ILE TROUBLE No Harm in Electing New and Young Blood, Increased Considerably Dining the Last Few Ersdale, and with the Exception of the Kipling
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es(lay, October 7th, 1931 THE TEESDALE MERCURY. 13 Weilnesday, October 7th, 1931. HUNTINC. f.. was always a welcome and excellent Wool. CONGREGA fIONAL CHURCHES. VALLEY BEAGLES. ALDERSDALE AGRICULTURAL hospitality. He was glad the show was Challenge Silver Cup, given by Lieut.- SHOW. prospering, for it was not , easy to make Colonel Sir Emanuel Hoyle, for the three CENTENARY CAMPAIGN. alley Beagles met on Satusal ends meet. They had seen shows falling best fleeces of Swaledale wool—Jack Iceton, Eggleston. The morning rill sound them, but he hoped Baldersdale Friar House ; 2, James Iceton, Willoughby The opening services in connection with large number of follow-01. GREATLY INCREASED ENTRY. Show would not fail. One good sign was Hall. the centenary campaign, being thanks- s the remarkable show of sheep and cattle Cattle (open classes). - giving fur too years' fellowship between the that day. It was a great thing to have re put into the allotments J. Congregational Churches, was held in the s road, and soon A FLOURISHING SOCIETY. rivalry among themselves. If they kept Cow, in milk or calf—J. H. Walker ; 2, a hare on W. Wall, Boinaldkirk ; 3, J. It. Addison, Congregational Church at Barnard Castle, ; . Hounds ran through T wai that spirit. alive there would be no fear of or Hayberries.. • in common with all the churches of the Scent was moderate, ealdersdale Agricultural Show, coming at the failure of the Baldersdale Show. land on Tuesday and Wednesday. A aria, vas in a very dry Mr G. V. Tarn proposed the health of the Heifer, in milk or calf, with not more conditi .end of the show season in the Teesdale than four broad teeth—G, R. Addison, women's ine.eting was held in the school- wind blowing. "Puss" keont"n, , secretary and officials, congratulating the room on Tuesday afternoon. MrS Alderson eats, and only had on Saturday the best of the new secretary, Mr J, C. Bainbridge, on the 2, Miss Waller ; 3, J. \V. Raine, Mickleton. with difficulty) Slier and a largely increased entry of Heifer, with not more than two broad presided, and the address was given by the kept to the line. Eventuany increased entry. With such - capable Rev. Mabel . Snowball. The meeting was ". so that the function became one of oflicials he saw no reason to doubt the teeth-1-1. Hutchinson, Eggleston ; 2, J. W. lit doWn on the road to 'Met I, Bailie; 3, G. J. Walker. well attended, light refreshments being a ;, most successful and not the least successful future of the show. served to 58 women. The young people's Mr J. C. • Bainbridge acknowledged the Heifer,. any age, not to have had a calf— w ground another hare rnaeo,, testing of those it has been our pleasure It. Hutchinson. ; 2, Miss Waller.; 3, J. \V. museum g was held in the church in the . She circled towards the toast and said he was indebted to the late evening. Representatives from other record during the present year. From a secretary, Mr J. Tunstall, for much valuable Raine. • ad, where there was, a isavi al of 470 the entries leapt this year to 600, Special for heifer calf (J. G. Skelton)— churches in the town attended, including gh hounds picked assistance. It was very gratifying to have the Wesley Guild, Primitive Methodist . up the line I that is cause for hearty congratulation it record entry for his first year. There \V. Allison ; 2, G. J. Walker ; 3, J. W. Wall. rked hard to make up, "pu ss, Bull calf, under one year old, with all Christian Endeavour Society, the Wesleyan e allotment on the south side. all concerned, not excepting the new were people who attributed the success of Thurngate Mission, and the Congregation- It show to the work of the secretary, but it calf teeth-1 and 2, G. Addison. 1 yielded a hare which mad, uetary, Mr J. C. Baihbridge, who had the One-year-old heifer, with all calf teeth-- alists. Each Society responded to a roll- illViO would be very difficult for any secretary to road, and circling lees ring , satisfaction in his first year of work without the assistance of a good D. Lind, Hury ; 2; J. R. Addison ; 3, T. Ire- call conducted by Mrs Snowball.. The d her way to High Shipha of seeing the vitality of the Balders- working committee. There were more than land and Son. address was given by the Rev. F. W. had headed for How Gill, e Nicholls, of St. Georges, West Hartlepool, Agricultural Society most strikingly a hundred cattle entries, which he thought Beast, not to have won a prize—J. R. were called off. From •Hi s Addison. chairman of the Durham and Northumber- gh. onstrated. It is only fair to the former was a splendid number for a show like -field another hare made to i 13alde•rsdale. land Congregational Union, who traced the - retary, Mr J. Tunstall, still happily District Classes. formation of the Union formed 100 years' s Banks. Mr J. Campbell, ha ; the Woodland Beagles, work. us, to say that he helped his Judges. Cow, in milk .or calf-1 and 3, J. H. ago. On Wednesday a public meeting was wards Low Shipley, and thee Cattle and .horses—Messra R. Allison, Walkeryear-old 4NfNe7ra,I1N.v held in the Church, the speaker again .essor very exhaustively, and to that with all calf teeth (T. Banks. Scent, however, h aa Eggleston, and W. Kidd, Dunn House ; One- being the Rev. F. W. Nicholls. Further , and it was decided to finish Ise may be attributed in no small Swaledale tups—Messrs Raper C. White- and H. Adamson)—D. Lind ; 2, Miss Waller. meet ing-s will be held during the 3-ear. At the " Three Tuns," .sure the notable success of this year's head, Reid, and W. Allison, Schoolmaster Heifer calf, under one year old—G. J. Mvetings were also held at Staindrop. On al tea was provided by Mrs non. Having got into his stride, as it Pasture ; gamines. sheep—Messrs G. W. Beck- Walker ; .1. \V. Wall. Monday a. united Christian Endeavour Mr Bainbridge may be depended upon with, Stainmore, and E. Whitehouse, Bar Best beast, not to have won a prize (Tees- Society meeting was presided over by Mr side• Farmers)--G. Addison ; 2, J. W. Wall. e no pains to ensure that the success Gap, Bowes.; produce—Mrs \V. Kidd, Dunn H. Bradley, and an address on "The Duty -pa r Silver cup by Mr Robinson, West Auck- and Privilege of Christian Service " was ING APPOINTMENTS. future efforts shall not be less than House, and Mrs Robinson, Alwent ; wool— ills Mr Watson Taylor, Carlisle. land, for best three beasts—J. H. Walker ; 2, given by the Rev. M. Snowball. Six .junior II of this year. The day was very J. NV. Wall ; .3, G. Addison. C.E. members rendered solos and concerted LAND FOXHOUNDS. Isant, and although a chilly west wind Prize List. Horses, items. On Tuesday a young people's rally t. 8th—Moss Moor ............... 7-3t took place. Mr .1. S. Watson presided. pt over Hury Reservoir and on to the Sheep—Leicester or Wensleydale Tups. 141 h.11., Mr . 10th—Lutterington Best Dales pony, not exceeding David Allan, South Shields, gave a rousing 'A-field, giving that piquancy of air which ridden—P. W. Sayer, Lartington ; 2, T. W. VALLEY BEAGLES. Aged tup—James Harvey, Hury ; 2 T. temperance address. A roll-call Was :con- . -lie glory of the north country, the sun Ireland and Son, Gill Field ; 3, J. H. Walker, Donald, Briscoe.; 3, R. Sayer, Lartington. ducted by the Chairman, and the singing . loth—Balder Grange ......... li .imes shone brilliantly and made things I-low gill Grange. One or two-yearsaald gelding or filly—R. t. 17th—Mickleton ......... ..... 11 , was accompanied by the Staindrop Band, and bright. The display of cattle was Shearling tup—G. J. Walker, Briar Dykes; Sayer. • which alSo gave selections before the 24th—Stotley Hall ............ 11-1 :III Colt or filly foal, dam not exceeding 14i. best ever seen at Baldersdale, and there 2, I. Ireland and Son ; 3, H. Coultbard. meeting. On Wednesday afternoon an . 31st—Middleton Station...11- Tup . 1amb—T. Ireland and Son ; G, J. 1131—P. W. Sayer .; 2, L. Wall, Raygill. s keen competition in most of the classes. enjoyable women's intting was held, when Walker ; 3, J. Harvey. Best horse, not to have won a prize— the Bev. A. Buttriss, Hartlepool, gave the iledale sheep, of course, were to be seen Wensleydale tup; not' to have won a G. J. Walker. address, and Madam Minnie Smith rendered ERTY MARKET. large numbers, and Since the judging prize—T. Ireland and Son ; 2, T. W. Walker. Best mare or gelding, not to exceed Donald ; 2, G. J. two charming solos. In the evening a ,rred more than the tisual time it may 15 h.h., ridden—T. W. meeting was held, when a good company LETON-IN-TEESDALE. Swaledale (opeo).. Walker. regarded as certain that the quality of gathered to hear the Rev. A. Buttriss give ith offered for sale at the Hill Aged tup-1 .and 2, R. L. Close, Hazelgill; Farmer's or tradesman's turn-out—P. a x ery interesting historical account of .the• stock was more uniform and the corn- 3, J. T. Ireton. lllackett, Woodland ; 2, T. W. Donald. iddleton; on Saturday after-- Young judges' competition—equal 1, NV. " Founding and work of the Congregational - .non more keen. As it happened Balders- Shearling tup—J.