Sexual DimoRphiSm in euRopean uppeR

Dean R. Snow

Preliminary research on hand stencils found in the cave sites of and showed that sexual dimorphism in hands is expressed strongly enough to allow empirical determination of the sexes of the individuals who made some of them. Further research increased the sample of measurable cases from 6 to 32, a large enough sample to show that persons who made hand stencils in the were predominantly females. This finding rebuts the traditional assumption that human hand stencils in European parietal art were made by male artists, either adults or subadults. Find - ings further suggest that the sexual dimorphism of hands was more pronounced during the Upper Paleolithic than it is in modern Europeans. Attempts to apply the same algorithms to a sample of North American Indian handprints confirms the view that different populations require separate analyses.

La investigación preliminar sobre los estarcidos de que se encuentran en los sitios rupestres del Paleolítico Superior de Francia y España demostró que el dimorfismo sexual en las manos de los hombres y las mujeres se expresa con fuerza sufi - ciente como para permitir la determinación empírica de los sexos de los individuos que hicieron algunos de ellos. La investi - gación adicional incrementó la muestra apreciable de casos a partir de seis a 32, una muestra suficientemente grande como para mostrar que las personas que hicieron los estarcidos a mano en las cuevas eran en su mayoría mujeres. Este hallazgo refuta la suposición tradicional de que las plantillas de la mano humana en el arte parietal Europeo fueron hechas por artis - tas masculinos, adultos o jóvenes. Los hallazgos sugieren además que el dimorfismo sexual de las manos fue más fuerte durante del Paleolítico Superior que en los Europeos modernos. Los intentos de aplicar los mismos algoritmos a una muestra de las manos de Indios Norte Americanos confirma la opinión que las diferentes poblaciones requieren analiza por separado.

uman hands are sexually dimorphic. Male able as these assumptions may have been to mod - hands tend to be larger than female hands, ern readers, they are nevertheless untested as - but there are also consistent differences in sumptions. They have long been untested infer - the ratios of certain finger lengths. This is of ar - ences that have not been established through Hchaeological interest because human handprints rigorous hypothesis testing. and hand stencils occur in parietal art at sites scat - There is much current interest in getting past tered nearly worldwide. While parietal art is wide - facile and potentially fallacious inferences in ar - spread, what we think we know about it is often chaeological research. Solometo and Moss (2013) conditioned by our own biases and the easy but of - have documented the effects of biased inference in ten silent assumptions that derive from them (Gif - the of illustration in National Geographic. ford-Gonzalez 1993:37). In this sense, parietal art They and their sources consistently use the term is a special case of the implicit biases that have col - “gender” to refer to biological sexes, a practice ored archaeological interpretation for decades that has become commonplace in archaeological (Wright 1996). literature in recent decades. While “gender” was Most relevant to this article are the traditional before the 1950s a linguistic term that could im - assumptions that the Upper Paleolithic parietal art ply more than two noun classes, and while “gen - of southwestern was related to and der” was adopted by social sciences in part to al - produced by adult or subadult males. As comfort - low for the definition of multiple genders, current Ⅲ Dean R. Snow Department of , The Pennsylvania State University, 409 Carpenter Building, University Park, PA 16802 ([email protected])

American Antiquity 78(4), 2013, pp. 746 –761 Copyright © 2013 by the for American


archaeological literature generally uses the term as Although other measures are also useful, Man - a simple dichotomy: women and men. Thus in cur - ning focused on the ratio of index to ring finger rent usage, gender categories typically correspond lengths (D2/D4). In a Liverpool sample, the ratio to the categories used by biological anthropolo - was 1.00 for females (the fingers being of equal gists to discuss sexual dimorphism. Biological length on average), but .98 for males (whose ring sex and the terms “male” and “female” are used fingers on average tend to be relatively longer than here for clarity. their index fingers). Manning did not focus on the Our research has shown that at least one com - little finger (D5), which on average is relatively mon assumption about Upper Paleolithic parietal short in females. Notice that in Figure 1 the male art can be disproven, namely the assumption that D5 extends above the last crease of D4, whereas in it was produced mainly, if not exclusively, by the female case it does not. This is very common. males. It is possible to infer the sexes of the indi - The findings of the research reported here are viduals who made -preserved examples of significant for archaeology because they provide us hand stencils in parietal art if relevant hand-scan with a means to infer the sex of handprints or hand data from appropriate reference populations are stencils in parietal art. While infallible accuracy of available. However, an important constraint is individual identifications cannot be anticipated or that human populations vary in this regard, and claimed, sufficiently large samples offer enough procedures developed from a reference population overall accuracy to allow archaeologists to draw in one region of the world do not necessarily pro - general conclusions about the sexes and ages of duce valid results for parietal art in another region those individuals responsible for at least some of the world. kinds of parietal art.

population Differences archaeological cases

John Manning has explored the medical implica - Human handprints (positive images) and human tions of human hand sexual dimorphism in popu - hand stencils (negative images) occur in parietal art lations studied around Liverpool and elsewhere in on every inhabited continent. Incidence varies; the (Manning et al. 1998; Man - there are regions where they are frequent and re - ning et al. 2000). This work led to his publication gions where they appear to be absent. Jean-Michel of a more general work on digit ratios in human Chazine and his collaborators (Chazine and Noury populations (Manning 2002). Manning’s work in 2006) have described hand stencils concentrated in clinical medicine allowed him to gather relevant Borneo. La in , a data from several populations, subsets of larger World Heritage site, holds another well-known populations of European, South Asian, African, and concentration of stencils. Many other relevant sites other origins. Those data demonstrated that there or clusters of sites occur in Africa, , and were population differences sufficient to invalidate elsewhere, but they tend to be few and individually any attempt to develop a general set of algorithms indistinct compared to the better-known cases. to describe sexual dimorphism in human hands. The largest and best-known regional set of cases Research by Manning and others has shown that is found associated with the Upper Paleolithic cave each population has to be treated separately (Man - art that is concentrated in southern France and ning 2002:19–20; Napier 1993:25; Ramesh and northern Spain. These sites generally fall into the Murty 1977; Semino et al. 2000). While Manning’s 40,000–12,500 B.P. range. Many images of the efforts to extend the significance of digit ratio dif - hand stencils found in the caves of southwestern ferences between males and females to address Europe have been published. Unfortunately the things such as specific disease susceptibility and published images are almost never provided with sexual orientation are open to criticism, his basic scales. While much of the observed sexual dimor - finding has not been disproven. Human hands are phism is found in digit ratios and is consequently sexually dimorphic, and one can use relevant data independent of scale, absolute size is also impor - to argue from the general to the specific in assess - tant. Unfortunately, this cannot be determined from ing the probable sex of a handprint or hand stencil. most published images. Despite this deficiency in 748 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 78, No. 4, 2013

Figure 1. male and female hands, showing dimorphism discussed in the text.

the published sources, the cluster of Upper Pale - from some inputs, Roma, Hungarians, olithic cave sites in southwestern Europe are a and a few other more recent arrivals, the European good choice for the archaeological study of human gene pool until very recently has been largely of hand sexual dimorphism. Not only are the sites Upper Paleolithic origin. A reference population of known and easy to access, it is relatively easy to modern European hands is appropriate for the obtain a reference database of selected hand mea - study of European Upper Paleolithic hand stencils. sures from a large population of living individuals Popular publications on Upper Paleolithic cave having European ancestry. art have typically assumed that it was largely, if not There is some risk that evolutionary change entirely, the work of adult males, and to some, of over the last three dozen millennia has rendered the shamans. In this they have tended to follow the lead modern European population no longer sufficiently of older scholarly archaeological publications representative of the Upper Paleolithic population (Breuil and Lantier 1980; Canby 1961; Gifford- for our purposes. Indeed, a finding reported below Gonzalez 1993; Prideaux 1973). However, as indicates that there have been some significant Guthrie (2005:127) has pointed out, various pro - stature changes over time. However, genetic re - fessional archaeologists have remarked on the search shows that over 95 percent of all modern small sizes of many hand stencils. Sollas (1914) European Y-chromosomes belong to a set of ten tried to explain them away as the products of a race lineages that have been present there since the Up - of pygmies. Sahly (1969) thought that per Paleolithic (Semino et al. 2000). Thus, apart they were probably made by adolescents, presum - Snow] SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN EUROPEAN UPPER PALEOLITHIC CAVE ART 749

ably males. Others have made similar observa - the population responsible for the archaeological tions, but they do not always offer possible expla - cases of interest. Suitable raw data on living pop - nations (Groenen 1987; Pradel 1975). A reading of ulations have not been previously published, so we Manning’s book and a glance at the image of one sampled an adult population of The Pennsylvania of six hand stencils around the Spotted Horses State University to acquire data needed to develop at Pech-Merle are sufficient to prompt closer algorithms that could then be applied to the analy - investigation (Leroi-Gourhan 1967; Manning sis of archaeological cases. Volunteers, mostly stu - 2002). Three of the six stencils are clear, and all dents, randomly self-selected, each provided two three appear to have feminine characteristics. scans of each hand— one with the fingers splayed R. Dale Guthrie (2005) made a serious effort to and the other with them closed and parallel. Each move beyond the basic observation that many Up - individual indicated their ethnicity in response to an per Paleolithic hand stencils appear to have been open-ended question. Those that indicated other made by people other than adult males. His book than European ancestry were set aside. was published in 2005, just after the preliminary re - It might be argued that the Basques are a sur - port on the project discussed here had gone to viving enclave of a European population that pre - press (Snow 2006). Circumstances also led Guthrie dated the arrival of Indo-European languages, and to publish his book before he could profit from that their hands are more likely to resemble Upper Manning’s (2002) book, in which the most useful Paleolithic hands, thus making the Basques the dimensions for sexing hands are identified. most appropriate reference population. However, Guthrie (2005:461–470) undertook an investi - Basque is a surviving language, and Indo-European gation of hand dimensions in a large reference languages appear to have spread across Europe sample drawn from the Euro-American popula - without much genetic replacement (Mallory 1989, tion of Fairbanks, Alaska, trying many combina - 1992). Thus, despite arguments to the contrary by tions in a long and complex statistical analysis. Un - Renfrew (1987), there is currently no compelling fortunately, he did not choose ring finger (D4) reason to regard the Basques as more representa - length as one of his measures, and the protocol he tive than most other modern Europeans for the (Guthrie 2005:121) used to measure index finger purposes of this study. (D2) length was not equivalent to that used by In the initial sample, scans of both splayed and Manning (Nelson et al. 2006). As a result, while closed hands were measured and compared. No one of Guthrie’s principal conclusions has been significant differences were observed. Digit and supported by our research, another has been at hand lengths were taken from a subsample of scans least partially disconfirmed. Specifically, our re - by up to three different observers. One observer search indicates that Guthrie is correct in arguing took measurements to the nearest millimeter from that Upper Paleolithic adult males were a small mi - the same subsample multiple times. While there nority among those who made hand stencils, prob - was some minor variation observed in the results, ably around 10 percent. However, his conclusion it was consistently less than the degree of dimor - that most of those making hand stencils were phism observed in the sample of scans for which subadult males has not been confirmed using the the sex of the individual was known. As a result of more robust approach described below. Subadult these trials, we had confidence in the measure - males probably account for only about 15 percent ment protocol as applied to modern hand scans. of the hand stencils studied thus far. Figure 2 shows how key measurements were taken on hand scans such as the scan of the left Developing predictive algorithms hand shown on the left. Hand length was taken from the midpoint of the crease at the base of the The research of Manning and others has shown that palm to the tip of D3. The lengths of digits D2-D5 digit ratios differ across human populations. Con - were taken from the midpoints of the creases at the sequently, to obtain reliable results in the study of bases of the fingers to their tips. any particular set of archaeological handprints or Additional steps were required to modify the stencils, one must have basic data from a living measurement protocol for extracting key mea - population that is derived as much as possible from surements from images of hand stencils, such as 750 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 78, No. 4, 2013

Figure 2. measurement protocols for hand scans (left) and hand stencils (right).

that of a modern right hand shown on the right in found in a few Upper Paleolithic caves. While Figure 2. The creases used as markers on scans are these were not incorporated into the present study, not visible on stencils. For stencils, a proxy for the we should expect that the sexes of even these cases crease at the base of the palm was drawn from the could be inferred if the stencils prove to be suffi - bottoms of the marginal concavities apparent on ciently complete and well preserved. both sides of a stencil where the palm joins the We used the predictive discriminant analysis wrist. Similar proxies for digit creases were created function of the Statistical Package for the Social by drawing lines between the bottoms of the slots Sciences, deriving predictive equations from the separating digits and the slight marginal concavi - data set provided by living subjects using Fisher’s ties that mark the points where D2 and D5 articu - linear discriminant functions. Thomas (1978) used late with the palm. the same approach to address an analogous prob - The initial sample produced an average D2/D4 lem. We used an initial sample of 222 hand scans ratio of .95 for males and .97 for females from a from 111 individuals of European descent, 57 fe - population of 113 female hands and 108 male males and 54 males. The results were later verified hands. The null hypothesis is that there should be through replication using a separate sample of no such difference. On average, measurements scans drawn from another 50 females and 50 males from our living sample population could be de - of European descent. scribed as slightly more masculine overall than Over 20 runs using ratios in various combina - was the case for Manning’s Liverpool sample, but tions were conducted experimentally on the data, our findings were generally consistent with his. with varying results. Measures that were additional Like Manning, we have also found that the to those shown in Figure 2 were examined and then characteristic differences in digit ratios are pre - later discarded when they failed to help distin - sent on the hands of infant girls and boys, a much guish female and male hands. The single most suc - smaller sample. These are not characteristics that cessful approach proved to be one that used five appear in adolescence but rather develop in utero measures, the lengths of digits D2, D3, D4, and D5 and are present at birth (Manning et al. 1998). and overall hand length. However, division of the Thus sexual dimorphism should be apparent even analysis into two steps or stages produced the best in the small number of very small hand stencils results. Step 1 involves using all five measures. But Snow] SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN EUROPEAN UPPER PALEOLITHIC CAVE ART 751

because absolute size dominates the predictive dis - Table 1. Digit Ratios for a Sample of 222 Modern Hands. criminant functions, this step serves mainly to dis - tinguish between adult males and all others. The Average Digit Ratio Standard Deviation equations that follow can be used to analyze any Females 1.000316 .001322 Males .999577 .001208 unknown case; the higher of the two products in - dicates the more probable sex of the individual. But Table 2. Predicted Sex of 221 Hands Based on 2D/4D conclusions drawn from the Step 1 analysis must Ratio Cross-Tabulated with Known Sex. include the caveat that adolescent males are likely to be identified as females because of the domi - Predicted Sex nance of absolute hand size in the analysis. Nev - Females Males Sums ertheless, Step 1 analysis yielded a 79 percent suc - Known Females 63 38 101 cess rate on individuals whose sex was known in Sex Males 50 70 120 the sample of 200 hands measured in the separate Sums 113 108 221 verification procedure. Male = 2.176 Length – 1.062 D2 – 2.192 D3 converted into a simple ratio (female probabil - + 2,632 D4 + .364 D5 – 195.626 ity/male probability) that indicates the likelihood that the hand in question belonged to a male (< 1.0) Female = 1.934 Length - .806 D2 – 1.853 D3 or to a female (> 1.0). We used an initial sample of +2.426 D4 + .13 D5 – 166.24 111 individuals of European descent, 57 females Step 2 of the analysis substitutes ratios for ab - and 54 males. When both hands were used, the solute measures. This second predictive discrimi - Step 2 analysis produced 221 hand scans (one was nant analysis examined both the ratio of the index unusable) that yielded the same number of ratios. finger to the ring finger (D2/D4) and the index fin - Table 1 shows the results. ger to the little finger (D2/D5). Simple inspection There is considerable overlap between the suggests that both ratios should be high for fe - ranges measured for females and for males in any males. Discriminant analysis produced the fol - modern European population. Consequently, it is lowing equations: not possible to say in a deterministic way that fe - male hands consistently show a ratio of > 1.00 Male = (1071.558 D2/D4) + (1042.846 D2/D5) while males consistently have digit ratios of < – 99.746 1.00. Table 2 shows that this approach succeeds for only 60 percent of 221 hands in the sampled pop - Female = (106.57 D2/D4) + (1026.336 D2/D5) ulation of modern adults of European descent. Ad - – 965.801 justing the threshold to some other value near the This analysis produced results that were accurate midpoint of the .89 to 1.06 range of D2/D4 ratios for only 60 percent of known cases. While the results does not improve this result. While individual ra - were statistically significant, the approach is not ro - tios near the low end of the range are almost always bust enough to allow an archaeologist to use these male and those near the upper end are almost al - measures alone to infer the sex of any particular ways female, the ranges of females and males handprint or stencil with much confidence. The best overlap considerably around the midpoint. approach to hand stencils is to carry out the Step 1 The overlap found in the modern sample leads analysis described above and then use the Step 2 to ambiguous results more often than one would analysis to (potentially) clear up ambiguous cases in - prefer. We found that we could correctly identify volving confusion between females and subadult the sex of hand scans through simple inspection at males (subadult females will be identified as fe - a better than 90 percent rate, so we had to conclude male at both steps). A preliminary report contains a that we were missing one or (probably) several im - more complete summary of these initial procedures portant measures in the more objective analysis. To and justifications (Snow 2006:396–400). improve the success rate, we have recruited assis - One advantage to this approach is that the two tance from colleagues in the College of Information measures produced for any specific case can be Science and at Penn State. They are de - 752 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 78, No. 4, 2013

Figure 3. hands 25 and 26 from el castillo (photo courtesy of Roberto ontañon peredo).

veloping a prototype automatic scanning proce - quer and Chauvet, were eliminated from consid - dure, an analytical process that can handle many eration because of danger, cost, and/or rigorous en - hundreds of measures simultaneously. Preliminary try permit restrictions. Others were eliminated be - results show that this automated approach can yield cause the anticipated benefits did not justify costs. correct identifications of the sexes of hand scans at However, in all of these cases, we are hopeful the 72 percent rate (Wang et al. 2010). In more re - that the directors of current and research cent trials this has been raised to 79 percent. Re - projects will use the research this project search and development are continuing. Mean - has developed to reveal more about the origins of while, an unexpected finding in the archaeological parietal art in the caves. sample of hand stencils from southwestern Eu - We revisited Pech-Merle and visited for the has allowed the research based on the initial first time Bernifal, Gargas, Rocamadour, Grotte du analysis to be reported despite the overlapping Bison in France, El Castillo and Maltravieso in ranges found in the modern sample. The Upper Pa - Spain. These caves, particularly Gargas, contain a leolithic cases fall at or near the extremes of the large fraction of the 200–300 hand stencils that are modern continuum. This is discussed further below. referenced in a wide range of publications. But only a much smaller number are complete enough or Sampling upper paleolithic caves preserved well enough to be potentially measur - able. For example, while Gargas alone has traces of A preliminary study was based on three hand sten - over 200 stencils, all but a few of them are either cils from the caves of , Font-de- missing portions of digits or too faint to measure, Gaume, and Abri du Poisson, and proxies of three and they are consequently not usable. There is an more in the museum at Pech-Merle in 2004. That ongoing debate over why most of the stencils in study suggested that four of the six hand stencils Gargas have truncated digits, but that debate is be - were female (Snow 2006:401). Although there yond the scope of this paper (Leroi-Gourhan 1986; are dozens of caves containing hundreds of hand Sahly 1966). stencils in the aggregate, funding limited the ex - Figure 3 shows two well-preserved hand sten - panded research to a minority of them containing cils from El Castillo. Researchers familiar with relatively large numbers of hand stencils. Many sexual dimorphism in European hands will proba - caves have only one or two known examples, and bly be able to infer from simple inspection that the many of these were likely to prove too faint or in - person who made El Castillo hand stencil 25 on the complete to measure. Some caves, such as Cos - left was probably male while specimen 26 on the Snow] SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN EUROPEAN UPPER PALEOLITHIC CAVE ART 753

Figure 4. Friso de las manos, el castillo.

right was probably made by a female. The chal - essary. Approximate locations of the caves are in - lenge is to define a set of objective measurements dicated by department (France) or province and procedures that can be used to produce a more (Spain). All are open to the public and sufficiently reliable and compelling determination of the sexes well-known to be easily found (Berenguer 1994; of the individuals who made these and other hand Delluc and Delluc 1991; Sieveking and Sieveking stencils. 1962). Guthrie (2005:118) reports that he acquired 201 Abri du Poisson , , France . There is usable hand images, but he does not provide im - only one hand stencil on the ceiling of this small ages or provenience for any but a few of them. In . many cases he derived scales indirectly, for he too Grotte de Bernifal , Dordogne, France . A panel had problems obtaining access and permissions to of hands includes three possible hand stencils, one photograph. His analysis also suggests that he used of which is sufficiently legible to measure. many cases for which only some of the key di - El Castillo , Santander, Spain . Figure 4 shows mensions could be measured. His sample is thus the panel known as “Friso de las Manos” with larger, but probably less reliable than the one re - numbers 1–30 that were assigned for this project. ported here. His results are not reproducible based Hand stencil 31 is an isolate in Galeria de los Dis - on what he has published to date. cos. Five additional hand stencils on the panel We photographed many hand stencils that were known as “Bisontes Policromos” were numbered subsequently set aside because one or more key 32–36 for this study (Figure 5). Stencil 37 is lo - measurements could not be made. In the end we cated to the left of the Bisontes Policromos, and had 32 images of sufficiently complete hands stencil 38 is in the passage between the Friso de las with scales and clarity sufficient to allow accurate Manos and a chamber containing a sculpted bison. measurement of all key dimensions. The sample Font-de-Gaume , Dordogne, France . There are is smaller than any researcher would prefer, but it four hand stencils, two black and two red, known is the largest possible given scientific caution, for the cave, but only one is sufficiently distinct to travel costs, and access restrictions. Finally, both be photographed and measured. the images and the data derived from them are Gargas , Hautes-Pyrénées, France . There are available so that other researchers may reproduce more than 200 hand stencils, most of which have the results. one or more incomplete digits. Only six are suffi - ciently complete and legible to allow measure - The Cave Sites ments. The six hand stencils listed in Table 3 are Each cave is discussed separately here in order to identified by chambers, panel names, and hand allow future researchers to relocate each of the numbers previously assigned by Barrière (1976). hand stencils discussed here if that should be nec - Grotte du Bison , Dordogne, France . Because 754 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 78, No. 4, 2013

Figure 5. Bisontes policromos, el castillo.

the overall length of the first hand could not be 1991:29). Stencil G is a red hand stencil located in measured, it is not included in Table 4. However, another part of the cave (Snow 2006:398). an inference is possible, as discussed below. Rocamadour , Lot, France . The main panel in Les Combarelles , Dordogne, France . There is this private cave has a hand stencil that is too in - only one legible hand stencil, located deep in the distinct to study. There is a distinct hand stencil at part of the cave that is open to the public. the far right of the main panel. Maltravieso , Cáceres, Spain . New photographs We digitally photographed hand stencils multi - are not possible, but photographs of hand stencils ple times in the caves both in color with flash and with scales are available in published form (Ripoll in monochrome using the infrared night vision op - López et al. 1999). Many of the hand stencils in tion allowed by a Sony 5.0 megapixel Cybershot Maltravieso are missing digits, and it was not pos - camera. A 10-cm scale was held next to each hand sible to find any cases sufficiently clear and com - stencil for most shots. Many hand stencils were plete enough to include in Table 4. photographed, but only a minority could be ade - Pech-Merle , Lot, France . Black hand stencils quately measured even after the application of var - A–F surround the Spotted Horses mural as shown ious digital enhancement techniques. Thirty-two in the preliminary report (Snow 2006:397). Of images proved to be clear enough to include in the these, two were too faint to measure. However, the final sample. This sample might be increased with six stencils are remarkably similar and were pos - the inclusion of additional images from caves like sibly all made by the same individual (Lorblanchet Chauvet, but it is sufficient to allow generalization Snow] SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN EUROPEAN UPPER PALEOLITHIC CAVE ART 755

Table 3. Locations of Gargas Hand Stencils become standard for this kind of research, as out - Used in This Study. lined above (Nelson et al. 2006). In each case, the four equations reported above were applied to the Image Chamber Panel Hand data, resulting in male and female probabilities for P5M8 158 P6BM6 166each case at both Step 1 and Step 2 of the analysis. P6BM7 167Step 1 showed that only about 10 percent of the SdMFIM17 Sanctuary of Hands Interior Façade 17 sample cave hand stencils were left by adult males. SdMFIM18 Sanctuary of Hands Interior Façade 18 This confirms Guthrie’s finding, and it also ex - SdMFIM27 Sanctuary of Hands Interior Façade 27 plains observations by several earlier researchers that Upper Paleolithic hand stencils were often about the ages and sexes of the Upper Paleolithic small compared to those of modern adult Euro - individuals who made and left hand stencils behind peans. The stature of at least early Upper Pale - on cave walls. olithic people was similar to that of modern Euro - peans, so there is no basis for arguing that adult analytical Results male hands might have been smaller than than they are today (Formicola and Giannecchini 1999). In all cases, digit length measurements were Step 2 sorted all cases into those probably made recorded in millimeters using protocols that have by five subadult males and those probably made by 24 females. While hand size and digit lengths are Table 4. Indices of Female Probability/Male Probability in Steps 1 and 2. Ratios in Bold Lie at or beyond the Range of probably controlled entirely or almost entirely by Ratios Computed for Modern Europeans. genetic factors, hand robustness as measured by digit widths is and probably was determined largely Hand Stencil Step 1 Ratio Step 2 Ratio by physical conditioning and lifestyle. A modern Abri du Poisson 1.055 1.003 individual whose work is largely outside, physical Bernifal 1.217 1.004 labor involving the hands is likely to have much 1.005 El Castillo 1 1.042 more robust hands than one who does not engage El Castillo 2 1.020 1.006 El Castillo 3 1.006 1.005 in much such labor. European Upper Paleolithic El Castillo 6 1.039 .998 people were hunter-gatherers that lived and worked El Castillo 12 1.018 .999 in a physically demanding cold environment, and El Castillo 13 .997 .998 we should expect the hands of both sexes to have El Castillo 15 1.018 1.002 wider digit widths than those of a modern reference El Castillo 17 .992 1.001 El Castillo 18 1.030 1.007 population. Consequently, we conclude that the El Castillo 25 .986 .999 dependence of Guthrie’s argument on digit (espe - El Castillo 26 1.017 1.003 cially thumb) width has led to conclusions that are El Castillo 28 1.003 1.000 much less probable than those indicated by D2/D4 1.064 El Castillo 30 1.002 ratios. Judging from the latter, only a quarter of all El Castillo 31 1.095 1.000 El Castillo 37 1.110 1.006 cases were made by males, 10 percent adult males El Castillo 38 1.088 1.001 and 15 percent subadult males. The rest (75 per - Font-de-Gaume 1.014 1.001 cent) were made by females. Gargas P5M8 1.017 1.000 For ease of communication, indices in Table 5 Gargas P6BM6 1.006 1.000 have been converted to statements of strong to Gargas P6BM7 .989 .995 Gargas SdMFIM17 1.094 1.005 weak maleness or femaleness. Inferences drawn Gargas SdMFIM18 1.080 1.010 from those observations are displayed in the sixth Gargas SdMFIM27 1.447 1.005 column. Notice that hands that appeared to be fe - Les Combarelles 1.228 .998 male in Step 1, but male in Step 2, are inferred to 1.005 Pech-Merle A 1.048 have been those of subadult males. There is cur - Pech-Merle B 1.053 1.009 Pech-Merle C 1.046 1.004 rently no good inferential technique for separating Pech-Merle E 1.009 1.005 adult females from subadult females. Pech-Merle G 1.045 1.009 Inferences drawn in the 2006 preliminary report Rocamadour 1.017 1.004 are shown in the seventh column of Table 5. These 756 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 78, No. 4, 2013

Table 5. Conclusions for 32 Hand Stencils in 8 Upper Paleolithic Caves. Revised Conclusion Shown in Bold Face.

Hand Stencil Hand Color Step 1 Result Step 2 Result Current Inference 2006 Inference Abri du Poisson Left Black Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female Female Bernifal Left Black Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female El Castillo 1 Right Red Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female El Castillo 2 Right Red Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female El Castillo 3 Right Red Weakly Female Strongly Female Adult Female El Castillo 6 Left Red Strongly Female Strongly Male Subadult Male El Castillo 12 Left Red Strongly Female Male Subadult Male El Castillo 13 Left Red Weakly Male Strongly Male Adult Male El Castillo 15 Right Red Strongly Female Female Adult Female El Castillo 17 Left Red Male Female Adult Female El Castillo 18 Left Red Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female El Castillo 25 Left Red Strongly Male Male Adult Male El Castillo 26 Left Red Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female El Castillo 28 Left Red Weakly Female Weakly Male Subadult Male El Castillo 30 Left Red Strongly Female Female Adult Female El Castillo 31 Left Red Strongly Female Weakly Male Subadult Male El Castillo 37 Left Red Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female El Castillo 38 Left Red Strongly Female Female Adult Female Font-de-Gaume Left Red Strongly Female Female Adult Female Female Gargas P5M8 Left Strongly Female Weakly Female Adult Female Gargas P6BM6 Left Red Weakly Female Weakly Female Adult Female Gargas P6BM7 Left Red Strongly Male Strongly Male Adult Male Gargas SdMFIM17 Left Black Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female Gargas SdMFIM18 Left Red Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female Gargas SdMFIM27 Left Black Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female Les Combarelles Left Black Strongly Female Strongly Male Subadult Male Male Pech-Merle A Right Black Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female Female Pech-Merle B Left Black Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female Pech-Merle C Right Black Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female Female Pech-Merle E Right Black Female Strongly Female Adult Female pech-merle G left Red Strongly Female Strongly Female adult Female male Rocamadour Left Black Strongly Female Strongly Female Adult Female

remained the same as initially reported except for check our inferences about any modern sample one case from Pech-Merle, which is shown in bold against the known sexes of the individuals in that face. Initial measurements were taken in 2004 from sample, but independent confirmation of infer - museum copies of three Pech-Merle stencils. ences regarding archaeological cases is not possi - Close-up photography in 2007 allowed for more ble. This is a common constraint in archaeology. To precise measurements. These revealed that the mu - the extent that a sample can be sorted into two sub - seum copy of hand stencil G, a well-known red sets based on the computations discussed above, case, was not sufficiently accurate. It is now clear their identification as probably female and proba - that hand stencil G was almost certainly made by bly male remains inferential. a female. Close-up photography also allowed for sex determinations of Pech-Merle hand stencils B unexpected Results and E for the first time. These are very similar to the others around the Spotted Horses mural (A, C, Although preliminary findings showed that fe - D, and F) and they might all have been made by the males were agents in the production of Upper Pa - same female. leolithic parietal art, and that they might even have An important caveat is that we do not have an - dominated it, that impression was based on only six other independent means to infer the sex of ar - hand stencils. It was reasonable to expect that the chaeological hand stencils or handprints. We can ratio of male to female artists would shift to some - Snow] SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN EUROPEAN UPPER PALEOLITHIC CAVE ART 757

Figure 6. means, 1 α ( broad line ), and 2 α ( narrow line ) ranges for Step 1 indices for ancient (upper paleolithic) females and males as compared to modern females and males.

thing closer to parity when a larger sample was ac - We cannot expect a set of ancient cases to sort quired. However, the ratio for 32 cases shown in neatly into two subsets, particularly given the de - Table 3 is 8/24, 75 percent female. Thus the pre - gree of overlap observed in the modern reference liminary impression has been unexpectedly sus - population. Yet that is what occurred in this study. tained by further research. Only those described as “weakly female” ( n = 2) or A second finding is that the average Step 2 digit “weakly male” ( n = 2) in Table 5 were even mildly ratios for inferred female and male hand stencils in ambiguous. The data in the Step 2 Ratio column of the Upper Paleolithic sample are much farther Table 4 sort into two distinct clusters near the ex - apart than expected. By the measures used, sexual tremes of the modern range. From this it can be ar - dimorphism in Upper Paleolithic hands was much gued that the inference that the clusters probably greater than is the case for hands in the modern de - represent females and males respectively is a strong scendant population. The female/male probability one. ratios shown in Table 4 tend to fall at or beyond the Figure 6 shows the differences graphically. The ends of the range of ratios computed for the sam - ancient cases are in quotes because they are only in - ple of 221 modern European cases reported in Ta - ferentially female or male. While the one-sigma bles 1 and 2. Indeed, 24 of the 64 values shown in ranges for modern females and males overlap, Table 4 lie beyond the most feminine or most mas - those of the two clusters of ancient “females” and culine values measured for any individual in the “males” do not. Moreover, while some fraction of modern sample. Most of the remaining Upper Pa - the modern male cases in the one-sigma range fall leolithic ratios fell very close to the ends of the on the female side of the 1.00 divide, and some modern range. Thus the cases do not just cluster fraction of the female cases fall on the male side of clearly; they do so in a way that suggests that sex - it, that is clearly not the case for the ancient cases. ual dimorphism was more pronounced in the Up - Thus, as measured by digit ratios, the evidence per Paleolithic than is true today, at least as mea - might indicate that evolutionary forces that main - sured by hand proportions. tained a marked degree of sexual dimorphism in 758 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 78, No. 4, 2013

hands during the Upper Paleolithic relaxed over the (Sharpe and Van Gelder 2006; Van Gelder and course of more recent millennia. Alternatively, Sharpe 2009). A trace smear of the thumb often al - there has been some positive force selecting against lows one to distinguish left from right hand smears. hand dimorphism in more recent millennia. Either If the D2 smear starts at a point as high or higher inference appears to be consistent with osteologi - than the D4 smear, then a female maker is sug - cal analysis that has revealed marked sexual di - gested. If the D4 smear is higher a male maker is morphism in Upper Paleolithic skeletal popula - suggested. tions (Formicola and Giannecchini 1999:326). Panels of palm prints, some of them with dig - Early Upper Paleolithic people appear to have its, have been reported for Chauvet (Clottes 2003). been as tall as modern Europeans. Late Upper Pa - The heights of the panels and the sizes of the palms leolithic people were comparatively shorter in have been used to draw reasonably convincing in - stature and less robust. There is at this time insuf - ferences regarding the sexes of their makers. A ficient skeletal evidence to reveal a parallel shift panel of relatively small palm prints is set lower over time in sexual dimorphism through the course than a similar panel of relatively large palm prints. of the Upper Paleolithic period (Holt and Formi - One can infer that the first panel was made by a fe - cola 2008:85). It is also the case that the hand sten - male or females, and that the second panel was cil evidence is also insufficient to address that made by a male or males of taller stature. Assess - question. However, current evidence from both ment of D2/D4 ratios could be used to test those in - lines of inquiry supports the view that sexual di - ferences. morphism was greater at least early in the Upper We more recently tested the Step 1 and 2 equa - Paleolithic than it is today. tions against a population of American Indian hands of known ages and sexes. These are hand - expanding applications prints made by living individuals when they pressed their hands into wet plaster on a wall in the Because the degree of sexual dimorphism is so Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History great in Upper Paleolithic hand stencils, the relia - in Norman, Oklahoma. All of the prints were made bility of the assignment of sex to any particular case by adults and children of both sexes, and all of from a European cave is greater than would be the them are individually identified. We extracted mea - case of an unknown example from a modern Eu - surements from 120 prints, which were as clear and ropean population. Any sufficiently intact and well- measureable as hand scans. When we attempted to preserved example can be sexed using the mea - make inferences about the Oklahoma handprints surements and procedures outlined here. Given using the algorithms developed based on Euro - the size of the sample used here, it will be surpris - pean hand scans the results were disappointing. The ing if the predominance of females does not hold results indicated that this population is sufficiently up as hand stencils and handprints are examined in different from the European population to require additional caves located in southwestern Europe. its own predictive discriminant analysis and the de - Even some hand stencils that are missing digits velopment of a separate set of equations. Indeed, or are poorly preserved can be assessed with rea - our observations suggest that there is less sexual di - sonable confidence given the robust nature of the morphism expressed in American Indian hands findings of this research project. For example, the than is the case for European hands, certainly much incomplete hand stencil from Grotte du Bison less than is the case for Upper Paleolithic European shown in Figure 7 could not be used in the Step 1 hands. However, the automatic data extraction and 2 analyses, but it appears from the long index mentioned above might increase discriminatory finger on this incomplete stencil of a left hand power sufficiently to overcome a low degree of di - (clearer in color) that the person who made it was morphism and allow inferences about archaeolog - probably female. ical examples for which sex is currently unknown. Similarly, Leslie van Gelder and Kevin Sharpe Prior expectation of the failure to discriminate have had some success in sexing finger smears on females from males in the Oklahoma data set came the walls of Rouffignac. The smears are typically after I initially attempted to infer the sexes of the vertical lines made by D2, D3, and D4 digits American Indian handprints by inspection alone, Snow] SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN EUROPEAN UPPER PALEOLITHIC CAVE ART 759

Figure 7. hand stencil 2 from Grotte du Bison. courtesy of norbert aujoulat.

something that is usually easy for an experienced As another example, any effort to infer the sex observer in the case of scans of European hands. of hand stencils in a site such as Cueva de las My attempts to assign sex by inspection of the Manos Pintadas in Argentina should be preceded American Indian cases failed so frequently that I by the development of equations based on a living would have done almost as well simply tossing a reference population of native South Americans. coin. This adds weight to the caution that one The relatively low genetic diversity of native should use an appropriate living reference popula - America as compared to the rest of the world sug - tion in any study of archaeological hand stencils or gests that such research could be productive in the handprints. The 120 handprints in the Oklahoma (Black 1992). data set are probably too few to establish reliable Nevertheless, Chazine and Noury (2006) have algorithms. had some success sexing hand stencils on the walls 760 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 78, No. 4, 2013 of a Borneo rock shelter. While they have been crit - caves simply the only places it has survived well? icized for apparently using a European reference We hope that theory, techniques, and data will be population, their results seem unexpectedly developed to allow such questions to be addressed promising (Nelson et al. 2006:4). in the future. For now we should not go beyond the conclusions reported here. conclusions Acknowledgments . I am very grateful to the Pennsylvania Inferences regarding sex are not easy to make in ar - State University and the National Geographic Society for their support of this research. I am especially indebted to chaeology. Indeed, it is rare that one can draw the François Djindjian and Lioudmila Iakovleva for facilitating kinds of inferences that have been possible with re - my travel in France in 2006 and 2007. Pascal Foucher, Cristina gard to Upper Paleolithic hand stencils. There is San Juan-Foucher, and Yoan Rumeau took us on as colleagues reason to conclude that the techniques described and provided access to the hand stencils in Gargas. Norbert here can be extended to other parts of the world Aujoulat guided us to Grotte du Bison and supplied digital im - ages of the two stencils there. Yvon Pemendant provided ac - where handprints and hand stencils are preserved cess and permission to photograph the stencil in Bernifal. in the archaeological record. It is also clear that one Michel Lorblanchet helped make it possible for me to photo - size does not fit all, and that the best results will be graph stencils in Pech-Merle and Jean-Luc Zimmermann fa - achieved if algorithms are developed based on rel - cilitated access to this remarkable cave. Leslie van Gelder and evant reference populations. This may be facilitated Kevin Sharpe provided insights and advice at Rouffignac. César Gonzalez Sainz provided crucial advice about access - by the continued development of automatic data ing Spanish caves. Lawrence G. Straus and Manuel González extraction procedures that will allow machine Morales provided guidance and advice in . Roberto learning and more complete and comprehensive as - Ontañon Peredo and the Consejería de Cultura, Turismo y De - sessments of sex differences in living reference porte, Government of Cantabria (Spain), generously provided populations. images of hand stencils that occur in El Castillo, 16 of which are critically important to this study. I am grateful to Joe The assumption that Upper Paleolithic artists Watkins for alerting me to the existence of the American In - were invariably males was sufficiently well estab - dian handprints in the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Nat - lished in twentieth-century minds to prompt the ural History, and to Linda Coldwell for providing images of publication of a cartoon in the January 21, 1980 is - them. Alan Walker provided advice during the analytical sue of the New Yorker showing four cave women stages of the research. Marc Bauchet helped me with practi - cal matters at critical times. My wife Janet Snow provided producing parietal art. 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