MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA PEDAGOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury ZÁVĚREČNÁ PRÁCE Brno 2019 Mgr. Adriana Bolhová Masaryk University Faculty of Education Department of English Language and Literature The most controversial aspects of female body Final Work Mgr. Adriana Bolhová Supervisor: Mgr. Lucie Podroužková, Ph.D. Brno 2019 Abstract This final thesis focuses on the feminist and socio-cultural interpretation of three of the most controversial aspects of female body; menstruation, hairy female body, and vagina. Through poems in collection milk and honey written by the Indian-born Canadian author, Rupi Kaur and critical sources the thesis reflects past and recent discussions addressed to these topics. Moreover, this thesis argues that Rupi Kaur addresses the castigated functions of female body showing openly how the modern world perceives contemporary women who struggle with self-acceptance. The theoretical part shortly introduces the author and her collection while the analytical part focuses on studies of perception of menstruation, female body hair, and female genitals in Rupi Kaur’s poems supported by the secondary readings. Finally, this thesis presents the importance of the role of female artists and their view of female genitals. Keywords: Rupi Kaur, milk and honey, female body, menstruation, domination, the hairless female body, abuse, vagina Anotácia Táto záverečná práca sa zameriava na feministickú a sociálno kutlúrnu analýzu troch najviac kontroverzných aspektov ženského tela; menštruácii, ochlpenia ženského tela a vagíny. Prostredníctvom basní v zbierke mlieko a med, od rodenej Indky a Kanadskej autorky, Rupi Kaur a kritických zdrojov táto práca zachytáva minulé a súčasné názory adresované týmto témam. Okrem toho táto práca argumentuje, že Rupi Kaur poukazuje na kritizované funkcie ženského tela kde otvorene ukazuje ako moderný svet vníma súčasné ženy, ktoré zápasia so sebaakceptovaním.
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