MIDLANDS STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ARTS ‘ARCHAEOLOGY, CULTURAL HERITAGE AND MUSEUM STUDIES’ Sites of Cultural significance In the BaTonga Culture; The case of Manjolo Communal lands, Binga. By Ishmael Ndlovu R132703E A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARTS OF MIDLANDS STATE UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A BACHELOR OF ARTS HONOURS DEGREE IN ARCHAEOLOGY, CULTURAL HERITAGE AND MUSEUM STUDIES SUPERVISOR: MR MABGWE NOVEMBER 2016 i APPROVAL FORM SUPERVISOR: MR MABGWE NOVEMBER 2016 The undersigned certifies that he has read and recommended this dissertation to the Department of Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies at Midlands State University for acceptance as a research project entitled: Sites of Cultural significance In the BaTonga Culture; The case of Manjolo Communal lands, Binga, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of a Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies in the Faculty of Arts. …………………… Date ………………………………………. Mr. M. Mabgwe (Supervisor) i RELEASE FORM Permission is hereby granted to Midlands State University for the publication of this research without any reservations detained by the author against the Department of Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies and the entire institution. However, the author reserves other publication rights and extracts from the research, outside his consent with the intending publisher. ............................................... Date……/………/………. Ishmael Ndlovu Permanent Address 6k Ingagula T/ship P O Box 257 Hwange +263776085973 / +263717245004 Cell numbers
[email protected] E-mail address ii DECLARATION FORM I Ishmael Ndlovu declare that; Sites of Cultural significance In the BaTonga Culture; The case of Manjolo Communal lands, Binga; is my own innovative work and has not been previously submitted for an award of a similar or any other degree in any other higher learning institution.