Journal of Scientifi c Exploration, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 415–453, 2013 0892-3310/13 RESEARCH ARTICLE Unidentifi ed Aerial Phenomena (UAP) A New Hypothesis toward Their Explanation DANIEL M. GROSS 15 rue Bachelin, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland
[email protected] Submitted 12/4/2012, Accepted 4/11/2013, Pre-Published 8/15/2013 Abstract—For six decades now luminous and other unidentifi ed aerial phe- nomena (UAP) have been sighted worldwide in large numbers. Extensive scientifi c unidentifi ed aerial phenomena observations have been made over the last 26 years in Hessdalen, Norway. The optical properties of lumi- nous UAPs have been described in detail, but all eff orts to explain them by terrestrial causes have failed. Earlier scientifi c attempts to explain UAPs by extraterrestrial visitation (ETV) have failed as well. A new ETV hypothesis is proposed which aims at causally explaining all luminous UAP sightings in Hessdalen and most elsewhere. To this end a galactic neighborhood sce- nario and model is defi ned. It explains why a stealth ETV probe equipped with artifi cial intelligence (AI) has been built by an exo-civilization and sent in a historical past into our solar system. It states that this extraterrestrial visitation probe (ETVP), now orbiting the earth, occasionally sends a stealth electromagnetic beam (SEMB) down into the atmosphere. It explains in de- tail how such an SEMB produces luminous UAPs by means of a nonlinear photonic mechanism which, as such, has been known and investigated since 1995 as a branch of current femtosecond physics. This photon mecha- nism is further developed into a UAP-A and a UAP-B model.