Jongste Sweeftuig-Vlieënier Jan Prinsloo ­ Lugvaart Korrespondent Wat Hom Die Res Van Sy Lewe Sal Bybly

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Jongste Sweeftuig-Vlieënier Jan Prinsloo ­ Lugvaart Korrespondent Wat Hom Die Res Van Sy Lewe Sal Bybly 10 Augustus 2017 Prys: R5.40 Webblad: Neels van Tonder wat op sy plaas beroof en aangerand is. Foto: Dustin Wetdewich 3 ‘Nou vrek jy!’ 33 NuweNuwe bomebome virvir historiesehistoriese JongsteJongsteJongste laninglaning 7 FatherFather ofof twotwo sweeftuig-sweeftuig-sweeftuig- diesdies inin vlieëniervlieëniervlieënier infernoinferno 2 2 Potchefstroom Herald 10 Augustus 2017 Father of two dies in inferno Selogile Leshage Tshepo shared the shack with his le when he went to sleep. ‘We will never girlfriend and two sons who were away know what happened,’ she said. Mma- ‘He was screaming for help while the at a funeral on that day. The pula Tlhale, another neigh- shack was burning fiercely. Some next-door shack belonging to bour, says they are devastated. neighbours tried in vain to break in the girlfriend’s sister, Alinah, Not only did Tshepo die tragi- and others tried to douse the flames was also destroyed by the fi- cally, the ward councillor has with buckets of water. Sadly, the des- re. not set foot in the area to in- perate screams died down as he His heartbroken girl- spect the damage or offer as- burnt to death.’ friend, Selinah Yeko says her sistance. ‘This was the sixth The neighbour, 63-year-old Idah construction worker boyf- shack that has burnt down in Seabi related the nightmare of 28- riend stayed behind when the area and not much has year-old Tshepo Mosupa who was they went to the funeral in been done. We live in fear be- trapped in a burning shack in the in- another area. She is still sha- cause we all use candles and formal settlement in Ext. 11 on Satur- ken and feels responsible. ‘If paraffin. We don’t know who The remains of the shack in which Tshe- day night. I had been there that night, will be next,’ she said anxious- po burnt to death. Photo: Selogile Leshage She said the small fire extinguis- this would not have happe- The 28-year-old ly. hers that the municipality had given ned.’ She described Tshepo Tshepo Mosupa The family says they have dren. The Ikageng SAPS spokesper- them did not help much but the com- as a good partner who wor- died tragically in lost everything in the fire in- son, Sgt Kelebogile Trom confirmed munity was able to contain the fire ked hard for his children. the blazing inferno. cluding furniture, important the incident and said the police have and stop it from spreading to the ‘He loved jokes and left peo- documents, clothes and the opened an inquest docket. other shacks. ple around him in stitches,’ she said. children’s school uniform. They are as- Those who would like to make a ‘The fire brigade came as quickly Tshepo will be buried in Viljoens- king any Good Samaritans to assist contribution should contact Selinah as they could but it was already too kroon this Saturday. Alinah thinks he them with corrugated iron sheeting, on 079 8450 595 or the Herald at late,’ she said. may have forgotten to blow out the cand- clothing or school uniforms for the chil- (018) 293 0750. Teen’s alleged murderer claims he was a police informer Selogile Leshage Potchefstroom High Court heard on gust. sed with a warning. Tuesday. On the stand on Tuesday, the second On Monday, Lesley’s mother, Pame- The 31-year-old James David Shomo- Shomolekae has been accused of day of the trial, the accused rubbished la Makousa described her desperate leka accused of strangling 16-year-old killing Lesley Makousa by strangling the claims that he was with Lesley in search for her son after someone called Lesley Makousa to death with a shoe- him with a shoelace, assaulting him the early hours of the morning of 6 Au- her to say that the door of their two- lace believes he is being framed after le- and stealing his phone and a house key gust. He admitted that he had been with roomed shack was standing open. She aving his job as a police informer, the and stealing a stove and phone belon- him but not at the alleged time. He also cried as she told the court when she ging to Lesley’s refuted the testimonies of the state wit- found out that her son was dead. The mother, Pamela. nesses including the police detective, other relatives also sobbed. He is also accused Sgt Kubu. Judge David Makhoba sympathised of assaulting two The state prosecutor, Adv. Lawrence with the mother but urged her to con- men and robbing More questioned his stance and asked tain herself. ‘It is painful to have to reli- them of their cell how it was possible that four people ve this,’ he said. phones at knife- lied about him for no apparent reason. When the defence, Adv. Anneke Van point on 1 August Shomolekae then made a startling Wyk asked her if her son was gay, Pame- 2016. revelation that he was, in fact, a police la said no, and also denied that he had The Herald re- informer. ‘The reason I ended up where used drugs. The defence argued that ported last year I am is that I stopped being an informer the deceased and the accused had both how a passerby and this did not sit well with Detective gone to sell the stove for drugs, which discovered the bo- Kubu. I stopped being an informer be- they had then smoked. dy of Lesley in the cause it was dangerous. It paid well but ‘The accused will testify that he bushes on the it put my life at risk,’ he said. blacked out after they used the drugs morning of 6 Au- The prosecutor put it to Shomole- and that Lesley was still alive,’ she said. kae that he confided in his cell mate The mother said this was untrue and that he had killed Lesley. Shomolekae she did not agree with this testimony. again denied this and said his cell mate The trial continues on Thursday had cut a deal with the state to be relea- when the defence and state prosecutor will present their cases for finding Sho- molekae guilty or otherwise. James Shomolekae hugs his mother, An- nie Van Rooyen. The sad and shaken mo- ther apologised to Lesley’s relatives on Monday. Photos: Selogile Leshage It has been agreed between the Advertiser and Media 24 that the Advertiser is solely responsible for the correctness off all details concerning its advertisement placed herein, including compliance with all relevant legislation. Therefore, Media It has been agreed between the Advertiser and Media 24 that the Advertiser is solely24 doesresponsible not accept for the any correctness liability for anyoff all damage details resultingconcerning from its anyadvertisement advertisement placed placed herein, herein. including compliance with all relevant legislation. Therefore, Media It has been agreed between the Advertiser and Media 24 that the Advertiser24 doesis solely not responsibleaccept any liabilityfor the correctnessfor any damage off all resulting details concerningfrom any advertisement its advertisement placed placed herein. herein, including compliance with all relevant legislation. 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