Fact Sheet SWI.2841

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Fact Sheet SWI.2841 Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport DDPS Swiss Armed Forces Armed Forces Joint Staff AFJS Fact Sheet Specialized SSR Training Course (Swiss SSR Level 2 Course) SWI.2841 The Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport, in cooperation with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, will organise an advanced training course on “Security Sector Reform (SSR)”, in Stans from 10-14 November 2014. The course will be carried out in partnership with DCAF/ISSAT. Objectives The main objective of this training is to provide participants with opportunities to learn about the key processes in SSR through a series of hands-on exercises in which they are exposed to many of the tools and techniques that SSR practitioners use on the ground. The course will focus both on technical and political aspects of SSR. Both knowledge and skills on SSR will be broadened. Key topics The five-day training will bring together approximately 25 participants from the Swiss government, as well as representatives from donor and recipient countries. The course includes several modules covering topics such as: 1. Concepts of SSR; 2. Context of SSR (e.g. local ownership, accountability & effectiveness, governance of the security sector); 3. Components of the security sector (e.g. Police reform, justice reform, defence reform); 4. Cross-cutting issues (e.g. gender, governance, cultural awareness, civil society & non-state actors) and 5. Soft skills and tools (e.g. negotiation, coordination, effective advising). Course requirements Course requirements include the successful completion of a SSR Level 1 Training or of the online introductory e-learning course at http://issat.dcaf.ch/Home/Training-and-Capacity- Building/E-Learning (incl. certificate). Target audience The training is aimed at senior practitioners who are directly involved in SSR activities in their own or in third countries. For further information please contact the POC mentioned on the following page. We will be glad to help you if you have any questions. We look forward to your application. Training Centre SWISSINT Swiss Armed Forces CH-6370 STANS-OBERDORF Switzerland Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport DDPS Swiss Armed Forces Armed Forces Joint Staff AFJS Additional Information / details Update 5 March 2014 EAPWP Code SWI.2841 Nickname Swiss SSR Level 2 Course Type Course consists of one module (5 days, MON - FRI) The course is designed for military personnel (OR4 – OF5), police officers and civilian personnel of governmental and non-governmental Target Audience / Level organisations who wish to develop key skills and competencies for future field deployment. Duration / Date 1 week (5 days) from 10-14 November 2014 Location TC SWISSINT, CH-6370 Stans-Oberdorf, Switzerland. Participants must have a good standard of proficiency in English. No Language Requirements translation will be provided. The course is free of charge; this includes accommodation and meals during the course. There is no payment of "per diem". Costs Travel to and from SWISSINT Switzerland are to be paid by the sending nation or organization. Participants will have to arrange for their own visas, if required. Course is open to ISSAT Governing Board member states, NATO/PfP, MD, ICI and Contact States. Restrictions Course participation is limited. Allocation will be on a suitability basis. Registration deadline: 31 July 2014 The Swiss Government does not cover health care expenses. All participants are themselves responsible for adequate insurance (accident, Liability liability and health) or need a Governmental guarantee to cover any health care expenses in Switzerland. Armed Forces Staff AFS International Relations / Regional Military Cooperation Papiermühlestrasse 20 CH-3003 Bern Additional Course Information Switzerland Phone: +41 31 324 49 88 Fax: +41 31 323 73 99 Mail: [email protected] Home page: www.armee.ch/peace-support Training Centre SWISSINT Swiss Armed Forces CH-6370 STANS-OBERDORF Switzerland .
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