Residents Win Reprieve on Proposed Apartment Zoning
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BINDER! BOX.1673 ST AUSaSTlSE FLA 32034 BOCA RATON NEWS 18 Pages Vol. 13, No. 126 Thursday, Sept. 19, 1968 Two sewer projects OK'd by Gty Council Homeowners will pay .57 foot Two sewer installation pro- jects moved ahead this week as City Council adopted en- abling resolutions cover- ing portions of the Estates Sec- tion and Pearl City0 Council's action pegged the preliminary estimates for sew- er installation in the estates at $358,350, of which some $74,000 will be capitalized by the city. The capitalized portion will cover cost of construction of a lift station and installa- tion of force mains. According to the estimates, owners of single family resi- dences will be assessed at the rate of $7.57 per front foot. The project is divided between So you think the downtown area gets crowded during the single - family and multi-fam- winter season? if jammed traffic conditions scare you, stay ily zones. In the multi-family away from the high school at 8 o'clock in the morning and 3 zone, the front foot cost was The "go-go" portable classrooms at Boca week in the crash program to get the emer- o'clock in the afternoon. It generally looks like this. estimated at some $18. Raton High School are no longer topless. But gency classrooms ready for doubled-up stu- In the case of the Estates they're still quite a few days from being com- dents, Section, Council Tuesday both pleted. Workers were going top speed this adopted the enabling resolution and approved the assessment Four hearings slated roll. However, the assessments for Pearl City had not been computed and will be on the Residents win reprieve on at zone board meet agenda for next week's meeting. The city only has some $358,- Four public hearings are on within the required planting 000 available for both projects the Planning and Zoning Board areas if the ordinance is ac- and currently plans to start proposed apartment zoning agenda for tonight including one cepted. the Estates project first, then on proposed beach access roads All advertising devices, sym- begin the Pearl City project fi- Plans for an apartment pro- groups. Max Hutkin, chairman about what the board's reaction on Northeast Sixth and North- bols and signs will require nancing it with assessment re- ject in the Pearl City area van- of the city's new Community would be tonight. east 15th streets. the approval of the community turns from the Estates. ished in a puff of opposition Relations Board, spoke as a Bill Bragg's petition came Both roads presently end at appearance board and sales of- In other action at Tuesday's Tuesday, before City Council representative of the board and up for the first time Feb. 1. The A-l-A, however zoning board fices, service facilities must be meeting, the City Council: had an opportunity to act on the a "friend of the petitioners" petition basically was for re- members would like to see the located in an enclosed build- RESCINDED an ordinance es- request. to object to the proposed change. zoning of land along 13th street roads extended across A-l-A ing or part of a building behind tablishing setback lines south The change had been request- Peter Gonnet, of the Federation for a service station and land to the ocean. a 50 foot setback from each of the Inlet. The ordinance orig- ed by William Bragg to permit of Homeowners Associations, in back of 13th street for mul- Public hearing also will be street property line and 30 feet inally was adopted to help save an apartment development on also rose to object to the pe- ti - family. The land had been held on proposed used car lot from other property lines. a park location for the city. 13th street east of Dixie high- tition. He said the federation's zoned for single family homes. performance standards. The APPOINTED Duane Johnson way. Although backed by the position has been that the pref- Board members tabled the mat- standards will include a pro- Service facilities will be per- to a one-year term as an al- unanimous endorsement of the erences of the property owners ter because at the time they vision that all used car lots, mitted only if incidential to ternate member of the city's Planning and Zoning Board, in an area affected by rezoning were working on a service sta- including servicing and repair- the primary use of selling used community appearance board. William Mitchell, acting as should be respected. tion ordinance which would af- ing of used cars, will be pro- cars if the ordinance is ap- APPROVED a land swap to Bragg's agent, withdrew the Further discussion of the fect Bragg's petition. vided with a six foot high ma- proved. proposed R-3 request at the sonry wall separating rear and provide right of way for North- matter was tabled until When the matter finally came A petition by Joseph J. west 40th street. The agree- start of a public hearing. next week. In the meantime, up again May 9 the board told sides of premises from abut- Schneider and Paul Helmbach However, residents of the ting residential property. ment, between the city and Mr. Walter Young, planning direc- Mitchell, Bragg's representa- for rezoning from R-I-D sin- and Mrs. Brune Anderson, calls Pearl City area continued their tor, has been asked to poll the tive, that it would approve his Areas used for display of gle family residents to R-3 for an exchange of land owned protest to abusiness zone, slat- members of the Planning and petition, but it would especial- used cars are to be separated multiple family residents lots by the Anderson's on the south ed to be occupied by a service Zoning Board as to their re- ly like some assurance that from front setback area by a 4, 5, 6 and 11, block 14 Boca side of the right of way for land station, fronting on Dixie high- actions to dropping the apart- apartments would be in the • masonry wall, ornamental fence Raton Hills also will be up owned by the city on the north way at the western end of what ment complex portion of the pe- area since board members did or dense hedge planting no less for public hearing. side of the route, plus payment originally was the Roadman tition. feel that apartments would be than three feet high. of $1,700 by the city. School site. Speaking for the The board okayed the package the best zoning for that area. If the lot faces a residential The property is in an area residents, George Spain said proposal for both the service district, the wall, fence or hedge between Northwest Fourth ave- SET March 26 as the date for that the objections were pri- station and the apartment com- Mitchell said'he could not give must be six feet high and may nue and Northwest 13th street. a joint meeting between the city marily to the service station and plex after four months of stu- them that assurance, but he be reduced to three feet for a Dr. James A. Moseley and council, the planning and zon- not to any other type of busi- dy and a public hearing at was certain that apartments radius of 25 feet from the Dr0 Jack M. Reid also have a ing board, and representatives ness use. which time there were two would be built within six months street intersection corner of petition up for public hear- of Milo Smith Associates. The Spain emphasized, however, opposers to the petition. after the approval was made the plot for traffic vision. ing tonight. Smith firm is drafting the city's that the residents preferred by the City Council. The petition is for rezoning One opposition came from Plantings of sod and/or master plan and wants to make the existing single family resi- Bill Sogg, a Miami Beach res- The matter will come up shrubbery also will be required from R-I-D to R-4, hotel mo- a presentation of the propos- dential classification for the tel, property on Meadows Road ident who owned land adjacent again before City Council next in all setback areas and no ed community facilities aspect whole area. to the area under discussion. Tuesday coupled with the Board customer parking or display of south of canal 47 east of north- of the plan and the recreation Pearl City residents also used cars will be permitted west Ninth court. Other complaints was made members' reactions to the survey. drew support from other by Mrs. Sidney Brodhead who dropping of the apartment com- objected to the apartments on plex from the package. the grounds that the area al- Narcotic film ready was over-crowded. Mitchell told coundlmen that At the time of the hearings, "we were unaware of the strong Young said he favored the apart- opposition to plans for will be shown ments and the gas station pack- the apartment house. We're age after studying the area willing to withdraw that part. Citizens of Boca Raton will carefully and taking into con- However 13th street and Dixie get a look at some of the back- sideration the extention of 13th highway will soon be the bus- ground scenes of the narcotics street. He stipulated he fa- iest intersection in Pearl City. world tonight if they attend two vored low density multi - fam- It's a logical place for a gas movies being shown by the local ily project.