Portraits in the Library and Phi Beta Kappa Hall of William and Mary
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f-^^l V}LS^ b A)M/i-4 PORTRAITS IN THE LIBRARY AND PHI BETA KAPPA HALL OF TilLLIM AND MARY COLLEGE,. ,1 <3 iVl a ncV /^WfU • Bj^,^~ ^ ^ PORTHA.ITS IN THE LIBRAJRY 12^ PHI B3TA Iv^lPPA HAiL OF Vv'ILLIiiM S'M) MiEY COLLEGE/ Portraits are oil paintings unless otherwise stated. The Library has many portraits (phctogi-aphs and prints) which are not on the walls, and therefore no.; i icluded in this list. LIBR/iRY 1. Hon, John page, of IJorth r^nd, Gloucester, 17'^0-1780. By John Wqlla,,tcn,.. Pestered by Charles X. Harris. Presented by Drl R. C. II. page. 2. Jane Byrd, of 'Jestovor, Srd daughter of Col. William Byrd II Wife of Hon. and ! Irs. Ivlaria T-'ylor, bom 1729, marrier". 1746. John page, of No,':'i;h End, Gloacester.. By l^bnjfcsselius^. Restored by Cr.arles X. Harris. Presentea by Dr. R. C M. Page. - 3. Winter Scene in Noithern Country Landscape. By !_?., Vorjaevei-.^ Presantec'. by Mrs. Algernon Sl^dney Sullivan and Gecrge Hairnaond aulllvan 1926 in memo it of Prof. Charles Murray Nairne and Rosalie Bradford Nairne. 4. Alexander Brown, 1843- 1906. Eminent historian of Virginia. Enlarged photograph. Presented by Hon. Mayo Brown. 5. Pr. Philip Alexander Bruce. Distinguished historian of Virginia. Line engraving. 6. General Joseph S. Johnston, 1807-1891. Member of the Board Applebon., of Visitors of William and Ilary College. Line Engraving, College. 7. Edward Coles, 1786- 1868. Student at Vfilliam and Mary Governor of Illinois. Mezzotint, from p:.inting by J. Henry Brown. Presented by Miss- I-iary Coles of ph? lac<elpi:.ia. and 8. Philip Pendleton Barbour, 1783-1341. Student at William Justice of Mary- Speaker of IT. S. House of Representatives. U. S. Supreme Court. Crayon. of 9. Mann page I, of Rosewell, Gloucester, 1691-1730. A boy 6 or 7 years, painted about 1698 or 1699. Artist unknown. FEB 6 T' 2. Restored by Charles X. Harris. Presented by Dr. R. C, M. P"ge. 10. "'Tilliamsburg Femr.le Academy", Virginia. The building was on the site of the Old Colonial Capitol of Willi.anisburg. Drawn by W. F. Grahaja. Colored lithograph, about 1855. Duval, Philadelphia. 11. Scenes in Old Williamsburg, 13 photographs, about 1907. 12. Hon. A. H. H. Stuart, 1807-1891. Student at V/illiam and Mary. Secretary of the Interior. Copy by _H. M. Wegnor from an original by Carl Brown. Presented by his grandson. Dr. Stuart McG-uire.^ 13. Hon. John Page, of Roso?/ell, Gloucester, 1744- 1808. y/ *> ^'^•^'*-^^ * Student at William and ^'try. Governor of Virginia , 1802-05. By _John I7ollastonj__17_58. Restored by Charles X. Harris. page as a \,qit of about 14. Prosontod by Dr. R. C. M. Page. 14. Judith Carter, of Corotoman, I^.ncaster, born 1695, married 1718. Second \7ife of Mann page I. By John V/ollaston. Restored by Charles X. Harris. Presented by Dr. R. C. M. Page. 15. Hon. William Brockenbrough, 1773-1838. Student at William and Mary. Judge of Court of Appeals of Virginia. Photograph from painting. Presented by Mrs. W. V/. Gordon, 16. Rev. James Madison, 1749-1012. Student at Tfilliam and Mary. First Bishop of P. 3. Church of Virginia. President of William and Mary College, 1777-1812. Photograph of original portrait in the Virginia Historical Society. Artist unknown. Presented by Madison Scott. 17. James Barron Hope, 1827-1887. Student at Hilliam and Mary. Captain C. S. A. Poet and editor. Enlarged photograph. Presented by Mrs. Janie Hope Mcj?r. -^18. Col. John page, of Bputon Parish, 1627-1692. Member of the council. First of his family in Virginia. First to propose the College of William and Mary. Painted by Sir Peter Lely, London , 1660. Restored by Eastman Johnson. Presented \S^by Dr. R. C. M. Page. S<-<y^'^4^ 19. Lucian I.-iinor, 1802-1858. Student at William and Mary. Professor of Law at William and Mary. Early TcmpeBanco ad- vocate. Artist unknown. 20. Col. Matthew Page of Rosowoll, Gloucester, 1659-1703. Son of John page, the first. Member of Council, Charter trustee of William and Mary. Artist unknown. Restored by Charles X. Harris. Presented by Dr. R. "c. M. Page. < .. ;<.•• . 3. 21. Mory Mann of Timbcrnock, G-loucostcr, 7ifc of Col. MQtthcv? PagG. Married 1689. i'a'tist unknown. Restored by Charles X. Harris. Prcsontcd by Dr. R. C. M. Page, 22. .ircMbald Stuart, 1757-1832. Student at William and Mary. Judge of General Court of Virginia. Copy by PI. II. 7/egnor, from an original by an mnknorm artist. Presented by his great-grandson, Dr. Stuart l,IcGui re 23. Edmund Randolph, 1820-1861, son of Peyton Randolph II, and grandson of Edmund Randolph, Secretary of State. Distinguished lawyer of Louisiana and California, student at William and Mary. Photograph of a painting. Presented by Joseph Gordon Kent. 24. Richard Channing Moore Pago, M. D. , 1840-1898. Major Confodcrato Army. Distinguished physician of New York City. Donor of ten portraits of page family to William and Mary. Presented by Mrs. R. C. M. Page. 25. Willio.m Barton Rogers, 1804-1882. Student at William and Mary. Founder and first president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology'-. Bcofossor at William and Mary, 1828-1835. Enlarged photograph. Presented by Mrs. Win. B. Rogers. 26. EdTKird S. Joyncs, 1834- 1917. Professor of Greek and German at William and Mary, 1858-1866. Eminent philologist. Enlarged photograph. 27. Hann Page II, of Rosev/cll, Gloucester, 1718-1778. painted by Jojin Vyollaston. Believed by some experts to have been painted by Charles Bridges, Restored by Charles X. Harris. Presented by Dr. E. C. M. Page. 28. Alice Grj/mes, first wife of L'Zinn Page II, married 1743. painted by Charles Bridges. Restored by Charles X. Harris. Presented by' Dr. R. C. M. Page. 29. r;yndham Robertson, 1803-1883. Student at I7illiam and Mary. Governor of Virginia, 1836-1837. photograph of portrait in Virginia State Library. 30. Sir Christopher Wren, 1632- 1723. Photograph of the portrait in All Souls College, Oxford, England. Presented by C. Grant Robertson, 1925, principal of the University of Birmingham. 31. George F, Hoar, 1826-1904. U. S. Senator from Massa- chusetts. Devoted friend of William and Mary College, photograph. 4. 3f. V/illiam B. Taliaferro, 1822-1898. Student at 'vTilliam and Mary CollcgQ. Major General C. S. L, president of the Board of Visitors of vrilliam and Mary. Prosontod by his sons. 33. Ljrman 3. iTharton. Professor of Ancient and Ilodcrn Languages, William and Liary College. Line engraving. 34. George '^'ucker, 1775-1861. Student at TTilliam and Mary, Professor at University of Virginia, 1825-1845. Eminent economist. Line engraving. 35. Honry C. Coke, Dalles, Texas. Student at \Tillirjii and Mary. Eminent lavvyor. Photograph. .36. Rev, James Blair, 1655-1743. First president of T7illiam /andl\lar3' College, 1693-1743. painted by J. Hargreavcs in \4/w London, 1705, Restored by Charles X. Karris. ^ 37. Sarah Harrison, ivifo of Rev. James Blair, died 1713. painted by J. Hargreaves, in London, 1705. Restored by Charles X. Harris. 38. George ''.'S.shington, 1732-1799. Done from an original dravm from life by Alexander Campbell of '.illiajnsburg in Virginia. Published September 1775 by C. Shcpperd. Mosjzotint. Gift of Mary Washington Kcyser of Baltimore, lid. 39. Gen. R, E. Leo, 1807-1870. Etching by James D. Smillic. Presented by Hon. R» M. Hughes. 40. General Joseph E. Johnston, 1807-1891. Member of Board of Visitors of 'Jilliam and Mary, Etching by F£.G(iQr4.e.Jj:.pielman. Presented by Hon. R. M. Hughes. 41. Benjamin T/atkins Leigh, 1781-1849. Student at ",7illiam and Mary. U. S, Senator, Eminent lar/yer. Crayon by Marplc after portrait by J. ',7. Jarvi s, 42. St. George Tucker, 1752-1327. Student at ".Tiliiam and Mary, Professor of Law at T/illiam and Mary, 1790-1804. St^^"^ Mcmin engraving, 43. Tracing of drawing of the 77rcn Building as it uas before the fire of 1705, by Francis Louis Michel. Original in the City Library of Berne, STdtzerland. Colored, 44. T7illiam and Mary College. Colored lithograph by C. L, Ludwig, Richmond, Va. , after drav/ing by Thomas C. Ifillington, shovTing Braffcrton Building, 'Vrcn Building, and the President's House. 1840, 4 • V ' ' ' 5. 45. Sir Christophor "Tron, 1632--1723. Publishod by Zfcard Oraic, London. 1815. Line Gngre.ving. Colored. Presented by Hon. R. M. Hughes. 46. Photographs of the faculty of 'Villiam and Mary in 1388: Prof. T. J. Stubbs Prof. H. S. Bird Prof. J. L. Hall prof. L. B. 'Tharton Prof. C. E. Bishop Prof, Van F. Ciarrett Prof. L. G. Tyler 47. L collection of Cabinet Photographs taken from large portraits: Col. Benj. S. E'.7oll, President of the College. Dr. John Augustine Smith, President of the College. Robert Saunders, President of the College. Hr. John lyiillington, professor of natural philosophy and chomistry. Rev. James Madison, President of the College. St. George Tucker, professor of Lav?. Thomas R. Dow, President of the College. George T.yth, professor of lp.-j. Dr. James McClurg, professor of Medicine, n.'- BoToicloy Tucker, professor of Lau. 49. Peyton Randolph, 1721-1775. Student at Uilliam and Mary. President of First Continental Congress. Photograph of a portrait by John 'To lias ton. 50. Richard Coke, 1829-1897. Student at William and Mary. U. S. Senator from Texas, Enlarged Photograph. Presented by John A. Coke and Mrs. Elsie Coke Elannagan. 51. Rt. RcT. Alfied M. Randolph, 1836-1918. Student at William and Mary Collogo. Bishop of Southern Virginia. Photograph. 52. Battle of Valliamsburg, May 5, 1862. Lino engraving from the original painting by Chappell, 53. George 'Washington, 1732-1799.