Energy II Project Additional Financing (credit no. 4541-MD) Annex VI. Procurement Plan (USD million) 26-May-10

Contract Award (Contractor, Tender Procurem Contract completion Type of Bidding documents Country) Package Description Contracts ent Bid Opening Contract signing contract issued to bidders Method Finalization of Contract installation finalization 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 B. HEATING SUPPLY AND EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT (heating component extension) Supply and installation of boiler , distribution systems, substations, IHS and DHW systems for the District Hospitals Public Disclosure Authorized Disclosure Authorized Public Public Consortium led by Romany Gaz B8.1 Ocnita District Hospital 13-Feb-09 5-May-09 9-Sep-09 15-Oct-10 Dec-10 B8 S&I 3 ICB Group, Consortium led by Polimer Gaz B8.2 District Hospital 13-Feb-09 5-May-09 9-Sep-09 15-Oct-10 Dec-10 Conducte , Moldova Consortium led by Romany Gaz B8.3 District Hospital (interdistrict perinatological center) 13-Feb-09 5-May-09 9-Sep-09 15-Oct-10 Dec-10 Group, Moldova Supply and installation of boiler plants, distribution systems, substations, IHS and DHW systems for the objects of the Drochia, Soldanesti and Cimislia District Councils "Stefan cel Mare" and "Boiarnitschii", no. 5 and no. Consortium led by Laiola, B9.1 24-Jul-09 22-Sep-09 28-Oct-09 15-Oct-10 Dec-10 B9 9, city of Drochia S&I 3 ICB Moldova Consortium led by Polimer Gaz B9.3 "A. Mateevici", city of Soldanesti 24-Jul-09 22-Sep-09 28-Oct-09 15-Oct-10 Dec-10 Conducte, Moldova Consortium led by Polimer Gaz B9.4 Lyceum "M. Eminescu", "Ghiocel" , city of Cimislia 24-Jul-09 22-Sep-09 30-Oct-09 15-Oct-10 Dec-10 Conducte, Moldova Supply and installation of boiler plants, distribution systems, substations, IHS and DHW systems for the objects of the , Stefan Voda and Taraclia

Public Disclosure Authorized Disclosure Authorized Public Public Lyceum "M. Eminescu", Kindergarten no.3, Culture Center, 15-Oct-10/ Consortium led by Polimer Gaz B10.1 Telecommunications center, Center for preventive medicine, 7-Dec-09 25-Jan-10 19-Feb-10 Apr-11 18-Jan-11 Conducte, Moldova B10 building, Residential building (3), city of Anenii Noi S&I 3 ICB Lyceum "Stefan Voda", Russian Lyceum „D.Cantemir”, Kindergarten no.3, 15-Oct-10/ Consortium led by Laiola, B10.2 7-Dec-09 25-Jan-10 17-Feb-10 Apr-11 Residential building(2), city of Stefan Voda 18-Jan-11 Moldova Lyceum no. 1, lyceum no.4, Kindergarten no.4, Center of Family Doctors, 15-Oct-10/ Consortium led by Polimer Gaz B10.3 Library, Taraclia State University, Center for Preventive Medicine, city of 7-Dec-09 25-Jan-10 23-Feb-10 Apr-11 18-Jan-11 Conducte, Moldova Taraclia B11 Rehabilitation of Heating Systems at the hospital "Center of Mother and " S&I 1 Nov-10 Jan-10 Feb-11 Oct-11 Dec-11 total B C. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE C C1 Project Implementation, heating component (SIDA) CS 1 NBF C7 Annual Audit (PIU) CS LCS Aug-10 Oct-10 Dec-10 Jun-12 total C Public Disclosure Authorized Disclosure Authorized Public Public Public Disclosure Authorized Disclosure Authorized Public Public