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%IMMO SMOW PRESS AND PUBLICITY COMMITTEE W000 .1.4.1•Ohn TOMB MONLUO PIUW Mrs. Carl S. Wolf, Chairman EWSPAPERS Press Book Mrs. Harry L. Lindblom ROUP ORTH HORE Pledge to the Flag "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all." •

JUNE 1911


HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN'S CLUB DECEMBER NEEDLECRAFT GROUP Mrs. Gail, who was 99 years old, was the 10 Sat. CHRISTMAS DINNER SUMMER 1977 BULLETIN DANCE - Get The Needlecraft Group met during the Club's oldest member. She had lived in your friends together to cele- summer months and will meet again on Highland Park since 1890 and had belonged PRESIDENT Mrs. Carl S. Wolf brate the Holidays with a del- Tuesday, September at 10:30 a.m. at to the Highland PRESS & PUBLICITY AND 13 Park Woman's Club since icious dinner followed by the Clubhouse. Bring your lunch and a 1901. BULLETIN CHAIRMAN..Mrs. Grant F. Thomas dancing. needlework or craft project and join PHI LANTHROPY AD CHAIRMAN Mrs. Ardys Furrow 1978 FEBRUARY the group. Call Marge Bellei, 432-7288. The Philanthropy Committee had a busy MAILING CHAIRMAN....mrs Arthur Ropiequet 14 Tues. SPRING CARD PARTY AND LUNCHEON : summer arranging and supervising the WELCOME following Items for the Bulletin should be GIVEN to This annual event is one of our The Officers, Board of Directors and activities: Downey Carnival the Chairman or MAILED to 253 Oak Knoll most popular activities. Don't all the Club members wish to welcome the - The Committee members helped Terrace, Highland Park by the 1st OF THE miss it. following new members who joined during entertain patients at the Woman's Club booth during MONTH: NEWS for the OCTOBER 1977 Bulletin MARCH the summer. They are - - Mrs. Mitchell the Annual Carnival at 17 Fri. SPRING RUMMAGE SALE - Downey Veteran's must be in by SEPTEMBER 1st. BAKE SALE Cerkel, Mrs. Frank Papierniak and Mrs. Hospital on June 21 & 22. There'll be lots bargains, Winchester House Party - The Committee Please wear your NAME TAG AT EVERY MEETING of so Arthur Simon. 18 Sat. gave - THEY CERTAINLY HELP WHEN THAT INEVITABLE come early! Homemade bakery too! the annual Birthday Party in August — MEMBERSHIP - at Winchester House, a home for the aged. LAPSE OF MEMORY OCCURS. WHEN YOUR BRING A APRIL Do you know someone who might become a 11 Tues. Gifts, dessert and music were provided. GUEST, BE SURE TO REGISTER HER AT THE DESK SPRING FASHION SHOW AND LUNCHEON good member of our Club? Invite her to TB Testing - Also in August, the committee AND PAY THE GUEST FEE - 50 CENTS. See the latest Spring fashions our first meeting on October 4 and give worked on the Lake County X-ray Unit on and have a great lunch. her name to Betty Bjork, Membership — WAYS AND MEANS — Central Avenue in Highland Park. MAY Chairman, 432-4691. The Ways and Means Committee has planned a 6 Sat. SPRING DINNER-DANCE - A last Mobile Meals - Every Monday, all year busy schedule of enjoyable fund-raising GOLF GROUP round, members of this group delivei low- chance to spend an enjoyable The Golf Group met at the Clubhouse in activities for the upcoming Club Year. cost meals to people in the area who need evening at the Club before we June to see a film on the rules of Golf. Mark your calendar now. There will be this service. The meals are prepared by adjourn for the summer. The film was made at the Sunset Valley more information in future bulletins. Highland Park Hospital and the service is IN ADDITION - The Ways and Means Committee Course by the Ladies League. funded by the National.Council of Jewish Club expenses go up every year due to in- has come up with a clever, new fund-raiser The Golf Wednesday Group plays every Women. flation. Membership dues cover only a that will benefit the members as well as morning at the Sunset Valley Golf part of those expenses. Ways and Means the Club. It is called the 50/50 Raffle. Course SCHOLARSHIP in Highland Park. Tee-off time This year, the Highland Park Woman's Club projects raise the money to pay our bills At each meeting, raffle tickets will be is 8 a.m. New are always wel- members Scholarship was awarded to Audrey Schiffels and to support the Club's charitable ac- sold. The winner will receive one-half come. For information, more please call a recent graduate of Deerfield High School. tivities and donations. Therefore, it is of the money collected, and the other half Hazel Kellow-432-5215 Toddy Hornung or - She will enter Northwestern University in very important that all members get be- will go to the Club. 432-5871. hind the Ways and Means Committee. Come the fall. We received letters of thanks COLLECTOR'S STUDY GROUP to the events and bring your friends! REMINDER from both Deerfield High School and Miss DUES FOR THE NEW Since 1935, the Collector's Study Group You'll have fun support your Club at CLUB YEAR ARE NOW Schiffels. Contributions toward this and Please send your check as soon as has offered a series of lectures on an- the same DUE: scholarship are still being accepted. time. possible to: The H.P.Woman's Club, Box tiques at the Club. The programs are There is a Scholarship Fund Contribution OCTOBER 344, Highland Park,I11.60035. If you pre- presented at 10:30 a.m. on the first 15 Sat. HARVEST -DANCE Form on page 99 of the yearbook. Your DINNER fer, you may pay half of your dues now and Tuesday of the month from November thru This event on the Woman's gift can be made as a memorial to a de- is a new the balance in November. ALSO....if you April. Some of the topics to be dis- bring ceased member or in your own name. All Club calendar. Plan to a have changed your address or phone number, cussed this year are: clocks, antique friends and get the contributions are tax deductible. Mrs. table full of now is the time to let us know - before the collecting in the midwest, historical to a great Edward Hans Higgins, our past president, fall social season off yearbook goes to press. Send any changes houses, glass and cookery. Some season is in charge of the Scholarship Fund. start. along with your dues. tickets are still available. Prices are: 21 Fri. FALL RUMMAGE SALE - Here's your ROUND ROBIN BRIDGE Members $5.00 LOST chance to get your closets, attic The Highland Park Woman's Club Round Robin Guests $7.00 An antique silver bracelet was lost at 22 Sat, and basements cleaned out and help Bridge tournament is under way. Additional Single admission $2.00 the last Collector's Study Group meeting the Club at the same time. Bring participants should enroll before October. The first 35 people who buy tickets will April 5th. All those who displayed jewel- your rummage in as soon as possi- For information, call Jean Reed at 234-1406 go on a "secret trip" in October. De- ry are requested to check their collection ble. (this is a new phone number) or Sally Eich- tails will be in the October bulletin. and if it is located, please mail it to NOVEMBER For more information, call Mrs. Toof - the Collector's Study Group Chairman, 8 Tues. ELECTION DAY CARD PARTY & LUNCH- ler at 432-3646. 432-1673. Mrs. Frederick Toof, 2285 Linden Ave., EON - This is another new event. GET WELL WISHES lllll SYMPATHY Highland Park 60035 or leave it in the Let's make it a great success and The Club wishes a speedy and complete reco- The Club extends sincere sympathy to the hall desk at the Clubhouse in an envelope with your support WE CERTAINLY very to Mrs. Lyle (Helen) Gourley. Hope you family of Mrs. Ernest Gail who died June 12. for Mrs. WILL! will be back with us soon! Toof. GI nview Life

MEMBERSHIP TEA Monday, Oct. 10._ Mrs. SCHEDULED George Rush is chairman HIGHLAND Park Wom- of this event and Mrs. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1977 an's club will welcome Matthew Lambert is co- * LIFE , new and prospective mem- chairman. bers with a membership _ tea at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4, in the clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan, Highland Park. Reggi Foy, an interna- tional entertainer from London, will present a magic program, and tea will be served by Mrs. Arthur Bjork, membership chairman, and her com- mittee. A dinner-dance will be held at 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15, at the Woman's club. A 17-piece band will play the music of Glenn Highla rdrk MailAdvertiser Miller, Tommy Dorsey and other favorites. Tick- WITH NEWS OF HIGHVVOOD AND FORT SHERIDAN ets at $12 per person, can be obtained by calling Mrs. Arthur Ropiequet at 831-2006 or Mrs. Richard VanArsdale at 432-4170. Reservation deadline is Woman's Club schedules _ Thursday - September 29 1977 annual membership tea The Highland Park Woman's beginning at 6 p.m. at the Club will welcome new and Woman's Club. A 17-piece band prospective members with a will play the music of Glenn Miller, Membership Tea on Tuesday (Oct. Tommy Dorsey and other favorites 4) at 1 p.m. in the clubhouse, 1991 of "the big band era." The menu Sheridan rd., Highland Park. includes: salad bar, steamboat Reggie Foy, an international round beef, vegetables, rolls, entertainer from London, will dessert and beverage. present a program of sophisticated Tickets, magic. at $12 per person can be obtained Arthur Tea will be served by Mrs. by calling Mrs. Arthur N. -Bjork, membership Ropiequet at 831-2006 or Mrs. chairman, and her committee. For Richard VanArsdale at 432-4170. information about membership, Reservation deadline is Monday, call Mrs. Bjork at 432-4691. Oct. 10. Mrs. George P. Rush is A dinner-dance, "The Harvest chairman of this event and Mrs. Ball," will be held on Oct. 15 Matthew Lambert is co-chairman. THURSDAY! SEPTEMBER 29, 1977

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HP Woman's Club: Membership tea The Highland Park Woman's Club will welcome new and prospective members at a membership tea at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan Rd., Highland Park. Reggie Foy, international entertainer from London, will present a program on sophisticated magic. Tea will be served by Mrs. Arthur N. Bjork, membership chairman and her committee. For information about mem- bership, call Mrs. Bjork at 432-4691.

MEMBERSHIP TEA Monday, Oct. 10. Mrs. SCHEDULED George Rush is chairman HIGHLAND Park Wom- of this event and Mrs. an's club will welcome Matthew Lambert is co- new and prospective mem- chairman. bers with a membership tea_ at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4, in the clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan, Highland Park. Reggi Foy, an interna- tional entertainer from * LIFE NEWSPAPERS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1977 London, will present a magic program, and tea will be served by Mrs. Arthur Bjork, membership chairman, and her com- mittee. A dinner-dance will be held at 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15, at the Woman's club. A 17-piece band will play the music of Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey and other favorites. Tick- ets at $12 per person, can be obtained by calling Mrs. Arthur Ropiequet at 831-2006 or Mrs. Richard VanArsdale at 432-4170. Reservation deadline is

HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN'S CLUB special evening. A 17-piece band the future, the Yearbook can be brought up- PHILANTHROPY OCTOBER 1977 BULLETIN will play the music of Glenn to-date by replacing only the pages on which The Philanthropy Committee wishes to thank the Miller and Tommy Dorsey. The PRESIDENT Mrs. Carl S. Wolf menu there are changes. This will eliminate the members who worked on the following projects: features salad bar, PRESS 6 PUBLICITY AND steamboat expense of printing and binding a new Year- Carnival at Downey Veteran's Hospital on BULLETIN CHAIRMAN Mrs. Grant F. Thomas round beef, augratin potatoes, book each year. June 22 and 23: green beans almadine, MAILING CHAIRMAN Mrs. Arthur Ropiequet rolls, Mim Luthmers, Sharlee Frey, Ardys Furrow, sweets, fresh lemon TENTH DISTRICT ACTIVITIES AD CHAIRMAN Mrs. Ardys Furrow tart, coffee Gladys Gross, Louise Higgins, Verna Greene, and tea. Cash bar opens at 6:00 On Monday, October 20, there will be a Lunch- Alice Zabel, Marie Burns, June Holland, Paige ITEMS FOR THE BULLETIN SHOULD BE GIVEN TO THE p.m. and dinner will be served eon at the Noodle Works in the Deerbrook Hamilton, Kathryn Geary and Frances Lambert. CHAIRMAN OR MAILED TO 253 OAK KNOLL TERRACE, at 7:00. Tickets are $12.00 per Shopping Center, Waukegan & Lake Cook Rd., TB Mobile Unit in Highland Park-August 12: HIGHLAND PARK BY THE 1ST OF THE MONTH: NEWS person. For reservations call: Deerfield. Verna Greene, LouElla Howe, Kathryn Irvine, FOR THE NOVEMBER 1977 BULLETIN MUST BE IN BY Mrs. Arthur Ropiequet- 831-2006 The 10th District Card Party will be held on Martha Schwermin, Betty Bjork, Kathryn Geary, OCTOBER 1ST. Mrs. Richard Van Arsdale - October 24th at the Rogers Park Woman's Club, Hazel Kellow, Frances Lambert, Mary Parisoe 432-4170 Please wear your NAME TAG AT EVERY MEETING - 7077 Ashland, . and Clara Duskey. DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS: OCT. 10 THEY CERTAINLY HELP WHEN THAT INEVITABLE LAPSE The Great Lakes Conference of the Illinois Winchester House Birthday Party for 35 OF MEMORY OCCURS. WHEN YOU BRING A GUEST, BE 18 TUES. CLUB MEETING Federation of Women's Clubs will be held on patients: SURE TO REGISTER HER AT THE DESK AND PAY THE 1:00 P.M. Book Review - Myrna Weiner October 31 and November 1 and 2 at Forum 30 LouElla Howe, Verna Greene, Catherine Lund- GUEST FEE - 50 CENTS. Ms. Weiner will present an informa- in Springfield, Ill. gren, Katherine Cook, Louise Higgins, Clara OCTOBER tive review of the timely book, Duskey, This committee distributed gifts 4 TUES. OPENING CLUB MEETING AND "Kissinger". -- FUTURE EVENTS FOR YOUR CALENDAR -- and served ice cream and cake. Marie Herbst 1:00 P.M. MEMBERSHIP TEA TEA - Mrs. George Rush ELECTION DAY CARD PARTY AND LUNCHEON, TUESDAY, played the piano. NOVEMBER 8TH. Drinks at 11:30 a.m. Gourmet PROGRAM - Reggie Foy - Interna- 21 FRI. FALL RUMMAGE SALE & BAKE SALE Mobile Meals - Frances Giarelli, will be our tional Entertainer from London. 9:00 A.M. 2 DAYS Buffet Luncheon. Bridge, Canasta, etc., Cost is $3.00 per person. Reservation deadline - new Mobile Meals Chairman, assisted by Clara Mr. Foy will present a program 9:00 P.M. Let's get those closets and base- Duskey. This is a very worthwhile and im- of sophisticated magic spiced ments cleaned out. Rummage should Friday, November 4th. Call - Ardys Furrow - 831-3627 or portant activity served by many faithful with good clean humor. He has 22 SAT. be brought in on meeting days - members. However, we need two more regular entertained in many countries 9:00 A.M. Oct. 4 and 18th, also mornings of Jean Reed - 234-1406 drivers. Please call Clara Duskey at and has served as Entertainment's P.M. Oct. 10 and 11th. Call Marge 1:00 CHRISTMAS DINNER DANCE 432-3874 if you are willing and able to Officer on the Cunard Bellei at 432-7288 to Cruise Li- make other Get into the Holiday swing by attending the gala serve. arrangements ner, Queen Elizabeth II and the for delivering rummage. Snowflake Ball on Saturday, December 10th. Mrs. The 1977-78 Yearbook will give you a resume' Italian ship Flavia. Edward H.Higgins, Chairman Cocktails - Dinner - Dancing to the Pat Lester Mrs. of the contributions to the various organ- TEA - Membership Committee, Arthur R. Cook and Mrs. Orchestra. More details in the November bulle- Mrs. Arthur R. Bjork, Chairman Everett Bellei, Co-Chairman of izations and activities that the Highland tin. Watch for it! Park Woman's Club made through the Philan- 7 FRI. COLLECTORS' STUDY GROUP Rummage Sale. HELPERS ARE NEEDED thropy Committee. 10:45 A.M. "Special meeting" for first 35 peo- FOR SORTING & BOWLING BEGINS SALES. ple who bought Season tickets will A new season for the Bowling Group will get under- SYMPATHY Those wishing to contribute baked be eligible to attend. (Please way on Wednesday, October 5. The bowlers meet The Board of Directors and the Club Members goods should contact Lou Leahy or note meeting in on Friday instead every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at Strike-N-Spare wish to express their sympathy to Dr. Robert Vera VanArsdale. of usual Tuesday). Group will meet Lanes, 185 Skokie Blvd., Northbrook. New members H. Black on the recent death of his mother in parking lot of Club promptly at NOVEMBER are always welcome. For additional information, and his wife. 10:45 a.m. Plan to drive 25 miles 1 TUES. COLLECTORS' STUDY GROUP contact Lois Dever - 432-6226 or Dorathe Hansen - Mrs. Gail R. Black, who was 89 years old, for luncheon and a lecture at the 10:30 A.M. "IT'S ABOUT TIME" - a lecture 432-4465. died August 15 in Abbott House. She was a invitation of Mr. James Williams. on antique clocks by Mr. Fred Crane DUES ARE DUE life member of the Highland Park Woman's Club, We will take 7 cars to make park- 12:00 noon LUNCHEON BY RESERVATION JUST A REMINDER THAT IT IS TIME TO WRITE a member of the Daughters of the American ing easier. Total cost is $6.95 Mrs. Louis A. Gluek, Chairman THAT CHECK FOR THIS YEAR'S CLUB DUES. Revolution and the First Presbyterian Church. which includes luncheon, tax, tip Reservation deadline: Friday, SEND YOUR DUES TO: THE HIGHLAND PARK WO- and lecture. Please send checks to October 28th - Tel. 432-2429 Jessie Black, past-president of the Club, MAN'S CLUB, BOX 244, HIGHLAND PARK, Mrs. Frederick Toof, 2285 Linden Av. 1:00 p.m. CLUB MEETING 60035. died on August 11th. She had been an active IF IT IS MORE CONVENIENT, YOU MAY PAY HALF Highland Park, 111.60035. Deadline "America Sings" starring tenor, Club member since 1950 and had been a resident OF YOUR DUES NOW AND THE BALANCE IN THE is Friday, Sept. 30. NO CANCELLA- Ernest Huntzinger. of Highland Park for 50 years. She was also MONTH OF TIONS AFTER MONDAY, October 3rd. NOVEMBER. a charter member of the Jr. Auxiliary of the YEARBOOK 10 MON. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING NEEDLECRAFT GROUP H.P. Woman's Club. 9:30 A.M. AT CLUBHOUSE The Club Yearbook will have a new format this The next meeting of the Needlecraft Group will be The family has asked that memorial contribu- year. All the information that usually in 15 SAT. HARVEST BALL DINNER DANCE is on Tuesday, October 11 at 10:30 a.m. New members tions be made to the Highland Park Woman's the Yearbook will be printed on loose-leaf 6:00 P.M. This is a new event on the Club cal- are always welcome. Bring your lunch and a craft Club or the Highland Park Presbyterian Church. pages and given to the members. A permanent endar and the Ways & Means Committee or needlework project and join the group. For binder will be available at a small cost. In has gone all out to make it a very more information call Mrs. Everett Bellei - 432-7288. LIFE NEWSPAPERS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1977

October 13, 1977 'KISSINGER' COMES TO TEA HIGHLAND Park Wom- an's club will feature a LIFE.NEWSPAPERS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1977 book review bk Myra Wei- ner of "Kissinger" and a tea served by Helen Boyce Women's Clubs: and her committee at 1 p.m. Oct. 18 in the club- Awards house, 1991 Sheridan, Membership WOMEN'S CLUBS membership Highland Park. Awards of excellence for LAUDED BY OWN annual ' were presented to several North Shore —Ale fall rum- AWARDS of excellence the Illinois Fed- mage and bake sale will clubs in the 10th district of for membership achieve- Clubs. . take place at 9 a.m. to 9 eration of Women's ment were presented by include: Highland Park p.m., Friday, Oct. 21, and Those honored the Illinois Federation of S. Wolf presi- Women's Club, Mrs. Carl 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Women's clubs to a num- • dent; Lake Bluff Woman's Club, Mrs. G. Oct. 22, at the club house. clubs. 10th District president, Lake Forest ber of Jerome Tabem, Mrs. Edward Higgins is These include Junior Frank Rodgers, presi- Woman's Club, Mrs. chairman of the sale. Woman's Club of Glen- Woman's Club of Wilmette, Mrs. dent and view, Highland Park president. R.L. Thomas, Woman's club, Woman's Club of Niles and Wom- an's Club of Skokie.


TUESDAY — OCT. 18 Highland Park Women's Club has book review of the "Kissinger," 1 p.m. in Woman's club clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan rd., Highland Park. has book review rummage sale Highland Park Woman's Club will feature a book review by - Myrna Weiner at the Tuesday Thursd4 (Oct. 18) meeting. She will discuss October the book, "Kissinger." 1977 The meeting will be at 1 p.m. in the clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan rd., Highland Park. A tea, served by Helen Boyce and her committee, will follow the program. • The annual Fall Rummage Sale and Bake Sale will take place at the Woman's Club on (Oct. 21) from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and on Oct. Womans clubs are cited 22 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mrs. Edward H. Higgins is chairman of Awards of Lake Bluff excellence for Women's Club, Lake Club, Wauconda Women's Club, the sale. membership in Forest recognition of Women's Club, Lake Zurich Women's Club of Niles, Women's "outstanding Community achievement" in Women's Club, North Club of Skokie, Women's Club of membership were End Women's presented by the Club, North Shore Wilmette, and Zion Women's Illinois Federation of Women's Better Films Council North Town Club. Clubs, signed by Mrs. Lamberd W. Women's Club, Past Presidents' Miller, president and Mrs. Roger 4, Simms, vice president-director of Membership Extension to a number of 10th District Clubs, namely: Junior Woman's Club of Glenview, Junior Woman's League of Waukegan; Graylake Woman's Club, Highland Park Women's 41and Lake Women's Club, Lake County° Subur an Trib Wednesday, Nov. 23, 1977

• The 10th District Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs will meet on Monday in the HIGHLAND PARK Women's Club, 1991 Sheridan Rd. Registration is se/ for 9 a.m.; you may reserve a spot by calling 639-9389


Saturday, October 15, 1977 Cocktails — 6:00 P.M.(Cash Bar) Dinner — 7:00 P.M. Menu: • Salad Bar Steamboat Round Beef AuGratin Potatoes $12.00 per person Green Beans Almadine Rolls Sweets — Fresh Lemon Tart Coffee — Tea RSVP Mrs. Arthur C. Ropiequet — 831-2006 Mrs. Richard VanArsdale — 4324170

Mrs. George P. Rush — Chairman Mrs. Matthew Lambert — Co-Chairman S


WOMAN'S CLUB STARTS SERIES HIGHLAND Park Woman's club will begin a new series of evening programs called community nights. the first at 7:30 Tuesday, Nov. 8 in the clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan, Highland IMMIC,IIM...... armweimomPIMMI14- Imo Park. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1977 3fyrna Weiner will present a review of 'Majesty," a book by Robert Lacey abodt Elizabeth II and the House of Windsor. A discussion, in which the audience can participate, will follow. Purpose of the community nights .k series is to extend the facilities and activities of the woman's club to the what's what wig:4 who community. Earlier in the day, the club will hold an election day card party and luncheon at 11:30 a.m. at the clubhouse. The party will be followed by a gourmet buffet luncheon. There will be bridge, canasta and other card games. Reservations, can be made by calling Ardys Furrow at 831-3627 or Jean Reed at 234-1406. Deadline for reservations is Friday, Nov. 4. tHighland Park MailAdvertiser WITH NEWS OF HIGHWOOD AND FORT SHERIDAN

Card party at Thursday November 3 Woman's Club - 1977 The Highland Park Woman's who's Club will hold who an Election Day card party and luncheon on Tuesday (Nov. 8') at the'clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan rd., Highland Park. Woman's Club: The party starts with drinks at WOMAN'S CLUB 11:30 a.m. followed by a gourmet Spring fashion show STARTS SERIES buffet luncheon. There will be The HIGHLAND Park Woman's club • bridge, canasta and other card members will be in the spotlight at the will begin a new series of evening games. spring luncheon of the Highland Park Women's programs called community nights. Reservations, at $3 per person, Club Tuesday as they model fashions by the first at 7:30 Tuesday, Nov. 8 in the can be made by calling Ardys Charles A. Stevens of Furrow at 831-3627 or Jean Reed Northbrook Court. clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan, Highland The Park. at 234-1406. Deadline for reser- afternoon will begin with cocktails vations is Friday at 11:30 a.m. Myrna Weiner will present a review Models are under the direction of Mrs. of "Majesty," a book by Robert Lacey Marvin Lawrentz. Mrs. Matthew J. about Elizabeth II and the House of Lambert is chairperson for the event. Windsor. A discussion, in which the audience can participate, will follow. Purpose of the community nights series is to extend the facilities and activities of the woman's club to the community. Earlier in the day, the club will hold an election day card party and luncheon at 11:30 a.m. at the clubhouse. The party will be followed by a gourmet buffet luncheon: There will be bridge, canasta and other card games. Reservations, can be made by calling Ardys Furrow at 831-3627 or Jean Reed at 234-1406. Deadline for reservations is Friday, Nov4.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1977 Thursday Highland Park MailAdvertiser November 24 1977 WITH NEWS OF HIGHWOOD AND FORT SHERIDAN

District women to meet Monday

The 10th District Illinois Canterbury In., Glenview, or Mrs. To partiTipate in American Art Federation of Women's Clubs will Andres Amrich, Box 5, Island Week, special emphasis will be meet on Monday (Nov. 28) at the Lake. placed on the Arts. Mrs. William Highland Park Woman's Club, Hostess clubs for the day are: B. Fry, creative arts chairman; 1991 Sheridan rd., Highland Park. The Highland Park Woman's Mrs. George Hahn, performing Registration will start at 9 a.m. Club, Mrs. Carl S. Wolf, president: arts chairman, and Mrs. Ray T. The meeting is called for 9:30 a.m. The Lake Forest Woman's Club, Nicholas, visual arts chairman with Mrs. Paul Connelly presiding. Mrs. Frank Rodgers, president; request the members of all clubs to Luncheon is scheduled for 1 p.m. The North Shore Better Films bring samples of their creative 10 VII Wed., Nov. 23, 1977 SUBURBAN TRIB Reservations may be made with Council, Mrs. G.E. Christoph, handiwork to this meeting for Mrs. George Bauman, 1315 president. exhibit and exchange of ideas.

The 10th District Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs will meet on Monday in the HIGHLAND PARK Women's Club, 1991 Sheridan Rd. Registration is set for 9 a.m.; you may reserve a spot by calling 639-9389 ?fli P rq.as


WOMEN'S CLUBS TO LUNCH OUT THE 10th District Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs will meet at 9:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 28, at the Highland Park Woman's club, 1991 Sheridan, Highland Park. Luncheon is scheduled for 1 p.m. Community Calendar

Reservations may be made with Mrs. George Bauman, 1315 Canterbury, Glenview. Clubs for the day are The Highland Park Woman's club, Mrs. Carl Wolf, president: The Lake Forest Woman's club, Mrs. Frank Rodgers, president, and The North Shore Better Films council, Mrs. G. E. Christoph, president. Fashions of the past are worn by members of the Highland Park Women's Club riding their float in the parade.

Floral 50th

Clara Dusky has worked for 50 years in She has developed a very pleasant a faithful following environment—the fragrant whose grown children world of flowers. also are her fans. "The old-time "I was customers keep asking for doomed to work with flowers," me," she says. she laughs, recalling that, as a child grow- Her ing up on the North love of flowers is such that she Shore, she sold lilacs by plans the 25-cent bui ich. vacations to coincide with seasonal displays, such as the East A widow who has lived in Highland Park Coast's azalea for festival. 41 years, Mrs. Dusky's 50 years in the flower And, keeping business was celebrated by her em- her young, she quips is all that ployer, Edwards Florist Inc., 917 Willow humidity in the greenhouses. She ag- Rd., rees that Winnetka, complete with a yellow- "people are becoming more plant rose topped cake. conscious," adding that the availability of houseplants A Glencoe native who attended New everywhere hasn't hurt spe- Trier High School, Mrs. Dusky began cialty plant sellers. working for a florist at 16. She worked for To partake of Mrs. Dusky's charm and years for a florist located at Pine St. and expertise, visit Edwards on Thursdays and Green Bay Rd. until the owner retired, Saturdays, the days she works among the then began her current stint at Edwards ferns, containers, and other plant goods Florist. (Gus Freedman photo)


A 13 TUES. COMMUNITY NIGHT HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN'S CLUB NAME TAGS NEWS ABOUT MEMBERS 7:30 P.M. "Psychic Experience". Clara Duskey recently celebrated 50 years DECEMBER 1977 BULLETIN Sybilla, a psychic who re- Each month, in the Bulletin, you are in the flower business. She works for Carl S. Wolf PRESIDENT Mrs. cently opened an office in Highland Park urged to wear your name tag. But, please Edwards Florist, Inc., in Winnetka. Her PRESS 6 PUBLICITY AND will talk about what psychics do and how don't wear it home. The membershipchair- employer presented her with a cake topped Grant Thomas BULLETIN CHAIRMAN....Mrs. they do it. She will also do a"reading" man has found that 40 name tags are miss- with roses. The "Winnetka Talk" carried Arthur Ropiequet MAILING CHAIRMAN...Mrs for a member of the audience. Sybilla ing. If you have one in a bureau drawer, the story complete with a photograph of Mrs. Ardys Furrow AD CHAIRMAN holds a degree from the Chicago Psychic dig it out and bring it back so that the Clara surrounded by flowers. SHOULD BE GIVEN TO ITEMS FOR THE BULLETIN Center and has studied astrology, aura, chairman will not have the work and ex- Mrs. Donald E. Keller, a past-president TO 253. OAK KNOLL THE CHAIRMAN OR MAILED colors and vibrations with many teachers. pense of making new tags. If you do go has moved to California. Best wishes in THE 1ST OF THE TERRACE, HIGHLAND PARK BY Members and husbands are admitted free. home with a name tag, don't put it in a your new home! MONTH! NEWS FOR THE JANUARY BULLETIN GUEST FEE is $1.50. Coffee and dessert drawer. Put it in your purse instead, WELCOME!!!! 1ST. MUST BE IN BY DECEMBER will be served. so that you will be sure to bring it to The Club extends a warm welcome to the Please wear your NAME TAG AT EVERY MEET- 20 TUES. CLUB MEETING the next meeting. following new members: HELP WHEN THAT INEVI- ING-THEY CERTAINLY 1:00 P.M. "A Land Called Holy" with NEEDLECRAFT GROUP Mrs. Rudolph Buller, a former member who TABLE LAPSE OF MEMORY OCCURS. WHEN YOU color slides. Jeanne Walker has rejoined. Mrs. Esther Huebsch, Get your needlework and crafts projects BRING A GUEST, BE SURE TO REGISTER HERAT will take us on a journey to the Lands of Mrs. Donald Gieser, Miss Doreen Donaldson finished before Christmas by bringing THE DESK AND PAY THE GUEST FEE- 50 CENTS. the Bible. Ms. Walker's animated narra- and Mrs. Shirley Cochran them to the next meeting of the Needle- tion will give depth and meaning to the craft Group on Tuesday, December 13 at SCHOLARSHIP FUND DECEMBER celebration of Christmas. 6 TUES. COLLECTORS' STUDY GROUP 10:30 a.m. Bring your lunch too! Coffee Don't forget the Highland Park Woman's TEA - Mrs. Walter M. Lillie 10:30 A.M. Sara Simonsgaard will dis- will be served. For more information Club Scholarship Fund when you make up cuss "Antique Collecting JANUARY call Mrs. Everett Bellei - 432-7288. your Christmas list. What better time than Christmas to make a contribution to in the Mid-West". Tickets are available 3 TUES. COLLECTORS' STUDY GROUP IMPROVEMENT BUILDING this important project. Contributions at the door at $2.00 each. 1 o :30 A. M nistorical Houses" - notice the beautiful white marble, Please can be made as a memorial to deceased mem- 12:00 NOON LUNCHEON BY RESERVATION Mrs. Edward R. Lauesen coffee table in the lounge. It circular bers or in your own name. All contribu- Mrs. Arthur R. Cook, Chairman 12:00 NOON LUNCHEON BY RESERVATION really brightens up the room. In the tions are tax-deductible. Checks should Reservation deadline - Friday, Reservation deadline: auditorium, the water fountain is working 30th be made payable to the Highland Park December 2nd. Friday, December again. Woman's Club Scholarship Fund and sent to Telephone-Mrs. Cook - 432-4271 Mrs. Ralph Jacqmin - 432-8826 TO MAKE FRIENDS HOW P.O.Box 344, Highland Park, Ill. 60035. or Mrs. Alma Wolf - 432-0706 Mrs. Alma Wolf - 432-0706 IN THE CLUB? WANT TO GET ACQUAINTED? NEW BRIDGE LESSONS 1:00 P.M. CLUB MEETING 1:00 P.M. CLUB MEETING The best way to get to know other mem- Beginner bridge lessons will be offered "Glitter and Be Gay" - Vergene "Psychology of Perpetual Art" bers is to work with them. Join a com- again this year. Lessons start at 1:00 Miller will tell you everything presented by Ruth Hillman mittee and get involved. Any of the * * * * * * * * * p.m. on Wednesday, January 4th, at the you've always wanted to know about committee chairman would welcome your Clubhouse. The cost is $10.00 for 8 famous prima donnas, their lives and their THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF DIREC- offer to help. lessons. ($2.00 goes to the instructor music. Some of the singers she will dis- TORS WISH EACH AND EVERYONE AVERY MOBILE MEALS needs several more drivers. and $8.00 goes to the Club to help pay cuss are Sills, Sutherland, Callas and MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A NEW YEAR Call Mrs. Ernest Giarelli at 945-6999. the heating bill.) Good players from Garden. Ms. Miller is Chairman of Thea- FILLED WITH GOOD HEALTH AND GOOD The PRESS & PUBLICITY committee would last year, who would like to join the tre Department and teaching at Green CHEER.* * * * * * * * * * * * like to add some new members to its staff. group again, will be free. Castle. Mrs. Grant Thomas - 433-5624. WAYS AND MEANS DEPARTMENT Call COMMUNITY NIGHT TEA - Mrs. William H. Stupple The Ways and Means Committee reports the GET ON THE BALL The new Community Night program series 10 SAT. CHRISTMAS DINNER-DANCE Harvest Ball was a great success both The Club Bowling Group meets every got off to a great start in November with 6:00 P.M." SNOWFLAKE BALL" Strike- financially and socially. All who atten- Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. at a good attendance of guests, members and The party begins at 6:00 p.m. with North- ded enjoyed a fine dinner and an evening N-Spare Lanes, 185 Skokie Blvd., their husbands. The purpose of Community drinks (cash bar) and hors d'oeuvres. of dancing to the nostalgic music of the brook. They would love to have you join Nights is to help the Club reach more mem- The superb dinner will include both ham big band era. Another great evening is them. Call Lois Dever at 432-6226 or bers of the community - especially work- and roast beef plus all the trimmings. planned for December 10 at the "SNOW- Dorathe Hansen at 432-4465. ing women who cannot attend daytime ac- Dancing will be to the music of Pat FLAKE BALL". FREE LUNCH tivities. The meetings areopen to the Lester's Orchestra. The Fall Rummage Sale and Bake Sale was Something new has been added to the mon- public, and both men and women are wel- RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE NO LATER THAN bigger than ever. Many thanks to every- thly luncheon - a Free Lunch Drawing. come. The evening is relaxed and infor- MONDAY, DECEMBER 5th. FOR TICKETS AT one who helped to plan and carry out There is nothing extra to buy. Your mal, and the program usually ends around $12.00 PER PERSON AND TABLE RESERVATIONS ticket for these two important events. luncheon ticket is also your 9 o'clock. Come and bring 'your friends CALL: LOIS DEVER - 432-6226 collect her the drawing. The winner can to the next Community Night. DORATHE HANSEN - 432-4465 complimentary meal at any future lunch- TINA NOTARI - 432-3578 eon. VERA VAN ARSDALE - 432-4170 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1977 •

* LIFE NEWSPAPERS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1977 Slide talk on Holy Land

"THE Land Called Holy," a slide-lecture by Jeanne Walker, will be presented before the High- land Park Woman's club at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 20, at 1991 Sheridan. Ms. Walker will take her audience on a colorful journey to the lands of the Bible. Following the program, -ADVERTISER tea will be served by Mrs. MAIL Thursday Walter Lillie and her com- December 8 mittee. 1977

IW women to have 'psychic' experience "Psychic Experience" is the theme of the Highland Park Woman's Club Community Night program on Tuesday (Dec. 13). Sybilla, a psychic who recently opened an office in Highland Park, will talk about what psychics do and how they do it. She will also do a "reading" for a member of the audience. Sybilla holds a degree from the Chicago Psychic Center and has studied astrology, aura, colors and vibrations with many teachers. The program is at 7:30 p.m. in the clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan rd., Highland Park. Community Night activities are open to the public and both men and women are welcome. Admission is $1.50. Coffee and dessert will be served. 1.11',411.1,”!: k 1 f; t• 41111111111111WIMMINIWO : Watch forWEEkENd

SUbURbANWEEk in your

SfifidaySun -Times

\ some of the women taking

Shoppers meet Loop via RTA

By Dave Galant' "It's wonderful for people who don't drive," she said. "They're About 80 people got a one-day holiday last week, showing these people that you can get down here courtesy of the Regional Transportation Authority. easily and that you don't have to do a lot of walking." The people, mostly older women from North Shore Wilmette resident Mary Gassert said she was riding to familiarize women's clubs, took advantage of the RTA "free ride to herself with the RTA routes. town" program on the Chicago & North Western Ry. north "After today I expect to have a better idea of where I'm commuter line. going," Gassert said. "I think it does a suburbanite good Similar programs took place last month in the northwest to go downtown and get dressed up a little. suburbs. A trip from Geneva, Wheaton and Glen Ellyn is She said the RTA plan might make some people less scheduled for Tuesday on the C&NW west line. afraid of the city. The programs are designed to reacquaint suburbanites "I know I'm afraid," Gassert said. "My husband won't let with downtown Chicago, said RTA spokesman Mary me go down alone. I have a pact with some of my friends Hughes. and we go together." "We want to give shoppers a chance to see what's in the One person who isn't scared is Winnetka resident Loop," Hughes said. "Many people who live in the sub- Martha Wright. urbs are reluctant to go into the city because of a fear of "I'm not scared at all," Wright said. "Maybe late at night, the unknown. We feel that you shouldn't live 30 or 40 miles but not during the day. Now that I've taken early retirement from a great city and not come in once in awhile." from my teaching job at New Trier East (High School), I'll Many of the riders on the Nov. 2 trip agreed. go to the Loop more often. "I love to go to Chicago, and the price was right," said "The attraction of the city is there," she added. "There Grace Phillips of Highland Park. "I go down about three or are shopping and cultural things that don't have a com- four times a year and always at Christmas. parison in the suburbs." "I don't mind the long ride," Phillips added. "The only problem is that once I get there I always wind up spending more money than I wanted to." Phillips said she felt the program was a good idea.



It HP Woman's Club: Luncheon and lecture The Highland Park Woman's Club will meet for luncheon at noon Jan. 3 in the clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan Rd. Reservations should be made by Dec. 20 with Mary Jaqmin, 432-8826 or Alma Wolf, 432-0706. Following the luncheon, Ruth Hillman will present a lecture-demonstration on "The Psychology of Art." Hillman is a North Shore artist whose work has ap- peared in several juried art shows in the area. She paints during her lecture and will present the painting to a member of the iudience at the end of the program. After the lecture, tea will be served by Harriett Evans and her committee.

MAIL-ADVERTISER • Hair styling program set at Woman's Club A hair-styling program will be presented at the Highland Park Woman's Club "Community Night" on Tuesday (Jan. 10) at THURSDAY, DECEMBER,15, 1977 I 7:30 p.m. in the clubhouse, 1991 1 Sheridan rd. 1 Stylists from Via Venato Coiffures, 203 Skokie Valley rd., will select three candidates from the audience for a demonstration of hair-cutting and blow-drying. Coffee and dessert will be served before the program which is open to the public. Admission is $1.50. •


• See a Trust Officer at 440 CENTRAL AVE. FIRST P. 0. BOX 42 NATIONAL BANK HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. 60035 OF HIGHLAND PARK 432-0558


PHARMACISTS 415. ,111k 3 Stores Serving 4:3415 Highland Park — Ravinia electrolysis eleanor g. stone Highland Park Ravinin 1893 Sheridan Rd., Highland Park ID 2-2600 ID 2-9000 ID 2-2300 432-7911 SILJESTROM Paving Co. HP Woman's Club: Lecture and tea "All About-Dried ASPHALT the store for people Flowers—the Restora- PAVING who tion of a Colonial Craft" care about fashion, quality is the subject of a lecture-demonstration at Established 1896 and value 1 p.m. on Tues- in clothes for the day at the Highland Resurfacing family, Park Woman's Club, — Seal Coating linens for the home, 1991 Sheridan Rd., and gifts Highland Park. Tennis Courts for giving. Clemence Curry will tell how to grow, gather, process 1574 Old Deerfield Road and arrange flowers 590 Central Ave. for Highland Park, Illinois 60035 lasting beauty. HIGHLAND PARK Following the program, tea will served by Mrs. be ID Robert J. Frey and 831 - 206 5 2-4700 committee. her JANUARY 12, 1978

?caealtg (;--- 4 L A N E SALES WOM EN • LOUISE HIGGINS • MARIAN HAUSCHILD The finest in needlework • ILENE SCHWARZBACH 1899 Sheridan Road 1779 St. * LIFE NEWSPAPERS, THURSDAY, Johns Ave. Highland Park, Illinois JANUARY 12, 1978 Highland Park, Ill. 433-2880 432-4455 DRIED FLOWERS Home Sales - Appraisals MEETING TOPIC DOROTHY RAFSON Management "ALL Dried Flowers—the Restoration of a Colonial Craft" is the subject of a lecture-demonstration at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17 in the Highland Park Woman's club, 1991 Sheridan. Clemence Curry will tell how to grow, gather, process and arrange flowers into arrangements. Tea will be served by Mrs. Robert Frey and her committee. HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN'S CLUB 17 TUES. CLUB MEETING JOIN THE TEAM annual birthday party for the 1:00 P.M. "ALL ABOUT DRIED FLOWERS" - patients and JANUARY 1978 BULLETIN Suffering from post-holiday let down? Get see that each receives a gift, Restoration of a Colonial Craft. out and join the Club Bowling Group. They PRESIDENT Mrs. Carl S. Wolf Clemence Curry will tell us how to grow, SWIMMING GROUP meet every Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. PRESS 6 PUBLICITY AND gather, process and arrange dried flowers The Highland Park Woman's Club Swimming at Strike-N-Spare Lanes, 185 Skokie Blvd., BULLETIN CHAIRMAN..Mrs. Grant F. Thomas into decorations of lasting beauty. Group is being reorganized by Lois Sparrow. Northbrook. New members are most welcome. MAILING CHAIRMAN....Mrs Arthur Ropiequet TEA - Mrs. Robert J. Frey Arrangements are being made for the group Call Lois Dever at 432-6226 or Dorathe AD CHAIRMAN Mrs. Ardys Furrow to swim at the Holiday Inn where the pool FEBRUARY Hansen at 432-4465. ITEMS FOR THE BULLETIN SHOULD BE GIVEN TO has been remodeled. Water temperatures 7 TUES. COLLECTORS' STUDY GROUP THE CHAIRMAN OR MAILED TO 253 OAK KNOLL " I QUIT" CLINIC will be kept comfortably warm. Days and 10:30 A.M. "CHOICE PIECES FROM MY GLASS TERRACE, HIGHLAND PARK BY THE 1ST OF THE Start the New Year off right - quite smok- times will be announced later. COLLECTION" - Mrs. Eugene Pitts MONTH! "NEWS FOR THE FEBRUARY 1978 BULLETIN ing. Attend the "I Quit" Clinic at Highland 12:00 NOON LUNCHEON BY RESERVATION It is important that Lois know how many MUST BE IN BY JANUARY 1ST. Park Hospital from January 3 to January 9. Reservation deadline: people are interested so that final arr- MEETING- The clinic is a 5-evening plan sponsored Please wear your NAME TAG AT EVERY Friday, February 3, 1978 angements can be made. Call Lois at THEY INEVITABLE by the Community Health Committee of the CERTAINLY HELP WHEN THAT Mrs. Frank E. Hense - 234-9084 831-4293. Early morning (7 - 9 a.m.) and BRING A Highland Park Hospital Medical Staff and LAPSE OF MEMORY OCCURS. WHEN YOU Mrs. Alma Wolf - 432-0706 evening hours are the best times to find GUEST, BE SURE TO REGISTER HER AT THE DESK the Lake County Chapter, American Cancer 1:00 P.M. CLUB MEETING her at home. Society. For more information, call the AND PAY THE GUEST FEE - 50 CENTS. BOOK REVIEW - Greta Wiley ENGLISH HOLIDAY hospital. JANUARY TEA - Mrs. John B. Sparrow The Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs BRIDGE LESSONS 3 TUES. COLLECTORS' STUDY GROUP is offering an exciting "English Holiday" NEEDLECRAFT GROUP Don't forget that beginner bridge lessons 10:30 A.M. (NOTE: THERE HAS BEEN A CHANGE trip. It is scheduled for March 4 - 12, Make a New Year's Resolution to finish that start on Wednesday, January 4 at the Club. IN THE PROGRAM. 1978. -Details are in a brochure on the needlework project. Join the Needlecraft No advance registration is necessary. Just "HISTORICAL HOUSES" which was scheduled for Club bulletin board. For more information, Group. They meet at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, be at the Club at 1:00 p.m. Please come in January was presented in December.) you can contact the Illinois Federation of January 10 and on the second Tuesday of through the back door. The cost is $10.00 "ANTIQUE COLLECTING IN THE MID-WEST" is the Women's Clubs, 30 West Washington Street, every month. For more information, call for 8 consecutive lessons. ($2.00 goes to title of a book by Sara Simonsgaard and al- Suite 607, Chicago, Ill. 60602. Mrs. Everett Bellei - 432-7288. the instructor and $8.00 goes to the Club so the title of her talk. Ms. Simonsgaard QUICK to help pay the fuel bill). Good players KEEP US INFORMED is a collector, shopowner and show exhibi- GET RICH meeting, tickets are sold for from last year, who would like to join the We so often miss a smiling friendly face tor. Before every our 50/50 Drawing. The winner gets half of group again, will be free. For more infor- at our meetings, inquire about the missing 12:00 NOON LUNCHEON BY RESERVATION the money collected, and the Club gets the 'Illation, call Mim Luthmers - 432-7135. member but nobody seems to know why, etc. Mrs. Ralph Jacqmin, Chairman other half. Take a chance - you may be the etc., etc. "MA BELL" has provided us with Reservation Deadline-Friday, BARGAIN next winner. a wonderful service of communication. • December 30, 1977 The Club is selling two gold love-seats. TENTH DISTRICT NEWS Let's get on the phone and get up-to-date Telephone: Mrs. Jacqmin - 432-8826 Best offer! Contact Mrs. Marshall Schwarz- The Highland Park Woman's Club was hostess news on why members haven't been coming Mrs. Alma Wolf - 432-0706 bach - telephone: 433-3371. for the November 28 meeting of the Tenth to meetings or supporting Club functions. 1:00 P.M. CLUB MEETING District of the Illinois Federation of LAWN MOWER "PSYCHOLOGY OF PERPETUAL ART", a As this goes to press, we want to wish Women's Clubs. One of the speakers was our In the December bulletin, we advertised that lecture-demonstration by Ruth Hillman. Ms. Clara Malvey a 100% recovery. president, Mrs. Carl S. Wolf. She told the the Club needs a refrigerator and lawn mower. Hillman is a North Shore artist whose work is in group about our new Community Night programs. We have received a refrigerator that Thank Helen Gourley for operating a tele- has appeared in a number of juried art need of There was an arts and crafts exhibit in good working order but are still in phone committee job from her home while shows in this area. She paints during her con- which our members displayed a variety of a power lawn mower. If you can help, she is still recovering from her accident. lecture and will present the painting to a beautiful hand-made creations. tact Ilene Schwarzbach - 433-3371. member of the audience at the end of the FUTURE PLANNING program. The next 10th District Meeting and Luncheon AN IMPORTANT REMINDER The Board of Directors and Officers along TEA - Mrs. Harriette Evans will be on Monday, January 9 at the Rogers The Nominating Committee is beginning with committee chairmen are planning sever- 9 MON. very important job A.M.BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Park Woman's Club, 7077 Ashland, Chicago. the difficult but al events in 1978 that will be entertaining 9:30 of finding members to serve as offi- COUNT THE HOURS and it is hoped will be supported by our during 10 TUES. COMMUNITY NIGHT The members of the Highland Park Woman's cers and committee chairman members. 7:30 P.M. This is the third in a series of the next Club year. If you are Club are great volunteers both in the Club One of the past-presidents, Jeanne Keller, night-time meetings that are open called, please say "yes". The Club and the community. The Philanthropy Commit- who has moved out of the area had a slogan to all members of the community. - We are those needs your help. tee requests that you keep track of B-Y-C, meaning BACK YOUR CLUB. especially interested ir.1 reaching working hours that you so generously give. The PHILANTHROPY women who cannot attend our daytime func- hours of service by our Club members will be The Philanthropy Committee received a letter SO ON TO 1978 with B-Y-C. presented by tions. Program will be totaled and reported to the Illinois Federa- of thanks from Winchester House, a home for VIA VENATO on hair fashions. Three candi- tion of Women's Clubs. the aged. Committee members arrange the dates will be selected from the audience.

_ subject of a lecture-demonstration at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17 in the Highland Park Woman's club, 1991 Sheridan. Clemence Curry will tell how to grow, gather, process and arrange flowers into arrangements. Tea will be served by Mrs. Robert Frey and her committee. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1978

HP Woman's Club: Community Night "Hairstyling Hints" will be the theme for the Community Night sponsored by the Highland Park Woman's Club at 7:30 p.m. to, Tuesday at the clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan Rd., Highland Park. Stylists from Via Venato Coiffures, 203 Skokie Valley Rd., Highland Park, will se- lect three candidates from the audience for a demonstration of hair cutting and blow drying. Admission is $1.50. Coffee and dessert will be served before the program, which is open to t,hepubli,c, January 5, 1978

HP Woman's Club: * LIFE NEWSPAPERS, THIJItagiCif,,TNARY 5, i978 Collectors' Study Group *MCP7.1.1,11111111.5CApr...... 'Antique Collecting in the Mid-West" will be discussed by Sara Simonsgaard at the meeting of the'Collector's Study Group of the Highland Park Woman's Club at 10: HAIRDO HINTS 30 a.m. Jan. 3 in the Clubhouse, 1991 Sher- TO BE GIVEN idan Rd., Highland Park. Tickets are avail- HAIR-styling hints will able at the door for $2. theme the Highland Park Simonsgaard, a collector, shop owner Woman's Club "communi- and show exhibitor, is Mid-West corre- ty night" at 7:30 Tuesday, spondent for the "National Antique Jan. 10, in the clubhouse, Review." She has taught courses in an- 1991 Sheridan. tique collecting, and frequently addresses collectors' groups. Stylists from Via Venato Coiffures, 203 Skokie Val- ley, will select three can- didates from the audience for a demonstration of hair-cutting and blow-dry- • ing. Coffee and desert will Thursday be served before the pro- when/where / and why January 5 gram which is open to the 1978 public. Admission is $1.50.

Woman's Club: Holy land lecture "The Land Called Holy," a slide-lecture on the lands of the Bible, will be given by Jeanne Walker at the Highland Park ighland Park MailAdvertiser Woman's Club, 1991 Sheridan Rd., 1 p.m. Tuesday. Tea will be served by Mrs. Wal- WITH NEWS OF HIGHWOOD AND FORT SHERIDAN

ter M. Lillie and her committee following • the program. Carol Lawrentz named Citizen of Year "WELL, FOR GOODNESS SAKE ly surprised and modestly stated that . . . that's a real honor!" was Carol she hardly warranted such honors. Lawrentz' astonished comment when If the luncheon had been scheduled she was notifed that she had been se- one week later she would have had to lected for Lerner LIFE 's receive her honors in absentia. Only Citizen of the Year honors. seven days later she leaves on a long- Mrs. Lawrentz, of Highland Park, awaited trip to Israel. was selected from a field of men and Since she was named as Citizen of women who work for the betterment of the Month in July for her work with their communities. handicapped children, including estab- Saying that although she was really lishing a permanent residence for them surprised at being chosen, Mrs. La- in Lake Forest, Mrs. Matson has been wrentz added "it is certainly very nice, busy working for zoning to permit con- too." struction of a gymnasium ("the gym Active in community affairs since now is such a disaster that you can't she and her husband moved to High- turn around in it") and enlarging the land Park 40 years ago, Mrs. La- current workshop (it's absolutely wrentz, described as "a ball of fire" by crammed in there). some of her friends, takes part in nu- She also hopes that Grove School merous activities of her church, the can begin construction on a Communi- Redeemer Lutheran Church of High- ty Living Center, partially funded by a land Park, is active on the board of the HUD grant, to be built on the school Ravinia Garden Club and the Histori- property. It will enable students over cal Society, participates in the volun- the age of 18 to learn to live independ- teer pool, is on the planning committee ent lives and train them for jobs while for the Highland Park Senior Center living in apartments complete with and narrates fashion shows centering community and craft rooms and coun- around her extensive collection of au- seling areas. thentic period gowns. The winners will receive trophies at She promised to write down the date the 12:30 p.m. luncheon in their honor of the luncheon honoring the winners on Wednesday, March 1 at the North on March 1 in her famous little date Shore Hilton, 9599 Skokie Blvd., Skokie. book that she carries with her con- In addition to the Citizen of the stantly to keep track of her busy sched- Year winners and runners-up from all ule. six ' distribution Virginia Matson, director of the areas, last year's Citizen of the Year Grove School in Lake Forest, who is winners and runners-up will also be awarded runner-up honors, was equal- guests.



HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN'S CLUB The price per person - $3.50. IN THE COMMUNITY NOMINATING COMMITTEE hopes that has The Committee is working hard FEBRUARY 1978 BULLETIN THE WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE The Highland Park Public Library Nominating each member will support this event by announced 2 pro;ram of "Five Sunday Af- to find the best people to be officers PRESIDENT MRS. CARL S. WOLF buying a ticket. ternoons". Everyone is welcome and and committee chairmen during the next PRESS 6 PUBLICITY AND admission is free. All programs begin Club year. If you are called, please THOMAS 14 TUES. COMMUNITY NIGHT BULLETIN CHAIRMAN..MRS. GRANT F. at 4 o'clock. accept the challenge and say "yes". 7:30 P.M. Another interesting program MAILING CHAIRMAN....MRS ARTHUR ROPIEQUET January 22 - Chicago String Quartet The Club needs YOU. is being offered for people AO CHAIRMAN MRS ARDYS FURROW February 5 - Daryl Hine-Poetry in the community. As this goes to press WAYS AND MEANS February 19 - Arthur Siegel - Photography ITEMS FOR THE BULLETIN SHOULD BE GIVEN TO plans are to have a disco dancer present The Ways and Means Committee reports the March 5 - Backstage at the Marriott THE CHAIRMAN OR MAILED TO 253 OAK KNOLL the program. Members are invited. "Snowflake Ball", our Christmas Dinner- March 19 - "First Wednesdays" Showcase TFRRACE, HIGHLAND PARK BY THE 1ST OF THE Guest fee will be S1.50. Refreshments Dance was one of the best social events THE MARCH MONTH! NEWS FOR 1978 BULLETIN will be served. we have ever had. In addition to being a MUST BE IN BY FEBRUARY 1st. THE LAKE-COOK YWCA, 755 Laurel Ave., TUES. MEETING financial success, the dance was well - 21 CLUB Highland Park has asked us to announce Please wear your NAME TAG AT EVERY MEET-. - a slide- attended and everyone seemed to enjoy the 1:00 P.M. "Travel Romania" their annual Membership Meeting on Tues- ING - THEY CERTAINLY HELP WHEN THAT IN- by Francis Weeks. good food and good company. Many thanks lecture day, January 24 at 1 p.m. The meeting EVITABLE LAPSE OF MEMORY OCCURS. WHEN us a colorful to all who supported this event by atten- Mr. Weeks will take on will take place in the home of Mrs. YOU BRING A GUEST, BE SURE TO REGISTER and trace the ori- ding and to all who worked to make it trip through Romania Sarelle Friedmann, 30 Roger Williams, HER AT THE DESK AND PAY THE GUEST FEE - possible. gin of the Romans. Highland Park. The program is "An After- SO CENTS. Hans Higgins COMMUNITY SERVICE TEA - Mrs. Edward noon with a Psychic - Sibilla." There FEBRUARY In our Clubhouse, on the third Monday of MARCH is a $1.00 charge for refreshments. 7 TUES. COLLECTORS' STUDY GROUP each month, the paramedices of the High- 7 TUES. COLLECTORS' STUDY GROUP RSVP - 432-0675. 10:30 A.M. "Choice Pieces from My Glass land Park Fire Department teach life-sav- 10:30 A.M. "Cookery and Customs" - Collection" will be shown LOOKING AHEAD ing techniques for emergencies. The class Mrs. O. F. G. Schilling is in the from 6:30 to and discussed by Mrs. Eugene Pitts. THE SPRING RUMMAGE SALE is scheduled for offered evening BY RESERVATION A re- Tickets are available at the door for 12:00 NOON LUNCHEON Friday, March 17 and Saturday, March 18. 11:30 and is open to the public. Reservation deadline Friday, March 3rd calling the $2.00. This is a good time to clean out those servation must be made by Call Mrs. Harold Drimilla - 498-1759 because the 12:00 NOON LUNCHEON BY RESERVATION messy closets and drawers. We need Highland Park Fire Department or Mrs. Alma Wolf - 432-0706 enrollment class is limited. The Mrs. Frank E. Hense, Chairman jewelry this year, so look through your for each 1:00 P.M. CLUB MEETING Highland Park Woman's Club makes its fa- Reservation Deadline - Friday, Feb. 3rd trinkets for a necklace or earrings you Carolyn Stein Stillman cilities free of charge, for Telephone: Mrs. Hense - 234-9084 don't wear any more. You can start available, will present a dramatization of "Change this important community service. or Mrs. Alma Wolf - 432-0706 bringing your contributions to the Club- Lobsters and Dance" autobiography of house now. Anyone who would like to ATTENTION ARTISTS 1:00 P.M. CLUB MEETING Lilli Palmer. announ- work on the sale committee should call The Woman's Club of Evanston has Book Review by Greta Wiley. of the GET IN THE SWIM- - - - Vera VanArsdale - 432-4170. ced the 56th Annual Art Exhibit Ms. Wiley will review Bennet Cerf's book Feb. 21. The Highland Park Woman's Club Swimming North Shore Artists to open on entitled "At Random" - reminiscing his BOWLING reorganized. The group Oil paintings, water-colors, mixed media, days at Random House. She will also Group is being Inn where the The Bowling Group meets every Wednesday, pastels, acrylics, drawing and sculpture capsulize 20 current books. Ms. Wiley, will swim at the Holiday Water a.m. at Strike-N-Spare Lanes, will be shown. For information call who has appeared at the Club many times, indoor pool has been remodeled. at 9:30 warm. Skokie Blvd., Northbrook. New mem- Chairman Pauline Swisher - 475-6200. is listed in Who's Who in American Women. temperatures are kept comfortably 185 be announced soon. bers are always welcome. For more A very entertaining and informative pro- Days and times will MANY THANKS- - - - It is important that we know how many information, call Lois Dever at 432-6226 A refrigerator was donated to the Clubby gram. TEA - Mrs. John B. Sparrow people are interested so that final or Dorathe Hansen at 432-4465. (The the Highland Park Savings & Loan (now arrangements can be made. Call Lois Bowling Group reports that they had two Bell Federal Savings.) We wish to ex- 13 MoN • BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 9:30 A.M. Sparrow at 831-4293. Early morning scores over 200 last month - Lois Dever press our thanks and appreciation. 14 TUES. (7 - 9 a.m.) and evening hours are the with 201 and Mary Jacqmin.) VALENTINE DAY CARD PARTY TENTH DISTRICT NEWS 11:00 A.M. best times to find her at home. Bring a table-full of friends YEAR BOOKS The 10th Dist.of the Ill.Fed.of Women's for an afternoon of bridge, canasta and KEEP IN TOUCH If you haven't picked up your yearbook Clubs will hold a meeting and luncheon on other card games. Doors open at 11:00 Here are the new addresses of two members pages, please try to do so as soon as Monday, Feb. 13 at the Woman's Club of a.m. Dessert, coffee and tea will be who recently moved out of the area: possible. Permanent binders are still Wilmette, 930 Greenleaf, Wilmette, Ill. served at 12:30. There will be lots of Mrs. Donald E. Keller available at a small fee. SYMPATHY prizes. Make table reservations by 1400-221 El Norte Parkway WELCOME The Board of Directors and the Club Mem- Friday, February 10th. Telephone the San Marcos, California 92069 A hearty welcome to Mrs. Jack Kissilove bers wish to express their sympathy to following: Mrs. Clarence E. Miller who recently joined the Club. the family of Mrs. Henry G. Fellheimer Mrs. William S. Leahy-432-6588 1025 Cottonwood Ct.-Lake of the Winds who died in December, Mrs. Richard VanArsdale-432-4170 Wheeling, Ill. 60090 Tel.: 255-1839 (continued in next column) HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN'S CLUB 1991 Sheridan Road H.P.


COMMUNITY NITE oZe. •• 24. ey c c 7:30 I 0



• MEMBERS - FREE- GUESTS - $1.50 COFFEE 8c "REFRE SHNENT S THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1978• 50 CENTS You're never too old for a new look of By KAREN MAY enamel shade to blend with the model's She is past president of the Chicago Bet- "My cat won't know me," says June coloring and provide a lively, but not heavy ter Films Council and helped organize and her complete beauty treatment as she to • "I feel like an heiress," chimed June look for a senior citzen. is still active in the North Shore Better heads home to show off her new image Holland as she finished a Double Take Older women tend to have ridges on fin- Films Council. feline Cindy Sue who is 22 years old. Beauty makeover at Dee's Celebrity gernails, which Debbie overcame with a Beauty Salon in Highwood. double base coat for June. The ridges also The sprightly senior citizen from High- can be filed down, she explains. land Park who admits to being in her the applica- "early 70s" proves one is never too old to The shop also specializes in operators benefit from new beauty regimens. "When tion of porcelain nails. All the their you're older sometimes you need the lift wear them even while working with and sel- even more," says Donna Vignaroli of High- hands and say they are very strong wood who did the hairstyle. dom break. Although June has very thick hair, it "I haven't had makeup on like this since was too long and hanging in the face, I went dancing in Orchestra Hall," said Donna said. It was too much the same June as Marian Cunningham applied the especially in the back, she says, so length, Borghese line of makeup from Gsell's. she cut more off the back and brushed it up to de-emphasize June's short neck. First came a toner to balance the skin June had been wearing full bangs, and then a moisturizer, after some dry skin which the stylist says cut down her height was removed around the eyes. Eye shadow visually since she is a short person, so she blended in light tones of misty grey and cut a fluffy half-bang to frame her face heater grey adds soft emphasis to the eyes. softly and still cover the forehead. THE MODEL RECEIVED a touch of THE CUT IS a basic tapered cut, which mascara on the brows and a touch of can be set in a variety of ways, explains rouge, just on the cheekbone—both applied Donna. It is a different cut and a different very sparingly so not to look harsh on an look than the precision cut a younger per- older person. son who wanted a blow-dry style would get, yet it is suited for the lifestyle and prefer- A light feather lash was applied, but no ence of senior citizens. other lash color was used, for it would have Senior citizens are from the era when been too strong. A clear red libstick shade women had their hair set weekly, explains added the finishing touch. Donna. the more rigid set also is practical "I don't feel the wear and tear of being for someone who does not shampoo their older," says June, who has lived in High- own hair, but relies on a set once a week to land Park for 37 years. To keep in shape, hold. she still does exercises around the house. For the comb-out, Donna brushed soft curls on the side and with teasing added June has been active in the Illinois Fed- some height on top. eration of Woman's Clubs for 50 years (30 The shop offers a senior citizen rate for years in Highland Park.) During that time anyone older than 60, explains owner Dee she served as president in Chicago, held Van Houton. Older people on a pension or several Highland Park positions, was on state board for three terms, attended fixed income need the break, she explains. the sheds her glasses to show her new makeup and hair national and international conventions and AFTER—June style to greatest advantage. Her hair was given a tapered cut and FOR THE MANICURE, Debbie Santi won ribbons and awards for essays and the face with half bangs. mixed a neutral beige with coral for a nail club contests. brushed up in back and soft around February 2, 1978 51

Woman's Club plans party Thursday Park Woman's 12:30 p.m. Reservations may be February 2 The Highland highland park Club will hold a Valentine Day made by calling Mrs. William S. 1978 Dessert and Card Party on Feb. 14 Leahy at 432-6588 or Mrs. Richard Sheridan rd. in the clubhouse, 1991 Van Arsdale at 432-4170. The price Doors open at 11 a.m., and dessert, person. all coffee, and tea will be served at is $3.50 per WITH NEWS OF HIGHWOODAdvertiser AND FORT SHERIDAN * LIFE NEWSPAPERS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1978

VALENTINE'S DAY THEMES PARTY HIGHLAND Park Woman's will Club hold a Valentine day card dessert and party at 11 a.m. Tuesday, 14, in the Feb. clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan. Reservations may be made calling by Mrs. William Leahy or at 432-6588 Mrs. Richard Van Arsdale 432-4170. at Price is $3.50 per person. •

)) R 1-< )N s THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1978• 50 CENTS

HP Woman's Club: Community night "Disco Dance" instruction is the -pro- gram for the Highland Park Woman's Club Community Night at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday in the Clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan Rd., High- land Park. Coffee and dessert will be served. Com- munity nights are open to the public and both men and women are welcome. Admis- sion is $1.50.

• Two great blanket ideas for head-under-the-covers weather. One is an afghan to knit, each block of which is a knitting lesson. The other is an easy-to-make old fashioned comforter, so colorful you may want to use one as a bedspread.

Two quilts pieced in 10-inch squares and tied with contrasting yarn are among many made by Mrs. Ruth Nickelson in a simple and easier way. Instead of the traditional quilting of the finished patchwork, she uses either yarn ties or a simple running stitch to tack patchwork, batt, and backing of a comforter together.

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together. Some of her quilts were patches on both sides. And many of them were filled with down rather than make a quilt but batt. PERHAPS YOU'VE wanted to After making her own first quilt Ruth made another. because of the problems involved in quilting the pieced fascinated with the designing trouble. and another, becoming Above: Linen towel with squares, shelved the whole idea as too much and creating of them. When she has the time,she says landmark scenes was But you can make one and either merely tie the can make one in five or six days,but that's by spending used by Mrs. Nickelson layers together with yarn or fasten them with simple several hours a day at it. A fun day became,and is now, (shown above right) as running' stitches. Great grandmother often called scouring the remnant boxes in stores for just the right the center of one of her these comforters but they are quilts, are just as colors and prints in fabrics. quilts. A running stitch warm, just as colorful, and just as rewarding to in contrasting yarn was make. QUILTS MADE the way Ruth makes them are not instead of On a visit to a friend's home recently, she asked if the expensive, untouchable -masterpieces for which used of Job, the time of quilting. Right: I would like to see some of the quilts she was one needs the patience Another Methuselah, and the mastermind of a Da Vinci. As linen towel, to which making. A natural interest in handmade things, plus a bit of the old fashioned girl within made me say quilts go, these are more simple and inexpensive to she added a dimen- make, and like *all quilts, they. are good sellers at sional effect stitching enthusiastically, "1 surely would." by me her patchwork cov- church bazaars, craft shows, in stores, even by word the So Ruth Nickelson showed around figures, be- erlets — or covers, since they are in bed rather of mouth should the maker be inclined to sell them. came the center of than afghan sizes — all in bright colors or patterns, Ruth has added a new dimension. On some that she another of her colorful all either tied or rupning stitched in contrasting makes, she uses a decorative linen dish towel for the blankets. yarns. What had started as a challenge a few years center, surrounding it with patchwork. For example, ago, a matter of what to do with numerous odd pieces one towel used is printed with historical landmarks, of bright materials, some her own some wished on and the patriotic theme is carried out in red, white, her by friends, became an engrossing cover craft, and blue patchwork. Another comforter has a linen with quilts pretty enough to use as bedspreads. towel center that's alive with brightly colored birds. Ruth told me how, when she was young her To accentuate the bird figures, give them added widowed mother reared five small children on a dimension, she outline stitched around each after the farm. Folks utilized every scrap and skill they could batt was pinned to the finished patchwork, but before muster. "Nothing was wasted," she recalled. Her stitching or tying all ,three -layers together. mother made quilts, actually "crazy" quilts because For these quilts, woven materials dre best, but if for each patch she sewed many small pieces of fabric Continued in the Creative sewing column Creative sewing One quilter's answer to quilting problems

'Continued from page 1 your scrap bag reveals mostly today's knit fabrics, there still are many sources of inexpensive. materials. Mail order catalogs offer packages of patchwork squares (although you will save money by cutting your own), and fabric stores and departments usually have remnant bins from which you can salvage unusual fabric pieces. Even clothing that has been outgrown or outmoded but not out- worn makes an interesting quilt. The added reward to this latter is that you'll recall that particular garment and the years to come. person who wore it in be to try one of these quilts, The actual piecing of a quilt can If you'd like sewing here's how it goes. done by hand or on the machine. WHAT YOU will need: Scraps of woven fabrics; quilt batt in TO TACK: Thread the darning needle the size for which you'll use it; a white, so that the yarn hangs double. From the colored, or printed bed sheet for the center of the square on the patchwork backing; yarn, and a large darning side, poke the needle down through all needle. 'the layers. Bring it back up about 1/2 inch Quilt batt is available in the mail order from entry. Pull the yarn firmly and cut catalogs and department stores. It comes it, leaving enough yarn for a square knot. in many grades and thicknesses. The To tie a square knot, also known as a least expensive is 1/4-inch thick, all cot- granny or sailor's knot, lap the right yarn ton. Then there is 100 per cent polyester over the left; then the left yarn over the in /12, 1, 1/14, and 1% inch thicknesses. right. When the knot is tied, trim off . I recommend that you preshrink any excess yarn about 1/2 inch from the knot. fabrics used for this project. All fabrics With doubled yarn, it forms sort of a shrink at different percentage levels, and pompon. Finish all the tacking. by preshrinking you .save any doubt when On many of Ruth's quilts, instead of it comes to washing or cleaning your tying knots she sews a simple running treasured piece. stitch of double yarn down the center of done along your quilt!: the patches. Or, this could be HOW TO sew the yarn 1. With the right sides together, sew the seam lines if you don't want small scraps to each other, just as you to show as much. you can zig-zag them There are several ways you can finish would seams, or On some, flat on top of each other to form 10-inch the edges of your comforter. could just cut 10-inch Ruth makes the patchwork a little squares. Or you the of fabric for sewing together. smaller than the sheet, then turns squares up on the patch- This sewing can be done by hand or protruding sheet edges or seam type sewing work and topstitches it to form a border. either the zig-zag 1/4 on the machine. See Figure Another way is to turn under about may be done and sheet and 1 in the diagram on page 1. inch of the patchwork you have enough squares to stitch them together. You may wish to 2. When batt completely cover the bed sheet in the size trim off that 'A inch from the quilt of your choice, sew the squares together first so it isn't so bulky to sew. .in rows across first. Press seams flat However you make your quilt, it will be open. special, something to be handed down as 3. When all the rows are finished, sew an heirloom. the rows together. This is simpler than sewing one square to another in all. direc- tions. Now the face of your quilt is ready. 4. Spread the bed sheet on the floor (preferably on a carpeted surface, so it won't slide). Place the quilt batt on top of the sheet. Then lay the patchwork on top of that. - 5. Using straight pins, pin all three layers together, starting from the center. 6. Now carefully pick up the whole thing and place it on a table, where a slipperier surface makes it easier to get your hand under it when tying. Weight it down with a heavy object. 7. Start your yarn tacking at the center square along the top edge of the quilt and work out toward the sides, tacking the center of each square first. Then tack each corner, and then 5 inches apart along the seams. Figure 2 on diagram on page 1. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 9, 1978

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Music Club marks 50th anniversary The Highland Park Music Club will hold its clothing which is similar in style to the February meeting 50 years to the day when clothes which they wore the year they the first group of musicians gathered to joined the club. Some will be wearing sty- form an organization dedicated to keeping les of the 1930's. Others will be in the "new up performance skills. look" of post-World War II and others will The meeting will be at the home of Mrs. be 1950's attire. Ralph Elson, 232 Deerfield Rd., Deerfield, "THE MUSIC CLUB has been a vital and members have been asked to wear organization for 50 years in Highland Park, and it continues to be significant," said Sadia Bloom of Highland Park, past presi- dent of the club and active member. The club meets monthly in the homes of members. The program features perform- ances by members of the club. In addition to performances by individual members, there are performances of the club's Pat Terry (below) is the new conductor of the Choral Ensemble of the choral ensemble, now conducted by Pat Highland Park Music Club, shown above. Terry of Wilmette. The club is dedicated to the practice and performance of music and in that spirit, grants a scholarship every other year to a deserving young musician. THE FIRST Highland Park Music Club biennial scholarship was won by pianist Neil Levin of Highland Park, who is now music director of the Board of Jewish Edu- cation. Subsequent scholarships were won by Daniel Epstein, now a Concert pianist in New York; Joel Levin, cellist; Robert Levin, violinist and Warren Fremling, bari- tone, who is a member of the Chicago Opera Theater. "The awards are given to the student's music teacher to pay for future lessons," Mrs. Bloom explained. "These are not large cash awards. Instead they are meant to be an encouragement to the young musi- land Park Music Club was Emma Ford and 100 members including a number of 4 cian, giving him or her the extra push, per- Nolting. The club consisted of 18 young singers in the Chicago Symphony Chorus. haps, to study music further in college." Helen Gourley of Highland women who had been trained as singers or Performing professionals in the club in- The scholarship fund is supported by Park has the longest record of intrumentalists and wanted to keep up with clude soprano Nancy Sylvester of Lake contributions from members. membership with the music their music. Forest and pianist Carol Honigberg of club. THE FIRST PRESIDENT of the High- Today, the club numbers between 90 Highland Park. Travel Romania" "Travel Romania," a slide lecture by Francis D. Weeks, will be featured at the meeting of the Highland Park Woman's Club at 1 p.m. Tuesday. The program will be held in the clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan Rd. Following the meeting, tea will be served by Mrs. Edward H. Higgins and her comm ittee.

"Some of My Choice Pieces," the title of the an- tique lecture, best describes the Early American pressed sales pieces from the collection of Leora Pitts. Shown here are swimming swam, princess feather and grape and festoon.

"I'm not a good collector. I would call myself an accumulator because I drag home any piece of glass, even when I don't know what it is," Leora Pitts told the Collector's Study Group of the Highland Park Woman's Club recently. Collecting expeditions for more than 30 years have taken Pitts many places and un- earthed many surprises. She once bought the top of a butter dish in Wisconsin and three years later found the base at a house sale. Pitts likes to receive antique glass for gifts. "I told my husband a broken piece of glass costs less than a dozen roses and lasts longer," she chuckles. The lecture, titled, "Some of My Favorite Pieces,— included a description of the periods of American glass while passing among the audience 70 samples representing different per- iods. A sprinkling of anecdotes about collecting adds polish to the glass presentation. Beginning in-1739 one-of-a-kind pieces in free blown glass were made in America. The Leora Pitts shows off period from 1763 to 1774 included patterned molded glass. Blown three-mold glass was ma- a spooner, a glass for holding teaspoons, to nufactured from 1800 to 1825 with the pattern in reverse on the inside. members of the antique study group.

THE POPULAR COLLECTIBLE pressed glass was made from 1827 to 1840. All that glitters and shines in the lacy pat- terns from the glass pressed by machine is not Sandwich glass from the Eastern company. Although many collectors are addicted to the Sandwich glass, some of the lacy pressed patterns were made in the Midwest, far from Sandwich, Mass. There are no water glasses or goblets of this period pressed glass, because it could not be fire polished, says Pitts, and this left the edges too sharp for drinking vessels. A popular utensil of the period was a glass spooner, which held teaspoons on the table instead of by each place setting. Another Eastern specialty is the spill holder, used to catch spills from whale oil lamps. Beginning in 1840 the lacy patterns gave way to geometric and ribbed designs. The formula for soda lime glass was per- fected in 1864, which cut the cost to one-fifth of the previous amount,says Pitts.

ACID FROSTING BECAME popular around 1876, says the collector. Many dish tops had lions, polar bears, storks and other animals adorning the lid knobs. Patterns such as princess feather, swimming swan, grape and festoon were popular in the period and many were made in milk glass. There were also many rose patterns and Pitts showed examples of cabbage rose, 100-leaf rose and rose sprig. A Currier and Ives plate drew much attention. The scenic plate was the base for a lemonade set, says Pitts. The thousand-eye pattern and opalescent glass were popu- lar near the end of the patterned glass period in 1880, says Pitts. After that came the "Victorian gobbledegook." The early 1900s brought colored glass, with Steuben being a pioneer, according to the Waukegan collector. Purple, green amber and amberine—a combination of red and yellow —were popular. She showed a jade colored piece typical of the fair pieces that were manufactured in the early 1900s. Pitts calls three flower frogs her "pride and joy." The trio of young maidens which hold flowers in custard glass, jade Is it a Currier and Ives plate? glass and a frosted clear Pat Fautsch of the Collectors Study Group of the Highland version were made in Cambridge, Park Woman's Club Mass. between 1890 and 1916. checks out a colored glass plate at a recent lecture. (Staff photos by Don Gruben)

HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN'S CLUB help with sorting and sales, or deliver rummage other than Club meeting days. LEND A HAND THANK YOU MARCH 1978 BULLETIN still making We also need large paper bags for the The Nominating Committee is The Club wishes to thank Via Ven- Mrs. Carl S. Wolf jobs PRESIDENT sale. Please bring them to the Club calls to find people to take the ato Coiffures, 203 Skokie Valley PRESS 6 PUBLICITY AND offi- with your rummage. that will be open next year. Some Road, for the great Community BULLETIN CHAIRMAN..Mrs. Grant F. Thomas cers and committee chairman have been There will be a bake sale again this Night program in January. It was MAILING CHAIRMAN....Mrs Arthur Ropiequet found but other important positions year under the direction of Audrey McAr- a very enjoyable evening for all AD CHAIRMAN Mrs. Ardys Furrow still need to be filled. If you are thur - 433-3942. Call Audrey if you who attended. BE GIVEN TO called, please consider accepting an ITEMS FOR THE BULLETIN SHOULD wish to donate some homemade treats. office or chairmanship. Put your tal- KEEP US INFORMED THE CHAIRMAN OR MAILED TO 253 OAK KNOLL 21 TUES. CLUB MEETING 1ST OF THE ents to work for a worthy cause - One of the advantages of belonging to a TERRACE, HIGHLAND PARK BY THE 1:00 P.M. Piano Recital and Lecture by BULLETIN YOUR CLUB. Club is the interested concern of other MONTH! NEWS FOR THE APRIL 1978 Lydia Smutny Sterba. Ms. members. Good news or bad, we all want MUST BE IN BY MARCH 1ST. Sterba describes the compositions that she WAYS AND MEANS to know what is happening to our fellow Please wear your NAME TAG AT EVERY MEETING- plays and gives their historical back- The Ways and Means Committee requests members. THEY CERTAINLY HELP WHEN THAT INEVITABLE ground. Her program includes lighter, that members who shop at Dominick's The LAPSE OF MEMORY OCCURS. WHEN YOU BRING A well-known music as well as classics. She save their green register tapes. Hazel Kellow, our Corresponding Secre- tary, should be informed of any illnesses GUEST, BE SURE TO REGISTER HER AT THE DESK is a graduate of the American Conservatory committee will use them to acquire prizes at or deaths so that she can send the appro- AND PAY THE GUEST FEE - 50 CENTS. of Music and studies with Rudolph Ganz. items that will be used as card parties and luncheons. Give your priate cards, letters or flowers, Her MARCH She has appeared, in recital, at Carnegie phone number is 432-5215. At meetings, 7 TUES. COLLECTORS' STUDY GROUP Hall, in New York City. tapes to Vera Van Arsdale or Ilene when the President asks if there are 10:30 A.M." COOKERY AND CUSTOMS" TEA - Mrs. Harold N. Hoover Schwartzbach. any announcements, please tell us about will be discussed by APRIL A STITCH IN TIME any members who are ill. Mrs. 0.F.G.Schilling. Tickets are avail- 4 TUES. SPRING LUNCHEON Feeling housebound by the bad weather? In the good news department, please let able for $2.00. 12:00 NOON There will be a great Get out and spend an enjoyable morning the Bulletin editor know of any special 12:00 NOON LUNCHEON BY RESERVATION luncheon and a very special with the needlecraft group. Bring a event in your life that you would like LUNCHEON WILL BE SERVED IN AUDI- program "STAGE DOOR AMERICA". All the de- sewing or craft project and your lunch. to share with your friends. Send in- TORIUM. MENU: Julienne Salad Bar, tails will be in the April bulletin. This Coffee will be served. The group formation to Mrs. Grant Thomas, 253 Oak Rolls, Wine with Lunch, Dessert & Bev. event is open to the public, so bring all meets on Tuesday, March 14, at 10:30 Reservation Deadline: Friday, March 3 Knoll Terrace, Highland Park. your friends for a wonderful afternoon. a.m., in the Clubhouse. For more in- Call: Mrs.H.R.Drimilla, Chairman But you must have a reservation. formation, call Mrs. Everett Bellei - PHILANTHROPY 498-1759 RESERVATION DEADLINE: Tuesday, March 28. 432-7288. The Philanthropy Committee received a Mrs. Alma Wolf - 432-0706 Call: Mrs. George Rush - 433-1138 PLAN AHEAD letter from the Veteran's Administration 1:00 P.M. CLUB MEETING Mrs. Edward Krueger - 432-2783 Hospital of North Chicago thanking us " CHANGE LOBSTERS AND DANCE" TWO SPECIAL EVENTS ARE COMING UP PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COLLECTORS' for our donation of Christmas cards and Carolyn Stein Stillman, actress and book IN THE NEAR FUTURE. MARK YOUR STUDY GROUP WILL MEET ON THE THIRD TO stamps, and for our continuing interest reviewer, will present a dramatization in CALENDAR NOW, YOU WON'T WANT TUESDAY IN APRIL THIS YEAR. MISS EITHER OF THESE ACTIVITIES. in the hospital. costume of the autobiography of Lilli MEMBERS IN THE NEWS MAKE WAVES--- SPRING FASHION SHOW AND LUNCHEON Palmer - includes marriage to Rex Harri- Carol Lawrentz has been named Citizen The Highland Park Woman's Club Swimming THE DATE TUESDAY, APRIL 11 AT son and happenings with Coward, Shaw, IS of the Year by the Lerner Newspapers. Group now meets on Thursday afternoon at NOON. GET YOUR FRIENDS TOGETHER Garbo, Gable, Bogart. Don't miss this She receives her award at a banquet on the Holiday Inn in Northbrook. The new- AND COME SEE THE LATEST FASHIONS. interesting and fun program. March 1. Carol was chosen from among TEA - Mrs. Carl E.Herbst ly redecorated pool is kept at a very DETAILS NEXT MONTH. 13 MON. BOARD OF DIRECTORS twelve candidates because of her many comfortable temperature. For complete SPRING DINNER DANCE - THIS IS OUR 9:30 A.M. MEETING volunteer activities. details, phone Lois Sparrow at 831-4293. LAST SOCIAL EVENT OF THE CLUB YEAR TUES. COMMUNITY NIGHT A photograph of Helen Gourley was fea- 14 LET'S MAKE IT A GREAT SUCCESS. THE PARTY - BRIDGE, TENTH DISTRICT NEWS tured in a Highland Park News story 7:30 P.M. CARD DATE IS SATURDAY, MAY 6. START CARD GAME YOUR TABLE THE TENTH DISTRICT OF THE ILLINOIS about the 50th anniversary of the High- OR ANY GETTING A TABLE FULL OF FRIENDS ENJOY - LADIES, WOMEN'S CLUBS WILL land Park Music Club. Mrs. Gourley has OF FOUR WILL FEDERATION OF TOGETHER NOW. MORE INFORMATION MIXED GROUPS. HOLD A MEETING AND POT LUCK LUNCH- the longest record of membership in the COUPLES AND IN THE NEXT BULLETIN. Dessert and coffee will be served. EON ON THURSDAY, MARCH 16 AT THE Music Club. A SPECIAL REQUEST Members and their husbands are free. DEVONSHIRE COMMUNITY CENTER, 14400 June Holland also made the pages of the Guest fee $1.50 per person. GROVE STREET, SKOKIE. Members are requested not to park in Highland Park News. She was the subject 17 FRI. SPRING RUMMAGE SALE AND BOWLING GROUP the two spaces nearest to the back door of a beauty make-over story. 9:00 A.M. BAKE SALE - TWO DAYS The Club Bowling Group meets every Wed- of the Club. These spaces are reserved CONGRATULATIONS to all our news-makers. 9:00 P.M.& It's bargain time again! nesday morning at 9:30 a.m. at Strike- for members who have difficulty walking. N-Spare Lanes, 185 Skokie Blvd., North- SYMPATHY 18 SAT. The Spring Rummage Sale is Your cooperation is appreciated. The Boatd oA Dikectou and brook. They would love to have you join the membeu 9:00 A.M. under the direction of extend 6inceke >sympathy to the 6amity them. Call Lois Dever - 432-6226 or REMEMBER THE SLOGAN " B-Y-C" 1:00 P.M. Ardys Furrow - 831-3627 and oi MA/S. GoAdon C. Foween„ a Otmet Dorathe Hansen at 432-4465. Verna Greene - 831-2139. Pte6ident o the ChM who died in Contact Ardys or Verna if you want to Januaty. HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN'S CLUB 1991 Sheridan Road Highlend Park, Ill.

COMAUNITY NIGHT Tueselay 7.11, 77?,k 7:)0 Imo




Ilene Schwarzbach 433-3371 Kay Thom:Is 433-5624 Lois Sparrow 831-4293



CARPS - SCORE CARDS. COURTESY OF WOAANS CLUB SPRING LUNCH A MUSICAL ONE THE annual spring luncheon of the Highland Park Woman's Club will be served at noon Tuesday, April 4, in the clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan, Highland Park. Following the luncheon, "A Cavalcade of Musical Comedy" will be presented by baritone Ronald Rogers, with Richard Otto at the piano. the program traces the evolution of American musical theater through the songs of its best known and best-loved composers. The annual luncheon is open to the public.

Half-century of volunteering hasn't yet tired June Holland

By RUTH BOHAN Her organizational abilities quickly Staff Writer recognized, her jobs continued, ranging from chairman of the Harvest JUNE HOLLAND has been involved in she collected about 100 enough club activities to fill a fair, in which chairman of the directory. door prizes, to art of IFWC. She also took The Highland Park woman can 10th district charge of lunches, brunches, dinners, boast 50 years of consecutive and was chairman of attendance at state conventions of the teas and parties Ridge School for Girls Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs the Park project in 1952-53. (IFWC). Because of her half-century When Mrs. Holland attended her of club work-30 years of it in convention as a junior from the Highland Park—she has accumulated first 3rd district, she won a cash prize for a staggering number of volunteer an essay, "Juniors in Human hours, she is named Lerner Life Relations." Selected for the honor of escorting IFWC president Grace Poole was not only a highlight of that Newspapers Citizen of the Month. convention but of all the conventions She and her husband, Gordon, Mrs. Holland has attended, and moved to the community in 1940. Her probably what encouraged her to son William was born shortly after the continue attending over the past 50 couple moved to their home at 336 years, for which she was recently Delta. When he was only 16 days old, honored. she traveled back to a meeting of the Mrs. Holland Woodshore Woman's club, where she SOME OF THE JOBS Highland Park had acted as social chairman. Once has undertaken for the little Bill was in kindergarten, Mrs. Woman's club include being in charge Holland joined the Ravinia Woman's of its 50th anniversary celebration, club, which eventually merged with working with its ways and means the Highland Park Woman's club. department committee and acting as program chairman. "I KEPT QUIET about my During the 1950s, she became a experience," she laughed, "but they member of the Better Films Council of MRS. CLUB Lady, of Highland Park, may well soon had me working in the district on Chicagoland, going from program be an appropriate moniker for June Holland, magazines. At the end of two years, chairman to membership chairman, then vice president and president. who recently celebrated 50 years of club work. they gave me honorable mention for (Photo by Peggy Pollard.) subscriptions." (Continued on page 2)

"WORKING UP THERE makes you appreciative of what you have," Mrs. "Our aim was to increase Holland commented. "It really makes membership, and we did—from 35 paid you feel good to see the smiling faces members to 100 for the three years of the men who are so appreciative of that I was president. We also gave what is done for them." scholarships to Northwestern Another of Mrs. Holland's University students. When I retired as contributions was teaching Sunday president, we gave two $200 School at Highland Park Presbyterian scholarships to two students," she church from 1941 to 1950. said. Her hobbies are watching movies Another activity which has given and china painting. She enjoys dancing her great pleasure has been working even though she's in her early 70s. with the Veterans Administration Before she was married she had a hospital of North Chicago (formerly dancing partner with whom she Downey). It has been her performed at Great Lakes Naval responsibility to obtain volunteers for training station. the district. She and other volunteers Mrs. Holland dropped by the run the bingo booth at the 2-to-3-day Highland Park Senior center a few carnival held in June. The women also days ago and sure enough, it wasn't make sure that every patient, even the long before she was tapped for another ones unable to leave their rooms, job: She'll be helping to put together share in the carnival fun. scrapbooks for the organization. By PAULA LEVY people who had gathered to celebreate Staff Writer the 14th annual•event. Carol Lawrentz received a trophy WINNERS OF The Lerner Newspapers as Lerner Life Citizen of the year. Citizen of the Year awards are Lawrentz, 70, has been active in accomplishing in their own Highland Park community affairs for communities what President Cater's 40 years, and is now active in the human rights policies are attempting Senior center, the Music club, and the YMCA, among others. She drives to accomplish in the rest of the world, LERNER congratulates Carole Lawrentz, of patients for treatment for the AMBASSADOR LOUIS United States ambassador to Norway Highland Park, The LI FE's Citizen of the Year, at a luncheon held last American Cancer society and has Louis Lerner told Citizens of the Year week. Ambassador Lerner, who flew from Norway for the occasion, taken six foster children into her home and their guests at the Wednesday, was gues•speaker at the luncheon. March 1, awards luncheon. over the years. "I want to pay tribute to all of you HIGHLAND PARK area runner-up here who've worked for human rights Virginia Matson received her award in your own way," the Lerner for her work with Grove school for the charm bracelet presented by Mrs. bathing suit. Newspapers publisher-on-leave said handicapped children in Lake Forest, Lawrentz' daughter during the cocktail before he presented trophies to the 12 which she founded. A pioneer in the hour that preceded the luncheon. winners and runners-up being honored field, she wrote the first draft for the When asked if the trophy was the for their contributions to their mandatory Special Education act in first she had ever received she neighborhoods. "I'm proud to honor 1961. admitted that it was the second. The the people who are the ones who Mrs. Lawrentz may have been first, she admitted modestly under really matter." honored for being Citizen of the Year questioning, was in 1929 when she was Lerner was guest speaker during by Lerner LIFE Newspapers readers , named Miss Wisconsin, in pre-Miss ceremonies held at the North Shore but to her daughter, Dr. Marlyn America judging. Her family was so Hilton, 9599 Skokie blvd., Skokie, Lawrentz, she is the 'mom of the modest that they would not let her where he shared details of his day-to- century.' proceed to the finals, where she would day duties as ambassador with the 225 Those were the words engraved on have had to appear on stage in a * LIFE NEWSPAPERS, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978


PIANO RECITAL FOR WOMEN'S CLUB A PIANO recital and lecture by Lydia Sterba will be presented at the Highland Park Woman's club, at 1 p.m. Tuesday, March 21, at 1991 Sheridan. Sterba is a graduate of thP American Conservatory of Music and studies with Rudolph Ganz. Following the recital, tea will be served by Mrs. Harold Hoover and her committee.

MARCH 9, 1978

Piano recital for FIP women A piano recital and lecture by Lydia Smutny Sterba will be presented at the Highland Park Woman's Club, 1991 Sheridan rd., on (March 21) HILLMAN at 1 p.m. Ms. Sterba FISCHER (right), pastor of Redeemer Evangelical is a graduate of the American an church in Luther- Highland Park helps parishioner Carol Lawrentz, Conservatory of Music and studies of the Year, Citizen celebrate her honor during the awards luncheon. with Rudolph Ganz. Following the recital, tea will be served by Mrs. Harold H. Hoover and her committee.

highland Thursday park March 9 04 Mail-Adve'rtiser 1978 Play cards at HP Woman's Sale Club set for "An Evening of Cards" will be Woman's offered from 7:30 to 10 p.m. on Club Tuesday, (March 14), at the The Highland annual spring rummage and Park Woman's Club, bake sale of the Highland Park 1991 Sheridan rd., Highland Park. Woman's Club will be held on The card party, which is part of March 17 and 18, in the clubhouse, the club's Community Night 1991 Sheridan rd., Highland Park. series, is open to the public and The hours on Friday are 9 a.m., both men and women are welcome. to 9 p.m., and 9 a.m., to 1 p.m., on Playing cards and score cards Saturday. The rummage sale has will be provided by the club. been organized by Ardys Furrow Dessert and coffee will be served. and Verna Greene and the bake To make table reservations call sale is under the direction of Mrs. Schwarzbach at 433-3371 or Audrey McArthur. Mrs. Sparrow at 831-4293. Admission for non-members is $1.50.

MESSAGE FROM YOUR PRESIDENT Photography instructor, Kay Thomas, will DUES HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN'S CLUB Simply put - "THANK YOU" one and all for present a slide program on all aspects of At the Annual Meeting on April 18, dues of and APRIL 1978 BULLETIN vacation and travel photography. After for the 1978-79 Club year will be payable. the words encouragement, loyalty assistance. Without the help of a won- Mrs. Carl S. Wolf the program, Mrs. Thomas will answer your If it is more convenient, you may pay half PRESIDENT derful Board, plus a willing membership, PRESS 6 PUBLICITY AND questions about films, lenses, cameras, of your dues now and the' rest in November. Im- I could never have DONE it. Ele Wolf BULLETIN CHAIRMAN...Mrs. Grant F. Thomas etc. If you are planning your summer va- Dues are $30.00 plus $10.00 Building MAILING CHAIRMAN....Mrs. Arthur Ropiequet cation, here is your chance to brush up on provement and Repair - Total $40.00. IN THE COMMUNITY Mrs. Ardys Furrow your photographic know-how. Dessert and The League of Women Voters of Highland AD CHAIRMAN TENTH DISTRICT EVENTS BE GIVEN TO coffee will be served. Members and hus- Park invites you to join them for a 50th ITEMS FOR THE BULLETIN SHOULD Spring Ways & Means Party is scheduled for bands are free. Guest fee is .50 cents. Dinner on Wednes- THE BULLETIN CHAIRMAN OR MAILED TO 253 Thursday, April 16 at the Chateau Ritz, Anniversary Celebration PARK BY THE PLEASE NOTE THAT COMMUNITY NIGHT IS ON April 12, Highland Park Country Club, OAK KNOLL TERRACE, HIGHLAND 9100 Milwaukee Ave., Niles. There will be day, THE SUMMER THURSDAY THIS MONTH INSTEAD OF THE USUAL Mr. James Hoge, Editor- 1ST OF THE MONTH! NEWS FOR a luncheon and variety show. Cost is $8. 1201 Park Ave. AUGUST 1ST. TUESDAY. in Chief of the Chicago Sun-Times and BULLETIN MUST BE IN BY and Mrs. Carl S. Wolf, president has tkts. Please wear your NAME TAG AT EVERY MEETING 18 TUES. COLLECTORS' STUDY GROUP Chicago Daily News is Guest Speaker. Cock- IN- April 25, the Tenth District p.m. - THEY CERTAINLY HELP WHEN THAT INEVITABLE 10:30 A.M." GEMS - FAMOUS AND On Tuesday, tails at 7:00 p.m.; dinner at 8:00 Meeting will be held at the High- LAPSE OF MEMORY OCCURS. WHEN YOU BRING A FAMOUS" will be discussed Annual $15.00 per person. R.S.V.P. by April 1 Country Club, 1201 Park Ave., GUEST, BE SURE TO REGISTER HER AT THE DESK by Janice Gerri. Tickets are available land Park to Mrs. Burton Zirin, 586 Melody Lane,H.P. Highland Park. AND PAY THE GUEST FEE - 50 CENTS. at the door for $2.00. NEWS ABOUT OUR MEMBERS 12:00 NOON LUNCHEON BY RESERVATION The Annual Convention of the Ill.Federa- APRIL The Sunday Chicago Tribune recently carried DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS - FRIDAY tion of Women's Clubs will be held at the ANNUAL SPRING LUNCHEON pictures, about 4 TUES.' APRIL 14. PHONE: Chicago, May 16, 17 & 18. a story, complete with of Palmer House in 12:00 NOON Celebrate the arrival Mrs. Alma Wolf - 432-0706 Mrs. Harry E. Nickelson (Ruth) and her Spring at our Annual Spring The General Federation of Women's Clubs technique for making quilts. Mrs. Gerald Hirsch- 432-7771 from Luncheon. This event is open to the pub- Convention is in Phoenix, Arizona 1:00 P.M. ANNUAL MEETING - Home and Celeste Chamberlin and Kay Thomas each had lic. You can bring all your friends. But June 4 through June 9. Education Program. Many a painting accepted for the 55th Annual you must make reservations by TUESDAY, beautiful and interesting places are now DRIVERS NEEDED Art Exhibit of the Woman's Club of MARCH 28. The price is $5.00. Call the out-of-bounds for tourists because of Mobile Meals is in need of drivers to Evanston. following: Mrs. George Rush - 433-1138 political unrest or warfare. Our own deliver meals. Each driver works one WELCOME Krueger - 432-2733 Mrs. Arthur Cook, world traveler and pho- morning twice a month. Call Mrs. Ernest Mrs. Edward and all. •the Club tographer, will present a slide-travelog Giarelli - 945-6999 if you are interested. The Board of Directors 1:00 P.M. CLUB MEETING - " A CAV- members Wish to welcome: that will take us to those placed. Inclu AND MEANS ALCADE OF MUSICAL WAYS Sally Graham ded are: Cambodia, Uganda, Rhodesia, Means Committee reports that COMEDY" will be presented by baritone, The Ways & Mrs. Robert Altman South Africa and Zambia. Day Card Party was a finan- Ronald Rogers with Richard Otto at the the Valentine Mrs. Carl Bartlett TEA - Mrs. Chester Hamilton a good time was had by piano. The program traces the evolution cial success and Mrs. Irene Martin of the American musical theatre through MAY all who attended. At this time, Ways and 6 SAT. DINNER-DANCE Club members who the songs of its best-known and best-loved Means wishes to thank COLLECTORS' STUDY GROUP composers. The musical package is tied 6:00 p.m.This is the last social event chairmaned our projects, those who were Season tickets for the 1978-79 Collectors' together by a commentary that gives fas- of the Club year. Bring all on our committees, and the members who Study Group lectures will be on sale at cinating insights and sidelights on the your friends and make it a great evening. attended and supported our events this the April 18th meeting. The first 35 and times. A very special dinner will be followed by year. Our Club appreciates and needs composers, their works, lives to go on an evening of dancing. Tickets are $12.50 people who buy tickets will get 6 THURS. 10TH DISTRICT WAYS & MEANS your continued support! per person and will be available at our our "secret trip" in October. PARTY - CHATEAU RITZ ARTISTS WANTED meeting in April. Dance Chairman is - 10 MON. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING An exhibit of paintings by members is The series of 6 lectures costs $5.00 for Mrs. Richard R. Little - 432-3135 9:30 A.M. AT CLUBHOUSE planned for the Annual Spring Luncheon on members and $7.00 for guests. April 4. Any member who wishes to exhibit 11 TUES. SPRING FASHION SHOW AND SLATE OF OFFICERS FOR 1978-1979 should get in touch with our Fine Arts SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS 12:00 NOON LUNCHEON - A delight- Committee has sub- The Nominating Mrs. Ernest Giarelli - 945-6999. DURING THE SUMMEP MONTHS, WHEN YOU luncheon is planned, Chairman, ful mitted the following names of per- GO SHOPPING, DON'T FORGET TO THANK of the latest fash- ATTENTION GOLFERS followed by a showing sons to serve on the Board during OUR ADVERTISERS FOR MAKING OUR CLUB Highland Park. Its time to clean your clubs and get rea- ions from Maxine's of 1978-1979: BULLETIN POSSIBLE. There will be table prizes and door prizes. Corres.Secy-Mrs. R.L.Weinberg (Nina) dy for the golf season which will be star- Tickets are $5.00. For reservations call: Recor.Secy.-Mrs. E. Jacks (Helen) ting soon. This season, the H.P.Woman's the DESIGNER SHOWCASE Lois Benson - 432-6977 Social - Mrs. Peter Duskey (Clara) Club Golf Group will be playing at The The Park Ridge School for Girls Mary Jacqmin - 432-8826 Philanthropy-Mrs. Coleman Geary (Kit) Deerpath Golf Course in Lake Forest. to is sponsoring another Designer Reservation deadline - FRIDAY, APRIL 7 Home & Ed. - Mrs. R.VanArsdale (Vera) day has been changed from Wednesday a.m. Home Tour. Full particu- House & Grds.-Mrs. M.Lambert (Fran) Friday. We tee-off on May 5 at 8:00 Showcase THURS. COMMUNITY NIGHT G. A. Kellow lars are posted on the Bulletin 13 Treasurer - Mrs. Ralph Jacqmin (Mary) For more details, call Mrs. " HOW TO TAKE BETTER at in the Foyer. 7:30 P.M. Budget - Mrs. Arthur Fox (Mary) at 432-5215 or Mrs. K. E. Hornung Board VACATION PICTURES" 432-5871. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN'S CLUB 1991 Sheridan Road Highland Park, Ill.

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,) THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1978

FASHION SHOW 'FOR WOMEN'S CLUB NEW trends in spring and summer clothes will be shown at the Highland Park Women's club luncheon and HIGHLAND PARK WOMANIS CLUB

, 1977-1979 SLATE OF OFFICERS Community Calendar PROPOSED BY THE NOMINATiNG COMMITTEE • , fashion show Tuesday, April 11, in the ELECTION - ANNUAL MEETING - APRIL 19, 1977 clubhouse, 1991 Sheridan. Fashions are from Maxine's of Highland Park and table prizes and President Mrs. Carl S. Wolf door prizes will be awarded. Reservations must be made by Friday, April 7. Call Lois Benson at lat Vice-President Mrs. Oscar L. Lundgren 432-6977 or Mary Jaqmin at 432-8826. Price is $5. 2nd Vice-President Mrs. Arthur N. Bjork

Financial Secretary Mrs, Delver F. Dever

Arts Chairman Mrs. ErnoTt Giarelli

Hosnitality .Chairman Mrs. T. J. Zabel

Press & Publicity Chrm. Mrs. Virlon FUrrow

Nominating Committee Mrs. Arthur R. Cook Mrs. Robe2t j. Frey Mrs. Harry E. Eichler Mrs. Vance Wilkinson Mrs. Samuel N. Zagaria


Program Chairman Mrs. Lester J. Kelly

Furnishings Chairman Mrs. Haro:A

Rentals Chairman Mrs. Marshall J. Schwarzbach