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KOGARAt--J HISTORICAL SOCIETY II\ICORPORATED Sponsored by J(ogarah Municipal Council Posta' Address: P. O. Bo.~ 367 ... Kogarah. I "-4 es. I t"'EWSLETTER .JULY - AUGUST 1998. Registet~ed by Austr~alian Post- Pub. No. N. 8. H. t. S. N No.0311-0E:!3 This Newslet t er- is pr-inted by Kogar-ah Hunicipal Cour,cii 0 Patroon: The Mayor of .<ogarah. Life Patr'on: K R Cavanough A.H. J.P. Pr-asiden t : Mt~s. 8. Butters (9580 b95o...i) Hon. Secretary: Oro. D. J. Hatton (9.557 9970 ~istant: Mrs; Janette Hollebone Hon. Tt-'easurel--: Hr'S. F. Pilot (9.50..165557) Hss is t en t : Mt-á::;:, 8. Gcodget- (",~?-c_,~ - I ....~:r.:.~_~~y: - t u~rá:s: -. _ _I'1." Hr-m.s- t_ rang (,:_.:...b-95-" ( _~;)_ro_)e_-"-:;,r' - ~RS.s COTTRGE MUSEUH is open each Sunday and Public h.::.!i-d.=!l:_l (cHá;C...sp t bood Fr ideu and Chr is trnes Day) it-Dm l.J:::Opm to 5.80 pm. hdmlSSlon". - - ,-,nar-'gec'á H""'d u 't s ~ce;;.- L .¥n_,U r t.rnr'o' ld -:-e-n c;......_áUc eacn.1- l..:;ráoups.- b y spec.al- ¥ arrangamen tá1..Lácon rae I. - áJ.:-:d" +t t on O~-á )l.1B£RSHiP or l::OGRARH HISTORICAL SOC!El~: is: $6.00 per' annum (Sir.gie) .$9.1]0 per annum (Coupie) . J-!-,You ;-taye fot~QOtten to p-ay_~ Subsc,-áiQtion we would aQQn3ciate- ilearing 'from you as we do value .yourá Hemberáship-':" MONTHLY ~-1EETINGS. f.1eetings ar-e now held in the Kogarah School o'f R.-áts ... Boums RoaeL KDQar-ah. Genera! Meet ings er e he!d at 2 p.rn. on the second Thur'sd03~ of aach month. - Generai Hee t inq - Spe eker- Hr. .Jemes Kane "tells the ::;ton::i DT Regina Coeli Chur'ch at Beverá!y Hi lls . - _._ .¥.¥ _ .. _~. - , ~_ ... '!-:;._. ~. ¥ o__ o._' ~ __ \_ ~ .... -. ¥¥ , _ ¥ o.-... ¥__ .... ¥ __ ._, ¥¥¥¥ Rugust 13 - Generá,:;; Meeting - Spe aker- Mr', St-áian Madden ft-om the c.antef-bury His t or-ic al Society teHs and shows: si ides r-eta.. _- t 'Ing +n~W theiIIá::'.1 1-..',_ t or-u1_ .Ji~-F t he¥__ 1- "'-:;.en .....t er_.. bur-ut::;:;._ ~rá,;:::,-áá_c. SOC iP.L CALENDRR. The monthly t r-ips are sti II being enjoqed by many. Mar-y Ar-ms tt-ong pu t s a lot of time and e'f f or-f into arranging these. The coaches leave Kogan::h at 9 a.m. and r-e tur n about '-f p.rn. The cost is ebout s15.00. Please contact---- Mat--u -_._-----------on (95b7-b3::-ob), tviondau -27th julll .~ Benks t oum Rrea. 8ettl~ Good~~r is looking --' fL!rwat~d to ente,-átaining you on this: daq. C"l'T" .. -.r-,,~c:hQ~rárl I IInrh {-a+ 1 ,nl'''~ nIt ¥ ., excense> A¥ .lJia'_::; ::,,0,-- ......... ~ _ ....... .;-. * ._- It. :-1-'-- - ......... 11 '=# ... &...1 ¥ """"-.' wili be at the Tr o t t ino CJ~b. á 2Gth August - Parramatta. - 2~th September - La Perouse & Randwick, 1 =~_\~',,:.~ . ..., r ~\ ~:r,"\"~'~ £t~~l' . t:J ~::'~~"'~~ -~ ~-:~-':""'S~" CARSS PARK ffiSTORIC WALK , tf"_' ¥ iif . - t, U i!I ¥ '", .¥. " .~~~~~~ LI ! ! I' I _ _ ,-' ,it'~ ~;5::li;",.~ , ¥ ~"'6 - - ¥¥¥¥ M~.:á... - -:--- _ ... ,~- --- Come and enjoy some interesting commentary on beautiful Carss Park. It will take about 45 minutes on an easy flat walk, starting from and finishing at Carss Cottage, Did you know we had Life Savers at Carss Park up until 19801 They worked hard to make Carss Park a safe place in which to play and swim. We shall be able to visit the First Aid Dressing Shed which was Opened in 1929 as a memorial to James Stewart. Who is buried in the vault? What made Kogarah Municipal Council purchase this wonderful area known as Carss Park? WHEN: Sunday, 23 August 1998 at 2 pm .MEET: Carss Cottage COST: Adults $3, Seniors $2.50, Children $1 INCLUDES: Walk with commentary (about 45 minutes) plus Museum visit MUSEUM ROSTER. July '-i - Betty Goodqer & Janet t e Hnl lehone , 12 - Glad Baldurin eá Thellie Tatum. 19 - Cath Sui livan <?. Mar'~ Hr-rns tr-onQ 26 - flo Pilot 0 Gi fda Tina. - August 2 - Betty Gc;(Tt.:iger- and Jane t t e Hnl lebnue, 9 - Bev and Br-ian Warton. .... .... ----- .... ,; 16 - Rae Reid & Ken b:-ájeve. CARSS COTTA GE " ,- ,tlV -.;.d ~I' .... d .. -..... I' ;, 'ál\ , .:J - r-ius eurn bir t n a~ - !-ftá5- T u;"-,f: UJo.k.:'::á, tvl U _I 'r 'I " 2 - . --- 30 - Mar'QF!r'etl ,. "_....... YcAr-á't-L.á,'1,. \ i 2áur cor:_1 r::.-,;::..-p~...Jr ,__ _ UI=--t~'nn_;.:'~ ... '::'U4 ,_ 27 th a:mr 'li~i(!)'iliY GET UJELL UJISHf'S. Gut- s t ehuer t l"iefr.berá .. Me.td Gr-ieve .. tilt-ned 97 on the 24th . Junc.¥ .... I t -" .. h ..... d . .., I '" ' STill spencs a 0 0 I 't ime erne e lmg an' 1$ so men12!IY 2;e:-- l iDr' h~.-. ~J'_.. :::::J'J.I""",::.,-,.,... ....... ,~. 1+¥ z. IWi"!~'. _-_ rnen.1. ".".t ioned a"""'- !'n a recen'-.. ¥ t... Educat ion Ilepar-f merrt C;.fr.:>et~ jáyáin.C! , : that she is the aIdes t ! _. Pubi ic S.:.hocd T eacher-. Lerro time member,. Ida ~iijier. turraed 90 en the Hth June. She too .~¥ á -'.. ~r.d..:>;-áá'¥ C u I": .. :-)"... h.-.~- . 'e-t-~ f. ~ UJY' (J It ¥ .._, tea ~=,'-O ::r & ~~t i - n.1 your' f r-iends at Koaar'.ah Hi s t cr-i ce! Socieh! ar-e r-emember-inn t.JOU ~ - '-' ooth on YC:Ui-' Eirthdays"'; and send Best Wishes for" ~m"n-' Happiness. 2 TOUR OF TIlE ROCKS AND rvfILLERS POINT, Thursday, 21 May 1998 It was a beautiful and sunny day when we set off from Kogarah with Ted at the wheel. We stopped at Rockdale Plaza for a cuppa and then headed for the traffic on Southern Cross Drive. Slow, slow, slow. We turned left at the end of the Drive and Ted somehow wended his way through traffic at Zetland, Beaconsfield, Waterloo, Redfern and we entered The Rocks area along Hickson Roa~. Mary met the guide at the Sydney Sailors Home, which is now the Visitors Centre, and we were directed down to the waterfront to look at the back of Cadman's Cottage. This is the oldest dwelling in the City of Sydney, built in 1816 as The Coxswain's Barracks, part of the / Government Dockyard. It was designed by Francis Greenway who lived across the road in George Street. Our guide informed us that there are plans to show where the waterline used to be, right near the house, and quite a few feet below. Part of the original 1818 sandstone wall of the dockyard forms the retaining wall of George Street. ---.- Our eyes, of course, were very aware that Cadman's Cottage was beside the Sydney Sailors Home, and from our vantage point we could easily see the stonework which was in readiness for the huge extensions that never happened, and if it had gone ahead it was obvious that Cadman's Cottage would have been demolished. The extensions in 1926 that had been made possible by the legacy of Mary Carss was at the George Street face and along most of the northern side. We were able to add to the guide's information about the Carss family. On the north side of the Sailors Home is the 1857 Mariner's Church designed in classical revival style by John Bibb but has been spoilt by extensions. The brick and stucco top floor was added in 1909. A restaurant was set up on the balcony but that business did not prove successfu1. We drove past the Passenger Terminal which was built in 1964 (replacing the original 1938 one), then re-modelled and shortened in 1987. Perhaps it will shrink even further, but we do have to keep this spot for the ships which cannot fit under our Bridge. Looking over Campbell's Cove was very pleasant. The old paddle steamer and The Bounty were moored nearby, and the pleasant lines of the Park Hyatt Hotel which blended into the background. Robert Campbell's stalely Wharf House was built' in '1'803'at -CamPOellSLOVe:- ana som-to tne-- -. --- --• Australasian Steam Navigation Co in 1876, who demolished the house to build the ASN Co stores. Fortunately the old stone Campbell's Stores survived, and a second storey added in 1890 of brick in a similar colour. These Stores are full of restaurants. Ted drove our little van into Atherden Street with a rock wall dead end, Sydney's shortest street. Our guide told us of an elderly lady who had lived in each of the terrace houses. Someone asked why the name of Avery Terrace was used, and it was the surname of the elderly lady. In this street is the Westpac Museum which opened in 1987 to commemorate the 170th anniversary of the opening of Australia's first bank, the Bank of New South Wales in 1817. The sandstone 3 sculpture crafted by Bud Dumas in 1979 is called First Impressions; the figures on three sides are of a convict, family and soldier. In George Street, The Earth Exchange building used to be the Geological and Mining Musewn, which set out to be in 1902 an electric light power station designed by Walter Vernon, but was never used.