Fielder Elected

Fielder Elected

• ——— •—- •^ »!• m«g -mmiMMa&rr »• t-^ •iwiiiiiiiwum I*T The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEB, 5, 1913, FOURTEEN PAGKS—2 CENTS NOVEMBER 5, 1913 Money deposited in our Savings Department on or before the above date, will draw interest at 4 per cent, from NOVEMBER FIRST. Check Accounts—largo or small- ? A FEW DID The Two Clark's ore Re-elected in Westfield with Many received on liberal terms. Votes to the Good—Casey Polls Big Vote in the COUNTY DEMOGRATiO ASSETS OVER $1,000,000.00 T l/OTE YESTERDAY Fourth and is Returned to the Council ASSEMBLYCANDIDATES The Early Returns Showed Traynor Running Strong for The Oldest Banking Institution in Westfield sgistsrcd Men Were Goif- Assessor, but Denman Receives Majority Elected by About Six Hundred inp or Motoring in ' of Over Two Hundred Votes Majority and Run Far Other Placos Behind Ticket MITCHELL AND ENTIRE FOSION TICKET WINS IN NEW YORE VOTES THE TOTAL CAST MAYOR EVANS WAS DEFEATED Fielder Elected "v ivory 1.308 volt's uasi in ilnyir Kvans proved his jni|m- !<i ui tiis vlcctinn nnii 17 litritv in Westiiold by luimiup •IN liii' noxt. Governor ul" New di'i-scy. 1 rejected. There were 'J2S iiliciid of l'.'.s uriiiTSl opjuMi- voters in Wcsl- cnt but imt'oHuiiiiU'ly went down Kledcd becmise of failhfu! and cfllcionl Rcrvice it tiiis t lection which prows with liis tiok«t fur tin1 Di'inncrntic in tile past. i did not avail Uiomselvcs AsKi'inlily in llio county won out right or sufTrap-d. Thus ouly liv (,vi|- SIM), Why mil eleul vmir jiuintei1 and doc'tirutor of the voters of Westtic-ld 1 Those elt'i'it'd an Dobbins, the sanif Ilk'tit: tlltlt tlltr.V dill IHlt (irillin mid l.i'oi:ni!i. Dulibins is i lo (.'list their votes) but H now man, tlic other two tU jircs- Whutevi'r your polilicul hel'icf m.iv' lie, you will ia no doubt but there were (•lit Hi'i- members of tlir AssotiiliU . lid not eve.H register. vote j'itflU, it' you t.'leet Wnloh brothers, Inc., to do First Ward had 485 -voters I'll" Two Cliirhs n't'ii if coiirsi1. youi- next jith of ])iiinlini; and dei'oratin*,'. '.vlii) were reieetril. Tim Tiin'e wn.- mi ilonl'l iriiM ilic ),(•• i Ward hiiil 2;ifi voters and 'liitn*;. Thi.' lliiiijj to he •stiuiiri, which may or may -mi'l/.eil ;it wns tile lii;,' niiljorilii'H 1 WELCH BROS., inc. )'.v th. superior inlflli-rtunl liliioji (.'lark will be the Town !>? tlii.s wiinl. Tim Thin! Culli'Ctiir fur thii'P yeiu'-i IiKirt!, Th<> Inrgrst ami ulilest l'lilntliisj unrt IKcui-iillns <'Uncorn in Wtvtflrld bad 313 vote's accepted snd and (..'linrli-s (,'Uirlc will retain I:in itt'il ami the Koitrtlt W'sircl posiliuu m Town Clerk for the r 3 rejected vote1?, while 257 sim.i! period The fnet tluil them.' 214 East Broad Street Tel. 168 mteil. Dividing: ihe First null hlul nwAl t*oi«-l MK'll Us t)j)|n>n intn two fairly <»<|iiiil dis- eiitK blin-M'tl thiil the t"V. n at liii'ne is 1'iHuiil that ihe flt-Miitiii -, iiji|iieciati i! Iht'ir iVui'K Mini i"riday nnd Saturday i ni*t" very <>f;n*\!)y divided. wiiiils !ti l.i."]i Ilirin. .\ ifl.'ince lit the tahle of iiii'.-d flectiuii i''tiiiii-. Crmmifry JiiilUT, Hi IUW ib-ct Miilm* I'olalwH, full mi<:kn, «B.' I •fnnu-i- R FicW.«r is the lle*-l V V. stun- 1'iiH r II' \,.« .li-r-iu.y !iy n m,i. '•n li'.i-i j.;!;'..1 ->u!l i''Hi\uh's' tJi•.* iM'.i I.IIIK" ll.iKkct i'otiitiK.B r--' /i i; lliiil i! is in,hi.el;.- i Iini tliiM. i', If. * !•-. tfii-mi.. II ,V iv, i, mi li w i!l i Mi' lie iii 'Viiifil KI. iihiil'- Sl-ilr the [iii)iui.ii' is, \. V. Stiiti- New. ii. He I'll'!", t.iu . <il. til IIli.I ! r r..n iihfiid of liis tic!.-*1! i- I.!- :i> tin'i lii-ii.' In li.ihl tin ii ,. Xf«, nm. .Ill, III, l,"n- up in in \\'rstf;*-!il, n-liii'h till K> iin.l rSl.ll.i t.'mti« iih. -him*'. Jur .li - ji, ,.,,,,•,,,•< ,i, [,,i , ••.,!• \^.,..»..,r Mih" ilcl-llt fill' (Ullli ("<-|i'li!!!ti'<! (,'IHHIH, t'liUl'll, ill) y '.II .i>i.v (!ui! riii.r, Kii-Itl in i-l' Ti.lJ ii"I' ».! 1 llln'»|l-rl. <i. iliin; liiiiinU. Vmir l"ni)«i> I'IIINIIIHJ, ijuli) SSIHIIII, HHI M kkn-',,, ( i.'ii Jfivnii'ii hehinil riiokt's. I.ill the ni.i.jiiril^ v.-.'i. ,II Mr. 11,-n l** tif Mi'iiiin^foii, <iiiliU-n Art'*; t»ily 7*5f. 1 'in II is ;i I-i-tiai-es-in' hlii'lll *ii'l«l n'l I'li'i'linil li.iy lil.'ll ''Ii : w i,, j,-.-ii-i-n hy the "\|IW|| li Jl!"illt I'lll ill hin I'lIMir. McMAHON, BROAD AND PROSPECT 1 ' v. iiicii auiuuntfti lo ib'J, lii.t luti tulul iiiiijoiilj V.II - ii hip i shim iti(f. It is reported 242. In lliu curly fount al the •tolld tin* I wo tuiiuliij-ili's i-ftii nie is very umntl. fAMES F. FIELDER. v-f {'Uw H»d st K^i'itHHl Us bv iiii.v -n ;-H tiio ri'tnU vm<t known oiicij vii'toi'V, init an tile ciiiiht r ti'li-filioiUHi tin- Wt-sl- l( i illl The Exeiusi¥e Features q if to fSovernnr Fielder. Ui II. V.n.,1 >• • t-lriiles, i-ij.i-i'irtll.> in li-. •>*>•. i i s.i« \i-rt'. Hit* Ki>"»t, until ii «(it •.I'M •'Mi'tr Hii-wereti Ihe phone FOIl lillVKHSIII!— .am fin! wan very wueli Itiimc* ,1 ,j!ll"i' lie I'milil mil l.i- iivi-i'lst' »>i j,-im r iiut tmi ()riiis H 1^ ........ i ii t'j.Mi'. Tt'!iyiMH'"-i cxei-lli'iii hhi.'.uu ; Hi thi- f'Xcrilrut Mitt' K^r=-H f'oH.y- I' ih 31 . i^tflthl irjn'e him, ami n»rin>l P llmrt, 1 8 "I Ihnngh, will%*Hrrimt hk (.iBity |mi- innvi P. Kn-wiT. p to I'.suisl tn ttitiuie 1ln> jicii- ,!-im*'S ifllhtrl M. 1'.... ..... 6 no *]l li>i!{ him fl«.ii» tit thi> I'rnnt at a .'«n|n<l It Itrlllv, (•' . t I i -' laid' tlflli- I"l' M»!Uf !)»•>!'it'll "f iis lav,n itnd tlic Iji-n'hv 1-Ttln.snl «'. SfftHen, K .. T1 OB 584 tnisl ' • •)• l-'ii hltr rt't-eivfii 4T-) Uttttue I- llsbwi-tk, H. m ui ISI H«tr> «. IHoan, H. .. ... 1W IS? »l'lii- Ttiivii t'lnitiiiiiK v«tt- h in ,,i»i;<!titc Hiokra f>24 W IIHiiiu ILHarlin, ft, .. m I 1 f'i!nii,int« CoHiv 189 4 aniiii'Wiiiil ill' u tnudillc. At l»Ht t'i-ii'fi *C Hililii". I* .'.* .','.'.'. * repurtd (IK1 t'<ni»it shuHi'd that the a I Vtvivl* V 'MI'IITI*', )» .',' to i'lnit >V)W wliipti'd !(>• ON'K ^ot*-. fi»h!S -f Ttritfitt. i* . .. n tUIU-ttn A l^nflsrd It . , Si a li Our stHtimii's. KiM-ii i^ the diflVr- $• l e»t ti«i!Uli(| iiffli'ifll*, art' H* fnllown* make a strong appeiii to the woman seeking I wred ?li« (jro'tml t'hu™t-«'* P W.'in-H. 1'. , s 4* If HI iborpp \f V Mux, l». u lit Kiwi Ward, US Dint- l''«.r, !*; ill -Tnir. Tarter n. -KiiiK, S P. 5il 1 % T 1 not only style and wciiring qualities but •.!.!>• s MtniUj and IVrry f*«gF-?ic ,\ raniiA, N l . .... 1. 4 t !;> ii n-ttidai" vert* in West- 1 • » 'Vmt WiH'il. and DM.—tfto WOT COMFOJiTm well. 1 ; Aituhmt 1(w. »lret>'d by grand Wllitiun M. Vs» ('!«•, t«, t* i Whi->i urie ennsidftW S-'Aiml Wtird- Vut 'ib; AfCMtmt mr . 1WRS0N fashioned hose have the SHAPE >'•!• ',.it nml rfnthsrsth'tt 1 1 id COBIJS r.H, "1 S ! thW Wurd- V»r 1W; A«nliwt • 'i if Hinitit imit Perry ( ft ! t»i. 1> it '• •<<. ii v. ill mnki fpfliiiH KNIT INTO THE STOCKING WITH tfrr. V 'I n 81 Si) '.i • I'n vi •.•re not Ht'fisibli Kmirlh W'iml- !'V!!'ii ; t«. the SEAMS LEFT OUT, This shape is ' inu»< f«r sb*g»' tw» sio^1 I4tfiifi^rt 1 • ii. II..| .,f Fj<i.f.boltl.--i( 1" Marsh, M Tot»l— For 470 s 4gHiwt it a Tt* wpt (jwita ft numW «f '•HI M» iuewnplet* w^b- IVitr, «• * permanent, It will tot after repeated wash- ihrown Wit « tjcffctiri'. " ' '."'tii mid f*<-!-rf iliii* k Bslph li. VulHii*. I"- • • • • *II of tltfise f<?j'-.'(--4 lng». No «th«r stockings! are made in the li MI... rat* !n>rffn 'l <<• for- II1B g«i«*t til" tt(l«!lltt'll '"' • •!••:,•«••--» of virtinK f«r Jufcit *M Vnkyam, I*. ..!|'!".^'^1 I 'I 8 »f ihitrl'lsii «i that tin- nciiHiitrtit BUItSON way. " (•!• >t Tfcp ft»f»S that t«ii««ti U, (inrk. ». * of tto tun M wtw i!n-«« ^ tn 1*** 1.

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