Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017


February, 2013

Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

Document Control

Job ID: 16496 Job Name: Charters Towers Client: Charters Towers Regional Council Client Contact: Martin Homisan Project Manager: Thor Lyster Email: [email protected] Telephone: (07) 4771 5550

Document Final for Adoption. Charters Towers Economic Development Plan Name: Update Last Saved: 22/2/2013 8:29 AM

Version Date Reviewed Approved Draft 1.0 21/12/2012 TL Working Final 4/02/2013 TL Final for Adoption 12/02/2013 TL CR Final 22/02/2013 TL

Disclaimer: Whilst all care and diligence have been exercised in the preparation of this report, AEC Group Limited does not warrant the accuracy of the information contained within and accepts no liability for any loss or damage that may be suffered as a result of reliance on this information, whether or not there has been any error, omission or negligence on the part of AEC Group Limited or their employees. Any forecasts or projections used in the analysis can be affected by a number of unforeseen variables, and as such no warranty is given that a particular set of results will in fact be achieved.

i Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final


Charters Towers has achieved sound economic and population outcomes in recent years compared to many other rural centres. However, the economy has not performed to its full potential. There are a number of significant developments for the Charters Towers economy likely in the near future from which the region could see improved growth outcomes. In order to maintain living standards in line with Australian benchmarks and account for forecast population growth, Charters Towers will need to increase its real economic output by 80% over the next 20 years. This level of growth will require major new investments, both from expansion of existing business and from new industry in the region. In order to realise the required investments, Charters Towers will need to be more proactive and investment ready in a more competitive investment environment. There are four sectors of the economy which are major contributors to the region now and considered to remain key to the future performance of the region’s economy:  Mining;  Agriculture;  Education; and  Tourism. As sectors of proven strength Charters Towers will in the first instance retain focus on ensuring these sectors remain competitive and perform to their full potential for the region. However as the nation’s and world’s economies continue to change, Charters Towers cannot risk being dependent on only its historical contributors. Charters Towers needs to be active in exploring opportunities for new industries and sectors, and flexible in adapting to their needs. Further opportunities already exist in diverse sectors, such as energy, services and light industrial. At present these opportunities are linked to servicing growth in the four core industries however as they expand, new opportunity areas will arise. Charters Towers Regional Council is seeking to implement a more proactive and investment-friendly approach to building relationships and meeting the needs of existing and potential investors. The following Economic Development Plan presents the core priorities for Charters Towers to grow its economy and improve the living standards of its residents.

ii Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

Table of Contents





2.1 SUMMARY ...... 2

2.2 LOCATION ...... 4

2.3 ECONOMY ...... 5

2.4 DEMOGRAPHICS ...... 6












iii Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the Plan and Update

In late 2008, AECgroup prepared the Charters Towers Economic Development Plan Situation Analysis to assist the region’s stakeholders to understand the economic environment and context for developing a new Economic Development Plan. The scope of the Situation Analysis was to:  Report on the current socio-economic and industry structure of Charters Towers;  Reflect on recent trends in expansion and development in the region;  Review each industry sector and infrastructure area in Charters Towers;  Develop a SWOT analysis of Charters Towers based on its industry and socio- economic structure;  Undertake a number of economic analyses to help identify economic development opportunities in Charters Towers; and  Identify and propose potential economic development themes and directions for Charters Towers. Much of this analysis remains relevant. However no analysis or outlook can perfectly account for the future. Furthermore, Charters Towers Regional Council has achieved or substantially progressed many of the actions in the 2009 Economic Development Plan. Further to the above in 2012 Charters Towers Regional Council has updated their Economic Development Plan.

1.2 Process and Methodology

The 2012 Update of the Charters Towers Economic Development Plan is a limited scope update of the original analysis. It is developed from an updated socioeconomic snapshot of the region based on 2011 Census results, update of economic and industry performance figures and a review of assumptions and drivers that underpin the 2009 Economic Development Plan. A new prioritisation framework was developed to reflect the updated situation in 2012 and a range of initiatives evaluated. The highest ranking initiatives from this process are contained in this plan.

1.3 Focus of this Plan

The 2012 Charters Towers Economic Development Plan incorporates updated direction from Council including:  Increase focus on facilitating and building regional benefits from resources development;  Take a more proactive approach to attracting investment;  Ensure planning scheme policy aligns with economic development priorities to create an enabling environment for investment;  Develop a more inclusive brand for Charters Towers, beyond agriculture and heritage;  Elevate lifestyle development as an even stronger focus area;  Communicate to the business community that Charters Towers is ‘open for business’; and  Provide hard facts and assistance to encourage investment in Charters Towers. These directions were reflected in the selection of priorities for this plan.

1 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

2. Situation Analysis

The following section summarises the updated socioeconomic situation for Charters Towers. The full socioeconomic update is contained in a separate report.

2.1 Summary

Charters Towers has several areas of economic opportunity, and a number of important constraints. These are summarised in the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis below.

Table 2.1: SWOT Analysis


Abundant raw water supply Difficult climate for many agricultural pursuits Strong solar resources Poor retention of working age groups Region has abundant and diverse mineral deposits (coal, iron, various Relatively low disposable incomes by average households base metals, various specialty minerals) Mature agriculture services centre (saleyards, supplies, professional Low recognition as investment destination services) Relatively abundant and affordable land Relatively low population turnover (other than youth) Relatively high disposable incomes by salary earners Small local market Historic infrastructure and attractions Lifestyle focus of some local business Mature and established city with good quality infrastructure Competition from nearby Townsville for residents, investment and recognition Location (Cross-roads of major highways, position on the MITEZ rail and road corridor and proximity to Townsville) Strong education base – support for youth coming to Charters Towers Relative stability in housing construction market Relatively broad-based recent economic growth

Cultural affinity with North West Queensland communities

2 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final


Energy supply development Continued decline of working age groups (20-65) Greater development and servicing of regional resources activity Continued decline relative to Townsville- Stronger interaction with Townsville residents and investors Economic downturn due to shocks to major resources or beef industries Underutilised regional labour force Increasing interest in inland, outback and the ‘real Australia’ by domestic and international tourists. Rural North Queensland service centre Inland staging point to resources developments New agricultural developments Source: AECgroup (2012) Charters Towers has key identified competitive strengths which have driven the development of the current Charters Towers Economic Development Plan:  Land;  Resources;  Location;  Infrastructure; and  Cultural affinity with the broader Northwest Region. Relative to Queensland it suffers competitively with:  A small regional market (demand and skills);  Remoteness;  Low recognition beyond the region; and  Small proportion of working age (20-65 year old group) population.

3 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

2.2 Location

The Charters Towers Regional Council area (Local Government Area or LGA) is displayed in Figure 2.1 below. The majority of the population and economy is centered in the however the greater LGA contains a number of small towns and significant agriculture and resources activity.

Figure 2.1: Charters Towers Regional Council Area

Source: Queensland Government Gateway GIS

4 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

2.3 Economy

The Charters Towers LGA’s Regional Gross Regional Product (as estimated by industry value added contribution) is estimated to have decreased by 15.0% between 2006-07 and 2010-11 (an average rate of 4.0% per year) in real terms (i.e. at current prices), to approximately $705 million in 2010-11. Mining is the main contributor to Gross Regional Product (GRP), accounting for 33.5% of the total Charters Towers GVA in 2010-11 (or $236 million). Excluding mining, GRP grew by 61.1% between 2006-07 and 2010-11 (an average annual rate of 12.7%), from $291.3 million in 2006-07 to $469.2 million in 2010-11. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing is also a large contributor to GRP (at 12.9%), followed by Health Care and Social Assistance (8.0%), Public Administration and Safety (7.2%) and Education and Training (6.5%). Key industries of growth between 2006-07 and 2010-11 have been Public Administration and Safety (23.0% p.a.), Information, Media and Telecommunications (21.6% p.a.) and Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (21.1% p.a.). Figure 2.2 shows that Charters Towers has a more well-rounded economy in 2010-11 than it did in 2006-07. The LGA is not as heavily reliant on the mining industry as it was in 2006-07, meaning that the region’s economy should be more resilient to a downturn in the mining industry than five years ago. All industries have increased their share of the LGA’s total GRP over the past four years aside from the Mining, Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services, Wholesale Trade, Financial and Insurance Services and Administrative and Support Services sectors. Figure 2.2: Contribution to Gross Regional Product by Industry, 2006-07 vs 2010-11

Mining Agriculture, forestry and fishing Health care and social assistance Public administration and safety Education and training Construction Retail trade Transport, postal and warehousing Rental, hiring and real estate services Accommodation and food services Manufacturing Other services Professional, scientific and technical services Financial and insurance services Information media and telecommunications Electricity, gas, water and waste services 2006-07 Wholesale trade Administrative and support services 2010-11 Arts and recreation services Ownership of dwellings 0.0% 10.0%20.0%30.0%40.0%50.0%60.0%70.0%

Source: AECgroup (2012)

5 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

2.4 Demographics

The Charters Towers LGA is characterised by a demographic weakness in the working age groups (with a relatively high proportion of youth and elderly). The lack of young working aged adults suggests a need for both greater employment and lifestyle opportunities in the region in order to attract and retain this key demographic.

Figure 2.3: Population by Age Groups (2011)


80-84 years

75-79 years

70-74 years

65-69 years

60-64 years

55-59 years

50-54 years

45-49 years

40-44 years

35-39 years Queensland 30-34 years

25-29 years Charters Towers 20-24 years

15-19 years

10-14 years

5-9 years

0-4 years

0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0%

Source: ABS 2011 Census The average income for a Charters Towers LGA worker is very similar to the Northern Statistical Division (NSD) and Queensland averages. However average household incomes are lower than benchmarks due to smaller average household sizes and lower earnings by non-workers in Charters Towers.

Table 2.2: Average Income per Salary Earner (Weekly) Region Average Income ($/week) 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Charters Towers (R) $ 666 $ 694 $ 732 $ 772 $ 821 $ 861 NSD $ 667 $ 707 $ 744 $ 784 $ 820 $ 877 Queensland $ 653 $ 686 $ 725 $ 764 $ 802 $ 856 Source: ABS 2011 Census Charters Towers has seen a steady trend away from family and towards single person households since 2001.

Table 2.3: Charters Towers Household Composition (2001-2011) 2001 2006 2011 Family household 74.0% 72.3% 72.1% Lone person household 23.0% 24.5% 25.0% Group household 3.1% 3.2% 2.9% Source: ABS 2011 Census

6 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

Charters Towers has a significantly higher proportion of households that are fully owned by their occupants (38.0%) compared to Queensland as a whole (29.7%). However the proportion of fully owned houses has fallen 9.5 ppt between 2001 and 2011, while the proportion of houses being purchased has increased steadily from 20.1% in 2001 to 30.9% in 2011.

Table 2.4: Charters Towers Household Tenure (2001-2011) 2001 2006 2011 Owned outright 47.6% 41.1% 38.0% Owned with a mortgage 20.1% 27.7% 30.9% Rented 26.3% 29.8% 30.0% Other tenure type 6.0% 1.4% 1.1% Source: ABS 2011 Census The Charters Towers unemployment rate has largely followed the trend of the wider NSD region. However, over the four year period the Charters Towers unemployment rate has consistently been approximately 1.0 ppt higher than the NSD regional average.

Figure 2.4: Unemployment Trends for the Selected Regions








Unemployment Unemployment Rate (%) 2.0%



Charters Towers NSD QLD Source: OESR (2012)

7 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

2.5 Population Outlook

The Charters Towers Local Government Area (LGA 2010) recorded an estimated resident population of 12,978 in 2011 (see Figure 2.5). Population growth in Charters Towers has varied significantly over the past decade, which is characteristic of a small centre. Average annual growth since 2001 has been relatively low in Charters Towers (1.2%) compared to Queensland as a whole (2.4%). Queensland Treasury (2011) projects that the Charters Towers population will experience average annual growth of 1.0% to 2016. Growth is then forecast to slow to 0.6% per annum, reaching approximately 14,963 residents by 2031.

Figure 2.5: Charters Towers Historical and Forecast Population

Source: QRSIS

8 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

3. Economic Development Action Plan

3.1 Economic Development Framework

An Economic Development Framework for Charters Towers was developed in 2009 to build on the position and direction of Charters Towers. The framework has been updated to reflect updates in direction and driving factors. Achieving the outcomes outlined in the Economic Development Framework below is the ultimate goal of the 2012 Charters Towers Economic Development Plan.

Competitive Advantages

Change Mechanism Reinforce the region’s proven Develop greater two-way  Provide leadership & sectors of Mining, Agriculture, trade with the greater region vision Education and Tourism  Understanding & Build the opportunity for Position Charters Towers to be quantifying regional Charters Towers to be the a benchmark country city and resources major service centre to rural rural lifestyle Outcomes & Progress  Formulating a focused North Queensland Measures approach Capture major infrastructure Encourage people to visit and  Commitment & drive to and industry investments for experience Charters Towers achieve targets & the region change

 Action Shape Charters Towers’ investment-friendly reputation  Maintaining momentum

Economic Drivers & Influences

Reinforce the Region’s Proven Sectors of Mining, Agriculture, Education and Tourism Charters Towers has proven competitive strengths in mining, agriculture, education and tourism. Whilst these industries will have good periods and bad periods, they form the long-term basis of the region’s economy and actions which sustain them are a priority. Develop Greater Two-Way Trade with the Greater Region Charters Towers exports considerable wealth to other parts of North Queensland (Townsville in particular). Whilst the region has been successful in attracting tourists from elsewhere in Australia, it has underperformed in attracting visitors and investment from the rest of North Queensland. Position Charters Towers to be a Benchmark Country City and Rural Lifestyle Charters Towers has high quality infrastructure and amenity compared to similar sized rural towns in Queensland. It is already a centre for education and retirees for the broader region. However Charters Towers has not asserted itself as a destination of lifestyle choice. Further investments and development is required to keep pace with improvements in other centres. If Charters Towers is to capture more benefits from future economic activity in the region in needs to develop lifestyles that more people want to share in. Build the Opportunity for Charters Towers to be the Major Service Centre to Rural North Queensland Charters Towers is strategically located to play a much greater role as a service centre to mining and agricultural development in inland North Queensland. The development of several major resources projects could act as the catalyst to a greater critical mass and role in the regional supply chain. However, to realise these opportunities the region needs to unlock land supply and other constraints to the development of the centre.

9 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

Encourage People to Visit and Experience Charters Towers Charters Towers tourism industry is small compared to destinations such as Cairns but significant by North Queensland standards. It is an important contributor to the economy. The industry needs to continue to evolve along with customer expectations and gain more of the regional market. The Charters Towers tourism industry also has an opportunity to gain from the increased market interest in inland Australia and ‘genuine’ experiences. Capture Major Infrastructure and Industry Investments for the Region Charters Towers Council can play a small, but crucial, role in securing major investments by the private sector and other levels of Government in the region. These investments have the potential to be major ‘game changers’ for the region, creating new industries and major employers. Whilst the prospects for success of any one individual project may not be high, the benefits from the region of succeeding with only a proportion of those pursued, or in succeeding after many years of effort, are large enough to be worthwhile. Shape Charters Towers’ Investment-Friendly Reputation Charters Towers is not currently well known as an investment destination, even within the North Queensland region. To address this Charters Towers needs to undertake a number of actions, including rebuilding a reputation as a business and investor-friendly LGA. Charters Towers should also begin to develop a broader investment agenda, including view so growing investment powerhouses in Asia.

10 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

3.2 Summary of Economic Development Plan

A summary of the actions to support the 2012 Economic Development Plan are outlined under each heading of the economic development framework by priority level in Table 3.1 below. Further detail, especially regarding the highest priority items, follows in section 3.3.

Table 3.1: Recommended Actions Action Type of Actiona Outcome Sought Reinforce the Region’s Proven Sectors of Mining, Agriculture, Education and Tourism Highest Priority Land Demand Planning Planning Creation of a transparent, predictable and adequate long-term and Release supply of land for all uses (residential, industrial, commercial, retail) across Charters Towers and its towns. Will act as a boost to investor confidence and enabler of future developments. Recommended Major Projects and Planning, Direct Local Area plans where relevant to facilitate major projects. The Investments Critical Investment clear immediate need is for a Local Area Plan for Greenvale should Infrastructure Needs Metallica Minerals progress with development. Planning Charters Towers Mining Planning A system and agreement which enables small engineering and Agricultural Supply companies to bid for, and supply, major mining and agriculture Chain contracts. Schools to Business Planning A regular mechanism for businesses active in the Charters Towers Program region to communicate to senior students and their parents the opportunities for further training and career development in the Charters Towers region. International Students Promotion A process for Council and key businesses in Charters Towers to Attraction support the local schooling industry to attract students from the Pacific and Asia. Develop Greater Two-way Trade with the Greater Region Highest Priority Charters Towers Brand Promotion A clear and durable brand platform for Charters Towers to promote Platform and Promotion and differentiate itself within Queensland and North Queensland. The lack of a clear message communicating Charters Towers position, character and future impedes investment and lifestyle development and tourism attraction. Recommended Weekend / Day Trip Planning A set of attractions and activities to entice visitors to Charters Visitation Program Towers on the weekends. Further progress on this matter may be difficult, but is important for the region. Position Charters Towers to be a Benchmark Country City and Rural Lifestyle

Highest Priority Develop Lifestyle Direct Investment, Significant further development of lifestyle infrastructure. This will Infrastructure Lobbying be valuable for business confidence, the attraction and retention of skills and also have some benefits for tourism. Recommended Lifestyle Marketing for Promotion Attraction of additional skilled workers to settle in the Charters Skilled Workers and Towers region. This would be beneficial for the economy and for their Families major businesses for which local employees have fewer on-costs than remote employees (e.g. fly-in, fly-out) Build the Opportunity for Charters Towers to be the Major Service Centre to Rural North Queensland Highest Priority Charters Towers Inland Planning, Major additional supply of quality industrial land along with Supply Centre (Profile, Promotion, Direct investment attraction and marketing activities to build an industrial Land Release, Investor Investment and logistics base. The release and promotion of industrial and Attraction) logistics land in Charters Towers should be amongst the highest economic development priorities for the region. This action is essential to gaining major benefits from likely future resources developments.

11 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

Action Type of Actiona Outcome Sought Solar Investment Promotion, Establishment of a significant solar power generator in the Charters Attraction Lobbying, Direct Towers region. The investment would signal clearly Charters Investment Towers potential for further solar generation, its possibility as an energy supply node and its proactivity in gaining new industry. Recommended Charters Towers Lobbying Charters Towers to have input to major regional initiatives and Participation and Voice strategies. Some of these may have significant benefits for the in Regional Economic Charters Towers region. Development Airport Infrastructure Planning A masterplan that makes the best use of available land around the Plan / Strategy Charters Towers Airport for the long term. Encourage People to Visit and Experience Charters Towers Highest Priority Charters Towers Promotion Stronger regional message of the culture and activities available in Experiences Promotion - the Charters Towers region. Tourism focus but with value to Lifestyle and Tourism lifestyle marketing. Likely to have shared values with the regional branding. Recommended Inland - Outback - Promotion Charters Towers strongly integrated into the growing inland – Country Tourism outback – country tourism scene. Charters Towers is a better fit Engagement with initiatives such as the Overland Way than with coastal Queensland tourism. There is also a role for reflect inland tourism priorities to the rest of North Queensland. Land Intensive Sports Direct Investment Charters Towers capturing a major portion of land-intensive and Recreation recreation expenditure from North Queensland. White Mountains Direct Investment, White Mountains developed as a significant tourism destination. Development Lobbying Whilst a long-run project, the benefits to the region could be substantial. Capture Major Infrastructure and Industry Investments for the Region Highest Priority Major Investor Support Direct Assistance Publishing of a clear policy on the actions and support Charters Policy Towers Regional Council will provide to major investors. Serves to communicate an ‘open for business’ approach and provide transparent outline of what Council can do for Investors. Recommended Council Identification Promotion Attraction of new investors to Charters Towers. Requires budget for and Approach famils, promotional materials, attendance at key investor functions Investment and etc. Business Leads Irrigation Development Lobbying, Develop major new irrigation areas in the Charters Towers region. Investigation Group Planning In the short to medium term, main aim is to keep the prospect live on the State’s agenda. Develop Business Cases Lobbying Active and regularly review list of major funding and infrastructure for Major Funding and proposals for Charters Towers. These are to be finalised and Infrastructure Needs presented at short notice when State or Federal funding opportunities arise. Shape Charters Towers’ Investment-Friendly Reputation Highest Priority Council - Business Promotion, Regular and productive dialogue between Charters Towers Engagement Program Planning Councillors and Senior Staff and the local and regional business community. A range of individual initiatives are suggested under this action including business appreciation dinners, closer involvement with the Charters Towers regional business community, Council-sponsored business events and more active presence at regional business events. Recommended Development of Council Promotion Single-page fact sheets on regional advantages, services and Fact Sheets for Public support for key business investment types. Dissemination Charters Towers Lobbying, Direct Industry park for new businesses entrants established in Charters Industry Park Investment Towers aDirect Investment, Direct Assistance, Promotion, Lobbying, Planning Source: AECgroup

12 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

3.3 Economic Development Action Plan

3.3.1 Reinforce the Region’s Proven Sectors of Mining, Agriculture, Education and Tourism Priority Project

Land Demand Planning and Release

Description Resources Required Charters Towers requires a transparent, Land planning processes are primarily driven within Council. Consultants are predictable and adequate long-term supply of land typically employed to assist with various aspects of developing new town plans (residential, industrial, commercial, retail) across and local area plans such as in the disciplines of Town Planning, Infrastructure Charters Towers and its towns. Currently, some Engineering, Economics and Asset Management. The need and budgets for types of land (e.g. serviced industrial land) are consultants will depend on the internal capacity of Council to undertake some identified as constraining investment. An works internally. assessment of functional market supply The Queensland Department of State Development and Planning will review any requirements to support investment has not been planning changes and should be included in the demand planning process. prepared. Release of new land will likely involve sales of vacant land to private developers As part of the current review of the town plan, as required to stimulate, but not flood, the local market. There will likely be Charters Towers should consider demand value in providing incentives to potential developers to release land in a fashion requirements, functional market requirements, that assists economic development. These incentives/ allowances will represent and release strategies for land supply across the a write-down on realised asset values for Council. region. Local area plans may be required for towns likely to experience significant growth pressure, such as Greenvale and Pentland. An adequate and dependable land supply would act as a boost to investor confidence, create a more functional land market and be an enabler of future developments. It is essential for many of the other actions in this economic development plan that sufficient volume and quality of land is available in a timely manner. Target Benefits Action Plan  Improvement in investor confidence with 1. Develop market review terms for land demand review. This terms should Council demonstrating it has a plan to ensure include functional market requirements (i.e. market depth requirements to land supply does not constrain growth maintain a liquid land supply and not constraint economic growth), and  Ability to be proactive in marketing land zoning types to be studied (typically residential (attached and development ready opportunities to investors detached), industrial, commercial, retail and possibly short-term  Enhanced flexibility in being able to provide accommodation). ready opportunities to fleeting or unexpected 2. Develop physical terms for land demand review. This should include areas investors of Charters Towers with foreseeable significant population and/or industry  Greater land market stability, with less growth over the next 20 years. At a minimum the City of Charters Towers potential for speculative behaviour regarding requires in-depth demand assessment. Other areas that may be subject to land holdings significant growth in foreseeable future (but often more dependent on Identified Challenges specific projects developing) are Greenvale, Ravenswood, Pentland and  Responding to short-notice drivers of additional Herveys Range. Evaluation needs to be undertaken as to whether these land demand (e.g. major new mines). Local areas are considered within the main Town Plan update or whether specific Area Plans should be considered to support local area plans or similar instruments are developed if/when the specific such developments demand driver becomes committed.  Identifying land parcels with suitable qualities 3. Develop terms for land supply potential study (i.e. mapping of supply by of location, access, proximity to services, etc. zoning, constraints and key features for prioritising for release to required  Staging land developments to not swamp the demand). Charters Towers Council has already advanced much of this relatively small local market but to be work, at least for the City of Charters Towers area. responsive to new demand 4. Finalise terms, engage consultant/s and develop estimates of required land Key Performance Indicators and most appropriate sites and release schedules to address requirements.  Study to identify long term supply and demand 5. Incorporate required land releases into forward Council action planning. characteristics of various land categories for Releases are typically undertaken at five year intervals. Appropriate time Charters Towers LGA ahead of land release needs to be factored in to deal with any remaining  Suitable forward supply of land (e.g. 20 years infrastructure, tenure and/or zoning issues and for the need for, and rolling supply) zoned, ready for market and capacity to, support releases with incentives for strategic land development. with active developers in Charters Towers and 6. Land requirements and forward release estimates should be reviewed at other areas of need identified in the LGA five yearly intervals, preferably in the post-Census period when new  No loss of investment intent due to lack of forecasts and growth estimates have been prepared. suitable site (within reasonable market parameters) Prospects There are no fundamental barriers to achieving

13 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final this action provided sufficient resources are allocated to the process. Various challenges to finalising land supply and adopting within the new town plan will likely arise and need to be addressed on an issue by issue basis.

14 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final Other Projects of Merit

Major Projects and Investments Critical Infrastructure Needs Planning The establishment of major projects such as mines are difficult to predict in advance but can create dramatic changes in needs for investments in supporting infrastructure. In additional to Local Area Plans in more remote areas (such as Greenvale and Pentland) to enable adequate supporting land for major projects, there is a need to revisit infrastructure plans. Joint infrastructure planning workshops / meetings should be organised by Council with the developer and the Department of State Development and Planning. Other partners are relevant but it is generally preferable to minimise participants in the one meeting. Workshops and meetings should be used to:  Identify supporting hard infrastructure requirements (Developer);  Identify supporting soft infrastructure desired (Developer and Council);  Identify existing infrastructure quality, capacity and existing renewal / upgrade plans (Council);  Identify potential overlap and synergies with individual infrastructure needs and other developments / infrastructure investments (Council and State Development and Planning);  Identify additional partners and funding sources (State Development and Planning);  Negotiate individual funding contributions (Developer, Council and State Development and Planning); and  Negotiate individual infrastructure development responsibilities and timings (Developer, Council and State Development and Planning). The above processes are required at some point of the development pathway however Council initiating an early stage of engagement will demonstrate its investor friendliness and hopefully identify potential savings and synergies to be explored whilst there is sufficient time.

Charters Towers Mining and Agricultural Supply Chain This project is retained from the 2009 Charters Towers Economic Development Plan. It involves a system and agreement which enables small engineering companies to bid for, and supply, major mining and agriculture contracts. Given the potential for a number of significant new mining developments in the Charters Towers region in the near future there will be considerable flow-on supply opportunities. This action aims to ensure greater flow on benefits are retained in the region with local firms. The economic development responsibility of Council is to maximise jobs and wealth in the region. To progress the local supply chain, Council should approach external firms to establish operations in Charters Towers where they can fill gaps in local capacity to service growing demand.

Schools to Business Program The relatively large school population in Charters Towers is an opportunity for the region and major businesses active in the region. Charters Towers Council should establish discussions with schools and businesses in the Charters Towers region to develop a program to communicate to senior students and their parents the opportunities for further training and career development in the Charters Towers region.

International Students Attraction Education is Australia’s largest services export. Whilst the sector has been impacted in recent years by the high Australian dollar it remains an area of anticipated future growth, particularly in relation to servicing the near region and Asia.

15 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

Charters Towers has an established secondary school education cluster with facilities to board students. There is growing opportunity to develop international markets for students to access an Australian standard education in Charters Towers.

16 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

3.3.2 Develop Greater Two-way Trade with the Greater Region Priority Project

Charters Towers Brand Platform and Promotion Description Resources Required Whilst Charters Towers has a unique culture a A brand for a region is usually best facilitated from outside the region. However lack of a clear message communicating Charters the facilitator / developer of the brand platform must be able to gather a Towers’ position, character and future impedes detailed appreciation of the region and its attributes. investment and lifestyle development and tourism An important consideration with resourcing the brand platform is to retain a attraction. Charters Towers is a unique proposition significant budget for marketing and promotion of the brand after it has been to coastal North Queensland. developed. As a guide, two-thirds of the total brand development and promotion The development of a brand platform would brand should be devoted to materials and campaigns after the brand collate the relevant and promotable themes development. regarding Charters Towers’ culture, competitive advantages, traits and direction and enable a consistent message to be promoted. Target Benefits Action Plan  Stronger understanding of Charters Towers 1. Develop brand development brief, what Charters Towers is seeking to strategic position (beyond economic achieve from the brand in terms of target markets, initial themes and development) messages and package of background information regarding the region.  More positive and coherent local identity 2. Approve budget for project. This should include the budget for roll-out and  Clear message to promote to potential promotion of the brand once developed – e.g. on promotional material, investors entries to town, tourism locations, etc.  Clear message to promote to potential new 3. Engage brand development facilitator. This would likely be a competitive residents process. Budget guidance should be provided as budgets vary widely for the  Clear message to promote to visitors process. Identified Challenges 4. Contracted facilitator should engage widely in the region and develop a draft  Developing a quality brand platform that is brand platform and brand concepts. The brand platform is an important both aspirational and representative document that should help inform the development of a range of materials in  Generating broad acceptance of the brand the future. platform within Charters Towers without 5. Public feedback process. Public consultation and feedback on the draft brand resulting in a low risk, bland brand may be facilitated by Council to minimise consulting budgets and create  Sufficiently resourcing of follow-on marketing opportunity for Council – community interaction. Notably all brand concepts of the brand will draw criticism and the right brand for Charters Towers will be a balance Key Performance Indicators between support and uncertainty from the community.  Inclusiveness of brand platform development 6. Undertake brand roll-out and promotion campaign. Some of this may be process conducted internally by local partners (Council, Chamber of Commerce,  Feedback from initial testing of brand tourism businesses) and some may be contracted to marketing providers.  Update of brand from other organisations and 7. Monitor brand feedback. Notes should be collated against the brand platform businesses document to serve as part of the brief to an eventual brand update (all Prospects brands should be updated periodically). The brand platform will be a difficult action for which to measure success, as the benefits are diffuse and pervasive. The quality of the platform development process to capture and distil the best messages regarding Charters Towers will be critical to its success.

17 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final Other Projects of Merit

Weekend / Day Trip Visitation Program Whilst Charters Towers is a significant centre to rural North West Queensland it currently receives relatively little attention from the business community and residents in Townsville. Townsville has a great demand for weekend activities and excursions. The 2009 Charters Towers Economic Development Plan identified major issues with lack of activity on the weekends, which made it difficult for visitors from Townsville and elsewhere to come to Charters Towers. Some progress has been achieved, with some businesses opening for one weekend per month. Further progress remains essential if Charters Towers is to significantly improve its two-way interaction with the greater region. Greater visitation to the Charters Towers would be an important step to having more businesses and residents in localities such as Townsville consider jobs, lifestyles and investments in the region. Further attractions and activities to entice visitors to Charters Towers on the weekends are required.

18 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

3.3.3 Position Charters Towers to be a Benchmark Country City and Rural Lifestyle Priority Project

Develop Lifestyle Infrastructure

Description Resources Required Charters Towers was historically a larger and very Investments from Council in planning and directly funding major lifestyle wealthy city, and this has led to a reasonable projects are likely to be substantial. Council will be generally required at a stock of lifestyle infrastructure, at least in the City. minimum to fund feasibility and planning works, contribute to development However new lifestyle developments have been costs, and undertake ongoing maintenance of the infrastructure. few in recent decades, contributing to a sense of In some cases, significant funding contributions may be achieved from other decline in the region. levels of governments. Major businesses and investors in Charters Towers may Charters Towers has capacity to support more also be willing to contribute to lifestyle investments particularly where their residents, and will require more people if it is to funds are seen to go directly to infrastructure development (rather than substantially service major upcoming investments planning or administration). (e.g. mining developments) significantly from within the LGA. A successful renewed focus on regional towns has occurred in recent years in Victoria (e.g. Ballarat, Bendigo, Shepparton) and the EVO Cities initiative in NSW. The significant lifestyle project currently on the agenda is the Recreational Lake Development however other developments are likely to be identified over the life of this plan. Target Benefits Action Plan  Improve lifestyle satisfaction of existing 1. Identify projects. This will be an ongoing informal process with concepts residents likely to come from community, business and within Council. Projects can  Improve lifestyle satisfaction of prospective potentially arise at very short notice. Council should maintain files of major residents lifestyle project concepts and related information.  Add to the amenity of Charters Towers for 2. Test community support. Councillors are charged with reflecting the views of visitors and boost tourism the community. Potential projects should be mentioned at Council meetings  Create a sense of positive momentum for with Councillors to test constituent support and report back on levels of Charters Towers – impacts on business support / desire for potential projects. If budgets allow, more formal confidence measures of support can be gathered from community surveying (most cost  Generate direct economic benefits through effectively undertaken as part of an annual community attitudes survey). development expenditures 3. For priority potential projects investigate practical issues, costs, benefits and Identified Challenges synergies. Where possible internal Council skills should be utilised however  Funding of lifestyle infrastructure (particularly external consultants will likely be required for many projects for specific maintenance and revitalisation) issues. Investigation should proceed through phases of concept, preliminary  Promotion of new developments feasibility and feasibility. Detailed feasibility and design is not normally Key Performance Indicators conducted until funding is securing (with a margin of error applied to the  Community lifestyle satisfaction feasibility results to account for variations).  Tourist and visitor feedback 4. Funding cases and partnerships. Development of funding cases and seeking  Residential property values (tend to rise as of partnerships can be initiated at the prefeasibility or feasibility stage lifestyle values increase) (depending on the nature of the project). For projects that have been  Population growth outcomes investigated to the feasibility stage, formal funding applications using include Prospects a brief, sales orientated ‘pitch’ in favour of the project and a more detailed Funding from other layers of government for and neutral supporting document for due diligence purposes. Government lifestyle projects looks to be highly competitive in grants and programs should be tracked for opportunities however major the short to medium term. However reasonable projects are also often funded through unsolicited requests supported with projects that are well advanced with contributions personal lobbying efforts, particularly around elections. Anticipate that from Council, community and business will projects may take several cycles of lobbying before being funded. continue to be funded. 5. Project Development. Council will typically manage the detailed design and final feasibility, update of project scope if required and construction or management of construction contractors to develop the project. Needs will differ considerably depending on project. 6. Promotional budgets need to be considered throughout the project planning stages and should not be underestimated. Worthwhile developments that fail to gain recognition once developed waste the efforts and investments to get them established and damage the reputation of Charters Towers to sustain such projects (harming further potential projects). 7. Maintenance and revitalisation budgets also should be developed. Maintenance requirements will generally be well considered within usual Council asset management processes. Revitalisation of lifestyle infrastructure is not always considered however most assets will require reinvestments to maintain their profile and relevance.

19 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final Other Projects of Merit

Lifestyle Marketing for Skilled Workers and their Families The Charters Towers region will likely generate significant new jobs in the next decade assuming that a number of the proposed major mining developments under investigation proceed. However many of the jobs will be serviced from outside of the region unless Charters Towers is able to attract and retain more skilled workers. Lifestyle marketing would ideally build on a Charters Towers Brand Platform. It should focus on all members of the family. A range of considerations are important to decisions to relocate including lifestyle options, job opportunities for partners, schooling and recreational opportunities for children, quality of available housing and investment outlook for local real estate.

20 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

3.3.4 Build the Opportunity for Charters Towers to be the Major Service Centre to Rural North Queensland Priority Project

Charters Towers Inland Supply Centre Description Resources Required Charters Towers is well located to be a more Council will need to devote significant resources to undertaking this project important supply centre to the inland North including: Queensland region. There is an opportunity for  A proportion of the asset value of the land to incentivise a developer/s to Council to lead the development of a significant develop the supply centre industrial land development along with investment  Planning and infrastructure support to bring the site to investment ready attraction and marketing activities to build an stage for a developer industrial and logistics base. An excellent  Possible sharing of infrastructure charges to incentivise a developer/s to example of similar Council-led project is at develop the supply centre  Investment in marketing the site and opportunities associated Council should also devote significant time to attracting potential end users of the supply centre, such as regional mining investors and their suppliers. Target Benefits Action Plan  Attraction of new industry to Charters Towers 1. Engage with Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning  Retention of greater proportion of the value of and develop file on opportunity site. Begin to explore any planning and major projects in the region (e.g. mining) infrastructure issues.  Promotion of Charters Towers to investors 2. Contact major industrial land developers and potential end users and hold  Preparation of major industry area for new, informal discussions regarding the site and plan prospects. Sound out short-notice opportunities critical concerns, requirements and opportunities from developer and user Identified Challenges perspectives.  Planning and infrastructure 3. Progress concept pre-feasibility stage plans given constraints and scoping  Development partner and budgets feedback from industrial land developers and potential end users.  Marketing budgets 4. Work with Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Key Performance Indicators to negotiate any potential State contribution to incentives and marketing  Site ready for development budgets for the project. Consideration will need to be given to market  Development agreement / partnership / sale neutrality, in that Council cannot act in a way to undermine the existing achieved private market for industrial land in Charters Towers.  Marketing reach and response 5. Finalise Council position on land release in terms of maximum incentives  Site uptake (best provided through discounted land sale price and infrastructure  Jobs created in development contributions) and development arrangements (direct sale, development Prospects agreement, development partnership, etc.). This project will require substantial investment by 6. Take opportunity to market through tender process for development Council but has good prospects for success partner. An important criteria for selecting a private sector development provided a number of the proposed mines in the partner should be their ability to market the site and use existing networks region progress. and relationships to attract end users. 7. Finalise negotiations and development parameters with preferred developer / development partner. 8. Undertake marketing and investor attraction activities relevant to the site.

21 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

Solar Investment Attraction Description Resources Required Charters Towers has excellent solar energy Whilst solar power generation technology is improving rapidly, solar power resources and available land. The cost of solar remains uncompetitive to many other sources at present without subsidies of generation infrastructure continues to fall year by some kind. year and significant government support exists to Policy on both sides of federal politics suggests that options will remain available develop the resources to meet greenhouse to fund solar into the future. The key role for Council will be to facilitate the targets. Establishment of significant solar power opportunity by identifying sites, approaching potential solar providers, generation in the Charters Towers region would approaching other layers of government for support and possibly supplying land signal clearly Charters Towers’ potential for at a discounted rate. further solar generation, its possibility as an energy supply node and its proactivity in gaining new industry. Target Benefits Action Plan  Position Charters Towers as a serious solar 1. Create file at Council for solar energy project. File should contain site power generation region for future options, information on infrastructure (e.g. grid connections), solar resource investments, particularly as the cost of base estimates and current government programs. Whilst potential major load solar becomes more competitive with investors will already have much of this information it is useful to traditional power sources demonstrate that Council understands the issues and opportunities for its  Provide opportunities for major local emitters, site. such as coal mines, to reduce their carbon 2. Several options exist for major solar investment in Charters Towers footprint including off-grid system to supply industrial users to major solar farms  Demonstrate Charters Towers as first mover supplying the grid. Develop short investment briefs for each opportunity destination for new industries (e.g. single, double-sided glossy) to use as support collateral.  Potentially link with the education sector to 3. Research potential solar investor targets and establish contact. Consider provide local students and trades skills in solar placing advertisements or editorials in international industry media. Provide energy installation and operations investment briefs, discuss their needs and hurdles and arrange site famils if Identified Challenges possible.  Current cost of solar power is higher than grid 4. Establish contacts with relevant State and Federal Government areas to power. Achieving investment requires one or review options to address investor hurdles (as required). If required, more of the following (all of which are mention options at Council meetings where Council support may be achievable under current policies): required (e.g. land supply). o Viable feed-in subsidies; 5. Continue negotiations with interested parties until a workable deal is o Viable capital subsidies; achieved. Note that part of this process may be progressing opportunities o Off-grid demand at a viable rate. until a new policy or program announcement makes it viable.  Promoting Charters Towers as a solar 6. Once investment is secured, support with approaches to potential users and investment destination against competitor partners to the investment (as required). locations 7. Undertake promotions and press program regarding the development of the Key Performance Indicators solar.  Earmarking of land for major solar generation 8. On securing the first project / investment, efforts should continue for  Development of successful models for developing the next solar project, as the economics of such investments are installation of bulk solar power with solar forecast to continue to improve over time. investors (e.g. off-grid, government subsidised)  Establishment of solar generation in Charters Towers  Utilisation of solar power by businesses in Charters Towers  Ongoing investments in solar generation Prospects Prospects for the establishment of solar generation in Charters Towers are very good in the medium term, provided that current trends with technology and policy remain. Significant work will be required by Council to establish the parameters of development and to leverage further benefits once it is developed.

22 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final Other Projects of Merit

Charters Towers Participation and Voice in Regional Economic Development Charters Towers is a small regional area and continuously struggles to gather attention for its priorities. Regional groups and economic development committees have a role for creating a stronger voice for some regional concerns and initiatives. Whilst a number of Charters Towers’ priorities will not be shared with the greater region, there will be other shared goals. Whilst there is not a need to contribute to every organisation Charters Towers should strategically contribute to those regional organisations which have the greatest shared objectives with the LGA in order to progress issues of regional significance.

Airport Area Plan / Strategy The Charters Towers airport is an underutilised asset with significant potential for expansion and with significant available land for synergistic developments. The opportunities and constraints to development of this area should be further explored to develop an Airport Area Plan or Strategy based on how best to utilise the precinct. The Airport Area Plan or Strategy may proceed a partnership with an external develop to realise the opportunities uncovered.

23 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

3.3.5 Encourage People to Visit and Experience Charters Towers Priority Project

Charters Towers Experiences Promotion - Lifestyle and Tourism Description Resources Required Charters Towers has a relatively strong tourism The Charters Towers Experiences promotion would be best conducted as an industry although the sector has been stagnating extension from the development of the Charters Towers Brand Platform. in recent years. Nationally, there has been a trend The Experiences Promotion would be developed internally (Charters Towers to inland / outback tourism and also to tourism Council and local businesses) and incorporated into Charters Towers existing experiences rather than just tourism products. materials (locally and through TQ, Townsville Enterprise Limited, etc.). A direct There is an opportunity for Charters Towers to traditional marketing campaign funded by Charters Towers Council beyond renew its tourism focus with a campaign to existing efforts is not envisaged although should other initiatives progress it may explain its unique culture and experiences. This as be considered (e.g. substantial weekend trading would create an opportunity to envisaged as a local initiative with external market directly to Townsville). Other than internal resources it would be valuable tourism stakeholders (e.g. Tourism Queensland, for Council to engage an external facilitator to ‘cut through’ the experiences and Townsville Enterprise Limited) to make use of the distil core marketable messages for the promotion. This component may be messages as relevant in the future. lumped together with the Brand Platform process for budget considerations. Target Benefits Action Plan  Updated tourism platform to reflect evolution 1. Whilst possible as a standalone exercise, this project is best undertaken by in visitor markets and tourism attitudes building on the general Charters Towers Brand Platform. The brand  Refreshed Charters Towers image platform work should help to understand in depth the positioning and  Guidance to tourism operators of current clear culture of Charters Towers from a range of perspectives. promotable messages for tourism in Charters 2. Tourism is strongly driven by contrast, and hence the best experiences Towers messages are often novel and different for the target market. However they Identified Challenges may be every day and mundane to locals, and hence it can be difficult for  Quality of experiences messages and locals to identify the best promotable messages. The engagement of an appropriateness of targeting developed external facilitator to distil the key messages from an outsider’s perspective  Support of local tourism industry is recommended. The facilitator will need to work closely with locals to  Ability to project message (mostly beyond understand the tourism offering and target markets. Charters Towers direct control) 3. A Charters Towers Experience’s Brief would be developed by the facilitator Key Performance Indicators and likely include iconic promotable images, themes, taglines, stories and  Feedback on messages and themes developed activities.  Visitation to Charters Towers 4. Progressively update Charters Towers’ tourism collateral based on  Uptake of experiences promotion themes by messages in the brief. Provide brief to local tourism businesses and to private sector tourism operators tourism partners (Tourism Queensland, Townsville Enterprise Limited, Prospects Overland Way). The success of experiences promotion is highly 5. A funded promotional campaign based on the experiences beyond existing dependent on the quality of the promotable materials is not recommended unless specific opportunities with a clear messages developed. The messages must be benefit for the cost are identified. It is very difficult for small regions such attractive, distinct and accurately reflect Charters as Charters Towers to spend enough to generate significant market impact Towers. There is an art to getting the messaging through traditional means. correct and even efforts with major budget miss 6. New technology and media should be utilised to promote Charters Towers’ at times (e.g. ‘Where the bloody hell are you?’). experiences cost-effectively. For example a series of Youtube videos could Developing a successful general brand platform be produced highlighting iconic Charters Towers experiences and these for Charters Towers will significantly increase the videos linked to Charters Towers Council and other tourism websites. prospects of a good outcome for the experiences Image libraries could be collated and provided free online to people and promotion. businesses wanting to promote Charters Towers. Local school children may be asked to write stories about their lives in Charters Towers and the best entries used to in a travel story on Charters Towers to give insight to local culture. 7. The Experiences Promotion campaign should be reviewed regularly (e.g. every second year) and the messages and themes renewed (e.g. every five years). Collateral and themes can soon date and need refreshment.

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Inland - Outback - Country Tourism Engagement Charters Towers’ tourism product and culture is much more strongly aligned with the rest of inland Queensland than it is with the coastal tourism scene, even in nearby Townsville. Interest in inland / outback and the ‘real’ Australia is growing with both domestic and international visitors. Charters Towers should initiate closer ties and partnerships with inland focussed tourism groups, such as the Overland Way and the Outback Queensland Tourism Association. Whilst Charters Towers is not within the Outback Queensland Tourism Association area it should consider working with this group as an external partner. Charters Towers also has a role as a conduit of outback tourism priorities within the North Queensland region.

Land Intensive Sports and Recreation Charters Towers is on the doorstep of a major regional city with significant demand for recreational activities. Charters Towers is particularly well suited to land intensive recreation such as various motorsports, horsesports, camping and hunting. Charters Towers already has significant activity in some of these areas however has further opportunity to grow the sector. Charters Towers Council should recognise the importance of land intensive recreation and sports in its local tourism promotions and consider options to facilitate further development in the sector. In particular, new lifestyle infrastructure such as the Lake development may create opportunities for new operators.

White Mountains Development Carnarvon Gorge, about 600km north west of Brisbane, is a major tourism destination in Central Queensland attracting around 70,000 visitors per annum. It has been demonstrated to be a significant economic generator for the Central Queensland region. The Bungle Bungles in the remote Kimberley area attracts around 30,000 land based visitors and 40,000 fly-over visitors per year. White Mountains National Park is a dramatic system of escarpments and gorges in a remote area west of Charters Towers. The area contains significant rock art including unique rock carvings. The natural assets of the area suggest it could be a significant draw for visitors if made accessible and promoted. There are significant obstacles to opening up White Mountains for tourism including native title, access through private property and the most interesting parts of the park being the remote northwest corner. However it could be a significant long term visitor asset of the region and it is worthwhile to continue to promote its potential. Private developments, such as Guildford Coal’s White Mountain Project may significantly improve accessibility to the vicinity. The development of White Mountains would have to be substantially led by the Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing. Whilst prospects for the project are likely to be in the medium to longer term, the benefits to the region could be substantial with Charters Towers and Pentland the best placed stepping off points to visit the area. There is a role for Charters Towers to keep the area on the agenda.

25 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

3.3.6 Capture Major Infrastructure and Industry Investments for the Region Priority Project

Major Investor Support Policy

Description Resources Required Charters Towers Council is keen to promote an Charters Towers Regional Council should develop the Major Investor Support investment-friendly approach and demonstrate Policy internally, although it would be useful to have external input as to the that they are keen to assist investors to come to priorities of major investors as a guide. This may be formally or informally the region. Developing and publishing a clear sought. An external facilitator may be desirable for some of the policy policy on the actions and support Charters Towers development processes, depending on internal resources available. Regional Council will provide to major investors is A good policy will require some hard choices to be made and also some follow an important step to communicating Council’s up internal training within Council to ensure that the policy is adhered to. The willingness to work with business. It would also financial outlay for the policy should be minimal however there will need to be a serve as a transparent set of guidelines that reasonable commitment of internal resources both in development and investment facilitation will be undertaken for all implementation. major investors without special favour. The process of developing the policy will be an important process internally for Council in considering in detail how it will facilitate investors. Target Benefits Action Plan  Formalisation of policy requiring a whole-of- 1. Develop an internal briefing paper outlining issues for an Investor Support council consideration of how it will handle Policy. The paper should consider the types of investors and projects major investors – improved processes for Council is likely to deal with, the channels through which investors are likely handling enquires and applications as a result to interact with Council, what investors are likely to require and want from  Communication of a pro-investment agenda by Council, and the types of actions that Council could undertake to support Council investors.  Transparent outline of Council services 2. Consult with existing businesses and investors in Charters Towers as to available for investors to demonstrate a clear their desires from Council and update and finalise internal briefing paper. level playing field 3. Workshop investor issues and potential Council policy responses with Identified Challenges Councillors and senior Council staff. Issues to consider include:  Development and shaping of policy to be i. Classification of investors, support levels by size of investment or jobs workable by Council and worthwhile for generated or industry type; investors ii. Handling of enquiries and applications, processes for fast-tracking major  Meeting commitments made in the policy applications etc.; Key Performance Indicators iii. Response times and information provision;  Preparation and adoption of policy iv. Capacity of staff and internal resources to meet commitments;  Meeting policy targets by Council employees v. Potential for incentives, if not direct through partnerships or provision of  Investor and business feedback discounted Council resources such as land or infrastructure savings; Prospects vi. Obligations from investors if taking up incentives or other material The development of a Major Investor Support support (E.g. $ spent, jobs created); Policy is a relatively easily achieved action that 4. Develop policy directions paper based on outcomes from the workshop and would send a clear positive signal to investors. distribute for review. 5. Refine draft policies based on feedback, noting remaining areas of disagreement / uncertainty. 6. Final Councillors and senior staff workshop to debate remaining issues. 7. Draft and finalise policy, including final review by Council departments. 8. Adopt policy at available Council meeting. The policy should be posted on the Council website and its adoption reported in Council newsletters and other media as appropriate.

26 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final Other Projects of Merit

Council Identification and Approach of Investment and Business Leads Charters Towers should consider an Investment Attraction program where Council identifies potential investors in target industries, initiates contact, provides supporting materials to potentially interested parties and supports further interest with famils etc. Such a program requires significant time and a budget to undertake successfully. Direct investment attraction is a numbers game, 100 targets may be contacted to generate 5- 10 interested investors, with maybe 1 or 2 progressing to a serious investigation on site of an opportunity to invest. At this stage it is recommended that Charters Towers focuses on some of the enabling actions, such as unlocking land supply and facilitating existing major investors interested in the region. However an Investment Attraction program should become a consideration at some point in the life of this plan, particularly in support of successful progression of some other actions such as the Charters Towers Inland Supply Centre.

Irrigation Development Investigation Group Charters Towers possesses a relative abundance of water and arable land however there is minimal irrigated agriculture occurring in the region at present. Several reasons are behind this, including a lack of water storages, previous government policies, relatively poor prospects for many irrigated crops and a lack of interest in tropical crops. All of these limiting factors are evolving. The State Government has recently released 80,000 megalitres of water for irrigation on the Flinders River and 15,000 megalitres on the Gilbert River with prospect of more to come. The development of significant new irrigation in the Charters Towers region would be a major and durable economic boost to the region. Little is known about the detailed prospects and hurdles to developing irrigation in Charters Towers. Charters Towers Regional Council could form an investigation group likely comprised of local landholders, businesses, Councillors, State representatives and researchers from the Flinders project to investigate the opportunities for the Charters Towers region. This project is of uncertain prospect and not expected to deliver outcomes in the near future, however the potential benefits are considerable and worth pursuing.

Develop Funding Cases for Major Project and Infrastructure Needs Charters Towers Regional Council should develop internal files on a range of funding requirements for major projects and infrastructure needs. Opportunities to secure funding from other levels of government often occur at relatively short notice, whether that be during elections or unexpected policy or program announcements. Maintaining files on funding needs with progressed details (ideally to the pre-feasibility or feasibility stage) places Charters Towers in the position to react quickly to opportunities and present more detailed and considered cases which have a greater chance of being funded.

27 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

3.3.7 Shape Charters Towers’ Investment-Friendly Reputation Priority Project

Council - Business Engagement Program Description Resources Required Regular and productive dialogue between Charters Charters Towers Regional Council will need to take an organisational role at Towers Councillors and Senior Staff and the local least for some of the envisaged activities. Charters Towers Chamber of and regional business community. A range of Commerce and Mines should also play a major role in organising and resourcing individual initiatives are suggested under this events. action. Direct contributions for Council may include cost of events, speakers, marketing and travel to external events. Target Benefits Action Plan  More visible presence by Charters Towers 1. Engage Charters Towers Chamber of Commerce and Mines (and other Regional Council in the business community relevant partners) and discuss Council intentions to develop a detailed  Improved feedback and intelligence from the Charters Towers business program. Discussions should remain informal at business community to Councillors the initial stage.  Demonstrated support and appreciation for 2. Develop a working list of potential business engagement activities. existing businesses Concepts could include:  Enhanced reputation of Charters Towers as a i. Business breakfasts in Charters Towers. A guest speaker/ speakers business friendly region would be invited to speak regarding relevant topics to the Charters  Improved recognition of Charters Towers Towers economy and businesses; business community and investment ii. Council – Chamber of Commerce and Mines evening. An annual opportunities by local and external investors function where all Councillors and Senior Council staff would attend a Identified Challenges function with Chamber of Commerce and Mines;  Maintaining interest and momentum from the iii. Council business appreciation evenings. A small (e.g. 10-20) random business community selection of local businesses would be invited to attend informal evening  Organising and marketing effective events drinks and canapés with the Mayor and Councillors. The selection of Key Performance Indicators businesses should be broad, to engage businesses that would not  Feedback on events normally engage through Chambers of Commerce or other avenues.  Attendances of businesses at functions and The purpose would be for Council to give thanks to the businesses for events continuing to operate and contribute in Charters Towers and for  Greater regional presence of Charters Towers Councillors to discuss first-hand issues; in business forums iv. Annual Charters Towers business / economy themed conference. This  Attendance of external businesses and would be a significant undertaking with high quality speakers and investors at functions in Charters Towers program required for the conference to gain broad attention and Prospects attendance. The major aim would aim to attract significant outside There are good prospects for success with the investors to Charters Towers. Ideally, a theme for the conference that Council-business engagement process. To be was unique and relevant to the Charters Towers economy would successful, significant organisational effort will differentiate it from other conferences (an outstandingly successful need to be applied to attracting good speakers example being the Diggers and Dealers Conference in Kalgoorlie); etc. and to communicating and marketing v. Charters Towers’ business delegations to key regional events. functions. 3. Develop potential scope around the working list of business engagement activities. Scope would include frequency, target attendees, venues, approximate budgets, partners, etc. Aim to do less well, rather than more. For example, it would be preferable to have two well attended business breakfasts per year rather than 12 weakly attended breakfasts. More breakfasts can always be added later if interest proves strong. Budgets need to include not only function / event day costs, but budgets for communication and marketing. This may be as simple as allocated Council time to phone databases of potential attendees but must not be neglected. 4. Meet with Chamber of Commerce and Mines (and other relevant partners) and discuss potential events and scope. Discuss where the Chamber of Commerce and Mines (and other relevant partners) should contribute, and the capacity of Council and the Chamber. Scope out potential synergies and efficiencies. Create a plan from the meeting for follow-up enquires by both Chamber of Commerce and Council to fill remaining information gaps. 5. Finalise scope around the working list of business engagement activities with the additional information gathered. Prioritise activities by ranking by Chamber of Commerce and Mines (in consultation with Council). 6. Raise potential program at available Council meeting and discuss potential activities, budgets, practicalities and aims. Review relative to resources and draft an annual Council business engagement plan. 7. Refine, finalise and adopt Council business engagement plan for a 12 month period. 8. Implement and monitor. 9. An annual review of the plan should be conducted with project partners to consider success, failures and budget / resourcing context. Based on this a schedule for the following year should be developed.

28 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final Other Projects of Merit

Development of Council Fact Sheets for Public Dissemination Charters Towers Regional Council should develop simple (e.g. double-sided single glossy sheets) regarding key competitive areas. Topics could include ‘Charters Towers and Industrial Projects’, ‘Charters Towers and Mining Projects’ or ‘Charters Towers and Tourism Businesses’. The pages would focus on quick facts relevant to the topic, e.g. the industrial sheet may contain a summary of available land, land prices, demand industries in the region (e.g. mining, agriculture), labour force and available investor support. Fact sheets would be utilised to support enquiries, conversations or approaches to investors. They would signal that Charters Towers Regional Council has a serious interest in these target areas.

Charters Towers Industry Park Whilst major external investors are important to economic outcomes, the majority of jobs in the economy can be expected to be generated by expansion and development of local businesses within Charters Towers. Establishing a new business in Australia involves a complex array of regulations and requirements to address and can be daunting and expensive to address. Business parks can provide a support and training service to business start-ups, so that they can test and nurture business concepts without major initial investments in accounting and financial systems, administration and legal costs. They may also be used by existing external businesses to pilot a new office or branch of their business in a new location at lower cost and risk. Industry parks and incubators exist across Australia and some models are essentially self-funding. Whilst funding for the development of new industry park is currently difficult to obtain, the concept has merit and should be progressed by Charters Towers Regional Council.

29 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

4. Where to From Here?

The Charters Towers Economic Development Plan establishes a clear set of priorities and directions for Charters Towers to improve its economic outcomes. The workload contained in the plan is ambitious, and Council and other stakeholders will need to devote significant effort and resources to enabling the actions. A five-year action plan is being developed in support of the Charters Towers Economic Development Plan as an internal Council planning document. Situations, circumstances and priorities will continue to evolve after this plan has been published. The action plan will be a living document that reflects the evolving situation as well as developing more detailed and solid actions to progress priorities. It is recommended that a review of priorities and progress of the plan be conducted annually within Council (around February each year). This process would involve reporting on progress all contained priorities (which results varying from no work to date to completed) and re-evaluation of priorities and directions for the coming year. The action plan would then be updated to reflect the re-stated priorities and directions. A statistical review of the progress of Charters Towers is recommended following the next Census data release (likely mid to late 2016). It is from this data that the most accurate assessment of key overarching priorities for the region, such as average incomes, employment outcomes, demographic outcomes and growth can be assessed. Ultimately, this plan has capacity to deliver results for Charters Towers in the short and long term. However long term benefits, at which many of the most important priorities are directed, will only be achieved with sustained effort. Only Council, with support of other governments, can fulfil this long-term economic enabling role. Business and investment will flow to seize opportunities once the groundwork has been undertaken.

30 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

Addendum A: Anticipated Stakeholders

A summary of the actions to support the 2012 Economic Development Plan are outlined under each heading of the economic development framework by priority level in Table A.1 below with anticipated stakeholders nominated. Stakeholders will be reviewed and updated as implementation of the projects progress.

Table A.1: Recommended Actions Action Anticipated Key Stakeholders and Partners Reinforce the Region’s Proven Sectors of Mining, Agriculture, Education and Tourism Highest Priority Land Demand Planning and Release  Charters Towers Regional Council  Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning  Private Land Developers Recommended Major Projects and Investments Critical  Charters Towers Regional Council Infrastructure Needs Planning  Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Charters Towers Mining and Agricultural  Charters Towers Regional Council Supply Chain  Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Schools to Business Program  Charters Towers Chamber of Commerce  Secondary Schools in Charters Towers  TAFE  Charters Towers Trade Training Centre  Tech NQ  Charters Towers Regional Council International Students Attraction  Secondary Schools in Charters Towers  Charters Towers Regional Council  Charters Towers Chamber of Commerce  TAFE  Charters Towers Trade Training Centre Develop Greater Two-way Trade with the Greater Region Highest Priority Charters Towers Brand Platform and  Charters Towers Regional Council Promotion  Charters Towers Community Recommended Weekend / Day Trip Visitation Program  Charters Towers Chamber of Commerce  Charters Towers Regional Council  Local Businesses  Townsville Enterprise Limited Position Charters Towers to be a Benchmark Country City and Rural Lifestyle Highest Priority Develop Lifestyle Infrastructure  Charters Towers Regional Council  State Government (funding partner)  Federal Government (funding partner)  Major local businesses (potential sponsorships)  Community Champions of individual projects Recommended Lifestyle Marketing for Skilled Workers and  Charters Towers Regional Council their Families  Major Regional Businesses Build the Opportunity for Charters Towers to be the Major Service Centre to Rural North Queensland

Highest Priority Charters Towers Inland Supply Centre  Charters Towers Regional Council (Profile, Land Release, Investor Attraction)  Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning  Mt Isa to Townsville Economic Zone  Townsville Enterprise Limited  Industrial land developer/s

31 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

Action Anticipated Key Stakeholders and Partners Solar Investment Attraction  Charters Towers Regional Council  State Government (relevant subsidies and schemes)  Federal Government (relevant subsidies and schemes)  Solar power investors  Townsville Enterprise Limited  Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Recommended Charters Towers Participation and Voice in  Charters Towers Regional Council Regional Economic Development  Townsville Enterprise Limited  Mt Isa to Townsville Economic Zone  RDA  Queensland Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing  Charters Towers Chamber of Commerce Airport Infrastructure Plan / Strategy  Charters Towers Regional Council  Townsville Enterprise Limited Encourage People to Visit and Experience Charters Towers Highest Priority Charters Towers Experiences Promotion -  Charters Towers VIC Lifestyle and Tourism  Charters Towers Regional Council  Charters Towers Chamber of Commerce  Tourism businesses in Charters Towers Recommended Inland - Outback - Country Tourism  Charters Towers VIC Engagement  Charters Towers Regional Council  Tourism Business Community Land Intensive Sports and Recreation  Charters Towers Regional Council, Charters Towers  Charters Towers Chamber of Commerce White Mountains Development  Queensland Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing  Charters Towers Regional Council  Gudjal Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation  Yirendali native title claimant group  Flinders Shire Council  Townsville Enterprise Limited Capture Major Infrastructure and Industry Investments for the Region Highest Priority Major Investor Support Policy  Charters Towers Regional Council Recommended Council Identification and Approach  Charters Towers Regional Council Investment and Business Leads Irrigation Development Investigation Group  Charters Towers Regional Council  Local Investors / Landholders  Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines Develop Business Cases for Major Funding  and Infrastructure Needs  Charters Towers Regional Council  Shape Charters Towers’ Investment-Friendly Reputation

Highest Priority Council - Business Engagement Program  Charters Towers Regional Council  Charters Towers Business Community (incl. Charters Towers Chamber of Commerce and Mines) Recommended Development of Council Fact Sheets for Public  Charters Towers Regional Council Dissemination Charters Towers Industry Park  Charters Towers Regional Council  Business Enterprise Centre Australia aDirect Investment, Direct Assistance, Promotion, Lobbying, Planning Source: AECgroup

32 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

Addendum B: Preliminary Budget Guidance

Guidance on budgets required from Charters Towers Regional Council (in addition to use of existing staff within Council) is provided in Table B.2 below. These budgets are for broad guidance and consideration only and more detailed budgets will need to be scoped within Council. They are based on AECgroup’s understanding of likely tasks and associated costs, factors that will change over time and as actions are refined. Furthermore, budgets do not include seconding existing Council staff and resources for work on some projects. The load from some of the actions on existing staff would be considerable and this needs to be considered in the detailed internal planning stages.

Table B.2: Budget Guidance Lower Upper Notes Action Estimate Estimate Reinforce the Region’s Proven Sectors of Mining, Agriculture, Education and Tourism Highest Priority Land Demand Planning $20,000 $250,000 At minimum a series of desktop demand and Release assessments across key land demand categories for Charters Towers Township only could be conducted, with Council to prepare constraints and supply assessments. Involving consultants to undertake on the ground land use audits, constraints analysis and strategy development and inclusion of additional town areas would increase the budget required. Infrastructure assessments have not been included in this budget guidance but would be essential either internally or through further consultants. Recommended Major Projects and $0 $150,000 per Cost estimates are highly variable depending on Investments Critical local area size and location of project in question. Using Infrastructure Needs external consultants to assist with the small local Planning area plans (land and infrastructure) is unlikely to be achievable for under $50,000 and could easily exceed the $150,000 guidance for areas with complex needs. At the other end of the spectrum, projects which only require internal Council staff time to adjust existing infrastructure schedules etc. may involve no net new expenditure. Charters Towers Mining $0 $80,000 Minimum Council expenditure on this project and Agricultural Supply involves time from Economic Development and Chain Councillors only to lobby and progress the concept. At the other end, Council may sponsor a position to act as a coordinator of joint bids and processes. If this occurred, Council should at most only be a small contributor, with member businesses to contribute to the resourcing of this role. Schools to Business $0 $10,000 The minimum Council role in this project would be Program to lobby and coordinate with schools to achieve an acceptable concept which they implement. A greater level of involvement may see Council contribute to the costs of hosting business – student event/s. Council should only consider this in partnership with funds from the other parties. International Students $0 $20,000 Minimum level involvement would see Councillors Attraction provide written and verbal support to activities initiated by the schools. A stronger commitment could see Council and community members travel with school representatives to potential international markets to promote Charters Towers schooling opportunities. Develop Greater Two-way Trade with the Greater Region Highest Priority

33 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

Lower Upper Notes Action Estimate Estimate Charters Towers Brand $50,000 $300,000 Some level of output is achievable at almost any Platform and Promotion budget however as with most activities and reasonable budget greatly increases the chances of a good result. The guidance is provided based on judgement of a realistic range for a region the size of Charters Towers. Larger regions and businesses will often spend considerably more than this guidance on their brands and brand platforms. Recommended Weekend / Day Trip $0 $50,000 per The initiative needs to be implemented by local Visitation Program annum businesses though Council should take an active role in encouraging changes and negotiating through roadblocks. As a sign of goodwill, Council may support an advertising program into the Townsville market as a reward to a significant change in weekend trading programs. There is no reasonable lower or upper limit to such advertising and $50,000 per year would be a very generous contribution if pooled with business contributions. Position Charters Towers to be a Benchmark Country City and Rural Lifestyle Highest Priority Develop Lifestyle $1 million + $20 million + Council should seek to attract external Infrastructure ongoing ongoing (government and private sector) funding to assist maintenance maintenance in developing major lifestyle projects however and and Council will almost certainly still need to revitalisation revitalisation contribute major funds. The guidance provided expenditures expenditures could easily be exceeded depending on the ambition and capacity of Council. Council should consider its investments in terms of payback through economic stimulation, improved property values, additional residents, etc. Recommended Lifestyle Marketing for $0 $20,000 At a minimum, Council could use internal skills to Skilled Workers and their develop materials and targeted messages based Families on the brand platform developed in the other actions. Deliverables would be through Council’s website and additions to existing printed materials. Ideally some specific funds would be allocated to developing specific collateral with professional assistance. This work could be collated with the Experiences Promotion project. Build the Opportunity for Charters Towers to be the Major Service Centre to Rural North Queensland Highest Priority Charters Towers Inland $100,000 $10 million Considerable further scoping work needs to be Supply Centre (Profile, excluding excluding conducted to gain a better understanding of the Land Release, Investor Council land Council land costs involved to Council. Council should aim to Attraction) contributions contributions minimise its cost but may need to give ground on infrastructure development and other incentives to attract the right developer. Significant funds should also be allocated to marketing and investment attraction. It is possible that in the long run, Council may recoup all costs or make a profit depending on the development model achieved. Solar Investment $20,000 $250,000 Charters Towers will not be able provide the Attraction incentives / subsidies to make a solar project viable in Charters Towers. However Council should reserve funds to support potential investor famils and fact finding and also to contribute to some infrastructure to make a site more development ready. Furthermore, a fund should be established for marketing to solar investors, and of the development outcome once secured. Recommended

34 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

Lower Upper Notes Action Estimate Estimate Charters Towers $0 $50,000 At a minimum, costs of staff and Councillors Participation and Voice in participation will be accounted for in ongoing staff Regional Economic costs. Charters Towers should reserve some Development budget to contribute to select regional initiatives and studies where there is a clear component of benefit to Charters Towers. Airport Infrastructure Plan $50,000 $300,000 The Airport Infrastructure Plan / Strategy may be / Strategy able to be developed with internal Council staff however it is considered some external expertise will need to be engaged. More likely, significant external consultants will be required to be engaged. The upper guidance of $300,000 could easily be exceeded depending on scope, but a very reasonable strategic plan developed in consideration of planning, infrastructure, market and airport specific constrains and opportunities should be achievable for less. Encourage People to Visit and Experience Charters Towers Highest Priority Charters Towers $0 $100,000 per It is not envisaged that this promotion would Experiences Promotion - annum utilise traditional press and advertising means in a Lifestyle and Tourism significant fashion. The project would be achievable with minimal additional expenditure based on utilisation of Council staff and existing channels. However a better result would be achieved using some external professional input both in the development of collateral and in its placement. Recommended Inland - Outback - Country $0 $50,000 The upper budget is an indicative budget for Tourism Engagement contributing to joint initiatives and campaigns. Budgets can be minimised by utilising other programs, such as adapted collateral from the Experiences Program, to support joint efforts. Land Intensive Sports and $0 $1 million Support for development of further infrastructure Recreation such as for motorsports could be considerable, however this is not essential and will be dependent on a case-by-case evaluation of costs and benefits to Council and the community. Other than potential infrastructure support, expenditure on this action is anticipated as minimal with much to be incorporated into other budgets. White Mountains $0 $0 Council is not suggested to spend significant Development funds on this project. The development of White Mountains will be a Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing led development and much of the supporting infrastructure and access will likely be just outside of Charters Towers LGA. Council’s main role will be to keep the development of the park on the agenda. Should the park be developed, promotion efforts should be incorporation into Council’s tourism agenda. Capture Major Infrastructure and Industry Investments for the Region Highest Priority Major Investor Support $0 $15,000 The development of this policy should be primarily Policy an internal process with external consultation. The upper limit budget is provided on the basis of Council choosing to use an external facilitator for workshopping and external consultation. Recommended Council Identification and $5,000 per $50,000 per Whilst this program can be undertaken at minimal Approach Investment and annum annum additional cost, to be effective there needs to be Business Leads resources provided for visiting contact generators, potential investors and relevant external events, and for famils for visitors to Charters Towers. Development of databases, supporting materials and marketing should also be considered.

35 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final

Lower Upper Notes Action Estimate Estimate Irrigation Development $2,000 $50,000 The Irrigation Development Investigation Group is Investigation Group envisaged as a low budget affair with the committee to be comprised of volunteers. Some basic administration budget should be allowed for basic committee functions. The upper budget is indicative on the basis of the committee contracting specific technical scoping studies to further understanding of identified hurdles. Other funding sources should be sought if the committee progresses to this stage. Develop Business Cases $0 $50,000 per Most of the work required for this project should for Major Funding and case be within Council. Additional budgets may be Infrastructure Needs (assuming required to engage external consultants to high level address specific issues related to particular cases professional (no estimate included in this budget) or for presentation professional preparation and/or lobbying when and time to present cases for funding lobbying) Shape Charters Towers’ Investment-Friendly Reputation Highest Priority Council - Business $10,000 per $100,000 per Budget guidance is provided based on the Engagement Program annum annum expected range for a region the size of Charters Towers. Higher budgets are certainly possible, particularly if major-name speakers are sought. In general, Charters Towers is best focusing available budget on fewer successful business engagement activities rather than completing a wide range of events. Recommended Development of Council $0 $20,000 Fact Sheets may be developed and produced Fact Sheets for Public internally in Council at minimal cost. There would Dissemination likely be benefit in engaging some external services such as in graphic design for a higher quality output. Charters Towers Industry $10,000 $500,000 It is assumed that Council would not be the Park funder of a potential business incubator however it will require some funding allocation to advance and promote the concept. Depending on the model eventually determined, Council may choose to contribute some seed funding, with an arbitrary upper budget provided on this basis. Source: AECgroup

36 Charters Towers Region Economic Development Plan 2012-2017 Final



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