Staff Paper The Reform of Rice Milling and Marketing in the Office Du Niger: Catalyst for an Agricultural Success Story in Mali Salifou Bakary Diarra, John M. Staatz, R. James Bingen, and Niama Nango Dembélé Staff Paper No. 99-26 June 1999 Department of Agricultural Economics MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan 48824 MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution THE REFORM OF RICE MILLING AND MARKETING IN THE OFFICE DU NIGER: CATALYST FOR AN AGRICULTURAL SUCCESS STORY IN MALI by Salifou Bakary Diarra, John M. Staatz, R. James Bingen, and Niama Nango Dembélé
[email protected] [email protected] Chapter for forthcoming book Democracy and Development in Mali, edited by R. James Bingen, David Robinson and John M. Staatz. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press. MSU Agricultural Economics Staff Paper 99-26 June 1999. 20 pages total Copyright © 1999 by Salifou Bakary Diarra, John M. Staatz, R. James Bingen, and Niama Nango Dembélé. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this documents for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies. THE REFORM OF RICE MILLING AND MARKETING IN THE OFFICE DU NIGER: CATALYST FOR AN AGRICULTURAL SUCCESS STORY IN MALI by Salifou Bakary Diarra, John M. Staatz, R. James Bingen, and Niama Nango Dembélé 1. INTRODUCTION One of the great successes of Malian economic policy during the 1980s and 1990s has been the transformation of the rice subsector. Domestic production shot up dramatically, growing at an annual rate of 9% between 1980 and 1997, largely due to yield increases in the irrigated area of the Office du Niger.