Håkan Hjort Håkan Hjort Håkan Hjort

Håkan Hjort Håkan Hjort The eight faces of paradise It’s been occasionally referred to as Thanks to STF and the Royal Trail blaze. You can travel by foot on well- Europe’s last wilderness, the mountain (Kungsleden) the innermost part of worn trails, sometimes with a break range stretching from down Lapland has been available to eve- for a boat ride over a mountain lake. to Dalarna. If anything deserves to be ryone for over one hundred years. To Skis apply if you choose the winter called ’s own paradise, it is this make it easier, we have chosen two season. In February and most of majestic mountain world. New views periods for you, when summer and March, the snow temperatures are and natural experiences are constantly winter along the Royal Trail are the cold for ski waxing and the days emerging here. Large areas are absolute best: from June to September quickly become longer and brighter. protected and have been designated as and from February to April. Late winter – early spring brings nature reserves, national parks, and During the summer season, the crusty snow and long, sunny days. even world heritage sites. mountain nature of colours, scents, Let us at STF take you to this Life in Lapland has many faces. sounds and movement vibrate. It is paradise. By foot or on skis. We The Sámi people, who have lived and essentially daylight all day and north promise that you’ll take part in many worked here for thousands of years, of the Arctic Circle, the midnight sun exciting and inspirational encounters. estimate that there are eight seasons shines brightly for several months. In Regardless of which season you up here. September, the autumn colours are a choose.

Lapland – another country within Sweden’s borders

Sweden has 11 peaks over 2,000 and Muddus, the nature reserves Of course, wildlife takes it easy metres. And you will find all in Sjauna and Stubba, parts of Kvik- during the winter, but some species Lapland. There is even a series of the kjokk-Kabla, and Sulitelma and the change over to their white winter country’s most spectacular valleys Rapadalen Valley delta are included. colours and work as usual. Arctic Fox, here. Together, they form an excep- Hare and Ptarmigan are some tional, varying nature with everything THE BIG FOUR examples. It is not uncommon for from lush mountain forests down in Just like the paradise described in skiers to see wolverine and lynx the valleys to almost barren environ- poetry, Lapland is a sanctuary for tracks. ments and glaciers up on the bare wildlife. For those who know what to mountain region. In the summer, the look for, you can find tracks from the GET TO KNOW SÁMI LIFE mountain valleys can be pure jungles big four of the Swedish fauna – lynx, Reindeer breeding and the Sámi in spots, with both alpine blue wolverine, bear and possibly wolf. culture are very much alive along the sow-thistle and angelica as tall as a Perhaps even see one of them up Royal Trail. During the summer in person. Trailing azalea, alpine gentian, close. particular, you can meet the Sámi moss campion and mountain avens are Up here, you also have the chance people and their reindeer in the happy on the mountain moors. Higher to view Golden Eagle, Gyrfalcon, mountains. Avoid disturbing grazing up on the bare mountain region, you Peregrine Falcon, Long-tailed Skua, reindeer and please keep dogs can be lucky to see the glacier crow- Ptarmigan, Eurasian Golden Plover, leashed. If you would like to know foot, the number one survivor of Bluethroat, Snow Bunting and many more about Sámi history, language, Swedish flora. other birds. Approximately half of the culture and today’s reindeer breeding, The UN organization, UNESCO, country’s 400 bird species have been we recommend that you visit the has elevated part of Lapland to the sighted in Lapland. Swedish mountain and Sámi museum status of World Heritage Site under Another common sight is the king Ajtte in . You can also visit the name Laponia, where the national of Swedish nature, elk, not the least in parks Stora Sjöfallet, Padjelanta, Sarek the Tarradalen and Rapadalen Valleys. Suggested tours Doug McKinley

ABISKO TO NIKKALUOKTA Trail or choose a very picturesque extra day in the Sälka huts and do a The train stops right in front of alternative via the mountain huts in day tour in this unforgettably beautiful Mountain Station and the northern Vistas and Nallo. Here, the mountains surrounding. The hut custodians along starting point for the Royal Trail. In rise sharply up from the valley and the the Royal Trail will gladly inform you the beginning, the journey goes tour interchanges between mountain of their best spots for wild strawber- through a birch forest in Abisko birch forest and bare mountain region. ries. When you reach the huts at Singi, National Park that is abundant in The terrain becomes more barren if continue southwards to Mount game to the hut at Abiskojaure Lake. you hike the Royal Trail towards the Vakkotavare or turn off towards the Lapporten, one the mountain huts at Tjäktja. Mountain Station to then world’s most famous silhouettes, When you reach the Tjäkta pass, go to via the bus in Nikkalu- watches over you during your hike. the highest point along the Royal Trail, okta. Of course, you can choose the During the summer, take the boat one of the mountain world’s greatest opposite direction and walk from over Alesjaure Lake. From the experiences awaits. Forty kilometres of Nikkaluokta to Abisko. Alesjaure hut, continue on the Royal magnificent views over the valley Tjäktavagge. By all means, stay an STF Abisko Mountain Station Address 981 07 Abisko, Sweden. E-mail [email protected] Website Phone +46 (0) 980 402 00. Fax +46 (0) 980 401 40. Season Mid-February to the beginning of May, mid-June to the end of September, and Christmas and New Year’s celebrations. Accommodation There are 300 beds, from which you can choose between different forms of accommodation. Single and double rooms with shower and WC. 2- and 4-bed rooms with shower and WC in the corridor. Cottage apart - ments for 2–6 people with shower and WC. Food KRAV eco-labeled breakfast, lunch and the evening’s supper with the appropriate wine package added on. Après Ski in Storstugan during the winter or a beer in the light of the midnight sun during the summer. Service Trip leader, shop, mountain equipment rental, sauna and self-catering. Activities The summertime offers guided tours to our wild strawberry locations, courses in, among others, digital photography, watercolour painting, and mountain birds. Midnight sun tours with the chairlift on Nuolja. The winter offers week-long courses in telemark skiing

Håkan Hjort and avalanche training, ice climbing, snow- mobile tours, day tours and off-piste skiing on Nuolja, touring and cross-country skiing. Abisko is possibly the world’s best place to see Aurora ABISKO MOUNTAIN STATION Borealis (Northern Lights)


Alesjaure Experience with us!

Tjäktja Getting there Daily train connections from Sälka KIRUNA , Göteborg and Kiruna to our own Nikkaluokta Singi KEBNEKAISE Kaitumjaure MOUNTAIN STATION train station Abisko Turist. Fly to Kiruna and Teusajaure then take a bus to Abisko (always verify the Vakkotavare bus times when you book you flight). Road is MOUNTAIN STATION GALLIVARE Sitojaure the European Route E10.


Pårte STF Kebnekaise Mountain Station

KVIKKJOKK JOKKMOKK MOUNTAIN Address 981 99 Kiruna, Sweden. STATION E-mail [email protected] Website

Tärnasjö Serve AMMARNÄS/WÄRDSHUSET Viterskalet Syter Aigert Phone +46 (0) 980 550 00. SORSELE Fax +46 (0) 980 550 48. TÄRNABY/ÅKERLUNDSKA GÅRDEN Season Mid-February to the beginning of May, 20 km mid-June to mid-September. Accommodation 2- or 4-bed rooms or an alcove in the room with extra beds. Shower and WC in the corridor. Single rooms available. 196 beds. Food The restaurant Giebme serves breakfast, Facts Abisko – Nikkaluokta summer, shorten the trip 5 km by lunch, supper and à la carte with Lapland speci- alties, Swedish home fare, and newly baked Mountain map BD6 taking the boat over Ladjojaure Lake. Length 86 km (+19 km till Nikkaluokta) bread from our own bakery. Fully licensed. Days 5–7 After some good food and a nice Service Shop, bakery, rental of certain mountain Number of huts 5 on the Royal Trail (Kungsle- sauna, it’s time to continue in between equipment, trip leader, sauna and self-catering. Activities The summertime offers high alpine den) and 7 adjacent the mountains to Singi. There, you Provisions Abisko, Abiskojaure, Alesjaure, courses, climbing instruction, guided tours to Kebnekaise, Sälka, Vistas, Unna Allakas enter into the Royal Trail – with Sweden’s highest peak, glacier walking, floral Sauna Abisko, Alesjaure, Kebnekaise, Sälka Abisko to the north or Saltoluokta to tours, and theme weeks. Other things worth the south. If you choose the latter, seeing are the giant caves in Ladtjojåkka, the Silver falls in the Singi valley, Kitteldalen and NIKKALUOKTA TO SALTOLUOKTA you travel first through the beautiful Tarfala. The wintertime offers courses in high VIA KEBNEKAISE Tjäktjavagge valley. The lakes Kaitum- alpine ski touring, ice climbing, and guided ski This tour begins in Nikkaluokta, jaure and Teusajaure have nice huts tours in the valley or at altitude. For good off-piste skiers, many metres of vertical drop where you can easily get to by bus with good fishing. await in Jökelbäcken, on the Storglaciären or after a train or flight to Kiruna. Then, As you approach the Vakkotavare Hydrologrännan. Ski tourers will find trails in it’s 19 km up to Kebnekaise Mountain mountain hut, magnificent views south the Tarfala valley or towards the Singi huts. Getting there Train/fly to Kiruna. Bus to Station, by foot or on skis. In the into Sarek open up. You can relax the Nikkaluokta, then hike/ski 19 km. Possible boat transport 5 km in the summer or snowmobile/tracked vehicle in the winter. legs a little on the bus between huts in Provisions Kaitumjaure, Kebnekaise, Saltolu- The Aktse homestead and STF’s Vakkotavare and Kebnatsbryggan. okta, Vakkotavare mountain hut are located on the other Sauna Kebnekaise, Saltoluokta, Teusajaure Boat or skis over Langas Lake to the beach, known as the centre for trips into Saltoluokta Mountain Station are all TO SALTOLUOKTA Sarek. Here, meadows still battle scythe. that remain, where a reward in the This stage can begin with an overnight Stay an extra day and climb Skierfe, the form of a well-earned sauna and at Kvikkjokk Mountain Station, mountain with its magnificent view over exquisite food await. followed by walk into an ancient the delta of the Rapadalen valley. Far Many believe that the route between mountain forest the next morning. Be into Sarek, you can get a feeling for the Nikkaluokta and Saltoluokta is the on the lookout for the male capercail- place with the breathtaking name most beautiful of the entire Royal Trail. lie! Pårte hut offers access to good Rovdjurstorget (Predator Square). You move over vast mountain moors fishing in both streams and lakes. The From Aktse, take yourself steeply up and down into deep long valleys. The journey continues on a traverse along onto the bare mountain region and get a stages are short and the hut locations Rittakdalen valley. Take a breather a terrific, endless view of the country in all stunningly located. little higher up on the bare mountain directions. After a boat tour, you reach region and aim your binoculars down STF’s mountain hut on the northern Facts Kebnekaise – Saltoluokta towards the edge of the forest, where beach of Sitojaure Lake. Continue over Mountain map BD8 elk and other game can appear out of the Ultevis moor, where you have the Length 52 km (then bus from Vakkotavare to Kebnatsbryggan/Saltoluokta) nowhere. As you approach Laitaure canine tooth-like mountain Kierkaus Days 5–7 Lake, the mountains of Sarek rise in all and the sugar-like peak Sluggas in your Number of huts 4 their splendour to the west. sights. Your dream goal gradually STF Saltoluokta Mountain Station Service Shop, rental of certain mountain Address 982 99 Gällivare, Sweden. equipment, self-service accommodation and E-mail [email protected] canoe rental. Website Activities Excellent base and starting point for shorter and longer tours on your own along the Phone +46 (0) 973 410 10. Royal Trail, Padjelanta Trail, Nordkalott Trail and Fax +46 (0) 973 410 13. into Sarek. Celebrate a mountain wedding. Season March–April, mid-June to Getting there Train to Murjek or fly to Gällivare. mid-September. Bus via Jokkmokk to Kvikkjokk. Accommodation Main building and four guest - houses with a total of 100 beds. Double rooms, STF Hostel Ammarnäs 4-bed rooms and rooms with extra beds. Address Box 9, 920 75 Ammarnäs, Sweden. Some double rooms with shower/WC. E-mail[email protected] Other rooms have shower and WC in the Phone +46 (0) 952 600 45. corridor/service house. Fax +46 (0) 952 602 51. Food The mountain world’s coziest restaurant Season March–september. serves breakfast, lunch and supper. Here, you Room types 48 bäddar. 2–4-bäddsrum. can eat game fish from Langas Lake, wild Service Frukost, restaurang samt självhushåll. game from the mountains and berries from Kommunikationer Tåg till Vännäs eller flyg till Lapland’s pantry. Fully licensed. Sorsele eller och därefter buss. Service Shop, mountain equipment rental, trip leaders, sauna and self-service accommoda- STF Hostel Hemavan tion. Address Renstigen 1, 920 66 Hemavan, Activities Guided wilderness tours, midnight sun Sweden. and boat tours along the long valley of the Lule E-mail [email protected] River, fishing, family-friendly with several theme Phone +46 (0) 954 300 02. weeks, and ecotourism certified theme weeks, Fax +46 (0) 954 305 10. food and folk music weeks. Season year-round. Getting there Train/fly to Gällivare. Buses Room types 48 beds. 2–4-bed rooms. depart daily Gällivare–Kebnats. Ski the last Service Restaurant and self-service accommo- 3 km on the ice trail or take a 10 min boat trip dation. during the summer. Getting there Train/fly to Umeå, bus to Hemavan. Fly/bus directly to Hemavan. Road. Kvikkjokk Mountain Station Address 962 02 Kvikkjokk, Sweden. STF Hostel Tärnaby/Åkerlundska gården E-mail [email protected] Address Östra strandvägen 16, 920 64 Phone +46 (0) 971 210 22. Tärnaby, Sweden. Fax +46 (0) 971 210 39. E-mail [email protected] Season February–April, mid-June to Phone +46 (0) 954 104 20. mid-September. Fax +46 (0) 954 106 27. Accommodation 2- and 4-bed rooms, all with Season Mid-June to mid-September. wash basin. Shower, WC, drying room in the Room types 31 beds. 2–4-bed rooms. corridor. 60 beds. Service Breakfast and coffee. Food A breakfast buffet is served daily during Getting there Train/fly to Umeå, bus to the summer. We serve lighter meals during the Tärnaby. Fly/bus directly to Hemavan. Road. evening in the reception room Utkiken. Fully licensed. Håkan Hjort appears – Saltoluokta Mountain Station, and go to Jäkkvik. Stage two from with sauna and very good food. Jäkkvik to Ammarnäs is ca. 83 km and passes Pieljekaise National Park.

Facts Kvikkjokk – Saltoluokta Håkan Hjort You can take the bus from Skellefteå Mountain map BD10 Length 73 km to get to Jäkkvik. For other informa- Days 5–7 tion, contact the Tourist Bureau in Number of huts 3 by telephone 0961-145 20 or Provisions Aktse, Kvikkjokk, Saltoluokta Sauna Kvikkjokk, Saltoluokta their website KVIKKJOKK TO AMMARNÄS This stage is designed for you who Facts Kvikkjokk – Ammarnäs want a true wilderness experience Mountain map BD14, BD16 Length 157 km with grandiose views, exciting places Days 7–10 and a handful of other hikers. With Number of huts 0 the lack of an extensive mountain hut Provisions Kvikkjokk, Jäkkvik, Adolfström and Ammarnäs system along the way, you need to take Sauna Kvikkjokk, Ammarnäs your own tent. Still, there are simple overnight huts and other accommoda- AMMARNÄS TO HEMAVAN tion alternatives not operated by STF. For many, their mountain tour begins The first stage is ca. 74 km long in Ammarnäs and ends in Hemavan, Starting and ending points Bildhuset/Bengt Olof Olsson Olof Bildhuset/Bengt

but it works just as well in the opposite delfjällens own Golden Gate. You can Regardless of the season, you would direction, or do a shorter tour from also choose a boat ride over Tärnasjö be wise to take the chair lift up Mount both ends. Lake to shorten the trip to Syter hut. Nuolja. Cloud-free summer nights offer The way from Ammarnäs to Aigert From Syter hut, you can climb Syter you front row seats to the midnight sun. hut begins with a climb through the Peak, which with its 1,768 metres The sun shines over white precipices on birch forest. At the small fish-rich lake above sea level is the highest peak in cloud-free winter days and Aurora on the bare mountain region lies a hut, the county. A marked trail shows the Borealis (Northern Lights) flashes where you can relax by a wood heated way down to Viterskal hut. The most during clear winter nights. All of this sauna. You will experience fantastic usual is to follow the Royal Trail happens often, because Abisko is one views from Aigert to the Serve hut. Do through the u-shaped Syterskal to of Sweden’s most sun-guaranteed and a detour to Stor Aigert – 1,100 metres Viterskal hut. Many consider the valley cloud-free places. above sea level – with a breathtaking as the area’s major asset. From Vitskal At 70 km long and stretching out in view. In the birch forest down by Serve hut down to Hemavan, the view seems the north, Lake Torneträsk is blue in hut, see a majestic waterfall near the endless over Artfjället mountains and the summer and white in the winter. bridge over the Vouomentjukke Okstindarnas glaciers in Norway. The majestic mountain Lapporten stream. dreams to the southeast. An alternative from Ammarnäs Facts Ammarnäs – Hemavan The Abisko area has such a unique Mountain map AC2 begins with a boat ride on the marsh Length 78 km flora, fauna and geology that it has been Tjulträsket, which shortens the way to Days 5–7 protected as a national park since 1909. Serve hut. The bare mountain region Number of huts 5 The wild canyon of the Abiskojokk section towards Tärnasjö Lake hut Provisions Alla stugor. Aigert, Serve, River is something that never ceases to Tärnasjö, Syter, Viterskalet, Ammarnäs ends with a park-like birch forest, a and Hemavan attract onlookers. Otherwise, a magnificent view over Tärnasjö Lake Sauna Aigert, Ammarnäs, Hemavan, Tärnasjö pleasant calm prevails here, only to be and the impressive norra Storfjället. broken by a train loaded with iron ore Enjoy a moment in the wood heated ABISKO MOUNTAIN STATION to or snowboarders to Nuolja. sauna and take a dip directly from the Abisko Mountain Station is located as At the Abisko Mountain Station, beach in the crystal clear water. far north as you can go in Sweden. The you can start or end your tour on the From Tärnasjö Lake hut, the trail northernmost of our mountain stations Royal Trail. Or stay and spoil yourself. goes through birch forest between has its own train station. Abisko is well Take wonderful day tours by foot or scented bogs towards Tärnasjö Lake’s worth it, not the least when it concerns on skis, a soothing sauna with a dip in archipelago with seven bridges – Vin- the magnificent nature. Lake Torneträsk, followed by a Seasons on the Royal Trail Winter: end of February until April. Summer: Midsummer to mid-September. See STF’s website for exact opening periods. The Royal Trail STF’s pioneers began planning the trail already in the 1890s to make the mountain world of Lapland more accessible for tourists. A series of mountain huts were built at a day hike-distance from each other, connected by a marked trail. In 1926, the trail between Abisko-Kvikkjokk was ready. Length 425 km from Abisko to Hemavan. Accommodation 16 places with STF mountain huts, 4 mountain stations and 2 hostels close to the mountains. Highest point Tjäktja pass 1,150 m.a.s.l. Lowest point Kvikkjokk 302 m.a.s.l. Week stages 5 of which 4 with STF mountain huts. Staying in a mountain hut Our mountain huts are located in naturally beautiful locations along the Royal Trail, a day’s hike from each other (10 to 20 km). The huts have self-service accommodation with simple and cosy standards. You cook your own food, get water, clean and chop wood. The kitchens have LPG (liquid petroleum gas) stoves, cooking utensils, plates, mugs and cutlery. There is no electricity, and the huts are heated with wood or LPG. Of the 16 huts, 11 have shops with provisions. Hut custodians are onsite all season. Season Mid-February to the beginning of May, delicious supper in the beautiful take a course in climbing, glacier Midsummer to mid-September. Accommodation Rooms with extra beds (often dining room. walking or ridge traversing? At the 4 beds) with wide beds, mattresses, pillows, and A popular day tour is to also take Kebnekaise Mountain Station, you covers. You bring your own sheets/pillow cases. the train to Narvik in Norway and decide which adventure you want to No pre-booking is done, but you are always welcome to stay. If it’s full, we can arrange a breathe in a little Atlantic Ocean air. experience. In both summer and mattress on the floor. winter, the distances between moun- Fee Cash on site with all types of currency or KEBNEKAISE MOUNTAIN STATION tain nature and a comfortable bed are with the most common payment and credit cards. The honourable title of Sweden’s short, making it the perfect end to National parks highest mountain will be forever your journey on the Royal Trail, or National parks are as fine a nature area can be. consecrated to Kebnekaise. For the start from Abisko or Saltoluokta to Sweden has 28 national parks, but plans are underway to create more. Of these, eight are in moment, the South Peak is highest, Nikkaluokta. Lapland and cover a surface area of almost but the peak is covered by a glacier, 6,000 square kilometres! The most known parks, meaning the its height varies. Rabots NIKKALUOKTA Sarek, Padjelanta and Stora Sjöfallet, together and Björlings glaciers are reminiscent Nikkaluokta is a small mountain with Muddus National Park and several nature reserves form what is called Laponia. You can of the Frenchman who climb the village located at the end of the road, experience this unique nature on the Royal Trail mountain first and the Swede who ca. 70 km from Kiruna. Sámi settle- and Padjelanta Trail. The trails cross most of the thought he was first. ments in the area have existed for national parks and there are overnight huts in many places, with Sarek being exception, where For 100 years, the Kebnekaise several thousands of years. But the neither trails nor overnight huts are found. Mountain Station has been the first permanent settlements in Nikka- Sámi words country’s alpine centre. Knowledge luokta were established at the begin- Terrain words can be spelled in many ways and tradition are deeply rooted in ning of the 20th century. One of the depending on the dialect. both the walls and personnel. Do day settlers was Nils Olsson Sarri with his bákti, pakte steep cliff cohkka, tjåkkå peak tours to Tarfala’s glaciers, the moon wife Maria. Of their 14 children, many eatnu, ätno river, stream landscape of the Kitteldalen valley or came to work within the village’s gálsi, kaise steep high mountain Tuolpagorni’s volcano shaped peak. dominating tourism industry. Today, jávri, jaure lake Climb Kebnekaise’s long route on third and fourth generation Sarri have johka, jåkkå stream, creek luokta bay your own or the harder route with a followed in their footsteps. vággi, vagge valley, u-shaped valley professional guide. With hiking boots The mountain village is beautifully Midnight sun in the summer and perhaps on skis located. Three valleys intersect here, Nuolja, Abisko 27/5–18/7 with climbing skins for unbeatable ski of which one stretches out towards Kebnekaise’s pea 29/5–15/7 touring during the winter. Why not Kebnekaise – Sweden’s highest Lulep Kierkau, Saltoluokta 2/6–12/7 Vallespiken, Kvikkjokk 4/6–9/7 Håkan Hjort

mountain. From here, many mountain A three-course supper with ken Peak and is today an unforgettable hikers begin their 19 km walk to the specialities from Lapland waits for day tour with a view over Sarek. Kebnekaise Mountain Station, which you after your outing, day tour or Kvikkjokk Mountain Station is can be shortened with a boat excur- hiking week. The kitchen in ‘Salto’ has privately operated in collaboration with sion. Hikers also find their way up made a point of almost exclusively STF and is very well situated for along the beautifully winding Vista offering raw produce from the region. summer and winter tours. If you would Valley. In the mountain village, you will The menu often has game fish from like to hike with a light pack and find services such as a restaurant, shop, the lakes, wild game from the forests overnight in the mountain huts, choose accommodation, helicopter station, and berries from bogs in the area. the Royal Trail northward towards chapel and gallery. During the regular In Saltoluokta, you also get very Saltoluokta, Kebnekaise and Abisko. If season, there are daily bus connections close to the Sámi culture. One of the you want to carry a tent and provisions, from Nikkaluokta to Kiruna. For more Sirges Sámi village settlements is right walk south via Jäkkvik towards Ammar- information: next to the mountain station, among näs and Hemavan or westwards into others with a beautiful church tent. Laponia and Sarek. SALTOLUOKTA MOUNTAIN STATION After hiking approximately 6 km, you Here, you get the opportunity to At one end, the outposts of the Sarek also arrive at Pietsaure Lake, where paddle in the Tarra River, an exciting mountains rise in the haze, at the the Kuoljok family welcome you with experience as is looking out for other end, Langas Lake stretches out. their tents. Many guests think that predatory animals in the Tarra Valley, In between lies Saltoluokta. An oasis Saltoluokta realises their dreams of one of the mountains richest valleys in of calm, pleasantness and comfort, the mountains. wild game. where warmth, an atmosphere and It is a few days journey westward to good food rule. It’s only 3 km to the KVIKKJOKK MOUNTAIN STATION Padjelanta National Park. At the nearest road, but rather long to Kvikkjokk is small mountain village at mountain station, you can receive a civilisation. To get here, you have to the end of the road next to Saggat Lake, great amount of expert tips about go by boat or skis over the lake in the where Kamajåkkå stream and Tarra hiking trails and much more. last section. You will definitely leave River meet into a large delta. Much of your everyday life behind you. STF’s oldest history is here, such as AMMARNÄS The World Heritage Site Laponia when people thought that Sulitelma Ammarnäs is a mountain village the with Sarek, Padjelanta and Stora was Sweden’s highest mountain. The Vindelån and Tjulån valleys. Sjöfallet National Parks open up for association’s very first trail was cleared The Vindel Mountains are the you outside your doors. in 1887 on Sjnjierák Peak and Vallespi- country’s richest area in reindeer. Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) Previously, some thought that Aurora Borealis was large herring and codfish way out to sea that reflected in the sky. But it is energy that is converted to light when the solar wind’s charged particles collide with atoms and molecules in the earth’s atmosphere. What should I take? You need neither extreme nor expensive equip- ment to be in the mountains. On our website, you will find tips about how to dress and what to bring. Should you be missing anything, most can be rented at our mountain stations, such as ski equipment, backpacks, rubber boots, rainwear, stoves and tents. If you choose to buy provisions in the mountain huts, your backpack during summer does not need to weigh more than about 10 kg. How far should you walk? This is, of course, entirely dependent on experience and conditioning, but in particular, how fast you want to travel. A rule of thumb is about 3 km/hour. Sweden’s highest mountains 1 Kebnekaise 2104* 2 Sarektjåkkå 2089 3 Kaskasatjåkka 2076 4 Kaskasapakte 2043 5 Akka 2015 6 Pårtetjåkkå 2005 7 Palkattjåkkå 2002 *Measure 2003. The peak is a glacier that varies in height. The mountain reaches 2,070 m.a.s.l., the rest is ice. Trails, bridges, lean-to and boat service Ammarnäs is the principal settlement exhibition about the geology, flora, Lapland has over 2,000 km of marked trails. Winter in the Ran and Gran Sámi villages, fauna, climate and natural things routes are in terrain marked with red crosses. where there is a chapel and Sámi worth seeing in the Vindel Mountains Summer routes are clear paths marked with cairns or colour markings. Rest spots are located here and church town with numerous provision there between the mountain huts. STF offers boat sheds. The village is also known for HEMAVAN service between Kebnats and Saltoluokta on Langas the potato hill, a large moraine hill Hemavan is situated along the valley Lake, on the lakes Teusajaure and Akkajaure for tours to Padjelanta. The lakes Alesjaure, Ladjojaure, where ‘almond potatoes’ have been of the Ume River, which together with Sitojaure, Laitaure, Tjulträsk and Tärnasjön have farmed for at least 170 years. The the Blue Road (E12) winds itself like a private boat service. Rowboats are spreadout at the reindeer industry and tourism are the corridor through the Vindel Mountain lakes Teusajaure, Sitojaure and Laitaure. largest sources of income. Nature Reserve. How are the mosquitoes? Around Ammarnäs is some of the Besides the known winter lands- In wetlands and birch forests, the mosquitoes can Vindel Mountains best fishing sites, cape, Hemavan offers delightful be annoying. Especially in July. Do like the reindeer and get up to higher ground, where the wind is with char, salmon trout, grayling and summer mountains. cool. But don’t disturb the reindeer. Otherwise, we whitefish. Settlers who followed the Fishing for mainly char and salmon can thank the mosquito because there are so trade route towards Norway previous- trout is naturally big, but even other many birds, fish and other animals in the mountains. ly used the Vindel River. Today, it is an activities in and around the water are exciting hiking trail that is slightly off increasing. Canoes for nice paddling How is the weather? the beaten path from the more usual tours or a boat for those who simply There is a lot to the Swedish saying “There is no bad weather, just bad clothing.” Rapid changes in stages, offering terrific experiences. want to take easy are here. weather and big differences in temperature are In waiting for the ice to break up, In Hemavan, there are also relatively normal in the mountains. It can be huge numbers of birds are gathering countless cycling possibilities. Eve- thawing in February and it can snow in June. For the most part, the weather is rather stable during in the Ammarnäs delta, offering easily rything from great cycling adventures those periods when we are open, but always keep accessible bird watching. to quiet tours presented with a map an eye on the weather and equip yourself with The summer attracts many visitors and tips. Up in the mountains, you warm clothing in your backpack during the to the Sámi weekend in June and a can get there with the help of the summer. Read more at local festival in July. summer chair lift, where even your Snowmobile traffic In Ammarnäs, where the main road bicycle can follow along. Large sections of the Royal Trail are within areas that ban snowmobile traffic. Moreover, additional from Sorsele ends, the Vindel Moun- areas can also be included, on certain occasions. tain Nature Reserve begins. One of To find out what applies, go to website for the Europe’s largest protected nature respective county. areas. Naturum in Ammarnäs has an Norrbotten: Västerbotten: THE ROYAL TRAIL (KUNGSLEDEN) The first ideas to create a continuous hiking trail in the mountain world of Swedish Lapland came at the end of 1800s. As now, the Swedish Tourist Association was the organiser. This trail would pass the most beautiful places and thus become ‘the king of trails’ – the Royal Trail. The stretch Kvikkjokk to Abisko was cleared during the 1920s and today, the Royal Trail stretches ca. 430 km from Abisko in the north to Hemavan in the south. A well-built system of mountain stations and mountain huts is here, making hiking both easy and fun regardless if you come during the summer or winter. Take a chance and let yourself be inspired, see you in the mountains. For more information:

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