Lesson 3 Yet One More Proverb
Lesson 3 Yet One More Proverb 萬物得其本者生,百事得其道者成。道之所在,天下歸之。德之所 在,天下貴之。仁之所在,天下愛之。義之所在,天下畏之。屋漏 者,民去之。水淺者,魚逃之。樹高者,鳥宿之。德厚者,士趨之。 有禮者,民畏之。忠信者,士死之。 VOCABULARY (71–101) 71. 萬 M: wàn J: man, ban K: man Ten thousand. Radical 140 (艸). 72. 物 M: wù J: butsu, motsu, mono K: mul Thing; physical object. 萬物, “the ten thousand things,” is a common expression for all the things in the world. Radical 93 (牛, “cow”). 73. 其 M: qí J: ki, sore, sono K: gi 1. This; that; these; those; its; his; her; their. [possessive and demonstrative adjective]* 2. Perhaps, probably, should. [vague modal adverb] This character is extremely common in literary Chinese constructions. For details of the first meaning, see 3.1. The second meaning will be encountered and explained later (11.6). Radical 12 (八, “eight”). 74. 本 M: bĕn J: hon, moto K: bon [Tree] root; fundamental; basics. In Chinese philosophy, 本 is often used to express important things, first things, or the essential nature of things. Radical 75 (木). 75. 百 M: băi J: byaku, hyaku, momo K: baek One hundred. Radical 106 (白, “white”). Lesson 3 w 2 76. 事 M: shì J: ji, koto, tsukaeru K: sa 1. Thing, matter, affair, occupation, job.* 2. To serve, to work for; to employ, to have as a servant. In modern Mandarin Chinese, 物 (72) tends to apply to physical objects, whereas 事 applies to matters, affairs, and abstract things. This holds true to a certain extent in literary Chi- nese, but there is some confusion of the terms.
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