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Sports Feedback Minister in scandal to make 'groundbreaking' announcement Recommend 89 people recommend this. By the CNN Wire Staff June 2, 2010 1:56 a.m. EDT

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Stuck blade stalls BP effort to STORY HIGHLIGHTS (CNN) -- Ted Haggard, the megachurch pastor and former National cap well Ted Haggard's career as a Association of Evangelicals chief whose career was undone by a gay pastor went south after a sex prostitution and drugs scandal in 2006, is expected to talk about the UK police find body believed to and drugs scandal in 2006 next step in his career Wednesday. be suspected Haggard admitted to the sex 40 years of marriage, then the allegations, but said he tossed With his family by his side at his Colorado Springs home, Haggard is the drugs separation expected to a make "surprise groundbreaking" announcement, He also stepped aside as pastor according to a news statement Tuesday. A jazzy wedding for 'Glee's' of the 14,000-member New Life Church Jane Lynch In 2006, Haggard admitted he had received a massage from a Explore the news with NewsPulse » Denver, Colorado, man who claimed the prominent pastor had paid him for sex over three years. Haggard also admitted he had bought methamphetamine but that he threw it away.

After the allegations were made public, Haggard resigned as president of the influential National Association of Evangelicals, an umbrella group representing more than 45,000 churches with 30 million members.

He also stepped aside as pastor of the 14,000-member New Life Church, which he started from his basement. Healthcare Jobs The church's independent investigative board said he was guilty of Sales and Marketing Jobs Finance Jobs "sexually immoral conduct."

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Post a comment soundoff (84 Comments) Log in or sign up to comment Show: Newest | Oldest | Most liked Log in or sign up justsayinnnn to How about waiting until he actually MAKES an announcement before publishing the comment 'story'? This is just a rehash of old news. 58 minutes ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

ORfreebird He's either going to repent or, perhaps, embrace Judaism. If it's possible to look gay, he sure does. Something about those lips. I hear you can tell he's lying just by checking to see if his mouth is open and words are coming out.

Wow. Guess I'm NOT a Ted Haggard fan. 1 hour ago | Like | Report abuse

TheNewSlang It's a shame, because I'm sure this guy duped a lot of people into giving him their time, faith and donations. Perhaps we need to look into the archaic institution he's involved in and realize that some of the rules do NOT coincide with human nature. 2 hours ago | Like (2) | Report abuse

TheNewSlang It's a shame, because I'm sure this guy duped a lot of people into giving him their time, faith and donations. Perhaps we need to look into the archaic institution he's involved in and realize that some of the rules do NOT coincide with human nature. 2 hours ago | Like | Report abuse

Smoothe What? lemme guess! He's gonna run for Senate on a GOP ticket? Really, who cares! 2 hours ago | Like (2) | Report abuse

arkagene Fortunately people can change. Unfortunately people will never forget what you did 20 years ago (or 10 or 40). If you've never messed up I guess you wouldn't understand. I can't excuse his behavior from before but am willing to see how things go from here. 2 hours ago | Like | Report abuse

Ozymandias71 If it was merely a matter of 'messing up' that would be one thing... but Ted Haggard built a ministry around targeting LGBT folks as 'unholy' and 'un-Godly' for years and years... the sheer amount of damage his message inflicted on Gays and Lesbians, both young and old, won't really be known until h... more 1 hour ago | Like (4) | Report abuse Feerlyss You should care. the more we learn that the church system is corrupt, and who supports them politically and monetarily are just as corrupt at times, the faster we can move on from all our problems. expose the religious lies, tax the churches to help our economy, and castrate all males in the churc... more 2 hours ago | Like (3) | Report abuse

sam900 Why does CNN want to waste their time and space for this garbage? Who cares about this hypocrite, and liar? 2 hours ago | Like (3) | Report abuse

gadflie This man's about as relevant as Sarah Palin, who cares? 3 hours ago | Like (6) | Report abuse

mattgordonmd Maybe he's going to join the Westboro-Phelps hatemongering carnival. 4 hours ago | Like | Report abuse

magicland What, he managed to pray away the gay? 4 hours ago | Like (9) | Report abuse

AusieSceptic go for it Ted, maybe Fred Phelps can organise an anti gay protest for you 4 hours ago | Like (6) | Report abuse

Adorahlas The old adage of "methinks thou doth protest too loudly" seems to hold true here. Ever notice how the loudest voices against homosexuality usually seem to be the ones that have a homosexual skeleton in their closet? Seems to happen more and more often these days.The funny thing is that their congr... more 4 hours ago | Like (18) | Report abuse

Feerlyss very much agreed. the church is the worst organization on the planet. they have choked science, have constantly been involved in the law, and worst of all, they take away the one thing the Bible is supposed to give you, Free Will. How do you have free will from a system that introduced the 10 Com... more 2 hours ago | Like (3) | Report abuse

Guest He has had a TV show on HBO where he defined the place where I used to work & live as a totally sinful place...while across the state line was "better". Too bad he didn't do his research...since the "better" place was the teenage pregnancy capital of Arizona. Guess that's a bit of a stretch for him.... more 4 hours ago | Like | Report abuse

KNH781 This guy *defines* hypocrite, and anyone giving money to him is an idiot 5 hours ago | Like (25) | Report abuse

fistv I'd like to like that statement about 4 million times. I vote we put his picture in the dictionary under hypocrite, make it revolving. 4 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse henlij might we add bigot as well? 4 hours ago | Like (6) | Report abuse

Bdugemuch Religious people are like a K-Car in a showroom filled with Corvettes, Maseratis, and Porsches. They're just not very swift. They obviously don't realize how ridiculous, antiquated, and lame they come across. 5 hours ago | Like (13) | Report abuse

henlij but like k-cars, they are so durable. 4 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

seraphimo WHO CARES?? The man is a liar and a cheat!! His big announcement is that he actually likes taking it up the a**.....yes, honey we all know that!! 5 hours ago | Like (12) | Report abuse

stevenabb "Haggard also admitted he had bought methamphetamine but that he threw it away". I bet he "didn't inhale" either... It's amazing how a FLAKE like this can get so many sheeple to follow him. SIGH 6 hours ago | Like (21) | Report abuse

Adorahlas lol....maybe he didn't "inhale" but i bet he swallowed? 5 hours ago | Like (17) | Report abuse

highfive Let me guess he accidentally sat on a banana 6 hours ago | Like (26) | Report abuse | View all comments

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