Summer Camps 2017 Daily camp in Burlachani village, district, Republic of Moldova

Dates: July 10-14, 2017 Volunteers: 15 Children: 80 Total Cost: $1000 4D’s Grant: $500

The VBS in children’s camp “Compass” was held in Burlacheni village, in Cahul area. There were approximately 80 children, aged 6-15 years old.

Every day there was a pleasant and friendly atmosphere at the camp. We didn’t have any bad cases, any injuries. Children came with a great pleasure every day.

Our camp’s program included various activities like: - Bible time (morning lessons and evening services). - Creative part (needle work, rehearsals, preparations of drama and others for the evening services). - Food (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

The goal of our camp program was to bring each child to understand the need for repentance and to love life with Jesus.

The topic of our VBS program was: “Notes of a happy life.”

It was based on David’s book of the Psalms. These are the topics of every day Bible lessons:

-God’s revelation. Psalms 18 - God’s greatness. Psalms 8 - Danger of our sin. Psalms 31 - Joy of repentance. Psalm 50 - Changed life. Psalm 1

All Bible lessons were made as a training, that encouraged every child to discuss the topic. They were given different tasks, where they worked with their Bibles to answer.

What children learned to do? We wanted to teach children the followings: - Our Great God, so loved the sinner, that He decided to give him His Mercy. He came to this Earth and died for each sinner. Now every men has an opportunity to come to Jesus, through repentance, in order to receive forgiveness of his sins and joy of a Christian life with Jesus.

One of the main goals of the camp was to get children’s attention, to tell them the important Christian truths, and also to invite them to our Club’s meetings. “It was very interesting in this camp. I liked handmade lessons, games and our evening services. And, of course I liked all the Bible lessons. At these lessons I learned how to change my life and be with God forever. I would like to follow God after the camp as well.” Kate, 12 years old “At this camp, “Compass,” I liked people, who were very friendly. Also, I liked the delicious food and the games. Bible lessons were interesting and fascinating. I think they will help me to trust God and talk to God. I would like to give my life to Jesus and live according to His Word.” Maxim, 15 “I liked this camp very much. It has left an undeniable mark. Everything was awesome: handmade lessons, games, lessons, and evening cappella. I learned to truly believe and to love

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God. I learned to read the Scripture. I learned some creative skills. I would like to change everything in my life. I want to give my life to God.” Marina, 11 years old

Daily camp in Albata and Hirtop villages, the Taraklya area, Republic of Moldova

Dates: July 3-7, 2017 Volunteers: 20 Children: 65 Total Cost: $1200 4D’s Grant: $650

The children`s Christian camp was held on the territory of the church, Bethezda, in Albata village from 3-7 July. The leaders of the camp there were local Bethezda church members and also a group of attendants from with the number of 5 people. The children visiting the VBS program were from nearby villages Sofiyevka, Roshitsa, Albata and Hirtop. There were 65 children, from 8 to 14 years old. During the day, children were involved in different activities like: games, lessons, and dramas. The main purpose of the VBS program was: - To make friends with children and to tell them about God. - To tell the Gospel using the Bible; - To teach to love God with all our heart; - To tell about God, to show who He is; - To show God`s character; - To teach children to become like Jesus Christ - To teach children Biblical principles

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- To teach children to communicate with people around them.

Main topics of the Bible lesson every day: Day 1 – Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God gives us future and hope for our good. Day 2 –Joshua 1:8 "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Day 3 – Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Day 4 - John 3:16 " For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Day 5 – Revelation 21:7 "He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son."

"I liked a lot in this camp. It was very interesting here. Especially I liked Bible lessons and camp game." Lisa, 12 “I remember well that`s why I liked to learn Bible verses by heart." Dima, 14

VBS in Alexandr- Ion-Cuza village, Cahul area, Moldova

Dates: June 5-9, 2017 Volunteers: 6 Children: 30 Total Cost: $600 4D’s Grant: $400

Alexandr-Ion-Cuza village is located in the South of Moldova, next to Vulcanesti town. It is a small village,

PO Box 120 - Monument, CO 80132 - approximately 800 houses, and the population is 2500-3,000. There are 3 churches: Orthodox, Baptist, and 7th Day Adventists Church. The church that organized the VBS is the Baptist church. The church is very small: 20 members.

The pastor’s name is Florea Vasile. He and his wife are responsible for Awana Club – Children’s club. Also, he visits children’s families and the nursing home in his village.

The camp took place in his church. His family helped him to organize the camp: his wife and teenage girls helped with the program. The camp was from June 5-9. Thirty kids were involved in the program. Children were given lunch and snack.

Aims for the project:  To show the value of Christianity through studying the Bible.  To teach children to pray before meal and every day.  To bring them to the Sunday School.  To reach the hearts of the parents.

The camps were held in local church of prayer. The sport games took place on the soccer field near the village. During the week, the children spent the whole day together for sports and games, crafts, different kinds of competitions, Bible study, and communication.

Special attention was paid to the Bible study.

The topic of the VBS was “How to become God’s Champion.”

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Every morning, children were motivated to present a small skit on the learned topic. Then they had the Bible study and learned verses from the Bible. Also they learned how to pray. A lot of Christian songs were learned as well.

After lunch, kids were involved in different activities like: crafts, art and music. Before snack they had a special “Question and Answer” time where they showed their knowledge from the Bible lessons. And after lunch, children showed dramas from the Bible lesson learned.

The majority of the children were from non-Christian families. They came home with Good News, telling their parents stories from Bible and asking their parents to pray before meals.

Every day the children were motivated to receive small presents for participation and got points. At the end of the VBS, the group that had the largest amount of points received a special present.

At the end of VBS, children prepared a special program where they invited their parents. Children sang Christian songs, showed drama and read learned verses from the Bible. It was a great VBS program. Parents and their children were pleased and satisfied. Praise the Lord for the joy in kids’ hearts.

Daily camp in Colibash, in , Republic of Moldova

Two VBS Programs Dates: 1) Aug. 7-10, 2017 (children aged 7-10)

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2) Aug. 14-17, 2017(children aged 11-14 )

Volunteers: 32 Children: 210 Total Cost: $1335 4D’s Grant: $1000

There were two VBS programs

The camp was in two shifts. The first shift was from August 7 to 10, 2017, where children from 6- 10 years old participated. The second shift started August 14-17, 2017, where chidren from 11-14 participated. There were 210 children in our camp. At the first VBS program, there were 110 children, but at the second, 100 children. However, the number was different every day.

There were 32 leaders involved in the VBS program from the local church.

The program consisted of different interesting activities with Bible lessons for children. We had a Bible lesson every day. Here are all the topics for the Bible lessons:

1) The parable of Bags of God: Mathew 25:14-30. 2) The parable of ten virgins: Mathew 25: 1-13.

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3) The parable of wedding Feast: Mathew 22:1-14. 4) The parable of Lost Son: Luke 15: 11-32.

Also, we organized clubs by interests, where the children had the opportunity to pick the activity they wanted to learn (Hand made, drawing lessons, music, theatre, table games and sports).

Besides that, sport games were organized for all the children every day.

Also the children had breakfast and lunch and before they left, they received a snack.

Main goals of the camp: The main goal of our camp’s program was to present the Bible lessons in the way of childrens’ understanding. Every day they had an opportunity to discuss in groups with their leaders all they heard during the Bible lessons.

The program was called “A friend of God.” The same was the name of the book they studied at the camp, which they received as a gift. The book consists of lessons, different exercices, and verses from the Bible.

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The basic purpose of the camp was:

- To help children to become friends with God. - As much as possible, come closer to Him. - To understand His will. - To fulfill His will in our lives.

With the financial help from 4D Ministries and the help from our local church members, the camp was a blessing for many children and for the church itself. Some children have begun to come to Sunday school.

“What I liked the most was Bible lessons, games and dramas. From Bibles lessons I learned that we must never leave God and always obey Him.” Tricolici Andreea, 10 years old

“In the camp I liked the Bible lessons, the leaders, the games and the most – the food. We have learned how to receive Jesus in our hearts and obey His commandments.” Fabian Naomi, 8 years old “From Bible lessons I have learned to obey God and to receive Him in my heart. Roșca Radu, 11 years old

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Youth camp in Moskovei village, Cahul area, Republic of Moldova

Leadership team: 12 workers Volunteers: 22 Youth: 255 Total Cost: $8500 4D’s Grant: $2800 Dates: July 22-29, 2017 .

From July 22- 29, the church from Vadului Isaak organized a youth camp in Moskovei village. We do this youth camp every summer.

This year, it was planned to receive 200 young people, but there were 255 young boys and girls all together. So 55 boys stayed in tents hired by the Fire Service in Cahul, 6 tents were given to us, because there were not enough accommodations in the camp. About 40% of youth in the camp were non-believers.

The youth came from 38 places from the South of Moldova. Vadul of Isac, Colibasi, Brinza, Valeni, Slobozia, Cislita, Giurgiulesti, Manta, Pascani, Crihana, Cahul, Andrus de Sus and de Jos, Baurci, Chircani, Gotesti, Cantemir, Porumbesti, Hanaseni, Epureni, Antonesti, Tigheci, Tarancuta , Chisilia, Baimaclia, , Taraclia, Hirtop, Hadjichioi, , Ursoaia, Vladimirovca AI Cuza, Frumusica, Taraclia Salcie, , Lopatica.

The main purpose of the camp was: Evangelical/ Spiritual growth. The program’s name: New man in Christ – 2 Cor. 5:17

Daily schedule:

Bible lessons took one hour every day: from 10: 00 -11:00, then we had group preparation time. Every evening we had services: Worship

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and Evangelical preacher. And the rest – was time for sport and games.

The result – over 50 young people decided to confess and to follow Jesus.

Also young people made many new friends in our camp. After the camp, many young people started coming to church in Vadului Isaak and also in other churches, where they came from.

From our leaders team, we want to thank you very much for your big support, for your contribution in finances, which helped us to organize such an awesome summer camp for youth from a lot of churches from the South of Moldova and for young people who heard God’s Word at the camp.

Thank you very much! God bless you!!!

Daily camp in town, the capital of , Republic of Moldova

Dates: June 25-30, 2017 Volunteers: 12 Children: 97 Total Cost: $4000 4D’s Grant: $2400

From June 25-30, 2017 church in Comrat organized a summer camp, “Hope.” The camp took place near Chimishlia, which is 32 km from Comrat. There were 97 children and 12 leaders together with volunteers helping with the program.

Aims for the project:

The main topic of the camp was “Joseph’s life,” which included the following directions:

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 To meet children with Creator, our God and Jesus;  To show children Bible’s heroes and how they practiced Biblical principles in their lives.

 To teach children to practice everything heard at Bible lessons in their own lives.

 To teach children to pray, to read God’s Word with pleasure. (For this purpose each child got a book “Bible stories.”)

 To teach children to be thankful for everything they have.

Every day, all the groups studied a book, “In the search of Bible truth.” Also they had activities like: “Create with our hands,” “Musical notes,” and sports. At “After lunch program,” children were doing different activities: swimming, camp games, chess, checkers, arm wrestling, soccer, volleyball.

Also, the children had a special time socializing and talking with the leaders, where each of them had the opportunity to ask questions that were on their hearts.

One of the most exciting parts of the camp was Evening Services. These services gathered grown-ups and children all together: every child had an opportunity to show his/her talents in games, songs, poems and dramas. Children were fed five times a day: breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and snack. Children liked the food, socializing and new friends.

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Approximately 80% were from non-believer families, most of them were from needy families. For the majority, it was their first time at a Christian camp

Children were from different villages of South of Moldova: Comrat, Budjak, Ferapontievca village and Gaidari.

At the end of the camp, the following aims were achieved:

 40% prayed a prayer of repentance  Loved God`s Word  Learned to be polite and open. To obey and honor parents.  To forgive, to concede and to make friends.  Learned to pray.  To apply everything heard in their lives.

Children were saying, “We don’t want to go back home. We have seen here a different life and love. We feel good here, they take care of us. We want to stay here the whole summer.

Here we understand them, cause a lot of them live only with father or only with a mother, we feel that they don’t get enough attention. This camp, “Hope,“ will remain in their hearts for a long time.

Leaders of the camp plan to work with the children after camp is finished through kids clubs for their spiritual growth, communication over a cup of tea, and also organize a winter camp.

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All the children together with their parents were invited to the church, not only to Sunday school, but also to Sunday Service.

Several testimonies:

“This is my 5th time at camp “Hope.” I like everything here, even though I have never been to any other camps, but I know this camp is the most friendly, funny, joyful and creative. The food is delicious here. God bless the cooks here. Also we had a caring leader. She always understands us, supports us, but sometimes when we disobey her, she punished us and gave us some work to do. Also, I like to listen to Bible stories, they are very interesting. Uncle Grisha tells us the stories in his way, very interesting. I like everything here and I thank God for His plan.” Balaban Nadejda, 14

Most of all I liked the canteen, water pool, craft lessons, Bible lessons, where we learned about God, and about His live to us. My leader Diana, she is very kind and responsive, she supported us in everything. Our cook made a delicious food and for that we thank her. In the pool I learned to swim and dive and to touch the bottom. I couldn’t swim before. Crafts were very interesting and fascinating. Sport was fantastic! Also I liked the music where we sang songs and worship. It’s not my first time here at this camp “Hope,” and I want to come back.” Cara Natalya

Camp at Chisinau, Balti District, Moldova

Dates: Aug. 7-13, 2017 Volunteers: 13 Youth: 60 young people Total Cost: $3,333 4D’s Grant: $500

The location of our camp for this year was

PO Box 120 - Monument, CO 80132 - in Balti district. The name of the camp was “Bethany,” the symbolical name of our church with the same name of Balti town. The distance between our church and the camp was appr. 135- 140 km.

The narrative description would include the tremendous need for fellowship and communication for these young people. As one who has served as a volunteer in this church project, I have a noticed a tremendous desire for these young people to learn, to communicate what these young people think and live.

At the level of methodology and strategy, the programs have been structured to include both elemental community (chapels, community strategy games and physical development, games and social integration activities) and individually (small Bible study groups, where everyone could express their opinions, specific groups for boys and girls, where specific questions were discussed.

Some of our goals were to be able to introduce the Gospel, penetrating their prejudices and perceptions of faith and Christianity. Another was to strengthen the church's young people to come with us and at the same time to be able to learn more about Jesus and to tell their non- Christian friends about Him.

The goals we achieved after the camp:

The proposed goals were achieved: integrating the most shy, evangelizing, creating bridges between us as a church and them, and bringing Biblical teachings to their level and meaning.

But the most important thing during the camp was the idea that we were returning to the city to continue to meet for continuous youth work. As follow-up I decided to create monthly events (each last day of the month). Here we may also mention the opening of the local church to adopt these platforms for meetings and discussions for these young people and their friends in the city.

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“The Youth Camp "Bethany" 2017 was one of the most extraordinary camps in my life. Even from the first day at this camp I felt the atmosphere "From the heart of the Moldavan village," with simple, cheerful and welcoming people. Leaders have been fully involved in organizing every good day with good mood and activities that have allowed us to get to know each other, to establish pleasant relationships. But the spiritual time was the main purpose of the camp, namely to face us with God and to turn our face to Him. In those moments, the Lord worked nicely and in my heart. :) Thank you to all those who have been involved in this ministry. Supporting the effort and love that has been made for this camp, I am convinced that it has made many young people reflect on their lives and on their personal relationship with God!” Irina

“I really appreciate the time spent with friends at the camp, even if only a few days, I have the opportunity to meet each one closer. Communicating and learning something new about them, we build relationships of trust. We also thank God that there are still young people in the camp who did not know Him, we have a unique opportunity to confess about Jesus and His great love. Living these days with other young people can see another way of life, a life that is different, changed and lived for Christ. Great thanks are being brought to the financial support of the Betania church, which covers a large part of the cost of organizing the tabernacle. Just thanks to the leaders who dedicate their time and soul to the Lord's work to go forward and to have an impact on young people's lives. The testimonies we have heard have been sincere and wonderful, and contrast the life with/without Christ. The word preached by Brother Eduard was a builder and for me personally. it was a blessing to listen. I pray that this time of camp in which Christ is placed in the midst of bringing forth the fruit, and through which we may enjoy and celebrate His holy name. I wish you health and blessings.”

“This year I had the opportunity to be a participant in the youth camp organized by the Bethany church. I was for the first time at this camp and I really liked the atmosphere created there, although I did not know the majority of the young people, it felt like a big family. Another thing I've appreciated is that everything was ready in advance, starting with Bible lessons and ending

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with the games (which were thought and prepared very well). The food and the place where the camp was organized were just great.”

“I am firstly pleased with the Lord that I have had the opportunity to come to the camp, and secondly, I am pleased with those who contributed to the organization of this work. God bless you and reward you for your time, money, and sacrifice. I'm glad young people can hear about God through the work you do.”

“I stayed with very good memories after this camp! Hope to have this opportunity! Thank you.”

Thank you for your effort and financial support to make this camp possible. We are also willing to visit and discuss how we could develop and grow these camps for the year 2018. We pray for you and what you are during the year. Again thanks for all what you colect and sacrificed for our church in this summer camp. God bless you!

Respectfully, Leaders from “Bethany” Church

Daily camp in Karbalya village, Vulcanesti area, Republic of Moldova in Gagauzia

Dates: July 3-7, 2017 Volunteers: 11 Children: 50 Total Cost: $800 4D’s Grant: $400

The VBS in children’s camp “Rock” was held in Karbalya village, in Vulcanesti area. There were approximately 50 children, aged 6-15 years old. Every day there was a pleasant and friendly atmosphere at the camp. We didn’t have any bad cases, any injuries. Children came with a great pleasure every day.

Our camp’s program included various activities like: - Bible time (morning lessons and evening services); - Creative part (needle work, rehearsals, preparations of drama and others for the evening services.) - Food (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

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Our camp’s program was directed to bring each child to understand the need of repentance and to love life with Jesus.

Main purpose of the camp: - To meet children with Jesus Christ - To promote their physical development; - To promote their creative development; - To meet children’s parents; - To rest and to make new friends

The topic of our VBS program was: “Notes of a happy life.”

On the basis of David’s book Psalms the Bible truth every day. These are the topics of every day Bible lessons:

-God’s revelation Psalms 18 - God’s greatness. Psalms 8 - Danger of our sin. Psalms 31 - Joy of repentance. Psalm 50 - Changed life. Psalm 1

All Bible lessons were made as a training, that put every child to discuss on the topic. They were given different tasks, where they worked with their Bibles to answer. They listened to a Bible story and filled tasks by themselves.

We wanted to teach children the following: - Our Greater God, so loved the sinner, that decided to give him His Mercy. He came to this Earth and died for each sinner. Now, every men has an opportunity to come to Jesus, through repentance, in order to receive forgiveness of his sins and joy of a Christian life with Jesus.

One of the main goals of the camp was to tell children the important Christian truth. Also to invite them to our Club’s meetings.

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Within five days not many children are able to realize Evangelical truth, that is why we do not want radical changes from them. We plan to have children’s and teens clubs, where the leaders will continue working on that and to share the Gospel. We believe that this work will surely bring children to their repentance.

“I liked this camp very much, cause it was very interesting there. The leaders were very kind. I liked songs, lessons, verses from Bible, games and to jump on a trampoline. Most of all I liked lessons about God. I have learned a lot in this camp. The lesson I liked the most was “God’s revelation.” Also, I learned that it is important to ask God for forgiveness.” Violeta, 10 years old

“I am very glad that I was in this camp. It was amazing. In this camp I learned a lot about God. The topic of the Bible lessons that I liked the most was “God’s repentance.” I liked everything: games, needlework, the leaders. It was very interesting here. I want such camp every day.” Evelina, 15 years old

“I liked this camp: I liked the food, which was delicious. This camp “Rock” left only positive and light emotions in me. And I don’t forget interesting and great games. From this camp I took some important things for me: that it is necessary to be faithful to God and listen to God through the Bible. Generally the camp is good and I will advise others to visit it next year. I will come here again next year.” Max, 15 years old

Daily camp in Ferapontievka village, Comrat area, Republic of Moldova

Dates: Aug. 3-6, 2017 Volunteers: 5 Children: 28 Total Cost: $ 310 4D’s Grant: $300

The main idea of the program was to teach children the Bible truth which would help them with everyday life.

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Day 1: We opened with the truth about honoring of parents to live longer on the earth. Memorized and learned songs. Also children could participate in registration of the territory of the camp, and actively participated in games. Another enjoyable moment was a trampoline. In the evening service we reminded them of the main subject of day, we sang songs with great pleasure. And with the best wishes, went home to gain strength for the next day and to tell parents about the love.

Day 2: The next truth which we opened for the children is the truth about friendliness. Children learned how to behave in order to have true friends. They learned the story where, on belief of friends, Jesus cured paralysis. For the second day, teams were more solid, all children actively participated in games. We learned new songs which children liked a lot as they sang them during the day and even when they went home along the street of the village. The children especially liked games with water. After a delicious lunch, children ran in the woods in search of a gold verse about friendship. We were very glad when, having already said goodbye to children, they didn't want to go home. They asked us to prolong the camp for one week more. And it was a blessing for us!

Day 3: This day we told children about kindness. Children rejoiced in games with water. Cheerfully sang songs. Having supported them with a delicious lunch, children

have gone to play. There was a service in the evening on which we have reminded children the main subject of the day.

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Day 4: Final day. This day there were more children. On the last day, teams were even more active because of need to earn as much points as possible. This day was special. Children could be glad for gifts to teams, for the first and second places. In addition, each child could receive a gift to which they were immensely glad.

The main accent has been directed to the Christian message. To share with children the Bible truth concerning parents and friends. To show that the Bible teaches the correct life. Main subject of the camp was to search the Bible truth for happy life. To honor the father and mother, to be obedient, to respect, love and appreciate them. To be friendly. To be kind to everybody and to be able to forgive.

The camp was a success for the Glory of God!

“I was in this camp and I liked it very much. There were a lot of games there and they were very interesting. I would like to come to this camp again next year. This camp is very good. Most of all I liked the Bible lesson about 5 friends. There were good leaders there!!!” Vlad, 11 years old

“I was at this camp. I liked games,

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children, teams. My friends have been here too. They liked everything. Most of all, I liked the lesson about friends because friends will always support.” Jenya

“I found a lot of new in this camp. I would like to allocate a huge thanks to the organizers of the camp and cooks. Thank you very much!!! I liked the story about 5 friends. It taught me to help friends in different situations.” Toliya, 12 years old

“It was very interesting here. We played, sang here. It`s delicious cooked here. We talk about Jesus here.” Liza

VBS at Christian Kids’ Center “Pearl” in Vulcanesti town, South of Moldova, Gagauzia

Leadership team: 4 teams from different countries Volunteers: 70 Children: 130 Total Cost: $1700 4D’s Grant: $2000 Rest - $300 - spent for other camp Dates: June 5- Aug. 25, 2017

A Christian Kids Center “Pearl” (facebook page: Christian Kids Center "Pearl") was opened in 2013 in Vulcanesti town with the help of Christian Aid Organization “Wort und Tat” in Germany.

Vulcanesti is a small town in the very South of Moldova, in Gagauzia. It is located in the very poorest district of the town. CKC “Pearl” was opened for children from poor, multimember, and/or one parent families. We enable children to enjoy a happy and healthy childhood.

During the school year at Pearl, there are 60-70 children, who come from school, doing homework and have different activities by their interests.

In summer, “Pearl” organizes a VBS program for children and teenagers. Moe children can come to the program. Totally 120-130 children can come to a summer program. Many children are willing to visit Pearl’s program, but, because of insufficient number of volunteers, Pearl is able to handle only 100-130.

Our main goals we pursue:

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- To receive as many children as we can, in order that they hear God’s Word; - To be with them every day - to spend time with them. (Take them from streets where they go when the school is over.); - To express God’s love; - To make them feel like they’re in Christian family; - To create good conditions for children: interesting games, different cognitive lessons, delicious food; - To teach them how to behave in society; - To provide poor children with clothes; - To provide for some children shower and clean clothes.

One of the main goals of Pearl is just to spend time with children and teenagers every day. We provide them the building which was renovated and specialized for Children’s Center. Children can play table games, sport games, can learn to play musical instruments, learn to sing and play drama, to dance. A lot of different activities are offered to teenagers and children, in order to keep them busy till the evening. Our purpose is to build in them a good person for future, developing their talents.

The second purpose is to invite different teams from different countries to be involved as volunteers in work with children. Pearl is a good place for volunteers to gain some experience in working with children. Also, it is a good place to make new friends. Our children are very open and love different people from different countries.

Our purpose for this last summer was to receive as many teams as we can. And the result surpassed all expectations. This summer, Pearl had 4 different teams from different countries:

The first team was from Denver, Colorado in US. There were 7 people in the team. The program lasted for two weeks (except weekends). The program consisted of Bible lessons (stories and

PO Box 120 - Monument, CO 80132 - parables about Jesus), music (children learned English songs), also English lessons (where the children learned English words), and crafts (handmade work: children made bracelets, crosses, etc.) The team was last year at Pearl. So they came for the second time to Pearl to serve children.

The second team that Pearl received was from Canada. There were 24 people in the team (half from Canada and half from Moldova- the interpreters)

They had an entertaining program for teenagers, that is why we invited only teenagers. Forty-five teenagers (age 11-16) were at the program. They had the Bible lesson for all the

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teenagers, then a special program for girls and for boys. Also they offered various funny games for all the teens.

Many different sport games were offered:

The third team was from Bible church (Bible seminary) from Chisinau, Moldova. There were 8 young people in the team. Excellent people with a lot of fun and energy- the things kids love!

PO Box 120 - Monument, CO 80132 -

It was a special week for children and teenagers from 10-15 years old. Every day started with gymnastics at Pearl, after that children had a Bible lesson, then table game, then lunch, then time for pool and free time and time for sport. Also, what was special for that team: they divided the children into groups by age. In their groups, they had a special time to discuss and ask questions after the Bible lessons. It was time when kids had opportunity to ask their urgent questions.

And another one team of volunteers young boys from Wetzlar in Germany. They come every summer to help Pearl to play, sing and just to enjoy time together with the children. It was the last week of the summer camp, when the volunteers came to help. The topic of the last week’s program was God’s 10 Commandments. The program was starting from 10 in the morning and was finishing at 10 in the evening. There were 5 groups of children from 10-15 years old, 50 children total. Every day there was a Bible lesson in groups, then free time where they could swim in the pool, play football or table games. After a hot lunch, there was a special time for discussion on different topics, or just to play table games. Every evening, all the children and teenagers gathered together for worship, God’s Word, drama and prayer. The last evening was a campfire.

This is the team of leaders from Germany and Moldova:

PO Box 120 - Monument, CO 80132 -

At the moment there are only 5 teachers (leaders) who work in Pearl. But we really want to invite many other children (who are not able to come during the school year) to the summer program. We prayed to have helpers, volunteers from other churches from Moldova for the summer. Also to receive teams from different countries. As a result, we had 4 teams from different countries and many other young people from Moldova who came to help us to serve the children. We want to thank 4D Ministries for financial help. Thanks to 4D Ministries we could pay all out volunteers who worked at Pearl this summer. There were 14 volunteers who were paidd for the work they have done. Also, we thanked financially our teenage girls, who started helping us this summer with gymnastics in the morning, also at sport time. They did a really great job!

All the children are very happy to spend time at Pearl, because they know if they come here, they will receive love, good attitude, feel good atmosphere and just spend time with pleasure.

Recently we asked some teenage girls what they feel when they come to Pearl, all their answers were the same: they feel like they’re at home.

After this summer, we noticed that our children grew up. The majority are from 11-15. That is why we planned to start Teens clubs from September also to open a Worship group. We keep on working with children and teenagers even if the summer is over. They come every day at Pearl.

PO Box 120 - Monument, CO 80132 -

*More reports on the 2017 summer camps in Moldova available upon request.*

2017 Totals

Camps: 19 Leadership teams: 307 volunteers Participation: 1540 reached

Total 4D Grants: $28,740

PO Box 120 - Monument, CO 80132 -