Band Concert ’$$Chev
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1 . '■ HONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1958 Average Daily Net Prem Run The Weather PAGE FOURTEEN For the Week Ended Foraeaat of D.' 8. Wonther Baiaaa i^attriirotrr lEttrtttng li^ralb OcL ISth, 19M Partiy elondy, aot an eool' to* night. Low 8t-S8. Wednaaday ean- Oa'pt. Janie’s It. Huey. .36. whose Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Johnson. M. Wayne Longfellow, aon of SisterhiKHT^ans Wood Fibor Fiewara 12,810 ktderabla eJondineaa and fool. BIgh Wife. Robeita. lives at 117 N*w .33 Stinast St., hava returned home Mr. and Mr*.-Melvin B. Longfel from Co'IIngawood. N.J., where low', 3 Robin Rd., is enrolled aa a Blake Vour Own Cevangea ^Member nf tha Audit About Town Bolton Rd,. i-ecently completed^^e Annual Fatt^ale Inatmcllon Booklets In the SOa. IR-week associate officers ad , they visited Mrs. Johnson's si.iter freshnfan In the College of LlberaF Buraaa of drcalatloB M anche»ter-^A fAty of Villngp C .h a tm 'st}H her hui.''snd, M.-. and Mrs. Arts at Drew Uitlveralty, Madi The yWCA-»ponsorc<l He^xnm- vanced course at the Infantry School. Ft. Benning, Cla. j!sh^'lenard. son. N.J. He graduated from Man ilie annual fall rummage aaW.^ ere Club will hold a White ele chester High School in June. eponeored by the Sieterhood of HOBBY SHOPPE phant auction tomorrow at R pm. CEVTER ST.—MI R-Tm MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, OCTOBER.21, 1958 (Claaatrted AdverttMng od fhlge '1g) PRICE FIVE CENTS The Army and Navy (iiib Aiixll- Sunset ^Totincll. Degree of Poca Temple Beth Sholom wilt be held VOL. LXXVIII, NO. IS (TWENTY PAGES) at the Communit.v' Y in the up- Ladles of the Assumption will Ihle week Iq the veetry of the Btaira dininR rftom. After the iarv will hold a setback party to- hontas. will Tagt tonight St 7;3C nighl at R o'clock at the clubhouse. in lin l ei Hall. meet this evening In the church Temple. Aa cuatomary, the aale auction a Wm. "No Man la an hall, and all women of the church will .be held for two daya, alarting Island." Will be shown. All new- Daughters of UbcrtjfF.-No. 17. Interested In making aiiiclea for Weeneaday from 6:30 p.m. to 9, com^s to Manchester and siir- The .Mary WIHiiiiiis Croup of the oEug^s~~ Nikita Limits rouriding towns are invited to at- Second Congregntlonal Church will I bOLI. will hole' Its anmiar«ieel- the t:hrlstmas bazaar are Invited and on liiilraday from 9 In the Ing tomorrow night al * o’cldtd} to attend. They are asked to bring morning till noon. Alabama Registrars meet tomorrow night al R o'clock i'end. 111 Oraiiite Hall, A social, with re- ugable pieces of new material, felt, The aale will feature a large ae- A U TO BO PY at the home of Miss Relic Massey, Soviet Tipplers .ii Htidson SI. freshmenla, will follow the meet seqitips, and portable sewing ma lectlon of fabrics and uaed cloth ★ W ELNNG The Stanley Circle of the South ing. chines. Members needing trans ing. Proceeda qf the aale are uaed Methodist Church will rondiui a portation may call Betty Skelly or to finance the' children’a aervicea ★ AUTO BODY and rummage sale in \Vosle\’ hall SI (’.eraul's .Motheis Cl ri le will Keep Records from To Single Shot Dr, KrJtin Hove and fir. Barney Alice Wriihef. Work will continue and activities of the Temple. Thursday morning at 9 oi Inrli meet toiiioiTow' night al Ril.'i at FENDER REPAIRS the home of Mrs Cerard Coiiil- Wh hman .’es qrday attended the from 8 to 10 p.m. - Mrs, William ^Cooper and Mra. Anvone having aiinles In donate i Amerhan Podiatry AsSn. science Leon Rubin are co-chairmen of the which he Wi.shes to have pu ked up reau 3fl Arcellia III The eo-hosl- ★ COMPLETE CAR Moscow, Oct. 21 — Nikita may contact Mrs William I>nn- ess will be .'^Iis I.iieien Vegiard . conclave in Poaton. The executive bonrd of the Wad sale. Assisting them will be Mrs.; Khrushchev aims to stamp IrVing Handler, Mra. Flossie Mos-; PARINTING non R Newmian SI. liie Rev. riillip .1 Hiissev will be dell PTA will meet tonight at 7:30 Federal Rights Unit out drunkenness through a a guest, I Croup c of Center Church Wom In the lounge. ler, Mra. Irving Goddard, Mra.; LACQUER and ENAMEL en w 111 hold its monthly meeting Mqi'ton Herman. Mrs. Irving; T E L MI 9-50S5 one shot per customer limit The choir of 7aon laitheraii Hdchberg, Mra. Lena Goodatinc,' for e-stablishments serving The Sacred Heart .Mothers I'lr- tomonow evening at 7:30. A cast Mrs. Lila Coutii, state field di 8 UKISWULO ST. Tuskege'fe, VLla., Oct. 2 1 (/P)*'OUtnumber white resid e^ab ou t 6 Church will hold a rehearsal to from the 'membership will present rector of reviews of the Women’s Mra. Henry Rosenzweig, Mra. Har morrow at 7:30 pm The .SiiiKlav I |e will meet tomglil ai R l.'i with to 1 have long complainad of dis hard liquor. a skit entitled. "A Book For A Benefit Assn.. In the state of Rhode r y ’ Kovensky, Mra. Harry Tarlow — ^The Macol^ County Voter To heavy drinkers the new edict School staff wall meet at the same Mrs .lohn R Roland. 119 Henry crimination in voting. Deapite Life." Island, will be guest speaker at and Mra. Charles Filler. la bound to come as a shock. It Is hour Wednesday evening FI llegistration Board; accused their heavy populatioir majority, the fall rally of .Mystic No. 2, Us* by Negroes of disci'traination they have only half a.a many regia parU of a general campaign The sihulaiahip commlliee of I WBA. of this town, tomorrow eve- against them, ha.s refused to tered voters a.s the white residents, alcoholism pr«>qlaimer oy Private School ilibhons ,\SHOiiibly Catholic I..a- ; nlng In Odd Fellows hall. Slipper Personal Shower Your A t times in the past the county Khrushchev Oct. 17 in his native i ___ , Aide Denies dies of Coliic.biis, will meet to will be served st 6:30 In the ban Charge Plan sJiow its records to agents of has gone a.s long as IS months with I village of Kalinovka In the Kursk ' d I a « tt C rad^kfVI'FI morrow night at 7:1.3 before flie quet hall. Mrs, Irene La Palme and For Future Bride the new Federal Civil Rights ho functioning registration board j region south of Moscow. The talk v . a r t ” regular meeting of the assembly I Mrs. Hazel Fahey will be In charge For , because of recurriifg demands from ' was made pdblic here today. Commission. U.S. Seeks OPEN U N TIL a I the K of C Home. of the floor work. ..President Aldea Deliveries Chairman E. P. Livingston said ; the Nigroe.s. Khrushchev said the government : Giilzmer urges the members to at Mlaa Joyce Eastwood of Middle- the 3-member board acted yester- j Board, members have denied the working out a law-' providing In Little Rock Because of the spo Is nighi, tend the business meeting. Mrs. town. whose marriage to Morgan Just lelephone your order fbi day on advice of Atty. Gen. John ■ diacrimihatlon, charges, explaining , rneasiires against there will be no degree work st Irene V/ncek i.s ehalrman of the Daniels of the U.S. Navy wrill lake drug needs and eosmeticii—giv Patterson, Democratic nominee , that Negroes who were torned: g»ainst people Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 21 (JP)— Policy Shift .Msnchesle- lyidge of Masons to : supper rommitlee. place Saturday In Christ Lutheran ing your Charge Plan nom- for governor. j down had failed th-^meet the quail- get that wav. morrow night. Gene Wood.lug, I Church, Middietown, was honored ber . Tlie hell-at a private, segregated P.M. Dr, Irwin Reznick. 933 Main St., He Identified the agents who i flcatlons, Alabama law requires,.. ,,eciBred the Raltimore (r.ole oi.trtelder. and with a personal shower Saturday visited the board as Burton J. i prospective voter* to apswer - Khiushchev declared tne "JJ' 1 school rang today for approxlmate- Taipei, Formosa, Oct'. 21 (/T) Is attending the New Rngland MONDAY>TUESDAY-FRIDAY5 Boh Steele will he the guests. ; at the home of her giater-ln-Iaw. Get Goodyear and O. J. Peterson. They i que.stionnalrc wl’ lf-h 800 white high school senloi-s, dental ronven'.inrt in Boston, Maas. —Secretary of State Dulles Mra. James Eastwood, Bolton Rd., I Immediate ived,;-e^d. he said, "with a smaltsmall ar- I otnerother inings^.^^^^^things, for a definition of the strictl>- enforced, t.eitmg. a seconas*me , shutj out of------ public------- schools- here^ for The Wumen's Auxiliary of St • • j Vernon. i opened hia talks with Preai- r,.\IRA IIOMIS FOR VOI It CtlM 'F.M KNCr Delivery my of unregistered residents of J "dutiesduties and obligations ' of citlzeh,,citlzeh,^ P ^ forbidden. i^ dent Chiang Kai-shek today AFTFR UtHlK, or WIIII.F SHOPI’INti. .Mary's Fpiscopal Church will hold The hostess who will be matron Macon County, all of whom had Uvingston said "a lot of Ne- Aware that drinker, will try to Students, carrying text books a rummage aale Thiirsdsy at P:.30 IVIcMiiorial Service ; of honor, used fall leaves In dif been advised there would be 'no > on the Formosa crisis as Red a 111 in the cry pi of the church ferent colors for decorations.