• ——— •—- •^ »!• m«g -mmiMMa&rr »• t-^ •iwiiiiiiiwum I*T The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County


NOVEMBER 5, 1913 Money deposited in our Savings Department on or before the above date, will draw interest at 4 per cent, from NOVEMBER FIRST. Check Accounts—largo or small- ? A FEW DID The Two Clark's ore Re-elected in Westfield with Many received on liberal terms. Votes to the Good—Casey Polls Big Vote in the COUNTY DEMOGRATiO ASSETS OVER $1,000,000.00 T l/OTE YESTERDAY Fourth and is Returned to the Council ASSEMBLYCANDIDATES The Early Returns Showed Traynor Running Strong for The Oldest Banking Institution in Westfield sgistsrcd Men Were Goif- Assessor, but Denman Receives Majority Elected by About Six Hundred inp or Motoring in ' of Over Two Hundred Votes Majority and Run Far Other Placos Behind Ticket MITCHELL AND ENTIRE FOSION TICKET WINS IN NEW YORE VOTES THE TOTAL CAST MAYOR EVANS WAS DEFEATED Fielder Elected "v ivory 1.308 volt's uasi in ilnyir Kvans proved his jni|m- !? tlii.s wiinl. Tim Thin! Culli'Ctiir fur thii'P yeiu'-i IiKirt!, Th<> Inrgrst ami ulilest l'lilntliisj unrt IKcui-iillns <'Uncorn in Wtvtflrld bad 313 vote's accepted snd and (..'linrli-s (,'Uirlc will retain I:in itt'il ami the Koitrtlt W'sircl posiliuu m Town Clerk for the r 3 rejected vote1?, while 257 sim.i! period The fnet tluil them.' 214 East Broad Street Tel. 168 mteil. Dividing: ihe First null hlul nwAl t*oi«-l MK'll Us t)j)|n>n intn two fairly <»<|iiiil dis- eiitK blin-M'tl thiil the t"V. n at liii'ne is 1'iHuiil that ihe flt-Miitiii -, iiji|iieciati i! Iht'ir iVui'K Mini i"riday nnd Saturday i ni*t" very <>f;n*\!)y divided. wiiiils !ti l.i."]i Ilirin. .\ ifl.'ince lit the tahle of iiii'.-d flectiuii i''tiiiii-. Crmmifry JiiilUT, Hi IUW ib-ct Miilm* I'olalwH, full mi<:kn, «B.' I •fnnu-i- R FicW.«r is the lle*-l V V. stun- 1'iiH r II' \,.« .li-r-iu.y !iy n m,i. '•n li'.i-i j.;!;'..1 ->u!l i''Hi\uh's' tJi•.* iM'.i I.IIIK" ll.iKkct i'otiitiK.B r--' /i i; lliiil i! is in,hi.el;.- i Iini tliiM. i', If. * !•-. tfii-mi.. II ,V iv, i, mi li w i!l i Mi' lie iii 'Viiifil KI. iihiil'- Sl-ilr the [iii)iui.ii' is, \. V. Stiiti- New. ii. He I'll'!", t.iu . tin'i lii-ii.' In li.ihl tin ii ,. Xf«, nm. . . .Ill, III, l,"n- up in in \\'rstf;*-!il, n-liii'h till K> iin.l rSl.ll.i t.'mti« iih. -him*'. Jur .li - ji, ,.,,,,•,,,•< ,i, [,,i , ••.,!• \^.,..»..,r Mih" ilcl-llt fill' (Ullli ("<-|i'li!!!ti'i.v (!ui! riii.r, Kii-Itl in i-l' Ti.lJ ii"I' ».! 1 11.it llln'»|l-rl. I'IIINIIIHJ, ijuli) SSIHIIII, HIH M kkn-',,, ( i.'ii Jfivnii'ii hehinil riiokt's. I.ill the ni.i.jiiril^ v.-.'i. ,II Mr. 11,-n l** tif Mi'iiiin^foii, • • t-lriiles, i-ij.i-i'irtll.> in li-. •>*>•. i i s.i« \i-rt'. Hit* Ki>"»t, until ii «(it •.I'M •'Mi'tr Hii-wereti Ihe phone FOIl lillVKHSIII!— .am fin! wan very wueli Itiimc* ,1 ,j!ll"i' lie I'milil mil l.i- iivi-i'lst' »>i j,-im r iiut tmi ()riiis H 1^ ...... i ii t'j.Mi'. Tt'!iyiMH'"-i cxei-lli'iii hhi.'.uu ; Hi thi- f'Xcrilrut Mitt' K^r=-H f'oH.y- I' ih 31 . i^tflthl irjn'e him, ami n»rin>l P llmrt, 1 8 "I Ihnngh, will%*Hrrimt hk (.iBity |mi- innvi P. Kn-wiT. p to I'.suisl tn ttitiuie 1ln> jicii- ,!-im*'S ifllhtrl Masi.fi. M. 1'...... 6 no *]l li>i!{ him fl«.ii» tit thi> I'rnnt at a .'«n|n!'it'll "f iis lav,n itnd tlic Iji-n'hv 1-Ttln.snl «'. SfftHen, K .. T1 OB 584 tnisl ' • •)• l-'ii hltr rt't-eivfii 4T-) Uttttue I- llsbwi-tk, H. m ui ISI H«tr> «. IHoan, H...... 1W IS? »l'lii- Ttiivii t'lnitiiiiiK v«tt- h in ,,i»i;24 W IIHiiiu ILHarlin, ft, .. m I 1 f'i!nii,int« CoHiv 189 4 aniiii'Wiiiil ill' u tnudillc. At l»Ht t'i-ii'fi *C Hililii". I* .'.* .','.'.'. * repurtd (IK1 t'V)W wliipti'd !(>• ON'K ^ot*-. fi»h!S -f Ttritfitt. i* . .. . n tUIU-ttn A l^nflsrd It . , Si a li Our stHtimii's. KiM-ii i^ the diflVr- $• l e»t ti«i!Uli(| iiffli'ifll*, art' H* fnllown* make a strong appeiii to the woman seeking I wred ?li« (jro'tml t'hu™t-«'* P W.'in-H. 1'. , s 4* If HI iborpp \f V Mux, l». . . u lit Kiwi Ward, US Dint- l''«.r, !*; ill -Tnir. Tarter n. -KiiiK, S P. 5il 1 % T 1 not only style and wciiring qualities but •.!.!>• s MtniUj and IVrry f*«gF-?ic ,\ raniiA, N l . .... 1. 4 t !;> ii n-ttidai" vert* in West- 1 • » 'Vmt WiH'il. and DM.—tfto WOT COMFOJiTm well. 1 ; Aituhmt 1(w. h.ir »lret>'d by grand Wllitiun M. Vs» ('!«•, t«, t* i Whi->i urie ennsidftW S-'Aiml Wtird- Vut 'ib; AfCMtmt mr . 1WRS0N fashioned hose have the SHAPE >'•!• ',.it nml rfnthsrsth'tt 1 1 id COBIJS r.H, "1 S ! thW Wurd- V»r 1W; A«nliwt • 'i if Hinitit imit Perry ( ft ! t»i. 1> it '• •<<. ii v. ill mnki fpfliiiH KNIT INTO THE STOCKING WITH tfrr. V 'I n 81 Si) '.i • I'n vi •.•re not Ht'fisibli Kmirlh W'iml- !'V!!'ii ; t«. the SEAMS LEFT OUT, This shape is ' inu»< f«r sb*g»' tw» sio^1 I4tfiifi^rt 1 • ii. II..| .,f Fjrffn 'l <<• for- II1B g«i«*t til" tt(l«!lltt'll '"' • •!••:,•«••--» of virtinK f«r Jufcit *M Vnkyam, I*. ..!|'!".^'^1 I 'I 8 »f ihitrl'lsii «i that tin- nciiHiitrtit BUItSON way. " (•!• >t Tfcp ft»f»S that t«ii««ti U, (inrk. ». * of tto tun M wtw i!n-«« ^ tn 1*** 1. it li vi IHHfit til-tiff p...„.,) W ].*n.«.-h. I! 4ftliW WnallaliitL f* . Bgstnet Hip «fl«|itii>n of *l i>* » Vfrti snmil mntitritv Idraevn'. FULL FASH10NED-H6 Beams to fuis f [mi tf»p ftifiiHiif' iioit lo I1"' Int' t" Urn foot. IS* 1 *. Sil ••u.a«*(i«, M^ »». # ft' tw ti 11 thn! » ffnrtKtt Rogul&r and Outotei »v»ii )«• -I.*--.. -• if tbi« ** •'• • I'-itU II rill 1«» ji [•lulw it U liki'ii- (fin! t(i" i»«« fi 4 * ='t «i«» plat*. wHi !>«*- ft.mu} iu ' 'iiut ills itvu tt»nf <• ***?»- i4**»i. 1' !- " ..*- •-* '• i Rtif SOtr Sill illW ,

jf,iY»rf*t It b»¥ •*••!} (n-'M»i* 8 1 T>.c I.-r-iiti f JHCi» II, **«»• *.. * •* ••- •JJitu Bfl it* i" - >M-e'i1 Ji'irib-ft P. tt; SCHAiPEl iii.< .-iiHil •»•»<»-* n *»>» It '•it fit;;;«;,,;

«* »{,,•• ,,,„ * j •" i There comes a day when the, Hus- ... „ of the performance. band's business collapses, and he is left wvv...; effects are typically artistic, with bankrupt. The fine house, the motor, that perfection in.*• very detail that has the wife's jeweia are alJ sold to pay th been seen in each of the long line of creditors, and (he Wagners so Into £ productions that have been Inetrumen cheap little flat to Jive. The htisban< tal in placing Sir. Belasco In the e» With the Plays and Players viable position of master, producer o: fins youth and energry and ability, ani ho Hpowa that ho can recupe their for the stage. Matinees are announced foi New and Old Events Now Being Presented tune, but the wife la abjectly miserable Wednesday and Saturday. without tue fine clothes, the gay res Tho story of tho pltty deals with ;===== at Various Playhouses == tiiurant parties and the society t< people of fashionable society, and th's (a wiiich she was accustomed in their rather different to anything Mr. Belasco She la bitten with - tin lately has offered. There arc comedies Astojr, Eves. 8:15; mat daily, 3:16— Aeoilno Snnmcl Men eh la Concert clothes mania as u man is with drink of youth; this Is a comedy of xt "Seven Keys to Baldpate." 1 and buys flue gowns and hats secretly age. It pictures the turmoil mid strug- Belaaco, W. Hth St., eve., 8:15—"Tho On Wednesday evening Dec. 10th, a gle tn which fash'onable folk Indulge, In Aeolian Hall, Sumuel Meneh wiH i?ive and lies to her husband aboui. their Auctioneer," with David Warfleld. coat and dreads the day the bills wll •der to act younger and to look young- lieotli Theatre, 45th St., west ot B'wfty a concert that promises much merit in er than they really are. The central ^—"The Great Adventure." by Arnold the excellensB o£ the program, whicl come in form them. - Batmott . , • in this crisis thoro comes to her o character is a rich Brookline widow, win bo us follows; hitherto quiet and domestic, who re- Ceatory O»e*a Honae—4S& St and Cen- 1. Italian concerto Bac1 former friend, Mrs. Garland, gorfi;eo«a- tral Park West; evea 8:15; Wed. dressed, and with tales of the gay volts apalnut her serene existence, Sat. mata 2:16—"Lucia de launnii 2. (a) Impromptu, b flat... .Scliuber leaves her priggish and exemplary son (b) Caprlclo, b minor.. ..Braham world, Lily Wagner poura out la her There is nothing that pleases the the story of her misery in her poverty to hts own devices, and goes off to New Gee. M. Cohen'H Theatre, B'way & 4 (c) Symphonic EthudeB, Schumann York where she Is entertained by children quite so much as eur St; "Potasa & Perl mutter." 3. (a) Polonaise Chopin and her longing for the soft things of woman friend, who Is also Casino, B'way & 29th St.—"Ob, I Sayi (b) Prelude, a flat minor , ife. Mrs. Garland telis her that there delicious hard candies :: •• .. Corot-dj-, eve. S;30; mats. Tuea. and Sa' is a way out of her difficulty, She a widow. There the ErooHHne chrysalis Rachmaninoff bursts out Into a stunningly dressed, 3:30—"Tbe Marriage Game," (e) Gigut; ...... LoeiHy-Godowsky knows a Mrs. Farrlnerton, who lives in Cert, tub. Si xi, ot Bway; eves, 8: v chnrminf- apartment in a fashionable say, frivolous and admired butterly mats. Wed. and Sat, 3:16—"Peg (d) Elegie Rameau-Qoduwaks" o£ society. After several affairs she (o) Tumburin .. .Kumeau-Oodowsky IOUB«. Handsome inJimod wornon who My Heart," with Lauretta Taylor, vunt more money than thoir husbands marries a New York club man of ex- (f) HumoresKe Paul .Tuon Our Criterion, B'way & 44th St—"India! an give them meet at Mrs. Farringr- cellent income and position, only to (g) Toccata ...... ,,,. .Saint-Sains confections are all made from PWi Summer," with John Mason. oifs wealthy men who become their flnd that she In boy'ond the ago jSltingc—w. *2d St, Evos. 8:1E; Mate. K -H -*c ankers. "If the dressmakers and mil- :emiiestuoiis love. Sha confesses this fresh, unadulterated flavors, and h the L, Wad. & Sat, gas—"Within the Isw." Antor Th«i*r*—"Seven Keys to Bald- ;o her husband on tlielr wedding Empire, B'way & 40 st; B?s. 8:16, Mat iners in New I'ork could tell all they kitchen. We make ice cream from pure country creait »2 Sat. only 2:1&—"Tafite," with Ethel pate." know," said Mrs. Garland cynically, :ernoon and offers Him his liberty. She limply cannot go longer at the pace crushed fruits. Barry more. "Seven Keys to Baldpate," the treas- 'H would make a disturbance that forty-diclith St* east of B'way; eves. iet by the smart folH of the metro ure island of thrills find laughter mode t'ould shake tho foundations of the 8:15, mats. Wed. ft. Bat 2;15—"To polis. She is astonished to find her Pay," with Guy Standing. into a play by Geo. M. Cohan from the tatue of Liberty—and she's a woman SODA WATER husband equally eager for peace and Fulton Theatre. 46th St. west of B'way; fitory of the same ntim** by Karl Derr ,oo." THE luiet. So instead of going off on a evea. 8:20: mats. Wed, & Sat SUE—- Biggers, is uinning cheers from crowd "Aftar 6," a comedy by Win. At first Lily revolted at the idea, then itreituoiia world jaunt they yield to the od audience a at "the As tor Theatre, Try a tasty sundae with nut or fruit dressing, or a Cecil DeMllle. desire for fine clothes and good times :ull of a simpler life and plan happily Gm\*ty, B'way, 46 at, Friday nlffht— where this myatory farce is just begin- onquers, and she becomes a visitor at serene homo -and honeymoon. glass of delicious lemonade. A specialty of favors for leu "Nearly Married." ntni? its 3rd succegsful montii. Ira. Farrington'a apartment. In the Garrlek, 56th St. near B'way; eves. 8:15 parties and banquets. Gall or telephone us. mat Sat S:1S—"Madame President, "Seven Koya to Baldpate" is a rip aeanttme, without her knowing it, her usband becomes agent for the build- with Fannie Ward, roaring farco that is guaranteed to Prompt deliveries : : : : .- : CSlabe, B'way & 46th St.Evo. 8:15, Hat keep you very much awake- with Its ing in which Mrs. Farrington lives. ci Bat only, 3;16—"The Poll Girl" with rapid fun and intensely exciting situa- here he finds his wife's picture. He Fifth Avenue T&«tre. Richard Carle and Battle Williams. lestlona Mrs. Farrington about the tions. Election Week bill Is one well Oravul Optra Btoa&b Bves. 8:1s, mats. •et)y woman and makeH an appolnt- Wed. and Sat. 2-16—"Years of Ola aluulated to pleuw the warring fac- lent to meet her. She comes to the THE NEW YORK CANDY ereUon." Street Theatre—"To-day,** tons ol all parties, each act being a ndesivoiis, and he kills her. MHT-I-U Theatre— ISd St., W. of B'way; a Dramatic Triumpb. lerfcct harmonizer for all the discord- "To-day" is a sermon on tho evils of Telephone 768 aves, 8:25; mat a. Tuea. & Sat 3:20— nt elements. Sweet little Minnie Du- "Mas I'hoenix." Whatever olso may ho eaid about the •anity and dress more powerful than »ree hyads the program with "Car- Htapadroise, 6th Ave., 43-4UN Sta. Dally lodern school of dmmii, it at least a ever preached in a pulpit, but it is Mats. Eves, at 8:00-—"America." ols." ttie charming little piece which 3OE3OE makes you think. t all a sermon. It ia a play thrilling* xoxaoi IOOO mce served Ethel Barrymore us a cur- oaoc Interesting from start to flnlsh, full No one, for Instance, man or woman, tain raieer. Rollicking .Tack Wilson, :an go away from the Forty -eighth Irving l'iaof T^eaire. 14'h St. and Irv- f dramatic surprise** and witty dfa- tho comedifin is also near the top, while ing place—-"Kasernflnluft" Street Theatre, having seen Broad- and sweetened by a delicious old lurat and Schomer'a little play, "Tc- tin; Crefghton Brothers and Beimont Knickerbocker, Eves. 8:15, mats. Wed. ermati couple who have held fast to and B&L 3:15—"The Marriage Mar- ay," without pondering over the prob- land in third place with their amusing ket," with Donald Brian. lem it presents. You may not Hko to better things ct llfo. And it is oddity, "The Mudtown Minstrels." In 14tile Theatre, 44lh St., near B'way magnificently acted. a niche by itself stands that sterling eves. 8:45: matu. Wed, & Sat. 2;30~ onder over it. You may not like tu PLAINFIELD THEATI Go to see "To-uay," It Is a play of "Prunella. iv»n think of the phase of lift* It sketch, "Just Half Way," with Allaii today that will help to make your to- Leusacre, 48th St, West of B'way— resents, but you can't help but Dlnohart and Ann Heritage In the "Adele. , Musical comedy, hrash it all over and over in your I morrows wiser and better. leading- rales. Others are Dolly Con- Lyceum. B'way & 85th St—-Grace d, for "To-day" is a play that sim- nolly »nd Percy ^enrich; Leo Car- Monday Night Only, Nov. 10tt) George la "Half an Hour." throws the ^iiunttet In your face, *;nifty Theatre—"Nearly Marrlp.1." rlllo; Bison City Four; Four Merklo AUGUSTUS PJTOU, JB., l>resents tyric, Eves. 8;1S, mats. Wed. and Sat. t dares you to forget It, as you hava 3:16—"Tfas Girl and the Pennant" This is the 10th week for that joy- Slstyrs; Ernie and E3rnle, mlgon hundred milk-and-water plays that ful farce "Nearly Married* at the Teutonic comlques in "The Monopede Sfew AmMerdam, West 43d St; eve.. •on have scon and that you never 8:16: matB., 2:15—"Sweethearts,1 Gaiety Theatre, where thousands have and the German Girl," and Archie Onri with Christie MacDonald. .nought of a second time after you left laughed and many thousands will con- and Dolly. FISKEO'HARA Bttrnfeattna Opera HOBS*, Eves, 8:15, ho theatre, It challenges you not to tinue tn laugh at tho ridiculous com- Tlie Favorite Singing Actor, mats, 2:15—"Blindness ot Virtue." nst(tar the the-ma upon which It In plications of tho eloping marrieil cou- littlfm S«iuare Thratrc, Maxlse mnoti'* Theatre, "The Lure." uilt, and it defies you to deny its In the Beautiful Comedy Romaace, ple in JSdgar Selwyn's funny play. A musica! production called "The Palace. B'way & 47 StiDaUy Mat and •Uth. Written In three acts, tlie pleco is a . Eve 8.—Supreme Vaudeville with Purple Lady," is presented here for the The story of "To-day" la the. story of Hcnuim all the way, and as presented Missis Ha jo a. first time by the well known, composer, woman who comes to her downfall by Ur\ice Mcliae, Jane Grey and their IN OLD DUBLIN Tlie riajhrusc, 48th St., East of B'way; producer and man oi many arts, Mr. B. eves. 8:18; mats, 2:15; "Tha Family irougli love of line clothes, who Uter- associate farceurs. Is an absolutely By AWiUS'XUSl'lTOU. Cupboard." ly sells her soul fur a few yards of I'ertaln cure for the hiiies. FrlacftM, 39th St., Bet B'wsy and 6tli ilffon and a handful of h," Ave., Ev. 8:4E; mata 2:10—tlepertolrfl "The Bis Surprise," which is tho title anil "Old Xiimerlclc Town,11 etc., et«. Co.. In one-act plays. w thing happens every day. The ami OJMTH Hoiisp—"Year* off Dlttvre- nit'iican woman Is not temperamental, t a comedy skit, presented by Mar- An Excellent Acting Company. Beautiful Stage 1 «<-puhllc, 4?d St. W- of B'way; eveB, garet SawiC'IIe Duffy »ml a company of 8:20; mat. Wed. &' Sat. S:20—"Tem- pr (?ient ovprwhi'htihifj imsHloti is A Production of Unusual Merit. peramental Journey," with Leo ol love of man, but lovo of drosa, ami ten clever entertainers. Then comes No one wilt want to misa David HKAB O'HARA'S NEW SONGS:—"Peggy Oilro}-," '•( ere girls are led astray by the desire Hurry Tatt**s Company of English He-laSfiMt'H latest enmedy s\iecoi!3, "Yours Dublin," "liove at liast," *'IU>se» Rose, Kose," anil "Tbe \ Shnhrit Tiniitr^, 44th St, west of T /tnery than by nil the oth*>r temp- Comedians in "MortorinK," And anoth- B'way; eves., 8; mats., Sat. % sharp— of DJsortition," wbU'h aftt^r a run of Boy." Foroes-riofcftHaon farewell •with Ger- iri in the workl. nearly an tmiirft seastun itt Iho Belasco er round of la\fj;ha is secured (n the 3 nnw plnyift. rallfiil "Th« Olrl from l trude Elliott. It in this them* that "Tu-itny" ex- 'Ifheutrt', New York, j*j at tlio Grtuul PRICES . . . ' . as, 50, 75c, %IM,% pHfc St. I'feeatre—"At Buy," a. play by oiu with n power nnri a gripping Opf'ra IIOUSH tot tho iiulnncov of thfi Chi Ids," jirtv-^fiited by Misa Tnex is* Gfsorge Scarborough, Macnuley unrt Oompnliy. ft *(* St. Malic Hall—Sam Bernard and miestnfiss that ;tre never ttt by for- ityii the play tells tlio Htory nf a Tlie aulhurii of the piny «r« Fredyrio ^ 4t * l'roetDr*n Park I*IRC« Tbrar IH Smoked for this week. Anumg muted t'l'i" fttorgy io niahii motioy, ahd ihe Tiiat Ms UtUKtUt-r coinys ainmtan^ously. tiif. ail star at-ts ia Julius Tannen, "Tin- 8t and B'way.; 'oman to a^cmJ it, ami tht*y arc, living Tn "Years of Discrutkm" Mr. TV1a»ert 'The Pasginj; Show tit 1913." Next Ohiittcr imx;" W. H. St. Junes & Co., in Munday, "The rieasure Hk jyond thoir mtutns, Tiny man IK a fliin •fft-rs oiw ot tli!> must uutubly fltiti castH .i humorous sketch, "Stockings;" Cam- •How who has made a groat Of;til of f roc^nt y«Mtfj*. "With one tJOJlipany, 1 orort ftit'l (^'Connor, In a brand new act onpy in daring real estate sppcula- nt'UicUnK sin-') iilay^rs UH Mfflo Shmt- entitled, "Hirt'il and Fired;" I1'win and / I*lBfsfiHetmhaj', ihe Aznrrt Ftrtis, and Bdsv- Camilla I>Hlhfr» HIU\ Oruru Mnore, n-t'iil utht'i- (tots oompletfi thin high class It-lah ainglns actors, will prewmt "In trume of the style. re eoultl he no doulit an to the hlj^h VFiudevUle bill. Old Dublin," Ati&uHtuB t'itou's latent comedy romance, nt tbe Plafnflclil Timatre, Monday. Nov. lOttt, "In Old Dublin" IH a t«i» , maktnu; in th« Kmernta Jult- «i 9 iosenkum s Election Guaraiteel After Dinner AS THE LEADING SHOPPING CENTER I TIS A box of *#$& assorted small choc- VICINITY BY TIE LADES OF WESIHELD olates or "e4*f£& pep- permints is most And they are going to take adwantage of the delightful. They pro- mote good cheer. opportunity to get some part of the entire stock of aThe Plainfield Lace Store" 1 which is offered for sale at prte© at

in many vitrtf««•« niit every candy fwtc. We nlw8>'i Jisvo ,lho»n frwl>, UtUr fiiw-s «i* Keii Lont for the fttd Bl$tt Is la &6»imirt l*«f fori patron In Mt 116-U7||Wmt Front St., Plainfield, N* J. 9»m*r«i»t Strsst)

Your dollar purchase will bring $2. value

ROSENBAUMfS WESCTIBLP, HEW JSESEV, WEDNESDAY, N0VSMBE2, 5,1BI3. Pago Tfcres J. S. Fraud Paint BSALERS IN «DVERTIffiB_SPECIMS THO worst inlninlcR In painting U Tlirro'n tinlj- OKK l)ist~,m(i not puttiiiR-ofr. That costs about It WHAT THE MERCHANTS HAVE(percent; you kceu your money that iHMt ii» wttf^defi ptMliuK 1\>v ioal aocl Lumber TOOFFER your and pay 10 uorcent for it. !^» tin- quart b our WVMIlelrt Paint wouid havo to coma-dovrn Moulding and Masons' Materials, Special Inducements Found in Our 23 iioreent to m.iUc 10 ncrcant o «'luli Whlskvy. Adrerthlng Columns. — Read tho joh, for wages do not go-dcvii Kindlingwood and Fertilizers. Carefully All tho Advertise- Tho worst mistake ia "cheap" Othvr* maj (.'oitio nrnr it in ments, as "What You paint. II costs 1'iom Cfl iiercent to quality, tiuvor ond BmocllmcHa WRIII" win bo Found dee and Vard3: Central live,, near Railroad Crossing, Westilslil, 8. j. 100, flint cost,, and another :>i wear. but mmi' ovcrl it. There, What fi liar "cheap" Is! "Put- I 10. Orders by mall will rocolvo prompt attention. olf" is bad-enough; 'cheap" is U«i times woise. I'lvo ji-oi'K olil ituil a 11 "Show Me! All right; cozno to 11KVOR. whiskey juii'll Ihul splriulM. Charlia Clark's. Goo. W Bnker soils it. Try If. [ if. WOEL TELEPHONE 78-L J. p. It you need a maid, aiiv«rt!69 in tho "SpaclM Notice" column. 3. S. Irving Company are mill aeillne Lelilgh Coal. Advertising to Men Worl & Millett The Leader is devoted solely to .II Is interesttni t« l'now Jdat S. SCHLENGER tlia public Interest, and haB no selfish, "vtmi Silnii ni .iil'i inllni nee men. The Leading Real Estate Brokers 1 political or personal tula to serve. \. uttc 1: it, «me li-'yiiiil ul ninis. 7 Elm Street. 2SD Westfield, N. J. tt"M tint ^\t I'ifli do til giv .t - BEOAD STEEEX Westfleld hm. Block "Consult the Man Who Knows" is the by-word in Westfleld It refers bulk of ttifi triuliupr, for thcinnt!!- ORDERS DBM\!EKED PBOM 8 A. M. TO ?:8D P. »l. to Walter J. Lee, of "the busy corner" vca aiurthttir ham^E, Htili thero In tha Plat-Iron Building, who 1» an Is? a certain amount of trading FOE HOUSES TO BENT I HOUSES FOB SAI.B! authority on Wortfleld real estate. Those who patronize him uo well. DIHG SITES AND FAEMS m CHOICE SECTIONS. 'Men arn occupleti vvtih tlieh' Coal prices advance each month. biisiiu^ii (tffuirH ond if (lie mer- l?e have a Ml list in the moat desiraMe locations, and can Telephone Tuttle Bros. 414 Wcstllold, clunu writps an atl desJsiied who will book your request and de- prlnclpiilty far men ihero art) please you with prices and terms. some ]H)hits to beat'- in mtml. M Ilvor at your convenience, their high Tho ii'l to num should be brief, Ui MONEY TO LOAN ON BOND AKEJ MOETGAQE, quality Lehlgh coal, well gcrseaed and more thjin ordinarily at* and freo from glato, Tuttls Bros., Initittvp, &H it Is more iHfiicult li Talephoiia 414 Westftold. to attract ntnl initupnce* msn IE- tlu-ouifh ads, U'tim wonieii, IK Tho proper way to move today la Wometi MUf, dntail in nds while by automobile. Quick service, care- mm i\i'<>- nat jjt%'tn to sperdiiit; II A New and Complete Stock in the New Store ful handling and largo vans can be much tlma ovor ads it nil all ml- had from Wllloughby. Telephone vprtislng to «u=[t shouti.1 be to him. Hiii piitht anrt bo us 'free from I W. F. DAY 8c BRO. ; CICARS GALE'S CIGARS detail a* possible, and and Christmas Photographs—It 13 not i loo early to think of them. Wo can i-'ropcr illustratfoiis ntui head- f TOBACCO TOBACCO Hnos nrB of Iminuufsttrablc value H .; CATERERS.; PHARMACY Onish them now with all caro and In aceurirt£ thn iittfuUlon of have them for you for Chrlstmrts do- tiiiftt. Thlfl ta seen. In the bef?t 8 The old location, but a new store livery. Baunmnn'H, Broad St. clothitift- julvortlsln^ In tliia 899 BROAD STREET, NEWARK, N. J. Have you tried tho new box of chiiroe'.tvr «f auvi.'rtU=iny tUe ar- i Huyler's Assorted Peppermints? A tlsta arc working over Um<> prc TELEPHONE 2030 MARKET new round box put out very taste- itat-ing illusti*atioi^ that will at- a i&tablished I860 > Telephone 69 tract t\\& atisnttoi! of nien its tuily and ribbon trimmad, especially llu»y read ttif paj»t'i"3. At presuiit a EDWARD N. BROWN, Tor tho "Bridge." "Afternoon Tea," ch* thitiH1 advert! sins;' ia aiaun^ or tbe "Luncheon." Can bo had at Ute best. The tihly Herloua ob- i any of their 26 New York City stores jtH-tiun to tlits dasjft of mlvortls- Funeral Director— Embalmer or Frutchey Pharmacy Co., tho local Inj? is that (O(i many of the I agency. ctuthini? mis art itrnpat'^tj in New ESTIMATES FURNISHED 47 ELM STREET Vurk or Chicago, uinl do not nt the time, jilii.ee and people. Thw iS KMEMTY TKl'ST CO. ad writer tn N«w Vork cannot hope ttt pttuiitrp stock »aa tli»t IJnHttM Furnieh*d In all Branches Repair Work *ad Perch Screen B AH KXKOUTOKS, I will compete siifcessfuUs* with Under lhe will of the late Albert a a* n local ad writer, D. Smith, of Orange, which was re- |tri>vii.tin^ tlit1 locttl man i« an i9 cently fllml by the Fidelity Trust lid vvcitlt!^ «xj>cfS- The local HOTB18 AND BOAKDIHQ HOUSB8 Company, of Newark, RIHI Orvllie man knows his stork, h\» p«*up3o PAUL CHRISTENSEN an*:l JH lumtul to jutt moru inui- Ernest W. Wilcox Odiiie, Jr., ass executors, for probate vMuiUMj' into his ad, Many of Formerly at in the KSBCX County Surrogate's of- tlu"-H« ftoo}( mis ar^ very Immt- WILCOX & POPE Carpenter Ic Builder fice, provisions are made for the care mnm- from an itHlsUe Btuinl- and ultimate distribution of one of Iioint but miacralile failures from OABPBHTER AND BtJItDlE North Avenae Hotel the largest palates that has hoen f.iie »t;ttulpoint CJP business $?«*•-• B40 CumliiTlHml St. First Class Work at Low Prices ting. bamiiod in New Ji>rgoy for Btmu? :«l. 18O-J WBStfleW Finest Acco fo* years. It is estimated that the value Kstlniiitei Cheerlnlly Furnished eat and • Swth Avenue T.I. «a«.W WESTF1ELD of the estate will hfi close to 13,000,- Men. whfii once attmett^i to Kuisls. 000, if not actually nljovo that Hg- ntin, a.re convinced by an honest, Jobbing X'romptly Attended to Htrnight "for ward stfttemont of urp, and eventually uiost. of it win 1 Dinner and 8npp«n for fro to t«i> testator's two xrandchll- the cttotiti Ktving i*rk't>f«, (ill In . Antoinolillo Partlea a (pee- (Ircii, Alien May Hullock and Louise th<- rnoat tn>mise yet 'liJoashiR O'Donnell Bros., lnllj-. NELSON ARCHBOLD St. John Ifallock. COHTBACTORS ANO TBAMBT131M In addition to Rprvinsr «s ('OCTXPCU- [uvtns THBB tov Vtty «r County Copyright HX3 by Geo, I'lanoa bozea ana hoisted. Truck- North Avenue Wastt!«M Carpenter and Builder tors with Mr. Oddle, si friend anil ing of ftll klndi. Uwp Clradlng. HnanHa! advisor of .Mr, rtiniUi's, the- Saddlni* and deeding a ^^iac!iiky, All Branches of Carpentry PltlcHty TruM Coiupaii.v b nam^tt in Oliic-p. OH Crntrnl Are. 'I'hoiir 2IIT.W the will us trustee of half a dozen WBITKIIM.n, S. J, KlltST OI.AS8 Repairing Promptly trust, funds, which in all jtrobabllitj ACCMMMODAT1ON8 Attended to iviil amount in all to nearly $2.0110,- Subscribe FOB TIIANRIKNTM I.HKI, Thcso fundfs arc to h« hf-!d Mil for THIS POST OFFICE 183 EUCLID AVENUE Telephone Connection iniiTi&gpd foi* the toatiitar'a widow find DO IT NOW I» A V IS II widowed daughter aiul ako for n ONK DOU.AR PliH YKAH *. It. UA1.I3, t'lutinaato, ttrothur ami slator of tiio det^ascd Onen from 1 a. in. lo 1:39 li. ui. and tho two grandchildren. rt^#. 7 to 10:00 a, m MOONEY'S HOTEL In the MAILS RBCBIVED voHnr.iijoiis dorutn^itt tho iilolity, From Nsw York, Mast, South W. W, MOOSBV, Prop. {JAMBS MOFFBTT [is trusaee, ii4 civcli Kpi-cilh: diric- FRATERNAL CALENDAR lhlO ( g di«ilverl i fitt SON lions for (tip [iliymctit iit tin :J0 H. m.; %;i<>, 8:80 p. m, ny mail from Baaton—9:00 Ji of thego largo gums ami a!t*o for their NOVIOMIIKH, 1«(8'. in. o 6m. rpentere and Builders 2S2 (n-^ntuiil ills!rlhutfoil. MAIi^S CT.O8I3 •ill NOItTII IVB, Wratlleltl I.«IIRO Oild f'ellown. For M*w York. Pljiladelphl*. Morth SHOP: PROSPECT STREET WBSTF1ELD, N. J. m»l, South n»J Suuthweat—1:16, (H5, Aithon^li half a dozon jiubllc in- M«i)iiu 'I'rlti* )!e and Fors'tgn MI^H!O'.IS of tht> Cotirt. t'rovlfi* Sit S1>oi^gtfiiJs, Cwrirs' first tlelivfiry foimtiencfiS t I*t'*'St*stciitHi chwrch ar likely to re Unchurch f.«tg« Workiucn. eciv binfiiicsts. In tho 1 CITY HOTEL MASON WORK f iis*: of thr-H WfKtflflkl Lortsii Oild Fellows, tiro fmliiii;! Uic> H!' *j 11 Knfiiridc t'tinni i! Uo>al Ar^aliinu SSI E, Ilrowl Street, I.^T.f. ') liiitriphi hpon !>i dip of <)ur Fist: Count tl, O. of L NEW JBBSBT 0ENTEAL. A. W. STILES Mrs. Smith. li,.i ollm ('ilblli- In Htar of WWflHil C'nuiiltl, l> nf A U J, Aurko, I'roii, jtltutl»ii8, li Atlas l.x'tfif. K fc A »!. cuoii'i: WINK hiqiluna AND GENERAL JOBBING CONTRACTOR j ? 3 5, T 7?. 7 11, (7 F.I iMMU'C th( t ths of thi* win unit si; ew iiTk t'tsly). 7 ££€ , I OOSS , 8 2244 ,s S5 CK1AUH sfeu Cheerfully Furnished 830 W. Broad Si \}H> ivhtHUn'ft tttu fiaitd ehHdfpn die I'uinpaiiian Cuuil Lady Furvatcra is, 8 (», JO 23. 1131n iti , 12 -i», IhcclltHi ii(u*»jiit«il;%i!oim for Qff' 1 SS. SJa, JOS, J 41, « 119. IH 4 i5 withntit Itm ' Writ fit Id lioduo Odtt Felln«t. u:«, lot i. iiiaiijui tine! trnnsirnt gn^lf* Th« sill, wlilch In d.itfil lli-ccmtx'r Mmnii TrtUi ftpd Mt'H. 6i. *u, 7 SI, mi, Kt, s tiy :» d3,ltd an-rtin Il.-ai ami Ki«etrlo U$U, 6, 1.J11. ?|iM-IHrHlly piovldc* lli»t « is » in ; 12 a i< , I U. 3 Si), S^ si n-nl.h.4 38, 5 48, 1 G8. 1 Sfj. I S3, I 1t lOS T»'i- He Mfabtu FRANK RECABDO tiHthrr V1r. (liMm nuf the Vldvlttr OHjit-stl (VunfIt Juniors. ii i'i ll ni. |«« »I «i| Mn.j, TiUdt Cojrj(i»ny, u Mi'MltiifS, liur the r*ir K^psi'k, § \$, $ 38 ll 15 throutth PAINTER & DECORATOR l-<(yft! Order of M«os«. r*lli). ? H lib » (0, lit 53. tl It ft. si , fetkiwt bul lutirr Inrtltutlfltt, •• tru»t*»«. shall ho Coat-l Prutliit'nt F«e»!vit. .2 W, I tl, « 15 S 08, * U, 4 ih, ( 51, « it, 318 North A**. * Pr«p«t Hi. iptjulj*'4 io finish aey bo«da for tins ti, SO, iB 43 li til Hilll,l.,v«, 135, p. 0 it, HI 1 I'jirturrli [<«(JK» Worttmcn, til, 1(1« a HI; I O», l JI, SOS, SSJ, 'IEU), NEW JERSEY EMjrfnrTH&fic* wf tht'lr dotifss, Tlw r M, 1 m, I !>, « ti, 10 43 II ro iltk'nmttit *»« wtttn^nfil hy ftrf- Pur Philadelphia. B *4, « f% II ti, Flr« Alexander Hunt erlrh W. Egn«r, mill V Downing I'rMp t>f Our VltK Poanrtl. W. otl It, !J0, 9 1!, 1« *0 l: m : !J4« tt IR (Hid Niiri A, J'Hninn, rfsftM-ttvH)1 ltmil*S» a 13, 8,46, Mltl, 8 In , IIH, shv piMldviil, »e«i»tant nHT«-tarv • S, » l». 1 nt A M4 |i m , 111 « II. and e« Vi- 219 N01T1 AVEUE (II, lot. H16,' 1IIJ1 K (»,' 1 SI, «IJ,' H, P. MANNING ,1. Ins Trmt rampant, s ih fJastiiH iinhi ri #II Hs**i»la*», s Bi, 48 a til I 4« t Si, « tt ti l» i^itr vyilk^a PflVl« s»i| ^i(«litofl, S flg, |umbing, Heating and Tin Work • IfatI . Q£ a ni ; U1 p tit. l^ult-iA^js, Sill Willpapring Oampititoa Cmn IUi!y rvsittw, • S * lit i 39 )> i,, N Mini Street Phone No.-H54-M Mfiiin) Trlts Order of Hoi! U»a, War iilifiin- City, 151, • it > m • T»I, Louis Glasser PfMi el Our CWi C »• ' " t«ir* of I-lbni-ty. ».1». II' ** *" " v,M,h 1%ri>urrt !4><»s#, A. 0. W. W. A t' Stationer n FACTS "CKNT-A-Wotttr* AM. W»*tft*14 finuj, W, 0. W. ttBAB BVKRt PACtB sr» WONDKn WOHKKUW. If imknam Hull - >

All** 1 «i(g», V, # A, M. C1EAM Cnnrt Pfosli1#M, I, *>. V, \ t ,«?ml Cif(f#r fit Moam HUB-MARK of Home Ctturned Buttormilk Win. H. Barton RUBBERS Uutf *» 110 Broad St. the time-not ex*{

not wastefully, butj i+» word »# S»i4# )k*> !««$; *W! anybody forget you* ; (hsr Ctnt-ft- Ward Cffltttnn to it Weitd«r-W@rk«f house: -"find-' the road, ao' that Personal experiences in sections passers-by will not be.required to : '-.". tftat are not well Personal known are always in- ;» %VEBNESDA1-S AT loojr upon the face of the man who WE5TFIE1.B, MMW fouud out. Experiences. teresting, but there from financial (#orry is always an added T0K WESTFIEMJ LBADEB PIUNTISd € -C .«.-• Freedom \NU PUBUSU1NO COMPANY. Epidemics are generally things to charui when those experiences are ideal condition ^or one's ; bo avoided and well told ami'the Trader "feels a : tyALTER J, ME, Editor ana President genuiue pride in the excellent ar- i C, S- iiEE, Vice-Prealdant and Seerfttary An Epidemic feared, but there BB WITT C. PEEK, Treasurer oi Good Things, is an epidemic ticles that are appearing regular- now raging • inly in its columns detailing the AS INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER \:lnct>fii0- West-field that brings pleasure personal experiences of n writer PAPGfil tor the and charm to the life of our town of repute who knows much about TOWN tl$* WE3TFIK1.D , and that is the epidemic of din-Mexico, Arizona and that wonder- irrient Pol icy jjroy ides : ^ Borouati OF OAIIWOOD ful section of:the United States, BOROUGH OF SIOUNTVUMSIDB ners and lectures that are to be - Bad noted in the news columns of ourthe "Great Southwest," where way to finan(|ial indep OIHcinl Organ oi the Jen Jfmcy Ml- |)eal pages each week. The Board they may be a a little short on. lux- ctailtm tat Poultry itnproveaieiit. uries but they ore long on nerve Entered at the Post Office at WeitfleW, of Trade dinner is usually the denceinoldage. Askaboiittgl N. J.. ia Second Clasa Matter. greatest affair of the year in and grit, and where a man makes his own way because pull don't Terms: WcBtfield, because it brings to- •1.00 a «ar In »avanet| S cento o gether men from every business count. These, article's take us close to the hnnrt of that troubled sec- Advertising Union Furn!»b»d Upon and profession and has for its Application. purpose fhe development of thetion where blood is flowing too freely and the citizens are anx- Telephones; town at large. The annual Board Editorial Dept «" of Trade dinner will be held on iously awaiting the decision which Business OIIICB *•» will settle the fate of Hucrta. •Fob Printing Dept *0S the 18th instant, and the outlook The Prudential To the Newcomer—Wo welcome is that it will surpass its predeces- you to WcstflelU ami ask that you sors. Then there aro the dinners "THE CITIZEN IN POLITICS" ' FORREST F. DRY0EN, President will call on us, or telephone on f-ayof the various Men's Cluls of the l'artor Itrani Pictures StartllnK Ton- matter .pertaining to the town. churches. These gatherings made 'I'luinu 407 wid 408. sllillltles in Present Day for good. They provide a forum Tendencies. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 5, 1B13. for the interchange of ideas that will result in good to the town "The Citizen in Politics," was therising all over tho country who were NOTICE TO ADVERTISEBS. topic of the evening sermon delivered inspired by this new national im- and they create good feeling by O. Franklin Ream from the First pulse. The wide gospel of the new desiring to mako clianges in M. E. church pulpit lant Sunday of any hunter or tbelr sdrertisementa must have their which is sure to be followed by re- policies of social service was spread- An sults. These occasions give, an night to a largo congregation, Mr. Ing and it held out great hope of trespassing on the L copy In this office NOT LATER THAN Ream did not dlscusa the question better things. TUESDAY NOON of each week to in-opportunity for the presentation Example WOOD FOREST P80PJ sure publication thij snum week. In any narrow partisan sense and dls- of plans for the benefit of the corn, clalmeil having any Intention to clo so. This large tract is M _ iminity nnd for the race. They aro It was within the. memory of Ms ex- Will Be perience, he declared, that, the gen- property, the same «| The "I told j'on so" nuisance is also an outlet for the budding MAD DOG TERRORIZES around town today in erally accepted -viewpoint of a chris- Made your own home post-prandinlist who gome dny llan was that lie was living up to the and we propose to Alter the full feather and ghmt- hopes to become the Chauticcy M. full standards of the faith by at- SOUTH SIDE OF TOWN Campaign. ing over the defeated Depew of his day. Tho effort of tending church regularly and going any trespasser to the ones, but the dny is through all the forma in conformity tho embryo 0. II. D. niay not al-to church practice, but leaving wider Two People and Numerous Dogs extent of the law. hot one for gloating. It is rather ways give real promise of the fu-matters of business and every day Bitten by Canine Afflicted one for careful retrospection nnd ture but the young man should be conduct In lifo outside the considera- TAKE WARWN6 resolution. On the part ot politi- tion of Christian ethics. Tho old With Rabies encouraged. way was to shrug one's shoulders and cal leaders it should be tho day of say that Christian considerations THE PEARSALL COMPAI resolution to avoid tho mistakes of C G C could not he entertained in business THE COUNCIL TAKES ACTION the campaign just ended, and toThere «re a great many Westlield affairs. "Buslncsa is business," was OWNERS the excuse. Now, however, there be sure you have tlic right man people who would be was a wider sphere for Christian raan- The phones at the homes of the next time. Some will iiisial, if Revive glad if the Westflcld various eounellmen wore kept jing- lood. No matter how warped the ling all day Saturday, Sunday and mistakes have heen initdo, that the This Club. Driving nnd Riding othtea of modern business may be Monday with complaints of residents fault lies with tho people, but, they may bo transformed and made A BIG LINE—Fall and Winter Samples Are! Club could lie revived to respond to ttie new era and broad- of the South side, of the town, who don't be fooled, the leaders still and once more place Kairncres er standards. had heard the fact that a dog afflicted A big variety to select (ram and we da the rust. select the candidates under the with rabies had made a wild dash Track on the trotting map. The [r^Resim said he was no pessimist through that section and had bitten Repairing, Cleaning and Dyeing at Prices That An] muchly praised but delnsivc pri- maintenance of an urgimiwilion of but he fen red tho Kepubllc. was head- dnt;s llRlit nnd Ifft and had a!»o In- mary law, and the leaders still de- Ing for trouble if certain well defined dicted painful Injuries to two resi- this sort require* the active I'iier- tendencies toward setting class H. SEIDNEE'S feat those they do not wish elect- ^ies dott» that had hoen bitten Hid win. Tile game lias not changed supporting. It can lie made so manhood, for things rather than sterl- have tlivni plnreil under surMiiHutce. and the Primary ljiiw has only K copy of tho dof; proclamation will again uml Hie Louder expresses ing virtues. Nn one could neruwo his b« found on another page ol thia Is- made new rules for playing il Ihe hope (lint during the winter dally paper, espeeSiilly of m'ent date, sue. "The LADIES' with success. Colby ran because without becoming convinced that the Hiembei'Hhip of the organisa- graft and greed were. *?voiy where gome one had to run to kcop a tion will rally again to its sup- prevalent but it could not long cn- I,U,UU>1>: FOKMATIOX DKLAYKI). 157 BROAD STREET place on the ticket for the Pro-port mid new life, mid energy in- dut'€> If the" good men and annum of The meRtiitg announced for Bun- gressives, that lie conlil be elected jected will be into the club. The tho country livo up against it. day afternoon In the ColutiVblan !ace, as many of the mt-mliers of DID YOU FEEL THE CHEL IDEM give candidate nnd to he u I'm- po\nrt> uith tin- Itu'reahti in wealth. tVio proposed organization had not eomlui'ted on a hi^h pintle It waa something to startle nn to lead IHWII examined bj tli« lodge phyaic- Rremiivp candidate one niunt lu« • popular with owueis cif in sanie Dlafo nnt Hitmlaj- vw- are now being displayed in the windows of o«n!«| infimnp pojiu- VOrNfJ l'KOIM.E'SSOflKTV IMI1TY dlfifnntint Hint Hi iiimMiiii-s- m.- THE LIGHT WARM KIND II C C Tho Leader, city nnd Ihey eimie to The m.'inbelfi "f tlm Vmni! lVo- t h c Knliurbs in pl«V S.uMy nf tin- Flrat Bai.tlRt I'wliiips it may not he patriot in • u eh 1-now ttKit tlun aie de- i-huirli f.am a lU'llc'itful Mnll«n-i-"< n at the small «nu{ prices to sny so, hutbn tithe frcKh nir mid really live hdlllj'. H't KOLiieElihii; luunt he pyitj m the churt h jinriuis <>n Thuih- It is for th«' men who have done dim., tn r.."t ti i.r inim- lime lln r- ila> meiiliik' last. Oamea. an Infor- \ break nut MI na o tlij- of etler ila^a v(,cu< tuoiii- nuii iijti^ica! (Mv.giam and refiei'h- ANOTHER- ! niciila mail" Ihe evening paw immt tiittt in this sre- Home of the iturst intereRtih^ MJ.H'C mnl t'i|." > ii« the ilnv for ts»tvln> ;.ilt'K • iil'e In social ri.fi ni-t'iUl<'H for the tion of New .TPI'SPV there was Bia^l feat tire*. Ko man who makes i .ftd n* isri' ate pain am! i.un seic greitt deal inoro active interns! l»e round trip to aud from the I WE DO PRINTING CHILDREN, SWEATEES AND WIT C» felt in the result of thp election ill ity each day enn fail to find New York Oily thitn th«t> wns much (but will interest him In at over the ruanlt in the Htiiie of 'The MusingK of a ('•muiiulei'.'' New Jtrvj. ljet u« nil be thank " Hnrmlrtif for " i» tuit fat that New Vnrk 1'ily nod notunly of netual vnluc to the mint HHI State of Now Jersey WM tint who nwtu twenty »«re» hut it Elected! L.A.PIKERS tiM'nU'r of that imus«<«ting I'lim- Informtttiou that will be tmljjn. Tha flood of »IHISK« and tr» *h«' I'Ommiilrr who SHEET sn w disgusting to ha« » plot \>y tlilriy t'ili/fii* am! tb« Viwfiitt whieh h« t«i a The majority of voters aro in favor of the leader* c&miot plwn s)| of the ra- leu, iht'rtiart* v**f)j ejsontlWlify tor m$oh a condition fnw m»B wht> ttt tlmt"« hm'fl iu>i NOVEMBER lit THE POM. C0K8K8T Ctfl«O tifxm TomtnAity Ifnll, tot the tn ritiw* ritipknna ntul PURE FOOD MARKET IN vpvm COUI-ONS wow word "lint" !»»« ln>tm hurled ttr* tiiiiy n very ffiv iir tt<» from fhe Kuvlon platform* ]»»i jia whri not scimf iim<' in ttiir Sif> EVERYTHING IN inneli n« it hns riune ff'Hii H» rep- n h'i ski il, If yttn wunt ts* irV ,in»itt Tli.' Ije-tjili-c «ii| hi* i>t' GlOCEEIlSand DELICATESSEN tmK «f f Im ttittaiTHUii I'hnrici MB

«iitn>r<< |» «iu*t ht-pp up hU fi^Stl i# Try tlitir Special Blend Coltec . 27c sail nut rwit iiuilt wr* tatm HOME ushivt in l«i» ttuiwrnni fha isjnf bfi\ *¥N*-S b*IV^ »?{v4l* *tl«J rls!'s$I!|C JUy Itoi #f OBOIAME ft jiittiiit'j" a ijfu tvefk Hint a 8tw> Or B«mwiii(of #!ii«M, for ihf nk» nt tltvtv WM.' t?»vrjr<>it« ot »M l»iyw» Hm- 1*4 'WilSiMti HitJf i*r wjffcr l)w" eMi B»R4 ml Hertpgt ttnHiifm 'ft im «*« fiftrt if* t 'fli» Uuthi- PURE F MARKET htm » I N»t I ID if ttittfl t» 4ht* fltflKielir What Uo ym need in the W WftSl u to ItlP nww »A»Ht) iho tnWK Iht'tn tit* pr

Raymoad Tice'and TEiiram Fink at- Mrs. Walter Seager.ot Soath.sve- CANNEl tended a Hallowe'en party In Railway nue, to visiting her eister it Hoflslc ill o'n Friday evening. ; 1 Falls, N. ¥. ': m in Msss Jessts Tlee, pt Highland: ave- Mrs. M. Bunuetl and daughter, of 'CMerry Di Huee, spent tlitl a week-enkdd witithh frifriendd g GleGl n GardnerOS , Is -visitingi - Mrs; S. HH. A Pl&infleld. ' ,'.' • , Smith, of . iOrth avonuo. Tiiese goods are freshly jpacked4ndlit«. Miss Alice Bird, of Plalnfleld, is .': Hiss Mabel B. Bray, of Budliy, the guest of Miss Florence Howarth, avenue', entertained, a number •; of None better in themarket: :^s ; We THE WIJJON DOLLAR BANK of Mountain avenue. friends on Halloween. : Miss Anita Thompson, of Brook- Miss Harriet, Pearaall, of Ferris lyn, K/Y., Is the guest ot Mies-Ivy Place, spent the week end with Lima Ijfearis,^^|| Cherry, of Mountain avenue, friends in. Hackensaek, m Tto engagement of William Orr, of Mies Mabel Secore, of the High Succotash, Corn, Asparagus, et€. Income Tax Clark street, to Miss Gertrude Helns, School Faculty, spent the weak end ot Cranford, has been announced. with 'friends' in Arlington. •'. \ = THE PRICE IS RIGHT: Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Elehe and fam- Mrs. P. B. Scartt, of Stoneleigh Directly affects the collection of cou- ily, of Everson place, left yesterday Park, wilt entertain a number of A saving by the dozen or case. Ask about tills brunt! today. pons and interest due November '1st. for a week's stay In Now York City. friends at luncheon today. Walter, Jr., and Muriel Lee, of A surprise party was given to Miss Lenox avenue, eutisrtalned about thir- Agues Mullen at her home, on Kerris, We have all the necessary certificate ty of their young friends on Hallow- Place, on Friday evening last. m. forms and will gladly assist you in J. F. Ryan, uf Harrison avenuo, IK-WBDFELW- UHEr Mrs, It. (J. Savoye, of Central ave- sailed on Saturday last for an ex- GROCERIES MEATS FRUITS VEGETABLEI filling them out in manner to comply nue, entertained the members of thetended business trip In Europe. with the law. iimcheon Club at ner home on Thurs- TELEPHOHB 402 day last. Mr. antj Mrs. J, C. Bushanok, o*f tlie Boulevard, entertained fritmds 120124 EAST BROAD STSEET WE8THEID, VS. 3, Rufus C. DBVIOS, of Waatnold from Bftyonne on Sunday tot. avenue, has pg&hagod Pearaall Mr. ana Mrs. Prank Taylor, of Company hamV site Evetsou place. Drightwood avenue, spent tho week- IS Peoples NationalBank end with friends in Rossvillo. Dr. James F. Donahue, of Put- SIETSON HAM of Westfield nam, Conn., la a guest at the home of Miss Ivy Cherry, of Mountain ave- MAKHATTAN BHTOTO Mr .and Mrs. C. K. Pearsall, Csrlton nue, was the hostess of a delightful Corner Broad and Prospect Streets road, Haloween party on Friday evening last. Mrs. F. J. Newcomb and family, of A basketball game will be played Just What You Men Ha¥e Dudley avenue, left this week to Friday evening at the St, Paul's spend the winter months in. New Pariah Houao between tho K. B. and i'ork City. Plio clubs. Been Looking For Judge B. B, Collins returned on Hon. Augustus Chandler and wife, Saturday from Oklahoma, where he of Long Branca, were visitors over New Shirts with short stiff bosoma. Thoy arc was attending the Dry Farming the dressiest and most comfortable shirt ft man mm congress. Sunday, with their nephew, Peter TonEycfc, of Park street. wear during tho Fall and Winter months. Mr. and Mr», Ralph Cosensa, ot Master Huyler .and Misa Abbie Bvei'son Pla>.ee, entertained a party Held, of New Yorr Oily, were tho After Seventeen of frlendPat their homo on Saturday They give tho tic a s«tlm>? which yim do not get week-end guest of relatives on Lonox with tho oL-duiury negligee shirt, besides protecting evening last, slueie for the evening avenue. was furnished by Dushanek. you at the vest opening from tho cold winds, Consecutive Years Mrs. O. W. Peek, of First street, Miss Jean Hall, of Euclid avenue. was the hostess of a bridge party North, was the hostess of a delightful given at her home on Friday after- MANHATTAN'S $1,60 children's party on Friday evening noon last. I CENTS' FURNISHING LIE last. Hallowe'en games were fea- COLUMBIA'S ?1.QO tures of the evening. Mrs. A. A. Smith, of Harrison ave- nue, who has been visiting relatives Mist* Kdlth Jouea, of Prospect, in Philadelphia has returned to tier strtet, entertained thw members ot home, the Queen Ksthcr Circle, .of the First Charles Clark M. iS. church, at her home on Mon- Mr, and Mrs. E. J, Whltehcad and day afternoon. Mr, and Mr«. F. W. Edwrtnls left on ! Baturclay for their winter hrrtoes in GORDON Is again elected to Miss Jean llalstead, of Dudley avc- j M(!imse i?]a S3 ELB STREET urn;, entertained a number of friends on Friday evening at a Hallowe'en A d»nc« will be given by tlm uni- Open Evenings party. formed rank, Jr. O. 0. A. M., In the WESttieid theatre assembly hall on ARROW & RED JilN ONYX * S0TA8KBIB Fill the wants of men Mr, and Mrs. P. C. Bearclslee, of! tho evcniuii ot Noveuiher 35. Srtmev\iHe, rue the guests at the home COLLARS HOSlEttY of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Appleby, of The senii-annunl meeting of toe tire Boulevard. District Nui'go AssoHution will bo and boys in Westfield held in tho Parish House of the Free- Miss ThorapkiiiBou, of lirooklyn, hyteran churrh thiB afternoon, has brnu tKe guest of Miss Blanche Special for Friday and Saturday Mi'Vo/, of Dudley avenui-. during tho Mr. and Mra J, K. Wileos, of Con- past week. Iral sveiiur, havo lK>pii entertaining their son Clarenoe Wiho\ anri family NEW CEREALS A HumtK'r of t {'0|> irom tlilH place of Jacksonville, Fla., during the past attend*d ! nli ftmthnl! fwhnt«i« I'VIK >* Kl rdai afternoon. Several 4 Creom Furina U CMVA hi bo>H Caillsrnla Hanta, 12« ib Tin* v,t'dd!lig uf Mif-o Uhui>n rmon nut being properly cleaned ami pressed. Wo will cttll for Ihciri UKhtfoiit, »l CiimtuMldiul 6lr<-<(, 10 Pure Pork SimnMo, Z2a rail Una (if Freth V«ieti&t«> fuui deliver them at. the wnlly remarkable priitf of $l.f>0 JUT Dauil iMiirnr Spniri-r, »f tills town, 'Tho iilst atniu.ll (lance of Wogt- month. Our valet will be »t you? service. An curly »ill lukv iiiaiv mi WeJlKminJ f\<- ll<-lil Ciiinp, W O W, ivtll IIP hrld (nil will b« appreciated. ntliR uf n.'Xt v,..l at (!»• iinmc IIT tl>»' !h Turu 1 foil, (larwitfMl, mi }lu» *-v<- in itln'rt parents tiltiR uf N'i»t>ii.b<>r 7th. I'rlit' ImwI- Lawrence's Market We also make clothea to order for ladies and gentlemen. 11, vtll! l.( iliiri' uf HIP evc-ul- 138-138 Bioad Street I'hom 273 I'ricou reasonable. Mr » dauRhUTB hmc tu- WIssNai AOBNTS FOB SMITH-GRAY & 00. tun I'd t.i tiirir hoini' im l/-iins sm~ KM) Young America Savins Stamps free t" every monthly tusf. aff'T lipending the rriojjtii ,sf Of- *hu Miid'jifet-iit an for Histiiiner. |.I))>T wltli Siio Kind's father, fion, ! i, II. Castnt'r. »f Wllliatnmiort, 1'a. is !t'!imt! i! to b*' rapidly rrrovcring. Learntoj)ance We tijsij repair and remoiW ftire. \ir siiil Mm I* T. E*«u, of IVu- Ira C Liiiul^H, f*f 'i'unifi iUv*-f, itial avuiui', *'!ilt'italii(d a numtH'f V!«l!>'il iciatlvm Hi mil IMn n< tod far Privite ICMOM a spcdtHf. General dandng Ian, & Sit, ni|Mi •S3 1H1OAI) STRUCT Tofcpbonn 2«>-J WKSTFIKU), 5. t. Grand sp#cUcuiaf liallovv'ecn ddticft l'riday 11 vs., Oct. 31 Kw*n, *tio for <»i* («*tUNITED MISSIONARY CAMPAIGN {Aii >rars has coiufuek'd & Bfuiiln'of Mtt'tc in trip iint««l»#»o Baliaing au MM* gireH, *u»v««l aa Monday ty Two humtifil tn^n ftotn lh& Hap- i«iR>-r >|ii*n«r> *l US cwilra! »*«• list, ('ou^rpgatltH'Hi, MHtjmiM &iid nu«, t« •rfofiiai4"t*t» h«r IntrBiuiair uutnbor of paplte. Mn| l»d support and llfttrtiwl *f* tl\p THE HARVEST MOON An infurtntl varlor m>»rtiiig ot the Our Policy Kl'irnri> of Mra, B, Ji Ifefg iH'fsstitfi was Hi** fiSmft * at B JH to frivt" o\ti for wniti>y B^rHHS tit inpe^ngs tiplrt Muoilsy and 1 looks down on US, a nation blessed Johnson, IDS KMt lm avnatt«, '•than tlu-} tun get with plenty. Have you your share f W« «ivo mi)H" for tlwra life?, iHm&H &•! Mooio, f*f Uu* Hhp- htitrr Work. If, VSR liipff, 'f^** t'"^^'' ^s ^^ It not, why not! 1 In»lt5(! W *tl«»>l. l%% M$df&n on the "Kttffii* ftm;" W« give tiiurf f«r Mrs I,. » r>»l«*ll. <>t C**iUn Hi«n«hi'«, tn«>lhotl« #! n Ihiil will ptts Don't you think a s.win§{« account infig thfl Iff" »f the Itnrlt, .trt«si Ml»#iii!i«rj Pm tri) «f tt»» would help, when the harvest mooii r»it W B fi-nrrti t«m»««* *t*r- W« g'nt ihew MM* for tMr looks down mi you in years to conn-, W, I', ilmt. <>n "Our IVt fart pf !!it }

THE HOME BANK W«rl» Our . FOR H01IB S •'••1 Westfield S Laundry THE NATIONAL BANE »»»*«. M.1 #F WESTF1EW ih f«M Telephone I.1S-W }• •«(.!<) f III* I 4*1*, ==;S^-j*ttS?3w«lBW^Wp^^^^™ftip?rj?:SKPi^WSiffiy?7T7|Sr R Ifiioiliiffi • S'OTICH OP ASSBSSMEHT. ss by Dr. R. R. Sinclair Notice is hereby given that Charles 1«D BEAUTI0 UOLY HftiR f. ApBley, Charles*H. Denraan and jtoutine Busincsa Trans- Han»jny Hair Beauttfier, a delightful li- Brneat W. WUcoi, the Board or As- quid hair dressing,is just-what it is named— sessors in and tor tha Town ot west- acted . 5f'S> >J> .the County of Union, have Khairbeautifier. NomatterlsowprettyyoUr niea, their reports, mnpa and assess- leoiid Jneetiag ol the. Pares hair now is, it can be made to look even.bet- mania for apodal benefits done un«oi ter by using Harmony Hair Beautiiier. To certain ordinances therein named. ! Association of the Gran That they have ascertained tha whole tiiosewho mourn because the hair is stringy- cost of materials, incidental grading held in that building' on dull, lustreless and homely, Harmony Hair and expenses incurred In tho 'so'uiatruv afternoon and was attend lion o£ the Improvements therein Beautifier -will prove a real blessing and named, asa nave assessed the lands ami bout tovty inemtiers ol tli pleasure. It seems topolis h and burnish tha premiaes fronting on t.iie improvements hair, making it glossy, silky-soft and more to the amount that thsy have been Bon'. ••."••.•' specially benefited, and that lh« excess resident, Mrs. Bunnell, pra- easy topu t up in graceful, wavy folds that of the cost over special 1>enents was i called the meeting to order 'stayput." ItovercomestheoilysmelloJ charged to the Town at large. . the hair with a dainty, true-rose fragrance, Th«: ordinances, names of owners, <»t 3 o'clock. • : very pleasing to the user and those around, troninpoa and special assessments are •pprts of the several commit Veiy easy to apply—simply sprinkle a. as follows; ointed at the last meeting Iitue oil your hair each time before brush- Improvements under an ordinance d and these reports proved ingit. It contains no oil, and.will not change entitled, "An ordinance to improve a the color o! tlie hair, nor dartan gray hatr. portion ot WlHow Orove Road in "hi stable to the organisation vicinity of Gardner Avenue," passedonil To keep hair and scalp dandruff-free and adoptBd Novomber 4, ISIS, and known iinmittee of ladies appoints dean, use Harmony Shampoo, - This pure na special OrUlnance No. 552, low the Board of Education liquidshampoo gives an instantaneous rich ^"^t:,0', Name of Owner. Ftse. Ami. to several necessities for h lather that immediatelypenetratea to every 1—William P. Acton 28S {182.61 2—Alonzo stelle tn S16 2» nildlDgs reported that tie part of hair and sealpjinsurmg aquick, thor- —Thoinai! Dickson 515 288.S3 i signified their williagneai ough cleansing. Washed og jusj ^ quickly, 4—Thomas Dlekson .....4C6 226.33 the entire operation takes only a few mo- Is as many of the articles re- $1,000.06 ments. Contains nothing that can harm the Amount of excess of cost possibls and Umt it would hair; leaves noharshness or stickiness—just uver special tenants to bo borne and ptilti by the Town short time wh«n the much ft sweet cleanliness. at large 782,71 _niture and otli«r flxturei Both preparations coma in odd-shaped, ssembly room and teachers very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler $1,838.88 Mean§ we have tops,'Harmony Hair Beautificr, $1.00. ild lie at the school. Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed Improvements under an ordlnanee mittee appointed to inter entitled. "An ordinance to Improve tho to satisfy you in every way, or your money Boulevard from Part Stre»t to Grov» uncilmen in regard to back. Sold in this community only at our Street," passed and adopted September ,r the approaches to thestore—The Rexali Store—one of the more 16th, 1912, and known as Special Or- than 7,000 leading drug stores of the United dinance No. 360. been elected to [wiling autoista of the vi Lot No. Name of Owner, Ftire. Amt States, Canada and Great Britain, which rehool children, reported 1—Estolle ML Hinchinan 175 ssisgsis.gt own the big Harmony laboratories in Bos- 2—O. S. Ryman .115 178.71 ton, where the many celebrated Harmony 3—Charlea V. Smith ... 95.8 lte.tl sldent appointed a commlt- 4—Ermlna M. Davis ...106.38 J90.44 Perfumes ami Toilet Preoarations are made. 5—LeKoy P. Duke...... 70 12S.30 ladles as a ways and meana —Frutchey tharmacy Co., cor. Elm c—I,oHoy V. Duka 70 126.S0 Oiontinue to serve to report or BUggeat ways and Broad Sts., Westfleid, N, J. 7—Wm, H, Davis 70 125.30 1-Wls, H. DavlB 66 118.18 nds torth e carrying on th« 0—Thomas O. Bell...... 70 125.30 10 organization. This com 10—Thomas 0. nell to 125.30 11—Ada S. Smith 75.2S 134.70 isisted of Mrs, C. K. Dunn, 13—ShoBhlra Yamatnoto.. 87.10 156.91 13—Shoshira Yamamoto,. 70 with the best of ra, Mra. Martin, Mra. Hal 13Shoshira Yamamot 70 128.30 Whether It's a Wedding 14—Ma14M y M.. 1'earsal1'li1'earsali 77700 125.S0 Lord. ISVIS—VVV . EdgaEd r RReeve ««8 116.S5 K. Sinclair gaTe & very In 18—Lillian «, LuKue..... 65 llfi.35 or Anniversary Affair 17—Llllittn B. LaRuo CD 116.SB address to the members at 18—LeRoy F. Duke.. 6t 116.S6 la subject was . "The Care 19—Ulllan B. LaRuo U 111.45 everything in the 20—Lillian B. IjaKue... .1I1.0S 198.83 ention of Diseases Among 21—Lillian B. laRtie 1J1.85 2H.il ildron." Dr. Sinclair han- 28—Lillian B. IaRu« 60 107.<0 —an Afternoon or Evening 23—IJlllan B. Liflltue,.,. 60 107.40 sutject In his usual inter- 2-1—Katherine B. Dewey, 167.0 27S.64 convlnclng nmnner and all Function, at tha dab or home, 26—Amelia U Drake 32 57.28 w«'rs «t your service for (hs 26—Amelia L. Drake 60 19.60 Grocery and d him wore deeply impres- 37—Amelia U Drake.... dO 89.56 force of his remarks, the CATERING part o! it-halt a 28—Amelia L. Drake 60 89,50 29—Amelia L. Drake 50 8950 of which will ho found century's experience, with a 88.50 30—Amelia t,. Drake.... BO 8&.60 the future to hoth parent pat ronage throughout thin State, 31—Amelia U Drake.... 50 82.65 32—Amelia U Drake as 134.20 er. assures you SATISFYING SS— Ruby 8. Oliver 75 7t.6O Vegetable line sociatlon is gaining In results st a minimum outlay. 34—Amelia I*. Drake.... 49 89.60 35—Am«lia L. Drake 60 89,BO ip and Influence and its 38—Amelia L. Drake.... 60 119,83 •is ore already being felt 37—Amelia U Drake.... 67 89.B0 38—Frederick Slater 60 118.63 scholars of tha Grant ID—Lillian B. TjiRue 67 143.80 40—Lillian B. LaHue 80 86.92 41—Frank Hupler 48 91,88 104.57 49—Jntne* Morrow 51 r ALLEN'S 43—Vim. llensel 58 48 l» i 10 ! IMPROVEMENT 4-1—WIIIIauiA lloican Jr 70 Catering. Creams and Ices i,-l H MtUtihin 70 AT THE STATION. H—Kalfu?rin Cokitnan .. 70 125.30 HUTCHINSON & SON 47--HH.. L. & c. la. Hroomer , 7700 126.30 ek the Union News Corn- West Park St., Newark' MarM y 1. WelcWlh h l>\> 5B 119,12 d their stand ou the west 4!>—-Amelia U Drake 6».51 124.41 One door Irom Broad II \milii L Innkf. 60 M Mi of the tracks, about twen- 1 \m. li t 1 1)1 iki Elm and 148 Westfield, t back of the place whore „ Amelia 60 Established 1838 11 v I 6ft 7 • stood. A concrete plat- 1 - \imlld U iTRk, CO and Hi Ik E0 built to accommodate It. "i leaves a clear view of the i Xnitl'i Broad Sts. 149 N. J. *- \mclld. m I lie North'avenue side {really to the beauty of the Housewives tTlo»rt nf rx~-*< ,f trll The new position of the s,u ' i il W PI fi...t (11 llfl h £i3Or0 cent eaicnt for Why not us» th bi >hn Ton commuter. "Maurice Kiver Cove Oysters?" Mr. B. H. TO DANCE Intjil ti.i nit nia undf r an nidliialHt eii- Woodruff, of Wostflold, N. J., titliti \n finilninff to linproi TOMORROW HVflNKWl, . tir at 1 i r it I A I»lr buys his oysters direct from lull Mi . ii uli 11. .1 \bi-ii> Tin) New York llernld snjs: will be by invitation and Very truly yours, I in, i lontlln (.r "I 4 I Hum It I .liii, t , "The unusual severity of the cold at Uila period points apparently to a t of the events of, tho sea- E. L. BATEMAN & SON., il < I 104 <1) permanent turn In tho iiesson wlilch will briiii? «xc?ptlonatly low tora- wmmitiee of arrangements t— 1 mil) t I « i> in 17. r>T 117 <" Bivalve, N. J. 64 i"i Iioraturpi) over tho country gonorally," i to decorate th© hail S Hiiiurt Vtunn «4 15 streamers!. This work o- 1 111! in H Liltil ion 17 Hi 78 10 I iliian H I allut. Si) 4J [Ml is by an expert decorator. 11 \im linyiiij^ 50 (2 B0 12- 1 bl nf Tiilhii M Will laker SO A fias "Bungalo" Beater Means No More Cold Rooms in tie Boose lNI:i!S KXC.AGED FOR YOUR LAST CHANCE 13 I Illl m i) I ,1 in '"tl i-i no 14 — i r ii k \ I 11. set Si *>i ) (IF TIIADK BANQUKT. In 1 Illlnn ii I oliue to Save a Dollar! ii, inn inih r I IHIKI 77 B 110 i>9 rgu Smith Trio ha» been 17 It nimill r la! u. f« i I 15 H iiltmli I I iltui ts SI >« tnagulpcs kkli i 1- a 2fM) (J8 No. 631 No, 631 4 Centi .»_ I mi- < loinnl fi7l>i n-i do - iDI.lt H\ 111 NTMt. ^Hl bf suit! wj'nratol)^ and st 1- ' ( 1 m i II Ike Sii' No. 632 - S4.7S No. 632 - 4 1.2 Contu tlui full Ftihihliiirs' pilc« for Si In t«f I' il, i r» »f in 04 - *' J. of ti'J^ I>m\m t 1 I ill 5 if* U I ihlrti 1FI SO 111 its u j| li 7i- in n t I mi lit !0fi s.) No. €33 - $6.70 No. 033 . - 6 Cents Vur a abort tin*1 )'»u njay tftko i Mr I , til 3 *-! i ie> fit) If 8113 ' i • ^i.irri'd 1^ a humor II 1 I J nil <> I'I II 19 i(i» a 634 - $7.00 sihiiithf* ot the rullowing of- 11 riiiirani i> 1 II H?44 HITS No. No. 634 - 8 1.2 Cents fers- - ' ll.,.i l!,i«,,I HI-. I 1"! la ri si iri' it i-nii Mr WHin m..|M,H!(in (S ji'ars) $S.t>0 nf of »» fa i,f • ,«t i > »'ri •• of IJr. li II, Slu-Hlwill IlOUWkl-I'lllllfS • je»r»). ,»2.00 tMld ti} t"ie riiHH a( (learats (Z 5»nr8) $ Hi S« GET ONE AND MAKE HOIVSE COMFORTABLE llnrp.-r'« Iliwiir it vears)..., .$1.00 Tntal |4S(»«« ' " I - ?k\h. i\ii*' %PTI In 1 1 en inat ISf •••I i .- nur nubserlpttons bef«re OUMii) wtii mr* t nt th« nmtil linBIH ! '' i ^ tiaiiii-r was* *i£>t II In t of K'i Tills offer li good (or olci or if(nln?r Iisl3 at elKht »i elm !! in tli** CRAWFORD GAS LIGHT CO. linw gubsi'ritrara. # vrni'JS ta ht-ft* arifi POTISMPI* nl»l*« tit>iis i . •, ortiect! to p»y iho tu s»t*b reports nirt£i* anil fls^e»«mr!iip whi il ohj#f!i«n» mt»*t i»^ i« wriHi^ |i itiii mttet im Pl^l ttltH \he limn ( Srji ,f HI in f«r«- tht= *ltn of «M'I m^'lifjg Andrew J. Shampanore c Kiltt I rt f*( AUK 208 East Broad St. T.L 40 Westfield, N. J. "\ lATEIlT.WSrt. THIS MtlUAXINK MAS ID ««-Jt » i* IVrt n |i? 1 I r W»««!>nng Sw., No. M«loB«M. is rill "I § '-'ik:vii, MIsn Blanche liniHtWili Umv.i H liumhfii' of bpf I in-* i iFr» MU* -...^ fa{. in«s( thr *M? ** ilf'-r M - •' • 'Hi # ^ ii^i r trill «» ^> •

u t naft i r»»*«r JONES' BREAK-UP » It • St 'I**** I bimon unvis «'! • ? nut* «-h»tili Co. our O»t»ri»g M»nftf w will

• ••••!. Ifo-tut !«»i,1, ffK AltVV.mtMM AT 1.4W. Tnof* *•• *wftt * ln Ol*r '"*•*• l.iinsrtif. IB Ai4 tm «» «fonflr«"»» *!»"> ff« uttita HI **» hf» vwri f|# *aufd not IIJT»'(!*-• Hut kit* »** •<» "« lfl*-rlh»«t. Our Centra*Word Column Brlnp

ft,-, 4«JHI«S, Iflhv

(n, s l prttlrta) Sho thai-nifen of high ciynigatidii ^ And It seems too Wd:thatftM/history; Mset» Socohd «h« FourthFourth••• r and trace of these people should have oaeb month at I B, re., JoA Arcanum H^l been lost. And It seems too bad that Oliver W. Hall, Ragwt. 630 Clark St the walls of the sreat Castle ^ Caaa Kueeno O. Bmford, Colleotor, 150 Daa- Unknown People Grande should be left out there to Jey Ave. W. Soorgo W. P«oli. Sso'y crumMo, full over and be forgotten. 325 First St. rph6 mins are fast undermining these A Monument or Antiquity in the Araona Desert thigk walla," and It is but a Question of a row years when thoy will fall over Written expressly for The Lender and becomo like othora mysterious hills that cover portions of the weird old ;".-;•. "''• (M. J, Brown.) C O A southwest M. J. BROWN. Orders promptly filled for si! In a fairly gootl stiite ofpreservatlon, FRUIT ''-;.• AH over Arizona nrt>. wliat ia la£t 1 .;'of ancient ruins. Sonic have-boon ox- and »Q judged from that the rulna could $100 Reward, $100 sizes. The best grades anr' «avate oftnt will bo fount! a yg h L h ll mound of < urtli, n largo mound If theshese cccndi'.IonB the eunh ment Hall'j Catarrh Cure t> taken ln price is always a bargain. Don't neglect to order your Ealy, acting directly upon the blood the wll IT U< (' f J «m "iones or laifie f tho castle would have lteen but aanil mucous surfaces of tho system, tlioro- rock it la a btifu bet it ifa an ancient mounJ of earth. t'dtig tlio foundation ot tho dis- winter supply during this month. ruin, a former Home of tho Aztecs or Some beautiful specimens of pottery, BANANAS nny old anlliiultv sou caie to guess vn;K>s ami oilier ornamental pieces have large, fine fruit, carefully A iiincliui.in diuweil mi- a hill neai teen excavated, proving that the tm- lll» l.mch heuse ivlllfli ho siuil he ciput iniiabitfiiita wore not only civilized selected aud not ripened in a vuis pusitlu tuvcl.Hl ii. itmfuk.iM*- but cultured. sub-cellar. Always the best. t'ltin front tin' f.ict it was similar !n TJils ruin differ.') in many piirtfeulniH TUTTLC 1 i\uv IULV with mouruH Hi' rimitli- om (lie scores of other rulnn that Pol.l lir nil PniBRtBts, 15c. !,qnlni |» opili- Inil pvcdvatoil In dlfhav- e tm>n iiurUaily oxcavfltca in Ari- ORANGES Coal, Lumber, Masons' Material, Mill Work 1 Take trall'B Fomll? Pills Jor constipation. fertnt |KiiIs "f I " 'ititti, onll muili 7.nnu, and it is said th«re iias ncVHf Florida and California, all Ju^-LM }1» —ii• I h.* h.u! lint, vnml thl. mouiul liuil not Iwi-n el- ls found In the cnHtlfl that hi itn, WE DO PRINTING sizes and prices, but one ner cftrreKiKKid to atlier like r^lit <, quality—the best. Office and Yard Corner Wesifield Ave. and Spring & Tho Hill w> llto liuiiiliiJ-' of uins lfsa than 100 inilfcH illstntit, jnound^ 3 ou v.ill •'».'* tvii^whi-n, uit tlief tiila ruin lvas older, it v.31 coviTtnl «Hh livti oak Btrul> ur of a distinctly different pvnple, we ALL KINDS of FRUIT trtpK mat li.nl timii thii" ("i niiiu . tit oiiiv Mi* ^ ,„!!. Tlu 11 «.i- no i.u-lv Juit iliv Afinr 1 luul returiH'rl to truv and always the best, which is ."•ilith, uml tlii- I intli. i ".il'l 'Hume ilrxi ' nun, I would Judtfu 70 yfiirt* old, the cheapest in the end. tho Imja \.ould ilirf lino it, lui |.olti»•• "' ' "mj iKiktiii me* ov.U', Buitl he was ah'.k aru REASONABLE' PRICES golnt," to toll itm of »m of the nuwt hitt if 1 hud tho price of tw0 ginn^r Westfield vionilirful vlslhlf mini In liiin"" to-' lhft lulN. tic Ho vvurth inure to 43 Elm St. I'ojo cllft" ilnpllp mini tlio two hits. Phone 289-W MEN'S SUITS 1 i! WOLF OX I h ivi lu'Vti en vei\ mucll in- I fell for It. 1 thought hi ttltsti'l ill the i nntnd tomiuiHihil inii;ht be worth a, iiuarttn*. Wn went DUG HI'S lUlnh fr MW that Him " "• to tho it.u i»mn of a ?nli>on. TU m - FURS REMODELED UNCALLED F0g SO litUe to sci!, and MI mmh t" ID>.I~1I«- lie ml two coolciniis—!i lili^ Blast* of The Big Fruit and AND REPAIRED MISFITS ON HAH8 wiilskei" with tin; same quinHity uf "If Purina Ohtek«n Ohowder and then I Iw\t> iiltt*'* h.nl the opin- won't make your hsn» toifc Confectionery Store FORMERLY WITH ROGERS PEET & CO. and SAKS 6 CO, ion, tlu-p iiimi' nlln' till' u\o h (.Tinker ido, ami ft ft or lii* ti:ul (ml mudbsRsetteOi" and i-ltll tmi>uvi'.—»fic mine iinridorn Initli utulcr hfn belt.- lit* wui-med UJJ Broad and Prospect Sts. oi It niw, Jii am lent il.ns t?ot airiutly confidential, and told me Bui 1 llrnrd «o mu. h «linut tin S'°it the following story and hitched on >i ruin nonr non nru, .mil tin nmtlrrtil proposition. For Sale by rtilm iirmiid II th.it 1 put the dill HB said he- had long' been i\ hutiter l««pl* In thi- little, uml mint to hf|ii*o.sjuu'tor iind traiipor In Ariaona and this i>i«h!stork lo.'nlits kruuv most of tho country and ruins R. F. Hohenstein PORE MILK & CREAM FROM DAIRY TO COBS Jt t,o<-» I" Hint Tour year.H »KO ho waa ti»l>l>iiij. 10 PROSPECT STREET : WESTFIELD SHOE I Milk nnil Crcnm- fiom tilts Dairy is Guaranteed to be ths two Hint m tu stkk tinhtfnt uliout ZQ miles fr^ thpre, the best product from the flnest slock, handled with tt» nro Ilon!e7ura!i'i t'anlr anil I'usii Oi.ui- Oilu river; a Mexican who lived in tt latest Improved sanitary appliances dt> And tioi'1 are .is mans K'gt*nas ::REPAIRING COMPANY; hut Hear Jii-S tent Utiid, and that he and PRODUCED AND SOLD IN WKSTl'IELD. Mia Btoric", LoncornliiK It a* (hire me aitotfier white iiuin, it ps-oaiiector buried niumi Am on. am njirliiK onf nnii !; Work Called Far and Delivered ! Write or 'Phono today, don't delay. It tms Li BO foi thup h u» w»J to .11*. provo it The j^icut AV[UH aip Ht.uiitifif? uf a mount1}, wht«n tlie plek brought to ECHO LAKE DAIRY light flit' rub stone that ffoes with a i: 135 EAST BROAD STREET rntitf'tfi1. and dlKKinf,' furth'-T he fcumti Chas. P. Pierson, Prop,, formerly D. Q. Fink, Ntme km.w who built tin-in nur M iu-lt tin confjMnlitTi itftno • ; Watch INDIAN JACK Work in ; WESTFIELD NEW • thr> »«•• built, .ml nuno will .-vpi (The mtttt'tto stones were (lu; an- !! :: the Window :; Know |iositiy«ly i:U*nt mctltorta of grindin^ corn into Tlieu' It itjmds out In tile Aii^oua intntl > sunshlno tcdav \U ilt.( zttUl they burled i\w Greaser, and IH»W rooflmH ami In pl«« es have i n. both knew the mouiri WHS ati ancient k»H,vittK Rrpfii hiil**-* It t*i A mon hamo, whri-P tho walls luul fallen in, at antla«Hi' for we H hti luivt otiititm hixd Kfown over it, uml to utiPl, to t.u^ si* nt.oHt U Tht tulldtnK ».«-OIIPI in .d-tut ull Tlnn t'llked it alitl tlet hied Fresh Fish f«^t but thf i \< .iv ikil MUK th«*y would WHtt tmttl tKe Mexican imitiHn^s, in toh«otton with !hi Always on sale iVtlt. it\\ i Mt't Vu- JOlU-s I'OttcM « !. Onto tried, our bread is al- effl i«\viea uml liMiUn !'J niL-'iuit.? but Omt the prPiipCL-tor soon i».ft ff, wiijf* pci?feiTCit. Its dcHciouH Also Clams and Oysters fprs SAt;*5 Uufb and rr*at iMctf t4 and tluit tht1 ni LI uml had tujve qtmllly Imparts zest 1« one's The walls tff this ntu t ^rt.tt ImlW « n In season s nor*', I juiced futlj ti'Ttn f u t The <'l f outing. Its textuifN sweetness fti.m^li. muUr i'f Mot'l mud ffllv^il Hln.ul.1 Mi** a tlimii niitltl ftmiNti «ntiu .*fU i ,i ttnk ialt i \\ t tai4 nit fm iiH'i .milt i vi M.itf U <• intnilMl unl t,u enist roumln out a list of Us H. S. MANNING, Prop. iht it^ it «as MM Kni'W fi om thr nujumiH tint I b ul Ulite Urn huiWtnfr ui that It wuuiatuko fmiiiftx unkH tniMitlia fiir t\v« thre DAV cruinhl.-l <11 it Win thlt up a ruin with m\ tunl and fiiuich lii thv h!p!i»[>t points nf tli t m» tlu »hl 'in ill-* .1 sff rift nmre Hun tht* vtuulij l< ilt \^lin in Hit

lltn and ntted H 1« • »t lulu MKUH« an iv with tin Unihs uT llto tii|> s.tr f«HE thl* K ,IIHI it It iiutnul tfmt mul tdrtuitl do liiiffliiil E. R. COLLINS & SON uiJ-wn^ itli>l **UllM^ '"' *1 lt lnm tltiHt of HWIVKVISH KSUINEE1UNO ,^ »,f \idi«- ai» U < \iutliii "'i tlu <>!r nil Out 1 buil.i i' tint 1 ilil D. SWIFT & CO, PATENT IAWYEHS, Notice! of tt tommunMv ti ftiw li'm |7 f ilny' k tf ho 300 Hmth Avenue WestfieM shijiv tin- ttif latHKut ami Un ^03Seveiitlii St., Washington,0. i !ltnUj,ht I HituUJ IiiCalu jl iUui inimi ii t»HJii 1 hu M\! ,Mf <(*l»t lnuk No connect km with ferny ether coneera Wo wnnt every «. i-« t t nrU phi. it !rU»-i-l M ttun *.!nt in W^ famous tit fit iiUtutlt M. J. TOB1N. to use the tfit OilaUvti. t drain- ti*V«l?Ml For »5 anil m\Un ftrrttin |.irt ELECTRICIAN mltnA " * i\u* i of Aili ttio (itumtiv m ut with 9ldl t tmtlfi nf ttillft% ruins, wtUt

SluUtfiMg FliSni mi Short Nolle*; Ijtmtp* Adequate Telephone Facilities Ul Klufte.uf Htoik I'lnes Create Order and System

V»f>t|i ttt^tip |!ffi DEQUATK Mt-phone facilities, saflicient ^ Hnrs iiml the proper numtwr of cx!en- 11UNHAM & COLLINS ' (IVII. IJNUINKKHH Bion tclcphonm, prove a most valuable nm! HtillV I'VUUM osset In the dnily p«rlbnnnnco of work, IILUH i»tti»fWfl OKPAIWMKNT Well organized busincts needs telephone equipment thn\ will tnke caw of—- r f, A. ». II CoH!n», A p.^ ^t lh« -41! l4ifiWf «iif Ml H1 i (;Ef>Ji»tlM ,»!mfi (Jib and energy und to create nrdcr and IKUS«lOtll EXPRESS

tjf f! ' In 5 tt J es ^ Jji teiil»ti Lit ii fit* tuathto Mi* •^»«s,j4i *H)titm I,, T, -&*• $1^ til1" * *

ilia tt*»M*-# i?? i^* t*sws>#t t*i>e# s MM LRADKR WANT ADS. P BHJOI'ABIJK Sl'BPIUBKT JBAB1* INJBRED BY PAI&, KOB MR, AJKB WtKS, Mrs. Mattel Edwards, of North HAND'S QUALITY "A delightful surprise entertain- avenutr, was badly injured on Satur- ment wafi eiven In Mr. and Mfu. B. day afternoon when shn fell the en- ffiSmasts OF Uclcel, of Chestnut stioi't, on Friday tire flight of stairs at her home. Sho nlRht. by their many loving friends was carried to her room and hao in Wes'.lleld. It was a Hallowe'en sincii been confined to her bed. al Too Busy, to Wri^ parly ami was one of the jolliesi uf- thouKh she Is now on tue road to re fdli-B In town. There wis u liinucr, covory. Her arm was thrown out But we have the lowod !jy all (ho niiclciu viltB in of Joint anil «he wan badiy bruised the timc-Monoreii Hnllowo'ca way. lint escaped without breaking any KENNETT Tile music, siUKini: mid dnncliiK »''"* bonca. " at the old sta£T! enjoyed by all. IS Among th'isi! uri-si-nt wero Mr. and Mm. J. Payne, Master Leslie. Fiiync, Between Women's ELECTED BY THE Mrs. A. Winkk-r, .Miss U. Winkler, | Mr. mid -Mrs. V. W. IMcrsnn, MiRK M. I'lcnun, Mr. iiml Mrs. .1. Slmofcr Haalf li @r Suffering Quality, Variety, j Mastur Ralpil Shnrfcr, Mr, .and Mrs The main reason why so many C. J. Wlrnu'r and Mastur Kdwln women suffer greatly at times CORRECT PRICES is because of a run-down con- dition. Debility, poor circula- i,i>—1;.\ itui'Ti- tion show in headaches, lan- MELISSA FREES HER MIND ABOUT not knocking anybody, you know, Wostlii'lil hns Brartcil southward guor, nervousness and worry. ERNEST """" THE DEAR DEPARTED. Auntie," (I soon iln1 W^HtlioIi! colony I'i "I always understood that ho TfUB. CLARENCE T. BROKAW M." Meirose, 1'loiida, will bo picking M Mrs. Morrlwid'8 nmtorn.il mnldcn very kind to you, Meiuua," remarked mngOB, roses and enjoy nsliiiig and "The Up-to-Date GOOD HEPAIRIHB ' aunt Jaue found lior bereaved nleca Auat Jano. untlnp. Alfred E. Pearsall left BEECHAM'S Shoe Store" PHONE 78-J fltlU In her morning negligee, although "Ha was," assented Mrs. Merriwid, Friday last via Clyde S. S. Co. Wi It was nearly tea o'clock,. It was & "Hs never oven ottered to teat me. Ha steamer, and Saturday the Edwards handsome, cobwebby negilgeo, wH6 a used to thlnK lie had a talent for sar- nd Whltohcad families left via slic big cherry-colored bow at U19 ftioBt casm, poor mail! and 1 suppose be im- Oiwan S. S. Co. line. Other Wesl- to relieve Its more or less funereal agined that he was stabbing me in all iiplcl famllifs arc soon to follow (ffea Urjasi St George M. Seudderjnc

Iff^WllflifiwwiiiWfWTnrMiinMWfffflMMiiiiMMiiiiiiiiriiijiii - :

T """ ' • '• - -•- "AUNTIE, WHY THE PEARLY DROPS!" In a Clesiu Wrapper the table, "You're had your break- look at It without shuddering at first. fast, of course, which means n wing Rut I got used to that, too, just as I THE PHOTOGRAPHER IN YOURffl of the chicken left over from ycnter- did to the way he uto bin soup. This .Every Ingredient used in making KI^Ef^'HriSB d&y'a shoe-box with a silver of dill morning whou did, brnkf^t fur nwrh cld» Mis. ttrirli.-l4 .. toll me w!u thi> pistrty droi>»?" ul, "ami .-vsnluKiy j t«>ld JIW I but It A ad txp on ' "!* Itmnpllh'Ut (l}t-r><*t»Ii iui-l « It •'<"!. h. tint jioui H«nr) h,n! dwrle, you mustn't let ft oy«rc-uiiia his pMt»l puiiilR, suit it's me t,*» mlnlatrr said, bn lHt a. wnlow. If U *:inn-t fol bo- ZEEK BAKING Ct i« the bast. tiwr» can't he any doubt th&t hn l» IfUT in C"f«fft!abl» tilt M»tat(i«i^'8 suit la ft beU«r fetid, and lif> ritrtnlnly 1>«r trmiblo 1« p,|» n>-'« !'« sbd \%ii«t 1 mu*3U*'t. siid liring at at rent now I uliin't Ml »h» girl lUwrty to * nj.»y tnjgelf a*a inutH aa I r isalc by whether yo,i wnntril t» or coftw" Jil^nt.*-, I fipwt I'll f*«l D*rfBc!)J M. 5NVDBR U. C. mcMAIION DUFFY BROS- R. Brw • AsiBt June lubkra ihwiked. "Melt* wri.trbcil Hut MOW Cvi. g»( 1, nit*, •*,' ab* wrlaliti.nl, "1 don't Ml*** «*«•! cli«[ifmtm sud WB'II 1,4 tionr »*nrj- k«.p on W>»!IDK You'll h»?s ATLANTIC* PACIFIC A. OAINKER M, B, WALKER your lrmilit*», AUBII*. Tlwra *r« THE OLP lisa*," mid Mr«, Mwrlwid. thrno of th*m slreadr »ai| m SW»B ***<^ "»h»n poor llMjr/ died, I 8w»ure ^ou *« I »Bii.rg(. from my m'ilMioa, I Mp. i w»» (ti« *orrl»»t |»dy yB)i ,rt,,f mVi »««s them will b# mor«," fcttt I fsn't kopp on botng «oiry |ttr» M net. If* n»rly thru* w««k« ago "Mi>Il«g»l «>trhlin*4 Aunt hM>, Jt'ATI'ItH R«# &t>$ tlw »b«ii ixup I* in h>ti*t erf horrur, ")tm diwt BM^S U> «ot worn of % \\nim." II> Ml m» thai ft>u »re tblnklnK of "W«roii't »o«i happy wirti Br«ad Stroet and Ctntr»l »«Ji(nS Aunt Jmip. MM. M«rl»ld lnnithi-4. what llu'> SiFw iifcft rtB^rti' oww Mrs MetrtwM «»s>!B!fle.l "I rtlMi'l **|MX* H. (i,atfT fl «, Sal If "Whuti j«ni u\k stiont I «w Hurt R tuna w!,ti'» ri««s, it c>ni>t«Ur »«> L<"«1 loeMnjj «„! htftd an Tfl. nt.J. *!*'»" unltl tt-s «ml pri>r«u» mid siew »t IratitOdlil strl U l>Bf

«•»!», »»rt tftai tliel ««.*i'f inUI "Vttttt't fh»t" *«k*4 AUDI Jfa(w, oihtr imrlttlfcK t«i» tuiiwuiis 'Wtjf »«** In jiuliltf At that A. ivu, tliBy tmt H» itintr 1HI1* t *B4 t># ttxwviiwi »t W, :•)». »v W 0

I## *»»Ih«f i irag't that I HOME WAUL & SETTLEMA4 mrnj f»t sf»l»Htiti now, «i*»f with (IM flnsal tit Tile C#nt-fl-W»r# THE WEBTPDSLD LS&DEB, WEDNESDAY, NOVEitfBES 5, 1913.

net 1,c less than ten months old. Early ID tbe eeaaou, it mated with yearling or two-year-old hons, THB BUSINESS ho will slve fro&d fertlU' egga when Iho older bird would not, L'an you tell a snappy cockerel? FARMER'S PAGE Ilia appetite, his calla to UIB mates, his compact build, his size, Ms strength, his norvlcea, all Khow his quality. A crow hraded, long necked TWO LITTERS A YEAR own wood lot or lives In a locality lon^ logged, listless bin! is useless closo to lumber supplies !i« may lind as a breeder. You can toBt tho It heat to build the stave silo, but if Btrength and vigor of a cockerel by I FairowinK Only I'ays the Man ho has grnvol and Band within easy strotching his wiiifts. If he* snupa Who Takes tho Hog liusiness UuIIug dlstauee it will bo iviacst tor them out of your hands before you ' Heriously. him to h-jild of conrrvte, as the Crst can extend them lio Is full ot vgor. By V. E. COrilIRN, coat will 1H) no liiors, smd, besides,This Is a flrst class test. •jury "' Agriculture or Kansas, 11 will never decay or blow down. in Wisest rarmcr ot Them All." Iji brood sow is a machine for pro- Make Money r pigs on which hogs are to bo FALL WORK ON THE Uilc, nud if 0110 Ilttor n year k STRAWBERRY BED for your Church, Club or Charity ipj.'rtle it would Bcero reasonable 1 Poultry News IstlVo litters under conditions Hint Th Si>t>nt Nuw l'uys JJIf; Prollts OLD a Cakr-IliikinR Contest anil Sal will) handsome ft«favorable should Do musih moro, pti/.cs for the best eskes cntcieii. You can double the ()ll New .lorspy As* H loot doubly uroU&hle. Plausible as Uy JAMKS I). J1ORMAN. '• 'cinl Oiitnn «f tli usu;il profits without y extra expense, for P for y lHiproveim»nl. fit proposition app«ars on Its face, 1KI Hans Ills '.)vii Si:i- ilills far short In common practice. tions. We will furnish tha prizes free |lt Is the rule that pigs farrowed la Part of the strawberry patch ought Tha baseball season is over, tb« Frizes that every woman will want, for the best calces made with s fjil or at the approach of winter to be renewed every year. The fall football season Is bore, election is Keekers' Superlative Flour and entered in your contest—ths > far less prosperous and growth- Is a good time to do this. Strawberries over and purt of us are happy at than those torn In the spring, set out in spring rarely bars fruit least, but best and above all the more cakes entered the better the prizes. Write (or particulars. j tins timea In ten this is due tothat season. real chicken season Is here, marked Milled {rom tho cream of the wheat crop Ikronment or poor management— The strawberry frulta best on new by the numerous Poultry Shows that M of comfortable surrqisn&ingB and land or after some other kiDd ot crop. are being held all over this land, In making common, ordinary flour, three-quarters ofcach wheat berry is fsuHclcncy of proper food for thoFor instance, a crop of vegetables, and tnose of special interest locally tmde ibto flour and or.e-qusrteq r into btaft, etc, Bui in makingg Hecken' havo sent out their premium lists SuperlativSlp i e FFloutl , cmiiy tthhe choichi e ppar t ((h(half! l! ol each ggnia <» d .jcr ae well aa her litter. like onions, can be raised and re- ThThat'' i vthhy Heckera' it belter. It's realreallly cheiper, too, beeauie you'll St s. breeder la without the diepo- moved before It la time to set outlotting you appreciate the possible have no'iailuieii bolides it givei all hon« baking » mo«t delicioai itarar. ' j or facilities to protect his pigs itrawberrles. A strawberry bed mas- winnings plus the great /honor. The one premium list that Is receiving That i» one re&Bon why Beckers' has b famouj for gcnentieni *» (he a Bucb an environment hie will be be made successfully from the month Hour of the highest purity. j to attempt rearing only spring of August to early October In many delightful commendations is tho tut If, on the other hand, he regions. one sent from our very own Poultry Show for the New Jersey Associa- Hec!ier-Jonc»-Jewell-Milling Co. it, natural aptitude and liking for The soil should be well top dres- Produce Exchange Hew Y«tk swtno business and 1B In It with sed with farm manure, ettlekea ma- tion for Poultry, Improvement can l&terffilnation to succeed through nure or commercial fertilizer and feel justly proud of the wonderful |vl»g nono but robust breading array of cups and specials and let- thoroughly turned under. It is a ters have be«n received already :% provlJng It with the rectulsiteobad practice to simply rake tho ferti- from breeders from New York State |ich mean comfort, suitable food liser into the soil. For gardens, mark letting the committee know that i vigilant care lor the sow More off the rows eighteen laches or two they deserve credit and that entries I after farrowing as *ell as lor feet apart, setting the plants about will t>« made, from sections unexpect- pigs, there is every encourage- i inches from each other. For field you may well rinie the soap from the ed. The Great Quality Show gives bird, this Is one of the most Import- >nt for having fall llttsw and every culture make rows trotn two and one- evidence of careful, thoughtful hard CLOSES SAIURCAYS 9 P. U,; 0THE1J BAYS 5:30 P. M. jjpect of their being as profitable ant parta of the work to get the »oap iiaif to three feet apart, and set plants work, and tho people havo responded out of tho feathers, Tho third tub I ftpse farroewd in the spring, twelve inches apart. moat beautifully to the call for as- Is still colder water for a quick rins- alorn and water diet, no matter It is a good plan to mark the plants sistance. Now one moro tiling must ing to cool off tho bird, then dry as sibuadant, will not develop a vrin- jv-hlch bear the most fruit. For trans- he accomplished to make the success well aa posalhlo with turkish towels i pig, Into a profitable hog," and the planting take the runners from tho a certainty and that Important Item and put in coop nenr beat, (but not * i who attempts such & J»at will best plants only. Take ap aa much is the sending In ot entries, and too hot or tbe feathers will eurl), and j little to snow for hl« corn and sell aa possible with the young plant*, these before November 10th, so poul- tho results will surprise you. Keep m. Nesting in lajga numbers with and it the soil la moist It may betry folks, small aad large, whether eoopss clean and about two days later M "ni7THlVP" Mali M4 Phone Oraere Rseslw i of various and larger uteea In gently pressed around ths roots, care fancy or commercial, fill out tha tho fine bird will be In the show room wre heaps or Blmllar overheating being taken that ao soil covers the blank and "do It now," for you have looking Una, feeling proud and pleas- Telsphone 5500—Market—Five Jive-Hundred i la aa disastrous as exposure to crown of the plant. If the weather but five more days and tho deserving lag «verybody and then all the trouble Is dry or If the plants havo been pur- committee wants this evidence from seems worth while. In fact condition chased and received without soil on you that they have not worked so in the uliow room certainly counts for beautifully in vain. Then tho birds 'to aim musl be to keep the, pigs the roots more care Is necessary. it great deal. you enter keep separate if possible Thanksgiiring Linen Sale BB from the hoar of their With. Borne water should ha first poured Into the holes. With care, under the and for tho nest ton days car© for Now all thl» trouble has been _ orasc* of thig prosperity cannot thera with some degree of consider- taken, the next thins is to be fair jhad without using an abundance direst of conditions, every plant can be utaile to live. ation befitting a bird that Isi going to with tho judges for bear In mind The New Tariff Law has jtaeculent food in variety, given carry your colors and v**e hope to that the judge is not prejudiced Ifreijueut Intervals, and if coated planting ot strawberries re- against you or your bird, but is ful- quires fall cultivation Keep down (cry. Ail the Poultry Journals havo somewbat warmed in cold an article around this time about tlie filling a duty Impined upon him brought much lower prices ktlier Its good effect is much on- woeds. Neglect Bill surely mean loss and th« selection ut tlione judges and perhaps the ruin of thPhdl. Pome bird for the sbovj room and If your fcteil. bird needs special grooming try to havo been Uon« by your corumlttoe UnJur tho reduced schedule, together with tho wonderful spec- fit any arhomo for t»o litters a utrtiwy manure put bet^e^n tho l poat yourself from sonio good wrltei and their caro ami selection has b«on ial prices at which these lluena ate oiurked, we add mttarlftUt to r it Is important to manago so the will ta« boneftcial By winter the for each brued has special features. with tho oni> thouKlit In mind to get you- navings, m ovMenwd In thli our Annual Ttmtilrfgiving Linen (lug llttvrs shall not eoine too plants uerd protection, A mulch friw tho best. The Great Quality Show Sale, In this sale we after unprecedented quantities in extensive from weed se^ds should be used. varieties of tho «orld's bi'Bt liiifng at greater enmpanitivo sftvlngs I wMlo tho weather is yet severe haa the best In or>thing and re- thon ever hoforc. Clean ttraw, marsh ba>. coarse Remember tho advice of em« of member we- nr« nil human and the that th« {ail pigs auall come our ftH-^nfc U'Huics shout the f^ath^r Tills salt*, witli Us mitiK-roilH e^ceptlimai values, will <*u- fly enough to have a good start stiawy manure, leaves or even enni «how roojn In th« grt'nt teat for tint stalks 8er\e the purpose. It should uf foreign color, you know it. should Ii»»fe our reputation m the bent Uiwi sliift- lit Sew Jersey. |gro«th and vigor before winter blriia and poulterer allk«. 1 h« spread an inch Of t««> d^P- To° not be th^ro imd no dnubt it makts Men. J.IM) HllviH niowlipd Table naiiuwk, TU in, wido, b«RUtlful Inns begin. Speaking in a geneial th** fowl nervous, to hi'Ip tbf* bird's ()ne of ant fact; The iluto for the entries dressing, lautidrra iwrfwtly, nllvrr bltatheil, (lurmanant untlii flnlnh, |!teil Statoa, from March IB to Ap- thfl vi ry fhnics»t spucimi'iis will i lose November 1 nth, ami tlw (Ireat choirn of tlvKimtilf deHlena, )»rd Hflr. be raked off and between the 15 anil from September IS to p show an off feather, so removo it. Quality Sh«w tukes place In I'laln- Ili-K, 51k- Ili-niHllttlKMl ICiirk T«i«i,'l», all linen, ostrft large «1», lobor IE would be preferable peri- rows, only yufficient being left to kot>p Of cour-ii» at this lato date jour select- llolil at the Clt> Mnrhet between No- ^*xM In., licnvy wclglit, tborouKhly Btisorbrnl, drlot pcrtnftly, pare tho bprrk-s Hemi. ed tird or birds are ftatheicd and vember nth ami 22nd silver bl«aeli, fr«i from (lrfiBBliiu, hnck c'i-ntri'« with Btrtim ami Grfic- Til© above plan can bo run proflt- over tho moult iun hordorn, hfimstitclied ends »,«» % Avt, ahly two seasons. Tho first toaaon'* I hope jou Imve a standard of per- Keg. 1.00 HraiutiUlicd Irinh IJnm lluik To«t>l», pruiluit of THE SILO John S. Brown & SUUB, from dioicegt flax, even ^eHve, heavy wolght, crop Is small, but tho second ou«> Is fi»ctlmi to guide JOB, as »> many aseurlinent of vw'y elaburato and showy deslKim, ^ood largo girt" usually larst. Hy rwiewlnn a bed rlnuk the important question of Brat l Its Olilest from iitaea, one of tlie most attractive tnwi'l off«'riiig«t ut year; each year in lati* aumraei of **arly fall glit «iu) for this pramm 6f may Friend*: much morp fruit can 1M> ralwd. With each '0« have a perfwt fowl uncli>r Bright anil H«ic. aoo IJIIK-II I'llluw ('»», SS'/is'lfl !»., fino rmtml thread I By JAREI1 VAN 'WAOENEN, Bi«i4 caro nml favursblu growlnc eon- (hi* bird tie«»ils s[w>r!a! frcilliiK utiit Irish llniin, rlnsB wf»ve, hoavy wotehl. Irev from dri'ulug, well made, luions gtr^wb^rrj talture is a money • I'm IK J Funnel init llr.trtti It will ffliir]iri«i5>i)i i how you can put MIMI Buntin with full niioku heiustltiiicil i-ml», extra KDUII valur- at WAifcr nithpr foi hmiiv vt ii.arkftinK on till' ntr» \n-l|iht JOBINMI for it l» minlftf iTirp of 2,oo ' ^o p.ti(> silo has been in im> Hi America urposca. tl><» all oriiaml rlilrki'ii thnt ii-l'n tlif HCR. a.r«u Asiii-ntos 'fulili" l'mi-., gumilun hi-atproof, bs'»t |>ro- Ire fun thirty yt'jiiH. uis to tlw iwlgc. trrllun for tiigbly pull»iif«J tabk>8, IUSUIH from thick ttsbesto« bu&rd, ft ud um^l(U*r for a moisi^nt their COCKERELS FOR BREEDING W'p. sUl knt>» thi' Jmlff lit'-' a bird cHvcrcil with (BtiHMi fiHitin'l on Dun gid^ to jirevnnt" Bd'atehinff, for Tago^. lihery fanner knows that tlmt baa hn-u lisnillPd and tl.w >o« (8 tmh dlamWor ts'uml Ublv» • i-«3 !< he Wl fhe much inoro milk on pnettiie ireril Prom Vnur i «* w«l T > " elif.ulil du as [r«|'i«-!itly a« pus«ihh' 1WH, 2.a."i l"«tt«Tii Tnbie <;io(li, G2x8o linii, lieavj grado, all i vn Uso pamo Kr&sa »u Hay. Il«* fict IWhr Thcmwhes. lifor* thf tf-ow. the r«?i)nii»' »lll pur» linen, Orriumi damask, t's-ffllont minlfty of hnnl mtlw, frw *i> loo, mat fiesft rut etallH art- r,l..j.6f i.m, for n-ltli a in It train«i! limn ilii-ssliig, SIIKI- l.l.-adifil, whitf iii (mo or l»" a*8hlng«, .lo- h mom roadily faten than tit*> blti) i'1! that 11) wirs-sar^ IH If i>ii' sirablo dt ^Iprm, bunifig HJI aromiil, b*'mnn'U nnda ,, ...... 1.1f» to stalki lutt art" l'..'llli I Hli.ui lianil In ll.<•(«?<• atnl tin- [HIMHK UfK. :i.(»0 MiuWra i;iiilir«lIIIHH, S|;» i;txl!l lui'h. nia luiiinl itiicnil linuii, mntlilii« Kdllnpiil Hlpi- *ilh If i-U'l) f>»ni*t "ii.lil •*1'-*1 fo> "I' n'ii tak» plsr" liaioly llttln *r''Rti> »i"l >lmal clff t, in I>-»1 MmifliB haml m.brfrfii- -ro tlm<- i- l'ml'<-il li'xllni; ruin 'Onl> tl"> IKM '• »'<•>»* <•!}, imcKirptlfirinMy attrnrtivc niul (MiMiy hit; HI a.!W UBI nf tho i|u>"itl' «, i'Ut ll" .Hi', I hi ll, W O lil.'tllH.i Of n'H liulUh ft.r me' furin lal-ni stork ' !IU M(i4lHr« I mlir«»i(lcr«i « flui.) l«nv tVntn-«, in in. ii ami •imlil taki- a q>iiil- jump I" (in*1"*- •>k lni-b biji'ti, tii>-'t bum! miiilc Kitmrli flimy :»», plain lim-ii !•••«- 0* fri-nli, r.lt-tjli. iuk> fi. -I ill "-ll1 tn-»iir il»l!it«. bfiiiii »'Hili("ldfH-'l Mailt'tra rcntiTpl"-'a »IH. li»ml «-m- nil that sill b» ml.«! fti-m t'-nt" '3 !i«- »»tU"» f"*'H t«i !•• two crtwtl»»i t.toldi'iiil a- ttlli>i'-l «lR". »" «'ii:liclv i«'v» ilvulcnii a. 10 «tiok« sfntlf stiil nfprtiarh "" (Itpl la that rows sill (?!»<• mm* ,t h llk"lv t.i ti- woill, »r it-art pot R, F. Hohensteln .F<'5 %%'hf till* tr>lh!n« awlly *hru it»rtioe IS^~AKD~mMKFliIj BCUVKIUJKM Blf OUH OWN WAH» i tiuTb u is u»?a tit.a Hif soifim! t»l. h i,ri T1SIK si iKit tmvf thsri «U 'bt«t \v» sr« ai-cpplln« Uuit >«u real- P. Traynor |t it I, \cry rrnirb lf"» voih t-> It,* (h«» norswary polata tar your I the ii.in (hlotisit tho Kiln tlun pftitlruter brred »>id »re m!« nf L. 5. PLAUT & CO, ll> 51.1 h!t-k »t 10 tt>l> tl'.I *M-flftv of HMIttt »rc males* I'Kk tr>«> brat O»P fir rnrn- sf t>*-*i \f\i 8 Hirk arid *ht* tiSMl «f>rryy yyou for tti bd f,,r n tt"»n« bird in «•" "I »n•«'" t«1*y tmmlook »om» vl mnsll ' fur HI) I, i'*,lh of HIIIK »hll* I' iil.-ttt to tli<> li»»t »"«• f'muw ">• to |UV<- »lil ltn,ld -mil nlH'll U.l« fit i»lfl iions to pup t with tbt» F#stl«$« on tow mi tat* m»m t» If (tlttOKB , If !!i*-y £t*i l^illy iHftlljt lil)«l tn« ronl*< n.t thst tl.»T I*? MOiJM I !HI H OH v 1 El th» most fomamft, ts look *harp. 1 K*rtki Mll in.' ^^! in & liioni *H'i *i^ t i'«!'1 strong In RreodiT Us!" *! I'SKUMATIU TIIIR8? ! n •hrll mi of OT'».1 »!»•• IW« »pri» or tptigt on alt ill i tti^y *fsil^ it*i Kfi'j%t< * fhllilztfiHih 3inis* i Ifl* toiaii vnrtttlw «ii»*t fc* s»"M«i Is « ijtM'Htliiti for ewh whe*i- Whtlf. f* Sffl varirtit* lhM )u*l doine this w|H tiwuft It wilt Ii* » wMsiierftil •»•»« t<> atnat iJtie-half vf 111* !«"»• Mili inui to d«nt'l» for hlftiMlt ta hlih m»> »M put In tli« ®H«. M««nt«l»«UI«, "i,. in Lisiott! Utat >'i>rn ts tmirif hntw bad? buyHig » new blcyeW, A* (ot V..i( my *t>»*. •*•»« «» » t*t**> f ttSlty IIH Int ll !i» not»4 thnl »« f»» Him, Mi) otlwr lt».«uan It I* WM!« f«t»l of it! t«i [if««i«ffl ««PH \ gr«at inol t,«th«r to kMp your Wwt Ii!r4t it*u»llf *rs tlKfii «T*H»I put your Mfc« l« «ao4 r«p»lf» •"" ' "I <»n an »rr», 'and W »mt» tat bf«e»(! •«** *bim .f »1>» *»n k null by "guwl i*p»lr" *» »»•«* tm, K«*p »i>tHI»« bill ^ nth "tf. to tunUe >uitf Biouat t,ts<4l»JlJ- **•>! ! rating nf ltn« »t(«f tt»»l *b» f, t**« fmmir Hi* nil «'•• j*er v«ti w'li »» !»" i«""" tell yml fr«tt>ltl> t» ii i» not fet»t »)£«»" "•«' ^|ij»i our I'haigus l I |!« rntr nitli a »f J In n |««»y Hint It la » win't'-r HARMONY ! AHK and m'lh *»Ith lt'« #'»'» l!i»" MISS CAREY of England / Ha? Ann«hi>! liii|»wi»Mt » wlih *»r« tt.« pti»?I ntine »f Isbur H* J, Martin, Jr, mams k u>u, 1 y l>H"k it- 5 Jo m^i*t «r fjf^' ) t» eis AIM> mmwt BTfterr* orriwiTK rmt arnm

. (is- wurfc tutmi stirt 'i»t »»**! »r*'ti»il Ih* I*s«n «l!b M't /»(,«»# win Mtf* o. r. w, wrrmc leg *•«!«, ARM ROSE NEfSDWlfil STAIIONIW BWIS i t~. nun* i ran tit l-titti *•«•#» |,tf!« i At«n^«r4 f>«4 Mil Utility OtOAM !s4 rt^BSl ! : f.ir It U I KI.1* 1..S4 )HMM*» • Wlmt I* « nfk tM iB«it • v»»r 164 of these and tint of tlijs blt«li; i p 29 voters did not vdte for a an act concerning Juries, ind KJ.cp ASSEMBLY CANDIDATES The totnl was: .Casey ; (Continued Irom pags J-.) ; 164, King, tile Democrat, 55, and Dunham, tha Socialist, 10. OnRESULTe S PROM MOUNTAIKSIDE, of the measure will see tnivn was heard to murmur, "If Your Winter Underwear ,. has'legally won before th Casey moves out of tho Fourth . Much enthusiasm was shown b • will be given up. Ward,,that ward will never have our neighboring Borough and a larg demands your early consideration. If yon value Fit and Comfort as well as Servi. isSfiithe lliw as presented to Ik another councilman." vote was registered, with the follow' ing results: Eor Governor, Flolde' wear, you are sure to appreciate the excellently made undergarments shown ' Jif'Soters read "Shall, 'An Act-to Springstead, Collins and Millet were duly elected to the office of 20, Stokes 4B, Colby 8; For Mem 5S!:ipi^vjd(J for a Town Plan and Art bere of Assembly, Kvana 6B, Uah and Pants or Union Suits, as you prefer. Attractive values in wool or cotton. : *K ';Gotntililsion: in the towns of this Justice of the Pence. Their ma-cock 01, Martin A&r Republicans; to enlarge the powers o jorities were very large. It had agninEt DobbiuB la,,flriffln 13, Leon- awns; and to authorize tho been stated that W. IJ. Bunnell ard 11, Democrats,•-,-.-.Harry Jacobs, would give one of tbo regular ean- Republican, v?as the fayorlte fo „ of money and the issi didutes a run for the plaee btit he lionds in the exercise of such r C6ron«r with a majority of 38, whll. was badly left at (he post and his Elstou Darby was re-elected as Excellent Winter Hosiery powers,' approved April 8, 1910,showing was very small for. the Freeholder over John Borvall, his he adopted?" amount of advertising he bad re- nearest competitor, by .84. For Those women who like stockings of neat silky appearance, and yet are very The Jury Keforin Ael, which ceived. There were a number of Mayor the present incumbent, Cbas. was voted upon at. this election me' other names mentioned hy the vot- E. Baechtold, proved hia popular!- the way they wear, are sure to be pleased with this Hew hosiery line of ours, lli« uppwuil of our citizens and ;y mid value bj being rs-olectod bj ers and among them former Re.cor a majority of 50, over John Klopf, made with interwoven heels and loes and stand the wear, yet they are sheer and was ndoplnd HO far us West field der Toucoy. In a total vote of 51. The Council neat in appearance. We have what you want in Wool, lisle or Silk, was concerned by ITS votes. Tho office of Constable, which by men elected w«re liegeman and Roll Oounoilaon. the way menus that the ducted in The new men to nit in the Tmvr dividuul must serve papers \v,lien Many hundreds of Westliold cit (Vmnril for the next two .years ari ever ordered to do so'By the Court ?,e.iiB Balliered nbout tho Loader of- Affleck, Wilcox, Tuylor and of Just-ice wan won as usual by fice last evening to hear the returns Casey. Willam IT. Stitt. However, Fret rho big added attraction of tho | THE M. Bnmner, of the Third Ward band concert was appreciated by the 147 The prrsemi Councilman Af- and Prank R Irseh, of tlie Sec- crowd; for tho Duleh Arms Band, of 1 WESTFIELD fleck, o£ the First Ward, hud noond Ward, were added to the list Plsinfielil, proved to be tho best Broad Telephone 484 W opposition. Tlie .Socialist candi- to serve the comity when e.alled Hand that Westfleld has heard in date polled 10 votes but even that upon. many yeare. - DEPARTMENT pave Sir. Affleck 308 majority. While there was not so much ex- Street There were 485 votes cast iu the citement aa last y«ar—the Presiden- First Ward, so that it will he seen KESULTS FROM QAEWOOD. tial one—yet there was much en' 1 STORE that imiuy Democrats and Progres- Vov GoTefnor. ihusiasm shown over ttie loeaKelee- (tons. Tho crowd was very thick'at sives did not vote for any eoimeil- John C. Butterworth, Solclallst La- tho Second Ward polling station UB- WE SELL BUTTERICK PATTERNS - imm, taking it for grafted that nil bor, 3; Everett Colby, Progressive tll tho contest was definitely decided, would be well. This is one of the (Roosevelt), 1; James F, Fielder, remained watching the ballots count- few times in the history of West- Democratic, idl; James Gilbert ed. Cheering anil ehouts ofteu field that a councilman has been tfason, National Prohobition, 1; greoted th© pictures of the promi- elected without any opposition. James M. ttellly, Socialist, 20; Ed- nent oainlhlatos and citizens of West- Jt is a remarkable record and one ward C. Stokes, Republican, 66; Dan-tletd which were from time to time to lie envied hy any mini. iel P. Dwyer, Independent, 1. thrown on the screen. The HOME or Member of the General Assembly, ONE OENT-A WORD The Second Ward had a pretty •An tnovation this year was the re- Always Longed George L. Rabcock, Republican, OIJASSIFIBSD APYEMISEMEKTS little tight, but the splitting of the leivlng of reports by wireless. This Back frem He roaj tithe* did not renlly have very 32; Henry W. Evans, Republican, s6; scheme proved much better than the 't>m ordor flow, Jkluntiay is the lytiu working girls, will Intatt « to Wotl & Mlllett, Honrie fifitl Child," before ths \ been added to the total uf Mr. Wil- lallBt Labor, 0; Charles Sandberg, The band which tho Leader provid- Rhamtmnore, the Miijerazlne Man, 26S Watcnung Ave., No, E'lBinfleUl. Club at the Pie?b>terlan cox. This defeat in no way is any Socialist Labor, 1. ed (or the entertainment of West- WE Bt'lLDINO LOT*— *1EO eaeh, flelrf citizens constated of thirty-five EdKewood Avenue Section; only a on Montlar, November 10th, discredit to Mr. Miller, lie can Jew lelt. Hslmei!, 314 North »v»n»favenuftj REA13W/U.I to yearly subscriptions of m. Admission 25 cents. Far Coroner, pieces. Thia Is something now tor Town. tho Lad lea Home Journal (solicited at hardly hope to attain the non-par- Wcstrteld, but is only In lino with tho standa •ii price. Enill Skinner, tisan vine uf Jlr. llohenstoin and Harry Jacotoon, Republican, 70; 'OR RK\'T—Largo front room, iloilbls 1S2 13 Broad St. •«wis C. Long, National Prohibition, the policy ot tho Westfield Leader in A ono alngte ruom, with board. U. 1 TO tKT—Small store. IIO.0O a month. roust abide by the normal voto Oswald Neltzel. Socialist, 33; giving the people of ^Vestfielii every- Wtstfifld Inn Mock, UVrl ft Mll- Forestry and Fnat larry I!. Rtiibeh Democratic, €6; thing possible. Tho leader has (ill BEST—N«« «lsW r»om house which he received. It ran lit* seen eacli year made progress in enter- with a« mortern lmnrpvementa roseph H. Wagner, Frogremlve TO I.HT-« I't.ora Iwusi.. on «>tfluid from tin; vote east that the vote of taining at election time and will try Steam heat, itas and electricity. Ap- B. c. Ho 'Roosevelt), EC. ply to vour own broiler ol- at house, street; g-aH anH H.ithl . Kent nason- Mr. Uohenstein is personal ttml lie to agreeably surprise the publio by iinlp liaMninnn. J lmiuf,raiJhrr. ''or Member of the llonril uf CIIUM'H corner First Street ana Union Ave- 213 Cumberland St. can not control it fur another inovations. Many citizens called at nue. " —Vliolf Democratic enndiduto even when Freeholders. tho otllee and thanked tho Leader B HT room cottage, newly I'.-ntfal l uuy hiisil- Mortimer J. Gross, Democratic, oainteil and oil Improvements, Grove VV (i. tV U-5-St the man is as K<'ocl n one as Harry [It,, neiir Summit ave., chioknn nouar 68; Lymtm h. I.ovelnnd. PrOKriissive [It,, neiir Summit a, Miller. It is known that Jlr. Mil- tainment and on*.1 very enthusiastic andd bornb , fruifit treestes. 649 Wfstflelil TO Mil-—IIIIUM' mid li (Koosovelt), 48; George G. Tollor, ave. TBI. 412-J. 7-80-tf hind, Mountainsiiio. ler is a very \UUIIL* tium and it in nowccsnier expresmHl liis vitnvs f'nlll T t'l'i ktUIIII li'nmbllcan, 132. unlikely that this di'feiit will keep strougl.v uud favorably to the *!fftH't 'Oil g.ll.It—10 P.alnbnw rceunllns tljv ns-'sU!. -ill^l tlio thinK i(> Improve Hie TO liKT Mm III" firi bualni'aa IT Batter-The Veiy biiu urn uf the riitinintr in tlie fu- that ^Yeatnt'lcl waH indeed a live lirri'il iif vulir ponltrs-. Also n«ti>- vale auio !<;\('i) thilifj, ilrt t^r Theodore P. Carlson, Good Clov- mullc ri>i>(li>l.i VV. H. Tnvonu-r, 11! ture. After the fleet ion inmi>' vot- tj'abie. Leader OlIHe. This butter is tucrantid] ers remarked that llnrrv Mill onmumt. !,**np,uo, 141; Frank J. Hoth, Kiiilin^ C'rescenl. iiut lts™li Hovermnmit Loitsuo, -143; Wil- II l.KT—Sunniest ofiiee in 'nwn. |1£. absolutely pure Would nut (live up tf!• - liiili! l)R SAI.I'l Fotir-pniisll()|T| H^ub from S a. m. to S p. m., Sundays ex- nil in KHi'd ord«r. The Westfli-ltl | —.— . fwe intiny yeai ^ biiH^ed. M. eepted, to receive tiewg, advertise Onraitc, "llinim U Kinlc, prop.. 191 |TO llKvr-Pn Wcn'fli'ia Jllt'hlaniln, pasteurized trein Elm iirmt. "' ' ' nil Improvements II The third Ward wtii iitiulu(,'oiw meiits or orders for Job and book high itandard sni «J"| 1o thf Si'i'oinl. In Ilii* want nisi) JoHefh !i. i.U-i'cnior, Q printing or furnish per- 'I'RNAt'KI t«K"il ran o( hy wtek fir formit? is always wd*\ mem League, i-tri; WiUt. H. taining to tha town. Our phone montri. Satisfaction ^uaraTi+^d. TO nn\T--fitnbh> R. M there Vfero three candidates run- Me- Hum! referrnces. Cellara whlu-- Malms, KtM'ijfrHian. 104. numbers are 407 and 108. wanhed ntnl clfnn«l. Thom,i! tf tained. lliuir. tlie ]je|iuiilieuu Jlr Taylor Fur t'nlU'ctnr iiiii] Ti Losust. 'Phono HS-W, WeslllsW. tf TO HBN'r— Plat, ll family houso) niji ttM'ii with 1 h Mit>-<, 1A Ciniiieil- mams end bath; all Improvements. 8 Young America to-l WiniHUl H. (Joilkiill, , I7l nr unfui'ni^ll*'^ rooms la £&t&Mti and barn: together t>T 8tfl>ar- intm O»unltl fiilliitted with MT «te, Willow Orovn Ituad, Wenlfitla 12ii; Artlmr \V. Pfnff. Hood Govern- TYPEWRITING n*nv. (irivat ' horns'; convoniont io r "^tn- • SV'usifteld Ml. U- >-tr Consult Walter J, L,«», 4-l*-tf ings Stamps given 0a viite-i and the |Vi>(>re-,,ivt' ("Midi ment Li'iiKjl*-, 12". Him riinn All Kinds Quick Work I'm' ^H.sfiif (if (lie I*ei%»'<». rn^lSiiiHJ ismiM, suitable for u-'iTt) itKST—1*7 Central avenue; 7 rooms onelb. of butter e?«| DONE ON A KOVAL pfnttenir-n; al*o HWi Inmril. Mis ana s.atii, all Uni'iovrmrnE**, twit iriin- Viitfi. A r(!i!i|>nti.sim «ill h!int tongue, 207; G. D. POW6LL t : rents rssnablpbl , A| II- i —— Onion Froott 2. n"nl«!'" inv'tivii-iu '%>' *' trnlley"' 'an.l fit W. 1. Carpsnte us Ccntml Ate Ml-lf (lie H.H'innl Want. '1'hv %««f this 1 _ . ^ J, , . 406 Kiln vr,3f ^a-; iKoi't itu rt'U'ilar OOM tn vt m Tu HKST—s roomii, nti>t«> ri»i>«: S nil . 18-SJ- arjei S room ftpftrtrrssnt on Nortli A. W. Howarfl llu1 ^s1 fin' "WsBlifni^ton Fit, 19 mlituifts tealb isnr- T«tnHl fstrlwlles. ctiPKP AiiplJ Vllln 147 FERHB PIACI some till!" in the pint, All lm>(> ronf palntii; i B I1 Ji T (43f (•lioiw 1«9 H nn'ii running \M-M- ituinJ i>u tin' Miti'rs oniilil imly I'IIO III if u i\'l i \I.T; ar Churigs I'laik'n ] 3 stgrapg witlt i 9t<,r-». Urn |jh-l l « \%Tin» Oswdlil tVIl Ian (tf-tV.it (Iml Ijoiii'.l l nB "f in.i mlnl»i 1 | fl ,H'I , to hare him ivitti tin m to ki*"ji UHi i|l!H n:i> T» HI » > I'm. N I -mil ii>1^ T. r iiis ••>!• mi tho tri'asury, Imt Ilio II 5 :"l 1 M < -p.. Ka, »l'l to....|v» lluhl i i BEGINNING wowini k 'mllvy ma l"-»t «f I'riH- KMIIIO* ; lirilmi' HUd WHH tiMi Htlii'h fui u nmttor uf wii- H t'inrlttt.'i»rl, . Hnimt!tj,v TalH, l:lt'flH-H aKP, i?ll!!li hnusfi. i\\] lhi|irf>Vt** ftnu'ti!, It ««mi to Ui> full* tlmt n» H J n'tnf«: Imnf* i'1'if; sii}.!'* tn'e»; t't-tu Joi __^ US P«iril »S u«inr s»t, N*w York, tf Monday, Oct! the tli-fi'tit i>f Jlr, HHHBW cdmc fit IIOt'HM I'liBiilMt ID the vnrauni tin- e*-s» Wurh iiittiii hv ll>** fifHii'

'ii; »' tlml tlivcittiwli"!! 'it it f< w n>mn« ?J»ltHWni!.«th1.i,»ii,.|'K fi.ltim-j Tlw Imi^r «in» llv»» the lidlfi nt ml l l«*f««i» !h»m. ' t*'«titiir» mnr« * 1,,1|J||. r,f \,nn<-k n( lllMlit^Cttlll ! tu !».-> tuwii at Wwrffi'-M Kit't'i nltiiwt tb» lui" lite Ji!fai»ii« jif Hnl- ,w»w nt Uni« mkfu ttilMft* tustn-* nui.-i Hn-ii KAiiitc.tfiMX iw(t|«nS gj Jt

lir 1-nmtlj- June «»tut.|iuli>it Ttiin Ity IB Fai'f tKi ttlif, lutn)ittv ti Y i«s4lt« ti strt r.'ii- »!n-« ",'Hh tja Sierk }> tnntard true tit T>» *n> in mm pvmm MITCHEI. !

Ekwtetf mpt of nm Imk tSl (!nwt-*f*»•!n ' %^m The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union Coiinfy


It soerns that some of our railroad ' experiences are necessary evils. Just, I querad© danco was being eajoyed by laden with thing's to oat, seasonable fMw. King, Misies RelBontaerg, :CurU»,jj« as graft is to some politicians.—You I about fifty people. - \ -. • - and carrying out the harvest schema ! Painter, Alexander and Wstaore, WMJa muat take it all to got there. McKinley School TiurtetuU)- Beeorotea The decoratloaa commenced at tho Among those who attended wore; |Messfi;: Balsa, Dr. S«BBle, Keteh8%s g e. door on the lower Boor whero the i A TltueTlt . Were you satisfied witli the elec- For the Occasion—Many Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Mr. and .MM. i COMMUTER' truest wag coali'onted on enterifig 6y P. K. Winter, Mrs, Chas. of tion returns last night? Wreless re- Funny Continues. n. large j^Dk-o-lantein and this stunt gome thoughts that ought ports thrown on a screen, and In New York "City:-Mr. attd. MfB. Co!!, ADTOiBTISE AIA 0 break through the The assembly room ot the.HcKln- was repeated on all the Etalr land- Sir. and Mrs. Dohefty, "Miss Fink, t0 printed form within five hours Is go- ings until the assembly room was -—not extravagantly, not wagtsfull^ g dust of indifference and ing some. Give.the Leader Its duo.ley School presented a most attrao- Misses Bagtedo, Mr., and Mr*. MeM elf-interest : : reached. The assembly room was Mr. and Mrs. Plata, but DON'T GIVE 'ANTBOBY ?'\A%fc The tasty arrangement of some of live and yet Inughable appearance on decorated with, jmnipklTO, cornstalks B Mr. lour .shop windows deserves mention, |Monday evening when a harvest inas- and Mrs, Watts, Mr, and Mrs.. John- CHANCE TO FORQET YOU.: ri.^ irBrother Commuters . Tney have the marks of expert win- ..,...-.-... and on the platform a long table was son, Mr. and Mis. Johnston, Mr. and i dow trimming. Have noticed men I ————- • • iBdroiriug ono in purttcular; not be- ihouk! Biiny slio!" "Twaa a jolly causs !t happens to present a women's crl tho rear platform Saturday j hosiery display cither. but I couldn't find out who Christmas is coming-. Cheer up— at tho cause was. Probably your pockctbook. FREE PBEE our Saturday afternoon train An KxcrWtnt £5c Hhivvini? Brush. If You Get It at rtftl S'owi e is already beginning to en- This will bo given free with each pint what joit noetl. Fri'O with each box to "liaro another" for bottle of genuine St, Thomas Hay n; lMunrlla Vaeo 1'onilcr. A real 's no time lost'in doing so. 'Rum, at BOc Casey's It's Right toilet luxury Three ilmdca. iron't get ftoino any earlier ST. It the company can't do etter, let's suggest a dining car 8 Saturday afternoon trains, the company realize that tho day" Saturday men expect to lunch at home? It'a up to to lead them to It as ex- jusly as possible, for we don't to eat our lunches and diu- ogothcr. d to see so many walkers those JANES G. CAS p. Nature Is Indeed "at its just now. The trees In the Did the atmosphere of spooklnesa lory of their autumnal color- hover about you last Friday night? tl awaken .the aesthetic Hallowe'en was remembered in the WESTFIELD PHARMACY W a mummy. Get your friend* good old fashioned ivay. The true from the Sunday paper and spirit of It can only b© expre§sed in it" for the wilds of Weatfield. a homey town such as ours. Sup- get sonio breaths of o«me that plemented by the efforts of tho young- Broad and Prospect Streets Telephone 116 st you all the week to re-ward er ones to give m the creeps, Imagi- Start in any direction and younary witches pranced about. 1 had I beautiful walk before you. the honor of being asked to a party, stance, there is Echo Lake, a but In an effort to decline, my host- hi and yet too little known ess told me that I wouldn't need to To see the trees with their disguise myself; whereupon I show- colored leaves reflected In theed her an album of photographs of is alono worth a commutation my youth, to prove that I was once an agreeable fellow to look upon. iking of Echo Lake, reininda An incredulous brother commuter the patient fishermen I always MAMMOTH SALE told mo that he tried looking ov@r his ere, Th«y are a« plentiful HS left shoulder Into a mirror in a dark ies that do not b!t«. They room, hi an effort to see the new Jer- m) are divided by sciencesey City terminal in completed form. For One Week Only! wo families; edible and nonWhe- n It really Is finished the com- Edlblo fishes are thosj that pany ought to send a letter of thanka ided. The others do not exist to every commuter for his patlenre Commencing Wed. Nov. 8 IB several serious interviews ; with the several present inconven- tee krtphts of the hook sod icneei Ending Wed. Nov. !2 Irariwo. that the worn ib thIe "SinguIaU} Synthetical Statistics." lit it is, enormously plentiful FBEE FREE ief ntin* habitable globo exu.pt | Two jcatB ruiu modUii pnd fm Two Five Cent Soda Checks With founlatn I'ru with It is wanted for bait. Some of d i) s fern boat tr pa mado \n & Jtr a box. of our SupwHne ChocolflWu, BIG BARGAIN SALES 4i8< Pal < men take along their se op nmrtf In our i>i.v Central ionium's: put Into one A Hne cundy—a big value premium. no ait a iloubit* part ton ola would make a trip to Dem Btkli Price of candy 20c Mammoth—a monster—the only way to describe it, irtimtilf and nitntw lot theAfrica Th« nalks ti the fertj and Just to liven things up a bit—to interest you in Oaaey t thi fimih Snid l«.v can al tnii vuMli] ma>i tl" »ilk •uroF Casey's Itruwrhlne l'«u»Ii Byrii|>— —to give you one g-ood chance to buy as you never FEEE r nil' il upon lor the truth It sthe Sahara Desert the real curntive womler 2St" »Ntt»ol IVMII'IW ur A(«III1M«' with rful «lut n duuo mill ilu •bought before and to save as you' never believed pos- Many have oiled tlHr gutin I hi t'liscy's IHKCSIIVO Tablet"—the sible. New stores, old stores, out of town or any- (jtytit lini'iiliitiK. Two »lK'« SSOr Pml »tin iiilitir toll foi uuniliiis huntlnfe Sianon H htri i IshhuN west remedy for Indigestion limiivii, where else—in tho way of low prices and big promiuni ^,%c Atomizer with "Be HIM-, laahtv u^tiilH dmoii HK m *^ u* ii]" (iLht t\ poL,rtttihir i] 10c and 25c tit (I Iho tel isixHtdnifch error) and I am slad to ^a^ I 1111 values CASEY LEADS, FLAVOHINO BXTRAOTS i-'ih but not sim ti) uu FEEE Alwolult'ly purti ami of afanilartl \ t»i Ink eel swnl'oy* tin Treat your t-yes a» you do your 1 «trei>Ktli. MIMIA Iti oar own hsbora- -1 htv fttt of line in tht> teeth ur fat !" -hatlm I hum ijally. It's The tilings we sell—the prices we ask f 3 Ini porl.iuit. (oiles, BO w« fiut rocoiiimeiid them t o Imptit The fl tu i rotiiilBttinUy aud bark Uu'm with our o!( ,!!!> is goon a5* tin < I hi A boltle of OIUWJ-'N Kycaliiti- V.fv The best of drug store goods at lowest prices U ll pn t! nivei tlu <*l ion Hath, wllli Aluminmii Kye t'up with fia aiul bottle, liutmil his melt and tidl I'.-U-II ¥1. imrtlHW lit rair 1'IUK OC 10c ttiHl Silr ll'ir i half llltfh If iiow IHiitiuent. I'llti: tlKWIM AND MKDHH.NK I'HOM Ot'li OWN f)lii tir 'if lonah I ^s no Cmoj'u Suro Tlirout Hs'ini'dj ilot'8 IiAllOUATOKY. PEEE L ih iv4 Iv a M a<{ ot'lhP cvi'U (uori! tlmti »"n flttim -'»' b* 1 1 ill luiti I h«a'il rnr t» II Wltli I'.V«T>- 23 rout J»r ut Our Own C'ulil Cream mwl One \ KlU'lii-tt Inillrntiir with ii »->(• JioU 1 it tin n urn IH M\ea in • h<. FREE SODA CHECKS M I ( ill tt( tl S1KI\I< 1 ('(•ill .ttlilUlimol. W«> Will (JlK! Any OHI» of the l-VilloiviUK if Hi" III Olir t'Hu t:»trurj«, H ( 111 ti JC 1\1« t lllf OUt Tn** I'ivi fVnt <'h<:c!i* with a III IOMM < lA^H in i>' >t ul«t of Vme}'s Supt'HItic Cliwo- SOAPS M n f i H » t?H ^r ? 'i H' • i il'. - H !"!"«! JI 1 t'l" llillPt IVimlUo Haiti tioiip. . . . Mr. Il>ttjir|i*lit 'l'iilil('t» »0i! i < > Ii * tiuu ^ unit ii Fr<- if Ii of tin \t< i s t'lT.- of tn. Tllicc IHr I'l'lli Clil'l-kK *it« a Tin- Very H»*t Ho»|», IMh T»ll*t 1'int I'urn Wlti-ll lluxcl, SS.V1 K-'K Sixlil <'lnHkn aflf i Hiukt •.I \, IJIt t Ii J'«P>«- t M I thuuli will it jiurt nut pound or DiMiiiitUn Choi'dlute*. (We and MtMMnal, K»fi|iilnaa!ly r I'tttitldf iijilnigi'li. . . "»'« Hplrils i'ttiiij'hor iSSf i 1 n'h r nitumtlH PI nun n i WK fur tn tli- >"« Four I'iic Cent Oiii'i-lm *!0i a jOO-.l-s^r. T'jisf ijrii Hit^ia'l» ^li'iiUmHm £."c Low I'ritds, l Hitter ^its niiih r ili^i!-* on it ! t i poitnil of Xuuimlly Sivci-ts S'li- II ^ I 1 »i In il n«5 •^IU 'I * P tiset tiiii. *i! (1 ' iif ' I* ^ '' 'i r,,h!cl» !£5r Balli 1'mnlcr SWc Annimr*!* l*iTM\i(I*4 H*i»(t, ^He bfix !t F(V« I'lVH •'••lit t-'lKTli» «ith * ! i \ t\ I I Hf ' PI Lilt »tro tnpgdUd and i»l ' i Our (Hvn «'d!il anil liii'lc Bn.la . Iflc \| ''•"• I.Cl'i l..l\nllt<' T.iillil- -'.I \>" .IM'll < ,"-|rir Dil t.V i.".ki-F, this r.i',. . ... lilt- , 1 - . It (if (1> 'l IVniMi I vt \ M in * ' 1 ( ,1,1 •'-. Ill) Hli:i'"|"»i I'i' i" '''I'1 ( Ihii'iml Tnlilil- ll'i' Sjiiiii ttlilt- I'll" A Tur, IWi i 1 IH Iff' 1* „ I,' I I' > 1 "' ll M l •, N"jitr> ^M;I, H^.l'ji ,'it't ^JutliU"*-*. a()"ial t-iwlv lln« In' - ' I 111 I;IIMI r;(»oiiM AM> sicii IMIUM MTI-MI;* 2fn' iak«; ll.le nilf. .... ITn- M>|1( 1 IH l«'l '!itKt'i i M I'II, .-- M ' ' '" I'AUKAOE I(I:I.IAIII,I; «.u . I .'•(' ,lr)tm'« Wdrh Hwi-i riim|i. inr tllllltt. '..IJlvll-C-ll. It'. . • mplil linn lillilmi. Sulil nuiiliiili «••( *'J; hiilliU »iili< If Mill • [. I... Is tin- orlr.liicl "Kr-lll'lAil In Kvi'i) Uiii I-U'.." will 1>"» . 11)1- liOi; KlIH Biil» . . . . , .?!' lii)% iF.'Mlt> < •>»!)•. ')• ' • i * nest SliiillB.r'i mi'ii. ! ''' •»" )'1IH. 'I III" l« XL IIIICKIll 0(1111(1- ' '• i! ';•'[ ml-"-.^ turtll,' " . (Ill- Hiiniiltniud "f Hu-lii, II' 1 Dr. (tftiWH'a Iti'iuiilii £ Wllrli Koul 1 Illllil) In fit ! u llljlll rlil-i fuiihlilln K)lhi!.,i' lit flnli n |iril<<. l.r-i on IUI, isiiU-i miii Till* (la»* i« at;i •if'.flii'lll"!-. Ill'- I" IOo Hi,n|i, 26f bus ?. rilhtit, Iliis snl.' , illr HKI|,!IUI-. li' i, Nn 2 H.'", «• "''I; Nu. :i n», Sa 1 i* ,1. ,it liunriii nr il'ii IIMOI if nn|sl.lr.|. ai|.1 It 11 hn|i'i{ I III' 1 l«',1 illwfiiint im nliuMi iiiiiii>; ii'it Ml-1 l'nrt> rumaitiil till Himp, ><>> n i • 1 ', t. \>i, s.t i :". li. (;•,?(" ! lili,1 U> tJ:.; ri.l?-' HI !liftli» l-f I'lfi'-' ' • •..ll.ji. l.ir.ilili- I'mdl'-F. 'il It'. -"I' i ilk"; lhli> PSIL . . ,1 fi.r ',;',.• 1 ,. K"l.iuiit< i il'iin,; * In. nil! iil.n.l Tl"' rl.I-r. ••••••p; Mnittiill" I'l.mitnlit HJIIIIK'', N'1 2 nl/i'.. St.'.-li Ki>, .1 I' .. I :I.I. c.-.<-: I'"- li, Itm li.iit! I'll '|l"i">ni <••> <'=i • \rr.,n»l 'txlil'-li, (• Kr.. iti.i:. . .Hii: .1/ • • «••••'' A i i;fti},h't4^ linn tit nil ihi* twH rn i \ : ' rl r rliur'h II>I!IIII1'»H-I> *"•'' "'•• '"" ,-!, fn I'lKl l ' tiplrln TuMi'ts :,-l-r. in'I "!!•• Id-;;. iliMi'iihi im nliiivt- (iiiihu! ii:lo (•»''• fcn'iWH ntitifi^ al tt>«* lo^rRl nit inli-i^i, , ,.,, .III A Hvo'y .vlnlilii.ir r Iliillli', it'snlni «1.3t> ••' , ',' t Itlimvfi.i in Iliilnnili. i "«" - - »• " Vlilli". ("I IM< rliii' •<>*' FREE !i,,. 'l.i.ic \on t"i l»l trr"!'"'*'1'!. «M«|'l«'>inl'-«l ""• 1 "'• •'•*"*' Unli ltd' VfttiT lliilf.o N«- 9. KHKillnr n/t!!< lull1, In r'oiw ,1 ll.tlr-' -IT If II A Ww.fi Hulli with II I;,.* nf 4 -H.I1W till, ll'l :l<)<; nut '*»<•r "h< •j. la, .|»ir< •'• ll'«JllH«M>!s W"I(K IM'lili IT.U.ltNH I'diOi^MMI Oil Knnfi, t4l . . JSAr I',H"IIHIII< <>". I i" ''1t , '1 .,}} f, 1 .,, HI,} ar |ii-{ iliM.iuiit mi nil uli't-r )ldt Wmer Hnttli>> M nxMthlt "f "lfi I"1"1 <1"11; Hunt Hplill* i'i Mil''. « '"' • -'""' DISINFECTANTS • i ilils sale ... »•*•' • ' li.ui r !h» l-lislh •ItsHtuir tin-in Hcitli, 1 '.< . . -'"' '...ill.f iili'-.l-oi-'t "' ti:<-llil'-« ' f *'•»•. I'M** #'»!' l*i* frMiH.rti «f |.*!JH**M* 1 liivniM Kili««. Bil «li.« . *I.5H »»'! HI' ' llM'MM, Cl.H..|r|t»l1'"l«1 ""'' Mi"l.li-i wi.-ul .11, tili.il. 'il '"""' . ( i. I-., t^i i i'ii-i it' ,JI... I., M !i= r- -i-'i-i "'• ii» _••''•" t:.».M,.r IVi'ihTmlBl. (HI. • ••••""• I,.' iUE« . «••• •""• "'.' ., .5- • t iii.i .1 Ii I*. 5,5 C , !,|.(|* f;ie It..' |liri""-- !•' •-t"t liTi*()iHI T:.f. Till Itlia s^lo f,!f; IlKll'BI" t»'ll»»lMli •t.tol llimili" I'fl'lB, f»"»i!>"il, KF'llnr Mr, Ii" ItlU Hrt1" !'»•• I'M-l.l Ilihliirr. >«,il . ;l:1( t;t> I Hrrf'lt III"" Uhlfi, l.ualiK'l ll'llllll.' l'«ll. li'bUlul1 i'fiif %\ !•», U,t I'lii' »i.i!t '•!• '', N, ltt*.ln;,;tnu{ . I", nr,,! :i>>f A !!•(.' M.fi i'lM'Mi. r.ll.. . . . *•••'• 1 u f'li|.irM« I I.!,!- I Hi I".- \' |i:i.,|.! S |l;.m" •- i""" r '•" 4l,.iiil/>'t l!«r.l llnlil-ri. l"i «ln»iil ti'il I'""-, S'Ji, »t.,.-ml |(i> 1 4, il H, (.)!', I, II, Hit .. .',1 ',. tl I. 'I.I - l".l- ;;>!• il.' It M •• l.-l- •" I.-"" "' "" Kill) IIJ. |nl»«i!i. . . ""• ,. , ,, I ,.,„. .vli..i'.'. 'i- * i1' Mn.it < in** I'-IU'lii .- i. •">•: iltntlirnr I'ntlirti l!i ml!-!, n |>i'»'nl ••""' ! 4 r,,,,-;. [..- I.M !••••• --"" " ''' - •J'.r HfiliSlH«-T - -3).k'!!", '-a ')•(« tl> fii-'l-'- - • - ••** IWi'- !'>,|.,ts,S.' .Mln- • i,. r, r »•.,-!•._ nr.-lr. «"<• t>-M'."> i.l * "'••I' •" '• '"' KKljihlir < niirfli-B . "it !»•>! !(!;• ., •! :.I t i'"'- fl> llj^ .1*7-.:'I..,. Ii- •"!> :-"'• "" 1 ..; .-T .)>!>:- n-.l •••<• i,[."i I: w.s!- "<• "'"-.» •'••< ' "'•' I" . Uf.lt IOi,di-«. i f1" ..Hi ! JJ 20 Fmintfin ByrJtifift; Z» cent 'I!PI.-» •-! "i'i '-""<" " ' "• '• i,,,., Mi.,,1, tilsitri. .:nu;i. m ,"i.-i M.II ".I •! J-i{-> »{.<v nii ...i •»•')• I..I--I.- i-^"•"/•;. •' I ! <••• . . ... \ ,\.it. (•*-; IIHI.II> ••"-'' Sl'»!.»i(

11 • • '•••.- i:-<) ! iii-1 n '.- r f.tllr h >**'>? Hi' J)l ' I' *'• •". ,••! !!:•.(•:• -i'-.'"' It *ils-!i'l rage Twd?e THE WISTFIBLD UiADEB, WEDNESDAY, ITOVEHBEB IOSSOI JOSSSOt Tomonovr night the Arcanum and MUCH INTEREST OBOE Juniors will meet and a Inrge num IN BASKETBALL ber of rpotera have promiaod to be out. TUB High School Girls Havo Captain WeBterberg is out to take all three and will have out his ranged to Make Winners C. F. TAYLOR SPORTS strongest lineup. Treat. Tho big match next week will be A revival of interest in the girls' the Hed Men against Wcstfleld baBketball team took place last Tv extends a cordial invitation to his friends aaj - All the Latest Nows In ' Woodmen Camp "20 Thursday, Nov. when the aspirants for tne team and 13. tokers to view the new Winter Models in Bowling, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Athletics other enthusiasts of the game met in A twelve hour team endurance the Washington School auditorium Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys. contest, will ba held on the Wtstfleid and adopted a plan arranged by Miss alleys starting at 12 o'clock Thanks Morris, the instructor. FRlTMBNAri BOWLING LEAGUE AVERAGES, giving eve and finishing 12 noon The teams will be chosen among The official scorer hag complied the averages to Oct. 30th and wll November 28, Entries can be post- the young ladies and each team wll This season's showing of fine English and ed now with George Ortleb, publish them every two weeks. Cos leads with 185 for six games, wit! havo an equal number of rotors, who woolens is particularly attractive, Stegm«ier 181.B second; McMahon third, 181, and J. Tobln,fourth, ISO." Eddio Marenghi posted high score will cheer their respective sides as the • Bator loads In ottlkea with 38 and also has the best spare record. In the church league, 212. games progress. But at the finish G. Pins Strikes Spares Splits Missea P.C. Tho Playhouse alleys were opened the winners must cheer the losers Cox 6 1110 26 20 9 8 186 Saturday evening. Mayor Harry and also provide eomft light refresh- The great gathering of styles and designs t Stegtnel&r 9 1634 32 40 8 10 181.5 Evans rolled down, the ilrst ball and ments. ample scope to completely satisfy every McMalson s 6 1086 22 24 7 7 181 then the large crowd present got in The girls are already practicing J. Tobin 9 1G27 32 36 11 11 180.7 the The general expression on the court and it is thought that for pattern and color. Jiadtn 9 1613 23 49 10 8 179.2 was that they wera very fine. A Koons 9 1613 35 37 8 10 179.2 most of the young ladies will be on prlzo will bo hunR up each week to hand when the first game is played dripp ' 9 1604 35 31 16 8 178.S tho bowler iiiakiEf? the highest score Ehmling 9 1694 31 38 7 14 177.1 on an early date. And the prices are considerably lower than wrt J J. Miller 9 1684 26 41 7 10 176 for tho week. Who will be the first Weaterl/t-B B 877 15 21 3 8 176.2 winner and how large will tho score quality and tailoring can be purchased for tfo. Bogert 9 1576 29 37 16 9 17b be? BASKETBALL Baker 12 20S7 38 53 14 15 173.1 The prize thiis week to be given wHere. H Forster 9 1526 21 4B 6 18 1G9.E tho bowler making tho highest score OPENING GAME OP SEASON AT C. Ortleb . 9 1624 23 43 9 16 189.3 ou the Playhouse alleys up to 12 ST. PAUL'S PARISH HOUSE Montrosa 9 1508 24 44 16 6 167.B o'clock Saturday nlgnt, Nov. 80i, will Maronghi 3 601 9 13 3 5 167 bo a gold watch. The high Bcores to The opening game of basketball fihotwall 8 1316 19 41 6 14 164.4 will be played Friday evening In the BROKAW BROTHERS/ Knlson . , 6 979 15 26 5 14 163.1 date are Montross 227 and Douglas Townley 3 486 7 14 6 3 161.2 212. St. Paul's Parish House between the; Astor Place Sc Fourth Avenue Gllinoro 9 1460 20 44 10 10 161.1 'K. B." five and the Phio Cluib. Cline 1 160 1 7 1 1 160 SUNDAY SCHOOL 1EAGUE. Jame will be called at 7:46 p. m. Butler 9 1422 26 33 14 17 168 Doth teams have put In some hard New York City Dugan 9 1416 26 34 8 22 167.3 Standing of Teams: practice and a good game is prom- G. Ortlab 6 933 9 32 9 10 156.3 W. h. H.S. ised. A small admission fee will be Subway station at door. Beaman 3 464 5 13 3 9 164.2 charged. MeKelvey 9 1374 20 36 12 22 152.6 Baptist 5 .767 Archibold 11 1615 16 52 18 23 162.4 Methodist 3 819 F. Milter 9 1369 24 29 7 30 161 Presbyterian 2* 812 BASKETBALL AT Powles 12 1803 24 52 20 24 160.3 rinlty 2 796 SCOTCH PIiAINS. OBOI 3OEZOE xosato! osaoc JSTeaoh 13 1791 32 40 IB 33 149.3 Congergational 0 707 Manning,.. 9 1324 14 40 11 25 147.1 The Parish House team will play Alien 11 1615 16 62 19 23 146.9 ho team from Company K. Plainaeld, NeUnon 2 282 4 8 0 8 140 Methodist vs. Trinitj-. n Saturday evening of this week. Wlttke 6 873 10 26 8 16 . 145.3 Methodist beat Trinity three lhia promisee to be a most interesting Krug ' 9 1308 18 34 21 27 145.3 itraight games last Friday. The ;ame. On Saturday evening the first Mlnntok 10 H33 14 46 7 84 143.3 trut game was a walkover for the earn of the Parish House •will play Colwoll 9 1281 19 30 12 29 142.3 rlethodist woodchoppers, but in the ths Summit Chapel boya. This event FURNITUR JackBOtt 9 1279 14 37 12 27 142.1 Winter 6 849 11 22 5 22 141.3 ither games tho Trftaity boys were is looked forward to by the boys of Sell 1 417 0 8 6 9 139 lelther easy or willing victims and the Parish House as one of the best Clark 6 993 9 17 7 17 138.3 tept Captain Young'8 team on the araes to be played this year. Howard 6 685 11 IB 6 19 137 ump all the time. W Forater 5 680 7 20 6 -18 136 Edward Marenghi had the honor K. B. VS. PLIO. I^jna 11 H91 22 S3 17 38 135.6 f rolling high score for the evening Hohonatein 1 133 2 3 0 6 133 'hen he put in a 212 in the second, There will be a basketball game CARPETS, RUGS and Habn 1 132 1 5 0 4 132 'rank Alleger was also hitting tho jetweea K. B. and Plio teams in the Church 5 630 S 14 8 20 126 3t. Paul's Parish HouBe on Friday Gray 6 717 fi 19 12 23 119.3 wood in great style and just missed .-. BEDDING .-, Brown 5 609 0 8 6 30 101.4 200 in the iirst and second. veiling. Game called promptly at Roekltffe ,...6 609 « 8 0 30 101.4 The scores: •'clock. Informal dance to follow. Tfiam Aterajjes. METHODIST. Mattresses Cleaned and Renovated O. , Pins Strikes Spares Splits Misses P.C. Mien 139 126 124 GOLF Woodmen 20 9' 801B 149 198 44 59 890,6 fohenatein . .. 147 147 171 Arcanum 9 7533 117 212 50 71 S42.4 Young 181 134 136 T. FUKIN WISS SIJiCljAIK Cl' UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS Bed Men 9 7496 134 178 73 76 S32.7 Carpenter .. .. 166 169 166 toj-als i 7J»44 103 192 63 92 7S2.6 Ulegor 195 199 167 in ono of tho best finishes of the BRANCHES and FURNITURE reason T. Fukin defeated J. B. Barr Juniors 12 9v!8S 12a 272 75 130 744 :: :: REPAIRED :: ;: Aid 12 8601 121 212 80 187 70S.5 S28 765 703 1 the final round for tho Dr. K. R. Woodmen 3 18 8496 126 206 72 ISC 708 HOLY TRINITY. Inclalr cup 4 up and 3 to play, 36 Vhalen S9 lolcs. Both men played excellent solf and were followed over the BOWLING Held hy a large advantage and agnin McMahon .,124 167 166 Miller and McMalion did some h\n Marenghi . . .127 course by a large following who pinning while the ManulnK boys Somnwrs .. 1G 3 127 -ere full of enthusiasm. The Jap HOWLING LEAGUE. 152 went all to pieces. Marenehl ..157 212 mproved on the last round enough 120 to Bet a 01 There was nothing to llii> final Irndy 142 149 ! B° ' advantage on his op- Standing or ClUUB. which was raptured by Camp 3D with arroll .. . US ponent anil tame hnnie an rasy s In- h. US, 141 w. an S57 total. ner. R. F'l. FRENCH & Woodmen Camp DO. .. .10 2 945 Next Thursday night tho Hml Men 660 761 718 Tho cup was put up in 1011 und Red Men 10 2 033 inust tni won twlro by the same I'un- ELM STHEET and NORTH AVEHt 8 4 SB4 will battlo with ('mini 3. wlili-h should bo wltncsi'd l>y si recurd testant. A. II. Maelli'fert was ilie Hoyal AVCIUHUH ... 4 082 TOW WAI.I.Ol" croud. first winner. 0. fi. Abenu'thy was Loyal Aissoeiallon . . 4 11 912 KIMIl.lliL'S VtVK. Thu srorrs: laat year's winner, and now tho Woodmen {'amp 3. ... . 4 11 870 o Wpstttcld Culm not bHiig snt- of T. Fukln will bo added as the 11)13 Immediate AM . .. . 1 11 761 WOODM1CM CAM1* 20. fli»d to win laurels on tho diamond lladln 170 winner. m 176 avo organized a bowline train and Khmllug lsi 178 Nnvemlipr Hehiniuie, 176 ill paly matches with local and Miss Hazel Oanlner won tho Qrlo- Marenglil .. ,,144 158 Ar- 131 out of town taUmt, i't medal play event for the woinfn Nov. «—Juniors VB. Kojral Koons 145 184 193 Last week Klmtmll's Congrega- memberB. canum, J. Miller S01 161 Nov. 10—Loyala vs. Woodmen 3. 216 tional team took on the Cubs for a Hanging Kov. 31--Hojal Arcamim VB, Im- urnrtjfo (,-atnn nnd sulfti-ed rlPfj'iit Tht^ Handicap Committee v,ill tiwvt 841 897 sr,7 1 i medial" Alii. Unit :*. at th« clubhouse on Filday * ven!ng, Nov. 13 Woodinon an \t. IUit WOOIWKN CAMP 3. fiiiHHly IOHMI thrpt) splendid Men, MiMahon ,2UO 201 148 s i>nd tuppvd lilKh worn for the Mra. H. R. Rtiirkton. of I'lnlnfli HI, Nov. 17—Red Mnn VB. lmmi>(llHt<) Sell .1511 154 14B i>vi'iiitii!. Tho firorea: Curtains? ast year's KIUS« fup »lmji>r uf the AM. Ccilwell .. .177 13!> 160 Women'* Metm|iolltan Gulf A.isooia- Nov. ,174 130 lili IS—ltuyal Arcanum Woith . 17f. 10.2 174 tlon tiiurnnmi'tit htlil ut Wvntflpiil, Maiming . • ltiO 155 t,OS>8l8. 13G ltifi 127 16S won the 1013 Krn«B cup on tlm Ka."t>x Then our store is the place to get the fixti Nov. 20—Juniors vs. Woodmen SO. County Club links Mumluv last witli 870 Nov. 04 - l0 Hi! lk<^; Young 114 lore. mr.-is; IS spllti; 23 Taj tor . .117 15S Tho WentflHd liolt fluli timina- Curtain Rods Brackets ^7 strlkra; 1','i ISO inent i>rB»rtti wan hrnuitht to a e'osm Irfiyals \fl, lnijufdiato Aid. nr.-s; I!) snllln; m\men. Pole Sockets Curtain Pins] Thuredaj iiluhl thn l,nyal AMO- 732 6iiH rlatton kiid Iininodl&tn Aid learns Itnl Men m, L»)ati. Tim IfOj'jil Astmdfttlun (milled tho CONURKUATtONAf,. lii'autlful wralhf'i' y«steiilay 1>H4 a friendly nutrh mi tho Wwt- !t«l Mon to the lluitl Inot ululit and Riiiilmll u» tm 16f. brmijthl out thn litrgeet mitnbpr of BWd (Uluyg and tlm \A>}R\» anitosi'd Rods cut any size desired Inrgo crowd took thn MT-TIM it HI 118 |)Ia\»>is that haa VSIT tnknn part In » Rll tJirw gumm, tliclr that »!»» of nr, olid game In 41 ]iliw The Indian* i '» 121 105 IBS lioHilny mauh. tJver sixty entries tii0 &13$gftti, went on ih« rinntinKtt In the first on- Mm ii 113 145 took pat! tn th« h»ndlfap play Tlie Aid ftvo were outclassed from BWnn-nt and Hrsves (trlpp, ISogwt Kei ledy , , .. 162 182 n»!n-it boscy. s IV MrAit'-ny WOK trip to bottom of their llooup, put and St«>gm«.ler made their dhotn itlli this last evrnt of tn# deasrtn »nd the 'frith tnor© yraetieo OH tho making ••»«• timber for itnubtn anil tr|n)t>a pil«p, .1 iluKii on bogny 14, •» »"•« ™ *h« 200 mark and t#sta» b#for« (lie •KMIMIII is far mt-the U>»m 8for«d 03a, The Uiyalu Y&!u;isd, CliaMley OitHth limtU* ft 5S1& NKW ra>wiJN(i ALI.KVH OI>I:NI.I», The Big Hardware Store? ttwit out »Jt»r tlm incouil b»ttl» Mid BrotM Su ihn second until*, which inn ilrove the Brd Hlikis to o>t*r after OH Hsttiirday ovotilu^ !ns( tho iunn t«iltt!!y lin!|>i'il ttli [t'iiiii to malm H arorlng i«Veut("»n rit'nu frlun«i8 anil aj' evening a, four mini twin h*rahl»d bowllni; gtleyn tn the f'lay- »11 total. Thn scor*(l ft victory tiy 4t p\m, Tho from Wc»m«ld JoarnnyMl to t'*m|i- anitd lh« rhtvtn o( ov«-r mm huntirnit ASSOCIATION, n»'il Men look llm Dim! to »»v« Wntn Iwtl'a Otymvl' nlteyii lo wk«» g rrst'k M«jfor Kvmw nillfld th« first Imll amid MIR hewn Ot u«#r onn hutnli#d Buitor pum Ktt-ptt WhaUn from iltgging. »t tb# Olyntpir titmrt«-tti» and riidirn- 1'oor markloi; mul itm Uiyuta to their t*rl »ml»r but wim-r mun, »|»rl«tol-s. The ailpyn »f» v<*ry at- ti«rt usitl to Sin estmronly , Us UN •senna defeat, Soxt 'l'hur#d*y the The (jnnou C'jjy iilumu» won tlm Hid M«!l Will tttrkln Um Woiiilmt'Il two dtralght mimx*. Una. Miller roll- f««t by tlurtft who linvn rflllefl on C. OHM. ,141 316 1C3 tlit-m AHK coniiirtprsiiSp trouble ,1ft §0 ed 233 (I! Hlft SWOHli, Wtlll'b (58VP. hi* tm tlie virtnry hf 1$ jitn*. Aiioth. nnt1 Htrnt wiperuM! s(r, Mooi»*» hag Tally Cards tn Th» MBI-M; thoniughly «»terpr".mff«i tin in nmtfli will bo rnlM li*t» In a tow ck« TSUOI, w«>#tjlciil will prnwmt B lli»n uf the t'lnykuiite smj Hmt degSgna f«r all the popular gwa IMKKBlATfi AID»u. Ufljrp 188 if.il liurphiwea HIM tnoiif up tn much atibhiar l«*jn, Th«»r-8i*»: ,.149 1st t«t .1SJ uto alU*>'ii ^tid 1 si nf lsj (74 Robert M, Smlth» Jr. , , , . in, ,\n 1*14 iiiitton ,, , ,.,nt l*t 189, (J. Mi»*f , . . , 1111 as.. Hi* I.OVAI, Tn rolctir,*!* the {tautiic or ti«i tlfi HI i.'i lOatl, mark lu wmnttoriMp tin. I'tti.iti eim ttttttt WwtMi J40 IS? 171 In it tt*41« *'IIU«*-|| J,ejti) AMti^-Uitun *|l) jm},i . lit 1BT m ,. If« SOI U« Worth ... -IS »lf!fc«* It, OHIeh s ,!li«; ,146 ITS . t«* CfaHimrffti stu! his rtiff nf »Ml t MII JT* »«(*. Thn Attim nnd pUfn w||t to (">!({>«"*«) *l n inter ijat* 1* fVKl Wiw^BJMt <'(irtn> ten, I throw G. M, 1# 8# tiMh 19 ecu 41 Jt*4Mnn mwSv l» 11 >* win** in »»t»t5 mjp nnrk, "MM tlt vnter Hn Utgv w m mutt t« ASH UTAtttt*. f 111!>» IIM* mm* n *» tn vm nntt eflltteu *» M«Ulni»«*~*-ttlitfn«(i. ft, Ml, 10. i THB WBSTFIEHIXBASES, .WBBHMBAf, HOVXHBEB 8; 1918, - - -ftp fWrtiia-" PORTS PRIZES ON EXHIBITION •»•• I from Page.Twelve.) to be Awarded at the Poultry P10TECT Show Now In Frautehey's i:' They Take You There FOOTBALL your home by haviag the title During this week the cups that are to your real estate insured by iIFIKM> AND BATTIK to be given an prizes at the big the I They Bring Y©u Back A TIB 7 TO 7.poultry show to be held in Plalnfleld from November 17th to S2d, ara on Title Department A tire with a record, manufactured by a firm that has tean BlttlB High School, of Elizabeth, exhibition in the window of tho , Up their strongest team to bat- Prutchey Pharmacy Company, cor- in the rubber gqods business since 1868. With this experianca - «jtti the much heralded Westfleld ner of Broad and Elm street. in the use of rubber wo hnve decided that the two cure, wrap- ,% School eleven Saturday after- Fidelity Trust Co. There are forty-four cupa in the ped tread tire is superior to that made ia any other manner, SBG several hundred witnessed^ group, all of which have consider- PRUDENTIAL BUILDING, game. In the manufacture we use only the nest grade of Dp Biver able value outside of the honor of NEWARK, N. 1. jstlMd played with muoU Bpeed winning them. Pine Para Rubber and only Long Staple Sea Wand Duck, and e the first period, but later The show promises to be one of the we are sure that no better tircw and tubes ara produced. jt collapsed and much, fumbling largest Of Its kind ever held in this vi- Union County Agency. done. Battln kicked off, which cinity and the entries are coming in W. Orand St. Elisabeth. N. » abort kick, and OB a forward It's a matter of common fast. They will be received up to Charles LaC. HofT, Manager. lost the bail to Cherry and he and including November loth. Tho knowledge that this store is Combination Tires and Tubes J owned ou Westfteld'a 40 yard show will be held in the City Market leading in the shoe tm&iness Manufactured by e Weatfleld tried Randall and building in Plainfleld; [trrj foi line plunges which netted in WeatBeld. ,rds gain. Poole signalled !or a SDCCEBSFUfi DANCE The Combination Rubber^Nanulacturing Company rom ft BEa or lee tick * forward P ' " AT COM' CLtB. PIANO iSIEOCTION A glance at our windows and itlon. Cruttenden got the ball BLOOMFIEU), N..1. id crossed the line lor touchdown. Over one hundred members and Prdfessdr Charles Riedl, of a chance to let us show how their frieads attended the harvest ais kicked U"> goal. - Carlsbad Conservatory, will courteously and intelligently ?&e second quarter was tiaevent- dance given 6t the Weatfleid Golf take one or two more pupils. 1, Battln playing to hold the Club on Friday evening last, Tho The developed talents of his we serve yon will tell you In Stock at ball room was tastefully decorated ore down. last year's pupils has proved why we lead. THE DABBY M0T0E OAR COMPANY, Ttre locals worked the ball to Bat-for the occasion, jack-o-lanterns, witches, cornstalks tmtl autumn the success of instructing a"j goal line several times, but loot only a few pupils. Personal 19 Frospeot Street. tall on a fumble. leaves being used with goad effect. e interest pre-eminent. Rates Ballla's strength was here shown Music for the dancing was furnished fgr" Aak Darby About Them. ttn they carried tho ball on for-by Wetton's orchestra. Charles M. reasonable. 'Phone 443-R. ird passes to Wentflsrid's 10 yard Pohlman was tho chairman of the •»••-•-•»- • »..»-».<,•#•«,.#•.»..».». committee la charge of the arrange- SILBEKG BROS. je, Becker was thrown over the HARRY W, WEBER, ments. THE HOME OP ie in th« last two minutes ol play COMEDY MUSICAL AICT18T, A Davidson kicked an easy goal, OE3OE 30D0K I0BQE 3OE30E 30E3O lios the score. WKSTPlKIiD TH1SATBM, WALKOVER SHOES The lineup: FRIDAY AND 8ATIRB1Y 163 BROAD STREET ESFIELD. BATTIN. AdmlBsloD, Matinee and Evening Ul^f Davidson Children, 5c; Adults, 10c, NOTICE left forward F. F. GEATTES, formerly with J. G. Bantlo o! Pleinfietd atansWin Salm FOR NEWS AND PACTS A»J2 tfOU A BUBSCRIBEH? If left tackle MUAl. BRIEFS. REiD EVERY PAQE not, why not SUBSCRIBE NOW? Miroa ^lsltera at the Garwood mill open left guard post office aWJas follows: Mrs. C. H. >olo Lipson Asenbach, Miss" Mary Luder, Oao. center Mason, Kobert Posink, Stephen jwarth •' lumay Tyeaergok, Joseph Zgogowski and Saturday, November 8th right guard Leon WasleVler. ., Schmidleln A. J;Beskleyfl formerly of this right tackle town, has returned from a visit to his =a lint elassz uttenden Perrine country horns in Nova Scotia. Mrs right end Beekley and daughter are staying in 6rry Marthaylor Bo»ton for several weeks, quarterback Geo. BtcManua, of Third avenue, LADIES TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT jsdall Ptlff visited town Election Day and stayed AT 223 BROAD STREET fnllback long enough to vote. IWtim.ld Inn Uulldinj! uah Becker Mrs, H. Becks, who has been upend- left halfback ing the past week In New York City, uaeli Ogden returned homo Monday with her Where It is passible to g«t a beautifully tailored suit at right halfback daughter, Mrs, Geo. Graff. a moderate |>riee. Expert workmanship Goal from touendown—Crutteji- Mr. Hallard, of North avonuo, t, Docker. Kicked goals—Class, moved to Ellzabethport and perfect fit guaranteed ivldson. Score—7 to 7. Referee Forty-gix hunting licenses have Retdiam. Umpire—Dallas. been issued in Garwood up 10 the OE30E 30E3OE ionac 3OE3O present dati\ Mrs Iiniton M. Ualloway has been KSTFIIMl HIGH 40; ninflned to lier beil for tlu* past week KNICKERBOCKBU ft. but ia gmdually inipio\lug In health. The Hish School eleven rolled up a Election Bay afternoon, rtp Boar- ste that will jdve the "Knlckn" catB dffaths jesterday fitlernoon before larse nowd wifnesbfHl tlu> big aur- rw> hundred enthusiasts. This 40 prise. Ttii> lleait'ftti, plajotl an ex- "•oio was the worst ili-foat the game, especially Kjiluiarlc and ikkerborkora ovor recolvod. Tho Ni'cde, »ho matin many long end 1 ', NALSEY& WASHINGTON STS> igh School showed much lmprow- runs. Tin touchdowns prorut soro as •rt in thi>lr play sincf Saturday. follows: Killmark, Neede 2, Dush- Ten locals scored the Brat iouch- and Morrlion. A return game ii in sevui mlautO3 play, M&rth will t« played Nov. lfith. Tho lineup Jlng t'ie tall over tho line of the winners *u as follows: Kjel- Nov. 17-22 I? minutes later Cherry hurdled mark, r. Ii.j HHIe», f. b.; Hahb, n. b.; Nct-de, I. ti.; Morrison, 1. e.; Watt, r. Thanksgiving s bunch for the necond scon?. Mll- • tlit n eot In tho game RUd Bcornd e.; Dushanok, I. t.; Smalloy, r. t.; t'ts lliuea and Class showed he was Johnston, 1, R.; Caikhuff, r. g.; Heu- iajss ready to punt over the bar for iniia polnta and the half e0ded Sale of Linens to 0 in faTOr of the High School. IrtH it more points wero add«'d in EDWARD ROY WINS Ik'iglun Dillimek Tftliln <;ldtlis '"••oii'i half threngh tho flnn wnrk GOLD WATCH I'mtifliiiifii and Millor. Clflss Tho tabh.) <:liitlis tiro woven of >*tl hi« bmt Kaine for thy Bcason, C,m(p»l for MuM I'lipulnr (Iilld At- l!i« tair.utis Klonitali Bin, ami msiln In Ilio nililti of Key Almi. itti nm! Klllott »ew> tho rtar, lor I M-tHl*. Much AtR'iiUon—,\ K)HU iOxtu'UiHit tituUlty: " "Kliirfcp." ' ciml I'ri/o Iwanled. Tablo *'!l)th, i?l?i' frKt^O, atiu T!1n Saturday flio Rutgers Frrsh- l!»j)kliiSi 0l»> 111 17, lP(4tilarly 8i hill five the High School a hard TIIP ronttsr tor thp must popular 4,U0 .a.CiM «f>» Cl»iii er.iSfi'.i, Tins lii,,np: tho Westftclil Thrafre for the past tow and nniilktnii, gl?ri is?lK, reg- (>ks, came to a flcs>> on Saturday 2x3 ',» ?JiiJ I»,U8 ulitily % T, yuxrlul Hi. . . .a.tm IS'irKss W. H. S, It.WH t\<>:.lng Us!, '*itli s liif." rusli of votes 8,(10 , HIHI 'fkliy CiuSiemi™ Ui match. left forward oti tho ftnsl cv^iii^K "THE ODAUTY SBOW" 'J!««'m"i»!V«i i:d«»nl Hoy, of I'JIH Hioaii ntn-ct, »:», »I.M ,K ,. Class Hi-ulfli Uiiiimsk Tnldi" riothn ..us l«Ct turtle with l,!t»4 vitw. "on tli.* hdii(i«)in,i •I'atiln ( j.itll gold «adh ofltud bv Manager I.»i*-lliiit Kfiulli '>f tltouh •> Hoesrth lli>ro«l l«h.-ii Table CloUis—- Sliti dani(i»k tdtili' flnlhs, lull/ KilU' nuii.III) Illl ||ttr>II t Jnr intt Knard •errand in tk« ra<«'. «t"' unwuted ITOI 1» d, in siilmiUld p»tter»s; 0*11 ll"iKMSflE'"!! fl UIE1 U(jl- 'bfjjclr^F , . . • Foole Under auspices of the with a hnuilMHUf M\ei tuiti'll. Ml«« rluil an follows; iiiiifi.v itn <1 Aimtils. fUitiiwmc canter MJIIIB hail i.ifij Tii'-p, Francis HU4 llcgular 8[>«-l«i h •%' il* SIMI1S WBIIS *m thlr.l nilh l,tl» votes. New Jersey Association ff.vnr, ij lU tlulbH, right Kuaril it.g. fS.fii), •j.nn Thn ni«!««fi]tatl 3t?. 8.M0 fif/.S^!? II•i. i-loilni, tight tacklB for Poultry Impro¥entieEt Nnpkln» in matfli. r«» M.tO, ii.tm Miller fiite fc «o»tl tluit niH'il the theatre to over flowing. !,tl,ti H 1 luilw 4fi inch i'Jolhs tight mi i.iatl.i uf g|(>f» ll^MTIllfl linen •fall Ch«rry lit tiittoi'tif* pat rh U»™ Supkliw Him u>rn<, ran News ANP Inclina- -"»!r» b»t»*>J l«A» BVBHY PAfiB £U4 $'A grmUpf (laniart -imlln flnlsf) lal I,!IH fullbnok fall nn« uf haiirtsoiii'! p»t(«r»» •l|«-t ,. ., Hands!! |3 to iliijwm. epe''. •.•*•"* In,,, !, f'loiltx (1 Itt. »l». 1 »tn) right Admission - 25c Very dn« <}TiaiMy tlernmn Austrian illicit Mcfiifitl l^li^l Ml hslttort The Crullers Ia ht»*J nupfctltfi «f Him t'»r groiiT with |I«n.»HJrIn-i! •* Iln« ftntMl n«»JIU rtlf ! 1 8S« Tray *'1«tH»». Ws "I " (Of WINTER CEU1SRS in. HfanMful iimtnr »-*ijtil«ll* l Sft<: Tr*)' noiim, tM» fni" JWe Plymouth TO pnUnrn* f»i"M r*((« »rlr _f"« 4 OltlM -«)|t>W« l|IIHlfl> Homemade PORTO RICO, NASSAU ll«ii*H»l | n 1M (('Ulimn riai>n»k. In rlftr'to* HAVANA, MEXICO |y lunrh ll«pl(l(i» «f I """• l! *bM Crullers (JMiusn Ihiwi, m'ully !«»• miuhiu) All irrt.it,? 4Mlmi* ft r»n, at .a Itt t} (fentunit h»r itM-m has di'rwii'Tj? si tr*!" A«^m'uSJiZi, U\ l ami H, . Bif# • turn*. I'n-wfit iwftrafitw*. "•-.„ ir'Ji* t»vi, nm jHitnt in an lmit»r

BICO tWK WASH I.IKR crtrv All 0N»W Nvwt and fetcry Pafa