PRESENTS In God $ Green: An Unholy Alliance viewers are taken on an eye-opening journey through decades of religious polarization, political propaganda, corporate deal-making, and environmental injustice based on systemic racism. It’s a story often told in light of social and cultural issues. It’s told less so in relation to the biggest crisis facing us today—climate change. This documentary tells the story of how potent forces came together to mount an army of climate change skeptics in the name of God, country and capitalism. 2020, USA, in English, 19 minutes, 16:9. Featuring Anthea Butler, Richard Cizik, Darren Dochuk, Bob Inglis, Kyle Meyaard-Schaap, Joel Salatin, Katherine Stewart, and Rev. Mariama White-Hammond Directed and Produced by Jeanine Isabel Butler and Catherine Lynn Butler “I think that there is an unholy alliance that formed between the leaders of what passed as the Moral Majority, let’s say, and some people with some very specific economic interests when it comes to climate change. When you allow your faith to be used by people with economic interests, wow, does it get corrupted pretty quickly.” —Bob Inglis A Butlerfilms Production for the Religion, For more information, please contact: Race & Democracy Lab at the University of Virginia Ashley Duffalo Program and Communication Manager UVA Religion, Race & Democracy Lab
[email protected] Featured Speakers From left to right: Richard Cizik, Anthea Butler, Rev. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap, Darren Dochuk, Rev. Mariama White-Hammond, Katherine Stewart, Bob Inglis, and Joel Salatin. Anthea Butler Anthea Butler is Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania.