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Portraits are oil paintings unless otherwise stated. The

Library has many portraits (phctogi-aphs and prints) which

are not on the walls, and therefore no.; i icluded in this list.


1. Hon, John page, of IJorth r^nd, Gloucester, 17'^0-1780. By John Wqlla,,tcn,.. Pestered by Charles X. Harris. Presented by

Drl R. C. II. page.

2. Jane Byrd, of 'Jestovor, Srd daughter of Col. William Byrd II Wife of Hon. and ! Irs. Ivlaria T-'ylor, bom 1729, marrier". 1746. John page, of No,':'i;h End, Gloacester.. By l^bnjfcsselius^. Restored by Cr.arles X. Harris. Presentea by Dr. R. C M. Page.

- 3. Winter Scene in Noithern Country Landscape. By !_?., Vorjaevei-.^ Presantec'. by Mrs. Algernon Sl^dney Sullivan and Gecrge Hairnaond aulllvan 1926 in memo it of Prof. Charles Murray Nairne and Rosalie Bradford Nairne.

4. Alexander Brown, 1843- 1906. Eminent historian of Virginia. Enlarged photograph. Presented by Hon. Mayo Brown.

5. Pr. Philip Alexander Bruce. Distinguished historian of Virginia. Line engraving.

6. General Joseph S. Johnston, 1807-1891. Member of the Board Applebon., of Visitors of William and Ilary College. Line Engraving,

College. 7. Edward Coles, 1786- 1868. Student at Vfilliam and Mary Governor of Illinois. Mezzotint, from p:.inting by J. Henry Brown. Presented by Miss- I-iary Coles of ph? lac

of 9. Mann page I, of Rosewell, Gloucester, 1691-1730. A boy 6 or 7 years, painted about 1698 or 1699. Artist unknown.

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Restored by Charles X. Harris. Presented by Dr. R. C, M. P"ge.

10. "'Tilliamsburg Femr.le Academy", Virginia. The building was on the site of the Old Colonial Capitol of Willi.anisburg. Drawn by W. F. Grahaja. Colored lithograph, about 1855. Duval, Philadelphia.

11. Scenes in Old Williamsburg, 13 photographs, about 1907.

12. Hon. A. H. H. Stuart, 1807-1891. Student at V/illiam and Mary. Secretary of the Interior. Copy by _H. M. Wegnor from an original by Carl Brown. Presented by his grandson. Dr. Stuart McG-uire.^

13. Hon. John Page, of Roso?/ell, Gloucester, 1744- 1808. y/ *> ^'^•^'*-^^ * Student at William and ^'try. Governor of Virginia , 1802-05. By _John I7ollastonj__17_58. Restored by Charles X. Harris. page as a \,qit of about 14. Prosontod by Dr. R. C. M. Page.

14. Judith Carter, of Corotoman, I^.ncaster, born 1695, married 1718. Second \7ife of Mann page I. By John V/ollaston. Restored by Charles X. Harris. Presented by Dr. R. C. M. Page.

15. Hon. William Brockenbrough, 1773-1838. Student at William and Mary. Judge of Court of Appeals of Virginia. Photograph from painting. Presented by Mrs. W. V/. Gordon,

16. Rev. , 1749-1012. Student at Tfilliam and Mary. First Bishop of P. 3. Church of Virginia. President of William and Mary College, 1777-1812. Photograph of original portrait in the Virginia Historical Society. Artist unknown. Presented by Madison Scott.

17. James Barron Hope, 1827-1887. Student at Hilliam and Mary. Captain C. S. A. Poet and editor. Enlarged photograph. Presented by Mrs. Janie Hope Mcj?r.

-^18. Col. John page, of Bputon Parish, 1627-1692. Member of the council. First of his family in Virginia. First to propose the College of William and Mary. Painted by Sir Peter

Lely, London , 1660. Restored by Eastman Johnson. Presented \S^by Dr. R. C. M. Page. S<-

19. Lucian I.-iinor, 1802-1858. Student at William and Mary. Professor of Law at William and Mary. Early TcmpeBanco ad- vocate. Artist unknown.

20. Col. Matthew Page of Rosowoll, Gloucester, 1659-1703. Son of John page, the first. Member of Council, Charter trustee of William and Mary. Artist unknown. Restored by Charles X. Harris. Presented by Dr. R. "c. M. Page. < .. ;<.•• .


21. Mory Mann of Timbcrnock, G-loucostcr, 7ifc of Col. MQtthcv? PagG. Married 1689. i'a'tist unknown. Restored by Charles X. Harris. Prcsontcd by Dr. R. C. M. Page,

22. .ircMbald Stuart, 1757-1832. Student at William and Mary. Judge of General Court of Virginia. Copy by PI. II. 7/egnor, from an original by an mnknorm artist. Presented by his great-grandson, Dr. Stuart l,IcGui re

23. Edmund Randolph, 1820-1861, son of Peyton Randolph II, and grandson of Edmund Randolph, Secretary of State. Distinguished lawyer of Louisiana and California, student at William and Mary. Photograph of a painting. Presented by Joseph Gordon Kent.

24. Richard Channing Moore Pago, M. D. , 1840-1898. Major Confodcrato Army. Distinguished physician of New York City. Donor of ten portraits of page family to William and Mary. Presented by Mrs. R. C. M. Page.

25. Willio.m Barton Rogers, 1804-1882. Student at William and Mary. Founder and first president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology'-. Bcofossor at William and Mary, 1828-1835. Enlarged photograph. Presented by Mrs. Win. B. Rogers.

26. EdTKird S. Joyncs, 1834- 1917. Professor of Greek and German at William and Mary, 1858-1866. Eminent philologist. Enlarged photograph.

27. Hann Page II, of Rosev/cll, Gloucester, 1718-1778. painted by Jojin Vyollaston. Believed by some experts to have been painted by Charles Bridges, Restored by Charles X. Harris. Presented by Dr. E. C. M. Page.

28. Alice Grj/mes, first wife of L'Zinn Page II, married 1743. painted by Charles Bridges. Restored by Charles X. Harris. Presented by' Dr. R. C. M. Page.

29. r;yndham Robertson, 1803-1883. Student at I7illiam and Mary. Governor of Virginia, 1836-1837. photograph of portrait in Virginia State Library.

30. Sir Christopher Wren, 1632- 1723. Photograph of the portrait in All Souls College, Oxford, England. Presented by C. Grant Robertson, 1925, principal of the University of Birmingham.

31. George F, Hoar, 1826-1904. U. S. Senator from Massa- chusetts. Devoted friend of William and Mary College, photograph.


3f. V/illiam B. Taliaferro, 1822-1898. Student at 'vTilliam and Mary CollcgQ. Major General C. S. L, president of the Board of Visitors of vrilliam and Mary. Prosontod by his sons.

33. Ljrman 3. iTharton. Professor of Ancient and Ilodcrn Languages, William and Liary College. Line engraving.

34. George '^'ucker, 1775-1861. Student at TTilliam and Mary, Professor at University of Virginia, 1825-1845. Eminent economist. Line engraving.

35. Honry C. Coke, Dalles, Texas. Student at \Tillirjii and Mary. Eminent lavvyor. Photograph.

.36. Rev, , 1655-1743. First president of T7illiam /andl\lar3' College, 1693-1743. painted by J. Hargreavcs in \4/w London, 1705, Restored by Charles X. Karris.

^ 37. Sarah Harrison, ivifo of Rev. James Blair, died 1713. painted by J. Hargreaves, in London, 1705. Restored by Charles X. Harris.

38. George ''.'S.shington, 1732-1799. Done from an original dravm from life by Alexander Campbell of '.illiajnsburg in Virginia. Published September 1775 by C. Shcpperd. Mosjzotint. Gift of Mary Washington Kcyser of Baltimore, lid.

39. Gen. R, E. Leo, 1807-1870. Etching by James D. Smillic. Presented by Hon. R» M. Hughes.

40. General Joseph E. Johnston, 1807-1891. Member of Board of Visitors of 'Jilliam and Mary, Etching by F£.G(iQr4.e.Jj:.pielman. Presented by Hon. R. M. Hughes.

41. Benjamin T/atkins Leigh, 1781-1849. Student at ",7illiam and Mary. U. S, Senator, Eminent lar/yer. Crayon by Marplc after portrait by J. ',7. Jarvi s,

42. St. George Tucker, 1752-1327. Student at ".Tiliiam and Mary, Professor of Law at T/illiam and Mary, 1790-1804. St^^"^ Mcmin engraving,

43. Tracing of drawing of the 77rcn Building as it uas before the fire of 1705, by Francis Louis Michel. Original in the City Library of Berne, STdtzerland. Colored,

44. T7illiam and Mary College. Colored lithograph by C. L,

Ludwig, Richmond, Va. , after drav/ing by Thomas C. Ifillington, shovTing Braffcrton Building, 'Vrcn Building, and the President's House. 1840, 4 •

V ' ' ' 5.

45. Sir Christophor "Tron, 1632--1723. Publishod by Zfcard Oraic, London. 1815. Line Gngre.ving. Colored. Presented by Hon. R. M. Hughes.

46. Photographs of the faculty of 'Villiam and Mary in 1388: Prof. T. J. Stubbs Prof. H. S. Bird Prof. J. L. Hall prof. L. B. 'Tharton Prof. C. E. Bishop Prof, Van F. Ciarrett Prof. L. G. Tyler

47. L collection of Cabinet Photographs taken from large portraits: Col. Benj. S. E'.7oll, President of the College. Dr. John Augustine Smith, President of the College. Robert Saunders, President of the College. Hr. John lyiillington, professor of natural philosophy and chomistry. Rev. James Madison, President of the College. St. George Tucker, professor of Lav?. Thomas R. Dow, President of the College. George T.yth, professor of lp.-j. Dr. James McClurg, professor of Medicine, n.'- BoToicloy Tucker, professor of Lau.

49. Peyton Randolph, 1721-1775. Student at Uilliam and Mary. President of First Continental Congress. Photograph of a portrait by John 'To lias ton.

50. Richard Coke, 1829-1897. Student at William and Mary. U. S. Senator from Texas, Enlarged Photograph. Presented by John A. Coke and Mrs. Elsie Coke Elannagan.

51. Rt. RcT. Alfied M. Randolph, 1836-1918. Student at William and Mary Collogo. Bishop of Southern Virginia. Photograph.

52. Battle of Valliamsburg, May 5, 1862. Lino engraving from the original painting by Chappell,

53. George 'Washington, 1732-1799. Received surveyor's license from William and Mary College, 1749. Copy from Gilbert Stuart, by Uilliam L. Sheppard. Presented by Mrs. Sheppard.

54. Thomas Roderick Dor:, 1802-1846. Student at 'Tilliam and Mary. President of the College, 1836-1846. Probably painted by George P.. A. Healy.

55. Herbert A. Claiborne. Student at 'Tillir'jn and Mary. Presented by Mrs. H. A. Claiborne.

. —


56. Mrs. John Tyler Searrell (Frances Elizabeth Jackson) , nother of Molly Elliott Sea77ell, Presented by llo^-ly Elliott Sea-zell.

57. Sir_ John Randolph, 1695-1737. Student at v;illiam and Ilary. painted by 5. C. Bruce from a miniature. Purchased—— by the Board of Visitors. —

58. Susan Beverley Randolph, :7ife of Sir John Randolph. Painted by E. C. Bruce from a miniature. Purchased by the Board of Visitors.

59. Jefferson EBvis, 1808-1889. President of Confederate States. By G. Jj^_J^theT.-s

60. Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826. President of the U. S. Founder of the Univsrsity of Virginia. Student at William and IJary. Copy from Stuart cy E. F. Andrevrs,

62. Landscape. Italian valley. Artist unteaoTm. Painted about 1820. Presented by IJirs. Algernon Sydney Sullivan and George H. Sullivan in memory of Miss Sabina Elliott V/clls.

63. Van. F. Garrett. Student at T/illiam .and I.Eiry. Professor of Chemistry at William and Mary College, 1883-1921. By Adele Williams. Presented by the faculty of the College, 1921.

64. Hon. Robert i.l. Hughes. Student at William and Mary. Llember of the Board of Visitors, 1895-1918. Rector of the College, 1906-1913. Author. Distinguished la\TyeT. Chief persevering alui^jius. Presented b:'' the class of 1924. painted by tl. Wollcin.

65. Joseph Carrinston Cabell, 1773-1356. Student at William and Mary. Distinguished educator and statesman, painted after St^_Memin. Presented by LIrs. '7. R. Cox.

56, Hon. Robert Boyle, 1627-1691. Seventh son and fourteenth child of Richard Boyle, the groat Earl of Cork. Chemist and physicist. i\inds from his estate rere used to aid William and Mary College. Portrait painted by Kerseboom about 1689. Restored by Charles X. Harris. Presented by the Earl of Burlington, Boyle's ncphe-iv and executor.

67» John Lesslic Hall, 1856-1928. Professor of English Language and Literature, William and Mary, 1888-1928. By Adele Williams. Presented by the J. Lesslie Hall Litcrar;,' Society.

68. John Tyler, Sr. , 1747-18].3. Student at William and !,&ry College. Governor of Virginia. Copj' by Mrs. B-^^lz Donnison JJiHiams of portrait by James Worrell. Presented by Letitia Tyler Senple. .A

• \

j::. 7.

69. GQorgo C. Batchcllcr, LL.D- Painted Bj'- G. B. Mattlious. Presontcd by W. B» Matthous, __ ,.-»-'—

70. Thomas Dunn English, 1819-1902. in his 73rd year. By Leslie Giffon Cauldv-'ell.

71. WillicLm H. Cabell, 1772-1853. Student at V/illiam and Mary. Governor of Virginia, Painted after St. Mcmin. Presented by Mrs. \h R. Cox.

72. John TSflor, Jr., 1790-1862. Student at William and It.ry. President of the United States. Cop;/- by John Elder. Presented ny Letitia Tj''lor Somple.

73. Henrietta SeaTrell. By Louis Ixiradon, Antrrerp. Presented by her sister, Holly Elliott Soa^rell.

74. Molly Elliott Sear;cll, 1860-1916. Author. By J. 7. L. Forstor. Presented by I.iiss SeaTrell.

75. Tazeuell Taylor, 1810-1875. Bursar of '.Tilliam and lUrj.', 1850-1875. Presented by the Taylor fcjnily.

76. Robert Ti'lcr, 1813-1077. Son of John Tj^er, President of the United States. Student at 17illiam and I.lary. Poet and editor. Copy by llrs. Bessie Dennison Williams. Presented by Lctitia Tyler Scmplo.

77. Queen Mary of England, one of the founders of the Dollege. Mozzotint*

78. King William III of Englr.nd, one of the founders of the College. Mezzotint.

79. Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826. Student at Willirjn and Mary. President of the U. S. Copy by Miss pannie M. Burke, from Stuart, presented by Miss Burl-cc.

80. V/arner Lenis II and Rebecca Lewis, children of 7arner and Eleanor Lev/is of Bollc Farm, Gloucester. By John Wollaston. Deposited by Mrs. Nellie Taylor Greaves.

81. Washington and his Generals. Drawn and engraved by A. H. Ritchie. Published by Erioil Seitz. 1856. Presented by Col. Claronce Hodson.

82. V/arner LottIs of Belle Faim, Gloucester, brother of Fielding Lewis of Kenmorc. Bj' John lollaston. Deposited by Mrs. Nellie Taylor Greaves.


84. Lady Belches, about 1650. Ancestor of Agnes He.mvood of 'ToyanokG v7ho married Fielding Lewis of Belle Farm and 'Tarnor Hall. Artist unknorm. Deposited by Mrs. Nellie Taylor Greaves.

85. Augustine V/arner, Jr. , 1642-1681. Grcat-grandfath-or of Goorfeo r/ashington. Spoakor of House of Burgesses, 1676-1677. Copy by Mrs. Fielding Lev?is Taylor, of the original now destroyed. Deposited by Mrs. Nellie Taylor Greaves.

86. Mrs. !7arner Lewis of Belle Farm, Gloucester, nee Eleanor Bowles of Maryland. By John V/ollaston. Deposited by Mrs. Nellie Taylor Greaves. ....-_

87. "Ho who is vathout sin, lot him cast the first stone". By Polenov. Prosontcd by Hon. Charles R. Crane.

88. "Ee is guilty of death". By Polenov. Presented by Hon. Charles E. Crane. u 39. Col. Fielding Lewis Taylor at ago of 16. Painted by ".ta.. J. JIuhar d. Col, Taylor was killed at Cranpton's Gap in 18637***""^ Deposited by Mrs. Nellie Taylor Greaves.

90. Robert Taylor, father of Gen. Robert B. Taylor of Iforfolk. Copy, from original by Uilliam Dunlap. Deposited by Mrt. Nellie Ta.ylor Greaves.

91. Lawson Fauntlcroy, son of Dr. V.'illiam Fauntleroy of King and

Qucon. By V.'ta. J. Kubard. Deposited by Mrs. Nellie Taylor Greaves.

92. Gen. Robert B. Taylor of Norfolk, 1774- 1834. Student at yilliam and Mary. Distinguished law^^'or and soldier. Artist unknown. Deposited by Mrs. Nellie Taylor Greaves.

93. Lady As tor. Photograph. Presented by ^sA^^-J i'i.stor,

94. John Blair, 1732-1301. Student at TTillicjn and Mary College. Associate Justice of the U. S. Supremo Court. Line engraving.

95. John Randolph of Roanoko, 1773-1833. Student at Yilliam and Mary. Line engraving, 1832. Presented by Hon. R. !I. Hughes,

96. James Blair, 1656-1743. First president at Uilliam and Mary. Silhouette.

97. James Madison, 1749-1812. President of '.Tilliam and Mary, 1777-1812. Silhouette be Pealc,

98. Joffcrson Davis, 1308-1889, With autograph letter. Photo- graph. Presented by Col. Clarence Hodson.


99. John Marshall, 1V55-1835. Student at William and Lfery,

Chief Justice of the U. S. Silhouette by ^JJ. K. Brovm. Lithograph by S. B. and E. C. Kellogg. Presentei by Herbei-t L. Pratt.

100. Joseph Prentis. Student at William an§ Mary. Judge of the General court, pastel. Presented by Hon. Rfcfbert R. prentis.

101. Peyton Randolph II, died 1828. Son of Edmund Randolph. Student at William and -^ry. Secretary of State. Acting governor of Virginia, Dec. 26, 1811- Jan. 4, 1812. Reporter of Supreme Court of Virginia. Photograph of painting.

102. George ry&shington. V/ood engraving by Timothy Cole from painting by W. S. Conrow. Presented by George Washington Life Insurance Co. of Charleston, West Va.

103. Sir Anthony BroTjne. A copy of a copy by Mathias, of the Holbein portrait. Deposited by Mi^s. Nellie Taylor Greaves.

104. John J. Crittenden, 1787-:j.863. Student at William and Mary. U. S. Senator. Governor of Kentucky'. Enlarged photograph.

105. Coat of Arms of the Right Hon. John Berkley, Baron of Stratton in Somersetshire, Engraving. Presented by Dr. H. F. Berkley.

106. John F. Mercer, 1759-1821. Student at William and Mary. Governor of Mary;i.and. Photograph of painting.

107. John Augustin§ Smith, M.D. ,11782-1865. Student at William and Mary. President of the College, 1814-1826. Artist unknown.

109. William Dawson, 1705-1752. President of the College, 1743- 1752.

111. James Blair, 1656-1743. First president of the College. By Charles Bridges.

112. Robert Saunders, 1805-1868. Student at William and Mary. President of the College, 1847. By G. B. Matthews. Purchased by the Board of Visitors. " ""

113. Benjomin'Stoddert Ewell, 1810-1894. President of the College, 1354-1838. Presented by friends of Col. Ewcll.

114. William Claiborne, 1587-1G77. Councillor. Secretary of State.

115. George Wy the , 1726-1806, Student at William and I.lcry. Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Professor of Law at Vifilliam and I\Iary. Presented by Virginia State Bar Association.


116. Jamos M» Matthews. Student at William and Mary. Reporter of th.0 Supremo Court of Virginia, By G. B. Matthews. Presented _-^-^-=»-.^^-..^--^.^ by W. B. Matthews.

IIV. Bust of General Robert E. Loe by I^rtigny. Presented by Henry E. Huntington. .mmmmmmm^

118. Lyon G. Tyler, President of mHiam and Marj!-, 1888-1919. B^'' Mary Tr.'^.vis Burwcll. Presented by the Class of 1929.

119. Thomas Nelson Pago, 1853-1922. Author. Diplomat. By Ellis H. Silvqttc. Presented by Rosorrcll Page.

120. Lunsford L. LeY;is, 1846-1920. Chief Justice Virginia Court of Appeals. Presented by Mrs. L. L. Lcvjis.

125. Captain Robert Page of Janoville, Clark County, son of John and Jano Eyrd Pago of Northend, 1765-1340. Student at William and I.Eiry College. U. S. House of Roprosentativos, 1800-1, By J. B. Martin. Presented by !Irs. William G. St'.nard.

126. Sarah Page, daughter of Robert Page of Broadvdck, Hanover, and wife of Captain Robert Pago of Janoville, 1765-1845. Bj' J. B. Martin. Prosantod by Mrs. William G. Stanard.

127. Mary Mann Page, daughter of Captain Robert and Sarah page of Janoville, born in 1805. Married Joseph A. Williamson. ^' J', 3;, Martin. Presented by Mrs, William G. Stanard.

128. Judge William Brockenbrough, son of Dr. John Brockenbrough of Tappahannock. 1778-1838. Student at William and Mary College. Judge of Court of Appeals of Virginia. By J. B. Martin. Presented by Mrs. '.Tilliam G. Stanard.

129. John Page, son of Captain Robert and Sarah page of janesville. Born 1792. Married 1st, Jane Nelson, 2nd, Sarah Williamson. By J. B. Martin. Presented by Mrs. '>^illiam B. Stanard.

130. Saunders House. Old homestead of the Saiinders family in Williamsburg, Virginia, showing to the right the offices of the old palace of Lord Dunmore. Wash dramng, from an old painting by Mr. Millington, 1853. On deposit.

131. Julian Alvin Carroll Chandler, President of William and Mary College. By Ellis M. Silyette. Presented by Class of 1928.

132. Robert E» Lee, 1807-1870. Artist unknovm. Presented by Mr. and I.Irs. E. C. Gunther of Norfolk.

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133, Thomas J. Jaclcson (StonerTall Jackteon), 1324-1863. ^sXasS^ unlcnoirn. Presentsd by Mr. and la-s. S. c. Gunther of Norfolk.

134. Dr. Eiomas Jofferson Stubbs, 1841-1915. Profescor of Mathematics at T7illiain and I.'ary College. Student at 'Tilliam and Mary. Presented by the children of Dr. Stubbs.

135. John Marshall , 1755-1335. Copy of portrait by Inman. --^^—w-- Presented by Miss Agnes Robinson of Y/ashington.

136, King j'illiam III of Great Britain. Founder, with Queen

Mary, of the College of '.Tilliam and Mary. Qo^iiy from the portrait by Sir Godfrey IDaeller. Presented by T7estmore ITillcox, Jr. in honor of James ".estmore TTillcox.

13V. Queen Mary of Great Britain. Founder, irith King Uilliam III, of the College of Tilliam and Mary, Copy from the portrait by Sir Godfrey i-Dieller. Presented by ITostmore V/illcox Jr. in honor of Louise Collier I7illcox.

13S» Original drawing of powder magazine, V/illiamsburg, Virginia.

1868, By ^rantz Mayer, Presented by David I. Bushnell, Jr, ,

149, Robert (King) Carter. By Mrs. Minnigerode Andrews from a portrait in London, ovnod hj Mr. 'GwyfTMarrison. Presented by descendents of Robert Carter throufjh Mrs. M-lcolm Richardson (Sophia Carter Pachardson) of Fauquier, Commencement Day, 1930.

141. Plan of Princess Anne Port, 'Tilliamsburg, 1774. Matthew Davenport, Surveyor, Original plan in color,

142. Virginia and Maryland. .Is it is planted and inhabited this

present year 1670. Survej'^ed and ozactlj'- drawn by the only labour . and endeavor of Augustin Hcrrman Bohemiensis. Published 1673. Facsimile map.

143. Design of the boolrplate of Tilliam and Mary College, by E. B, Bird. This design presented by Dr. John H. Finley.

144- Rev. Charles Ernest Frederick Minnigerode, professor of Latin and Greek at '.Villiam and Llary 1816-1 i91. Rector of St. Pauls Church, Richmond. Silhouette, full figure. By MarriettQ Minnigerode Andrews. Presented by the artist.

145. Robert E. Lee, 1307-1870. Colored halftone of the portrait painted by Silvctte. Presented by the artist.


146. Colored dra:7ing of the projected new buildings of 'Tilliam and Mary College and prop'osed plan of the campus. Prepared hy Charles M. Robinson, architect, and Charles F. Gillett, land- scape architect. 1921.

147. Original printed proclamation of King Uilliam and Queen Mary, 1589. Presented by David I. Bushnell, Jr.

148. Original commission by George I to Uilliam Cocke appointing him secretary of the colony of Virginia. Presented by Hartley Graham, a descendant of 'Jillian Cocke.

143. -in example of an original comi.iission granted by ".'illian King Uilliam and Queen Mary. Presented by Paul G. Mclntire.

150. Map of ITilliamsburg, -August 1800. Dra-.vn by Benjardn Bucktrout. Colored. L copj^ by Robert A. Lively of "llliamsburg, 1867.

151. Colored map of 7'illiamsburg about 1784.

152. Charter of city of T.filliamsburg, Virginia. A copy made from the original bj' Joseph Davenport, the clerk of the town, dated July 8, 1722.

153. Photograph of "Charter Party" from the Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at William and Mary College to Brother Elisha Parmele to"establish a chapter at the University of Cambridge", that is. Harvard College.

154. Diploma to Francis Macaulay, granting the degree of A. B. by '.Tilliam and Mary College, July 4, ISll, ivith tho College Seal.

155. Paul and Virginia. Oil painting. Temporarily deposited by Mrs. John Garland Pollard. Copy.

156. painting by artist of the School of CjLaude Lorraine, about 1600. Presented by Mrs. Algernon Sydney Sullivan and George Hammond Sullivan.

157. Painting by artist of the School of Claude Lorraine, about 1600. Presented by Mrs. Algernon Sydney Sullivan and George Hammond Sullivan.

158. Map of 7.1 lliams burg. Pl'ji Qg la ville et environs do Mlliamsburg en Virginia, Jonerica, a 11 mai 1706. Colored, shelving location of early houses and out buildings in the to'.7n on that date. Presented by John D. Crimiuins of New York City in 1912.


159. Copy of Titian's Flora. Deposited hy lliss Jeanetcc Kelly of Talliamsburg, Virginia.

160. Virginia 1864. By Boston Photogravure Company, after T.'illiam L. Sheppard.

161. Nurnborg Sebaldus Grabmal, by von Petor Virchor. Copy of ptLotograph. Presented by J.Iiss HiTQi "Sariy. '

162. Vista de la Ifave Principal del Templo de San Lorenzo del Escorial y Procssion de Corpus Christi, by JosS Gomez de Navia delineo. Manuel Alegre lo grabo.

165. Holograph, letter of General pobert E. Lee to Joseph E. Johnston, November 21, 1862. Holograph letter to R. M. Hughes from Joseph E. Johnston, September 1, 1871. Framed and presented by Hon. R. M. Hughes.

164. Vista del Patio de los Reyes en el Real llonasterio de San Lorenzo del Escorial mirado desde el Portico, by Jose Gomez de Navia delineo Lopez Enguidanos lo grabo. Presented by Miss Ruth Early.

165. Avanzi del Foro di Nerva dal volgo le Colonnacce, by Rossini disc inc. Roma, 1819. Presented by Hiss Ruth Early.

166. Yorktovm battlefield. Line engraving by James Smillie after painting b;; John_G.. Chapman.

167. Copy of a letter of James Vernon to Governor Francis Nicholson, December 30, 1700, in regard to T.'illiam and Mary.

168. Proclamation signed by Governor Francis Nicholson July 16, 1705, proroguing the General Assembly.

169. Indenture signed b^.' president and masters of 'Tilliam and Mary College June 2, 1790, deeding 364 acres of land in Bruton Parish and York County to Samuel Smith McCroskey.

170. Diploma avr^rded to Ethelbert Cau thorn as Bachelor of Civil Law by V/illiam and Mar;^ College, 1344, Loaned by his grandsons Franl: G. NeT?bill aM Colonel "Tillard Douglass Nev;bill, U. S. ^i.

17].. Photograph of Commission to George Rogers Clark as surveyor of lands for Revolutionary soldiers, signed b;- the Governor of Virginia, Bonjamin Harrison, January 9, 1784,

172. Photograph of obverse and reverse of Flat Hat Medal, photograph of drawing of obverse and reverse of seal of City of Williamsburg. Both in ens fram. =--;,? 14.

173. rest view of Eastern State Hospital, and East vio\7. Lithograph by L. ."-« Rompu about 1830-1G40.

174. Photograph of the liecncc granted to John Skiiiker, Gentleman, to practice law in Virginia, dated at 'Jilliamsburg, the 30th year of George II, signed by Poj^ton Randolph, J. Poner, and George "..ytho.

175. Lithograph of 7. H. Roane, Senator from Virginia. Dravm from life on stone by Charlos Fonderich, "."ashington City.

Printed hj p. s. Buval, Lith. , Philadelphia.

176. Resolutions of thanks to Generals Joseph S. Johnston and Gustavo T. Beauregard for their gallantry and Yictori^ at the battle of First Manassas. Signed by Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens, August 1, 1361. This is General Joseph S. Johnston's copy. PrcGcnted by lion. R. I!. Hughes.

177. Lithograph of Declaration of Independence. By Sherwood Lithograph Con:pany, G?iicago. Presented by Hon. R. M. Hughes.

178. Photograph of an original St. Hcmin crayon portrait of MeriTfothor Lewis. Presented by Lir. Jailer Lewis Holladay.

179. Moore, Richard Channing, second Protestant Episcopal bishop of Virginia. Line engraving.

130. Letter of liilos Gary,, Rector of the "Tilliam and Ilary College, Juno 1, 1705, in regard to a meeting of the Governors of the College. Signed by Francis Nicholson.

181. General Order nuraber 31, Headquarters, District of Eastern Virginia, September 22, 13G4. Signed by H. T. Sanders, Col. and Provost Llarchal. Printed placard.

182. Photograph of woman with coiled snake around body. Painted by Franz Stuck ? Presented by I.Iiss Ruth Earl^f.

133. Vcduta del Tenpio di ^^ntonino , e Faustina. 1. Canpidoglio. 21 Arco di Settimie. 3. Tenpio di Reno, by Rossini des. e inc. Presented by Ivliss x\uth Ilarly.

184, Mezzotint of V/ashington, published and copyrighted by A. '.7. Elson & Company, ^oston 1897.

185. Photograph of a portrait in oils of Alton B. Parker, Judge of Supremo Court of New York. Presented by Mrs. Alton B. Parker.

185 James Mercer. Student at 'Tilliam and Mary. Judge of the Court of J^ppeals. Photograph of oil painting.


187, Framed printed copy in type of "Our patriot", in memorjr of Francis Scott Key by his great-grandson. Major Francis Scott Key-6mith. Presented by Major Key -Smith.

1S8. Peter Franciso's gallant action with nine Tarleton cavalry, 1781, by James "ebster, 1814. Designed bj' "xirrell and drawn by Barralett. Engraved by D. Edwin.

189. Aquarelle facsimile print, "Battle of Antietam", by Thulstrup. Copyright 1887 b;- L. Prang & Compan3r, Boston.

190. Aquarelle facsimile print, "Battle of Kene saw Mountain" , by Thulstrup. Copyright by L. Prang & Company, Boston, 1887,

191. Altro interno del Pronao del Tempdbo d' Srcole — Di prospetto a questo Tempio si vede il Mediterraneo e una vasta pianura colle paludi Pontine, con due corone dei Monti Lepini by Rossini dis. e inc. d'apres natujr-e Roma 1625 T44 Presented by Miss Ruth Early.

1S2. Arco di Tito in Roma dalla parte che guarda il Colosseo by Rossini Arch, dis, dal vero ed incise Roma 1832. Tl

193. Benjamin Stoddort Ewell, 1810-1894. President of the College of V/illiam and Mary. Cabinet Photograph.

194. parte del Eoro di pompoi fiance dclla basilica di Giovo e Arco di Trionfo in fondo vedosi 1 'altro Arco di Trionfo, la Via di Mercurio, e, quolla delle case dolle fontano Rossini Arch. diSGgno dal vero ed. incise in Roma 1830. Presented by Iliss Ruth Early.

195. Foro Romano veduta presa all' angolo del tabulario sul clivo capitolino by L. Rossini Arch. dis. dal vero ed incisa Roma 1350.

196. '.Villiam prince of Orange, at the Battle of Boyne, 1690. m , Colored lithograph.

197. Lee and his generals. Colored lithograph from original painting by G, B, Matthev/s, Andre-J B» Graham Company, photograph lithographers, '.'/ashing ton. Copyright 1907, by Tj. B. Matthews.

198. H4idolborg. Line engraving. Vorlag and Eigenthimi von Edm, von Konig. Gcst v. C. Hubor.Einterlogt boi d Grh Bad Ministcrium d Innarn Goz v Bernh Hofling. Druk v 0. Falsing. Berlin,

199. Arch of Constantino, Homo. Largo Photograph, Temporarily placed in Dr, 'jagener's office. MV-X !, vurir- 15.

200. The Monitor and Morrimac. The first fight between ironclads, by J. 0, Davidson. Copyright 1888 by L. Prang & Company, Boston.

201, Colosseum of Pome. Photo^'raph.

23)2. Llrs. Flora Adams Darling, Founder of the Daughters of the American Revolution, October 11, 1890. Presented to ITilliam and Mary College by John Q. Adams. Oil p&inting.

$03. A complete map of North Carolina from an actual survey by Captn. Collet, Governor of Fort Johnston. En,gravcd by I. Ba3rly. Published according to Act of parliament May 15, 1777 by L. Hooper, No. 25, Ludgatc Hill, London. Dedicated "To His Most Excellent Majesty, George the III, King of Great Britain".

204. Eichard Bland Lee, 1761-1327. Attended TTilliam and Mary about 1777 to 1781. One of the fifty founders of Phi Beta Kappa. In the College Company in the American revolution. Miniature.

Presented by his groat-granddaughtor , Elizabeth C. Loe, of Towson, Ind.

205. \7ash drawing of interior of St. Sepulchre's Church, London, V7hero John Smith is buried, showing the tablet in his memory. By Frances L. Aldridgc. Presented 1928, by

205. George P. Scarburg. Professor of Law at TJilliam and Mary in 1892. Presented hy his granddaughter, Mrs. Robert Gibbons Hudson (Margaret D. Scarburg) and his niece Charlotte Joyncs Dennis, both of Baltimore.

207. Original grant, signed by Thomas Jefferson, as president, of land in Ohio to David Riddick, and John Mercer, in pursuance of Act of 1790, to siifvblo officers or soldiers cf the Virginia lino on continental establishment to obtain notes to certain lands northwest of the Ohio River, Dated Feb. 2, 1803. Presented by

Vivian Dreyer, of Brooklyn, N. Y, , Class of 1931.

208. Jeremiah Sullivan, 1794-1874. Student at Uilliam and Mary. Judge of the Supreme Court of Indiana. Line engraving. Presented by George H, Sullivan.

209. "A mapp of lands surveyed at the instance of Mri Secretary Ludwell and Col. Thomas Ballard, Major John Page being also present at the perfecting the Survey, June 1678, by Robert Beverley". A great part of this land as mapped is now in the College tract. Original manuscript survey.

Mace piocutcd by the Gorham Company of New York, Presented y the Alumni and stuaents of '.Villiam and Mary, 1922. j^^P' Clock presented by the class of 1950 in memory of Charles Joseph Duke, a devoted alumnus and a member of the Board of Visitors of the College of V/illiam and lifcry in Virginia, 1926-1929. •••ly';^


/ * Pressboard Pamphlet Binder GaylordBros.Inc. Makers Syracuse, N. Y, PAT JAN. 21. \m