

HE HANNA tr "AND EAST CENTRAL NEWS .UME XXXXIV—No. 46 THE HANNA HERALD an«J EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS-—THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1957' $3.00 per year in. Canada -- 7c per copy NEW ROLE FOR MILITIA MEMBERS; CIVIL DEFENCE TRAINING TO START MPORTANT MEETING AT SOON AFTER FIRST OF NEW YEAR Forty Thousand Men Affected by Defence Headquarters Announcement ARDLOW TONIGHT On Tuesday; Local Unit Will Take Part Civil Defence training will commence next year for Can­ [ARDLOW RESIDENTS CALL MEETING • •n ada's 40.000 militia men, i{ was announced from National Hanna Sea Cadets BOVINE BIRTH RATE Defence Headquarters in Ottawa on Tuesday of this week. This means that "D" Company, Highlanders N^II be (NIGHT; OFFICIALS ON HAND TO UP AT OYEN FARM ncludsd in the "new look" for militia members, which con­ To Muster The bovine production line sists of exhaustive training for all ranks in a ob they will be is working overtime on the called upon to do in .the event of a nuclear holocaust. ISCUSS HUTTERITE LAND DEAL farm of Willis Love in Hie For First Parade Oyen- district. A roan. Short­ According to a National Def­ Sale of Vee Bar Vee Ranch Draws horn cow owned by Geo. Nord- 62 WEDNESDAY ence announcement the change in Protests from Ranchers and Farmers Newly Formed Under bloom, pastured there, has policy for the militia means that Command of Delia GETTING HIS GOAT? — The question of just who is getting given birth to three sets of members of Canada's reserve army whose goat became a little muddled here as Sergeant. Russel I In South Country; See Act Violation Officer Neil Beaton twins within two years. The will not be called upon to go over­ last two sets were born eleven seas in a 1940 type war. Instead, McKee of Windsor, Ont., attempts to complete on assignment As a result of the sole of the Vee Bar Vee Ranch at„*vVard- Meeting at the Memorial Hall months apart. Of the six calves said the announcement, the think­ for a public relations photographer's course at RCAF Camp to the Hutterites, residents of that district have expressed last Tuesday evening, the Hanna five are living. ing at defence headquarters "s Bordon. His subject, who literally bowls him over wilh Ms en-1' bng objection to the move. Last Saturday residents from an Sea Cadets, a newly formed org­ based on a "30-day war" concept, thusiasm for the project, is Sergeant Billy Marktime, official to of one hundred miles, met in Wardlow, and voted to take anization held their first parade. D • in which nations would bang off mascot of o unit on the station. — Not. Defence Photo •al action against the provincial government in an effort to Neil Beaton of Delia is the Com­ their atomic weapons In the first Cubs Set Aside couple of days and the regular ar­ fp the sale *** manding Officer and J. E. Smith my would pick up the pieces. anchers charge the violation of of Hanna executive officer. J. Fos­ Sun\ for Next Year Communal Properties Act. • ter is chairman of the local com­ The defence department ann­ HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION § The sum of $102.60 has been set erein no Hutterite colony in the SEASON MIXED UP mittee which has done consider­ ouncement further'-stated: "there aside for next year's baseball would be no time, and little need, ijvince is to hyld more than 6,- CROCUSSES BLOOM! able ground work toward estab­ 4S0 acres unless the provincial tournament, according to Ed. Ped­ to get the reserve army into shape HEARS TALK ON BOOK RENTAL PLAN; lishing a Sea Cadet Corps at this jjrfvernment rezones the area and DELIA, Sept. 17 — How die, secretary-treasurer .of the for movement overseas. But there sses legislation for a further ai­ mixed up can the seasons get? point- and 18 boys have already Hanna Cubs who sponsored a most I would be an Immediate and press­ lment. A true prelude to spring, be­ signified their intention of join­ successful eight team tournament' ing requirement for civil defence. J. C. CHARYK ADDRESSES 6R0UP Fhe sale of the land was auth- fore the harvest is complete, ing by turning out to parade. here over the Labor Day week end. Major cities would be destroyed, Contributors to the tournament, radioactivity would pollute food Over Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars zed through an order-in-council or the winter sets in, is the All boys between the ages of 14 ssed in Saturday, profusion of crocuses growing have been issued a special letter and water, millions would be to 18 years are eligible to join and homeless. Here the militia, when Worth of Books Purchased This Torm ptember 7. Those protesting the in the pasture field of R. Mor­ meetings are to be held every from the secretary-treasurer. In­ Efeal, also allege that the sale of rison near Delia. The turkeys cluding the financial statement, fully equipped and trained for its By Board ot Saving of Forty Percent on their farm are laying too, Tuesday evening at the Memorial new role, would pitch in to direct |e ranch violates the rule set out HaU at 7:30. showing a gross return of $822.30 the act that there must be 40 which also, to say the least is on the tournament, with a layout J the movement of refugees, moni- The principal item on the program for the first mee "unseasonable." Although con­ Lieut. E. A. Prescott, officer of for radioactivity, prevent looting biles between colonies. the western area is expected in of $719.70, leaving the balance for i since the holidays of the Hanna Home and School f lThe whole matter will "come siderable swathing has been next year's tournament. The club I Prime Minister Diefenbaker and restore order.*' done in this district, very little Hanna at the end of the month, was a very comprehensive talk by high school prir & a head" today, when a public the date to be announced later, to executive will in all likelihood who after 90 days in office as This is the first official announ­ C. Charyk on the new book rental plan. He explained he ;4§eeting is being called at Ward- combining has been accomp­ stage next year's affair a little cement of a change in policy as to lished, and the swaths are al­ outline the aim's and objectives of Prime Minister, celebrated his H. and S. had brought pressure to bear an the local at 8 p.m. in fhe school. earlier in the season, in order to 62nd birthday yesterday. Mr. Die­ the militia's role. However, fer lAttending the meeting will be most covered by the second the Sea Cadets to parents, pros­ some time members of tlie local board regarding the plon and they in turn had consult growth of grain, which is in pective members, and anyone in­ eliminate any "gamble" on weath­ fenbaker is a native of Ontario's R. Butnam, Deputy Minister er conditions. Grey county. unit have realized that civil de­ Mr. Charyk and the public school principal, Gordon 1 Agriculture; Mr. V. A. Wood, many places, well above the terested in the organization. fence training would sooner or la­ swaths. In the growing season They had called in the assistance af the teaching staff rector of Lands; Mr. E. Breach, ter occupy the major part of their worked out a plan or system for handling the necessary books. rector of Communal Properties of June and July the recent program. Mr. J. R. MacBeath, member heavy rains would have been They bought second hand books the Special Areas Board at Han most welcome. la. Drouth Survey from students that were m good ' Following last Saturday's meet- repair and gave, credit only Or ™JilE£3fa»»^e*^5^t"3rsMrtoow"a tele- fgm~bi protest was sent to Hun. plied on their rented books fer J. W. W. Cross, member for Hand thia term. They purchased $325.47 |lls. Those present at this meet- Catalogues Out Meets at these books. The' school board were from Jenner, Cessford, Crop Acreage bought $2565.25 worth of books St |llockville, Youngstown, Ward- a 40 percent saving. These were On page two of the Herald a Soon For Sale National Hotel Over Ninety Townships loaned this term to students- at ter appears pertaining to the Luncheon Meeting Starts To Be Inspired When one third the cost price or one atterite question, written and At 6:30; President Harvest Is Completed third of 60c making the coat te bnt in by the Cessford - Wardlow At Cereal Mart the student only 20 cents on the Urges Large Turnout Ninety-four townships out of 130 t-sidents. Herefords Predominate dollar. The school board carries in Special Areas No. 2 will be in­ All residents of the area are ur­ Listings For Sale Regular meetings of the Hanna this cost for the three years he- : Board of Trade will resume follow­ spected this fall, relative to the fore getting full returns on their gently requested to attend to­ Of Purebred Females 1 night's meeting, where the whole ing the summer recess with the granting of drouth bonusses outlay. Xwn . Herefords predominate listings through. the Prairie Farm Assist­ natter will be thoroughly discuss­ in the annual sale of purebred fe­ first tonight in the National Hotel When these books arrived they ed. male beef type cattle at Cereal on at 6:30. Taking the form bf a lun­ ance Act. Fred Slemp, PFA super­ were delivered to'the high school October 26. However, for the first cheon meeting, president M. Bald­ visor at Hanna, gave this informa­ (Continued on Page 6) Early Musician time, the Brangus breed of cattle win is issuing a special appeal for tion to the Herald on Wednesday. have been included in this sale, a large turnout. Mr. Slemp stated that in addi­ Len Davis Dies and there will be five of these Reports of the various commit­ tion to this mftnber in Special Ar­ Mrs. E. Fitzsimmons A well known musician in the cows to come under the auction­ tees will feature the business por­ eas 2, a similar amount of town­ Dies in Perry, Iowa ( latter part of the twenties and eer's hammer. tion of the meeting, and plans will ships would also be inspected in early thirties, Len Davis, passed M. Huston, secretary-treasurer of also "be laid .for the coming Special Areas No. 3, which in­ Mrs. Ellen Fitzsimmons, wife of away in Calgary on August 20. He the East Central Purebred Cattle months. Included In these will be cludes the Consort and Oyen dist­ Ivan Fitzsimmons, a former resid­ ricts. was 68 years of age. Well known Breeders' Association, sponsors of CECIL DAY, centre, new president of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, activities' to keep all members ent of Hanna, passed away sudden­ busy until tbe end of the year. A Twenty field men will be em­ in Hanna and along the Goose the sale are now engaged in pre­ confers at the Banff Springs Hotel with William Telfer, left, managing director of the CW ly on Monday at Perry, Iowa. The paring catalogues of all animals hearty invitation is extended to ployed to conduct this survey, late Mrs. Fitzsimmons, had with Lake Line, the late Len Davis was NA and William Draayer, immediate post president. The trio isn't discussing annual meet­ an accomplished pianist and ex­ listed, and these will be available visitors, and of course the "old- which, said Mr. Slemp will be un­ her husband operated a restaur- ponent of jazz music. He had sev­ Tor distribution at an early date. ing business; they are examining a copy of "Just My Views," a book written by Mrs. Day ab­ timers"* are also urged to be pres­ dertaken immediately after har­ ant in Perry, but early this year eral orchestras during his career Thirty-one Herefords are listed' out last year's CWNA visit to Europe. ent vest. they disposed of their business. as a musician in the west, and at from among some of the finest She had made a number of ac­ various times had lived in Hanna. purebred herds in Alberta. Angus quaintances in Hanna, when al­ He is survived by his wife, Jan­ females are also included in the Few Geese In ong with her husband had visited et, a son Raymond, a daughter, sale, while more listings are ex­ Youngstown Area wtth his parents, Mr. aad Mrs. W. Mrs. Joan Harder and three grand­ pected from now until sale time. E. Fitzsimmons in Hanna, also children. He was born in Birken­ Auctioneers conducting this sale YOUNGSTOWN, Sept. 18 — with Mr. sad Mrs. Frank *r*ewull, will be Russ Reiman, Cereal, and OYEN RATEPAYERS OFFERED -CUT Quite a number of hunters have the latter being a sister ef Mr. head, England and came to Can­ ada in 1907. Frank Gattey of Consort. been in this district since opening Fitzsimmons. TO UTILITIES DIRECTORSHIP day of the hunting season. How­ Funeral services were to be con­ OYEN COUNCIL SEEKS CO-OPERATION ever, bags have not been very ducted in Perry today. Mrs. Walk­ Utilities President good, with few geese being in the er Fitzsimmons of Red Deer and CO-OPERATIVE ELECTS DIRECTORS district as yet Ducks seem to he Mr. Frank Powell of Hs—S, left OF RATEPAYERS IN COMING FORTH plentiful but are of the small var­ Tuesday for Perry to attend fun­ IN EIGHTEEN SUB DISTRICTS Elected Director iety. - , ' eral rites. Keen interest was shown in the District B: George E. Church, WITH TAXES; DISCOUNT OFFERED recently concluded elections for Balzac, Director, 6. David B. Sim, Taxpayers Con Save Three Percent Parent Company 1957 - 58 delegates for UFA Co-op. Vulcan, 7. Archie Hogg, High Riv­ MANAGEMENT INTERVIEWED BY Of the 18 odd numbered subdist- er, 8. M. Tfi Smith, Calgary, 9. If Payments Mode by October 1st; The president and general man­ riets in which elections were held, Warren J. Byler, Calgary, 10. H. ager of Canadian Utilities Limited, seven sitting delegates were re­ S. Bushfield, Balzac. Council Considering Natural Gas J. C. Dale, has been elected a dir­ PROSPECTIVE PLAYERS; PRESEASON ector of the parent company, In­ turned by acclamation, five sitting District C: Jake Frey, Acadia Payment of taxes before the first of October, 1957, can delegates were returned by vote, Valley, Director, 11. J. D. Rogers, ternational Utilities Corporation. and six new delegates were voted Bindloss, 12. Lome Proudfoot, save Oyen ratepayers the sum of three percent. Announcement This announcement was made in WORKOUT SUGGESTED IN CALGARY in. The large vote recorded indi­ Chinook, 13. J. K. Sutherland, to this effect, has been made by Frank Lijdsman, secretory- New York, Wednesday by the pre­ cates gratifying interest in. the af­ Hanna, 14. J. H. Poland, Drumhel­ treasurer of the village. Mr. Lijdsman points out that a great sident of International, Howard Applicants Arrive for Personal Talks fairs of UFA Co-op. ler, 15. J. H. Schmaltz. Beiseker. many taxpayers have taken advantage of the six percent dis­ Butcher m. With Hornet Officials; Most Boys | District D: Mrs. N. D. Lehman The complete list of directors count for early payment, but a considerable number can save Mr. Dale, a native Albertan Likely Candidates for Local Club and delegates follows: District A. Camrose, Director, 16. Stewart three percent if they pay up by the first of October. joined Canadian Utilities limited, M. H. Ward, Arrowood; Director Campbell, Consort, 17. G. Elmer in 1985, served overseas • with the The playing roster for the Hanno Hornets, improved some­ 1. Albert Anderson, Medicine Hat, Johnson, Chauvin, 18. C. A. Pigs- Heavy demand on the villager- Canadian Army during World War 2. Miss Molly Coupland, Leth­ eon. Alliance, 19. Robt. Shaw, coffers this past summer, necessi­ H and held the rank of Major what during the past week, following advertisements in Alber­ bridge. 3. Raymond Hart, Clares­ Bawlf, 20. Donald Bertschi, Cam- tate urgent payment of all taxes, Large Goldeye when discharged in 1945. Return­ ta and Saskatchewan newspapers under the heaph% "hockey holm, 4. P. E. Duby, Rainier, 5. rose. said the secretary. "Taxes are ur­ Token From River ing to Canadian Utilities Limited, players wonted." As a result, at least half a dozen ajipiiwrHs Walter Risdon, Strathmore. District E: Ray Wood, Carstairs, gently needed," he said, "and the he resumed duties as assistant contacted manager Lyle Grover, ond several lads drove into director, 21. Walter Dawn, Ghost The Red Deer River, last Satur­ J. C Dale council would appreciate it very day, near Steveville, yielded a 16 construction engineer. He was pro­ Hanna for a personal interview. Pine Creek, 22. Hans Randers. much, if everyone, would make it moted to construction engineer in Olds, 23. Andrew F. Silver, Hux­ inch, 2% pound Winnipeg Gold- President and general manager Judging from their qualifica­ executive would appreciate hear­ a point to pay these taxes now, eye to a Calgary woman, Mrs. 1949 and was named general man­ of Canadian Utilities- Limited, has tions, most et these boys are quite ing from anyone who has a job in ley, 24. W. W. Sim, Tees, 25. Ray and those who are in arrears ager of tbe electrical power com­ been elected a director of the par­ capable ef filling the bill as Inter­ Void, Ponoka. Lucy McCormick. Goldeyes are mind for oae er more ea fact all) should certainly make every ef­ petriodjcally caugh|t in the Red pany in 1951. The further appoint­ ent company, International Utili­ mediate "B" players fer the Hor­ of these newcomers. Vea are ash­ District F: George MacLachlan, fort to, clear their account as soon Deer, hut this one is unusually ment to president and general ties Corporation. The announce­ nets. However, tt is a little early Clyde, Director, 26. John Lisa, San- ed to contact either Lyle Oxsrer, as possible." large far this type of fish. manager was made in April last ment was made this' week from to include any et them as mem­ Bob Thompson or club president gudo, 27. J. M. Bentley, North Ed­ year. tbe company's offices -in Mew bers Of the 1967 lineup, until they monton, 28. S. A. Sanford, Vegre­ Mr. Lijdsman also told the Her­ Gerry Morrison. ald that the council was "~givm»5 Born in Lloydminster is 1909, York. Mr. Dale was born ia "Uoy- have a chance to show their Meantime plans are progressing ville, 29. John Lewicky. Spedden, Lay Seven Blocks Mr. Dale is a graduate of the Un­ minster ih 1809 and is a graduate wares. It has heen suggested that 30. R C. Ponting, Westlock. much consideration now, to the in­ for the turkey Wage te be stallation of natural gas lines hi Of Cement Walks iversity of Alberta. He is also pre­ of the University of Alberta. when s number et boys are avail­ sored by the cMh'SyT District G: George Sayle, Sex- sident Sl the Canadian Electrical able that a workout might he held smith, Director, 31. V. C. Flint, Oyen. He said that this would pro­ YOUNGSTOWN, Sept. 18 — Friday, October 11, at which m% ject would, if passed by the rate­ Much improvement has been made Association, past president of tbe FIRST HEAVY MOST la the Calgary areas; aad from prime turkeys will be given sway Beaverlodge, 32. Chris. J. Helga- Alberta and Northwest Chamber these It Is expected that coach son, Sexsmith, 33. 'Gerard Bug- payers, be undertaken next year. in Youngstown's streets during the as prizes. Further details oa thai Oyen is in fair proximity to feed­ past summer. To date approxim­ of Mines and Natural Resources, The first "white" frost of the Bob Thompson and the club exec­ bingo will be announced at aa ear­ eaud, Falher, 34. Elmer F. Iddins, ind a member of the Association fall settled te the Hanna district utive can select their players. , "in* cwtsmeo page* Brownvale, 35. S. D. Simpson, er lines leading into the Trans ately seven blocks of new cement ly date. The idea of tbs bingo is Utt thi best to be had." " Canada pipelines, work on which sidewalks <-have been laid. If wea­ of Professor-si Engineers of tW\ Tuesday night and Wednesday Then, of course, comes the prob­ ta raise sufficient capital te gst Fairview. Director representing af berta am" thp Engineering Instit­ morning. All gardens within town lem of finding Jabs for these men filiated Coops, Gilmore O'Brien, phase was finished early this sum­ ther permits more will be put the dub started off aa the ute of Canada sustained sever damage. through the winter months. So the side of die ledger this i THB HERALD — PHONE 52 Barrhead. mer. down before freest up. -F /

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-V t*oge 2 THE HANNA HERALD ond EAST Cfc^lTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1957 The Thrill That Come* Once in a lifetime

OOH! icKLe Me w«ui-o B<5 SO ^^ THE .HANNA HERALD Higher Education in Canada DweADRJLLV rtFWAID OUf Hefte (Royal Bank Monthly Letter) BY HERSeCFUMS. OWSAT BIS -AMD EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS" B£ARS AH IMDIArMS -AM' £V£rVf~ G. R. McCrea. Editor. J. S. McCrea, Bus. Mgr Mr. Muir, chairman and presid­ the current needs of higher educa­ plenish the supply of qualified FING. Bor W(F DWtrAT BIG MANS /"" Bat. Dee. 24, 1912 by H. G. McCrea Member of t"ie C.W.N.A ent of The Royal Bank of Canada, tion in Canada. teachers that will make this edu­ /M.OAJ& ICKLE M£ iswr owe Published by THE HANNA HERALD who has been honored by the con­ Never before in Canada's his­ cation possible. EsSMSV W«NSY BIT IFWfllO ib JUS' <-iwe tory has there been so great in­ T" see A BIG A sttrlctly Independent weekly newspaper published every Thursday In the Herald Building, Main Street, ferring upon him of degrees by As I pointed out in January, thc ace eeAFt Authorized as Second Class Mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa three Canadian universities, by his terest displayed in problems, assoc­ economic resources at the disposal cane AFren selection as a member of the in­ iated with higher education. of our schools and universities, and os ortce: vestment committee of the Canada We have found suddenly in a of many of our churches, are insu THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1957 CIRC—2300 Council, and by citation of his rapidly expanding economy 'and a fficient to maintain decent living bank's Monthly Letter for thc Pre­ swelling population, that we need standards for the devoted men and sident's A(vard of the Canadian highly educated citizens, that they women whose life work is to train Association for Adult Education, are not available, and that the un­ the minds and develop the charac Dividends For Community Purposes herein sums up his impression' of iversities to which we look for ter of our young people. them are in serious financial need. THE HUfe AND CRY of what Albertans could a sensible move, and prompts us to suggest ymUIIHIIIIIllllllllKHISBUillltllllfflillllHIIIlllll The many-headed problem is one It is a ridiculous situation, but that concerns all of us. by no means an uncommon one, or should do with their $20 oil royalty that the Hanna Lions Club might have under­ to find thitt a new graduate re dividends has somewhat subsided, and after taken a similar plan, to raise money for com­ Yours Truly- • • Here are the elements of the ceives a salary on his first job the subline has been sifted from the ridiculous pletion of their home for aged ladies in Hanna. problem in a nutshell. A flood of that approaches or even surpasses students, product of our greatly in­ as per suggestions, there are, we are pleased This poject has been "hanging fire" for quite Opinions of Hanna Herald reader what his teachers, in school and on subject of public interest. creased birth rate, is lapping at church alike, receive as their mat­ to say some communities and organizations some time, and it is a shame that it has not the doors of our universities and been completed long before now. The main i1IIMIll~~M^ erial reward after a lifetime of in Alberta who are attempting to put the will reach full tide in the 1960's. service. twenty bucks to some good use. reason, of course is lack of funds. However, in THE HUTTERITE QUESTION In 1956, compared with 1951, we the case of the $20 idea, it is perhaps a bit had an increase of 409,000 in the From where I sit it seems that Up at Wainwright the Kinsmen in that Wardlow, Alberta. business is reaching out more and late to start any such move, for by now aver­ age group 5 to 9 years, and the in­ fair town, have ran into better than average September 9, 1957 crease under 3 years was 261,000. more for people whose training is age citizens have found a place for that div­ hick in getting citizens to turn over their div­ Editor The Herald: The expected doubling of student broad, deeply infused with the id­ *rSSSS*HSSISISSSSSSSSrSSSSSSSSISSSS«SSSSSSSISa,S,SSSSSS,ISSSSSISSSS,,*SSSSSSISSSSSISSS,«SSSSSSS,JSSS,SSSSI1SirslsSSSSSSSSSSSSS,S,SSISSSSSISSH,SSS IISSIISIIHSSHIinSSSSSSISSSSMSSHIIinSS, idends to a swimming pool project. Seems like idend. Dear sir: enrolment will far exceed our un­ eas that come from a sound liberal We are asking you to bring to iversity classroom facilities. The education program, and ideals that the attention of Alberta residents required army of new teachers is arise out of association with great Western Impressions... I Accounting To The Electorate a matter that will shortly be of minds. not yet in sight. The needed funds by Lewis Milligan utmost concern to all of us. are not assured. By education I do not mean lear­ ssrrirririrriiiiiiiiiiiriiririimriiiurrriiiiiiiirirriiiirrrtiruiiitriiitiirimiirirrrrinrrliiliNriiiriiHiiiiitiiiiiiririiririiiiiiiirtiirrrrrriirMriiitiiriiiriiiiirirniisMsiiiiiisis ' ONCE AN M.L.A. or an M.P. is elected, in series of meetings at Empress, Bassano and | It is the apparent removal ot al, ning for learning's sake, but edu­ many instances, that's just about the last Is it any wonder that thinking cation to train the mind to think, One of the impressions I receiv­ Larkhill Lane in West Derby, a . Brooks. Said Mr. Olson in his advertisement:; restrictions in the expansion and people in all walks of life are feel­ ed during my recent trip to the rural suburb of Liverpool. Victor­ the electorate hears of him, until the next el­ C 1r BfflNs^woeieiy^ in 1950 hW first conviction in this way; we in Can­ line, "Come you back you British cWiny ana tsMeftmy should give me?"- f u IreST'" /imitedfunds to purchase any film "Frontiersmen" received hon­ ada have the material and intellec­ soldier," as sung, sounded to me In general the Hutterites are a peaceful, Manitoba Is nearer to Ontario's, attention, and the sooner the better! lands at uncompetitive prices. orable mention in the Canadian tual resources necessary to build a like, "Come you back you Yankee every way. The people are mol Once this thing is away, nothing film awards. great fabric of education. We are soldier." eastern than western in character! will be able to stop them. It should Since 1944 Mr. Heuer has been limited only by our powers of con­ The people of British Columbia, Winnipeg is the Toronto of thei not take more than ten years for district secretary for North Alber­ ception and resolution. We can particularly of Vancouver and Vic­ west. The Manitoba farmers are' them to gain a monopoly on Al­ ta for the Bible Society. In Nov­ offer our young people the very toria, have always been regarded involved in the surplus wheat pro­ OTHER berta's agriculture. One of the ember he will move to the nation­ best conditions for growth and ach­ as very English. They are still blem, but they are not dependent ievement in every form of excell­ EDITORS The Poet's Corner Hutterites mentioned that some of al office in Toronto to devote his proud of their historical British on wheat because of their mixed the colony yet to move in were full time to the work of producing ence. , monuments and landmarks. I not­ farming. "We may have our heads SAY Tour Contributions Are Invited "some of our boys from Montana." audio-visual materials for the Brit­ I feel confident that, within the iced the name Larkhill on one of in the air, but we keep our feet If he is right, we are apparently ish and Foreign Bible Society in Higher Education in Canada— the buses in Victoria, and it im­ firmly on the ground," an old far­ open .to all of tbem from every­ Canada. (Continued on Page 5) mediately carried me back to mer told me. PERSPECTIVE... A WALK DOWN THE ROAD where. Not only will private enter­ prise be over in agriculture, our (From the Brooks Bulletin) When life loses its charm, my feet just stray towns and persons supplying Towards the open road, and then wander away. goods, services and entertainment When the ordinary reader sees where a Forgetful of care, and the things that annoy, I discard man's estate for that of a boy; to the rural trade will have to Canadian corporation has made a net profit Free, for the nonce, and with wanderlust strong, move out, followed by the persons on its year's operations of four and on-ha1f A-kicking the dust as I saunter along. their needs supported. The rural million dollars, it seems like a lot of money. The dust tastes sweet when the heart is light, die-hard hangers-on will give up And thoughts drift upwards like birds in flight. for lack of a trading centre and A few million is a lot of money, but it Away from the world with its troubles and strife, Post Office. does not bring out the whole picture. Just living once more ... a dreamers life. The Hutterites have nothing to Canada Packers in 1956 made a net pro­ Breathing in the sweetness of God's open air. buy in the country but land, ma In tune with Infinite; blessing so rare. ehinery and a few minor items fit in their fiscal year of $4,506,506 on record Renewing my faith in the clod called Man, sales amounting to $467,188,000. Discerning my place in the ultimate plan. Tlie colony is a self-contained, LOOKING self-sufficient unit producing their Referring particularly to sale of livestock Mindful of -facts, when fancy would rule, Learning once in exp*eriences' school. own food and clothing. They are products, the company president reported At the shrine of wisdom gleaming anew, not allowed luxuries of any kind, that out of each dollar, 78 cents had gone dir­ Thoughts for tomorrow, and work to do. radios, newspapers, magazines, or ectly'to livestock producers, 17.28 cents had The wide, open road, feels smooth to my feet, entertainment. Children are edu­ FOR A been required to pay salaries, wages and ex­ For each step of the way, new thoughts I greet. cated to the minimum allowed by Life passes before me in solemn review, . the law, and that only with their penses, 3-82 cents had been spent on mater­ And a sense of proportion pervades me anew. own supervisor in addition to thc ials and packages, and taxes had accounted Tramping on thru the dust, life's charm I regain, I regular teacher. This supervisor for 0.48 cents; A walk down the road, Is never in vain. ' holds classes before and after BUYER! 1 school in the language of the col­ The balance — 0.42 cent — represented —Tom Fleming in The Traveller. the company's net profit on products derived ony, undoing any impressions I from regular school which they froro i livestock. , consider undesirable. . Perhaps figures also do not reflect ac­ AFTER DINNER MINTS These people have refused to ac- tual conditions, but we think that a profit of ' cept citizenship and are conscien- less than a half-cent per sales dollar is slicing Prison Visitor: "Am I right in presuming that lious objectors in time of war. In the margin mighty thin. it was your passion for strong drink that brought general they ^ & ^ labQr ] Or looking for a bargain in y°U Prisoner: "I don't think you can know this place, who have nothing to offeofferr the guv'nor. It's the last place on earth Fd come to if community in which they live. a home, car, or something I was looking for something to drink." You, the press, are one medium BOW AND ARROWS . . . to get this matter before the pub­ you really need or want to ; ».* • (From the Brooks Bulletin) An irate mother marched her ten-year-old son lic and put a scare into our gov­ ernment, who are apparently spon­ M The E.I.D. Game Association has a novel into a doctor's office and demanded, "Is a boy of sell? You don't have|t> be this age able to perform an appendix operation?" soring the letting down of restrict­ proposal for an antelope season within the "Of course not," snapped the doctor. Mama turn­ ions. a "number one sleuth" to Eastern Irrigation District. ed angrily on the boy and shouted, "So, who was To dispel any illusion among right? Put it back!" the uninformed that this is racial It suggests that bows and arrows be per­ discrimination, could you run an locate your best market mitted for a week's season on these prai re As Noah remarked while the animals were article in your paper to acquaint dwellers. The idea has merit. boarding the Ark: "Now I,herd everything." all with the Hutterite way of life for buying and selling. Let 'We were informed by an official that and its effects on the community? most members of this group have no particu­ Two gentlemen were introduced in the lobby of j Then follow this with an investiga- our low-cost ad sectjon do lar objection to o season on ahtelope> The ob- .a Chicago hotel. tion of these sales and what it "Pardon mynot getting up," said one. "You see,] means to Alberta. The Sunshine it for you easily and quick­ jection is to the use of high power rifles in I'm ailing from arthritis." i Colony sale and Mr. Tanner could areas populated heavily with humans and cat­ "Perfectly all right," beamed the other. "I'm stand a little kicking around too. ly! Relax with results! Call tle.' Particularly humans. Goldfarb from Grand Rapids." Well handled, this business could While it is true that there are one and cause quite a stir. THEY WOULD TOO It will require immediate action our Classified Ad depart­ one-quarter million acres in the E.I.D., the "Your methods of estivation are hooelesslly and deep digging for information population lives for the most part on about out of date," said the yo«thWLag^ul^raI^!"te A man from the department in Ed- ment today! one-**J" , »_.„ _„_ concentration for rural districts with over "So would I," replied the farmer, "**'* ** Pear with the local Special Areas man, 10,000 people. , tree" " • sr | sounding out the attitude of the I PHONE 52 In the States and in a few parts of Can­ | neighbors and advising that there The new maid had been functioning, In a" man- this influx. So few neighbors were ada, prtMston Is-made for big gome hunting ner of speaking, for two weeks, and since she had. was nothing could be done to stop USE THE with bows and arrows only, in some occasions shown no response to instructions, threats or ca- contacted as to render the opinion for the week prior to the regular season. jolerv, Mrs; Brown decided to try sarcasm on her. \ asserted as not being a cross-sec- Meat is not too important to the average "Do you know, Maymie," she said, "that man tional attitude, was created from dust" This is not a private crank let­ WANT ADS THE HANNA HERALD hunter. The thrill and sport of the chase Is. "Yas'm." said Maymie. ter but at the request of commun­ The use of the simple arrow Would put the "And that when people die they turn back into ity members. Alberta's ghost towns sport on somewhat mjan even footing. It may dust?" "Yaa'm,* said Maymie. and Hutterite colonies will not be hard on tho legs of the hunt*r. "WelL" said Mrs. Brown forcefully, "I looked need a press if you' let us down But thWNrf W*» poor antelope running under the parlor rug this morning, Maymie, and now. there's quite s crowd there either coming or going!" Wardlow-Cessford Residents. from a 30-30! §83

*lMSi to^^ftj^fe*5agJi — • THE HANNA HERALD ond EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER \r\lfS7 ru^O i Married In Calgary WALKER - LAW.SON NUPTIALS HELD HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION IM SACRED HEART CHURCH HOLDS MEEf ING INST. (SEORG^S SCHOOL Social and Personal- A marriage ceremony of inter­ Hall was attractively decorated YOUNGSTOWN. Sept. 16 —The cal grading ia the grade nine ex­ est to many Oyen friends was sol­ with roses and pink and white Youngstown Home and School had ams was presented, to Miss Maur­ Mrs. F. Stone and Mrs. Wm Mr. and Mrs. James Hundseth emnized in Sacred Heart Church streamers where the guests were their first meeting ot the current een Marks. at 5 o'clock. Saturday, August 31, received at the reception which school year in St. George's school, A committee waa formed to te* Starkey of Calgary were visitors and family of Humboldt, Sask., x in kanna on Sunday renewing for­ have taken up residence in Hanna. when Miss Doris Mae Lawson, followed. The bride's mother chose Wednesday, Sept. IL Attendance range for a program, etc.* fer the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John a turquoise taffeta dress, white ac­ was very good with the country mer acquaintances. • * * official opening of the new school. . . 9 Lawson 6T Oyen became the bride, cessories and" corsage of pink folk making a fine showing. Mrs. Charles Falconer of Calg­ Teaching staff members were pre­ Mr. a.nd Mrs. George Hutchison of Mr. Roman John Walker son or roses. Mr. Rogerson officiated at the sented to the parents attending. ary was a visitor in Hanna last Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Walker also have had as their guest recently week at the home of her sister The groom's mother wore a na­ installation of officers with Mr. Committees were selected te make the latter's sister Mrs. Leslie G. of Oyen. Rev. Father S. Molnar vy and white nylon dress with D. Wray as president. First aid final arrangements for the Annual and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. officiated at the ceremony. Given Jenkins of Toronto who spent sev­ George Hutchison. white accessories and corsage of cert&icates were given to nine White Elephant Sale te be held on in marriage by Mr. George Walker red roses. A three tiered wed­ ladies who have successfully com­ Sept. 28 from 2 to 0 p.m. Tea will eral days here enroute home from • • • the west coast. the bride wore a three quarter ding cake centred the bride's tabic pleted the St. John's first 'aid be served. Donations may be left, Mrs. G. Hamilton returned to length gown of white lace and taf­ . * ., which was' decorated with pink course. They were Mrs. Jean Jack­ at Stoll's Garage, or at Berg's Im­ Hanna on Tuesday night after feta. Her finger tip veil was held and white streamers and bouquets son. Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Grey, two plement Shop. The Hanna Friendship Club will spending a month's vacation at the in place by a heart shaped crown of flowers. Father Molnar propos­ Mrs. Paetz, Mrs. Edna Turnbull, resume their regular social even­ home of her brother Mr. J. Stou- and her bridal bouquet was com­ ed the bridal toast which was re­Mrs. E. Logelin, Mrs. Mary Stoll ings at a dance to be held in the gard at Irma, Alta. posed of red roses. The only jew­ sponded to by the groom. The Oy­ and Mrs. Leila Parsons. W.I. Meets Sept. Parish Hall on Wednesday even­ « * * ellery worn by the bride was a ing Sept. 25, commencing at 9 o'­ en Catholic Women's League acted The Youngstown Home and The Hanna Fireside Women's LAW Beverley Fehr, RCAF, who pearl necklace and earrings gift as serviteurs. School scholarship for highest lo- clock. All members are extended has been spending several days at of the groom. Institute held their regular meet­ a cordial invitation to attend. the home of her parents Mr. and Leaving on a wedding trip to ing at the home of Mrs. N. Courts, Mrs. John Fehr in Hanna and with Miss Mary Lawson and Miss Banff, Lake Louise, Havre and vice president and health. Mrs. Pa­ Sept. 3. with Mrs. J. Gall as co- relatives in Calgary left early this Shirley Peterson as bridesmaids, other points in Montana, the bride tricia Munroe; membership, Mrs. hostess. With 18 members in at­ Delia Bride Honored week for Perant, Que. LAW Fehr wore gowns of blue net over taf­ changed to a beige suit with which Marian Furneaux; room attend­ tendance the meeting was called By Friends expects to leave that station short­ feta with matching headdresses she wore white accessories and a ance, Mrs. Edith Kalancha; Scout to order by tbe president Mrs. J. ly for Metz, France, where she has and each carried pink rose nose­ rhinestone set of (necklace and representative, Art Chaplin; audi­ Chomyn and opened by singing been posted. gays. The wedding music was play­ matching earrings. Mr. and Mrs. torium representative, R. E. Win- "O Canada," and repeating the W. DELIA, Sept. 16 — A bridal ed by Theresa Bosch during the Walker will reside at Oyen. Out of drim; publicity, Mrs. Florence L Creed. Mrs. J. Cook gave an in­ shower was held in the Enterprise • * • ceremony. Mr. Charles L. Walker town guests included Rose and Judson teresting paper on Home Econom­ school on Wednesday, Sdpt. 4 in Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bordula Sr acted as best man and the guests Harvey Karas, Wally Powell and ics. It was decided to hold a bake honor of Miss Gladys McCreight, of Three Hills, accompanied by After a brief business meeting were ushered to their places by Shirley McMarm all of Drum­ Jimmie Shields., rendered several sale at Beach's Store Oct 12. whose marriage took place in Knox their daughter Mrs. Dick Bamford Mr. Allan Johfcson. The Parish heller. United Church, Drumheller on of Calgary and son Mr. Alex Bor­ very beautiful and rousing piano The raffle donated by Mrs. M. Saturday, September 7. In the ab­ dula, RCMP, Nelson, B.C. were selections to the entire satisfac­ Dahl was won by Mrs. Ed Parker guests on Sunday at the home of tion of all present. The evening and the meeting closed with the sence of the bride-elect Miss Doris OYEN HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MAKES was concluded with a very enjoy­ Pearson acted as guest of honor Mr. and Mrs. Fred Selski and re­ singing of "God Save The Queen". newed many former acquaint­ able and informal lunch hour with A social hour followed with a de­ and was escorted to a decorated CONTRIBUTIONS TO HOSPITAL STAFF each one chatting and getting ac­ chair, where assisted by Mrs. Dor­ ances. licious lunch served by the host­ * SS • quainted. esses. othy Diprose she opened the nu­ OYEN, Sept. 16 — The Ladies' sale to be held in Berg's Motors merous and useful gifts enclosed Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kuz and fa­ Hospital Auxiliary held their Sep­ show room. The quarterly baby in a box decorated in pink and mily, Mrs. H. Kuz and Mrs. M. tember meeting at the hospital draw was made and the Frank white. The program consisted of a Bartman motored to Drumheller with a fair attendance. The staff Hoffman baby's name was drawn. To Reside in Hanna singing contest conducted by Mr. last Saturday to visit with Mr. and living room was' repotted complete C. Friedley. Mrs. Norm Tait and Trudy. Mrs. with a new chesterfield suite, etc. Kuz remained there to spend a being already in use. A new Installation of new At the conclusion of the pro­ couple of weeks. chrome suite was also purchased gram a delicious lunch was served for the kitchen. Officers Held by Oyen by the five hostesses: Mesdames Mr. George McLachlan, Messrs. Ossie and Stanley Hill of Innisfail, | Home & School Ass'n C. Friedley, M. Tabor, H. Miles. MR and MRS. WALTER L. BOWE following their marriage in The next project will be to fur­ D. Wallace and E. Pearson. A very were visitors in Hanna during the nish a living room for the matron. week end. Salem Evangelical United Brethren Church Calgary, Aug­ Plastic pillow slips and baby gowns Installation of officers and in­ beautiful bride's cake centered a ust 31. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boett­ troduction of new teachers on the table covered *with a lovely hand were suggested by Mrs. Russell as cher, formerly of Hanna. Following a honeymoon to the west items for which there is an im­ staff highlighted the first meeting drocheted table cloth, made by of the Oyen Home and School As­ BIRTHS coast, Montana and Yellowstone Park, Mr. and Mrs. Bowe will mediate need. Sixteen new wool­ Mrs. L. Lomas of Calgary, mother len blankets were purchased and sociation for the 1957-38 season. of Mrs. Friedley. JONES: To Mr. and Mrs. Wm.resid e at 929 - Regal Crescent, Calgary. Jones (nee Grace Walton, formerly seven more requested. Held in the School Auditorium on Sept. 10 at 8 p.m. of Lonebutte, Alta.) on September A letter was read by the secre­ Miss Marie Whelan to 6 at the White Rock B.C. hospital, PRETTY SUMMER WEDDING tary from Mrs. Regan, stating that Past president Mrs. Sylvia Wie­ a son, Harold James. due to the condition of her health chnik opened the meeting by wel­ Head B. & P.W. Club MINKE: To Mr. and Mrs. E. TAKES PLACE IN CALGARY she was resigning as president. coming the large attendance of Minke, Hanna, September 10, a Mrs. George Gibson is taking over former members back and extend­ The regular meeting of the Han­ son. The Salem Evangelical United and Mr. William Bowe. brother of this office. ing an invitation to the many new­ na Business "and Professional Wo­ Brethren Church, Calgary, decor­ KRANZ: To Mr. and Mrs. H. the .groom. In the future meetings will be comers present to join such a wor­ men's Club was held on Monday Kranz, Hanna, September 12, a ated with large baskets of gladioli thy organization. In a short ad­ evening, Sept. 16 in the Liberty was the scene of a lovely, late The wedding music was played held in the evenings in order to daughter. allow members with children to dress Mrs. Wiechnik outlined the Cafe tea room with vice-president summer wedding on Saturday, by Miss Lorraine Koch. The soloist aims and objects of the Associa­ Miss Marie Whelan presiding. Fol­ August 31 at five o'clock when attend and assist with the further­ Mr. David Budd sang "Because" ing of the auxiliary's work. The tion. Each new member/ adds just lowing the business session a let­ Delia Student Miss Elsie Marie Boettcher, eldest before the bride was given away that much more strength to an al­ ter was read from Mrs. Dorothy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry date for the next meeting will be Wins Scholarship announced in the near future. ready fast growing Provincial, Na Benjamin, now of SedgeVick Boettcher of Calgary, and former­ and "Together" during the signing tional and International force for thanking the club for the coffee DELIA, Sept. 16 — Miss Doreen ly of Hanna, was united in mar­ of the register. Members of the Sibbald Wom­ better educational standards. spoon presented to her, her pleas­ McLeod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. riage with Mr. Walter Leonard For her daughter's wedding the en's Institute were present at this ure in being a member and appre­ Niel McLeod of Delia has recently Bowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil R. bride's mother Mrs. Boettcher meeting and presented the auxil­ The following officers for the ciation of the good fellowship of been awarded a scholarship for Bohr, all of Calgary. Rev. Fred W. wore a rose satin over lace after­ iary with $15 to be used in any 1957-58 term were regularly in­ the club. A card was also receiv­ highest grade 12 standing in the Snyder officiated at the double noon dress with matching lace way they see fit. stalled by Rev. Page: ed from Ella Boden thanking the Drumheller School Division No. ring ceremony. jacket and black accessories. Her The Sibbald group also express­ Pasf president, Mrs. Sylvia Wie­ club for the scholarship award and 30. Doreen's honor was followed corsage was yellow tea roses. The ed their desire to assist the aux-chnik; president, Dr. McCracken; pin received. | by Bryan Aune of the Munson Given in marriage by her father, groom's mother chose a ruaty esem siWary In any my possible. secretary Mrs. Marjorie ConUn; HANNA WILL BE THE FUTURE HONtf W^Ar*. ciicflRtCRdb- high school who was a close sec­ the bride chose a full length gown A letter was received from the bengaline dress with white and A tag day for the Canadian In­ first vice president and program. ^ E Tf^npso,, ^ ««, married in Cereal United ond, -i of embroidered tulle over satin pink accessories, with a corsage of stitute for the Blind will be held Mrs. M. Dragland; second vice I,.. _j_ • . c -n. . "f» . -a . j_ . - _* ** provincial secretary Miss Mildred crinoline and hoop. The very bouf' Ch i h A JQ S 5 The 0 0 Branum of Drumheller reminding yellow tea roses. on October 12 with members of president and finance, Kenneth " f1 ' f ^ * - **** «*"?** V ™ *** daughter of Mr. fant skirt fell into a cathedral Following the wedding a recep­ the CGIT tagging. This is also the Munroe; third vice president and arid Mrs. L. E. Reiman of Cereal and the grooms parents are- members of the B.&P.W. Confer­ Ladies' Club ' train of alternate ruffles. The nip- ence to be held in Camrose during tion for some 100 guests was held date set for a fall tea and bake social, Mrs. Flora Vanstone; fourth | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson, who reside at Red Deer. ped-in bodice featured a Sabrina at the Al San Club which was dec­ Thanksgiving week end, October Meets at Sheerness neckline, short sleeves and match­ 12, 13, 14. A letter was read from SHEERNESS, Sept. 16 — The orated with white and pink strea­ ing lily point mittens completed mers and flowers. The bride's Miss Marjorie Robinson reminding September meeting of the Ladies the gown. Her finger tip illusion members bf the Observance of Get-Together Club was held at the table was centered by a three tier­ veil dotted with irridiscent star ed church cake. Business Women's Week, Sept. 22 home of Mrs. Quast, Sept. 11 with sequins misted from a halo head­ to Sept. 29 the theme of which is eight members and two visitors dress of nylon tulle and faced with Mr. Albert Boettcher. brother of "Salute To Women Who Work." present. Roll call was answered by matching irridiscent sequins. Her (he bride proposed a toast to the A message was read from the stating the household chore you only jewellery was a pair of pearl bride to which the groom fittingly provincial president Miss Elsie disliked the most. A cake mix, do­ and rhinestone earrings, a gift of responded. Brown, the national president Mrs. nated by Mrs. Taylor, was won by the groom. Her bouquet consisted For going away the bride chang­ Maude Baylay and greetings from Mrs. Harrison. Contests were play­ of a* mauve orchid surrounded by ed to a beige fitted suit with Prime Minister John Diefenbaker ed and won by Mrs. G. Carr and white stephanotis. mauve and light brown accessor­ and Hon. E C. Manning upon the Mrs. Hoover. Lunch concluded the ies. Her corsage was a mauve or­ third annual observance of Busin­ meeting. The bride's attendants were Miss chid. ess Women's Week. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Taylor and Lillian Boettcher, sister .of the Following a two week honey­ The treasurer's report was pre­ family of Regina were guests at bride, Miss Ruth Martin and Miss moon to Vancouver and other sented by Miss Carol Mathe and the home of the former's mother, Mabel Stankawich, attired in iden­ points at the west coast and Mon­ a donation of $20. was voted to Mrs. R. Taylor last week. tical waltz-length gowns of white tana and Yellowstone Park, Mr the Unitarian Service Committee Mr. and Mrs. C. Rilling and Don­ organza with nylon tricot fly-away and Mrs. Bowe will reside at 929- Miss Marie Whelan was elected nie of Halkirk and Mr. and Mrs. shoulder stoles and matching Regal Crescent, in Calgary. to replace Mrs. Banjamin as pres­ V. Campbell of Youngstown, were white large brimmed hats. They Out-of-town guests were: Mr. ident of the club with Mrs. Janet guests at the shome of Mr. and Mrs. carried multi-colored satin with and Mrs. Dan Boettcher, Dougie Griffith as vice president. H. Walker on Sunday. white and pink lace umbrellas and Karen Jean of Hanna; Mr. and which were centred with three Mrs. Albert Boettcher, Arden and pink carnations surrounded by pa­ Lynn of Three Hills; Mrs. Alice stel shades of gladioli and daisies. Budd and Pearl of Vernon, B.C.; Young Miss Lynn Boettcher Mr. and Mrs. G. Kelm and Violet niece of the bride .acted as flower of Hanna; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Siep Vsrsatile I girl wearing a floor length gown pert and Clifford, Mr. and Mrs of white taffeta and nylon over­ Fred Miller, also of Hanna; Mr If you bake at home, skirt. Her headpiece was a band and Mrs. R. Gutche, Mr. and Mrs of ribbon with red roses at each Herb Gutche, of Endiang; Mrs here's a delightful orange Lily Hirschkorn, of Rolling HillSj bread to butter or toast side of the band. She carried a basket of gladioli and carnations. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hixt of Bei or make into exciting The bestmen were Mr. George seker, Alberta. sandwiches. Make it with Craig, friend of the groom. Mr. Fleischmann's Active Ervin Boettcher and Mr. Ervin Grain crops in the United King­ Dry Yeast. It's the best! Leitz. dom made a remarjcable recovery Little Gary Bowe, nephew of during the month of July after sm^gm the groom acted as page boy and receiving needed rainfall. On Aug­ carried a heart-shaped white satin ust 1 wheat yields were expected pillow with streamers ending with to be higher than last year and Rich Orange Bread white lily-of-the-valley. well above average. The condition Relatives and friends were ush­ of spring-sown grains, mainly bar­ 1. Measure into large bowl 2'/j cups once-sifted % ered into the church by Mr. Albert ley and oats, was somewhat below Yi cup lukewarm water all-purpose flour Boettcher, brother of the bride average. Stir in and beat until smooth and 2 teaspoons granulated elastic Work in additional sugar a\Vi cups (about) once- sifted Oil-purpose Sprinkle with contents of Ice cream is the answer for Hour 2 envelopes *»• a perfect windup to an ideal 2..'or Fleischmann's 2. Turn out on flotfred-Jsoard Half-Pints!: meal or a smack snack. Our For only $49'§?* SIMMONS offers a Active Dry Yeast apd knead until smooth and product is as smooth as a greas­ Let stand 10 minutes, THEN elastic Place in greased bowl. ed greyhound and you'll. never choice of Button Free Mattresses in the New stir well. Grease top. Cover. Let rise in bo in the doghouse if you serve it regularly. Name any taste- Stir in a warm place, free from draft, titillating flavor and we have until doubled in bulk—about 312 AUTO-LOCK 2 well-beaten eggs It. Try it today. V* cup granulated sugar 1 Vt hours. PRECISION COM. 2 teaspoons salt 3. Punch down dough. Turn / CONSTRUCTION out on lightly-floured board Sleepers' Choice! Ve cup toft butter or and knead until smooth. Halve L margarine ' WM>%CENTRAL ALBERTA 313 Auto-Lock precision ooil construction—expertly assembled by world 2 tablespoons grated the dough; shape into loaves. Place in greased loaf pans ¥ 15A1RY POOL » renowned Simmons craftsmen .... Simmons Quality throughout—a great mattress MATCHMOK» . orange rind special for just $49.50. Sleepca' Choice is nude by Simmons, makers of tbe AVASAMJtrOa I cup orange juice (8'A x AVi inches, top Inside famous Denutyieal Mattress. Matching box spring ia available. measure). Cover. Let rise until aiur doubled In bulk—about 1 m ' _ SIMMONS THE GREATEST NAME Of srmf hour. Bake In a hot oven, 400°, about 35 minutes. Uirlrlnk Our Milk Wbf P** BRANBR AND,"T^**D ^»*«d" f For Health That Glows Mim ON SALE AT Yield—2 loaves. v If You're in Doubt BUTTER & EGGS -~^_ LEADING FURNITURfi Ask The Man Who Knows! MILK & CREAM ICE CREAM AND DEPARTMENT &$9 STORES ALWAYS ACTIVE, FAST RISING PHONE 87 HANNA BEAUTIFUL COVER o* iilrgn "slug I ity Another line product oi ticklKf. STANDARD BRANDS IIMITH)


":' HgJff.'. *5J!K£3£ •--i>W iMjffi* "mum. *.. ^••"LM^'A^ metn/asna* "W""fP5Kl^WwJ

Poge4 THE HANNA HERALD ond EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER T9, T957 Buying Selling Renting Services Employment Phone Best suits READ AMD USE THE 52 LEGAL CHURCHES EXCEL White Elephant HERALD CLASSIFIED AD RATES TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: UNITED CHURCH SERVICES Sale at Youngstown THE HERALD'S Minimum charge 75c first insertion, 50c each subse­ My sslfs* (Mrs.) I >ell;i l.uyrkfaftssjel Sunday, September 22. 1957 havint! Is-ft my l>"<1 jirr'l board uv Youngstown Sunday School ll a.m EXCEL, Sept. 16 — MisS Doreen The Youngstown Home and quent insertion. In Memoria'*,, Church Notices, Cards of July 2ii tising rate card upon request. Copy must reach Herald Of­ The Youngstown (ilrls' Choir will gary were Sunday visitors with the library on Saturday, September fice by 12 noon each Tuesday. he with us at bo'h of these services. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bishop. 28. The sale will start at 2 p.m. Come and worship with us and tea will be served from 3 to NOTICE TO CREDITORS There was a good attendance TELEPHONE 52 — TO CONTACT 6,000 READERS k M. ROC.CRSON. B.A. 6 p.m. "White Elephants" can be AND CLAIMANTS Student Minister. 46 at both Sunday School and church left at Berg's Service Station or You'll Save Dollars - You'll Get Prompt service on Sunday. A cordial wel­ in tbe Unfair nf RANSOM IKlAN, Stoll's Garage. Country folk who UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA come is extended to all. Service By Using Your Telephone to Contact late of YounnMowri. formerly of Ket- wish to contribute to the sale are FOR SALE FOR RENT September 22nd law District, Alberta, Farmer, l>e- PARR II a.m. Mr. Leonard Horncastle, a for­ asked to phone Mr. A. Wigley, These Business Firms cerinerl e and Repairs Alta., phone 204f». 44-5-6c Treasury Branch, Hanna 46-7c Rev Will IA. f.ourlay. B.A., Pastor ucation can qualify. Even those ceased amonu the parties entitled O. S. A. NOTES PHONE 244 thereto havlne regard only to the Manse: 112 Ave. 4 E.. Phone ir>4 with complete senior matriculation SEVEN HOUSES — various sizes. Farm Buildings a Specialty WANTED [•Talms so filed or which have been can be moved, also three barns, The regular winter courses at find the course challenging and DAY Or NIGHT! brought to his knowledge CARD OF THANKS and several sheds, and granaries, the Olds School of Agriculture and worthwhile. Free Estimates — Quality No need for "hoofing" it when 4 tractor binders with hitch and CLEAN COTTON RAOS — free from DATED at Land Titles Ruildinc. you can go by taxi so cheaply! power binder. Apply Hand Hills buttons, hooks, etc. 10c per lb. Ap­ Calgary, Alberta, June 4th, 1!>.,7 i wish to express my many thanks Home Economics commences on Young people who have stopped Workmanship Colony, Hutterite Brethren, South ply Herald Office. tf P. I. QUINTON. to all the tesidents of Cessford, October 29 and closes April 9. school either after completing Use the cab when you go visit­ West of Hanna. 44-5-6 Deputy Public Trustee. IO Wardlow, Pollockville, Sunnynook, Applications are still being ac­ high school or before who can ing . . . when you're in a hurry HOME FOR DOG In country Iter! t 'arolside, Youngstown and Scotfield i Thuroo Brothers . . . on the way to a teain . . . Cocker Spaniel. Apply 10.r - 2 Ave who HO klrull\* donated (lie sum of cepted for both courses, Agricul­ qualify would do well to consider COLLETS — 100 White Leghorn East 4G|> $1 OSJ.riO to me and my boys at the ture and Home Economics. The enrolling for a course at OSA. By or when you're shopping. Pullets, 4 months old. $1.25 each. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Contact Clark's Store time of our bereavement. courses are designed to meet the doing so they will receive practic­ BOK M, EndianK. Alta. 45-6p AND CLAIMANTS Richdale, Alta. Roy's Taxi Service TRUCK — Gssod second hand 2 ton Mrs. R Janke 4*ip needs of young people who have al training that will be useful to truck. Reasonable for cash. Box 60, In the estate of FRKDERrCK completed high school and those' them throughout their lives. Fur­ Located at The Hanna Oarage Cereal. 45-6p FOR SALE AT MORRIN (ircOROE OSTKR. late of Hemaruka, We "A.mid like to express our thanks who have not. Boys at least 17 thermore, they will find it a good to Rev. Fr. Molnar, Pr. McCracken 430 ACRES . Ideal farm - for only in the province of Alherta, Farmer, years of age who have at least 70 practical background for more ad­ FARM RANCH with power close tn Deceased. and nursing staff of the Oyen hospit­ $85.00 per acre. Has not been hail- school and lots of water. Apply to al, also to Waterhouse Funeral Home, high school credits with a B or vanced training. sad In 43 years - has been well farm - Notice in hereby pi ven that all per­ Box 153* George Johnson. Sundre, sons ha vine: claims upon the Estate Cereal. We would also like to thank better standing can qualify for the For further information see your ad - this Is a real deal - owner re­ Alta. 46-7-Ss HANNA our many friends and neighbors for tiring - original homestead. Seven of the ahove named Frederick Oeorue Two-in-One |Agricutture course District Agriculturist, District Ec­ the mass of cards and flowers, and romed house - oil furnace - pow­ Oster who died on the 31st day nf which is completed in one winter all the many kindnesses they extend­ onomist or write to the Principal, er - telephone - good road. Barn - HELP WANTED FEMALE July, A.D., 1957 are required tn fil.- ed to us during our* recent bereave- while those who have a grade nine School of Agriculture and Home ELECTRIC garage - S granaries - 1 new steel with the undersigned by the 31st day certificate but can not qualify for granary - chicken house - and good WOMAN between 30 ansl 5o years of of October, A.D., 19f>7, a full state­ in ent. Economics, Olds. Electrical Contractors And garden. Some terms If required - age to keep house for man and 11 ment duly verified of their claim** Mr. A. Carrier and iamily, Oyen. See this farm soon. year old girl In fully modern home and of any securities held hy them 4Gc Wiring Specialists in Hanna. Apply Box 2, Hanna. E. O. PARRY sl CO. and after that date the Executor will T-V & RADIO SALES 4 5-tip Morrin. Alta. ri is tribute the assets of the deceased AND SERVICE 46-7-Ss' amnnff tbe parties entitled theretn SADDLE KING STOCK HELP WANTED MALE having retard only to claims of which Custom Stack Moving Representing Jensen's Radio notice has been so filed or which CALVES — 10 Head of Registered EXPERIENCED MARRIED MAN for have heen brought to their know­ SADDLES "Your Pick of the Yard at and T-V Service, Calgary Hereford Heifer Calves. March Get your hay stacks moved home year round work on ranch. Furnish­ ledge. June. Price $050.00. Box 2«, Her­ now. For rates or information Reasonable Prices" Agents for: ed sepnrate house, fuel and power Dated this 7th day of September, GOOD QUALITY — LOW PRICE ald. «" contact Jimmie's Service, Hanna, Electrohome T-V tt supplied. Work to start immediate­ A P.. 1!>r,7. STYLISH — UNCONDITIONALLY ly or by Nov. 1. Also Mingle man Phone 75. 45c W. .T MAJOR. Hi-Fi Phonographs ' AUTOMATIC OIL FURNACE, 100,- wanted for winter months. Apply GUARANTEED Atlas Lumber Co. HANNA, AT,BERTA *9» B.T.U., also 500 gallon fuel tank. Campbell and Galarneau, Box 2f>fi. Corner Centre St., Ist Ave. E. Solicitor for the Administrator Robert Hansen, Benton, Alta. 4R-7P Kmpress. 44 tf MADE BY OZARK LEATHER COMPANY T. Scott, Mgr. — Phone 208 4r.-f.-7c 1 Phone 579 Hanna USED COMBINE -- 1051 IHC model OF WACO, TEXAS 1SS-C. 12', belt driven, built in hy­ SITUATIONS WANTED TENDERS WANTED draulic platform control, platform BABY SITTING -- Capable girl av­ Notice is hereby given that sealed auger, unloading auger, recleaner, ailable for hrthy sitting. Barbara PRINTING tenders will be received by the Spec­ $115.00 to $160.00 for Show Saddles BUILDING? M0x$6 tires, floating type pick-up, Andrew. Phone 34f>, 211 - 3 Ave. W ial Areas Board for the holdings of CHIRDPRACTDP aMtnr with starter and generator. Hanna. 4fisi tD® —SEE YOUR SOUTHERN ALBERTA DEALER NOW- all overhauled and ready for work. Bert W. Bruce, deceased farmer of The best..for less A very good buy at $1250. Wm. nib- Coronation, Alberta, from bona fide WE OFFER: son, Delia. Phone $28. 4«c FOUND residents of the Special Areas. Is Your Spine The said holdings consist of: Excavating Service 0 LOCKET — Imitation "California PHONE 52 — THE HERALD Causing Illness? «UECT*MO axeeSk.m. tamfiwmiph ** W Provincial Lands: Sand and Gravel Q«W locket. - ©swmer wssry have Cfultivatlon fjease No. 44< Issued to many cases, people who com­ Treasury Branch m Hanna. 46|> same by calling at Herald Office m for a term of 20 years aa and from Rural Sewage Disposal plain of poor health find chiro­ and paying for this advertisement. BERN BERG, Millicenl, Alfa. if FT. AUTO TRAILER. Insulated. December 1, 1940 consisting of NWlsi 40 Systems A Specialty practic helps them after all Telephone 3$, Youngstown. 4fip 14, and SRVi-22-34-10-W4th contain­ PHONE 4386 — DUCHESS ing by admeasurement 317.4 /acres, else tails. This science works 5s* HEAD OF COWS and CALVES — EDUCATIONAL more or less. 45-46 on the nerve centres of yotrr at Cralsrmyle. Write to 2540 - 8 Ave. An offer has been received from a bodjK. N.W.. Calsrary 46 non-reufdent of the Special Areas In Before You Build! BE A HAIRDRESSER the amount of $952.00. which is the Investigate This New Way 3 BEDROOM HOUSE — fully mod­ upset price, terms cash, the highest Lyle Grover & Sons To Health Now ern, built In 1966. Thin houae rould Join Canada's Leading Scjiool. PICK THE RIGHT Great Opportunity. Tjearn halrdress- or any tender not necessarily accept­ BROOKS AND DISTRICT FIFTH ANNUAL be easily moved. W. I.ee, Chinook, ed. Phone 151 — Hanna Dr. J. S. PAXMAN Phone 18. 4«-7-xn ing - pleasant dignified profession - CONTRACTOR big wages. Thousand's successful Jac- Sealed tenders with the words Phone 300, Hanna "Tenders for the Bruce Estate Hold­ RED RIVER SPECIAL 28 Separator obson's graduates. America's greatest He's the man you are depending up­ system. Illustrated catalog free.— ings'* on the outside of the envelope and belts, In good condition. George must be in the hands of the under­ on to make your housing dreams Wright, Phone 17*7, Hanna. 45-Sp Write or call Jacobson's Beauty Ac­ come true. By combining the teohni-' ademy, 12PA - Sth Ave. West, Calg­ signed not later than 9:00 am. Mon­ day, September 30, 1957. j cal knowledge with the practical ea 1956 - 36 Ft. HOUSE TRAILER. May ary, Alta. 44-4Rc p-arience of working carp-enta-i** w* be seen at 306 - 4th Ave. K. Apply A certified cheque for 10% of the give you the beet workmanship avail- SHEEP SALE mcmcAL Mrs. J. Dahl. 45-6p EDUCATIONAL amount tendered must be enclosed tble. For quality materials and better with the tender. workmanship see at Charlton's Sale Yards, Brooks, Alta. DEEP FREEZE — 15 Cuhls: Pt. Phll- LEARN HAIRDRESSING — Women Dated at Hanna. Alberta, this 29th co, like new. Priced reasonably. Al­ day of August, 1957. (•*-§F-^«! U wanted — flreater Opportunity — KNOBLAUCH ao baby carrtaKe. A. Patten, Phone Better Pay — Pleasant "Work. Cat­ SPRCIAI. AREAS BOARD. 304, Hanna. 45-6ii alogue free. Write Marvel Halrdres- Hanna, Alberta. 44-5-0-7 CONSTRUCTION slnK* Schools. 32RA Sth Avenue FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18th BUNGALOW — New well built four West, Canary. Branches* Rdmon- OEM. CONTRACTORS—CONCRETE room bungalow with bath room, inr TENDERS WANTED ton and Winnipeg-. Canada's Nat­ MASONRY at 12:30 Noon sulated, light fixtures, interior at­ ional system. 20-21-22-24c Notice Is hereby given that sealed For Better Lights tractively finished and slecorated lenders will he received by the Spec­ HANNA ALTA., Phono 451 throughout and exterior finished ial Areas Board for the holdings of with 10 Inch cedar siding, with 3 ANNOUNCEMENT Come to Orvin Pahl, Farmer, of Fleet. Alber­ OVER 3,000 SHEEP coats of paint. Btjilt to move and For your needs In 'jas fired appli­ ta, from bona fide residents of tho priced fer^qulck sale. J. floodband, ances Including complete heating In­ Special Areas. TERMS CASH NO RESERVE Ydvngstowh. Phone 12R2. 45-11 stallations of natural or propane gas, The said holdings consist of: Geuder Electric also refill propane cylinders. For free Patented Lands: HOUSES FOR SALE— 4 room house Grade and Range Ewes All Ages estimates on heating, contact Cleorge SEE IT IN all utilities »4.50000. 5 Room HOIIBP VWV, -3K-34-13-W4th. SWl/,-1. \V Hanna Phone 321 Campion, 210 - First Ave F! 44-7 (Sold in Lots 10-100) with Oarage attached $8,200.00. — '4-2. Srci,,-11-3n-13-'vV4th, CALGARY Many houses and farms besides — Provincial Lands- Ken Cassidy Assency, Phone 103, Cultivation Lease No 5770 S L. Is­ Feeder Lambs Reg. Rams of all Breeds PUBLIC, BUILDING Hanna. 4IVc sued for a term of 10 years as and FOR SALE BY TENDER from January 21. 1953. consisting of: The World's Most , Plan to Attend Western Canada's SWH-U-35-13-W4th. containing by HALF SECTION OF LAND — fairly iluilding in business section in sidmeasnrement MO acres, more or Honored Show level, one mile east of Pollockville, Town of Hanna. now used as Alberta LARGEST AUCTION SALE OF SHEEP HANNA BAKE less. BUILDING . Alta. 200 acres broken. Also half Lsiquor Store. Cultivation Lease No. lf,7X issuetl section four miles north east of Ground floor space 1209 srj. feet AND for a term of 10 years as and from 52 Best Picture Pollockville and 35 miles south of with full basement. Possession not April 1. 1950, consisting of: NE>4-35- Richdale, 120 acres broken. Most of later than November 1st. 1957. The Awards and World HANK CHARLTON, Auctioneer Brcloks, Alta. SHOP 34-13-W4th, containing by admeas­ it can be broken. House and barn, highest, or any tender will not nec­ also some lease land. Plenty of buil­ urement 160 acres, more or less. Phone 3229. Brooks, Alta. CONTRACTING essarily be ncs'epted. Wide Honors dings available. Pollockville Is Held under grazing permit jointly The Store of Good Things Sealed tenders, marked "Hanna south of Richdale 45 miles from with another party: NW14-11-35-13- Estimates furnished and con­ Building" will be received by The To Eat W4th containing by admeasurement tracts given on your drawings Hanna on CNR II ne. Easy to get Chairman, Alherta Uquor Control 160 acres, more or less (subject to t^ood water In this district. Inter­ Board, 10160 - 10S Street, Edmonton, or blueprints Good Wholesome renewal each year). ested buyers welcome to look prop­ Alberta, up to 12:00 o'clos-k noon on i His interest as a member of the erty,, over and state price. Age and Monday, "September 23rd, 1957. Sale MICHAEL Round Lake Grazing Association in See your General Builder BREAD — BUNS ill health reason for selling: this authorized August 28th, 1957. Grazing Lease No. 81410 Issued for a TODD'S property. Apply M. Emmerson, at ALBERTA LIQUOR CONTROL 'National Hotel. Room 137, Hanna term of 2b years as and from April 1. BOARD CAKES, PASTRY 1946. Area 5229 acres. or at Connelley's Coffee Shop, Hanna. 44-5-Oc A. W. STUBBS 45-6p An offer has been received from a MAGAZINES non-resident of the Special Areas in Phone 381 Hanna Rooming House, with 12 Rooms For TENDERS WANTED the amount of $16,000.00, which is the Hanna Phone 116 Rent — pins a 4-room suite for upset price, terms cash, the highest Notice is hereby given that sealed or any tender not necessarily accept­ landlord. Centrally located. Good tenders will be received by the Spec­ } revenue proposition. Very reason­ ed. ial Areas Board for the holdings of Sealed tenders with the Words '**80 dctfS ably priced. Fred Hodson, farmer of Chinook, Al­ Large S-Bedroom Well Built Houae, "Tenders for the Dahl Holdings" on berta, from bona fide residents of the the outside of the envelope must he at the When In Hanna Stay All Conveniences — Could be used Special Areas. for dwelling, rooming; houae or In the hands of the undersigned not The said holdings consist of: later than 9:00 a.m. Monday. Septem­ CAPITOL At The / suites. To close an estate this pro­ Patented Lands: 4W-MWB ber 23, 1957. 1 perty la>offered at about one half SW«4-«-25-7-W4th Its present value. A certified cheque for 10% of the THEATRE <^ uu to POUITRY Provincial Lands: NATIONAL HOTEL House with All Conveniences, and amount tendered must be enclosed Oraslng Lease No S1542 issued for with the tender. Showing Until Extra Lot Adjoining. Close to Pub­ a term of 20 years from April 1. 1946. lic School. Presently occupied as Datel at Hanna, Alberta, this 2sth OCTOBER 9th consisting of WV^-1. All 2. All 3. All day of August, 1957. two suites. Revenue $90.00 per 4, S% 10, All 11. All 13. SV4 14, N LET US CHECK The Central month. $5,000.00 will buy this prop "4 16. SE> i-16-25-7-W4th, containing SPECIAL AREAS BOARD, Special GREYHOUND tei vice give* Eat at the National ( Hanna, Alberta. I erty. by admeasurement 4040 acres, more or you exclusive reservation service. 43-4-5-6c AND ROTATE nice Clean Houae, Living Room, 2- less. assuring choice theatre seats. TIRE Bedrooms — kitchen and bathroom. Meat Market Held under Cultivation Permit Pull steed basement. Thla property (subject to renewal each year) N%- IN MEMORIAM ••-» ALL-INCLUSIVE PRICE) enM SERVICE YOUR TIRES Coffee Shop !• offered with hlno extra choice 10-26-T-Wlth, containing by admeas­ Quality Meats — Freezer Theatre and Round-Trip But Ticket town Iota adjoining-. Here's a mon­ urement 320 acres, more or less. SHOULTS — tn loving memory of - e ey maker for yon. Oood terms. Fresh Fruits & Vegetables An offsjr has been received from a Harry Shoults, who passed away on Afternoon Show Evening Show We'll check your tires ftlew 4-Room House which Has Tor non-resident of the Special Areas In September 16, 1952. J. E. Eskestrand, Manager P. KENNEDY, Prop.~~ Be Moved From It* Present Loca­ the amount of $0,50). which Is the up­ "There's still an ache in ->ur heiirts for road damage each tion. Tou can take It «or $2000.00. set price, terms cash, the highest or today. $7.40 $7.65 Hanna Phono 36 We Alas Have Several Farms and any tender not necessarily accepted. That countless yeurs won't ttilie time we rotate them. Ranches Per Sale. Bah*" as jrobrTa* Sealed tenders with the words away. EVEN LOWER RATES FOR GROUP TRIPS See us today for com­ quisle* and wa Wffl find what you "Teltdere for the Hodson Holdings" A place in our heartn that nothing are looking- for. on the outside' nf the envelope must can fill plete tire service. Apply i be In the hands of the undersigned "We miss you dada, and always will." 4 t,. PIDGEON - REAL ESTATE not later than 9:00 a.m. Monday. Sep­ Ever remembered by his wife Irene Arriving in time for a complete e/s taaymsttr Hotel . RMna *• tember tt, 1957 and son. «>c performance. HANNA TIRE SERVICE The Firms Offer You The Very Finest A certified cheque for 10% of the GET YOUR TICKETS NOW!— amount tendered must be enclosed Firestone Distributor! FOR SALE OR TRAM with the tender. MacKAY *— In loving memory of An- See your local Greyhound Ag­ Dated at Hanna, Alberta, this 27th drew MacKay, who passed away on ent for full information. Next to K & B Motors Service—When In Hanna They Will COFFIELO ELECTRI* WASHER — day of August, 19B7. September 19, 1062. practically new, will sail Or trade SPECIAL AREAS BOARD, Rver remembered and sadly missed far gas propelled machine. Mrs. Ed Hanna, Alberta. by the Murray Porter and Sam Bran­ GREYHOUND Jones. Box ***. Hanna. 46p 4S-4-5-«e um families, Craigmyle. • 4Cp Appreciate Your Patronage •Vi


induction to office that engineers women of aU classes and creeds must come: grants from the fed­ and television, cannot strike sparks HIGHER EDUCATION IN CANADA ... scientists and other technically who seek what it has to give. eral government, subventions from to set students' minds afire. We (Continued from Page 2) trained men in this atomic age To the traditions of all the peo­ the provincial governments, grants need teachers of intellectual and framework of economic and polit­ We have not enough men and should have a solid grasp of the ples of the ancient world, reaching from municipal governments, from spiritual stature who will go be­ ical freedom we have worked and women trained to take advantage humanities, being well grounded back to the Greeks and Romans, business corporations and from yond the mere imparting of facts Craigmyle District Bureau to interpretations and conclusions fought so hard to establish, our Of the marvellous opportunities in the liberal arts as well as in tbe Canada has added the cultural her­ private individuals. He /said that NEWS — CIRCULATION — JOB PRINTING decisions and actions will in their opened up by technology in nuc­ techniques of their profession. itage of the British, the French, in the United Kingdom 73.6 per bf real human import. wisdom prove worthy of the spirit lear energy, electronics, aviation, No matter how clever a scientist and many other people. These rich cent of the total revenue of univ­ One urgent need is to make the Mrs. Isobel Branum, Res. Representative Craigmyla of our people and the generosity medicine, chemistry, industrial may be, he still must live with experiences in the arts, and talents ersities is derived from govern­ university teaching position com­ production and civil engineering. men, work with them, and partici­ and science, have become part of ment grants; in the United States petitive in salary with what is of­ of Providence. CRAIGMYLE, Sept. 16 — Rec­ Bill and May Smith on the birth J. Muir, Chairman and President Apart from these "practical" shor­ pate in the responsibilities of com­ the resources of our universities. 58.6 per cent and in Canada only fered for similar qualities outside tages, we are suffering from pov­ 42 per cent. Tuition- fees prov'de the university. There is something ent guests at the home of the of a granddaughter. The proud What Is The Crisis? munity and nation. A liberal edu- Our universities are not planted parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jeffs The issues and problems con­ erty of preparation for the critical concern for the human qualities of on the outskirts of life, but are respectively 10"* per cent, 21.4 p>v noble in the sacrifice of personal Charles Kennedys were Mr. and national and world duties which cent and 29.6 per cent. comfort, health and pleasure to a Mrs. Morris Briggs of Calgary and of Windsor, Ont. and the wee girl fronting our institutions of higher life, by providing the student with pursuing broad and important ob­ was born Sept. 12. learning are numerous and vexing. are falling upon us. Through a fan­ knowledge of himself^and of oth­ jectives in everydayj affairs. Higher Dr. Claude T. Bissell, president dignified ideal, but by what right Mr. and Mrs. L. Cairns and son A resolution of the 35-member tasy like George Orwell s 1984 we ers, of the physical and biological education is part of our general and vice-chancellor of Carleton do we demand it of our teachers? Lee of Edmonton. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shannon of Vernon, B.C. visited National Conference of Canadian catch a glimpse of what could hap­ world, and of his own and other culture, producing well-educated University, told on audience last "Speaking broadly,'" wrote Wat­ Miss Anna MacKay of Hanna I Universities last November suni- pen if we were to permit destruc­ cultures. It gives him an historical people who, in the words of Dr. spring that the sums involved arc son Kirkconnell in The Humanit­ was a visitor at the home of the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff I med up the situation in this way: tion of the scholarly and scientific view of man's achievements and of Leon Lortie, director of extension so tremendous it would be fanci- ies in Canada, "one may say that Sam Branums last week. Loucks. disciplines. Pasteur blamed the his religious and philosophical her­ of the University of Montreal Mrs. Teresa Gathercole of Olds I "the representatives of the univ- collapse of his country on the neg­ ful to think tint business and in- the scale of academic salaries in Congratulations to grandparents I -ersities of Canada express their itage. It helps a person to keep "whatever may be their language |jviduals couid tx expected to Canada is calamitous, considering was a week end visitor at the lect of higher branches of culture, his balance. supply more than "a significant home of her father Mr. Norman i considered opinion that it is their a neglect that left out the cement or their religion, will be excellent the quality of service involved." our governing bodies. Let us admit j urgent duty to warn the people of Utilitarian Education Canadian citizens." proportion." Governments, he said He pointed out that gifted young Ashton. On Saturday they motor­ that would have made material ad­ must continue to shoulder the that our public relations, generally ed to Rockyford to attend the wed­ Canada that the problem of the vances more permanpr>t. Vfe are misguided if we think of But our universities cannot per­ men with from 18 to 20 years of speaking, were deplorable with universities has become an emer­ one -curriculum as being suitable form their high function without main burden, but contributions education are often paid less than ding of Mr. John Ashton te Miss Liberal Education from business could mean thc dif­ our own alumni, not to speak of Anna Noy. gency of grave national concern, to prepare men to be leaders, and help and support. The near balance the wages of an illiterate unskilled industry or the public." to the certain disadvantage of our A "liberal education is not the of another as being suitable for of space and students that exists ference between adequate but un­ worker in industry. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. mere ghostly Shadow of things that specialists in techniques who are distinguished universities and un­ In solving their difficulties, the Albert Betcher (nee Dorothy Shan­ progress and standing as a nation, today is about to be shattered by As things were at the first of universities need the whole-heart- j and can only be solved by the en­ some persons imagine it to be. It to be the servants of the policy an explosive increase in enrol­ iversities that would be intellect this year, university salaries in dera) of Alix on the birth of a is real and substantial. No matter ual strong points in the new Can­ ed support of every Canadian. To ] daughter, Shirley Joy- on Sept 10. ergetic and immediate assistance makers. Yet there are some who ment. general were little more than half obtain it, they must make them- J and co-operation of all govern­ how glorified the science may be clamour for a public service sort ada. what they would have to be to Messrs. Jack Karg and Otto Pahl or how practical the technology, In 25 years, the Gosdon Commis­ selves heard and state clearly and ' ments in Canada, of business and of institution, poking into the sion has concluded, our population Increasing support is being re­ permit universities to bid for qual­ of Hanna motored to Buffalo Lake it needs nn arterial connection whole range of practical activity, plainly what it is they are trying industry- and of private benefac­ will have increased by 65 per cent ceived in the United States from ified personnel. to do and what help they need. over the week end for some fish" tors." (Canada's Crisis in Higher with the basic education if it is to carrying out industrial research, Long before then the universities university graduites whose giving ing. live. A liberal ^duration is prac­ It is heartening to learn from Perhaps they can use more than Education edited by C. T. Bissell, turning out matrialistic technic­ will be called upon to double their | has risen from $10 million in 1945 news reports that the inadequacy Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smith and. tical, because it provides exper­ ian's, testing guided missiles and they do now the "open house" de­ University of Toronto Press, 1957). ience in formulating judgments enrolment. Within ten years stud- to £102 million last year, ln Can- in university salaries is beginning vice so successful in industry. As sons of Sheerness were Sunday vis­ This resolution draws no lines missing the guidance of intellect­ ents will number 123,600; teaching I ada. said Dr. Bissell, very few un- to be rectified. Some universities i'bout concrete contemporary pro- ual development. To them the un­ things are, practically the only itors at the home of the Dave between universities of various b ems. staffs must be increased propor-1 iversyt.es could count on their al- among them McGill and Toronto, contact the parent of a student Rees. sK>rtr^ location, language or re­ iversity degree is a sort of union tionately; operating costs will be i ™"" for more than a few thous- have announced increases this It is not claimed that a liberal card. has with the university is to sit on Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Given and ligion. The similarity of purpose doubled; new buildings demand at n.d dollars each yea.*, year. the campus on graduation day. Mr. and Mrs. Everet Taylor, all of of all Canadian universities is tak­ education will dc a complete job Experience in Canada disproves • -e Teaching St.-.'* Winning Public Support of preparing a young man or a least $285 million. These are not If both those who seek the sup­ Calgary, were Saturday guests at en for granted. They are involved the efficiency of this view of high­ alarmist estimates but conserva­ Talk of exf,< 'ise- and income in D. W. Ambridge, president of the home of the Cliff Loucks. in a crisis that is national in sccpc \oung woman for life, but it in­ er education. The course of our port and those who are solicited itiates the sort of personal growth tive fig'ires prepared with great general terms has ohaoired a most Abitibi Power and Paper Company Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carr, Mrs- and character. technological development h* a s care las', year. By June this vear for their support will put forth the that leads to maturity. It encour­ pcplexing asvet of the university Limited, told the National Confer­ necessary effort at explanation Mickey Kirkeby and sons of Han- These universities properly be­ been such that increasingly grave the estimated rate of increase had problem: the provision of instruc­ ence on Engineering- Scientific ages wisdom, judgment and per­ social responsibilities are falling - and understanding in a "let's get Da were Sunday guests at the Bill lieve that if the values of civilized been fa. exceeded. tion »1 staff. and Technical Manpower: "A cry- O'Neals. spective — three qualities needed upon the shoulders of technically r together" Spirit, we need not wor­ life are andure they must be but­ in facing the daily decisions of The Financial Problem i he other orofessions are 'offcr- ing need, especially in this coun­ tressed by education that will trained men. ry about the outcome. Foreseeing life. The problem insofar as it is one ng more aril more competition try, is for some organization which the deplorable consequences of ap­ In the United States today, just guard and shape our future, and Dr. W. A. Mackintosh, vice- of finding money, is on the door­ for the services of our ablest cit­ can regularly bring industry and Dr. James R. Killian, tenth pres­ chancellor and principal, Queen's athy; being guided toward the 100,000 farms produce 25 percent give us the sense of prospective step of every government, organiz­ izens. The ratio of staff to student the universities together to talk of the total farm output. Two mil- we need for broad and distant ident of the Massachusetts Instit­ University, said in an address last ation, business firm and individ most desirable course to follow; ute of Technology said upon his in our universities is even now about the future .... I seldom then, if we have even moderate ion farms produce 65 percent and views. spring that Canada's greatest need ual. lower than it should be to provide hear of any university, or what is is for trained, educated persons of courage and decision, we can solve three million farms produce only Just to point up the difference education of the highest quality. going on in it, until they start a our problem of higher education. 10 percent. ' /..„ integrity. And Dr. E. W. R. Steacie in our approach to two vital ques­ The teacher, it should go with­ campaign for funds." president of the National Re­ tions, consider higher education search Council, told the National out saying, is the central ingred­ This feeling was confirmed by alongside defence: in the year ient in any kind of education, and Msgr. H. J. Somers, president of ATTENTION CATTLE MEN! Conference of Canadian Univer­ 1954-55 our government expendi­ sities: "there is every feason to above all in higher liberal educa­ St. Francis Xavier University, in tures for defense amounted to $1,- tion. It is not the number of class­ an address to the National Confer­ discourage specialization which is 685 million while government sup­ merely designed to enable the stu­ rooms that counts, but what goes ence of Canadian Universities. He port of universities totalled S22,- on in them. said: "The public did not know the dent to take his place in a given 261,000. The whole income of un­ New Cattle Liner Service industry with a minimum _,of de­ Makeshift devices to take the work of the universities unless iversities in that year was .''53,- place of teachers, such as films they happened to be members of lay." The necessary factual infor­ 082,000. WE NOW OFFER YOU mation can be picked up on the See JUBILEE SERVICE any job; what is wanted from the univ­ An element of realism is deman­ time of day for the most com­ Fully Bonded with Experienced Drivers — We Con ersity is training in basic prin­ ded, and what is realistic can be plete and economical servicing ciples. simply stated. We need higher ed­ Give You 24 Hour Service on Any of Your Hauling ucation if we are to maintain our your car's ever had. Wo The weight of authority, then, society in its present free state only the highest grade gas, DRESS IN STYLE! and lubricants. PHONE 525 FOR RATES AND DATES seems to say that there is no rea­ and on its present high level. We son why the specialist should not have young people this year, and Select your new suit or top­ be also an informed and cultivat­ in sight for many mqre years, who ed citizen. Higher education will will seek this higher education. If coat from our new samples. All FAUPEL'S CATTLE TRANSPORT suffer an irreparable loss if it we are in favor af providing what the 'latest fabrics and styles. — ceases to educate' the whole man is called for, then we must face Various price ranges. HANNA and not merely his fingers and his the need if providing adequate eye for charts and his mental cap­ financial support. You Always Look Your Best acity for blue prints and slide In A Made-To-Measure Suit J'uSiCirxL iiiiiiiiBiiimiiiiHiiiiiimiiiiiMiiiumumiiiimiiiHiiHHimiuiiiiiiiiiiimiHHi HiwiiHiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimminiiiiitmuiiiiiiminnniiiutmiiMniiiiiiitr rules. As John W. Gardner put it in a sct-vict report to the Carnegie Corporation or Topcoat How sad it is to see a technically —If we are unwilling to pari "•» °J con trained man come along in his vo­ cannot afford to pay, "then it will •Jafrr* -&,-**»-••,• •••-•#£ry?.** cation to the point where he is not be an ignoble thing to face IDEAL TAILORS called upon to make plans, to dir­ the fact honestly and spare our ect the work of men, and to put "°I ture would like to see her young people the deception involv­ AND CLEANERS without those dark rUsses on'" into words the visions he sees of ed in shoddy and superficial col­ improvement and advancement in lege experiences." DONG, Prop. HANNA his craft — only to discover that Dr. Sidney E. Smith, president he has not the background or fac­ of the University of Toronto, told ility. He cannot relate the past to the Universities Conference that the present, he cannot draw out the financial resources of Canad­ the most in effort and interest of ian universities compared with men, he cannot express in a con­ some of those in the United King­ structive and telling way the great dom and many of those in the Un­ thoughts that are in him. ited States, have been sparse in­ See the Vlorid's Most Popular Canadian Universities deed. Canada's universities are free Dr. F. Cyril James, principal and institutions in that they affirm the vice-chancellor of McGill Univer­ worth and dignity of the individ­ sity, on another occasion outlined Combines... ual — the fundamental concept of the possible sources from which The applause is all for" the true democracy. A university in the money to support universities .. . with the new streamline body style. Canada is not a class-nursery, the THE MASSEY-HARRIS 82 and 92 paradise of the priveliged, but the resort of young men and young

In the 1946 1956 period labor income in Canada rose 168 per­ I K fi. B MOTORS cent, compared_to an increase of 104 percent in the United States

iiriiMiiimiuilriiiiririlrriiHsnnrrniriirrtiiiusiiiillliriiiiiiirirnriiiiirrsrurmitirrirriiiiiinimMmmsirr in the same period.


. TN MOST homes, a woman's activity center is the kitchen. I Probably more time is spent in i that room than any other. Since the kitchen often is considered i the heart of the home, it should include a planning center for ' Mother. ARSHALL-WELLS Somewhere in any kitchen, whether it is new or old, there A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 1s room for a desk or a small table with a drawer. With a Fads are no substitute for fashion. Extreme styling flares up.. .and dies out quickly—but the lines that linger are the lines where beauty and dignity gracefully blend.

Most popular proof of this is the Pontiac you see here. For here is a flair for fashion and fine finish no other car in its class can offer.

You, too, will find Pontiac's elegant look a most Cornbines beauty with tough­ stool or chair, this desk can be ness. You can't scrub away SUPER made Mother's business head­ eloquent • tribute to your own good taste. See WALL-TONE'S lasting freshness. quarters. , your local Pontiac dealer soon. With a telephone, or exten­ Flows on smoothly, dries in minutes sion, perched st one corner, ... a tough scrubbable finish that pencils and stationery handy, *»»?Jj|| seeds unlading "lashion-true" colors and a small blackboard on the ID walls and woodwork for years! wall nearby, Mother can have all the essential conveniences ot an office secretary right in her kitchen. She can ask Dad to make up Be distinctive...drive a Beaafy the blackboard, which is a BY THE GALLON simple operation nowadays with tha major paint companies mak­ FOR ALL YOUR ing a chalkboard surfacing ma­ terial that comes in cans. This PAINTING IEEMI should be applied with a brush, according to tha directions, to a piece of Masonite Tempered Presdwood, available at lumber WARWICK'S HARDWARE yards. First, round the corners "YOUR MARSHALL-WILLS STORE" and lightly bevel the edges with MOORE'S MOTORS PHONE 149 HANNA • file or sandpaper. Phone 62 Honno

•"•& -almta-rak-SSi .tfv**&£; >_ ^mmsm^: wsmamkWsm^^st^s^imM .«:- Page 6 THE HANNA HERALD ond EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1957 ur plays here. Should the Cubs ENGAGEMENT HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION - Curbs Take Lead Opening Cattle win one of the games here, they Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Dwyer (Continued from Page 1) books, erasers, etc. at a reduced In Playdowns advance into the finals against the of Toronto announce the engage­ cost is continuing to be a' success. winner of Dalum and Midland. and almost filled one long corqjd- ' The Hanna Cubs have a one ment of their youngest daughter Acadia Valley Bureau On the first day of school $830 game lead in the semi finals of The Cubs are in high hopes ')f or. This* was during the holidays worth of supplies were -soid at the Sale Cancelled; Rachel Ann to Mr John A. Stul'bs, NEWS — CIRCULATION — JOB PRINTING and one of the high school teach­ the Red Deer Valley League play winding up the semi final with a public school and $200 worth at offs by virtue of a win over Com­ son of Mr. Thomas Stubbs and the ers, Percy Cochran, did yeoman's the high school. win here Mrs. E .Krempien, Res. Representative Acadio Valley service in taking it upon himself Due le Harvest mander last Sunday. Unloading J late Mrs. Stubbs of Hanna. The to sort them. Mrs. Percy, Cochran's Grade III barrage of hits all through the The provincial government re­ wedding will take place in AU The teaching staff and a num­ room won the book and bariner First in Series Of game, the Cubs smothered the val­ ports that the average wage of all Saints Anglican Church. Hanna, ACADIA VALLEY, Sept. 16 — proposed, voluntary, accident in­ ber of the students worked the for having the largest number cf Fall Sale Was To ley nine 10-4 in convincing fash­ non-agricultural workers in Alber­ parents at the meeting. at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon The executive of the HSA decided surance for school children. first day of school supplying the Have Been September 28 ion, ta is $69.75 per week, an increase October 4. The two principals introduced that, owing to delayed harvest Harvesting operations were res­ students with their books. This This coming Sunday Command-1 of $4.22 over last year. was a very real chore. their teaching staffs. Cancellation of a cattle sale in conditions and the probable effect umed briefly over the week end Each borrowing student is char­ The new officers were installed the Hanna Round Up auction mart of this on the attendance at the when sunny skies and drying is announced this week by F. Pow­ next meeting, the September meet­ ged a $4.00 "caution fee" return­ by Rev. John Klassen. They are: winds made combining possible. able at the end of the term if the president, Mrs. E. C. Hanlon; 1st ell, co-sponsor of the annual sales ing should be cancelled. The first The week has again turned damp with W. E. Fitzsimmons. The sale meeting of the year will be the books are kept in good condition. vice president, Mrs. D. S. Bruce; and unsettled as far as the weath­ Any credit due a student at the 2nd vice president. Miss Ethel billed for Saturday, September 28 October meeting on the third er is concerned with everyone end of the term is returned by Moses; secretary, Mrs. G. P. Giv­ has been called' off. due to the Fall Sale Thursday of the month at which wondering how long this can last. cheque to the parents by the^ ens; treasurer, Mrs. James Martin; fact that harvest has been inter­ time the various awards will be rupted and many cattlemen have­ Twenty-nine ladies attended the school board. program convener, Mrs. Walter presented. The parents will short­ Kittler. Conveners of other com­ n't time to bring stock into this first meeting >of the CWL held Records show that the saving to sale. ly receive circulars concerning a since the summer recess. The a Grade Xn student taking the full mittees are: hospitality, Mrs. John main order of business was the course is $11.00; Grade XI is $7 McFadden; ushers, men needed; However, all other sales this ... on USED planning of a chicken supper to and Grade X is $6. Work books membership, Mrs. J. R. Coad; res­ fall will be held on the dates as be held in the Hall on October 16. and lab. manuals were sold at a olutions, Dick West; phoning, Mrs. advertised. According to the pro­ Mrs. John Marshall and Mrs. V. reduced cost. Dave Fano; lunch, Mrs. Howard moters, the cancellation of the GOING SHOOTING? Niwa will again this year lead the To date 121 students are taking Sloan; reading club. Mrs. Ford Sept. 28 sale was done so at the Guides and Mrs. T. Moser and advantage of the book rental plan Sullivan; notices, Miss Marion Ha­ request of several prospective con­ Buy a Comprehensive Personal Mrs. D. Crawford will lead the in the high school. The plan is al­ milton; press reporter, Mrs. G. C. signers. Liability policy which costs only Brownies. Meetings are expected so applied to the public school Talmage; back room, public school $2.50 a year and protects you from to resume early in October. Servi­ but • the advantages are not as Mrs.. Elvin Churchill, back room, law suits and claims up to $10,- tors were Mrs. V. Degenhardt, great, although there is a consid­ high school, Mrs. Ed Ryckman. IODE Make Plans 000.00 in case of legal liability Mrs. Spath and Mrs. Crawford. erable saving. Most of these conveners wbuld For Rose Ball CARS & TRUCKS while shooting, playing golf, or The next meeting will fall on the The book room operated for sev­ appreciate anyone offering to as­ other sports. Also certain liability regular date set for winter meet­ eral years by the H. and S. for sist. The September meeting of the around your home. ings, the second Tuesday of Octo­ children to buy their school work Mrs. W. E. Smith will read the Acadia Chapter IODE was held in Many folks are adding this to ber. most interesting item chosen^each the Liberty tea room with Mrs. P. CARS home from a trip to Calgary for month from the Home and School S. Houghton hostess and Mrs. Dan­ their house and furniture policy, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Ball and ny Smith co-hostess. so they can get a 10% discount by children of Edmonton were recent medical reasons. News. 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC BIG SIX with CIOQE having all in one policy. This can guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. McGhee. Doreen Geiron was home for Highway Traffic Inspector, Mau­ Mrs. H. A. Brandenbarg was el­ Nylon Tires, Radio $1595 New Motor, Radio "-jHaWU be arranged even during the term Mrs. C. Hallman has returned the weekend after her first week rice Jones, will takt? pail in the ected to fill the vacancy of Ser­ of two policies. Have us show you at school in Hanna. program at next month's meeting vices at Home and Abroad secre­ .1954 DODGE SEDAN 4 New 1950 PONTIAC 2 DOOR how and save the discount. Mr. Harry Garriott of Calgary •A hen he will give a talk and show tary for the remainder of the year. Tires, Reconditioned Motor Exceptionally Good $595 The date of the annual Rose $1395 has been employed by the Munici­ films on highway safety. This And Radio We are trying to give savings, | pality to build up certain areas of meeting win be held on Tuesday, Ball was set for Thursday, Nov. 7 1950 DODGE SEDAN service, and information to cause j road using his own equipment. October 8, in the high r-cliool aud­ with Mrs. V. J. Bonenfant as con 1952 CHRYSLER SARATOGA With Radio $595 you to want to deal with us. itorium. It is feared by some that whoop­ Custom Radio ing cough has made an appear­ $1295 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ance in the district. If this proves Really Clean Car $575 LIFE INSURANCE to be true it will be the first out­ Car Rolls, Kills Special Services 1952 PONTIAC 2 DOOR break in mauy years. Man Near Sibbald At Hanna Church Reconditioned Eng., Custom $895 1953 DODGE MAYAIR, Radi- We, just sold a single man a $5,- Guests at the home of Mr. and Radio 15,000 Miles, New Engine $1195 000.00 Life Insurance policy. His Mrs. Jack Westcott this week end Ernest Cunningham, 35, Alsask. A gospel team from the Prairie reason was to have the insurance are Mr. and Mrs. Bob' Duffy and Sask. was killed last Saturday af­ Bible Institute at Three Hills, will at as early an age as possible to family of Trenton, Ont. Mr. Duffy, ternoon, when his car went out of be at the Alliance Tabernacle, TRUCKS cut premium down and also if he a brother of Mrs. Westcott, has control and rolled into a ditch Hanna on Sunday, September 22. stayed single to have money for, just completed a course at the RC four miles east of Sibbald. The team is headed by Rev. J. Sal­ 1953 CHEV. HALF TON 1950 DODGE HALF TON burial in case of death, with a lit­ AF Base there where he held an RCMP said Cunningham was al­ mon, a member of the Three Hills Good Good Mechanically tle left for dose relatives or if he officer's rank. He will be posted staff and the quartette will prov­ $895 $375 one in the car. No inquest will be 1952 FARGO HALF TON 1949 IHC HALF TON married to have protection for his to Gimli, Manitoba, shortly. held. ide a variety of sacred songs. wife and family. Then he also lik­ Rev. J. Klassen, pastor of the Exceptionally Good $695 Good Gas Buggey $295 ed the savings feature as at the Tabernacle here, issues a hearty end of the term he would get tbe DELIBERATELY welcome to the public to attend money back he put into the policy these services which start at 11 and yet have the $5,000.00 protect­ a.m. and 7:30 p.m. We Will Trade Wheat or Cattle ion all the years. An independent grocery store do - ing a gross business of $100,000 a year stocks about 2,500 different items.

The average independent retail Only Few Hunters REDUCE YOUR pharmacy, also with an annual vol­ We Have Three 1957 Dodge Demonstrators. If You ume of $100,000 carries a stock of Need To Report INCOME TAX some 8,500 different items. Of these close to 3,000 items represent the The 1957 game regulations no Arrange your retirement income stock of the prescription department longer require hunters in Alberta Want a Good Deal on a 1957 Car See These Now! by taking advantage of Section alone. to return their completed license forms to the Department of Lands I 79B of Income Tax Act With these Very few o* these 3,000 items can plans you can save, secure more be described a*s "frst-sellers". In fact and Forests at the end of each I the latest Canadian Pharamceutical hunting season. Hie insurance protection for fa­ Survey shows that stock turnover in mily as well as reduce Income the proscription department averages As a substitute source of infor­ Tax. only Z\ & times a ymmr. , <•* mation the Fish and Game Branch has turned to the questionnaire What all fhis means fs that the method for securing needed in­ A. A. HUTTON & SONS pharmacist must carry an investment in inventory many times that of oth­ formation. About 2.5 percent of er retail stores- What it also means the 60.000 odd hunters in the pro is that the pharmacist . . . deliber­ vince have been chosen at random ately . . . with his eyes open . . • KEN CASSIDY stocks thousands of slow sellers. to participate in th'.' new question­ naire. They will be contacted prior No other retailer deliberately fol­ to the opening of the current sea­ lows this pattern. The pharmacist son and requested to record data AGENCY does so all the time. Only in this way of their kills throughout the sea­ can he be sure of providing a vital drug — no matter how infrequent the son. After closing of the latest sea­ Representing Public Finance demand for it — at a moment's not­ son in December, each will be sent Ltd. - Loans on Cars, ice. His stock of slow sellers helps a questionnaire sheet to fill in and guard your oood health. Furnitures Houses. return. PHONE 103 — HANNA GAMBLE DRUG PHONE 201, HANNA &2£ Harvest Machinery 1956 PLYMOUTH 4 Door Se­ dan, Drives, Acts Like New, Only . $2300

1953 BUICK 4 Door Sedan, SPECIALS Ready to Go Any ©"ICEfl Timef, Anywhere ylOuU r *\g*$f *'.''/T' FARMERS! Completely Equipped Looking for a quick, easy way to build an imple­ AUTOMATIC STRAW BUNCtfER with Hitch. Fits any 1953 Green Chev. Coach, Id- ment or storage shed? Then "RIGID FRAME" is your eal Family Car. Combine. answer. Your Youngsters $1295 14 Ft. No. 21A M.H. Combine with auger table, pick­ Won't Fall Out. up, lights and recleaner. "Rigid Frame" is an arch formed of four pieces of OLIVER 30 COMBINE, 12 Ft. with motor and pickup, 1952 PONTIAC 4 Door Sedan straight lumber braced cheap. Original Owner Car &~lf|C(| with plywood gussets. It's Driven Only 29,000 QIUUV EMERGENCY CALL! TWO — JOHN DEERE CLIPPERS, cheap for repairs. so easy—you can build it yourself, and so econom­ 1 No. 55 M.H. TRACTOR, hydraulic, etc. overhauled and 1950 MONARCH 4 Door Sed­ This is your "Country Doctor' ... one of the people that you ical too. No gluing re­ guaranteed. an Bring Your Family take for granted in your community. He has always beer, ther* quired and all materials are available immediately. Try It For Size. In time of need, and ho always will be. Day and night, in all IHC CLIPPER to be sold for repairs. There's no waiting around for arches to arrive. $750 seasons, his tjme and talents are yours to command 1952 LA CASE TRACTOR, reconditioned and guaran­ We Also Have Other Models , n P#r n wi your doetor hMl teed, One 24 ft. Rigid Frame costs only $10.61 as com­ J ^ T° . * * *• * wvicos'in your pared with $15.50 fora laminated arch, A saving of To Suit Your Budget district ~nder the same typ. of unselfish help. Organbation. JHC W-6 TRACTOR, overhauled and repainted. almost One-Third. We can supply you with enough ma­ such as the Red Cross, Cancer Society, T.B. Clinics, hospital terial to erect a 24x40 ft. Rigid Frame Building for the OLIVER 60 TRACTOR ideal for haying committees and the Ilk., work to make your community a bettor low price of $81*7.90, including cement for foundation. We Need Good '53'56 Used and hoalthier place in which to live. They need and deserve JOHN DEERE "D" on rubber. Cart. Now Is the Time When your support. Don't pass up this unbeatable offer. Call in today COCKSHUTT 80 TRACTOR good condition. Your Trade-in Value Is At Its and investigate the ultra new type of structure. Highest Your utility company f« always of your service and especially so fn times of emergency. IH employee, oro members of your EASY TERMS ARRANGED communify, assisting In community projects, furthering community we/fare. Togemo,, they compriso one of fhe basic OORE'S unit* tn constructive progress. OTORS BEAVER (ALBERTA) LUMBER LIMITED M K & B MOTORS Pontiac, Buick, G.M.C. Trucks Phone 21 Hanna C. Rea, Mgr. Phone 62 Hanna

BB^te^jJA.'. lrts-r|1iM'*''li'V'i'.1". ffrjiiVi *j ii'- 'ii* r-jr^ Vnmmmmmml*mWge*emm*

THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY^ *~a*rgMBER 19,1957 Pog«7 The Harvest Festival Service in Miss Carta Bodcn was * Calgary SL John's Anglican Church will be CHINOOK visitor over the week send. held on Sept. 29 at 4:80 p.m. Ev­ Mr. T. L. Marr was a busbies* eryone is cordially invited to at­ visitor to Winnipeg last week. Cereal District Bureau tend. CHINOOK, Sept. 17 — Mr. and Mr. and Mrj. Bryan Lockhart NEWS CIRCULATION A religious film and a special Mrs. A. Harris and daughter are and family visited in Viking far a JOB PRINTING feature by Missionary Joyce Bergh visitors at Mr. and Mrs. V. Lawr­ few days. of Columbia, South America, will ences' here. be held in the Cereal Hall on Sun­ CEREAL. Sept. 17 — Week end the recent canvass to support the day, September 22 at 3 p.m. Ev­ Mr. D. Garbutt from Oyen is vis­ guests at the home of Mr. and work of the Cancer Society. eryone is cordially invited to at­ iting at Mr. and Mrs. A. Garbutt's. Mrs. J. Flug were Mr. and Mrs. D. We are sorry to hear that Mr. After the meeting good wishes tend. L ^m m m Thorstad and faijiily and Mr. and were extended to Mrs. Halpenny Mr. Ed Larson of Washington is Butts is a patient in the Hanna Mrs. Harold Ferguson. Sr. who plans to leave shortly to a guest at the home of Mr. and Hospital. We all hope to see you Mr. and Mrs. D. Asel and Donna spend the winter in Calgary. Mrs. K. Opheim. up and around real soon Mr. Butts. Printing-} Rae spent the week end at the The next meeting will be held Mr. Angus McMillan has just re­ home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Asel. at the home of Mrs..H. Ellertson turned from a lengthy holiday in Mr. and Mrs. A. Matheson and on Oct. 10. The meeting closed by ESTHER Vancouver. PHONE 52 — THE HERALD family were week end visitors at repeating the Mizpah Benediction Mrs. A. Shippelt is visiting ln the home of Mr. H. Hill. after which a delicious lunch was Hanna with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mon- The W. I. held their regular served. ESTHER, Sept. 13 — Friday the petit. 13th brought completion of work meeting at the home of Mrs. Mel­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed McLeod and vill with eight members present. family of Youngstown were week on the new Esther Community rt was decided to canvass for end guests at the home of Mr. and Hall. The grey-green building took the CNIB in the near future. Mrs. A. McLeod. approximately two weeks to com­ The W.I. memtors wish to ex­ plete. Construction was done by a Second Hand Mr. and Mrs. J. Beauchamp and Brooks construction company. tend their sincere thanks for the family spent the week end at the -4-sf* loyal support of the community in There will be an official open­ home of Mr. and Mrs. L. FLeiman. ing of the new hall and the hail committee has announced that there will be a dance. Dates have not yet been announced. The United Church sponsored HANNA films which were held in Esther School Thursday. The films were entitled. "Newfoundland," follow­ ed by "A Wonderful Life" and were much appreciated by the au­ SPECIALS 1 dience. Mr. Carl Moore of Lover­ na introduced the films. The final CATTLE SALES THE OL' SWIMMIN' HOLE holds more fascination for this trio of young Manitobans than INKIER SPRING MATTRESS— MK AA church services for the season will be held Sunday and Mr. Moore will does the construction of the Trans-Canada Pipe Lines natural gas line from Alberta to Special L^3>Ji be leaving for Emmanual College Eastern Canada The pipelines were crossing the LaSalle river south of Winnipeg but the G.E. WASHING MACHINE €Mm% CA HANNA ROUND UP GROUNDS in Toronto. young swimmers were more interested in their favorite sport than the huge pipeline con- Special ^rWsWtsmrW Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laycock struction equipment. PLAIN 4|0' BED- M J CA are visiting the Joe Laycock fam­ Special - "PlTsipP Sponsored by fitzsimmons & Powell ily for a few days after their re­ cent trip throughout the United SEDALIA 3 PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE— »QQ JCA Saturday October 5 States. HANNA RAMS OPEN FOOTBALL Special ...... 'M*J99J*19 The Ladies' Community Club SEDALIA, Sept. 16 — Black­ ZENITH ELECTRIC WASHER— MA EA Saturday October 12 held its regular meeting at the birds are gathering and it looks Special ^V&mngrer Saturday .October 19 home of Mrs. Julius Schroeder. like fall is just around the corner. LEAGUE WITH LOPSIDED WIN Plans were completed for a Tea vFarmers are needing some dry CANADA PAINT (OUTSIDE-WHITE) M AJE Saturday November 2 and Bazaar to be held on Septem­ weather in order to get crops in. Local Squad Shows Too Much Power Special #••#?# ber 13. The proceeds are to be Mrs. A. Vandry and children are Saturday November 9 spent on the furnishings of the In Gaining 43-0 Victory Last Sunday KEM TONE, Quarts M AA off to Fenwood, Sask., to gather Special WMf Saturday _ November 16 new hall. A delicious lunch was their garden stuff. Hanna Rams before a fair sized Rams and president of this year's served by Mrs. J. Blaise and Mrs. KEM GLO, Quarts M AC Saturday November 23 Bakowy. Mrs. B. Fenske is boasting 13V4 crowd last Sunday opened tne East club Dr. J. Kaster Ed Peddie, most and 24 lb. pumpkins. Central capably handled the public ad­ Special —- -~ *#eV.a5P The organization meeting of the Saturday ____ November 30 The school children are putting in resounding fashion when they dress system ana kept the crowd Esther Students' Union was held on a box social and dance Friday downed a somewhat inexperienced Friday, September 6. Elected as well informed on plays and scores. MORE IF NECESSARY Sept. 27. The proceeds will go to­ Olds club 43 - 0. This coming Sunday should see president for the first term was ward purchasing Christmas treats. For the first game of the season, a ding dong battle between the Ronny Dalton. Secretary was Lin­ The E. Satre family have moved da Westerlund and Vice President both clubs played entertaining Rams and Crossfield- the latter be­ to the E. Thornton farm. Mr. Sat­ ball, but the better experienced WHVTE FURNITURI was Donna Bingeman. The treas­ ing rated the team to beat in this re has been with an oil well serv­ Hanna club, was far too much for urer's post went to Melvin Binge­ year's league. Game time is 2:30 Cooper and Void, Auctioneers man. icing firm in the Rimbey district. the boys from over west, who sim­ Phone 100 Miss M. LaPine is visiting rela­ ply could not dent thc local armor. sharp. Committees were as follows: la­ tives in Fenwood, Sask. IMPORTANT - Please place your entry boratory committee: Allen Lay­ Touchdowns for Hanna were cock and Rachel Antoni. Editorial: Mrs. G. Thurbeau motored down scored by Lloyd Cook. Rex Beach, 10 days before desired sale. We can han­ Arthur Pratt, editor; assistant Mar­ from Edmonton recently and took Bruce Morriset, Bob Thompson jorie Pratt. Program conveners, her mother back with her to un­ and quarterback Dick Tatarniuk dle approximately 700 head of cattle at Dianne Barnett and Shirley Bin­ dergo medical attention. who plunged over twice. each sale. geman. Librarian, Theresa Bak­ Mrs. G. Smith has been a patient Sterling line plav featured the owy and Kenneth Pratt. Social recently in the Cereal hospital. efforts of Larry Kirby and Clar­ committee, Ian Nelson, Phyllis Af­ The geese are gathering and ence Grauman, while in the back- fleck and Roy Pratt. will find good feeding grounds in field Mike Pelashaty and Rqn Col. Lets Play... the district on swaths that have bert were going great guns. FITZSIMMONS and POWELL Repeating last year's .purchase, not been picked up due to we' Opening ceremonies were per­ Venezuela has placed an order for weather. formed by league commissioner Phone 63 Hanna Phone 276 $1,250,000 worth of seed potatoes Miss M. Coulter is spending a Cpl. Bill McLeod of the Drumhel­ to be shipped from the Maritime six weeks vacation with relatives ler detachment RCMp while other provinces in October. in Kenora, Ont. and Grand View, guests were Acting Mayor C. K. Man. French, Bill Cross, ex coach of the Mr. G. Kroker is visiting the Wm. Thornton's at Ft. Saskatche­ wan. The French government has de­ NG Wiring is being done at the tea­ creased the subsidy on wheat by cherage and an electric stove is 10 percent. The new price to far­ being installed by the PTA for mers will be about $2.03. the teacher, Miss Serna. At the last meeting of the PTA it was de­ Brazil has signed an agreement I IN THE OYEN SCHOOL AUDITORIUM cided to serve lunch again after with Argentina calling for the the shows., starting next month. purchase of 36.7 million bushels The shows will be held every Wert-' of wheat annually for the next nesday starting at 8 p.m. j three years. This compares with i Howdy Born to Mr. and Mrs. S. Kruk- 44.1 million bushels a year called owski in the Consort Hospital on for in a three-year agreement Sept. 5, a son. which which expires this year. FRIDAY, OCT. An Economical Solution to Your Grain Storage Problem ALL PROCEEDS FOR COMMUNITY PURPOSES I KIDS! I $1161.65 IN PRIZES PLAY STARTS AT 8 p.m. SHARP

Would You Like To Have A Pair of The World's Finest THREE DOOR PRIZES FOR TICKETS PURCHASED UP TO 6 p.m., OCTOBER 4th CIRCULAR-PLYWOOD DOOR PRIZES- k GRANARIES First t^rin ., . Sunbeam Electric Blanket ($54.50) ICE SKATES Second Prize .. - Forestrille Clock ($27.t§# AVAILABLE IN THREE SIZES < Third Prize - —. Borg Scales ($13.95) 2200 Bushels, 3300 Bushels, and 4400 Bushels Plus A Season Ticket to the Arena for All Skating Ses­ The complete list of materials includes: Pre-cut frr dimension lumber and plywood; nails, glue~~r-gum sealer, List of Prizes Value Type of Gama cement, paper, angle irpn, bolts and metal ventilator 1. T-V End Table $?*.95 Standard sions! Well Who Wouldn't! — And It's So Easy Too.! rocif entry. -„ 2. Sunbeam Fry Pen end Lid $26.95 Standcea 3. Rancher Wagon : $23.95 Standard RIGID FRAME UTILITY BUILDING 4. Bicycle $75.00 HERE IS WHAT YOU DO — Save the wrapper from any loaf of 5. Sunbeam Steam Iron $19.95 ' o Can be used for grain stor­ 6. Card Table and Chairs $44.95 Standard Delicipus HONEYBOY BREAD, or the band on the Cello Loaf. age now and will serve many 7. Luggage ^-WOJli Standard useful purposes later. Any­ 8. Cedar Chest $7500 Standard one can erect this easy-to- When you have 200 take them to your grocer and you're on ice! 9. Step Stool ..$18.95 make, economical structure. 10. China Tea Set $31.95 TJg Hurry now because this offer expires December 31. Watch your — Easty-to-follow plans am 11. Table Lamps $27.50 Standard provided. local paper for our next big prize. It is really a dandy. 12. Chest Silverware (White Orchid) $89.95 Standard IS. T-V Tea Service $18.50 Standard 14. Revere Wore '., $29.95 I 15, One Trapper Blanket ... $24.95 Standard 16. Power Saw , $72.95 Standard 17. Cutlery Sat .„-_ „ $17.95 Standard 18. Clock and Barometer Sat .$19.95 N 19. Helicopter Radio $49.95 Standard Say Honeyboy to Your Grocer—If Costs Less Too! ATLA 20. Chesterfield Suite $349.00 Blackoo* Western Canada's Largest Independent Bread Company LUMBER data CALGARY - EDMONTON - SASKATOON 20 Games, 20 Priies, Tickets $3.00 HANNA PHONE 208 Tom Scott, Manager Lunch Served Dance fo Follow tarn

jffi|fraMBififcv.tt ———• •^f?W^|p^P?^?^y^^v —— '• *"r-i,i."*- ffPiP

THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1957 vited to come and worship with us. We wish to thank Mrs. Helen STARUND MUNICIPAL COUNCIL O'Neill of Craigmyle for the-box Public Health Facilities Enlarged I of books just received. New and enlarged facilities are .areas for weaving, sewing and many of them persons requiring Quite a number of people gath­ Delia Netus Bureau ered in the Auditorium last Sun­ being provided in the current buil­ knitting and ceranmic work. Space prolonged treatment. MEETS AT MORRIN OFFICE ON SEPT. 10 day and the program by Rev. (By the Herald's Correspondent Mrs. Felix Battle) ding program of the Department for domestic- science training with Another new asset of the Divis­ of Public Health. Construction re­ modern kitchen equipment will be ion of Mental Health is the new The regular meeting of the now i in Schedule A on which ar­ Schwendt and party from Oyen presents an investment of about provided, as will space for a well home for the Lethbridge Guidance Council of the Municipal District rears are still owing on Thursday, was very much enjoyed. equipped carpentry shop, painting of Starland No. 47 was held in the Nov. 7, 1957 be listed in minutes The piano playing of Mr. •DELIA, Seta. 16 — Brian Peters itors in Delia last week. $4,150,000 on buildings just com­ Clinic, provided by the remodell­ pleted and others on which work shop and shoe shop. ing of a leased building in Leth­ municipal office, Morrin on Tues­ of that meeting. Carried. Shields was very much appreci­ of Edmonton spent last week end Miss Shirley Herzog, of Calgary day. Sept. 10, at 10 a.m. - Moved by Reeve McLaren and ated and we all wish him the very with his parents Mr. and Mrs is spending her holidays at the is starting in tie immediate fut­ A new $60,000'clinic building is bridge. The new quarters will'pro­ Members present as follows: carried that Council approve pur­ best when he returns to the Tor­ Scott Peters, Del\ home of her father, Mr. Wm. Her­ ure. just being completed at the Red vide space for the growing activi­ Deer Training School. The two Reeve McLaren, Deputy R*feeve chase of barn at former Golden onto Conservatory of Music. Michael Gaetz ok the Canadian zog, Delia. Some of the twelve new struc­ ties o fthe Guidance Clinic which tures in the current program will story building includes a nursing serves the surrounding area and Nelson, Councillors Chambers, Grain School site for the sum of Bank of Commerce \taff, Calgary, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Cranston of provide new facilities for the div­ office, quarters for medical first Medicine Hat as well as Leth­ Brown, Parry. $240. and the issuance of cheque was a Delia visitor last week end California, were recent visitors at for said amount to Drumheller ision of Mental Health. They will aid and minor surgery, a small op­ bridge. Council received report of Field SPONDIN with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. erating room and a four-bed dorm­ School Division No. 30. provide for the complete separa­ The old Garneau School in Ed­ Supervisor Robertson for the past Gaetz. Blore. itory for pre and post operative SPONDIN, Sept. 16 — Doris tion of chronic patients and men­ monton has. been acquired by the month. Some discussion ensued re­ Bill Milne returned to his duties Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hunter and cases, a small labratory, pharmacy, Fischer, Inza and Sandra Mattis tal defectives from the patient of Department of Public Health and garding brucellosis vaccinating with tbe Canadian Bank of Com­ family of Craigmyle were recent denial office, X-ray area, wailing also Dwane and Dick Dederer left active treatment mental hospitals.' is being remodelled to provide program and terms of contract merce, Dawson Creek last week, visitors with friends in Delia. room |and pluysio/sherapy , room. on Monday for Lacombe where Others will replace outgrown ( quarters for a School for Nursing with veterinarian. after spending his holidays with We are pleased to report that Planned future construction at RAMBLINGS they will attend Canadian Union structures. Aides to serve the northern half E. M. Danchuk, District Engin­ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mr. Arthur Oldack, returned home Red Deer will be a $50,000 unit to College. The twelve buildings are in ad­ of the province. From the present eer, Department of Highways, Red Milne, Delia. last week after being a patient in provide space for the "sense from the Spondinites who went fishing on dition to the new Reception Wing school for Nursing Aides in Calg­ Deer, was in attendance regarding Henry Nimmo of Hand Hills, is the Hanna Hospital for the past training" program. Special equip­ Sunday were trying out their luck at the Oliver Mental Institute. ary about 250 girls are graduating Special Contingency project and Youngstown Home a patient in the Drumheller Hos­ three months as the result of a ment will provide facilities for at different points. The Arm­ Construction of this recently oc- every year to meet the needs of several bridge and culvert prob­ pital. tractor accident. training in co-ordination of mus­ strongs went to Buffalo Lake, j cupied wing was completed last Alberta hospitals. The Department lems. Mrs. H. M. Courtney, has been Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Thompson cles with hearing and optical John Househ to Endiang and Jack I year. In addition to reception expects that when the Edmonton Reeve McLaren, reported on an Mr. Keith Rogerson. Student a patient in the Drumheller Hos­ and family of Edmonton were re­ senses. Housch to the Red Deer River. ; quarters for new patients, this School is in operation 400 gradu­ interview with Mrs. Norma Broth­ Minister, of Youngstown United pital for the past two weeks. cent visitors at the home of the Church will hold service in tbje Gordon Roessler has accepted a former's parents, Mr. and Mrg. S. building provides a new dental Two buildings are completed ates will be provided each year ers of Hanna on Monday, Sept. 9. Messrs W. D Fitzsimmons and PleasantView Home On Sunday position in Jenkins Groceteria. M. Thompson, Delia, and other re­ j clinic, a library, a reading room and two more dormitories will be from the two schools. Moved by Reeve McLaren and T. F. Rieger of Calgary- were vis- Sept 22nd. It is quite probable Hanna. latives in the district. I and a nurses' lecture room. finished this fall in an important carried Ihat Mrs. Norma Brothers be granted assistance for herself that the junior girl choir will be Loretta and Henry Durrand and Mr. Bill Thompson of McLen­ Work will be started in the near new development of the Division and family as from Sept. 1, 1957, at singing a couple of anthems oY old Marge patzer are attending school nan, Alberta, a former resident of future on a new laundry building of Mental Health, the Deerhome NEW BRIGDEN OYEN the rate of $85.00 per month for time hymns. You are cordially in­ in Hanna. Delia, has been a recent visitor at for the Oliver Mental Institute. Institution for adult mental defec­ food, fuel and shelter and that all the home of his sister and brother- | The new structure will ^provide tives. This institution will event­ amounts paid by the municipality NEW BRIGDEN, Sept. 16— The in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Devalev- | modern laundry services for a hos­ ually provide accommodation for OYEN, Sept. 16 — Mrs. Harriet be charged against N Half 2, S.E. New Brigden Community Club iola of Morrin district. pital population of about 1,800 1,200 persons who are at presently Austin and children, accompanied FOR held a farewell party for Miss Peg­ persons at an investment of about housed in the active treatment Quarter 2 and S.E. Quarter 11 all Ed McKinstry to Calgary for a few ir. 32-16-W4. ECONOMICAL gy Braughton on Saturday, Sept. $1,000,000. mental hospitals and at the train­ clays recently. 7. The ladies of the district gath­ At the Ponoka Provincial Mental ing school. The first two dormitor­ Moved by Deputy Reeve Nelson Mrs. Kemp of Lethbridge visited ered in the rink waiting room and SUNNYNOOK Hospital, a $150,000 extension to ies are to be opened October 1. and carried that Council decline with her sister and brother-in-law DRIVING..* enjoyed an afternoon of games, the Nurses' Residence js to be In this development each residen­ responsibility for balance of ac­ Ihe A. K. Lee's recently. stunts and chatting. Mrs. Jean Doo­ SUNNYNOOK, Sept. 16 — Mr. built. tial dormitory will provide space count of Roy Miller with Holy lan, on behalf of the community, and Mrs. R. W. Ringdahl of Hanna Work is being completed on a for between 150 and 200 occu­ Mrs. Grubb has returned home Cross Hospital, Calgary and that presented the guest of honor with are visiting at the Ringdahl farm. new $200,000.00 infirmary at the pants. after a holiday at Medicine Hat the Accountant of said hospital be \ \ INSIST ON /// a'travelling case filled with cos­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ringdahl and Provincial Training School at Red The $330,000 service building in­ and Redcliffe. so advised. metics. Lunch was then served. son Ross were week end visitors Deer. Hitherto, room for infirmary cluding a laundry and power house Mrs. Hanson is back to her desk Moved by Councillor Brown and Miss Braughton leaves next week to Vauxhall. cases had to be found in other has been completed, as has the in the Special Areas Office after carried that salary of Irene M. ROBOTESTED to help with the nursing services Mr. and Mrs. John Stifle and quarters of the school. The new $340,000 kitchen and bakery. a delightful holiday in California. Cuncannon be set at $200. per ENGINE TUNE-UP at Hobbema for a short time and Donna and Mr. and Mrs. T. Robin­ pleasant- well lighted and air con­ The dormitories, Ward 1 and montl} as from Sept. 1, 1957. then will be on her way to Hawaii. Mrs. Thayer toox over for Mrs. son motored to Youngstown and ditioned infirmary will have an ac­ Ward 2, will be completed this Gullekson at the hospital, while Moved by Deputy Reeve Nelson FOR FORD OF CANADA PRODUCTS The Square Dance Club has star­ Oyen last week. commodation for 111 patients. fall at a cost of $500,000 each. and carried that November meet­ the latter and Mr. Gullekson spent You save money, time and worry when you tune-up the ted up its fall and winter season Mr. and Mrs. Fay McBride and Another new building schedul­ Work on Ward 3 should be com­ a lev) days at Pine Lake. ing of Council be held November 7 due to municipal convention ROBOTESTED way, an exclusive new tune-up service that by holding their first dance on family of Acadia Valley were week ed for the Red Deer Training pleted by spring. Mr. Wesley Garbutt of Toronto utilizes the amazing ROBOTESTER to assure precision, thorough Sept. 7. This was very well attend­ end guests at the home of the for- School is the Vocational Training In addition to the adult mental (youngest brother of Duke) is visit­ starting on regular date of Noit 12. tuning. ed and much enjoyed, even though mor's mother, Mrs. Stella McBride. Building, to replace the present defectives who are now in mental ing with relatives in Oyen, Sedalia, ROBOTESTED TUNE-UPS uncover hidden troubles that many of the steps had been for­ Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd Torie and vocational quarters. The latter are hospitals there are many aging and New Brigden. Moved by Councillor Chambers ordinary old fashioned tune-ups miss. gotten during the summer. The daughter Olga, were over-night to be altered to provide additional mental defectives living in their Mrs. R. Palmer, formerly of Oy that lands, as listed in Schedule All factors of engine operation and performance are tested next dance will be held on the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Carlson dormitory space. This new $60,- own communities. Some of these en, passed away in Calgary last "A" by the Secretary - Treasurer. against factory standards to ASSURE COMPLETE DRIVING 21st of this month. of Youngstown last week. 000 structure will provide needed are living with parents or other week. Sympathy is extended to be advertised for sale in the Octo­ SATISFACTION AND ECONOMY. ber 15 issue of the Alberta Gaz­ Mrs. Nels Holmes and Mr. Mil­ Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Oliver of members of families who are un­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker. ton Holmes are visiting with Mr. Benton were week end guests at able to give them care and protec­ ette; that Tax Sale be held in thc University to resume her studies Mrs. Loveli has her parents- Mr. municipal office, Morrin on Tues­ and Mrs. Ben Robinson in Calgary. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert and Mr. and Mrs. Chermansky and tion. The Deerhome development and Mrs. George Rogers of Atha­ Relatives from Tacoma, Wash­ Campbell. will provid accommodation for day December 10, 1957 at 2 p.m.; CENTRAL GARAGE family are moving to Rowley, Al­ baska visiting with her and fam­ that the Secretary-Treasurer write ington are visiting this week end At the dance held in the Sunny­ berta. Mr. Chemansky has been them. ily. with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Heaney. nook Hall last Friday night, fare­ all ratepayers whose lands are due PHONE 102 HANNA section foreman on the CNR at The Provincial Auxiliary Men­ Mrs. S. Warwick of Calgary who for Tax Sale and that all lands A local tennis tournament is be­ well gifts were presented to Miss this point. tal Hospital at Claresholm is to be spent some time with relatives Joan Mockford and to Mr. and ing held here on the afternoon of Several Sunnynook folk attend­ replaced there by a new single and friends in Oyen, has returned Mrs. Chermansky on behalf of the the 15th. This is a newly formed ed the United Church service at story $240,000 building which will to her home. Athletic Ass'n. club and much enthusiasm over Rose Lynn last Sunday. The next be completed this fall. The pres- All who are interested in the ac­ this tournament is anticipated. Miss Mockford is returning to service will be held in the church lent building was remodelled in tivities of the Cubs and Brownies, in Sunnynook' Sunday, September the "thirties" from an old Agricul- ,are invited to attend the meeting 29 at 12 o'clock noon. Rev. Gour­ I tural School and is a three story in the School Auditorium Septem­ lay of Hanna will be the speaker. ' frame, concrete basement struc­ ber 20 at 8 p.m. The District Com­ This FALL for your GRASSLANDS and STUBBLE All are welcome. ture difficult to operate. The new missioner. Harry G. Dell of Calg­ Miss Olga Torie has returned to building will provide accommoda­ ary will be present. Vancouver after having spent a tion at ground floor level for the Contact members of the Oyen short holiday with her parents whole population. The patients Hospital Auxiliary for tickets on Mr. and** Mfa. S. Torie here. 'are the elderly mentally ill and the table cover 60x70, embroider­ ed by Mrs. Frank Love and donat­ BUY AND APPLY ed by Mrs. Frank Love. (It is a $3,000 table cover and not a bed-spread OPPORTUNITY as was stated last week). Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhn of Oyen, in Oyen Municipal THIS AREA Hospital, on Sept., 15, a daughter, NITROGEN Kathleen Heather," 8 lbs., 5 oz. Canadian Company operating on a national scale has Im­ A thank you to the following mediate openinps for ambitious men or women to manage local bus­ . . . the plant food your crop uses most iness « people for donations to the hospit­ handled in spare hours at start if desired; honesty and dependabil­ al: Mrs. S. Regan, bread; Mrs. ity more Important than past experience. Our liberal financial as­ Horne, cabbage. CASH for bigger, better yields In 19581 sistance enables rapid expansion. This is a business on a high plana for hiph type men or women of character only. Your crops use more Nitro­ gen than any other plant food APPLICANTS MUST HAVE — 40 bushels of wheat take APPROX. $1,700.00 47 lbs. of Nitrogen from your (Which is secured), and good references. These openlngB will pay aofl, two tons of brome hay you exceptionally high monthly income Immediately, and rapidly ln- take 60 lbs. away. Without rrease as business expands. Prefer applicants aspiring earnings from $10,000.00 to $20,000.00 yearly. No high pressure men wanted as NO Nitrogen, your crop's would SKLL1NO required. If you can qualify and have necessary cash, starve! write today giving phone number and particulars for local Inter­ view. Write; Manager, P. O. Box No. 126, Station B, Montreal, Que­ Spread Elephant Brand bec. BINGO High Nitrogen Fertilizer** PHONE 52 — THE HERALD on your stubble or pasture now! Next Spring, even In The Hanna Arena before you can get oo your land, fertilized grasslands are •tn an three wsjrn of eenljlnc Elephant Bran* Blfb Nitroien rerUUier: (1) witk growing . . . Nitrogen is de­ a Universal Fertiliser attachment, by re­ composing crop residue on moving- the bottom ends af tbe attachment botes from the tea of tho (rajs ribbon SCIENCE IN stubble land, providing mors tabes «) with a worn-oat grain «rlH with valuable plant food. tho farrow openers removes (3) with a ref alar broadcast spreader. YOUR LIFE I Sponsored by the FOR GRASSLANDS FOR STUBBIE Nitrogen applied in the Fall Nitrogen on stubble speeds up Care With Cleaners means more money for you... you YES/ Hanna Memorial Civic Sports Ass'n decomposition of valuable crop Cleanliness may be next to godli­ can put twice aa many head on residues. In Spring plant food ness — but it also can be dangerous. every acre, get them on the land from both the crop residue and the JUST Certainly many human beings go to from 8 to 4 weeks sooner and keep meet their Maker because of clean­ them there longer. Nitrogen fertiliser is available to ing fluids and laundry bleaches. Elephant Brand High Nitrogen the new crop. The young plants "It is surprising how much a Fertilizers* produce more better benefit immediately from the locked cabinet or even a tightly tasting forage, richer in essential readily available food in Elephant closed container on a high shelf might do to make unnecessary a proteins and minerals • you'll see Brand High Nitrogen Fertilizers* the difference in fatter steers and discussion of laundry bleach poison­ heifers, and more milk production. ing," says the Pfizer Spectrum, a s 149 50 medical magazine. Many house­ Contact your Elephant Brand agent today. wives thoughtless­ ly store chlorin- ndry bu OCT. 2 FOR THB LOVELY r.7^r7.. ch es anm d thtl e cleaning fluid, Elephant Brand carbon tetrachlor­ New 1957 Model ide, in soda-pop containers, wine high nitrogen bottles and even baby bottles. These are even placed on the floor within GRAND PRIZE $1,000 FERTILIZERS easy reach for toddlers in an explor­ ing stage of life. ^COMIMCIF After a seven year study, three l. $25.00 - Standard 9. $25.00 Standard mctmmmm t mams te^mjs CMMM UNTO doctors reported in the Canadian $25.00 -— Standard Medical Association Journal that 2. 10. $100.00 „ O Game CALG«V • SASKATOON • SVMOK0 • TOKWTO • MCMTHM. • VANCOUVH Deluxe Lifetime Value WASHER carbon tetrachloride is one of the 3. $50.00 X Game 11. $25.00 Standard m it Complete with Pump, life lubricated The "STYIE-IINER" commonest medical causes of ser­ 4. $25.00 - - Standard 12. $500.00 Blackout Mull it In mechanism, rubber cushioned ious and even fatal kidney damage. lid/etc. The fluid can have dangerous ef­ 5. $50.00 X Game 13. $25.00 Standard WKAPfMUS UMOMtM mtATI-PHOSPHATE YES $25.00 Standard A—ifliiHi Nttrm* - 33.5% Nitrooen 27% Nitrogen fects whether it ia inhaled, swal­ 7. 14. $100.00 O Gama it Safety Wrings* with touch-bar release, Tour0ldWaslitrW.il Do lowed or absorbed through the skin. 6. $100.00 O Game 15. $25.00 Standard f^MMUnlUM bULrnrilt UUtTDtOUS AMMONIA and automatic water director. New, The corrosive and caustic action 21% NHrogen NH, - 82% NHrogen modem cast aluminum frame is lighter As The Down Payment et the chlorinated alkalies used as 8. $500.00 Blackout 16. 1,000.00 Blackout and more durable than others. */ laundry bleaches are well-known to anyone who has mourned a favorite it Handsoawly designed, with fashion, erment eaten away by strong laun- able full length skirt and chromium fry bleaches. When swallowed, Tickets Must be Purchased by 6 p.m. October 2 To Qualify for The Cash Door Prizes K&B MOTORS T.O. MARTIN trim. New GUARD-EPON finish does these chemicals cause severe burns not rust — lasts TEN TIMES longer. in the mouth and digestive tract - Regular Ml riied rub. a terrible reward-ior the enterprise HANNA BYEMOOR of young explorers. • Guaranteed .8 years with 18-year re­ Like other forms of poisoning, 8 - $25.00 (ash Door Prizes, Cash for Tie Breakers build guarantee on the mechanism. poisonings doe to laundry bleaches and cleaning fluids are enormously WM. GIBSON simple to prevent "What is requir­ ART'S SERVICE ed/' says Spectrum, "is minimal DELIA education of housewives to keep Play Cash Bingo In Hanna October 2 -16 Gaines $3.00 YOUNGSTOWN, ALTA. such commonplace and dangerous agents out of reach." cut

IK2?^**s->*.^.. > fca^r^Jv.jwai«»sri^i;-^. i,+, .„.. THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1957 •fHagjjP:

good pastry-or is merely a shell to Don't mix too much if possible. SALE OF GOVERNMENT hold a pie. filling. You may also Certain general statements can OWNED DRY SKIM MILK RUSSIA ANNOUNCES PRODUCTION have wondered just why your pas­ be made at this time concerning try wasn't as good as it should OTTAWA, Sept. 11 — The Hon. the value of the different types ef Douglas S. Harkness, Minister of have been. Perhaps your husband shortening agent*. Lard has the OF INTERCONTINENTAL MISSLES tells you "that pie crust was never greatest shortening power and so Agriculture, announced today that meant to be eaten," bat should be t0< s f a smaller amount is required to * th*e ° ^**T^ii^EE£l New Weapon Will Have Little Effect "filled again" instead, indicating render a tender product. Hydro- \* government «?n to fffered On Canadian Civil Defence Plans oi course, that your pastry just genated shortenings are quite high fbr resale on the basis of 17 cents isn't the best! in shortening ability but are really per pound spray process and 14 Considerable speculation has ar-*; Let us try to analyze "good pas­ quite expensive to buy. Butter is a cents per pound roller process, isen internationally, following the try" and find out just what qual­ very poor shortening for pastry f .o.b. storage, in carlot quantities. announcement in Moscow of the ities are possessed by it; then I due to its high water content. Full details with respect to loca­ supposedly successful testing of THE will go on to discuss bow we could Margarine rates similar to butter tion of stocks, selling and distrib­ Russia's Inter-Continental Ballistic in its shortening power. Propor­ ution arrangements will be provid­ ularly about the comparative ab- incorporate these good qualities Missiles. Civil Defence authorities into your next pastry. tion of fat as well as its consist­ ed to prospective buyers upon re­ sense of flax rust. In the Fort Ver­ in Canada stress that the evolu­ ency affect the flakiness. Oil or quest. LESS CROP DISEASE THIS YEAR milion area last year flax rust was tion of this type of weapon will As stated by Halliday and Noble melted fats tend to give a mealy severe, but this year, even on sus­ in "The Hows and Whys of Good but little affect the planning for (by Blanche Ross) pastry although it*" is usually quite rather than on the ingredients al­ ceptible varieties, little damage Civil Defence purposes. For some Cooking" here are the characteris­ tender. ACCORDING TO 1957 SURVEY was noted. In this region, the dis­ tics of good pie crust: one. No added ingredient has yet years it has been anticipated that been found which actually im­ ease picture generally was similar ICBM's would soon be in product­ In appearance, good' pie crust Tenderness of pastry has al­ Grain Crops Show Noticeable to that in other areas. There was ion, causing a re-evaluation, and is flakey, i.e. the surface has a ready been shown to be depend­ proves the standard, conventional Absence of Rust; Pathologists Report little cereal rust, some barley Major - General F. F. Worthing- Hello Homemakers: rough, almost blistered appear­ ent on: method. The well known recipe scald, evidence of pasmo on flax, ton. Federal Coordinator for Civil Many of you are busy these days ance rather than a firm, smooth 1. Kind of flour. for hot water pastry tends to pro­ The crop disease survey by Dr. Koropad advises, and from the some occurrence of powdery mil­ Defence, stresses at this time that with canning and pickling season one. Moreover it is tender enough 2. Amount of water used. duce a mealy rather then a fleak- plant pathologists of the Science present of one or the other this dew and slight to moderate infec­ evacuation is still essential. The here. Along with all canning hus­ to 'cut easily with a fork but not 3. Amount of handling. ey pastry. Service Laboratory in Edmonton year the rainfall pattern could be tion of red clover by Northern an- principle of dispersal is still valid tle are those everyday meals to so tender that it crumbles. It is The amount of fat also affects Thus, we as homemakers. can has been completed for another readily traced. Both diseases re­ tharacnose. and obviously it is better to be prepare and junior's school lunch golden brown in color around the the tenderness of pastry. When now analyze our techniques and year. Conducting the survey were sult in loss of leaf area and con­ somewhere else when the bomb too! With all the lovely fresh edge, a somewhat lighter color at the amount of fat is small, the ef7 the ingredients used and perhaps Drs. W. P. Campbell, W. P. Skoro- sequent reduction in crop yield. goes off. fruits on the market these days, the bottom; and, even though it fects of other factors is greater improve our pastry skills. Now we pad and Wlr. E. Ward. West of Edmonton, scald was the Forage Information why not make up some fresh fruit contains a filling, crust should be than when the amount of fat is really know the "Hows and Whys" more serious. Cool temperatures General Worthington maintains pies. Now in a pie, there are two crisp on the bottom as well as al­ ample or in excess. Ordinary rec­ and perhaps the next time you Thc general picture throughout Now Off Press that the idea of crash evacuation ong the edges. the area from Calgary north shows as well as moisture are required things to consider, namely, the ipes for pastry call for one-quar­ make pastry, your husband will be for development of the scald org­ is at present not workable, but if filling and the crust. Of course Pastry is made by blending fat ter cup of fat per cup of flour. scraping his plate to get even the less disease this year. Dr. Camp­ Hay and pasture crops steadily some kind of a warning should be with fresh fruits on hand, the fill­ When this amount is increased to bell reports. Where showers were anism and with these conditions increase in importance sustaining into flour and salt until the flour last crumb, it will be so flakey, present there was an epidemic of given, we should plan to get peo­ ing would be no special problem particles have an absorbed layer one-third cup the dough can stand tender and tastey! plentiful lush crops resulted and the rapidly growing live stock in­ ple away as speedily as possible at all. And then, there's that job more rough handling without i it was here generally that disease scald centered around Fallis. To­ dustry. To keep Alberta farmers of fat. Enough water is added to wards Edmonton the disease be­ from the target areas. There is, of making pie crust. make a stiff dough, with utmost greatly affecting the quality of was most prevalent. Grain crops posted on aspects related to the naturally, the hope that the direct­ the finished product. this year showed a noticeable ab- came less evident. production of forage crops, The Many of you as homemakers care being taken lest too strong ion of the missiles will not be gluten be formed by using too sense of rust. No stem rust was East of Edmonton, spring rains Alberta Forage Crops Advisory 100 per cent accurate. Particularly have been making pastry for many There are many varieties of rec­ Com noted until early September, too were scant and early temperatures Committee has prepared the 1957 years now, some pastry which may much water. Excessive rolling and ipes for pastry containing baking have appeared good; others not so kneading gives increased tough­ powder, lemon juice, vinegar, egg, late to cause damage unless mat­ cool. When the rains came later, edition of "Hay and Pasture Crops ness. Println urity was extremely retarded. Leaf scald did not develop because tem­ for Alberta," ready now for distri­ good. Have you ever wondered if hot water, etc. The advantage of Zone Alberta For Roll out toward the edge with m^s rust appeared around the middle peratures were too high. Net bution. Within a matter of seconds the pastry you make is really any of them over the standard PHONE 52 — THI HERALD of August, but again too late to do blotch, however, seems less sensi­ information on the value of forage Big Game Hunters successive strokes in such direction recipe depends largely upon the | any considerable damage. tive to temperature than does crops, use of fertilizer and legume as to keep the shape round. As difference of individuals in skill Special zoning of the entire pro­ it should be stressed that an air soon as the dough starts sticking Two of our worst leaf diseases scald and when the rains came a innoculation can be referred to. vince to govern big game hunting of defeatism must not creep into net blotch epidemic appeared in The booklet (publication No. 63) to the board, loosen it gently and I of barley are net blotch and scald, was introduced with Alberta's 1957 Civil Defence thinking on either begin rolling again. This lifting the area. also advises on crop choice, sug­ hunting regulations. Eleven zones the federal, provincial or the mun­ prevents streching in one direc­ Why net blotch did not become gests mixtures of grasses and leg­ were created, each with its own icipal levels and we must still bear tion and also shrinking in the IAdvance Registry a problem west of Edmonton as umes and describes the different opening and closing date as well in mind that the planning of Civil oven. FRED GALARNEAU varieties with sound seeding prac­ Defence concerns natural disaster |For Swine Sale , the summer advanced may possib­ as species and sex of animals The tenderness and flakiness of ly be explained on the basis of tices following. A good portion of which may be taken. One entire as well as war. With the release of space is devoted to pasture man­ information concerning the Rus­ pastry are largely dependent on Swine producers who wish to antagonism, Dr. Skoropad sug­ zone, the valley of the Bow River the distribution of fat. A flakey —Auctioneer— •acquire top quality breeding stock gests. Where scald becomes estab­ agement of both native pastures east of Banff National Park, was sian testing of missiles there is and seeded ones. There is also a the tendency to forget that we, of pastry results if small pieces of HANNA — ALBERTA »f western origin are reminded by lished he says, it seems to keep set aside for bow and arrow hunt­ fat are left in the dough when it the net blotch organism from gain­ section on management of hay the Western Alliance, have con­ A. J. Charnetski, Live Stock Sup­ ing only.' tinued experiments in the field of is rolled out. These flattened por­ ervisor, Alberta Department of ing ground. In severe cases of crops giving the most advantag­ RANCH REAL ESTATE eous time for cutting legumes and Two areas in the south of the ICBM's. The United States are at tions of fat melt during the baking "i.griculture of the First Advance scald the whole leaf is destroyed province, those of the Eastern Ir­ and form areas where steam can and the net blotch organism is grasses. How to store hay without more or less the same level of ex­ Registry Swine Sale in Alberta to rigation District surrounding the perimentation, and their medium collect and thus flakes are form­ be held at Camrose, Oct. 24. A crowded out, but where even a danger of spoilage and a few notes ed. A tender pastry results when on silage complete the publication. town of Brooks and the British range missiles are believed to be fcommittee of three will select the moderate amount of scald occurs, Block north of Medicine Hat, will the flour is well coated by films McDIARMID AGENCIES net blotch does not seem to be­ capable of falling on the principal pigs offered for sale to assure that Forage crops have a place on be closed to big game hunting. centres of any potential enemy of fat and only enough water is 1616 A Centre St. N., Calgary ly superior quality animals will come established on the scald-in­ every farm since they prevent er­ Hunting for any kind of game is country. added to hold the ingredients to­ sold. All pigs at the sale will fected plants. Since the organisms osion, control weeds, provide soil prohibited in all national and pro­ gether. "SELLING IS MY BUSINESS" be from high scoring advance reg­ are carried over both on barley tilth and fertility • and live stock vincial parks, game preserves, bird In the United Kingdom guided No recipe can state the exact istry breeding stock. A sale of seed and on the stubble, seed feed. Your copy may be obtained sanctuaries, Indian reservations missiles were recently displayed amount of liquid to add to the •this kind will be of definite ad- treatment and crop rotation are by writing your District Agricul­ and Metis Colonies. at the Fornborough Air Show. flour-fat mixture. All purpose important 'in control of both these Nine different types of missiles | vantage to all swine producers turist or The Extension Service, Apart from zoning for big game flour will absorb more liquid in land should warrant their full at- diseases. Three years planting to Legislative Buildings, Edmonton. were displayed by the Society of rendering a stiff dough than pas­ crops other than barley will great­ hunting, few changes are incorp­ British Aircraft Constructors, in­ I tent ion and attendance. More in- orated in the new regulations. In try flour. If too much water is ad­ I formation will be available after ly reduce the amount of inoculum cluding rocket model interceptors ded, dough is sticky and difficult in the soil. most zones hunters y/ill be allowed with an unofficial speed of 2000 [the selection committee has done Turkey Treatment to take one male antlered animal to roll out. Results are that the 'its work and arrangements for the In his survey of the Peace River miles per hour. pastry *is very hard and tough. region, Mr. Ward remarked partic­ At Process Plants but in some either male or female sale are more specific. may be taken. This exhibition or missile weap­ During the rolling, more flour is CRYSTAL GOAL MINE About three or four years ago, ons is only the beginning of the required, this also contributes to In the -Migratory and Upland story concerning probable rocket a tough product if an excess of 1 the housewife still bore the brunt Game bird class, seasons and bag (Located 1 Mile South of Sheerness) of the work involved in turkey warfare;. Bigger and more power­ flour is used. Water or milk should limits remain almost unchanged ful weapons are in test production be sprinkled over the top of the *~S*"* preparation for Thanksgiving. Now from last year. the processing and eviscerating including the long range ballistic flour, fat mixture and the whole N0W0PENF0R FALL AWT" plants have taken over most of Separate regulation folders for rocket. Some degree of comfort to mixture tossed lightly and just big game and game birds were the Western Alliance can be ac- her work and a good part of the distributed the middle of August farmer's too. But in order that ceped from the point that if these to almost 900 license vendors ac­ weapons can now be put on dis­ WINTER BUSINESS-ALL SIZES consumers get the product on titne ross the province. In addition to and to avoid last minute congest­ play in the United Kingdom, still printed regulations, the big game greater and more powerful weap­ ion at plants, R. H. McMillan, Poul­ folder contains a map setting forth ons must be locked behind the AUCTION SALE • LUMP-EGG-NUT-STOKER • CATTLEMEN AND RANCHERS try Commissioner encourages send­ the various zones and boundaries doors of the laboratories and fac­ ing live turkeys with proper finish referred to in hunting regulations. tories. 2 Miles South, Half Mile East to registered processing plants For Belter Coal and For Better Service Therefore it is probable that an- of Rose Lynn now. Length of time required by greatly increased their facilities, other form of stalemate could ar- Beginning Tuesday, October 1, 1957 during the the plant operator to process the heavy fall run we will be selling cattle on Tuesdays, Mr. McMillan advises eviscerating ise between the opposing nations, Wednesday, Sept. 25 live bird to the finished product of birds received at registered but the greatest weapon which we - Buy - Wednesdays and if necessary on Thursdays. The sales has increased by about two weeks. stations has increased from 5.8% ! have is the conviction of the sup- S. L. (Sam) Maley, Owner will begin at 10:30 a.m. and cut off at 5:00 p.m. thus Today, in addition to killing and in 1953 to 68% in 1956. This to- j eriority of our way of life and* the enabling stockmen, farmers and buyers to get away plucking the bird as in the past, tal is expected to be surpassed knowledge that, with co-operation 35 Head of Cattle, 7 Horses, early. Cattle will be accepted far these sales from Mon­ the poultry processor must evisc­ this year and that being the case in all aspects of living, we can erate, package and freeze it so Farm Machinery, Misc. Goods day noon through to Wednesday noon. the necessity to market birds early rise above the threats which con- that it may be merchandised in a could well bear repeating. I tinue to surround us. Sale Starts 12 Noon, Free We will also be equipped to feed and water your form demanded by the consumer. Lunch, Terms Cash CRYSTAL COAL livestock. Why not make arrangements THE MOST ECONOMICAL COAL YOU CAN BUY with your poultry processing plant This fall we will have plant, feeder and eastern for a convenient killing date be­ Fitzsimmons buyers on hand to guarantee you top prices for your fore sending those "gobblers" a- And Powell Auct'rs Trucks Loaded Promptly and Efficiently livestock. way? Mr. McMillan strongly favors Hanna, Alberta With Our New Loading Facilities. plant dressing, eviscerating, pack­ aging and freezing of poultry over farm dressed birds. It's a splendid SHIP HOGS J way to avoid bruises, tears, dis­ coloration, etc., which result in TO STETTLER AUCTION MART lower grades and returns. Attractive oven-ready birds are 2nd ANNUAL CEREAL PHONE 2785 STETTLER, ALTA. increasing in derrftnd in the east 41-49c I and west and to meet this demand ! processing plant operators have Female •IIIB I* WE ARE STILL SHIPPING UNION" FOR CATTLE • FULL MARKET PRICE HOGS! HOGS! HOGS! • QUICK SLAUGHTER • PROMPT RETURNS EVERY MONDAY FROM THE FOLLOWING POINTS: SALE C. EMBREE, HANNA - Phone 353 Sponsored by Hie East Central Alberta Cattle Breeders' Association E. FLEMING, Youngstown, Phone 41 MR. LEONARD SMITH L. E. REIMAN & SONS, Cereal - Phone 17 will receive hogs ot THE LARGEST SALE OF PUREBRED FEMALES IN ' JIM REIMAN, Oyen - Phone 61 JACK McCULLY, Delia - Phone 912-15 Bill McKenzies Farm EASTERN ALBERTA ANGUS - SHORTHORN - HEREFORD AND GALLOWAYS SHIPPING TO CALGARY PACKERS ( A Division of Can­ Hanna ada Packers, A Canadian-Owned Firm). for shipment SAT., OCTOBER 26 EVERY MONDAY AT THE CEREAL AUCTION MART CAREFUL SELECTION A4.U TsMTED CATALOGUES to the Calgary Plant of Ail Listings Carefully All Cows Entered III This Available from Selected by Sal* Are - W. M. Huston, Sibbald or KM MAN a UMOUWCS UNION PACKING COMPANY Association Committee T.B. st Bangs Tested G. A. Beynon, Esther .." "Hauling Livestock in Any Quantity Any Time' For Further Particulars Contact: Completely Covered by Insurance No Matter Where -Auctioneers They Go! LEONARO SMITH BILL McKENZIE RUSS REIMAN FRANK GATTEY Phone 469, Hanna Phone RI 508, Hanna License No. 316, Cereal License No. 18S, Consort, Alta. iiw! . .mn..' ••*»*»-***»*•

.Wt&iik* **J*Mt*ilk ^d^^iiiuHl Page 10 THE HANNA HERALD ond EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1957


YO"0NGSTO"WN,-Sept 16 — Mr. SCAPA, Sept. 17 —, The hunt­ end Mrs. W. G. MacKinnon are ing season this year in this dist­ spending a holiday in the United rict at any rate, didn't start off States. with as big a bang as usual. The Joe Nickolich returned last reason? Not very many geese and week end from a holiday in Calg­ just a few ducks. However, the aiy and the United States.' weather has brought them down PHONE 52 — THE HERALD Among those visiting in Calgary in the last few days and great last week were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. flocks can be seen in the sky. PMIllivt Von Matt, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall Sounds like fall, doesn't it? Feels and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Laughlin. like it too! Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Groves of A shower was held-" on Sept. 6 Nova Scotia are the new propriet­ in the Scapa Community Hall for ors of the Hotel Coffee Shop. our recent bride, Mrs. Reinhold Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chaney leave Hein, as a welcoming gesture into soon for Breton, Mja. where Mr. Ihe district. The two hostesses. Chaney wiH be in charge of the Mi.-. H. Ziemmer and Mrs. It. Mor­ Alberta Wheat Pool elevator -at rish presented the bride with ihe that point. "Irnphy" a replica of "Scapa Sta­ Mrs. Jessie Schmitz has accept­ tion" filled to the top with thc CAPITOL ed a position on the kitchen staff shower Kifts. There was a total at Pleasant View Home. of 35 signatures on the bride's Mr. Jas. Peters of Camrose is shower gift souvenir — a wooden THEATRE relieving at the Pioneer Grain "El­ rolling pin! A very pleasant social evator during the absence of Mr. evening was enjoyed, as several G. V. Shanks who is a patient in contests and a sing - song com­ PRESENTS the Hanna Hospital. pleted the evening. THIS WEEK END In Yugoslavia this year farmers The iirst wheat of the season are guaranteed about $1.75 a bu­ has been delivered, on the unit shel for wheat, $1.25 for barley quota, but as yet thfere is no No. 1. THUR., FRI., SAT. and about 79 cents for oats. Doubt if there will be, considering SEPTEMBER 19-20-21 the beating the grain has received this fall. Mrs. F. Harvey and Gerry were in Calgary this week, accompany­ Love Me Tender ing Mrs. Harvey's mother, Mrs. CAPITOL PIPELINING THROUGH sloughs and muskeg has become almost routine for construction Hein. CINEMASCOPE crews building the Trans-Canada Pjpe Lines natural gas line from Alberta to Eastern Can­ Don't forget the dance at Scapa ada. Here in the vicinity of Carberry, Man., the line-up gang works its way through a mar­ on Sept. 27. Good music, novelty RICHARD EGAN shy spot on section five, followed by the weldsrs, and the dope gang. The crews work from dances with prizes. Everyone wel­ DEBRA PAGET a road of tree trunks, planks and sand. Before this job is completed the pipe will be coated come. And Introducing and wrapped, the ditch pumped dry and 6,503-pound concrete weights placed over the pipe Miss Louise Squires models o mesh plastic hat which a drive-ln to hold it in place. Los Angeles traffic officer described as a "combination hand ELVIS PRESLEY Endiang Resident bag and shopping bag" when he gave her a ticket. He said The estimate for the rice har­ Canada's poultry population in­ Passes at Lacombe she was wearing it down over her eyes while driving, thus im­ vest of 1956-57 is 3.7 percent ab­ creased 6 per cent in the past year BYEMOOR peding her vision. What's more, he said, it was distracting to Charles S. Loomer, who farmed MON.. TUES., WED. ove the record crop of 1955-56, and and on June 1 totalled 77,168,000. in the Endiang district prior to other motorists. -Presents- 10 percent above the crop of two Of this total 71,237,000 were hens BYEMOOR, Sept. 17 — Schools moving to Joffre about 10 years SEPTEMBER 23-24-25 years ago. World production is es­ and chickens. Alberta had 9,7o0,- JASPER PARK LODGE timated at 441.8 billion pounds cf have opened.again with the follow­ ago, passed away in the Lacombe FRIDAY & SATURDAY 000 hens and chickens on June 1, Municipal Hospital on Tuesday, ENDS SUCCESSFUL SEASON Red Cross Holds rough rice t an increase of 3 per cent. ing teachers in charge: Miss M. SEPTEMBER 20 - 21 Bozak, Miss Simuich, Miss McMil­ September 10, at the age of 75 Refugee Luggoge A LAMP IS HEAVY years following a lengthy illness. JASPER PARK LODGE, Sept. lan, Mrs. Welsh, Mrs. James, Mrs. 17 — After recording one of its Hanning Mr. Podmoroff. Born in Minnesota Mr. Loomer The Canadian Red Cross Society IN TECHNICOLOR Three Hours To Kill came to Endiang in 1910 where busiest summer tourist seasons, is holding a large quantity of un­ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hanning the family resided for 37 years. the *world - renowned Canadian claimed luggage and mail for re­ of High River are staying at the George Baker - Belinda Lee CLOTHES Besides his wife he is survived cent Hungarian immigrants from AND A. Hanning home at present. Rockies vacation paradise, Jasper Delphi Lawrence by five daughters; Mrs. J. Park Lodge, has closed until next Europe. Friends of Mrs. Meyers ancHIas- (Blanche) McLachlan, Calgary; ter B. Hanning are pleased td see June, with heavy advance book­ Hungarians expecting letters or Adrienne Corri Mrs. A. (Viola) Lamb, ked Deer; luggage forwarded from Europe PHFFT them home from'the hospital ag­ Mrs. W. (Delane) Courtney, Los ings already in for 1958. Diana Whynard and Mandy ...ior COLD ain. During the past season, visitors by sea are asked to write or con­ Angeles, Mrs. O. (Hazel) Stensland tact the Canadian Red Cross Soc­ A number of hunters from Calg­ Hanna, and Mrs. R. (Vera) White from many parts of the world en­ ary and the U.S. have been in the joyed brief or lengthy vacations iety, 95 Wellesley Street East, Tor­ of Lacombe. Also surviving are 13 onto, Ont. district for the past two weeks. grandchildren and a sister Mrs. in Jasper National Park, with the THURS., FRI., SAT. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY weather They should send their full Miss Isobelle McMillan left on Sarah Stevens residing in Los An­ Lodge as their centre of activity SEPTEMBER 26-27-28 SEPTEMBER 24 - 25 Saturday forv Stettler where she geles. Funeral services were held while golfing, motoring, trailrid- name and address as well as their Now that colder weather is on the way will be employed as nurses' aid in from Brown and Johnson Chapel ing, hiking, climbing, fishing, or date of birth and date of arrival in this is the time to stock up on warm cloth­ the Stettler Hospital. Lacombe, at 3:30 o'clock Friday just loafing. July and August were Canada. A description of personal THE BUCK afternoon with Rev. C. Cornish of reserved exclusively for individual luggage is also requested. Owing TOP SECRET ing. Featuring- Blackfalds officiating. guests and for special tour groups. to the similarity of many names The primary industries — agri­ Seven big conventions were held and the popularity of others, these culture, forestry, fisheries, trap­ Interment took place iirthe Red here during June and September, facts will assist in the disposal of AFFAIR PIRATES • CAR COATS ping, mining and electric power Deer Cemetery. and the 27th annual Totem Pole the luggage and the mail. now employ only about 20 percent Gotf Tournament was again book­ SUSAN HAYWARD • CONVOY COATS and KIRK DOUGLAS IN ANSCO COLOR of "all working Canadians. Grain exports from "Prince Rup­ ed to its limit. Sept. 1 - 7. Early tests indicate a high pro­ • SUBURBAN COATS ert in 1956-57 doubled the previ­ tein content for the 1957 wheat AND ous year with 8.65 million bushels. • LEATHER:JACKETS with FINEST QUALITY PRINTING crop. Saskatchewan samples have New Westminster shipped 1.88 IJHONE THE HERALD — 52 been running over 15 percent and RACE FOR LIFE detachable fur collars million and Victoria 2.85 million. a few up to 17 percent. • PARKAS RICHARD CONTI TO-DAYS MARI ALDON • UNDERWEAR A complete stock of Stanfield's in com­ bination and two piece. And for the hun­ FRIDAY & SATURDAY ters some hunting coats and caps. Sensational Value SEPTEMBER 27 • 28 BEST IN LADIES WINTER - BOB GIRL \ SPECIAL!! We Hove a Good Selection of Men ond GOES CALYPSO Boys' Winter Jackets at a Discount of COATS JUDY TYLER 1956 METEOR RANCH WA- t30N—Radio, Tinted Glass L . *-..^ BOBBIE TROUP 20 PERCENT OFF New Tires, Down Visit ROBINSON STORES FASHION DEPARTMENT >*• AND $1000 NOW — For the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES — Over 50 1955 MONARCH 2 Door Styles to Choose from. RUNNING TARGET Hardtop, Rodio, New Tires & Tinted Glass, Down • COLOR IF'": $1000 DORIS DOWLING i IS. ARTHUR FRANZ St 0 HEHSWUR 1952 MONARCH Sedan—Ra­ HANNA-PHONE 57 dio, Al Shape. Down CAEA 29-50 TO 49-50 1955 FORD F100, Half Ton Al Shape. Down $560 USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN 1949 IHC 2 Ton, Box and A Hunting New Motor. Down Q/l AA 1950 FORD 1 Ton Express. Dowri . $200 SMART!—NEW! 1948 DE SOTO—very good for... Condition JjjJJQg vW*U^ DRESSES 1950 PLYMOUTH Sedan $450 Don't wait until lost minute — But visit our Fashion 1949 PLYMOUTH COQA Sedan, Al Shape .... $U9U Department Now ond see the exciting New Styles that CLEANERS? hove Just Arrived for Foil. PRICED TO SELL. "CALL OFF THE DOGS" *§ isA i $ km «l\ '•Jr. ,^,- 9 7jr 33 JE pet •**» 1 6-95 TO 15-95 We're in The Former Post Office Building CENTRAL I *! if 11 and Working for Hanna ond District

tMuek ' HUNTERS I-HUNTERS! GARAGE Ford-Edsel Dealers ROBINSON STORES Bring in Your Hunting Clothing Now and Get A Clean PHONE8 Start far tha 1957 Season Phone 102 Hanna HANNA