
The Great 1947 Sunspot, Roswell, and Coronal Mass Ejections


What Caused the UFO Crash?

the Wanderling

Just prior to midnight on July 4, 1947 in a scarcely populated area southeast of Corona, New Mexico, a mysterious object apparently disintegrated in the sky, scattering pieces of debris over a wide area of scrub brush and desert ranchland. About thirty-five miles away in the Capitan Mountains and about fifty miles west of Roswell, New Mexico, a second and much heavier object, thought to be connected with the debris found on the ranchland, crashed into the rocks and boulders along the lower north slope of the mountains. The heavier object was neither meteor nor conventional aircraft, but what some have come to believe was a UFO, an Unidentified Flying Object, a flying saucer or flying disc if you like, which since has become known as the ROSWELL UFO. On Tuesday, July 8, 1947 the local http://www.angelfire.com/indie/anna_jones1/roswell-sunspots.html (1 of 14)2/18/2015 3:12:53 AM The Great 1947 Sunspot, Roswell, and Coronal Mass Ejections

paper printed a story that a crashed flying saucer had been found on a nearby ranch. The very next day the same local newspaper, the Roswell Daily Record, July 9, 1947, after what has been reported as undue influence from the military, basically retracted the story, saying it was not a saucer or disc, but a weather balloon.

According to the Roswell Incident: Updated and elsewhere, two months later, in September, 1947, famed meteorite hunter and scientist Dr. Lincoln La Paz from the University of New Mexico and the founder of the Institute of Meteoritics, and who, while on leave from Ohio State during World War II, served as Research Mathematician at the New Mexico Proving Grounds and as Technical Director, Operations Analysis Section, for the Second Air Force, was selected by the U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence Corps to determine the speed, direction, and trajectory of the craft prior to its crash down --- unusual for an object that officially was construed to be no more than a slow moving wind-borne weather device.

Regardless of the officially released party line, the problem for La Paz was twofold. First, he was used to figuring out the trajectories of meteors, so his approach was somewhat unorthodox compared to determining flight paths of aircraft. Secondly, the military recovery teams had done their jobs so well eliminating or smoothing over the sites and creating reluctant witnesses it was difficult initally for him to pinpoint much of anything, accurate trejectory or otherwise. To get around the reluctant witness problem La Paz interviewed a fairly large number of spanish speaking people in and around the general Roswell-Corona area, especially along the suspected flight path, a group that was somehow collectively overlooked by the powers that be. As for the other part, La Paz brought in a mysterious bio-searcher (see) who knew southwest indiginous plants intimately, in order to have him determine if and where any of the growth may have been moved, removed, replanted or tampered with. It was a long and time consuming job covering a span of many days, but eventually the trajectory was figured out. With the trajectory finally in the hands of La Paz and his cohorts they were able to physically backtrack along the flight path. In the process they came across a previously unknown and totally undisturbed area where plants on both sides of a wide swath were wilted and burned, sand fused to glass, and the surface radiating a slight blue hue similar in color to the blue of a swimming pool. No slight blue hue to the ground surface had been observed or reported previously at either the debris field or the impact site, raising the specter that both sites had been reworked. More importantly, the wide swath along the desert floor at the new site was directly in line with the debris field and the Capitan Mountains impact site.

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Photo with thanks to the Clines Corners Operating Company

Many, many years later, in a meeting unrelated to any of the above, a discussion between La Paz and the bio-searcher turned to the events at Roswell. The meeting occurred late one afternoon or evening over coffee (beers?) at Clines Corners at the intersection of Route 285 and old Route 66 (now I-40) some 60 miles east of Albuquerque, New Mexico. In conversation with the bio-searcher La Paz concluded the object that went down in the dark that night over New Mexico was an unoccupied probe from another planet. The bio-searcher speculated at most it was probably a Sputnik type thing, an artificial satellite, which at the time of the conversation was a relatively new reality for almost everybody, but some ten years before, in 1947, was something nobody ever heard of --- AND probably why nobody could figure out what it was --- rather than an entry probe of some type. More than likely its orbit began decaying, it started dragging the upper atmosphere, then broke apart scattering the lightweight and apparently what was left over unburnable material, including a few pieces described as I-beams inscribed with Hieroglyphic Writing, all over the desert floor. The much larger and heavier object, possibly a shuttle craft, entry vehicle, remote control drone, or unmanned search unit of some sort, ending up on the side of the Capitan Mountains, going down for unknown reasons in an effort to locate or retrieve the downed satellite --- AND no doubt, the primary reason for so much radar activity reported over the central New Mexico area in the days preceding the crash. The bio-searcher suggests to La Paz it was quite possible the craft may have landed previously, and maybe even on more than one occasion to pick up or obtain the most important material or parts, thus the reason why only so much of nothing but scraps and pieces remained at the debris field. (source)

The question is, if it was an artifical satellite of some type WHY did its orbit began http://www.angelfire.com/indie/anna_jones1/roswell-sunspots.html (3 of 14)2/18/2015 3:12:53 AM The Great 1947 Sunspot, Roswell, and Coronal Mass Ejections decaying and start dragging the upper atmosphere? If it was of non-Earth origin why wouldn't the technology of whoever or whatever put it into orbit be at such a level that such an occurrance would not happen? We put satellites into orbit around the Moon, Mars, and other planets regularly nowdays, but we always do so remotely. And when we do, we put them into place taking into consideration the various space and space related environmental factors as they exist at the moment, or at least, to the best of our ability to predict. Plus, there is always a half time and round trip time delay between the communication control factor at the receiving end and back that must be considered. The same would probably be true for whoever or whatever was responsible for what came down over Roswell.

At the time of the reported crash the Sun was just at the peak of its sunspot cycle and that year, 1947, the largest sunspot ever recorded on the surface of the Sun appeared, lasting for months, an event that may not have been built into any orbital equation. If you look at the graph below you will see how large it was and how much larger it was over any previous time or since:


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So, what does that have to do with anything? Areas on the Sun near sunspots often flare up, heating material to millions of degrees in just seconds, causing Coronal Mass Ejections (CME's) which blast billions of tons of ionized gas into space millions of miles per hour. If the gas bundle goes off at the right spot on the sun so it can intercept the Earth it can set off geomagnetic storms that can damage satellites in space and shut down electrical power and power grids.[1]

The Sun is also the source of the solar wind; a flow of gases from the Sun that streams past the Earth at speeds of more than a million miles per hour. Disturbances in the solar wind shake the Earth's magnetic field and pump energy into the radiation belts.

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The largest sunspot ever recorded.** It stayed active for months in 1947. Pictured above in a photograph taken April 7th.

The solar wind and space plasma storms induce massive electrical currents that can affect power systems. In 1989 a massive solar storm was the genesis of currents in the northeastern part of the North American continent that caused a failure in the Hydro-Quebec power system depriving six million people of power for over nine hours in Canada and the United States. The same storm expanded the upper atmosphere and increased drag on a NASA satellite, although NASA was able to recover it before it re-entered the atmosphere. Recovering the orbit in the Roswell case was not so successful, most likely because of time delay and possible disruption of electronic communication by CME's, allowing the object to start dragging the upper atmosphere and break apart before anything could be done about it, not too dissimilar to the scenario presented by the bio-searcher above, in his discussion with La Paz.(see)

All well and good perhaps, but even if the assessment by the bio-seacher is accurate there is still the question of where the object came from. La Paz leans toward it being an unmanned probe from another planet, the bio-searcher leans in another

http://www.angelfire.com/indie/anna_jones1/roswell-sunspots.html (6 of 14)2/18/2015 3:12:53 AM The Great 1947 Sunspot, Roswell, and Coronal Mass Ejections direction, but at the meeting that night no claim is made by him as to where his feelings are as to where it came from.

However, in Roswell Incident Updated, the bio-searcher makes the case that the object that went down is not necessarily extraterrestrial --- although it could be --- but in his estimation, primarily because of questions raised by the and similar or like scenarios, most likely a product of a TIME WARP, or similarly, although not quoted by him, a WORMHOLE.

If you follow the thread on the bio-searcher you will find he knew Albert Einstein. Through that association, in his own way, not only was the bio-searcher familar with Einstein's theories of relativity but, for a layperson, quite well versed in them. Using insights into the theories he comes up with an answer to the object's origin similar to Wernher von Braun’s mentor, mathematician and physicist, Dr. Hermann Oberth who suggests, albeit some years later, that the Roswell craft should not be considered a spacecraft but a Time Machine.


Skirting the issues found in the Drake Equation many noted scientists are now taking a track similar in scope to that of the bio-searcher. For example, in the January/February 2005 issue of the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (JBIS), in an article titled: "Inflation-Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation," astrophysicist Bernard Haisch along with fellow physicists James Deardorff, Bruce Maccabee and Harold Puthoff propose a strong case for the possibility extraterrestrial visitation.

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Haisch is quoted as having said that superstring dimensions and wormhole and spacetime stretching possibilities address the "can't get here from there" objection often argued in view of the interstellar, point-to-point distances involved. Also, Haisch has gone on to say diffusion models predict that even a single civilization could spread across the Galaxy in a tiny fraction of the age of the Galaxy - even at sub-light speeds.

Continuing, Haisch goes on to say, "We are in the curious situation today that our best modern physics and astrophysics theories predict that we should be experiencing extraterrestrial visitation, yet any possible evidence of such lurking in the UFO phenomenon is scoffed at within our scientific community."


Interestingly enough, in 1960, about three years after the meeting between La Paz and the bio-searcher, a professor at Stanford University by the name of Ronald Bracewell, published an article in the magazine Nature that actully presented a solution to the extraterrestrial probe aspect and "origin" differences between both La Paz and the bio-searcher --- time machine and wormholes not withstanding.

In the article Professor Bracewell proposed that advanced civilizations beyond the could be making and sending out automated spacecraft hoping to make contact with other civilizations. These probes, which have since come to be called Bracewell Probes, would be, the professor suggested, designed to be self- sufficient with a high degree of .

Upon arrival in a new system the probe would automatically place itself into orbit within the star’s habitable zone and scan for radio transmissions. If radio signals were discovered, the probe would be able to communicate with a delay of no more than a few minutes or possibly even seconds rather than the need to communicate across the vast distances of interstellar space. Data stored aboard the probe could be easily transmitted in exchange for data from the resident civilization. Information obtained by the visiting probe would then be retransmitted back across the interstellar space to the parent system.

On December 5, 1991 a mysterious object given the name 1991 VG, passed 51,000 miles beyond the orbit of the Moon, a distance from the Earth of about 288,300

http://www.angelfire.com/indie/anna_jones1/roswell-sunspots.html (8 of 14)2/18/2015 3:12:53 AM The Great 1947 Sunspot, Roswell, and Coronal Mass Ejections miles. The estimated size of the object suggested a diameter from 33 to 62 feet. Small for an astroid, the object was said to not "act" like one either as it became three times brighter and then dark again every seven and one-half minutes --- behavior considered not unlike that of a rotating artificial satellite. At the speed it was traveling it wasn't long until the 1991 VG was well out of Earth's immediate environment, continuing, however, in a path around the sun similar to the Earth. Four years passed and for the most part the object was forgotten.

Then, in April 1995, Duncan Steel, a highly respected astronomer and author published an article related to 1991 VG in The Observatory, a well established science journal published in the UK. The title of the article: "SETA and 1991 VG" --- the letters SETA standing for "Search for ExtraTerrestrial Artifacts."

His article not only brought attention of 1991 VG back into the scientific community once again, but into the public eye as well. In the article, Steel, raising eyebrows in both communities --- and especially whetting the appitite of UFO followers --- suggested what other astronomers most likely considered but not able to discuss openly: that 1991 VG might not just be artificial, but could in fact be a Bracewell Probe, a probe of extraterrestrial origin!

Getting back to the Roswell object and Coronal Mass Ejections: if such an object as a Bracewell Probe detected radio transmissions from Earth and remotely placed an artificial satellite of some type in near Earth orbit, continuing itself in a solar orbit, as 1991 VG seems to be for example, even though the primary probe, or mother ship as the case may be, might be "designed to be self-sufficient with a high degree of artificial intelligence" as suggested by Bracewell, it still may not have been able to respond quickly enough to delay an orbital decay --- especially if the orbit of the primary probe was caught on the far side or "behind" the sun relative to Earth's position OR if sending or receiving transmissions were interfered with by an unpreprogrammed event on the level of say the Coronal Mass Ejections of 1947. As well, if the near Earth orbit object employed solar sail like technology as stated in Roswell I-Beam Hieroglyphs, the object could have been even MORE vunerable to CMEs and orbit decay. Later, as mentioned previously above "a much larger and heavier object, possibly a shuttle craft, entry vehicle, remote control drone, or unmanned search unit of some sort" may have been automatically or robotically deployed whose sole job was to ensure no significant amount of extraterrestrial aritfacts or alien bio-hazards remained, itself then "ending up on the side of the Capitan Mountains, going down for unknown reasons in an effort to locate or retrieve the downed satellite."

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Regardless of any origin, unknown or otherwise, IF the lightweight material spread all over the desert ranchland was an artificial satellite of some sort, and the heavy object that slammed into the north slope of the Capitan Mountains was NOT a shuttle craft, entry vehicle, remote control drone, or unmanned search unit of some sort, what was it? The answer might be found below, extrapolated from further thoughts of the bio-searcher and presented here from Roswell Incident Updated:

In late June of 1947 the bio-searcher and his young nephew just happened to be on a road trip so the boy can learn first hand about The Long Walk endured by the Navajos and Apaches as well as visit the gravesite of Billy the Kid, located two miles outside of Fort Sumner, New Mexico. The two had been on an excursion into the Arizona Strip searching for fossils related to the Teratorn, a giant bird with over a twenty-foot wingspan thought to be the inspiration of Native American thunderbird legends. Leaving the Arizona Strip, in an impromptu decision following an indepth discussion about the Long Walk, they decided to go to Fort Sumner and while there visit Billy's gravesite. During the trip the boy got a touch of food poisoning and spent a long uncomfortable night awake. Monday morning June 30, found them on old Route 66 just south of the Grand Canyon outside Williams, Arizona --- headed in the direction of New Mexico and a planned stop at the Elden Pueblo as well as Meteor Crater. Sometime between 9:00 and 10:00 AM, the boy, dozing on and off because of lack of sleep, was startled awake by his uncle swerving the truck and yelling something like, "What the..." The boy is thrown to the floor of the cab and because of same is not able to see the cause for concern. According to his uncle, swooping in behind and over his left shoulder from out of the northwest and only a few hundred feet above the top of the truck were two large, sharp-edged, almost flat disc-shaped objects, blunt across the back and seemingly made of metal. The objects were flying side by side with one slightly in front, both headed ESE out over the horizon at an incredible high rate of speed. In only the few seconds it takes the boy to scramble up from under the dash the objects are gone, leaving in their wake only a small residue lingering in the air like the smell of electricity and a quarter-mile wide swath of thick swirling air laying turbulently above the treetops like a sweltering mirage over a desert dry lake.

http://www.angelfire.com/indie/anna_jones1/roswell-sunspots.html (10 of 14)2/18/2015 3:12:53 AM The Great 1947 Sunspot, Roswell, and Coronal Mass Ejections Even though the timing seems wrong because of the amount of days that elapsed between the downed object being discovered on the morning of Saturday July 5, 1947, and the bio-searcher sighting of two discs a few days before on Monday morning June 30, he did however, mention that he sometimes wondered if the objects that went over his truck outside of Williams, Arizona that morning may NOT have actually been flying in tandem as it appeared, but instead one chasing the other with one just trying to get away. He said we just are assuming they are allies or somehow know each other in a friendly fashion --- but they could have been mortal enemies ending in some sort of fight to the death, in the end leaving one disc destroyed and scattered all over the desert floor. When the existence of Bracewell Probes and remote control drones or search units were interjected into the equation the bio- searcher questioned the need for two such units unless one was a command craft and the other a mule or scavenger unit. As well, he did not rule out the possiblity of one disc having malfunctioned, turned rogue, or being programmed in such a way that the other was just trying to stop it. For more on the above please see:




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Roswell Daily Record, Tuesday, July 8, 1947 (click)

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ON THE CRATER FLOOR: Meteor Crater, Arizona






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[1] SUN SPOT RESOURCE SOURCE: The Stormy Sun Pal Brekke ESA Space Science Department NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt MD 20771

SEE ALSO: Bob Ryan's Almanac 2001 p. 8. Bob Ryan's Weatherwise Guide and Almanac WRC-TV 4, 4001 Nebraska Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20016

CME SOLAR FLARE COLOR GRAPHIC COURTESY: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

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