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Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 12-8-1965 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1965). Winona Daily News. 692. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Fair to Partly Availa ble For Part Cloudy and Mild or Ful ltime Work? tonight, Thursday Place A Want Ad! Viet Cong Offers Christmas Truce Elite Ranger Battalion Wiped Out in Ambush SAIGON, South Viet Nam alties on the Vietnamese troops starting Christmas Eve "to al- vital north-south -coastal high- (AP ) - A strong Viet Cong as well as their American advis- low people on the other side to way. force encircled and virtually ers. Between 30 and 50 wounded celebrate Christmas in peace." destroyed an elite South Viet- Vietnamese rangers were lifted Although security regulations A Vietnamese battalion usual- Bundy Quits namese ranger battalion today out of the battle area by heli- prevented identification of the ly numbers about 500 men. BACKSTAGE VISITORS ... Mrs. John P.* Lerner, center, escorts her backstage Tues- near the coastal town of Tana copter. ranger unit, it was described as U.S. air attacks continued un- Kennedy is surrounded by members of the day night after the performance.. Lerner Ky, 350 miles northeast of Sai- The attack broke a two-day one of the best in the South Viet- abated over North and South cast of the Broadway musical, "On a Gear wrote the book and lyrics for the show- (AP gon. lull in the ground action and namese army and had been a Viet Nam. Bridges and roads Day You Can See Forever," as Alan Jay Photofax) As Johnson The Communists struck from came after a Viet Cong offer to veteran of heavy combat. The around Dien Bien Phu were at- all sides, inflicting heavy casu- call off the war for 12 hours battle erupted near Route 1, the tacked. A U.S. Marine F4 Phantom jet Assistant Hints of New Bomber with two men aboard was re- JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP)- ported downed on an escort mis- Tfce Texas White House an- sion over North Viet Nam. The Rolvaag and Duxbury fate of the pilot and his observer nounced today the resignation of McGeorge Bundy as Presi- was not known. dent Johnson's special assistant Some 20 F105 Tbunderchief for national security affairs. The McNamara Cuts SAC jets hit Communist supply lines future of the job was left cloudy. near Dien Bien Phu, scene of Agreement Bundy, 46, will leave the No Nearer the great French defeat 11 ST. PAUL <AP) — The next Gov. Karl F. Rolvaag and Con- cle of events is expected to pro- White House staff Feb. 28 to be- 'years ago. In the South, other moves appeared to be up to servative House Speaker Lloyd duce decisions which may de- come president of the Ford planes drove off an unknown legislative committees today is Duxbury were reported nc clos- termine whether the Legislature Foundation at a reported salary Bomber Force Sharp ly number ot black pajama-clad Minnesota's continuing bat- er to agreement Tuesday on or federal courts eventually will of $75,000 a year. His present WASHINGTON (AP) Viet Cong harassing a govern- salary is $28,500 a year. - Sec- McNamara also disclosed mally disclosed in the announ- tle over reapportionment of the a possible special session of the produce a redistricting: retary of Defense Robert S. Mc- planned cutbacks in the Con- ment outpost 15 miles northwest 1 — Senate Conservatives and cement of details of a planned Legislature. Legislature. Press secretary Bill D. Moy- Namara announced today ac- tinental Air Defense and Early elimination or reduction of L49 of Rach Gia, a town in south- Democratic - Farmer - Labor However, the following sched- the Senate Rules Committee ' tions that will reduce the U.S. Warning Systems because of west Viet Nam. Three guerrillas have meetings scheduled Thurs- exs in announcing Bundy s forth- military bases in the United coming departure, said Johnson long-range bomber force to what he called "the reduced States and overseas at a claimed were reported killed. day. In the past there have been about a third of its present Soviet bomber threat." signs that Senate Conservatives wrote Bundy a handwritten note saving of $410 million a year. U.S. military headquarters today accepting the resignation strength, but hinted that a new The moves with respect to the have been less warlike than ,c advanced plane may be built These developments were for- reported another decline in House Conservatives in their witn genuine regret." Air Force had been reported in weekly American casualties dealings with the governor. Moyers emphasized that John- advance, in outline, and had 161 All OK on son has nearly three months in drawn formidable opposition in with 13 Americans killed, 2 — The House Reapportion- wounded and two missing in ment Committee is expected to which to decide what to do with Congress. tie position-Bundy filled. The McNamara said "the basic action in the seven-day period meet Monday or Tuesday at the that ended last Saturday. The call of Rep. Robert Kucera, Job became a potent force in bomber force and the base government when the former structure of the Strategic Air figures included the terrorist Gemini 7 Northfield. Conservatives want attack on an enlisted men's bil- SPACE CENTER Houston, lion-mile mark of their daring Rolvaag to give the committee Harvard College dean was Command will be adjusted while , named to it in 1961 by President let in Saigon Saturday but not Tex (AP)-The Gemini 7 astro- journey early today with their his idea of "guidelines." maintaining the required strate- John F. Kennedy. gic nuclear capability." the big battle involving the U.S. nauts, hearty and healthy after four-ton spacecraft working like 3 — Plaintiffs in the federal 1st Division Sunday. court reapportionment suit will There has been speculation nearly four days in space, a charm. that Johnson may leave the He. added that "this will be streaked on toward a record They entered their 58th orbit decide Tuesday whether to go accomplished b phasing out of back into court or continue to jiost unfilled, and rely tnore di- y two weeks today while Gemini at 9:J9 tvm. (_SST). xectly on the State Department. the inventory the older models 6 planned a crucial ground re- await the outcome of the legis- of the BS2 bombers and all £58 Space agency officials weren't lative haggling. hearsal for next week's attempt sure whether Gemini 6 would bombers." to rendezvous the two high in 4—Rolvaag returns Thursday The defense secretary did not get off the ground Sunday or night from a trip to New York the sky. Monday. A computer problem in spell out the number- Of bomb- Air Force Lt. CoL Frank Bor- and Washington. ers, but analysis of the base ac- the spacecraft considerably re- Duxbury wrote the governor 100,000 See man and Navy Cmdr. James A. duced the chances of a Sunday tions, including SAC's withdraw- Lovell Jr. passed the 1%-mil- Tuesday, outlining his previous al from six bases, showed that launching. stand that Rolvaag should call Officials said Monday was a the present foTce of 680 long a special session quickly. Dux- Pope Close range bombers —- 600 B52s and more likely target date. If there bury said he would see to it that all 80 supersonic B58s — will be are additional troubles, Gemini the session is limited to reap- reduced by 1971 to the 255 Later 6 could be launched as late as portionment. models of the eight-jet B52s. Joint Chiefs Friday, Dec. 17. He agreed there could be prior The computer's electronic "understanding" on guidelines- Vatican Council McNamara said that "certain memory became scrambled dur- such as how many legislative VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope . bases from which B52 op- Say-So ing a test at Cape Kennedy seats would be moved to urban Paul VI and -the white-robed erations are being removed are Given areas and how much deviation bishops of the Roman Catholic being retained for a new mis- Tuesday and the instrument had Church closed the Vatican Ecu- to be replaced. This delayed the would be permitted in size of sion which will be disclosed sub- districts. menical Council under a mag- sequently. start of the Gemini 6 rehearsal But Duxbury made no offer to nificent blue sky today and de- On New Budget at least 17 hours — until 5 p.m. clared it the greatest assembly There was no further detail ) agree on these things with the on this new mission. JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP) (EST today at the earliest. Liberals. Rather, he Indicated in the history of their church. Informed sources said ¦"the — President Johnson's latest The Gemini 6 astronauts, there could be agreement only More than 100,000 Romans search for ways to provide more with the governor. and pilgrims thronged St. Pe- full decision on the strategic of- Navy Capt. Walter M. Schirra fensive forces has not been an- WHERE VIET CONG men, equipment and money for Jr. and Air Force Maj. Thomas ter's Square for the outdoor cer- the war in Viet Nam will reach emonies ending the council nounced." STRUCK ... An elite South P.