Topic II 11a The Laboratory of Life Friday 18 January

10:15-11:15 Life: From the Big Bang to our Times


Michel Brunet. French paleontologist and paleoanthropologist. Professor, Collège de France. He discovered 7 million year old Toumai, the oldest biped ever found, and 3.5 million year old Abel.

Paul Davies. Physicist, writer and professor, Arizona State University. His research in cosmology focuses on astrobiology and quantum field theory.

Pierre Coullet. Professor, University of Nice, INLN (Institut Non Linéaire de Nice). He specializes in dynamic systems. His main contribution involves the discovery of the universality of the transition to «chaos».

Dante Minniti. Astronomer and astrophysicist. Professor, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Ph.D., University of Arizona (U.S.A.), author of the book “Mundos lejanos: sistemas planetarios y vida en el universo”. His area of research is the detection of exoplanets. Macro Topic II 12 The Laboratory of Life Friday 18 January

11.30-11.40 a.m. Introduction

María Teresa Ruiz. B.A. in Astronomy, University of Chile, Ph.D. in Astrophysics, Princeton University, 1977 National Prize for Exact Sciences (first woman to be awarded the prize). Professor, Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Chile.

11.40- 13.00 a.m. New Frontiers of the Universe

Brian Schmidt. U.S. born Australian astrophysicist. 2011 Nobel Prize for Physics for providing evidence that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

Andrés Gomberoff. Vice-Chancellor for Research, Andrés Bello University. B.A. in Physics, Ph.D. in Physics, University of Chile. Postgraduate studies, Valdivia Center for Scientific Studies (CECS) and Syracuse University (U.S.A.).

Mario Hamuy. Chilean astronomer. Senior researcher for the Calán/Tololo project (1989 – 1996) the results of which contributed to the 1998 discovery of the accelerated expansion of the universe. Full professor, Department of Astronomy, University of Chile. In 2011, asteroid 109097 was named «Hamuy asteroid» in his honor.

Iván Schmidt. Civil Electronic Engineer, Federico Santa María Technical University. Ph. D. in Physics, Stanford University, CA, U.S.A. Full professor, Physics Department and Director, Scientific and Technological Center, Valparaiso. Macro Topic III 13a The Metamorphosis of Civilization

Friday 18 January

Western civilization prevailed in the planet in the mid-20th. Century, a fact analyzed by several authors. Nevertheless, there is consensus that we are at a crossroads and that we are about to face major changes. Computer technology and nanotechnology will play a major role in this stage by creating a new environment in which humans will have to build their ontological and physical environment.

15.00- 15.10 Introduction.

José Miguel Aguilera. Civil Industrial Engineer, Pontifical Catholic University. MBA, Texas A&M University, M.A, Food Technology, MIT, and Ph.D. in Food Science, Cornell University. Full professor, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. 2008 National Prize for Applied and Technological Science. Chairman of CONICYT.

Macro Topic II 13b The Metamorphosis of Civilization Friday 18 January . 3:10 – 4:30 p.m. Future Food Challenges


Jesús Contreras. Full professor, Social Anthropology, University of Barcelona. He specializes in Economic Anthropology and Food Anthropology. His most recent research focuses on consumption behavior.

Claude Fischler. French sociologist, researcher, CNRS, specialized in the anthropology of food and eating. Director of the Interdisciplinary Institute for the Anthropology of Contemporary Societies (IIAC), Centre.

Ricardo Uauy. Physician, University of Chile. Ph.D. in Nutritional Biochemistry, MIT. He studied pediatrics at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard University, and Neonatology at Yale University’s Yale-New Haven Hospital.. 2012 National Science and Applied Technology Prize.

Senator Francisco Chahuán. Chilean lawyer and politician (National Renewal party). Senator for the 6th. Constituency-Coast, Valparaiso Region. Former Deputy for District No. 14, Valparaiso Region ( 2006 – 2010). Macro Topic III 14a

The Metamorphosis of Civilization

Friday 18 January

4:45 – 5:00 p.m. Introduction

Fernando Lund. 2001 National Prize for Exact Sciences. Ph.D. Physics, Princeton University, U.S.A. His line of research focuses on Materials physics, especially mechanical properties.

Macro Topic III 14b The Metamorphosis of Civilization Friday 18 January

5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Nanotechnology: Small is the Future


Enge Wang. Physics professor. Provost & Executive Vice President, Peking University. Secretary General and academic, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on studying the macroscopic properties and the microscopic behavior of surface-based nanostructures controlled by chemical and physical events.

Gunther Uhlmann. University of Chile mathematician. Ph.D. from MIT. Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Washington. His research addresses microlocal analysis and the propagation of the singularities of differential equations, particularly understanding conical refraction.

Marcelo Kogan. Ph.D., Organic Chemistry and Director, Nanotechnology Laboratory, University of Chile. His research focuses mainly on nanobiotechnology and nano- toxicology.

Jaime San Martín. Engineer and mathematician at Universidad de Chile, PhD in Statistics at Purdue University, Senior Professor at Universidad de Chile. His area of research is focused in information, randomness, stochastic modeling.

Macro Topic IV 15 Of Humans and Numbers

Saturday, 19 January

Richard Feynman, Physics Nobel Prize laureate repeatedly mentioned his “amazement at the extraordinary efficiency of mathematics in natural sciences”. This is fully valid in physics and to a lesser extent in chemistry but it is certainly not the case yet in biology. Mathematics is an exact language that “says nothing about the world” as Wittgenstein wrote. And, undoubtedly, more needs to be added to the language in order to enter the field of biology and even more so that of the human sciences. There is therefore a mystery between human beings and numbers which must be solved without delay. Macro Topic IV 16 Of Humans and Numbers Saturday, 19 January 09:00 – 10:15 The Evolution of Human Conduct


Wes Jackson. U.S. biologist. Leader in the market of sustainable agriculture and the development of a perennial polyculture. Founder and current president of the Land Institute, a foundation dedicated to creating a new agriculture based on observing nature and protecting biodiversity. Member of the World Future Council.

Humberto Maturana. Chilean biologist and epistemologist. He developed the concept of autopoiesis and laid the foundations for the biology of knowledge. 1994 National Science Prize for his research in the field of the visual perception of vertebrates and his views on the theory of knowledge.

Alfredo Pena-Vega. Ph.D. in , University of Paris VII, Jussieu, Professor, Edgar Morin Center (EMC), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique and University of Nantes. Current Scientific Coordinator of the International Research Institute for Civilization Policy (IIRPC).

Senator Carlos Cantero. Geographer, Catholic University of the North. M.A., in Sociology, University of Granada, Ph.D. in Sociology, UNED, Madrid. Chilean politician (independent). Senator for the 2nd. Constituency, Antofagasta Region, since 1998. Closing Ceremony 17 Saturday, 19 January

10:15 – 11:30 a.m. The Political Challenge of Scientific and Social Changes


Heraldo Muñoz. Chilean political scientist, former Minister of State. Ph.D.s in and in International Studies, University of Denver. Additional studies: Harvard University, New York State University and Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. UNDP Assistant Secretary General for Latin American and the Caribbean since 2010 .

Baltasar Garzón Real. Spanish jurist and magistrate of the Spanish High Court. Advisor, The Hague International Criminal Court. He promoted an international warrant to arrest former dictator Augusto Pinochet for the death and torture of Spanish citizens while in power, and for crimes against humanity, for which he was arrested in London.

Deputy Patricio Melero. President, Independent Democratic Union (UDI). Agronomist University of Chile. Reelected in 1990 for District 16, Metropolitan Region. Former President of the Chamber of Deputies (2011). Member of the Board, Foundation to Assist Burned Children (COANIQUEM) since 1990.

Senator Guido Girardi. President, Commission on the Future, Closing Ceremony 18

Saturday, 19 January

11:30 – 12:30 a.m. Open dialogue with the Audience


Katia Soto-Liebe. Marine biologist, University of Valparaiso. Ph.D., biological sciences, majoring in molecular genetics and microbiology, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Founder, Chilean Association of Graduate Researchers (ANIP), Coordinator, More Science for Chile, and Founder, More Science Foundation (Fundación Más Ciencia). 19 Thank you We look forward to seeing you at the 2nd. Congress

Santiago, 17, 18 and 19 January, 2013 Congress of Chile, Catedral 1158, Santiago

Commission on Future Challenges Council on the Future

Registration: Press room: [email protected] Twitter: @congresofuturo