+" ..s::: 11'1 c IJ "t:I OJ ... s:: ro ro E OJ +".... 11'1 ... OJ OJ 10 ..s::: Q. cr::: ..... Report of expedition OJ s:: OJ 0 0 Z to Uzbekistan in 1997 ..s::: +" IJ OJ ....U :::s ..s::: 10 "t:I I- OJ • 0 11'1 Itinerary, collected materials V'l "- OJ OJ c.. IJ cr::: OJ ... and data cr::: :::s 10 0 .... "t:I 11'1 :::s s:: OJ +" ro cr::: :::::l U CI IJ .... .s:: ..... Louis J. M. van Soest CI "t:I- OJ OJ s:: « OJ OJ ... \!) co ... +"s:: 0 ro OJ Q. -"- cpro-dlo ..... ... s:: 0 OJ U -...OJ +"s:: OJ U -- ---. --- -- - ----,- -,--.- . ------- Report of expedition to Uzbekistan in 1997 Itinerary, collected materials and data Louis J.M. van Soest Members collecting teClm: Dr K. I. BClimatov (Uz-NIIR, Uzbekistan) Dr.V.F. Chapurin (VIR, Russia) Dr. AP. Pimakov (Uz-NIIR, Uzbekistan) Agricultural Research Department Centre for Plant Breeding and Reproduction Research (CPRO-DLO) . Centre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN) P.O. Box 16 6700 AA Wageningen The Netherlands Tel: +31317477000 Fax: +31' 317 41 80 94 E-mail:
[email protected] ------------------- Foreword This report gives an overview of the itinerary and the details of materials and data obtained during a joint multi-crop collecting expedition of the Uzbekistan Research Institute of Plant Industry, the Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry and the Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, of CPRO-DLO. The joint efforts and commitment of these three institutes and the tenacity of its staff members involved rendered the expedition possible and made it into an important success.