Jongste Sweeftuig-Vlieënier Jan Prinsloo Lugvaart Korrespondent Wat Hom Die Res Van Sy Lewe Sal Bybly
10 Augustus 2017 Prys: R5.40 Webblad: Neels van Tonder wat op sy plaas beroof en aangerand is. Foto: Dustin Wetdewich 3 ‘Nou vrek jy!’ 33 NuweNuwe bomebome virvir historiesehistoriese JongsteJongsteJongste laninglaning 7 FatherFather ofof twotwo sweeftuig-sweeftuig-sweeftuig- diesdies inin vlieëniervlieëniervlieënier infernoinferno 2 2 Potchefstroom Herald 10 Augustus 2017 Father of two dies in inferno Selogile Leshage Tshepo shared the shack with his le when he went to sleep. ‘We will never girlfriend and two sons who were away know what happened,’ she said. Mma- ‘He was screaming for help while the at a funeral on that day. The pula Tlhale, another neigh- shack was burning fiercely. Some next-door shack belonging to bour, says they are devastated. neighbours tried in vain to break in the girlfriend’s sister, Alinah, Not only did Tshepo die tragi- and others tried to douse the flames was also destroyed by the fi- cally, the ward councillor has with buckets of water. Sadly, the des- re. not set foot in the area to in- perate screams died down as he His heartbroken girl- spect the damage or offer as- burnt to death.’ friend, Selinah Yeko says her sistance. ‘This was the sixth The neighbour, 63-year-old Idah construction worker boyf- shack that has burnt down in Seabi related the nightmare of 28- riend stayed behind when the area and not much has year-old Tshepo Mosupa who was they went to the funeral in been done. We live in fear be- trapped in a burning shack in the in- another area.
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