& Evocean

Bridging the Enterprise to IT Architecture Gap

Presented by Jog Raj 31st January 2008

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• Introductions • The Business Challenge • What is • Bridging the Business and IT gap • Service Orientated • Role of Tools in Architecture • Demonstration • Questions & Answers • Summary

© Telelogic AB

Telelogic At A Glance

• Founded 1983 • HQ Malmö, Sweden • US HQ Irvine, California • Public Company Listed in 1999 • Development Sites USA, Sweden, UK, India

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Global Presence

Over 40 offices around the world

As of September 2004

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Bridging the Enterprise Architecture to IT Architecture Gap

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Current Business Challenges

• Hypercompetitive Market – – Ability to implement ideas • Mergers and Acquisitions • Governance and Compliance • Reduce Cost – Operational costs – IT Asset Management • Reuse of assets • Application Integration Costs

• Risk Reduction and Mitigation

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A Growing Divide?

Business Challenges and Opportunities

Business Process Adaptability

The Internet

1990s 2000s

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What is Enterprise Architecture? • A description of business and IT domains: – Mission, Strategy, Landscape, , People, Locations – Processes, Technology, , , Applications • A description of the relationships between them • A set of graphical and textual models and artefacts that can be communicated in a common manner • An Enterprise Architecture supports an operating business in achieving its goals

Organizational B us ine s s G oa ls , Architecture Architecture E nte rpris e Mis s ion & Da ta T e hnolog y Ana lys is Capabilities Architecture Architecture

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Enterprise Architecture

Challenges: • Managing IT Investments • Legacy Integration • Regulatory Compliance • Efficient deliver • Stakeholder buy-in • Redundant data • Portfolio Management • Alignment of Business & IT • Sarbanes Oxley

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Who Derives Benefit from an Enterprise Architecture?

Different users demand different capabilities and benefits

Decision Makers demand reliable and consistent information – Need effective decision support and IT governance

Business Analysts demand detailed analysis capability – Highly advanced Impact Analysis and What-if Scenario capability

System Engineers/Architects demand a common language – Need for multi-disciplines to communicate more effectively

Reviewers demand instant access from any location – Mainly interested in review functionality 

© Telelogic AB Different Stakeholders, Different Perspectives


Speak a Common Vocabulary! W E




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Support for Decision Making Investing in the right initiatives Principles Portfolios Organization High-level guidelines about the Collection of planned & existing Resource management use of BPM and SOA - business processes Roles - reference architectures - business & technical services Reporting structures - processes and best practices - applications - lifecycle management Decision patterns Roadmaps and scheduling for - standards and deliveries Project assignments Tooling

Strategic Investments Projects Initiatives Prioritization of projects and initiatives based on enterprise goals and objectives

Technical Infrastructure

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Architecture as Decision Support Tool

• Decision support tool – Integrated strategic information base for powerful decision-making – Traceability of data in repository – Capture, analyze and visually communicate information how , applications and business processes interrelate – Share and digest architecture information in order to make smarter, faster decisions

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Example Model

Business Process Application Logical Data



Customer Management Customer Service Resource Supplier/Partner "Customer Care" Relationship Management & Management & Relationship Management Operations Operations Management "Account Management" Decomposition Account has Bill issues Customer Service & Specific Resource Data S/P Interface maintains Management Instance Rating Collection, Analysis Management & Control Domain

Billing & S/P Settlements & Collections Billing Management Network Data Management Collection, Analysis Sales and Marketing Billing & Control "Prospect Management" Billing Retention & Loyalty Data Collection, Analysis & Control

Application Data Collection, Analysis & Control Customer

Network Infrastructure "Network Management"

Personal Customer Call Customer Service Centre Support

Customer Phones Order Entry Complete in an Order Corporate Customer Validate Order Enter Customer and Customer Order Details Details Prospect Management

Retail Store Call Customer Service Centre Prospects Loyalty Card Take Loyalty Support Customer Comes into Holder Card Details Store to Place Order

Customer Phones Order Entry Complete in an Order Loyalty Card Required Validate Order Enter Customer and Customer Customer has no Take Customer Loyalty Card Details Customer Requests Order Details Details Loyalty Card Application Account

Confirmation Management Bad Debt Retail Store

Loyalty Card Take Loyalty External Customer Customer Comes into Holder Card Details Store to Place Order Subscriber Loyalty Card Required Billing Primary Key

Customer has no Take Customer Customer Requests "Subscriber Number" [PK1] Loyalty Card Details Loyalty Card Non-Key Attributes Account Data Usage Stats "Account Id" [FK]


External Customer has BPMN Customer Care IS Service Account Customer Primary Key Primary Key "Account Id" [PK1] maintains "Customer Number" [PK1] Non-Key Attributes Non-Key Attributes "Overdraft Limit" "Customer Name" "Customer Number" [FK] "Customer Group Id"

Network Architecture Solution Hardware Platform

Direct mailing campaign is processed

Cust. mail. campaign to be Sales carried out Service Reservation System

is processed Reject Customer Make Fund <> Because of Bad Reservation Credit Package Customer Channel Surgery Sales Support Free-of-charge <> <> Columns (CAS) is_base_for delivery Make Check Surgery_Name char(50) [PK1] is to Reservation Customer "Business Interaction"::BusinessInteraction Over Internet Credit Health_District character(25) be created AgreementApproval

Confirm Doctor {fa lse } Reservation 1 + AgreementAuthorization 0 ..* {fa lse} representedBy+ {n on e} Columns {fa lse1 } + {n o ne } 0 ..* {n on e } + + Manager Doctor_Id char(15) [PK1] com prise Of acceptedVia {f alse } has {no n e} + {f alse} 1 Cancel Surgery_Name char(50) [FK] {no1 ..* ne } <> Reservation Ag ree me nt {f alse } Subsequent "Business Interaction"::Busines sInteractionItem {no n e} Doctor_Name char(45) - agreementDocumentNumber Document - agreementStatementOfIntent Qualification_Year int - agreementPeriod is to be Created from 1 {f alse1 } Up da te Ag re e me nt () {no n+ e} {f alse } Check In Funds Sales Activity Inquiry mo difie dB y {no n e} + AgreementVersion is created {fa1 lse } 0 ..* {n on+ e} asso c co nsistsO f Appointment Columns Patient g o ve rne dBy Check Out Appointment_Time datetime [PK1] 0.. * Funds Portent Server makes Columns Customer AgreementItem Patient_Id char(15) [FK] Billing Agreement Agreement Patient_Id char(15) [PK1] Inquiry Doctor_Id char(15) [PK2] [FK] {f alse+ } Patient_Name character(50) {n on e} 0{f ..* alse } 0. .* Appointment_Date datetime {no n+ e} g overn e dBy {f+ alse} AgreementTermOrCondition Customer:Customer Channel Funds:Funds {no0 ne ..* } Partner:Channel {fa0 lse} .. * {nova+ ne lue } dB y Quotation

to be {fa lse+ } {n0 ..1 on e } created from 1 Query for Available Funds "Product O ffering"::ProductOfferingPrice inquiry 2 Check Funds Availability

3 Funds Available

4 Funds Available

5 Request Reservation Inquiry 6 Provisionally Book Fund

items Reservation:Reservation are rejected 7 Create Reservation Customer

inquires 8 Indicate Price about 9 Advise Customer products 10 Accept Terms

11 Request Credit

12 Provide Credit Card 13 Reserve Funds

14 Update Status to Reserved

Operational Process Development Physical Data

© Telelogic AB

Exploring Integrated Models

• Shows relationships in encyclopedia (repository) between any objects • Allows navigation across a scenario • Provides analytic capability to answer questions • Interfaces with SA reporting system • Can update its own queries

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How do I Communicate With My Stakeholders? • We must be able to share information across the entire organization – Generation of an EA Website allows for information sharing across the organization.

• Process model Business Processes • We need to communicate to the non-technical community – Explorer views, Pie Chart, and Bar Chart outputs allow for analysis for a non-technical audience

© Telelogic AB

Bridging the Enterprise Architecture to IT Architecture Gap

© Telelogic AB Key Issue Two Cultures, Two Languages…One Goal

IT Community Business Process Community

Business •Manage Systems Process •Streamline Operations • Manage Data Optimization •Reduce Costs • Change Control •Systems •Increase Efficiencies • Improve IT Operations •Information •Improve Customer Service • Integrate IT to Business •Applications •Audit for KPI Initiatives • Audit for Compliance •Processes •Audit for Compliance •People

© Telelogic AB

Architecture for Planning and Executing Change

Current State Change Analysis Projects

As-Is Business Needs To-Be IT Change

Business Processes Continuous Improvement Business Processes Acquire

Information Business Objectives Information Outsource

IT Landscape Change Directives IT Landscape Develop


Investigate Envision & Plan Execute

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Plan IT Change

• Automation through Software – Change Existing / Build New Apps • • Analysis • • Implementation • Testing – Purchase COTS • Design technology changes to support IT

As Is As Is Plan Plan Business IT Business IT

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Multiple Development Paradigms

• Flexible approach allowing for • Support for various languages multiple paradigms, with and frameworks to describe support for service, software, and system – service-oriented architectures architectures – object-oriented development – UML – -based – SysML development – DoDAF – and design – BPMN – BPEL – IDEF – …

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Software & Services (SOA) Development

• Design and specify technical services Enterprise Architecture – aligned with business requirements and services guidance Scope Analyze business organization – platform-independent – hand-off to implementation Identify Plan services roadmaps • Develop and maintain technical service architecture Business Services – decompose or orchestrate services – checked and validated Design Implement services services • Simulate services

accountability – model verification and testing Integrate Test services services • Implement and deploy services – in-house development Deployment Platform – outsourcing • Integrate legacy applications – service-enable applications

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What is Service Oriented Architecture • Architecture for understanding assets in terms of the capabilities they provide in terms of dynamic interchangeable components and their relationships • A framework of technologies that standardise interfaces

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Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

• Relationship of services and services users • Collection of many services to build into larger business flow – Ties together disparate systems – More completely represents more business processes • Advantages – Reuse and reconfiguration – Promote agility, productivity and efficiency – Construction: better, faster, less costly

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Visualizing Requirements • Requirements can be visualized graphically using UML • Telelogic DOORS supports requirements and integrated with – show relationships using a standard notation – simple to establish traceability links in the context of the model

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Process Decomposition

• Business processes can be Customer Amortization plan transformed into use cases Treat Loan Application – scenarios that lead up to Amount Interest technical services – participants of business processes usually end up as Satisfies actors – only selected business processes are transformed

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Detail Use Cases

• Typically combined with • Use cases can be at different requirements management levels • Can be derived from business – business process level (in lieu processes or services of BPMN) – system or service level • Use case execution – validate flows and functionality

A use case includes activities, interactions, or textual descriptions of functionality; it is not “just” a use case .

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Service Automation

• Business services can be Place Bid Get Loan transformed into technical services business services technical services – at the same level of abstraction or finer-grained Check Approve Credit Loan • Technical services are Get Loan Determine intended for deployment Interest Rate – service interfaces that can be further developed into WSDL Satisfies – include service behavior

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Requires a start anywhere approach Enable Enterprise Workflow

DOORS Business User System requirements requirements requirements

Analyze & optimize business strategies System Architect Develop enterprise Plan & Architect architecture Change Projects Tracerelationshipsand analyze

Tau Deploy & maintain Design services & applications

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System Architect and Tau

• System Architect and Tau share a repository • TAU UML 2.1 editor included within System Architect

System Tau Architect


System Tau files Architect Repository

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Summary • Bridging the Business and IT gap is the challenge • Use architectures to drive IT delivery from business objectives. • Use integrated tools that support both the business change and IT development needs. – Telelogic System Architect supports Enterprise and IT Architecture – Telelogic DOORS supports requirements and impact analysis – Telelogic Tau supports SOA applicable technologies • Service execution, tracing, and testing • Various native importers to encourage simple reuse of architectures captured in other formats • Forward and reverse of: – WSDL, XSD, Java, .NET/COM components, C#, C++ – Telelogic System Architect and Telelogic Tau share a repository for Enterprise level Concept to Code working

© Telelogic AB


• Telelogic – www.Telelogic.com partners with • Evocean - www.evocean.ch

Forthcoming Events Model Driven SOA and Tau – 20th February 2008 in Zurich For More information contact Evocean

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