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115–135 cm. A rare breeder breeder rare A cm. 115–135

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Length 56–66 cm, wing-span wing-span cm, 56–66 Length

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or mammal dens. Marsevagge Bird Sanctuary is closed to visitors to closed is Sanctuary Bird Marsevagge dens. mammal or

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fjällen and Sorsele, Slussfors. and Tärnaby, Ammarnäs,

when you visit Vindelfjällen! visit you when ­ disappeared. disappeared.

– There are petrol stations and grocery stores in Storuman, Sorsele, Storuman, in stores grocery and stations petrol are There –

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more information. more

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stones, but only a few are are few a only but stones,

Tärnasjön. Contact Tourist Information or a Naturum Centre for Centre Naturum a or Information Tourist Contact Tärnasjön.

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– A boat taxi service runs across Lakes Tjulträsket and Tjulträsket Lakes across runs service taxi boat A – oat taxi taxi oat B

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protected from intensive exploitation, to prevent old old prevent to exploitation, intensive from protected

for Scandinavia. It measures 10–15 measures It Scandinavia. for tree in is over 715 years years 715 over is Sweden in tree that grouse A cm. 55–66 red, is belly Its kg. 7 to up teristic of the reindeer is that that is reindeer the of teristic hundreds of Arctic Fox dens Fox Arctic of hundreds or a Naturum Centre for more information. more for Centre Naturum a or

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] sylvestris Pinus [ ] lagopus Lagopus [ ] alpinus Salvelinus [ ] tarandus Rangifer [ lemmus] [Lemmus ] lagopus Alopex [

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d d n a s itie n me A

n botte r te s Vä n i s e rv e s Re e r Natu

geology Lakes Cultural Adventures in Vindelfjällen and flora Forests and rivers wilderness Vindelfjällen

Naturum Centres show the way – The Vindelfjällen Naturum Centres in Ammarnäs and Hemavan show the way to Vindelfjällen Nature starts here Reserve. The centres house exhibitions and information services about the natural and cultural history of Vindelfjällen. The Naturum Centres also sell maps, postcards and brochures. The staff can answer questions about hiking trails, accommodation, guided tours and interesting sights. Naturum also offer guided tours and lectures. Hemavan Naturum also has an alpine botanical garden during summer. Welcome! Naturum in Ammarnäs +46 (0)952 601 65 Naturum in Hemavan and the alpine botanical garden +46 (0)954 380 23 www.vindelfjallen.se. Vindelfjällen also has a facebookpage. Trails – There are 500 km of trails in Vindelfjällen. The map in this brochure shows all the official trails. The Trail (78 km) is easily walked and passes right through the reserve. For more information, refer to the ‘Fjällkartan’ maps or contact a Naturum or Tourist Information Centre. Welcome to Vindelfjällen Nature Reserve, a wild If you intend to travel in the area, obtain a detailed map.This brochure is and exciting part of Scandinavia. Visit a mountain insufficient for orientation. Cabins – There are several cabins and huts in Vindelfjällen in which you ­landscape that has been sculptured by ice sheets, can spend the night. The cabins along the Kungsleden Trail are manned by vast areas of open alpine heaths, lush mountain birch the Swedish Tourist Association (STF) in winter and summer. For more Geology and flora The mountain birch forest is one of the largest The rivers in Vindelfjällen are free and unregula- Man arrived early to the area that we today call information, check the Vindelfjällen or STF homepages. forests, ­wetlands and old, lichen-rich spruce forests. The western parts of Vindelfjällen Nature Reserve is mainly ­habitats in Vindelfjällen. It covers over 150 000 hectares, ted. The River Vindelälven is one of Sweden’s four National Vindelfjällen. The Atlantic coast was probably populated, Encounters with bears – If you are lucky (or unlucky) enough making it the largest area of protected mountain birch forest Rivers. The fly-fishing in the river between Storvindeln and and when virgin soil was uncovered by the retreating ice to cross paths with a bear, stand still and make your presence known by With its 560 000 hectares of varied habitats, Vindelfjällen Nature made up by soft calciferous shale, therefore it is one of the talking calmly. Try to remain calm. Carefully walk away – but don’t run. Reserve is on of the largest protected areas in Europe. In 1974 areas in Scandinavia with most caves and a rich flora. There in the world. It is also probably Scandinavia’s oldest forest Ammarnäs is internationally renowned. The Brown Trout sheets and the climate allowed it, Man began to exploit Bear encounters are though extremely unusual. More information about type, and colonised the bare ground after brief mild periods (Salmo trutta) swims downstream from Lake Gautsträsket the mountains. At Rasteklippan in Lake Tärnasjö, archa- bear encounters can be obtained from the County Administration or the a large part of the area was designated as a nature reserve. In are several caves in the Artfjäll mountain range, at Kåtaviken Wildlife Damage Centre. during the ice age. The Mountain Birch (Betula pubescens ssp. and upstream from Lake Storvindeln to breed. The shores eologists have found arrowheads, refuse and a hearth that 1988 the reserve was expanded to include the coniferous forests and in the Ältsvatten region. Kåta­viken can be reached from Activities – In Vindelfjällen you can hike, ride, hunt, fish and more. of Giertsbäcksdalen, Matsorliden and Kirjesålandet. Scientists road E12 while Ältsvattnet is more distant.The mountain aven czerepanovii) is the dominant tree of the mountain birch forest. of the unregulated river house a species-rich flora. Garden have been dated to 8000 years before present. Within Vindelfjällen Nature Reserve there are several certified ecotourism In the thin, accessible birch heath forest, the affect of snow Angelica (Angelica archangelica), Moor-king (Pedicularis Vindelfjällen is Sámi cultural land and part of Sápmi. organizers. These offer Sámi cultural history tours, Iceland pony trekking, have worked in Vindelfjällen for over a century. The geologist Axel is characteristic in these grounds. It forms so called mountain dog-sledding and fly-fishing. is apparent. Juniper (Juniperus communis) and willows seldom sceptrum-carolinum) and Alpine Milk-vetch (Astragalus There are three Sámi communities within the nature Gavelin travelled here in 1896 to survey glaciers. The LUVRE aven heaths made up by a palette of beautiful mountain flowers. Skiing – There are many opportunities for different forms of skiing (Lund University Vindel River Expedition) research team have There are among others approximatly 15 types of orchids such form shoots higher than the winter snow surface. The lichen alpinus) disperse their seeds in the river and can be found a reserve: Gran, Ran and Ubmeje. Sámi cultural history in and around Vindelfjällen. Make sure you obtain up-to-date information Parmelia olivacea grows only above the mean snow depth. long way from the mountains. is an adaptation over the millennia to the Arctic natural on mountain safety, avalanche risk and the mountain weather. studied breeding birds in the area since 1963. Research on Arctic as the vanilla ­scented small white orchid Pseudorchis­ albida More information can be given at naturum visitors center and at Foxes has also been carried out for many years in Vindelfjällen. and ­Chamorchis alpine which are common. Most flowers Meadow birch forests, with Alpine Blue Sow-thistle (Cicer- The Rivers Tärnaån and Juktån are two other important history. Traces of human activity are subtle and blend into www.fjallsakerhetsradet.se/eng/ The Kungsleden Trail is Vindelfjällen’s main artery. Its route from are in bloom in mid of July. Hotspots for flower watchers bita­ alpina) and Wolf’s-bane (Aconitum septentrionale) are a rivers in Vindelfjällen. the landscape. For those who can interpret the signs and Snowmobiles – Vindelfjällen offers several trails that are open to splendid sight for mountain visitors. Below the mountain birch Dramatic waterfalls can be seen at Guoletsbäcken, in the understand the traces, and know the names and remem- snowmobiles. You can drive through the entire reserve from Ammarnäs Ammarnäs to Hemavan passes Lake Tärnasjön’s wide valley and are Fjällripfjället, Rödingsnäset, Gierravardo and southern to Hemavan along the Kungsleden Trail. The ‘Fjällkartan’ maps AC2 and the foot of Norra Storfjället. From the valley floors, at 500–600 Brandsfjället. In Rödingsnäset you can find Väster­botten forest, coniferous forests take over. Here, at the western outpost lower part of Vindelådalen, and at Vuomejukke, west of Lake ber the tales, the landscape is apparent. BD16, show the snowmobile trails within the reserve. Find out which of the Eurasian taiga, lie the remaining pristine Scandinavian Lill-Tjulträsket. Another interesting stream is Rutjebäcken. For perhaps 250 generations, people have left behind regulations apply in the area you plan to visit. As sections might be closed metres above sea level, the high mountains rise to county’s most rare flower, “Brudkullan” Gymnadenia runei, off due to reindeer heard migration. forests. In Kirjesålandet, Juktådalen, Matsorliden and Giersts- Where it runs down from Artfjället in Tängvattsdalen, there careful traces in the land around Vindelådalen, Lake summits of 1500–1768 metres. During an orchid only known in four localities in the world, all in Water – drink and enjoy the pure, clean water. Touring the mountains summer, you can follow the zonation ­Västerbotten. In the eastern parts of the nature reserve the bäcksdalen, Spruce (Picea abies) is common. Along are impressive waterfalls and giant potholes. ­Tjulträsk, Överst Juktan and Lake Tärnasjö. Today – Vindelfjällen Nature Reserve and its surroundings have a lot to offer. the River Juktån you can also find centuries-old pines. The There are hundreds of lakes in Vindelfjällen. Lake Överst- Vindel­fjällen is a popular area for trekking, skiing, As long as you are well equipped you will be guaranteed an enjoyable trip. above the tree-line from the low, the flora richest places are along river Vindelån. At Framaksel, Always obtain a map and compass. ­Vitnjul and Aitenjas southern screes you can find coniferous forests of Vindelfjällen boast an exclusive fauna, juktan, at around 2000 hectares, is the largest. Lake Tärnasjö ­hunting and fishing. Let us continue to look after middle to the high alpine zone, and find AMMARNÄS Campsites – You can pitch a tent for one night almost wherever including Brown Bear (Ursus arctos), Wolverine (Gulo gulo). typical alpine plants. Winter offers a HEMAVAN rosebay­ Rhododendron lapponicum and Alpine viva Primula is somewhat smaller but has an interesting birdlife. At its ­Vindelfjällen with care. you like in the reserve. If you camp near one of STF’s cabins along the Kungs­leden Trail, you can for a small fee use the cabin amenities, such as a UMEÅ scandinavica. To see the flowers without hiking, the alpine Lynx (Lynx lynx), Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and Siberian southern end, where the Kungsleden Trail passes it, there is an glistening scenery and the possibility of kitchen or a sauna. There are no prepared campsites in the nature reserve. tracking small and large mammals. ­botanical garden located at naturum Vindelfjällen Hemavan Jay (Perisoreus infaustus). interesting archipelago of long, narrow moraine ridges. Please show consideration for reindeer husbandry and respect private is recommended. property. Remeber mobile phones doesn´t always work in the area so always obtain a paper map STOCKHOLM Interesting sights 79 89 Laiskojan

1 Storvindeln 2 Gillesnuole 3 Råvojaurekojan (Unmanned)

80 R 4 Giertsbäckskojan (Unmanned) Virvattnet o a 5 Vindelälven (National river) Ro d ad rds Mo i R 9 towa a 5 6 Örnbo n t a o w 7 Tower for birdwatching a 77 Adolfström r d 8 Ammarnäs delta (Halting-place for migratory birds) s

A r 9 Potatisbacken je p lo 10 Fårkammarn g 11 Aigertstugan (Part time manned overnight cabin) 81 Kaldvattnet 12 Stuor Ájgart (Viewing point) 13 Servvejuhka (Creek) 14 Servestugan (Part time manned overnight cabin) 15 Givnjuovárdduo (Viewing point) 16 Suvlåjvvie (Viewing point) Marbel canyon 83 28 Mankeforsen 17 Karsbäcken (Creek) 84 82 66 78 18 Mársevággie (Birdprotection area) Unmarked parts 19 Stabburet 20 Ågguovárrie 27 21 Lisvuojuhka (Creek) Lilluman 22 Guoletsbäcken (Creek) Cave area 85 23 Pineforest/Barkpeeling 42 24 Aitenjas precipice Bredviken 41 Laisvall 25 Rävfallsstugan (Unmanned) 25 26 Skebleskalet Laisvall by 64 26 27 Vitjulstugorna (Den. Equiped cabins for overnight stay, western 24 22 R open, eastern locked, key can be rented.*) 29 o a Rierrogaise d 28 Dalavardostugan (Unmanned) 23 t Caves o w 29 Skidbäcksstugan (Unmanned) a 65 Marsivaggie r 19 d 30 Åjkije s

Strimasund 21 S 86 o 31 Tärnasjöstugorna (Part time manned overnight cabin) 30 r Gausjosjö s e 32 Tjieluotjårruo (Viewing point) 91 l e 20 33 Tärnasjöbroarna 16 18 39 34 Forsavan (Unmanned) 40 87 35 Syterstugan (Part time manned overnight cabin) 43 71 17 36 N. Sytertoppen – (Viewing point) 31 Umasjö 37 Syterskalet 15 8 38 Viterskalsstugan (Part time manned overnight cabin) 13 39 Glimmerstugan (Unmanned) (Old mica mining) 10 9 14 40 Sotsbäckgrottan (Cave) Umfors 7 12 76 6 41 Mjölkbäcken (Creek) 42 Kåtaviken (Cave area) 11 43 Oxtindane (Viewing point, Glacier) 44 Rödingsnäset 88 32 Primeval forest 45 Ruhtjiejohke (Potholes) 36 4 33 46 Aatoklimpoe/Atoklimpen 47 Gieravardo 35 45 48 S. Sytertoppen – (Viewing point) 44 38 34 49 Tärnaån 48 37 Klippen Kraddsele 3 50 Biellojaure 70 51 Slätvik 5 52 Ájvák 53 Ruvssá (Sami encampment) Vaellientjåhke 2 67 54 Överst-Juktan (Lake) 90 Hemfjäll 55 Viktoriakyrkan 53 56 Vapskojan (Unmanned) 50 Vatjostugan 51 52 57 Vapsliden (Primeval forest) Jofjället 58 Juktån 47 49 59 Kirjesålandet path (primeval forest) 68 R o 60 Kirjesån a 73 d 3 61 Valoberget (Viewing point) 6 Västansjö 3 62 Märsabäckskojan (Unmanned) t 1 o Nedre Jovattnet 72 w a 63 Stor-Aisekojan (Unmanned) r d s 64 Fjällripfjället 54 S Road towa o 65 Södra Brandsfjället rd rs s e Grannäs Hat le 66 Ältsvattenområdet tfje 55 lld 46 Primeval forest a l 75 67 Bånjounåive (Viewing point) Björnkojan 68 Gurkfjället (Viewing point) Södra Storfjället 56 74 69 Rierruogaijse (Viewing point) 70 Syterbäcken (Creek, Waterfall) Tärnamo 57 58 71 Jirestugan (Unmanned) 1267 72 Tärnaåleden Geavhta Sörsandsnäset 73 Solbergs Beach Fjällsjönäs 74 Atostugan (Unmanned) 75 Björnkojan (Unmanned) 76 Hiking trail along Tjulån 77 Vindelkroken (Unmanned) 78 Mankeforsen (Unmanned. Locked. Kungsleden. Summer and 59 Key can be rented*) winter trail unless stated otherwise 79 Corraskoia Marked summer- Glacier Botanical site Snowmobile trail 80 Virvasshytta (Unmanned) and winter trail Rocky terrain, Bridge Shelter, not for overnight stay 81 Kveipsendalskoia 61 62 Marked winter trail snowfields Fishing R towa 82 Kvitsteindalstunet (Unmanned) Point of interest oad rds S Marked summer trail Grass and shrub heath Ancient remains or 83 Sauvasshytta (Unmanned) Viewing point sele Magasjökojan 84 Umbukta fjellstue Minor road Mire Bird tower Hostel Geological site 85 Grasfjellkoia Major road Shelter Stor Aisekojan Mountain birch, 63 86 Gresvasshytta (Unmanned) Nature reserve boundary deciduous forest Trail can be traversed by wheelchair Open lavvú 87 Balskota Cultural heritage Overnight Cabin National boundary Coniferous forest Primeval forest Ro 88 Steikvasselv gård Church Unequipped overnight cabin a 60 d 89 Laiskojan (Unmanned. Locked. Key can be rented**) to Lavvú w a 90 Aijvak rd s S 91 Gausjosjö Sami summer encampment to ru m an

*Keys to the cabins along the Vindelvaggi hiking trail can be rented at Ammarnäs värdshus (hostel) Krokstrand café, Adolfström commercial farm, naturum Vindelfjällen and at Hemavan fjällstation. **Key to the laiscabin can be rented at Adolfström commercial farm.