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GQ 52 (3)Całość Geo log i cal Quar terly, 2008, 52 (3): 225–238 Ver te brate re mains from the Lower Muschelkalk of Raciborowice Górne (North-Sudetic Basin, SW Po land) Alina CHRZ¥STEK Chrz¹stek A. (2008) — Verte brate re mains from the Lower Muschelkalk of Raciborowice Górne (North-Sudetic Ba sin, SW Po land). Geol. Quart., 52 (3): 225–238. Warszawa. Verte brate rem ains, mostly fish teeth and scales, are de scribed from the Lower Muschelkalk of Raciborowice Górne, North-Sudetic Ba- sin, SW Poland. The assem blage oc curs in dark grey organodetrital lime stone of unit C. Ver te brate re mains, rep resented mainly by verte - brate bones and copro lite s, are also known from unit B. Five taxa of chondrichthyan teeth — Acrodus lateralis, Acrodus cf. lateralis, Acrodus sp., Palaeobates angustissimus, Palaeobates sp. and, for the first time from this region, two taxa of osteichthyan rem ains — teeth of Birgeria sp., scales from Gyrolepis sp. as well as scales from un clas si fied actinopterygians and enigm atic bones (fishes?) are de- scribed from the Lower Muschelkalk at Raciborowice Górne. Rep tile teeth rep re sent ing the Nothosauridae or Cymatosauridae have been found for the first time at this local ity . They were discov ere d in the Bone Bed of unit C, that had previ ously only yielded fish teeth. The ma te rial col lected has al lowed re con struc tion of the ver te brate as sem blage of the Lower Muschelkalk of the North-Sudetic Basin. It has also helped to con strain re construc tions of the palaeoenvironment, suggest ing that it repre sente d a deepen ing lagoon. The assem blage has been corre late d with age-equiva lents from other regions of Europe, the faunas from the Holy Cross Mts. (Centra l Poland) being the closest analogy. The ev idence in dicate s that, during the de po sition of units B and C that, contain the ver tebrat e re mains, connec tion with the Tethys Ocean was through the Silesian–Moravian and East Carpathian ma rine gate ways. Alina Chrz¹stek, In sti tute of the Earth Sci ences, Wroc³aw Uni ver sity, Maksa Borna 9, PL-50-204 Wroc³aw, Po land; e-mail: [email protected] (receiv ed: Febru ary 18, 2008; accepte d: June 16, 2008). Key words: North-Sudetic Ba sin, Lower Muschelkalk, ver te brate re mains, fish teeth, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes. INTRODUCTION Nothosaurus cf. mirabilis and Nothosaurus sp. Ver tebrate re - mains from the Roetian and Lower Muschelkalk of the North-Sudetic Basin and Opole region were also descri bed by Chrz¹stek and NiedŸwiedzki (1998). The first re cord of verte brate rem ains from the North-Sudetic Re cent in ves ti ga tions have re sulted in the dis cov ery of an Ba sin (Noetling, 1880) menti oned teeth and bones of fish and as sem blage of chondrichthyan teeth: Acrodus lateralis, labyrinthodont am phib i ans from the Roetian near Raciborowice Acrodus cf. lateralis, Acrodus sp., Palaeobates angustissimus Górne as well as fish scales and rep tile teeth from the Lower and Palaeobates sp. Osteichthyan teeth and scales (Gyrolepis Muschelkalk near Stara Warta. The fos sils com prise Colobodus sp., Birgeria sp. and other actinopterygians) as well as rep tile chorzowiensis Mey, Gyrolepis sp., Pleurolepis silesiacus Eck., teeth (Nothosauroidea or Cymatosauroidea) and bones of un- Placodus sp. and Nothosaurus sp. Holdefleis (1915) reporte d the known tax on omy have been reporte d from the Lower oc cur rence of fish scales and ver tebrate bones in the Lower Muschelkalk at Raciborowice Górne for the first time. Muschelkalk at Raciborowice Górne. Chrz¹stek (1995a, b) discov ered a tooth of the selachian Lissodus sp. in the Roetian near Czapla and reporte d beds of unit A of the Lower Muschelkalk at Jerzmanice Zdrój abound- GEOLOGICAL SETTING ing in fish scales. She also char ac ter ized an as semblage con sist- ing of skele tal rem ains of fishes, am phibi ans and repti les from The best and most com plete secti on of the Lower units B and C exposed at Raciborowice Górne (Chrz¹stek, Muschelkalk in the North-Sudetic Basin crops out in the 2002). It com prised Acrodus lateralis, Acrodus cf. lateralis, Grodziec Syncline at Raciborowice Górne and its fragm ents Acrodus sp., Palaeobates angustissimus, Palaeobates sp., are ex posed in the Leszczyna Syncline at Jerzmanice Zdrój 226 Alina Chrz¹stek Fig. 1A — geolog i cal map of the North-Sudetic Ba sin after Sawicki and Teisseyre (1978), modi fied by the author; B — schem atic plan of the Raciborowice Górne quarry with places where indi vid ual units (B–E) are ex posed are marked (Chrz¹stek, 1995b, 2002; Fig. 1). In the North-Sudetic Ba sin, organodetrital limeston es with oc ca sional intraclasts. In ter ca la - apart from the Trias sic rocks, sequence s of Upper Carbon ifer - tions of thin-bedded platy limestone and marls are comm on. ous, Perm ian, Lower Creta ceous and Ce no zoic strata crop out, The depos it s of unit B are about 15 m thick. over laying the Eocambrian–Lower Car bon if er ous base ment The strata of unit C are com posed of thick-bedded (Baranowski et al., 1990). A de tailed analy sis and organodetrital limeston e with oc ca sional intraclasts, in ter ca - lithostratigraphic subdi vi sion of the Lower Muschelkalk into lated with thin-bed ded wavy or nodu lar limestone s and marls units A–E were given by Chrz¹stek (2002). The same depos it s (Figs. 1 and 3). They com prise the Spiriferina Bed, a very char - were also de scribed by Leœniak (1978) and Szulc (1991). ac ter is tic cor re lation ho ri zon that may be traced in the up per Unit A is ex posed only at Jerzmanice Zdrój. In the and lower levels of the quarry (Holdefleis, 1915; Chrz¹stek, Raciborowice Górne quarry the Lower Muschelkalk sec tion 2002). The thickness of unit C reaches about 50 m. The com mences with unit B, rep resent ed by thick-bedded cri - upperlying 18 m-thick se quence of thick-bedded oncolitic, noid-rich organodetrital limeston e in the low er most part crys tal line and organodetrital lime stones in ter ca lated with (G³uchowski and Salamon, 2005; Figs. 1 and 2). The re main - wavy, nodu lar and platy vari et ies forms unit D. The upper m ost ing part of unit B is built of cel lular and thick-bedded part of the Lower Muschelkalk exposed in the North-Sudetic Vertebrate remains from the Lower Muschelkalk of Raciborowice Górne (North-Sudetic Basin, SW Poland) 227 Fig. 2. Lithostratigraphic sec tion of unit B Fig. 3. Lithostratigraphic sec tion of unit C Other ex pla na tions as in Fig ure 2 228 Alina Chrz¹stek Basin is built of the 3.5 m-thick unit E and is repre sent ed by This organodetrital lime stone layer con tains fossiliferous (brachio pods and crinoids) thick-bedded chondrichthyans: Acrodus lateralis, Acrodus cf. lateralis, organodetrital limestone s inter calat ed with platy and nodu lar Acrodus sp., Palaeobates angustissimus and Palaeobates sp., lime stones. teeth and scales of osteichthyans: Birgeria sp., Gyrolepis sp. and other actinopterygians, as well as bones of unknown affin - ity (Ta ble 1). Rep tile bones and teeth (nothosaurids or VERTEBRATE REMAINS IN THE LOWER cymatosaurids) were also noted. The limestone is so rich in ver - MUSCHELKALK tebrate re mains that it may be re ferred to as a Bone Bed. Bone fossil s are not encoun ter ed in unit C outside of this layer. I ear- lier identi fied a few bone fragm ents in unit D in Raciborowice Verte brat e rem ains are most abun dant in units B and C. Górne (Chrz¹stek, 2002) and fish scales in unit A in Jerzmanice Bones and copro li tes dom inate the assem blage in unit B. Poor Zdrój (Chrz¹stek, 1995b). pres er va tion hin ders their pre cise tax o nomic iden ti fi ca tion though a single verte bra doubt lessly belongs to the repti le Nothosaurus cf. mirabilis, a taxon known from this local ity and SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY de scribed by Chrz¹stek and NiedŸwiedzki (1998) and Chrz¹stek (2002). Bone rem ains occur within the thick-bedded organodetrital limestone at the bottom of unit B. The rock Tax on omy of chondrichthyans, osteichthyans (actinoptery - abounds also in cri noids of the genus Dadocrinus and the spe- gians) and rep tiles af ter Cappetta (1987), Nel son (1994 in cies Holocrinus acutangulus as well as in bivalve s, gas tropods Bürgin, 1999) and Rieppel (2000), respec tively. All the speci - and foraminifera (Hagdorn and G³uchowski, 1993; Chrz¹stek, mens de scribed are depos it ed in the col lec tion of the Geolog i - 2002; Fig. 2). Nu mer ous ver te brate fos sils were en coun tered cal Mu seum, Uni ver sity of Wroc³aw. also in the upper m ost part of unit B. They occur within the thick-bed ded organodetrital limeston e that is rich in the bi valve Myophoria vulgaris (Fig. 2). Cop ro lites are pres ent in all the Super class: Pis ces above-menti oned strata (Fig. 2). Class: Chondrichthyes Huxley, 1880 Fish teeth were discov ered only in unit C.
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