Analysing the Content of the European Ocean Biogeographic Information System (Eurobis): Available Data, Limitations, Prospects and a Look at the Future

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Analysing the Content of the European Ocean Biogeographic Information System (Eurobis): Available Data, Limitations, Prospects and a Look at the Future Hydrobiologia (2011) 667:1-14 DOI 10.1007/s 10750-011 -0656-x REVIEW PAPER Analysing the content of the European Ocean Biogeographic Information System (EurOBIS): available data, limitations, prospects and a look at the future Leen Vandepitte • Francisco Hernandez • Simon Claus • Bart Vanhoorne • Nathalie De Hauwere • Klaas Deneudt • Ward Appeltans • Jan Mees Received: 30 August 2010/Revised: 26 January 2011/Accepted: 26 February 2011/Published online: 25 March 2011 © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011 Abstract The European Ocean Biogeographic million distribution records of which almost 12.5 Information System—EurOBIS—is an integrated data million records are species level identifications. It is system developed by the Flanders Marine Institute now the largest online searchable public source of (VLIZ) for the EU Network of Excellence “Marine European marine biological data, holding biogeo­ Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning” (MarBEF) graphical information on 26,801 species and 9,221 in 2004. Its principle aims are to centralise the largely genera. EurOBIS acts as the European node of OBIS, scattered biogeographical data on marine species the Ocean Biogeographic Information System of the collected by European institutions and to make these Census of Marine Life (CoML). EurOBIS shares its quality-controlled data freely available and easily data with OBIS, which in its turn shares its content accessible. It is in essence a distributed system in with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility which individual datasets go through a series of (GBIF). This article describes the status of the Euro­ quality control procedures before they are integrated pean Ocean Biogeographic Information System, into one large consolidated database. EurOBIS is identifies data gaps, possible applications, uses and freely available online at, where limitations. It also formulates a strategy for the growth marine biogeographical data—with a focus on tax­ and improvement of the system and wants to appeal onomy, temporal and spatial distribution—can be for more contributions. consulted and downloaded for analyses. Over the last 6 years, EurOBIS has collected 228 datasets contrib­ Keywords Database • Biogeography • Marine uted by more than 75 institutes, representing over 13.6 biodiversity • Europe • Data integration • Data limitations Handling editor: Stuart Jenkins Introduction Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (doi:10.1007/sl0750-011-0656-x) contains Data on the biological component of the marine supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. environment—also in Europe—is mostly scattered L. Vandepitte (H ) • F. Hernandez • S. Claus • throughout the scientific landscape and has often not B. Vanhoome • N. De Hauwere • K. Deneudt • been published (Grassle & Stocks, 1999; Grassle, W. Appeltans • J. Mees 2000; Myers, 2000; Zeller et al„ 2005). Moreover, Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), InnovOcean Site, Wandelaarkaai 7, 8400 Oostende, Belgium marine scientists mainly conduct their research in e-mail: [email protected] their own field of expertise, focused on specific taxa or Ô Springer 2 Hydrobiologia (2011) 667:1-14 ecosystem components and on relatively small tem­ on three main parameters of a distribution record: poral and spatial ranges (e.g. Costello & Vanden taxonomy, temporal and geographical cover. The Berghe, 2006; Vandepitte et al., 2009) and they ignore database consists of a standard list of data fields, the the fact that these data can be deployed for other— OBIS schema version 1.1, which is an extension of often much broader—purposes (Froese et al., 1999). DarwinCore 2. This OBIS scheme is the content In addition, several—often long-term—national mon­ standard used by OBIS and is designed for marine itoring programmes are generating a vast amount of biodiversity data, specifically to record the capture or data, but international coordination, standardisation observation of a particular species at a certain location. and automated data sharing procedures are not yet in It can also be used for documenting specimens from place. However, bringing existing datasets together museum collections and literature data. The scheme and making them easily accessible and freely avail­ lists 74 data fields, of which 7 are mandatory and an able will provide a very powerful information additional 15 are classified as highly recommended. resource, which could greatly broaden our current All other data fields are optional. For a full overview of knowledge on marine community structure and the the OBIS scheme, we refer to the OBIS website (changes within) temporal and spatial distribution of ( EurOBIS is freely European marine species. available online and can be explored through a For these reasons, EurOBIS was developed in dynamic search-interface ( 2004 within the FP6 Network of Excellence “Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning” (MarBEF NoE, 2004-2009). The principle aim of EurOBIS is Contributing data to EurOBIS twofold: (1) to centralise the largely scattered Euro­ pean biogeographical data on marine species in one Scientists or institutes can provide biological data easily accessible (virtual) location and (2) to make from European marine waters to EurOBIS either by these quality-controlled biogeographical data freely sending the digitised data directly to the EurOBIS and widely available, by providing its end-users— data management team or by setting up a distributed scientists, policy makers and the public at large—a database system (DiGIR, searchable database on marine species, with a main jects/digir/files/) (Fig. 2). In both cases the data cus­ focus on taxonomy and distribution records in space todian remains the owner of the provided data and and time. EurOBIS covers an area of about 22 mil­ updates are possible at any given time. DiGIR can be lion km2 and includes all the continental shelf seas of seen as a communication medium between the Eur­ Europe, including the Mediterranean shelf and the OBIS portal and the provider: when the portal is Baltic Seas (Costello et al„ 2001). The geographical being queried, this query is also sent out to its dis­ boundaries are set to 90N-70E-26N^15W. tributed data contributors where it is translated into This article primarily aims to describe the status of an equivalent request compatible with the structure of EurOBIS, the data flow to international initiatives the local database. The response is translated to starting from this system, the quality control proce­ match the EurOBIS structure and is then shown on dures and identifies gaps in the system in terms of the EurOBIS web pages. Joining EurOBIS through taxonomic, geographical and temporal coverage. In this distributed data system as a contributor is rela­ addition, the system itself is critically evaluated to tively easy, as no adaptations to the local database determine important gaps in the data collation structure are necessary: contributors only have to process and how they can be filled in the future. establish a link between the EurOBIS data fields and their own data fields, allowing DiGIR to recognise compliant fields and information. For performance The EurOBIS database reasons however—e.g. a decrease in reaction and performance speed due to network growth or certain The European Ocean Biogeographic Information sources being temporarily off-line—a local copy of System (EurOBIS) is a distributed system that allows all these distributed data is retrieved through DiGIR searching multiple datasets simultaneously for geo­ and is held at the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) graphical information on marine organisms, focused (see also Costello & Vanden Berghe, 2006). Regular Ô Springer Hydrobiologia (2011) 667:1-14 3 queries and updates between EurOBIS and these continuous support of OBIS, translated in serving providers guarantee the completeness, quality and distribution data on European marine species freely integrity of the data in the system. After quality available online and developing a data provider and control procedures, both the data and a thorough end-user community ( The regional metadata description become freely available through nodes generally have a better insight in the available the EurOBIS web portal. EurOBIS also accepts non- data for the specific region and often have personal European marine data, provided they are collected by contact with the data collecting scientists (Chavan European institutes. et al., 2005). Working on a smaller geographical scale Although scientists may raise a lot of concerns for also allows a good overview of possible data pro­ making their data widely available—e.g. regarding viders through networking and project involvement. data control, potential misuse, sensitivity of data or These advantages make it more efficient to mobilise possible competition—the majority of these argu­ marine biodiversity information from their area ments can easily be refuted or taken into account in compared to a data collection effort of a central, data use agreements and data policies (e.g. Froese international portal. EurOBIS shares its data with et al., 1999; Prance, 2000; Parr & Cummings, 2005; OBIS through the use of DiGIR’s client packages Costello, 2009). To avoid possible misuse of the (Fig. 2) and is currently the largest data provider to publicly available data on the EurOBIS portal by OBIS: almost 50% of the total number
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