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C U2 Pilot E for Soviet

.. - ■ J.J,-''M . .- -v 7

• ..I . I' P4CS EIGHTEEN jPHIDAY, FEBRUARY 9. l^CT “I iKan^lrpat^r Evening V^raUi Average Daily Net Prera Ron • : . : ’7 Far tha Waak E eM — ------■ ‘M Febnm fy 8. IM S The Weather Kehler Circle, South Methodist Foreeaat of D. a. WwatWr : Church, will sponsor a food sale at ■ • t ' Ailout Town House and Hale’s department store LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY. WINF, MONDAY thm FRIDAY. 1:10 P.M.e^TURDAY AT11:10 A.M. tomorrow at 9:30 am . 13,543 ^ Chmd#, eoia tonlgM, m m ' Our- T h « ZipMT p u b wUi hold a act-, Announce Engagements raftha Audit ri

I- 'V;l Zj

\« I i ' i ■/ . I * . II' V ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERAJ.D, MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, FTSBRUARY 10, 1962 MANCHESTER fiVENING HERALD. MANCteXER. TONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1962 P A G E TWO PAGE THREE Hebron Mason Gives BOYSCOUT Ribicoff Plans ■ .Sj; ■ Solo Recital Soles and Sews To Race, Party Sheinwold on Bridge GrandList Boy Scout Troop 47, sponsored U p ^ 5 , 5 6 9 Bndtord M uon, tenor, will B dt fiMiier «aent s eoio recital at South by the Metliodiat Men of South Chiefs Report SHUTOUT BID S•tlibdiat Church Tuesday at 7:43 Methodist Church, held a Court SHOULD WABN YOU Hebron’s net grand Hat has pjn. in the second in a senes of of Honor recently at the church. (OonMmiM tr»m Page dM) ^ Alfred Sheinwold soared to 14.452,183, an increase of miMtcal programs Ufls month. An Eagle Scout- badge w u Unlete eomttthlng goes wrong $186,569 over the previous valua­ awarded to Edw*ard M. .Oiehl, as­ ?S q W761 Maaoif is known to Manchester Although*it has been an open with the deal, a player gets ex­ O A ? tion. Adjustment may change the sistant scoutmaster of the troop. actly 13 cards. If he gets a large music devotees u tenor soloist in secret for some time that Con­ _____ ♦ A J figures somewhat, but not ma­ the 1959 performance of "The' <^er badges, earned during number of one suit, he must get kast summer camp, were awarded aa necticut Democratic leaders expect wnrr terially, when the tax review board Mtaalah.’’ His program will range fewer cards of the other silts. The A t A K io»y finishes its work. SIxty-two from German Lieder to splr- follows: ClUrenshlp In the Home, Ribicoff to seek the Democratic idea is simplt. but It is often over­ 0 1 2 9 A J9 S James Newton. Richard Brandar, nomination, Ribicoff himself hSs buildings are listed, also 64 looked in’, the heat of combat $K qJ743 01092 lota and 178 more motor vebl61e8. Jair.e.s lingham. Larry Adams,' admitted only that he is. available West opened the king of dia­ A 10 95 4 A 72 Dwight Phelps, Donald KelSey, SOUTH Back in 1037, 25 years a ^ He- for a draft-—and then only if monds and dummy’s see won. bron’r. grand Hat Is quoted In the Kenneth Richard.s. Robert Pres- ITesident Kennedy can spare him. Since South had to lose a dia­ A A I G 4 2 tice, John Atkinson, Joseph Loney, C 4 state register and’mantiai as 1947,- h ■< However, he has on several oc­ mond and a heart .the contract 214. Population was/men given as Robert Post. William Palmer, casions stated that he might be depended on how he played the 0 8 5 Bruce Burke. Richard Larson and AXQB63 879. The tax rirfe (hold your DOBIN'S able to do more to advance the trumps. breath) was 19.1ntlls. Those good David McQuade; Citizenship in the programs of his department as a ' ‘The ‘‘standard’’ play ’’’In the E«t laMh WsM N hA Community. Edward Diehl, Pals Pass 3 0 5 9 old days! senator than as head of the de­ trump si^t Is to lead low from the H am Convalescent Guest Speaker Also, pioneering. James Ling- partment. He put it this way duminy and finesse the Jack. In Past 3 A T m 4 A ham, Donald Kelsey, David John­ AUFMt Robert/Griffin, son of Mr. and Robert' BL Kmnedy, assistant DEPT. STORE yesterday: this case. East would eventually Mrs. ly^ng .Griffin of North Wlnd- son, Larry Adams; camping, ft;' ■' "Maybe It is more important to get two trump tricks and the con­ O p e n in g l e a d 0 K professor of physical edijcation Stephen Chapin; reading, Bruce i t , hanj/undefwent an open heart sur- have a voice in Congress and to tract would be defeated. il operation three weeks ago at and aupenlaor of intrunural Burke. Robert Prpstice. Robert have a vote and help put the Bobby Nail, one of the Houston trick. Now it was easy to limit Smith. Da\-id McQuode. David the trump loss to one trick. •ace Hospital, New Haven, and is sports at the University of Con­ programs across.” experts who is scheduled to play recovering at his home. He Is the WOW! YOU’VE NEVER SEEN A SAU LIKE THIS Johnson and Richard Larson; for North America in the world Dnily Question necticut, will discuss "Fitness, As­ . Kowalski said last night that if 11-year old grandson of Mr. and set or Liability?" at a meeting of electricity, Robert Smith. Ribicoff wants the nomination he championships this week, found a A.S dealer, you hold; Spades— Mrs. W. Sherwood Griffin of He­ BEFORE! ALMOST EVERYTHING IN THE STORE IS Also, home repairs, Robert Mel- should say so. ’ better way to play the trumps. He Q 5 3; Hearts—K Q 10 7 6 3; DU- bron. the Verplanck FTA ‘Tuesday at lo sjid Donald Kelsey; flremanshlp, nionds—A 6; Clubs—A J. W^at do "The Democratic nomination for remembered that West’s bidding Hearing Bet ^ 7:1K p.m. In the Verplanck School O N ^LE . . . AND AT SUCH FANTASTIC SAV­ Robert Mello, Larri' Manney and senator,” he-aaid, "is a matter showed a large humber of dia- you "say? A public hearing will be held by auditorium. Stephen Chapin; scholarship. Bruce worth fighting for, not a prize to moiuls and that West was there­ An.swer: Bid oije heart. Even the Zoning Board of Appeals on ‘The program will also include Burlte and f lig h t Phelps; ftahihg, be pressed inSistSntly on a shy, fore quite likely to be short In though you have 16 points and Feb. n In the Town Hall at 8 p.m. an explansition of the physical INGS! THIS JS THE GREATEST ONE CENT SALE Fred Tedford, and coin collecting. unwilling cavalier.” spades. strength in all four suits yoi)^id William Stlehl Sr. of Rocky Hill education program at Verplanck Bruce Burke. Rlbictrff was in New Haven to Leads Queen the 6-card major suit rathpr than Rd-, asks permission to locate a School, with a demonstration In EVER! DONT MISS OUT ON THESE WONDERFUL A Tenderfoot Inve.stiture took lecture at the Yale School of Nail led the queen of spades 1 NT. trailer on his place. Zoning agent which four children from each Bradford Mason place w1Ui scouts lighting candles, Medicine. from dummy at the second trick. For Sheinwold’s 36-pa^e booklet, Karl Links denied a former ap­ grade will participate. VALUES . , . HURRY! REMEMBER—irS FIRST each representing a scout law. East covered with the king, and "A Pocket Guide to .Bridge,” send plication by Stiehl. Kennedy recently returned to He told hla audience his depart­ 50c to Bridge Book, Manchester Ituals and selections from Broad- Tenderfoot scouts participating ment will soon present proposals declarer won with the ace. Democrats to Meet UConn after serving for a year COME-FIRST SERVED ON THESE TERRIFIC ITEMS! way musicals. were Robert Jones. Duane Jones, Nall next led a club to dummy’s Evening Herald, Box 3318. Grand with the State Department in Afri­ about the extent to which the fed­ O ntral SU.. ,N. Y. 17, N. Y. A meeting of the Democratic The Soibiat was a member of James Bruneau. Richard Manney, eral government should support a ace and returned a low trump. Town Committee. Howard E. Por­ ca teaching physical education and the original Broadway. cast of Alan Mello. Edward Goes and East casually played the seven of (Copyright, 1982,, General Features athletics. He worked under the "massive attack on mental ill- Corp.) ter, chairmisn, will be held in the ‘The King and I,” in the role of Thomas Optpelt.. n eu .” spades, and Nail covered with the Town Hall on Feb. 20 at 8 p.m. Americsn' specialist's program in Lun Tah. He was the winner of A troop charter was presented to eight. Caucus dates Md other matters Ethiopia, South Africa, Tangan­ the Metropolitan Opera auditions William Rood. Men’s Club repre­ Scout Gets Ner Tomid Award This deep finesse could lose noth­ will be considered. yika. Republic of the Congo and sentative, by Wallace Geiger, Moeamblque. of the Air in IdSS. Mason sang Neil Kovensky is all smiles as Rabbi Leon Wind of Temple Beth ing. If West were able to win the for two seasons with NBC-TV’a council representative Rood in Old Homes Theme trick, the trumps would break 3-2, Kennedy received his B.S. de­ Sholom presents him the Ner Tmnid awrard. The medal is in Manchester Evening Herald He­ gree in physical education at “Musical Comedy Time," and also turn presented the charter to Paul recognition of studies and service in the Temple Religious School. slides she had taken of more than and South’s Jack would eventually bron correspondent, Miss Susan B. ^ DOUBLE DOBIN’S ’ on the Bell Telephone Radio Flnkbein. ------20 old homes In South Windsor draw the last trump. As U hap­ UConn where he was a physical Kovensky is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kovensky of 54 Con­ Of DAR Meeting Pendleton, telephOhe ACademy education instructor and supervisor Hour. Robert Von Deck is scoutma-s- way Rd., and is a member of Troop 91. (Herald photo by Ofiara). and antique furnishings. The slides pened, the trumps broke 4-1, and Continnons Today from 10 ajn. 8-S454. ter; Robert Post, Edward Diehl Included clapboard saltbox homes, declarer’s deep finesse, won the of intramural sports from 1050 to DIVIDEND DOLLARS Mason starred as Billy Bigelow jf. More than 30 members of Or- WALT DISNEVS in "Carousel”’ and as Curly, in and Ambrose Diehl, assistant brick and frame Georgian colon­ 1900. He received his master’s scoutmasters, and Frank Schetben- ibrd Pariah and Irlartha Utkin degree In education from Spring- "Oklahoma" at the Oval-in-thv- Wolcott chapters of the DAR were ials, gambrel-roof Dutch colonials, Bolton Grove in Farmington. He has giv­ pflug and John Malorca Sr., sen­ Bolton TPC Invites Mahoney federal period and a Gothic 8t a t TMfaay" field College, Springfield, Mass. ALL DAY MONDAY ior scout advisors. shown color slides of "Old Homes house. Tuts. heior Paradise” “BABES IN He is also the author of articles en concert performances with the of South Windsor” last night. The on fltnees . Maxwell Hou*e SPRUCE ST. THING at the WALNUT RESTAU­ be Monday, April 9, at St. Mau­ a skit, ‘‘A Trip to the Movies.” men in drafting. Talrottville the Vernon PF for the entertain­ EVERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT BUY ANY SOFA and GET A PAIR OF MATCH- Coffee for only ...... - Also. Leon Christiana and Gary ment and refreshment portion of AT THE POPULAR RANT’ on Walnut St., In Manchester is rice’s Church, Hebron Rd. The ~ ' r Lutheran Notes ING END TABLES for only ...... IC MARKET Recave, post-graduate students in hours will be 1(45 to 6:30 p.m. The Rev. Roger W. Heinz of the Buy Any TrannUtor Radio from 4.99 q the meeting. m There’s good food . . . pleasant at­ and Oet Extra Battery fo r ...... I C Buy Sierno Stove for 1.19 and get II5 SPRUCE ST. drafting, and Hugh Flanders, a Pulpit Exchange The groups will hear a talk on Plans for the' visit were made last Lutheran Chuixli hss chosen "Eye Can Sterno for only ...... We Give World Green Stamps poat-graduate student in the elec­ mosphere . . . and congenial service . . . ■week at the Manchester Red Cross BUY ANY UPHOLSTERED CHAIR and GET A a ti. Lebanon. GARDEN RESTAURANT ■Witness to Glory" as his sermon trical dl\'ision. And, on Thursdays, Fridays aiid Satur­ office. topic tomorrow et 10:15 a.m. TABLE LAMP for only ...... | £ Buy A11.V Phonograph from 12.88 q Buy Any. Bike Tire at 1.97 and got Slated hy Pastors Vern-Ell Meeting 840 .MAIN 8T„ IN DOWNTOHTf MANCHESTER and Get LP Record for only ...... I C The Febmary meeting of the days, there’s delightful music for your services at Coventry Grammar Tulie for onl.v...... School. Churoh school. In which BUY ANY MATTRESS and GET A PAIR m The pastors of the Talcottville Vem-Ell A.s.sociatlon for retarded APPEARANCE dining and dancing pleasure. So, why not Buy a Dozen Curity Dlaimr* for 8.88 q children will be held Tuesday at TINY BARTON TRIO Bockville-Vernon the enrollment hss grown to 60 OF PILLOWS for o n ly ...... | C Buy Met of 6 N|)ark Pluga at 8.54 \ Congregational Church and the drop In soon . . . for a sandwich, pizza children, will meet at 9 a.m. Mrs. and Get Plaetle Pantleo fo r ...... IC and get Sfiark Phig Wrench for .. Andover Congregational Church 8 p.m. at the Talcottville School, or a complete dinner, our kitchen is according to Anthony Magliocco, Frank Sanelli has --1 the staff Buy Any Car Battefy from 9.95 and q will exchamge puiplls tomorrow in open until midnight. We’re sure you’ll Civil Air Patrol as kindergarten teacher. BUY ANY BEDROOM SET and get a PAIR OF <■ Buy .Set of Chain* for 8.88 and get ‘ obsen’ance of Race Relations Sun­ director of special education for Oet a Set Rooeter Cable* f o r ___ IC Spreader for only ...... the Vernon schools. soon agree that . . . THIS IS IT!, In other church nc.. ., Mrs. Har­ BOUDOIR LAMPS for only ...... | C day. Ceremony Slated ley Rowland has been named mem­ The Rev. Robert K. ShUnoda, William Pope, guidance director Buy Prextone Car Pollnh for 7Tr and q Buy Bciiz-O-Matlc Torch Kit for ■ for the Rockville schools, will be bership seci*etary. Stanley Mason BUY ANY DESK and get a w Oet Polidh CJofh for ...... IC STOP 'n CLEAN Talcottville pastor, \rill preach in The Rockville Civil Air Patrol will serve as head for the 4.99 and gej Extra Refill for ... Andover, at the same time that guest speaker. Magliocco Invited DESK LAMP for o n ly ...... IC CEIJIBBATES all members and friends to at­ squadron will be officially activa­ current three-month period. The Buy Set of Hub Cap* for 0.38 and q Buy Set Seat Corera at 8.88 and get 1 the Rev. Willard Thomen. Ando­ post is to rotate among the ush­ Get I.,o<'k f o r ...... I C ver pastor, will preach in Talcott- tend Refreshments will be served. ted Wednesday in ceremonies at ers who include Richard Baum, BUY ANY DINING ROOM SET and get a CUS- m 2 OaJ. Ga* flan for only ...... I vlllc. the State Armory on Weat-'Rd. It TOM TABLE PAD for only ...... | C Valentine's Day! Manchester Evening Herald Tal­ Harley Rowland and Robert Prinz. Buy Ice Skate* At Clo*eoiit Price q Buy 50 Ft, Garden Hoae for 3.49 4 The Rev. Mr. Thomen at one will become i>art of the Elaatem . Other Ohnreh News and Get Skate Guard* fo r ...... I C Bring I Bed Garment With Your Regular time did missionary work on the cottville correspondent, Morris THE MEN and get Nozzle for o n ly ...... I Island of Hawai' Slmoncelli, telephone MltcheU EVERY tnuRMiAT. nciDAT am OF THE LITTLE THEA’TRE OF MANCHESTER Group of tha Connecticut wing. The Rev.t'Mrs. Pauline Hutchin­ 8 LBS. OF DRY CLEANING The Rev. Mr. Shimoda, who was 3-2382. Organized In May by Capt. son of Mansfield will preach at the bom In Japan, lived for a number Music by tha "ROYAL KNIGHTS" Present Adolph if. Baron, commander of 11 a.m. service tomorrow at 8^- Get 25c Off of years in Hawaii. Be H "Jasz” or the ‘‘Twist,” here Is the place to go for the Manchester squadron, it con­ ond Congregatkmal Church; Her IMAGINE, ONLY Ic FOR THESE! an evenlag of dancing and dining. . . sists (rf four senior members and sermon topic will be ‘ITje Gosml APPLIANCES and HOUSEHOLD Ic BUYS! Bring 2 or more red garments. 5«o off, Race Relations Sundav marks Square Dancers Men Read.” Elbert I. Carlson will BUY PAIR BILTWBXL OHINO PANTS for 4.17 (Reg. 6.4B) 1 the beginning of Bro'therhood 15 cadets. be llturgist. and get YOUR CHOICE OF NECKTIE at only ...... I C drive up In a red car you get FREE Week. SHY-ANN Restaurant Expected to be named command­ Buy Any Conitole TV and get q load of dry cleaning. Thl* offer good Elect Ledgards 12-14 DEPOT SQUARE, MANCHESTER—MI 9-8085 The Rev. James R. MacArthur, HUY ANY PAIR OF SHOES l/om 5.87 and get FAIR m Table Radio for only ...... I C Buy. .4ny Play|>en and get q L. 'or Fire Chief tool> Couple’s Club Supper THE WOMEH’ ing officer is Warrant Officer pastor, will use "Of One Blood" as Pla.vpen Pad for only ...... I C The Bolton CJongregators will be Marion Narkawicz'of 9 -Weet Rd., ot SOCKS at ...... ic guesl.s of the couple’s club of Tal- hla sermon topic during 11 a.m. BUY PAIR BOVS’ LA.MINATED PANTS for 5.97 m Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ledgard. 301 By CLAIRE BOOTH executive officer of the Manches­ servlcM tomorrow at First Congre­ Buy A11.V Automatic Clothe* Dryer q cottvllte Oongregailonal Church at Henry St,, were elected presidents DIRECTED BY PHILIP BURGESS ter unit and current acting com­ gational Church. and get SHIRT for ...... I C a potluck -in the church dining of the Manchester Square Dance Phono MI 3-7892 mander in Rockville. and get Iron for o n ly ...... IC Buy Any High Chair and get q Masses at St. Mary's Church will BUY BEACON BLANKET for 2.99 and get ...... m Chair Pad for only ...... I C room today at 7 p.m. Earl Ander- Club at Us annual meeting recently ENDS TONIGHT—SHOWN AT 4:10-8:50-9:20 The CAP Is the official auxiliary be conducted at 7:30, 9:30 and BAG of CANDY f o r ...... J... | C AT STOP 'n CLEAN .son of Hartford will .show .slides at the Waddell School. BOWERS SCHOOL of the U.S. -Air Force. CAP mem­ 10:30 a.m.' tomorrow and at St Buy Any AutoinaUc Wa*her and get q Coin Operated Dry Cleaners of a trip he took to .Canada la.st Otfter officers are Mr. and Mrs. BUY GOLF CLUB SET for 25.88 and get ’ m PRINCETON STREET bers are entitled to most of the Joseph's Church to Eagleville at 8 GO(,F BALLS for ...... I C Electric Percolator for ...... IC _417 Slain St., Manchester •summer. Nel.soh Richmond, vice presidents; privileges of Air Force personnel, .8:30. Buy Any Carriage and get q ON SATURDAY. PF' Skating Party •Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frankenberg, C apt Baron sfdd. National head­ i BUY ^ L F CLUB for 8.98 and get ...... w _ ^ Carriage Pad for only ...... I C MONDAY. TCE.tDAY The Senior Pilgrim Fellow.shlp secretaries, and Mr. and Mrs. AI Tonight' quarters are at Ellington AFB, i X GOLF BALl f o r ...... I C Buy Any Refrigerator and get q and WED.NESDAY Smith, treasurers. Manchester Evening Herald Cov­ will hold a skating party at the " c URTAIN 8:30 Texas. entry correspondent F. Pauline ' ^ BUY 4 FLAY BADMINTON SET for 4 27 ...... Electric Toaafer for only , ,V...... IC From 10 a.m, to g p.m. home of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cox. Committee chairmen appointed Cadets receive an education *liv Uttle, telephone Pngrlm 2-8281. and get GRASS WHIP fof ...... ' I C Buy Any l*te<'e Woodenware and get q 756 Vernon St . Manche.ster. at 3 by the new officers include Mr. and TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR aviation, Capt. Baron said, take - ^ - — - BUY OUTDOOR GRILL for 1.97 and get m Buy Any Range and get q Salt-Pep|M*r .Mllla for ...... IC p.m. tomorrow. Mrs. Ricliard Thomas, program; orientation fllghU In USAF craft, The regular weekly meeting of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott, hospitality; and kre eligible for various scholar­ CAN FIRE STARTER FLUID for ...... I C Electric Fry Pan for only ...... IC the group tomorrow will begin at Mr and Mrs. Herman Heck, pub­ ships. Seymours Feted , BUY ANY BASKETBALL from 4.00 and get q licity. Buy Pkg. 50 Hut C.'u|>* for 49c, q 6;20 p.m. instead of the usual 7 Forty per cent of the graduating BASKETBALL HOOP for ...... I C Buy Any Stereo Set and get q and get Another Pkg. f o r ...... ■ C GET OGR GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE o’clock hour. This will allow the The annual meeting marked the TECHNICOLOR* from WARNER BROS.] class at the Air Force Academy On Anniversary Bfnr ANY ARCHERY SET from 2*77 and get ...... m LP Record Album for only ...... IC businea.s portion of the meeting to start of the sixth season for the last year were former CAP cadets, an EXTRA ARROW f o r ...... I C be conducted before the arrival of club which has a membership of PLUS "NAKED IN THE foEEP” AT 5:50 and 8:20 PJIL he said. TTie program Is open 'to BRAKE REUNE SPECIAL SUNDAY About 30 relativee and friends at­ BUY CHICAGO ROLLER SKATES for 10.47 ’ ' n Buy Any Crib and gel q Buy From Any Of Our larg e A»- q 227 couples. On Feb. 17.. 47 couples all teen-agers between 14 and 18, tended an open house a t the home now taking lessons will graduate STANLEY boy or girl. and get SKATE CASE for ...... I C Crib Mattre** for o n ly ...... I C , aorlxnent of Pla*ttc Flower*, ea. I C and become club members. of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Seymour, ^ FO R 5 D A Y ^ E D . 12tol7 115 Brookfield St., recenUy in Plans for the coming season In­ WARNER SPECIAL ALL MAKES OF CARS clude two or three dances a month STATE honor of their 25th wedding an* nlversary. in .Manchester, many with the Contlnuons Sunday from 2 PJH,—Shown At 2:00-5:50-9:30 Family Dinner Town to Enforce club's caller, EarL Johnston. party was given by their FLOOR COVERING Ic SAViNGS! Ic VALUES FROM OUR COIN DEPT.! Brake Lining WESTOWN JACK CUMMINGS' Awning Ordinance c^drra, Mrs. Robert Stanford. P and Labor $ 2 5 . 0 0 ■ • PHARMACY ■ » hMiietiMd Mrs. Raymond Hanna and Miss With This Ad. Cream of Celery Soup or (Silljed Juice Sajidra Seymour, all of Manches­ BUY ANY 9 X 12 RUG or 27 x 54 SCATTER RUG q BUY ANY COIN FOUDk’r and get 1961 Uncirculated UINCOI.N PENNY State Tax Incl. 469 Hertford Rd.—MI 9-9948 , Midw inter Confab An ordinance regulating the ter. and get RUG PAD for ...... I C for Ic , lo maintain our continuity heighth ot awnings over sidewalks Mrs. Seymour, the former Miss Of VFW Tomorrow Roast Native Chicken will be enforced this year, under Jean Schamback of Lawrence, BUY 9 PIECES SOUD‘'vINYL TILE and get q ^OU CAN HUY A WING CHAIR with F'oam Seat and Hack for ONE 1914 of medical service we are OLD FASHIONED STUFFING the requirements spedfled iii a „ and Mr. Se.vmour were mar- lOth PIECE Tn-E for o n ly ...... I C I) PENNY in gttod condition. Qiblet Gravy Creamy Whipped PoUto r trt Jan. 28, 1637. to Mlllerton, ■ Jexseph Jelsovaky, commander, charter change made last Augiiat N.Y., and have lived In Manches­ YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CHOICE OF ANY TAHLE CAMP h \ .STORE land Mrs; Olive Ray, president. And Zucchini Squash by the board of directors. BUY 9 PIECES VINYL ASBESTOS TILE and get q Open Ail Day ter for eight years. The couple has lOtb PIECE TILE for only I for ONE 1909 S MINT PENNY in good condition. I a delegation from Ajiderson-Shea Cranberry Sauce in Lettuce Cup Building inspector Thomas Mon­ two grandchUdren. I Post and auxiliary will attend the ahan said that no arrests have Mr. Seymour Is the nuuiager of SUNDAY I VI'M' midwinter conference at the Assorted Hot RoUs and Butter BUY 8 FT. WIDE VINYL LINOLEUM at 1.49 q Choice of: ' been made for not complying with Hall of the House, State Capitol. the ordinance, but that he wlU ar­ eq. yd. and have It INSTALLED a t ...... iq. yd. I C Hartford tomorrow. Old Faahioned Strawbeiry Shortcake ■ range with Poke* Qiief James OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. The conference will begin at 9:30 Raspberry, Lime or Orange. Sherbet U fWf THEY’RE GOOD I am . and continue until 4:30 p;m. 'Reimlon to have notices sent out SATURDAY TILL S;30 P.M. Mrs, Jane Fortin, department sec- Tea Coffee or Hot CSiocolate to business establishments advis­ Scouts Worship ' Get our Brake Adjustment Special Nowl TUNE TEASERS I retary and treasurer; and Mrs. ing them of the new r^gulatlmis. SCOOP! Charles Hirth, department con­ The changed ruling calls fqy a BUY ANY A3fl ______RRaAKP* PLUS THIS AWTAKO WINNING HIT AT 3:30 nnd 7:25 mihimum claaranee of seven feet In Full Uniform BUY ANY A3IERICAN MADE B4CYCLB from 18.68 < |^ If your brskst fail to stop as fast as you d like . . . ductress, .will assist with r^is- * airi get a TBICYOLE lor Junior far only ...... T,., DONT MISS TOBIN'S BIG DOLLAR ADJUSTSIENT trations at 9:30. 1.95 from the sidewalk . t o the lowest grab or pull. . . than it’s tims for a brake check. Speakers from the Anderson N. Y. FILM DAILY CRITICS’ AWARDS part of the frmmefwtxic or any Boy Scout Sunday wUl b* ob- Adjustmant may he alf you need. We can do it a * Shea auxiliary are Mrs. Laura fixed portion of a rstimetahU awn- aarrad tomorrow to aU churches AUCTION TUESDAY, FEB. 13 at 9 P.M. promptly and nconomicsily. Be sure about year ^ Ekiabert, department hospital di­ Best Actor... Panl Newman-—“The Hustler’* ENJOY ONE o r OUR DEUCIOUS iv . The bottoih of the valance jnd syiMgqguM. Boy Scouts. Cub rector. who will apeak about the Best Supporting Actor , . . George G Scott—*mie HnsUer” . oToanvas awnings may extend to ScouU and Bhcplorem to this dis­ brakes. See us today! 8 feet 9 above the sidewalk, the trict will attend services to iml- hospital program; and Mrs. Marv COCKTAILS SATISFYING ordinance taya. L^Duc, publicity director, who wiU Yea,r’s OutatandinR ” 2 ? ***** ***•*' *“**t families. d ^ u s s the Amertcanijim prognm. Director . . . Robert Best Screen Play of the The old ordinance required a Scouts of America is • Expert Repairs On Automatic Transmissions clearance seven end one hsw Joseph Lombardo, national jun­ Roasen—“The Huatler" Year^“The Hustler” the first t a r any nation to include ior rice commander-ln-cbief, will feet above the sidewalk. 'ffw w ce to its scout Taw. In tak­ DOBIN'S • 828 MAIN STi MANCHESTER The charter revision also re­ TOP VALUE STAMPS be the main speaker at the con­ J9-. ing his oath, a boy scout pledges DIAL ference. quires that retractable awnings be reverence toward God, faithful m u i a r d J o v i ^ 5 securely fastened to the twiMing Jam in his religions duties, and Given On Parts and Labor 1230 and that they do not extend clos­ i f ; PITNEY-BOWES EARNIXOS I fee Heegry Ajeerknes” respect for the convicUons of oth- NEW YORK (A P)—Pitney. er than 12 inches from the curb « s in matters of custom and re­ 0 A.M. to 10 A.M. line. ligion. Bowes of Stamford. Conn., the nai- 4. . Uon’a leading manufacturer of Awnings must also be equipped Boy Scout week, marking the automatic mailing devices, report­ On Tolfauid Turnpike with a dsvles for b

PA08 rOUR MANCHESTER EVEN^G HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1962 ... X. \- MANCHESTER ^VENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, '19612 V, PAG E FIVE JlimrIfEBtFr fercamant atandliiB than anybody'a mara word. •Wonden of the lJmve¥»e But —“ T Connecticut U .S ., Reds^ Co] Hollowei^ Coin -Some Prohlems Remain Soettittg IpraUk This U not foinr to eoma about threuch inalatinr on abaolutaa, any Yankee t i r c h e s Second Rocket Series mora than any ethar law upon Led to Arrest which wa depend for the conduct of By A. H. O. < ^*Tro3r5rtSTlSBB5flBSr^ Powers, Abel Swap „ R . ______T rade PabUibar* clvtliaation carriea any absolute ■ iu fta B H a u Aflewe St. and Thampaen SB. sentlng Beuador and Japan aa our Of I^viet Spy Rev. iaceph Farrell, Paetor gueata. Eases Landing Shock >Miad>d October 1, M81 STiarantea of'lta^own efficacy and Wa hops wa m vsr, nsvcr have ■ I t l MMa Bt- (Oontinued from Page o b o )' can. student held, by East German Rev. Franela T. Butler, Aeeiitant enforcement. Wb shall never be to try to maintain Ilfs and hop# in atiUioriUea since August 1961, (Coattnned from Page One) kMI Br*ry KrtnlnK Exc«Dt S p.m., Public Bibla dlaeouraa; OeaterIter Ceegiegalleeitf Omreli mid-course correction in the «arth b an atmoaphere as deliberately and By OR. L M. UBVIIT, gaunt Abel were escorted almiilo also has been turned -over to Cuts World Tension • 4 BotMayi. SBtarcd «t tM really certain of anything, let O bajiaf tha T«vo Ora«t Com- at 7, 8, 0, 10:15 and United Ohnreh M OInlet to moon trt^eetory, a means for Ue* at Hancheateri Conn., w coldly cruel as that of political . » DUMtto Uneously onto Glienicker Bridge, American authorities in Berlin. deliberated three hours and SS Itoll mtter. alone, something like peace or sur­ a a n ia m H B For life . 11:80 ajn. 11 Oenter S t altitude control and, finally, a Isit- connecting Pqtsdani with Wannaee Washington. Rev. CIttferdJ). Slmpaoa, MMater Ute Fete Fiaaetarlum "The President lias commuted minutes. vival. We have to set up what safe­ .. 4:16 pgn., WlMchtower maga- Of Ota FraakUa Ustitate eral motion so the main debooot an- In the U.S. sector of Berlin. the sentence of Rudolf Abel who (Oontliraed froia Poga Ooa) ' tnaSORl^ON RATES aim atudy article: "Coumga to Rev '«n rence J. Vtlieeat Abel, married and the father of PAjraNa in Adranct guards we can conceive and detise, We grew up in a farmyard S t daniee* "MJC. Church With tb4 trtmtndoua amphaaia ginea when jettisoned will land at Abel had been taken by plane has been, serving a SO-year sen­ where slaughter wsa almost a Conquer -rReligioue Oppoaition.'' Macr. Joha F. Hannon, Paator Aaeoclate Miniater least 200 feet from the pSyload. on a problem which tbe Kenlicdy Carrtar Hall and go (head with them, prepared od gstting to tha moon we if * in- from the federal- penitentiary at tence in a federal prison following a married daughter, slipped into Bt Vtar ...... U6.60 (33.00 weekly necessity. Ws have wit­ —Joeh. 1:7. ■ev. Jamea T. O’Cennell dined to diaeount the problem of Dr Duke Indicated that the small­ Atlanta to New York early his convlcUpn in 1967 on espionage administration considers of ex­ MoatU ...... 7.7S 11.00 for human test and struggle all. the 8,* 8:15 and 11 a,m.. Church Serv- this country Illegally from Canada Montha (.90 (t(0 nessed, from a safe distance but . Sarvlce Centara hava been re> Rev. Joaeph H. McCann a manned landing on the moon. er engine insures a greater degree Wednesday. Then on Ihursday he charges. Mr. Abel hab been de­ treme Importance and from which jic H«atli ...... 1.(0 i.n way, and quite aware that, even if from excellent perspective. the iuranged for this wetic. Rev. John D. Kagan vrices. Guest preacher: Dr. B. Ken­ of instrumentation and guidance in 1948. For the nex't nine years U.S. Interest in increasing Soviet neth Anthony, United Church of Dr. WUUam M. Duke, of Space was flown from McGuire Air Force port^ . and liiks been released in vaakly .(0 .(( wa did ever attain a millenlum kind of jungle tactic that goes on FV m y at Uie Kingdom H ell: Technology Laboratoriee, recently sensor reliabtUty, because there Base at Ft. Dlx, N. J. to Temple- Berlin he posed' as a nondescript Brook­ contact ia derived. This is the in the facultv of an Ivy League 7:30 p.m., Theocratic M M atry Maanaa at 5. 6. 7, 8, », 10:15 and Christ. Sermon: "The Wonderful MEMBER o r which could be written down Into pinpointed the hasarda in thia and ,.w1U be less vibration and much hof Airdrome in Berlin, where he "Mr. Powers will soon be en lyn artist, eventually’fJipening a problem of the Soviet-(7hineae po­ university. We have passed our 11:30 a.m. Cliance." litical conflict that has split the ^ THE A8SQCUTED PRESS School. 8:15, .11 a.m., Church Bdiool, diacuated aoma o f the approaches slighter fiame effects. Also, ne arrived Friday afternoon. He spent route to the United SUtes He will studio across the street from the Tha Aaaoetatad Preat la czclualaalT laws, tha moment of attainment time with the rough and tumble of 8:15 a.m., Service Meeting, to be used in overcoming theee excess cratering will occur, thus his time in a West,'Berlin cell. courtroom where he went on trial Communist bloc. antltlaa to tli« uae of rapublicatlon ot nursery- through junior high. have an opportunity to meet pri­ would also be the moment o f in­ big city wsrid politics, and we have 'nneme: "Get a Firm Hold on the S t Bartholoniew'a Church problems. insuring that tha payload will land The walk to freedom on .the vately with his family and will be Oct. 3, 1967. He lived quietly and Because of this tension between .all aawa dlmlehea credited to II or spent most of our adult life chron- Buckley Schotd Auditorium 7 pjn.. Adult School of Religious S t ollierwHe credited In tnis paper cipient rebellion. Bveblaeting U fe for which You EMuoatlon. Leaders, the Rev. Jo- He established the ground rules upright. . " Bridge for Powers ended weeks of interviewed by appropriate United discreetly and even turned out a the world’s two great Red powers d alao the local newa pupllabed here. lclit\g the vendettas and revenges were Called." Followed by a talk Rev. Philip Haeaey, Paator by saying: Design ol^tives dic­ Sovlet-U.S. negotiations. few mediocre oil paintings. some experts here believe Russia All rlgbta of republlcatlon of apeclal s^>h Zetzo, the Rev. Richard Hess- . A series of> sensors will be in­ States government officials. of politics on the state level. But by the circuit euperviaor. tate that we should land the maxi­ Edwin Guthman. a Justice De­ During the entire time, how­ may be impelled to mbVe oiway diapatebea herein are alao reaarved. Ma ler, Dr. Kenneth Anthtmy. Re­ corporated In the vernier state, “ Efforts to obtain Mr. Powers’ these, even at their worst, always I at 8, 8:15 and 10:30 a,m. mum payload 'with highest relia­ •niese will measure altitude and partment spokesman, said J a m e srelease___ _ have been___ under way wfor . ever, it was Abel’s job to ferret from more aggressive Internation­ Wanted: A Referendum have something gooid nstured about freshments wrill be served in Wood­ (till aarrlee client of N. E. A. 8< Second Congrogattonnl Ohuteh ruff Hall after the meetings.’ bility al the lowest cost and, in velocity. In turn, this can vary tha B. Donovan, a New York lawyer,!some time. In recent efforts the out national defense data for the al policies and toward an increas­ lee. Inc. them. It is not very often that one 885 N. Main S t x St, Bridget's R. C, Church played a key role in the swap. Kremlin. His studio was equipped ing nationalistic concept of its own Publlahan Repreaeniatlrea: __ Some weeks ago, when various addition, there should be growth throttling rate of the vernier en-^ Unlted States government has had finds anybody pressing In for the Rev. FeUx M. Davla, Minister Rev. John L. Oeinney, Paator . potential in what is landed. Since Guthman said it began late in with short wave receivers capa­ Interest. £illua Matheara Special Apency — New spokesmen for the Kennedy ad­ kill, especially the wanton kill. Rev. Stanley E. Hnstillo j^ e e so that tha descent rate can the cooperation and assistance of TorlL Chicaito. Detroit and Boaton. Mra. Richard H. Plnney, judgments are involved, unfortu­ be controlled. By use of a doppler 1960 when Abel’s wife in East Mr. James B. Donovan, a New ble of picking up radio messages So far as U.S. interest in bring­ MEMBER ADDfr'------bureauEC' o r ministration were proclaiming that There are rough tactics, and some A soodate. Minister Rev. Dannie B. Huseey nately there can be no unique Germany sent a letter to Dono­ from Moscow. It also was geared ing Powers home is concerned, CntCm-ATIONB mean minds, but the. essential proc Area Churches radar the closing velocity can be York attorney.” medical care for the aged had be­ solution, and what ia finally at­ van, who had been Abel’s defense This was the second release of to turn to sabotage In the event speculation on the possibility 6f ess remains xirvilized. Masses at 7. 8 ^ , 10 and 11, measured to about 10 feat per sec­ of war, The Rerald PiiaUns Company, Inc., come the great grass roots politl 10 a.m.. Morning Worahlp and tempted may represent a series ond and the radar altimeter ban attorney, asking if he could get Soviet-held U.S- officers since a deal Involving the U2 pilot and assumes no (laanelal ^ rasponsIhUlly for Until—and we know this only by Church School. Nuriery for chll- of compromises. determine the altitude of the pay- clemency for her husband. President Kennedy took office Abel microfilmed data he ob­ the famous Col. Abel goes back typoarapUcal errors appearing In ad- cal issue of the day, we were so watching, somewhat tearfully, the Emanuel Lutheran Church St. Bernard’s Chnrch tained and hid it In hoilowed-out TerAemeata and oOier reading matter 'dren during aervice. Boy Scout 27 St. Bernard’s Ter., Rockville While there will probably be two load to within lO'or 15 feet. After talks with the Justice De­ At bis first presidential news jPto ,*-^e final months of the bold as to question that assump­ fates of our own-time Connecticut Rm . C. Henry AadeirMn, Paator partment he suggested, she ad­ objects. f^'ight D. Elsenhower admlnistra- in The Manchester Evening Herald Sunday. Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Rev. Patrick J. Mahoneyi. Paator general tjrpes of vehicles landed Landing the Payload conference in January 1961, Ken­ tion. We doubted that many people friends—on* gets up to Washington. LoMoyne C. Boleraan, Intern on the moon, one a manned vehi­ dress her appeal directly to Presi­ A newspaper delivery boy was Uon M d the weeks Immediately Davis, "Acquainted With Christ.” For a payload like the Surveyor nedy announced the release of two Display advertiaing closing hours; Then the steel becomes cold and re­ 11:15 a.m.. Church School, cle which must descend without dent Kennedy after he took of­ paid with one o f Abel's hoHowed- (DakiUc photo) following Powers’ capture and Por Monday—1 p.te. Friday. were really exercised over the Is­ * and 10:30 a.m., Divine Worahlp Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. the vernier phase begins operation imprisoned RB47 crewmen, Capt. conviction. lentless and wanton and It flickers Grades 7 through 12. undue speeds and decelemtlOns. fice. John R. McKone of Topeka, Kan. out, mlcrOfllm-crammed coins For l^ tsd v ^ l p.m. Monday.. sue. And later on, when national in and out always to kill, never and Church School. Sermon by Paa­ at an altitude of about 5 miles with while collecting from his custom­ ^W sdnaalay—1 p;m. Tuesday. 7 p.m.. Mu Sigma Chi and Pil* Dr. Duke Indicated that the ve­ About a month or six weeks and Ckipt. Freeman B. Olmstead Engaged His return. In other words, has For Thursdair—1 p.m. Wednesday. pronouncements from the Blue just In pleasant plky. Why, we tor Anderson. "Growing In Chris­ Sacred Heart Ohnreh hicle must land with a minimum an initial vertical descent velocity ago, when it looked like there ers. The coin was dropped. It fell beerf a matter of Interest to both For Friday—1 p.m. Thursday. wouldn't do to our worat enemy grim Fellowihlp. tian Oiaracter." A male chorus Rt. 30, Vernon of about 600 feet per second. Since of Elmira, N.Y. apart and when the youth saw the The engagement of Miss Diane For Satorday—1 p.m. Friday. Croes and th nation's hospitals of shock and the decelerations were grounds for conferences, V. Soarrozro of New. Britain to administrations in Washington what people In Waahington will do, will sing "Sanfctus" by Schubert. Rev. Ralph KeUyi^Pastor this is a low thrust descent, the de­ The fliers had been held captive contents he took It to police. ever since his spy plane went ClasaUlsd deadltae; lOtSO a.m each and from CMS and the American Zion Evangelical Lutheran should be under the ten ’’g’a’’ used Donovan wms authorized by the by the Russians for almost seven J. Friink Baiardi of Manchester day of puhIlealloB axcenl Saturday— without a quiver of heaitatlon be­ Scout Sunday will be observed. to escape from the earth. Theee celeration will range from one to government to make the trip to The clue apparently waa too down over central Russia on May * a m. Medical Association increased Church , months after their reconnaissance h«a been annoimced by her par­ forehand Or remorse afterward, to 8:30 p.m., Pre-Confirmation Masses at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. two conditions spell out a speed four "g’s." To bring th# payload East Berlin '‘and explore the sit­ altm to be followed through. Abel 1, 1960. ' ^ prospects for fuller insurance cov a best friend, (Mlaoouri Synod) ^ a g u e will meet in the League dowrn will require about 100 sec­ plane was shot down over Arctic continued to-'operate until early ents. Mr. .and Mrs. James J. Scar- Saturday, February 10 Cooper and Hl|^ Sts. Room. of 25 feet per second as a safe uation.” He arrived there about waters July 1, 1960. rozzo. New Britain. Obviously,, military and Intelll- erage of Americans under volun­ For sample we have before us a St. MauriM dinrch - ’touriidowm" speed. onds. two weeks ago. May of 1957, when he was turned gepce officers are eager to learn Rev. Paul O. Prokopy, Pastor W jd n ^ a y , 7:15 p.m., Bible Government sources put togeth­ In by a fellow spy. Her fiance Is the son of Joseph tary, cooperative plans, we clipping from the revered New Bolton There are two methods by which .The tracking data and mid- When negotiations neared the er a description of the mid-bridge in detail what went wrong with York Times, issue of last Monday, Study Hour in the Chapel led by The other Russian agent, Lt. Baiardi, 26 Norman St., Manches­ No Absolute Security 9 a.m., Sunday School. Free bus Pastor Anderson. Rev. Bernard L. MeOurk, Paator this touchdowm speed could be ob­ course guidance permlU control­ point of success,,,, the President trade of Powers for Abel and the ter. the flight, one of a kind which had thought that would subtract some­ weekly column titled "Random tained. The first ia to use the ling the impact point within 10 Col. Relno Hayhanen, testified at been going on for four years. transportation. signed a commutation order for background that led up to it Miss Scarrozzo is employed by Ih.^tha joint United States-Brit- thing from whatever urgency there NotCg In Washington" and accom­ Masses at 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:30 main debooster engine to fire for miles. Further t a k i n g in orbit Abel, drafted-so that the commu­ Abel’s trial that he had stolen The Soviets are understood to 9:30 a.m., Adult Bible study. Gospel Hall Powers and Abel were escorted mone,v intended for expenses of The New Britain Herald. Mr. Ish atatement inviting Russia to might be behind the Kennedy ad­ panied, this time, by the greatest a.m. the groes removal of the approach ciui make this come 'within 2 miles tation became effective the mo­ simultaneously onto Gllenlcker have shown during the prisoner- uplift look and statesmanlike mask 10 a.m.. Divine Worship. Text: 415 Center St. the spy ring and had on occasion Baiardi is employed by United ministration program. Luke 2 : 22-32. 'Theme: "Now Is velocity. After a period at free of the deeired impact point three ment the swap actually took Bridge, connecting Potsdam with trade negotiations that they badly one more effort to negotiate a ever achieved in John Balley'a pho- fall, to permit measurements for hours before touchdowm is initiat­ place. disobeyed orders from Abel and Aircraft Oorp. wanted Abel back, the Time, for Christians. Too.” 10:30 a.m.’, Breaking of Bread. St. Francis of Assisi Chnrch Wannsee in the U.S. sector of An August wedding Is planned. treaty banning nuclear testing, it Now, It develops, a lot of people togenlc career. The headline for the the removal of the remaining ve­ ed. Once within tills two-mile For Powers It was his first Berlin. even direct orders from Moscow. Kennedy admtniatraUon offi­ Nursery in the parish house dur­ 12:15 p.m., Sunday School. South' Windsor Project Delayed, but Not by Storm Ordered back to Russia In the Is established, for the record, that are saying we were wrong. The column reads "Bailey Expected to locity, there is a second firing, range, then visual approach and breath of free air since his high- There was no word on just how cials, noting that he had been in Switch Hats,” a sub headline savs ing this service. 7 p.m.. Gospel meeting. Rev. Jamee F. Glynn, Paator It takes more than a little bitty snow to let down the (155,000 storm drain Inst^ltatlon In W. Middle ■pTjng of 1957i. Hayhanen stopped we are willing to sign such a treaty pollsters are reporting that medi­ Tuesday,'8 p.m.. Prayer meeting. Rev. Raymond R. Yaekanskae which reduces the velocity to the recognition of the lunar surface is altltude reconnaissance plane Powers had been transported from Jail here for several years, con­ that "Word la that Democratic 11 a.m., Oottesdienst, mit Important. And if the aim ia to Tpke. It takes a breakdown in the gears of the power shovel, according to Q^ester Langtry, depu­ off at Parts and gave himself up sidered his further imprisonment Abendmahl. Friday, 8 p.m., Bible atudy. touchdown speed indicated above. crashed on Soviet soil. Russia or when he arrived in East even While we proejed, on the cal care for the aged is a real live head win resign to help elect Ribl- From the standpointa of simplicity rendezvous with a supply payload ty director of public works. The A. Dzen Co. power shovel gears will bo Med in about two weeks to the U.S. Embassy there. Skating Report useless in terms of U.S. national 7 p.m., Young People’s Society Masses at 7, 8, 8, 10:15 and 11:30 The U2 pilot pleaded guilty to Germany. actual poHcy level, toward the ex­ issue which does concern a good eoff to Senate" and the five para­ a.m. and ease of control, this method is which has already descended, a ra­ espionage charges and after a he said. Even with this delay, however, the storm drain from Hilliard Pond to Armory S t will Abel picked up on June 21, Interest. graph story that follows repeats meeting. St. Mary’s Episoopal Church Abel had been taken by plane be ready for use in March. A section being installed by the Jarvis Construction Co. is progress­ pected moment when President many Amc-icans. Columnist Jo­ considered unsatisfactory. dio beacon on the surface can he trial in Moscow was sentenced to from the federal penitentiary in 1857, In a Marthattan hotel. He When Ills plane went down the all this, along with a denial from Wednesday, 8:30 p.m.. Adult In- Church and Park Sta. used to Improve the accuracy of ing rapidly, he said. Bids will be in-vited next week on a related atqtTn drain Installation for Con- Kennedy orders a resumption of seph Alsop reports that it has ad­ fonnation hour. The Rev. George F. Nostnuid, Also It is desirable to use a low- 10 years — three In prison and Atlanta to New York early was held hi a McAllen, Tex., alien world wms just two weeks .away Bailey himself. "I'm In this to the St. George's E pli^pal bhnrah thrust engine firing for a consider­ touchdown. seven in a prison colony. gress St. (Herald photo by Pinto). detention center, ostensibly as an American nuclear testing In the vanced to the status of a real 7:30 p.m., Sunday School Staff Rector Rt. 44A, Bolton Wednesday. He was held over­ from an East-West summit con­ end." he is quoted, "But." the able time to permit a cloeed loop When the payload has l;ouched The U2 incident broke just prior Illegal alien awaiting deportation. ference in Paris and entertained atmoaphere. and'parent-teschers meeting. The Rev. John D. Hughes, Rev. Edward W. Joluison, Vicar night at Federal Detention Head­ "pork chop issue'' which offers po­ news storv then ends. ’ "sources control during the final critical doivn 6n the lunar surface, Dr. to a Big Four summit meeting in quarters. Then, on Aug. 7. Abel waa In­ unjustifiably hlg^ hopes that Ih ls the fomial statement puts litical r e ^ rd s to the I>emocrats close to tha Admlnlstrstion ssy Senior Aesletant portion of the descent. Thus, the Paris in May of 1960. Soviet Pre­ 8 a.m., Holy Communion. Duke concluded, we are not out of Around midday on Thursday the dicted on the espionage charge, something might be done, there there Is a good chance a new South Methodist Church The Rev. William F. Gender O l. second touchdown meUioil involves mier Khrushchev, ranting at what Open Forum Club Members Will Consider He was tried on three oOunte— in the record. Meanwhile, however, If they continue to exploit it and 10:15 a.m.. Morning Prayer and the woods yet. First we will as­ Soviet spy waa taken to Me about ending the Berlin crlati. Democratic national chairman will Rev. Lawrence F. Almond Junior Aeslstant using a separate small thrust en­ sume the payload will land on a he. called an audacious act, used conspiracy to transmit military On May 17 the summit confer­ the more .informal statement of political ptmishment for the Re­ take over before summer." / Rev. fe rcy M- Spurrier Church School. Guire Air Force Base at Ft. Dlx, g a tin g at Center Springs Pond gine called a vernier. slope not greater than IS degrees, the episode to short-circuit the N.J. He took off from there at May Run Himself da-ta to the Soviet Union, con­ and Charter Oak Park la allowed ence at Paris broke down. Khrush­ the Preeident, at his Wednesday publicans If they continue to op­ Ministers 7:80 a.m.. Holy Communion. 7 p.m., Young People’s Fellow­ The result of this analysis indi­ conference. Do our good readers here 4n ship. which is an average for the side 5:20 p.m. EST on an Air Force To the EXiitor, Purchase Proposal Thursday spiracy to obtain soich data, and until 10 p.m. chev denounced U.S. spy plane op­ press eonfennee, on this same eub- pose It. ' Connecticut have any difficulty 8 a.m.. Family Service. Morning cates that the main debooster The 'White House said efforts to 'Diesday, 8 p.m., Adult Confir­ of lunar craters. Even then it Is C118. -Although I ■was never much ot failure to register as a foreign Sunday and Monday, the hours erations and called Eisenhower a Ject o f nuclear testing, raised some knowing what is so cruel about 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Morning Wor­ Prayer with sermon by the Rev. should eliminate most of the down­ possible for the vehicle to tumble obtain Powers’ freedom “ have After a atop in Wiesbaden, Abel a success in journalism one rule agent. "fishy" friend. And one report from Washing­ ship. Sermon by The Rev. Mr. mation Classes. The general membership ot the*p The land, 148 acres, is part of will be 10 a.m, until 10 p.m. At queetlon whether anybody could this? If so, let's merely ask this Mr. Noslrand. Junior Choir. Nur­ ward velocity by firing at an al­ unless it has a low center of grav­ been under way for some time.” and his escort landed at Temple- I did learn was to stick to the It waa the first oount-transmit- Charter Oak, no skating Is allowed Today there ore few hopea o( any ton says that a Republican Con­ question. Whom will Ballev hold Almond entitled, "A More Excel­ sery and kindergarten in the chil­ Thursday, 8 p.m.. Adult Discus­ titude of from 50 to iOO miles, ter­ Abel was sent to federal prison Manchester Country Oub will meet the 999-acre tract bought by the new design a nuclear test ban sion Group. ity and a wide spread between the hof Airdrome in Berlin at 3:26 truth and not even by "tricky" Thursday to consider a plan pre­ ttog — that bore the maximum from noon to 1:30. radical change in Soviet oggreMlve gressman who broke with his responsible for this? Whom will he lent Way.” dren’s chapel. Classes follow. minating a few miles above the three landing legs. after his conviction of espionage town in 1995 from the Cheney p.m, Friday, Berlin time. compoeltion deviate from that sented by the board of governors family for (1.5 mllion. death penalty. The akl slope at Mt. Nebo is pollilieies in Berlin or Laos or Viet treaty that would ever get any­ party and went over to the Ken­ blame for feeding this rumor to the 9 and 10:45 a.m., Church School 11 a.m.. Morning Prayer with surface. I n , this firing it Is ef­ Thus explosive spikes may be in 1967. He was placed in a cell in ' West rule, However, Abe) was sentenced to Naiam. New York Times so impressively for Nursery through Junior High. Rockville Methodiat Church for the purchase of land from the Before the town purcliase the open until 10 o’clock tonight. The body’s signature. For, in his press sermon by Ote Rev. Mr. Gender. ficient to use the super-cold or incorporated into the landing legs The White HOuse made this an­ Berlin at 4:16 p.m. and evidently town. 30 years in prison, tow will not operate tomorrow, With Russia’s recent test series nedy administration proposal for that It gels printed? 9 and 10:46 a.m.. Special chil­ 142 Grove St. nouncement at 3:19 a.m,: "Fran­ So, in view o f attempts o f three club had been private, and would conference discussion, the Preei­ Senior Choir. Babysitting nursery cryogenic fuels, like liquid oxygen which will explode the spikes into confined there until the Ome for of the proposed delegates to by­ The plan was drawn up by a club The chief witness against Abel the nuclear arms race is going on' Including medical caie for the aged Ts It Rlblcoff, perhaps getting dren's division program Grades 1 in the children's chapel. Rev. Laurence M. HUl, Pastor and liquid hydrogen. The most cis Gary Powers has been released hia release. now like to return to that status. at a stepped up pace. The declaton dent went beyond all previous ideas the luiiar surface to anchor the ve-, pass my unequivlcal statement committee, of which T, J. Crockett After the land was bought by the was Hayhanen. He waa a cocon- under social security has been re­ whimsically even for the fset that through 8, Cooper Hall 7 p.m., Evening Prayer with straightforward system involves a hlcle. Even the pads of the land­ from prison in the Soviet Union Pryor was turned over to U.S. splnvtor but was spared the role to release Powers thus fits into the of what a nuclear test ban treaty ^9:30 a.m.. Church School, Grade and turned over to American au­ that all four of the proposed dele­ is chairman. The meeting will be town, the club negotiated a lease ceiving mail, from his own Repub­ Bailey may have started the news 10:45 a.m.. Church School for instnictlon. Boys' choir. solid deboost engine, but tbe per­ ing feet will be special, with col­ officials at the Friedrichstraaae held at the Country club at 8 p.m. o* a codefendant In exchange for 4 of 9 Crashes category of actions which the So­ Senior High. 4 through adults. thorities early thia morning in Ber­ gates or their proxies are for May with the town, the terms of which should include and tried to en­ lican district, wh' :h Is preponder­ sforlen drafting Ribicoff out of the Daily, 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer. formance wouId.be lower. Once the lapsible structures at their ends to border point In Berlin shortly be A value of (200,000 has bein set his defection to the West and his viets could take to ease Etost-West Cabinet to i-un for the Senate? 8 p.m.. Youth division council, 10:50 a.m.. Church Sc)k>o1, Nurs­ lin. I would like os a former president left membership open to any town tensions without liaving to make vision some system of inspection Wednesday, 10 a.m.. Holy Com­ debooster has performed Its mis­ absorb excess kinetic energy and fore the swap on the bridge took on the land the country club wants resident who wanted to pay the testimony against Abel. Result of Storm antly In favor of his new position. Or is it the White House Itself, Library. ery through Grade 3. sion the second rocket series or "Frederic L. Pryor, an Amerl- place. was frequently quoted to say any change in their positions on 'vl- . and control which could protect us munion. 11 a.m., Morning Worship. Ser­ prevent penetration Into the lunar Let's Lcmk at the Facts.” to buy, all of it located on the cast annual dues. The club now pays It Is even reported that he hss been completing a Machiavellian gambit 7 p m., Ninth Grade Fellowship. verniers will fire to bring the pay- dust layers. tally important issues where their against "secret preparations for a mon: "The Anatomy of Prejudice,” side of S. Main St. from the Globe (18,000 a year for leasing the Manchester ' police investigated getting letters from some doctors in which it first used Ballet’ to der­ Room 21, George F. Bradleau, load softly to the surface. Representative John Shea, also Hollow Reservoir to Line St, major interests are involved. CTinroh of the Nazarene the Rev. Mr. Hill. We owe a debt of gratitude to chairman of the Republican Town property. nine motor velilcle accidents, oev> sudden series of major tests." who favor his stand. rick Ribicoff out of the Waahing­ principal of Bennet Junior High With" this scheme the main de­ Hal Boyle The country club, had the Up- 286 Main St. 7 p.m.. Program on "Race and scientists like Dr. Duke who look Committee is camqpalgn manager L ist June the club inquired About Town you are going to seek some ton picture, and then, with conaum- School, wll speak on, ’ ’Careers." booster will be jettisoned as soon ahead to bring the difficult prob­ praiaal made by the Carrol and en yesterday snd two early today, And Columnist Alsop even mate and fitting poetic justice, sen­ Rev. C. E. Winslow, Minister Housing” with a film and spMker for Gubernatorial Candidate Ed about purchasing the land from iron-clad system of nuclear con­ 7:30 p m., Membership seminar, from th- Connecticut State Com­ as it has completed its mission. lems of the future into sharp focus. Drlggs firm of/East Hartford, at the town, or negotiating a new wlilch resulted in two -Treats snd Romney tpUl Enter thinks that all this stirring of in­ tences Bailey to tag along back to Susannah Wesley Hall. The verniers, which are highly le- While the solutions may not be May. Need more be said here ? the suggestloiym General Manager The lUUan American (3iub will trols, obviously you need that kind Connecticut to manage the Ribicoff 9:30 a.m.. Church School claaeea mission on Civil Rights. lease, either of which would per­ sent numerous pemons to Man­ terest and pressure may produce a liable, can use a single propellant available today it is certain that A Great Ritual Representative Rlker has frank­ Richard M i^ in when the club ex­ mit the country club to become a meet tonight at 7:30 In the club­ of guarantee. The proof of that campaign? How devilishly ingeni­ for all -ges. Monday, 7:15 p.m.. Prayer and ly said two other important en­ house, Eldridge 8t„ to elect a new chester Memorial Hospital for Race in Michigan situation in which the Kennedy Community BapUst Church 10:30 a.m., Ohildren’e Church discussion Group. such as a mixture of hydrazine and our awareness of these problems pressed a (lesire to buy th# land. private club. lies in our experience of last fall ous can these people get? 585 E. Oenter St. hydrazine nitrate or a bi-propel­ will eventually result in their so­ gagements will probably keep him slats of officers. treatment of minor Injuries. administration's bill actually gets and Nursery. 8 p.m., Commissions on educa­ from the convention. When a dele­ Extensive motor vehicle dam­ when, with'the three major atomic The two possible answers we Rev. Alex H. Elsmser, Minister 10:45 e.m., Worship Service. tion and missions. Adult mem'ber- lant like hydrozine and nitrogen lution. e party prospered and (Conftnaed from Page Otae) out of committee for a vote in this have suggested are, of course, the tetraoxide. (Copyright 1962, Gensral Fea­ Of Office Life gate cannot attend- a convention can hold a public hearing to dis­ The Manchester Wales will meet age was also reported to some powers supposedly living under the Guest speaker the Rev. Fletcher shlp "Orientation Session." to build a strong nation. cuss the Board's proposals and Congress, Instead of staying safely worst two Bailey can give himself. 9:30 a m., Church School for all Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Official Using the vernier will permit tures Corp.) it is traditional for him to consult Tuesday at the Italian American cars, police reports noted, and four 1964 presidential campaign, but voluntary test band inaugurated by The most pleasant answer he Spruce, new dlatrlct superinten­ the towjfichalrman as to his proxy. Republican Party is the answer the many questions In our Club on Eldridge St. Weighing In accidents were attributed to the added, "1 certainly am not pre­ burled as In last year’s session. ages. dent. board meeting. NEW YORK (A P )—One of the aurance. Now I hear hia wife and rty of every man but it also Russia 'tself, Russia suddenly re­ could give himself would be that -And will Shea suggest anyone op­ minds— or consider suggestions will begin at 7 p.m. The meeting storm, which brought slippery pared to conclude that Mr. Ken­ 10:30 a.m.. Morning Worship. 6 p.m.. Youth Service. daughters are taking in washing. aranteea the rights of any man We take..all this testimony from .some inexperienced reporter had a Ing worahlp. Sunday School for vited to attend. Bring old ahteta, great rituals of office life is visit­ posed to May? from the townspeople. In this will be at 8:15, and Mra. Harvey rood conditions In the area. nedy Is going to have two terms.” nounced the ban and then imme­ Sermon: "The Important Choice" 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. Vernon Methodiat Church Hearty Harry—"Boy, you never to become an uncommon man; if way. apd only In this way, will an Washington for what It may be pipe dream that , and con- by the Rev. Mr. Blsesser. Classes four-year olds through eighth needles, thread and No. 2 knitting ing “ the one who is ill.” Mrs. Harlan Taylor on oth ^ Ward Is chairman of the Valen­ Mrs. Oreanal L. Cyr of 2 Diane In Syracuse, N. Y., Republican diately got the jump on everybody Message by the Rev. Paul Orjala. Rev. Robert FIrby, paator looked better in your life!” yelps he no desires. intelligent decision be reached Dr., Vernon, was arrested for fail­ coctisd the whole idea without hear- in Fellowship Hall during church grade. needles. In a large business firm there the office's professional pepper- proposed delegate to the Republi­ tine program. National Chairman William E. with a aeries o f massive explo­ worth, and If It keeps Insisting that ing so much as a whisper froijl' Wednesday. 7:30 p.m.. Prayer Th-a Republican Party will con­ when we are asked to vote on that ure to give a proper signal at 7:50 service for Grades 1, 2 and 3. Cof­ 7 p.m.. Junior Fellowship and U always someone coming down upper, slapping you so hard on can said convention says she has Miller predicted U ut Rockefeller, sions for which it had obviously constituents everywhere are push­ anybody in the administration. Ah. and Praiae service. 9:30 a.m.. Morning 'Worship. tinue to carry on the' ideals set new school building we so desper­ a.m. yesterday after her car was Nixon and Romney would win gu- fee hour foliowring the service. Baptism and reception of new Pilgrim Fellowship meetings. TaloottvUle Congregational Chnrch the 'back he rips open three su­ never been asked to support May ? ately need. Mary Bushnell Cheney Auxiliary, ing ' '■rd for this Issue we may. in yes..vcs. whatwnat an relaxing idea that with ulcers, a strange virus, or forth by Abraham Lincoln. struck on the left front by a car bernatoriAl races this ysor. been preparing for many months. 7 p.m., Last session of School of Calvary Church merobers. Serm on:' • "Peaceable Rev. Robert K. Shtmedo, MUeter tures. Then he sits down and Of course she hasn’t because H U8WV, will meet Monday at 2 time, come to believe that, even mlf^t be- -lf Bailey 1 could forget Evangelism. just plain gravel in his gizzard. Sylvia Wilson, E. J. Peresluha p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. E. driven by Robert Durocher, 21, of Miller told newsmen that any That proved what the President sonie of the si (Assemblies of God) Lane." 8t. John’s Church reads you gags from old, poke- was foolishly unnecessary, Mrs. stories he himself has 7 p.m., Senior High Baptist One by one-or sometimes in glad ■Vernon, Conn. Nichols, 56 N. Elm St. Plans will East Windsor. Police said Mrs. man who captured the governor­ contended, at his press conference, though we have never caught a plaiHed In his 647 E. Middle Tpke. 10:45 a.m.. Church School. Rt. 80, Vernon 11 e.m.. Morning Worriiip serv­ books until you go into a coma, Taylor having been one o f the Cyr signaled for a right turn off his time, some of them, Youth Fellowship meets, Mr. and groups—other members of the of­ be discussed for an anniversary ship of a populous state, especially constituent in the act. perhaps, on this very business of Rev. Kenneth L. Gustafson, Pastor 7 to 9 p.m., Methodist Youth Rev. James L. Grant, Rector ice and Sunday School. Observa­ exhausted. After he leaves you women who burned telejriione wires Hilliard St. and then turned left that any real system of controlling Mrs. Rus.sell Turner leaders. Sen­ fice herd wind slowly o’er the lea to get members' of the Republican 'Intelligent Decision’ Did You and mustering dinner. one now controlled by Democrats, But we have often wished that, Connecticut people . coming back Fellowship at 'Vernon. tion of Race Relations Sunday revive and hang on the outside To the Editor, Into the path of t)ie Durocher vehi­ mpilear explosions must also In­ ior High Baptist Youth Fellowship 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. to their stricken fellow worker's doorknob of your room a sign Town Committee to the recent "certainly would get strong con­ for issues like this, Uje Constitu­ from Washington, If only Bailey 9:45 a.m., Sunday School classes Thursday, 7:30 pm ., Bible atudy with the Rev. Willard Ttiomen, pallet of pain, bringing him a Bolton’s educatlonsLl pot is boil­ cle which surted to pass her. Her clude a sj’stem for detecting and himself didn't know exactly how wrill go to the parsonage after Its 9:15 a.m., Morning Prayer and former missionary, aa our ex- reading: "Please do not open un­ meeting at which Shea Intended Know That— Phebe Circle of Emanuel Lu­ sideration as the party’s presi­ meeting for a social hour. for all ages.. at the parsonage. “ nosegay of wilted daffodllls and ad­ ing again. The Board of Educa­ car was towed away with consid­ preventing secret preparations for tion had included some, provision such stuff docs get planted! 11 a.m.. Morning Worship. Sermon. otMqige speaker: Greeter. is Mrs. til Oirlstmas.” to ask for May endorsement but The high dam at Aawah, Egypt, theran Church Women • will meet erable left front dc^age. She will dential condidat's. He sold Rocke­ for a ncMonal referendum so that 7 p.m.. Junior High Baptist 11 a.m., Morning Prayer and vice on how to get well. His Omnipotence — The boss he backed off when he knew the tion has announced Its adoption of will convert a 800-mlle stretch of Tuesday at 8 p.m. In Luther Hall feller would win re-election in New such explosions. How mean and cruel can you 5 p m., Christ's Ambassadors, Unlted Methodist Church of Rolton Dorothy Beal. Deacon o f the day They say you never know who a six year elementary, six year sec­ appear In court on Feb. 26. get? that single little Washington Youth Friendship. Sermon. comes in swinging a golf club. votes were not for May.’ upper Nile River Into a lake 20 to roll bandages. Members are re­ York by a wider margin than Ills This, then, -brings us to a re­ we could touch h'se, now and youth. Lunch will be served. Rt. 44A and South Rd. is Leonard Bayllss. Ushers are your true friends are in the of­ ondary program aa against the ex­ At about 11 o’clock yesterday newsstory. by our measurement, 7 p.m . Family Gospel Service. 8:30 p.m.. Young People’s Fel­ Weeley Wilson and Roger Feoteau. "Take all the time you need—and Mrs. Mary Crandall; was it nec- miles wide in places and 180 feel minded to bring old sheeting. Host­ morning a two-car rear-end col­ half million of 1968. markable aituatlon, In which, on then, and really find out exactly Christian Science Services Rev. Carlton T. Daley, Minister fice untU you fall sick. It Is also pandable Junior High supported by had the sting and left the pain and Wednesday 8 p.m., Bible Study lowship meeting. 7 p.m.. Youth groups of Vernon don't worry,” he burbles. "I've got eaaary tor anyone to ask her to deep. The lake will swallow more esses will be Mrs. Helen Arm­ lision on Broad St. at Green Manor the one hand, we can contend and how people do aland. fester of a thousand serpents, and First Church of Christ, Scientist Wednesday 10 a.m.. Holy Com­ a good time to find out who our one of the younger executive the predecessor Board. 'This means than 25 Pharaonic temples, at strong, Miss Anne M. E- Johnson and Prayer. 9:30 a.m., Church School for all will be qur guests with the Rev. sincere enemies are. support May when she is Shea’s that the Public Building Commis­ Blvd. brought the arrest of Stan­ the overwhelming chances are that Masonic Temple munion. trainees filling in for you, and vice-chairman ? least seven ancient Egyptian and. Miss Mabel OlSon. prove that a certain degree of In­ Friday 7 p.m.. Church is open departments. PhllHp Ward aa the speaker on If you have ever had to tempo­ sion will be asked to build a Jun­ ley J. Staziak, 43, of Vernon somebody meant it just that way. Friday 9 a m.. Holy Communion. he's doing a real bang-up job.’’ Now, here are some facts the towns, countless tombs and shrines spection and control Is necessary, 11 a.m . Sunday Service, Sunday for prayer and meditation. 9:30 and 11 a.m., Morning Wor­ Lebanon. . _ rarily trade your swivel chair for ior-Senior Higti School instead of Tpke., Vernon, charged with fail­ Tuning By Commercials There will be at least that con­ Tliat does it. Pale and wan, Republicans "Will understand. and a vast area unexplored by The Rev. Joseph Zezzo minister ure to drive a reasonable distance SEND THEM while, on the other hand, we must solation even if all Connecticut’s School, and nursery. ship. Sermon: "Jesus Christ Is My a hospital bed, here are a few you show up at work the next day. the Junior High School which was archeologists. St. John’s Polish Lord: He Accepts Me." Nursery. First Lutheran Church ^ e a will not be permitted to twice voted down. " of the Horace Bushnell Church, apart. The driver of the other face the reality that any such de­ That television oficial who tes­ gifts to the new frontier get tossed 8 p.m., Wednesday meeting. Rockville Union Congregatlenal Chnrch types of visitors from your office You realize that the only place Reading Room hours at 749 National Catholic Church 10:30 a.m;. Fellowship Coffee Rockville you are probably familiar with: name the town committee at the Hartford, will speak at the fourth car, Mra. Oqrts U SwEllow of 449 THE gree of Inspection and control Is tified down at Washington that he bark to their home stale politic.s The Rev. David G. Jaxheimer, you'll ever recover Is back In your To this observer It appears that Mississippi has more certified Main St., excepting legal holidays, 23 Golway St. Hour. Rev. Paul J. Bowman Republican caucus on March 1, annual church officers dinner to­ Gardner St., and two passengers, can be much more kindly and D.D., Pastor Hungry.Hubert—He arrives just warm swivel chair, where your of­ And there will be strong opposi­ the Board’s six-six plan ts an at­ tree farms than any other state in Mrs. Erika Carmlenki and daugh­ Impossible either t(3 design or to believed most television viewers gentle heee, Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Rev. Walter A. Hyszko, Paator ‘ 7 p.m.. Senior Methodist Youth as they bring in your evening meal. tempt at a compromise between morrow at 6:30 p.m. In Woodruff HOMETOWN fice well-wishers will no longer tion to him for the chairmanship the Union. Hall. Center Congregational ter, Nancy, both of 250 Gardner negotiate. ' n "take commercials in their stride" Friday, Saturday, 'll a.m. to 4 p. Fellowship. 9 :30 a.ih.. Fam ily Worship Serv­ "I wouldh’t over load my stomach bother to overwhelm you -xriUi the proponents of the six-three- Masses at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. 9 a.m., Sunday School classes for of the new committee. - - (3hurch. St., Were all taken to the hospital Now the question thli po.ses Is need not, in our opinion, have felt m.; Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. all ages. Adult Bible (TIass. Teach­ ice. "Sermon: "The Responsibility at a time like this," he says. Hu­ cheer. three and eight-four proposals. NEWS "Spirit" will be the subject of W'apping Cornmnnlty Church Shea will not be re-elected as Tooth cavities occur most fre­ with minor head injuries, treated one which, sooner or later, will quite so much on the defensive. er Tra:ining Class. Is Yours,” by the Rev. Mr. Bow­ bert lets you have the soup and Such a compromise could prove A Thought for Today the Lesson-Sermon for Sunday, Concordia Lutheran Church Congrgationeal town representative without the quently in pits and fissures of the Shakespeare's "Th^’clvlh Night" and discharged. Both cars were •-10:15 a.m.,'Church Service. The man. Cbareh School Grades 8 crackers. Then he eats your bread most effective if it will result In towed away with extensive dam­ have to be faced, even If facing it There are commerciala whldli arc Feb. 11. 40 Pitkin St. Rev. Roy R. Hutcheon, minister and butter, roast beef and pota­ biggest fight waged for a polit­ molars and between the teeth will be reviewed at the meeting of SiMinsored by the MAnchester pastor will explain the meaning of through high school will attend this the unification of these two forces where food particles collect. age, police said. Staziak was or­ means throwing away a lot of as­ far more artistic and entertaining The Golden Text Is from''2 Cor- Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, Paator service. toes, and dessert. Then he borrows ical office In this town since 1 was In support of the' new school build­ Great Books di.scussion group Council of Churches Inthlan.s 3:17. 9:30 and 11 a.m., Morning Wor­ the Lutheran Service. Nursery active In-ibe arena. I will support Wednesday -at 8 p.m. at Whlton dered to appear In Circuit Court sumptions and presumptions by than the programs they interrupt. 10:40 a.m.. Church School for a toothpick and leaves grumbling, ing so sorely needed in Bolton. It 12, Manchester, Feb. 26. Scriptural selections Include Ga- 9 a.m.. Holy Communion, Church ship services. Sermon ‘“nie Cen­ during service. Service broadcast and help finance any acceptable Button Gwinnett, one of Geor­ Library. which we have been trying to live to the Sunday School rooms. infants through Grade 4 “How do they expect anyone to could mean a ringing defeat tor Benjamin K. Brown, 50, of 575 Lately, it has seemed to us that A vital Christianity refuses to latian.v 5:25. School and Nursery. trality of Conviction." Sunday survive on grub like th at?” Republican who wants to go-to the those In town who have so stub­ gia’s three signers of the Dec­ and survive. What if there Is no' the superiority of the rommer- Correlative passages from "Sci­ 10:30 a.m.. The Service, Church School. Tuesday 7:30 p.m., Oiurch Coun­ 10:45 am .. Morning Worship general assembly as a candidate laration of Independence, died less Queen of Peace Mothers Circle Foeter St,, Wapplng, waa treated take seriously anything which is cil meeting. Service. Sermon, "Life In«urance— Ambttloua Albert — He haa al­ Fred L. Roeebrooks bornly resisted an Increase In at the hospital for bruises of his feasible or conceivable way of con­ ence and Haalth with Key to the School and Nursery. against Shea. taxes to provide our children with than a year later of wounds suf­ will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the clals over the supposed entertsln- not eternal. It knows that even Life Assurance,’’ by Mr. Margrey. ways wanted-your job. "Have they left side after, his stopped four- Scriptures ” by Mary Baker Eddy, 3 p.m.. Reception for Ne\v Mem­ Bolton Congregational Chnrch Wednesday 7:S0 p.m., Adult Fred L. Rpsebrooks, 89, of Wll- adequate education and the neces­ fered In a duel with his bitter po- home of Mrs. Leo Rivard. 425 trolling the atom? What if, there­ ment section of television time has the most gloriou.s building will fall ' Membership Class and Bible given you the last rites y et?” he llmantic, died at his home late If no one wanta to run against wheel truck was stru^ by a include p. 239:-16. bers. Bolton Oenter 4:30 p.m., Junior High Pilgrim ' asks hopefully. When you shake sary facilities. mical enemy. Gen. Lachlan Mc­ Hackmatack St. Co-hostess will be fore, there la no feasible dr con­ been on the Increase. There are Study. Thursday. He was the father o t May, Willard B. Rogers, against tractor-trailer truck, which had into ruin, that even the beet or­ 5 PJP.. Pastor's (^asi. Re>'. Theodore Chandler Jr., Fellowehlp. his personal vviahes because he There are some Justified fears, Intosh. Gwinnett challenged Mc­ Mrs. Frank Pearson. ceivable way of being sure of any Thursday 7:30 p.m., Wpikahop to your head no, he says, "Well, see Ward Rosebrooks of Columbia- Jackknifed on the Hockamim Riv­ several commercials we ran think ganization will collapse. Only North Methodist Church 6:^1 p.m., Luther Leagues. Pastor 8 p.m., Senior Pilgrim Fellow­ you back at the old salt mine." has had all of the public offices however, which this writer shares, Intosh, after the general called him foolproof, villainproof control of of which are really entrancing, eternal things co\mt- God and His .800 Parker St, make cancer pads. All wompn In­ ship. Widely known as the dean of the that embarking upon a six-six pro­ "a scoundrel and lying rascal.” Gleaners Circle, WSC-S, of South er bridge on N. Main'Bt. Driver ------' And he trompa out and goes to state's dairymen, Mr. Rosebrooks he wanta, will run against May. armaments? What If there Is no •Will for His people. A vital Chris­ Rev. H. Osgood Bennett, Minister “ rW ty Covenant Church -10 a.m., Morning Worship. Race gram in 1963 win result In an In­ Methodist Church, will meet Mon­ of the trailer, Raymond L. Fuller, showing much more artistry in the nearest bar to drown hia sor­ ran the Keystone Farm on South And if I have to run against 26, of Hartford, told pdllcc his tianity has a sense of hiimor about N. (Formerly , Relations Sunday. Sermon by row. ferior quality of education. If we Tasmania, an island -lying" 130 day at 7:30 p.m. In Susannah Wes­ Regardless of where kinil of treaty anybody can aign their filming, acting, ami direct­ St., Wlllimantlc, for 63 years b^ May I’ll put on a campaign that truck skidderl on the allppcry road. worldly things; that is, it .sees 9 and 10:30 a m.. Family Wor­ Covenant CongregationaJ) Deacon John Rogers. Nursery in will awaken every voter in Man­ are forced to bring back our high miles south of Australia, supports ley Hall. Mrs. Grace McCann will which will guarantee that the ing, and' much more variety In Spruce St. Near E. Center *- Take-(3iarge TUlle — The per- fore his retirement three years lead the devotions. Brown's truck, which had the your service man or them in perspective, the perspec­ ship. Observance of Race Rela­ Community Hall kitchen for chil­ - sonnel secretary is a fruatraited chester to the kind of representa­ school students from Manchester 315,000 inhabitants on Its coastal world would be free from nuclear Rev. K. EJnar Rank Pastor windshield knocked oilf and wound woman is sLationed, their theme and pre.sentallon, than tive of eternity. All the business tions Sunday, with sermon on "The dren of parents a lie n in g morn- Florence NlghUngale. She stuffs tion and welfare solicitude the within the next four years the plains. warfare? What If we come down, any, of the regular weekly plots of man looks pretty funny when Right to Live" and offering for He has been active in farm and Board of Education will be sorely The Friendship Circle of the up In the river, w-acs lowed away the Manchester Eve­ 9:30 a-m., Sunday School for all three pillows. under you to make dairy organizations in the county, people of Manchester have been Salvation Army will meet Monday with extensive front end damage. in the end, to a situation In which which surround them. There are it is looked at from" the point of Claflln College. This Is Boy Scout Coast Guard Academy you uncomfortable, bawls out the receiving. 1 don't owe any man tried In its efforts to match the ning Heraid can be for­ classes, kindergarten through and waa a. member of the state high educational standards our Tlie term "parachute" la de­ at 7:45 .p.m. at the'church for a No arrc.st remilted and the Fuller all the nations of the world have view of absolute and eternal things. Sunday and scouts and scoutera entire hosjiital staff for neglecting anything and there .is no man or rived from words meaning "pre­ warded to be at "MaO even one or two programs where When one has the eternal point are. Invited to attend In unlfornS adult. and local Oranges. He was s children now enjoy in Manchester. worship service. Hostesses Will truck corvtlmicd on. nothing better than each other's we are not sure what mir real r»a- 10:30 a.m., Churchtime Nursery. you. As soon d* she departs, an an­ member of First- Baptist Church. group o f men who "’would .even 'This will be true whenever the vent fall,” according to the En­ be Mrs. Russell (Tloiigh and Mrs. Numerous other accidents, al- Call” regularly with of view, it becomes nothing short The newly formed Junior Choir gry nurse makes you unveil your dare to dictate to me or in­ cyclopedia Brltannlca. word, each others intelligence. son for watching i.s -the program of funny when, people elevate wilt sing Ifi the 10:30 service. 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship. FREE DEUVERY Besides his son in Coliunbia, he day comes that we must provide Thomas McCann. trlbuLcil to the storm .and icy all the hometown news Sermon: "Committed Persons.’’ backside and harpoons you with fluence my vote. for our tenth, eleventh and twelfth road conditions, occurred yester­ each other 8 good sense, to rely i il.self, or the commercial. But what something merely passing, like a 9 a m . Sunday School, .nursery. We Will Deliver Anything three needle shots-ln revenge. is survived by another son. Harold So when It U Shea for re-elec­ people away - from grudge, or the upkeep of their Grades 4 through 12. 5 p.m.. Vey>er Service. Medita- Rosebrooks of Willimantlc; a grads studepta. The problem, how­ day afternoon and evening, and upon? we guess Is ihst the commercial Uon: "With Both Hands.” Object Opportunistic Oscar — "How tion as town chairman and Shea . home are so anxious garden, to the level of something 10:30 a.m., Sunday School, nur­ ARTHUR’S brother, Walter L. Rosebrooks of ever, with a progressive^ thiriklng early to f - - . • / 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1962 PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,’MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAV, FEBRUARY 10, 196* biairiaJiHk BUGGS BUNNY 0URB0AR01NG HpU8.il with MAJOR HOOPLB DAILY CRO^WOBD PUZZLE rLLPAvyANBcr J ’M »«5T, /MERSf TO ACCIPTlNfl^v. WEEK.S/LVESTER! jliegCHANMSe IN P t A g O F O t M I^ l

' FlNISHEO,(SUyjl^.l V K g u i m m i e ^ a m vou, WmNANOHWmAfOCOd*»T oomTt tm m AEoiMaAMKFaiin w « t Germany JXXURS! mkmmhisasimmsaoc a TM» tAIM T«aUM «H. M HDUA ★ MmOtMnKMAklMMDlHMp iOlMlOOMiUKA «M H«W efiA0 M»5 KMIS95» l / rtuotiHeiMfUM vicriM ic \ 9 \ lM9aUDTD)|IMK CCMSmmLM^ ff«d«tdnpriai « l ___ UR-rrMt KladhMrted m«jierAsy9U6omc < , IttiM* ^ 2 PnfniM ’ (rtsioe—NotSK cauuo iNMY/A j;^***^** as^’i^pht. (HIMA«MSR» UCnref • Arabian fuU ^CTSACK.O lOTrW UPtrlod MANCHESTER The Look of Ultra Flattery MC««ani«wm S 2 !!2 SL MANCHESTER 23Nund)er (pL) MNairatitn You’ll love the feelins: of a fresh, new /■» l e S S i t i L m 38Hoar(ieat 3S-Mal*daer SlHIiieanbmiM . hair style expertly interpreted for f an Af>« nf - . 38 White ant M^ieed wniteA j AUTO.PARTS SEAFOOD yhu. Call how! A I . L Y O O P BY V. T. HAMLIN UWritins - **“*27lt has dOTbeow’ 84 r aoApt^M 43 Male iheep 8 8 S W la A it .7 0 B R O A D CHOICE VARIETY irSCXOMBOVS, ANDTHAT 32 rally fort 3SFUUP 48Flowere— *861 i B e d ^ FREE CONSULTATION THW IS ONLY 7 lTOOTHY 34 Xing (Ft.) 47Haxard 8«ObUltt . . Alwayt A t Vmir Swrten For Quality JEFFERSON.^ (t {SNARL 2SGotfback a BIACHINE SHOP SERVICE HEAN'ME'S U riSJUST 23 expert 1 i 1 r r ff" 1, r " r r vr ; SIIIaaeuUiM • 'EQDIFBIENT i appellatioti ii 13 14 • P A R T S (new nad rebnUt) Seafood S4RcniiUaa • AOOESSOBIES , O ICKIndefiiB nr IS IT • S H P P U K S 37 Spar 43 OAK ST. 80 EEAST A S T CENTER ST. 1 331W el (be head II" n o Dn Font Fnint, SnppUes k y . 41 OfiaprlBg IT Opea Sntardnyn Until 5 PJS. TEL. M I -9-9987 TE L. M l 3-5000 42 Compound ■ ether s 44 Delloete eolort H 45 Knock ? S" 7T HCAT1NG PROBLIMS? Complete H I G H G R A D E T 6 R » 48 Zoo creature 33 CnU M I 9-8078 or M I 8-478B GLASS « Speak * talteriaily S7 L HEATING They Move You Anytvhere • For .4uU> Windshields SSBoy*! name MAlkHfSTER CNL CO. R O T A R Y O R e For Store Fronts and PRINTING 57 Mohammedan (2 INCORPORATED More and more people are tak-<‘> all sixes of windows maglatrate 24-Honr Prompt Serrieo PRESSURE BURNERS CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 88 Tatter CALL DS FOR FREE Ing advanti^re of the regularl/ experience In the safe moving of • For Tsble Tops JOB AND COMMERHAL 160 Greek letter ESTIMATES ■Cheduled moving service to Flori­ furniture. W alter Perrett, the own­ P R I N T I N G • 1 61 Dixmounted OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. « M RIEL and RANOE OIL da offered by the Mancheeter Mov­ er. does not hire extra help to ex­ PRIKCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER 62 Froien water tt u li ■r SATURDAY 8 A.M. to NOQN Prompt and Efflotent Printtag 63Diamm Snleo,-. oerrloe nnd InotnUntlbn pedite, the moving of furniture for Of AU KInda oA nil mnke bomero. FOGARTY BROS. ing A Trucking Co. They aver­ such men would not be fully ex­ SME SAVS SMB'S GOT NONSENSE r A CMILD 64 Head (FT.) ST u Mi age trips to Florida every two •INNER CX)NR-lcfV- TH A T A G E! 6SPamiit W e OiTO Top VnlDo Stampo INCOR^RATED perienced and. therefore, w’ould not 66 Oriental eofau weeks but can offer almost imme- be able to meet the high standard J. A . W H ITE WMATOOLILD IT S3 GOAL, Mate service If this Is necessary. COMMUNITY PRESS MOLLVWOCK G IV E MBR DOWN MANCH«TER OIL CO. OONNECnCDT COKE set by Mr. Perrett. Manchester t r ss a I t is not neces.sary to engage the Moving A Trucking Co. offers G L A S S C O . 9 East Middlt Tpke. IS N 'T ■INNER . IEn2Und't'‘(00d w INCORPORATED FUEL OIL, RANGE OIL entirs vgn; part loads are wel­ quaen" moving service all over New Eng­ Telephone M I 3-5727 PEELINS- , CONFLICT*. 27> North Mein g t 819 Broad S t—TeL MI 9-4589 come. As a matter of fact, many SI Risseil St.—Tel. MI 9-7888 S O G O O D / ' ff.'' land as well as down to Florida. times the van Is filled with furni­ They are also agents for Bum- ture from as many as four fam ­ ham's Van Service whose head­ ilies. I f you have something to quarters are in. Columbus, Ge. Call M l 4-1111 SHORT RIBf BY FRANK 0*NEAfl Light Control be shipped to Florida, do call Man­ Through them they offer moving ABC APPLIANCE cheeter Moving A ‘Trucking Ck>., service all over the country. PONTIAC FOR REPAIRS, M I 3-6503, and they will be happy I f you use the r e ^ la r moving By Kitsch REPLACEMENT AND REPAIRS to quote prices. While the tariff service, Manchester Moving A o VerUcnl Blinds ON ALL TTPES OP Rent Anything at United is among the lowest, this does not Trucking (3o. will be happy to put reflect the quality service yoa.jil- 19 MapIn S t ^ l t-M79 o Venetinn Blinde How many times have you aatd,^ down the rugs for you, set up the ways receive from this fine firm. TEMPEST itM-Y 'Oh I do wish I had more dishes, or chise for United Rent-Alls foV peds and place furniture In any o Custom Window Shndeo As always, when they move your REPAIIUI O N - silver or crystal” when you are en­ this part of Connecticut, haa some­ place you choose. By putting your o Repair e Waahlng goods you can relax, knOudng that furniture in place In each room- SALES and SCKVICE GRILLS, ELEGTRIO IRONS, m IWfcf IMA. jusH ttewMg tertaining? Well, you can have thing that should Interest every everything will arrive safely. woman—a professional rug sham­ you will be amazed at how much TOASTERS. PEBOC».AT(»S, practically anything you need with­ Do you have a furniture storage easier it will be to settle your VACUITM CLEANERS, BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL FINDELL MFB. GOe poo rnachlne that any woman can problem? If so. Manchester Mov­ Paul Dodge out buying It. Just drive over to use h'erself. A ll you do Is to fol­ home. It Is this interested service HEATERS, FANS, 488 MIDDLE ’TPKE., EAST ing A Trucking Clo. can solve It that has male this firm the choice WOODCOCK United Rent-Alls, 250 Tolland low' a. few simple instructions, the SEWING MACHINES Phone M I 8-4865 for you. They have recently o f so thany people. F 9 F " ^ W machine is not cumbersome, and Pontiac, InCe Tpke. In East Hartford. Here you moved into a new location and Have you ever dreamed of Just R. A. PEARL, Prop. REFRIGERATION CO. tiie end result is a. rug that is 378 Main S t—Tel. MI 9-8881 AH woffc guapontssd wtll find Just abdUt everyU ing you they have new fireproof storage walking out o f the house and into eould possibly . use'and you may clean. In Just one and one-half vaults. Naturally, these new your new home to find It practical­ J\ k J) ■ rent it for a surprisingly low price. hour you can thoroughly clean a quarters are larger as well and ly settled? This can happen when ______-- x» FINE SELECTION W hy invest money In something large rug and If you keep the ma' you can store your furniture here you use the deluxe moving service chine for half a day, depending with perfect confidence for as long W utoij^-Q iU ^ you use only occasionally when by Manchester Moving A Trucking C U N L I F F E r'jgAttjJUNDEBStW© LIQUORS you can rent It at such a reason­ upon how many ruga you want to as you need to. Everything will Cio. and it costs only a little more DOH WILLIS able price? clean, you can do most of tha be protected and as safe as can than the regular moving service. SHAPED M OTOR SALES ALOTOFtOURlSTS WINES Perhaps you are thinking that rugs In the house. This costs only be.' TTiis service is greatly ap­ They have cartons for all your UKEA80CT/ GO 1H6RE JURIng Ciroual** ITiey will lit Into your home beauti­ side being a skilled one. The nten Co. take the worry out of moving Gtnttol Wo|Mdr Woifc For those doing papering, rent TE L. M I 8-0016 fully and you will not be hampered employed In this company are all with their careful, courteous mov­ by a lack o f dishes. all your needs from United Rent- fully trained men with years of ing service. Alls, steamers, papering boards, CUSTOM MADE CAMPING Highball, cocktail and cham­ LITTLE RPORT8 B Y R O U S O N pagne glasses In an excellent pat­ even papering kits to make your CANVAS AWNINGS tern are available, you can rent a work easy. If you want to do over "National Security Provided by H A ttK oW cum EQUIPMENT South Windsor Polaris.” TOURMNE WAY portable bar if you wish. Perhaps the floors, sanders and edgers are MANCHESTER HO you need extra chairs; the chairs for rent and floor scrubbers and Members of the Abe E. Miller naSSiN« o n l y Tenta, Cote, Sleeping Bags, Air Mattreeees, Stoves are very good looking and padded waxers will make your floors Unit who will attend the dinner in­ MEMORIAL CO. PRINTS 3E for real comfort. gleam like new. clude Mrs. Dorifl Mikells, Mrs. j n z .e4«7J»4U6!... Y b o M lW T'm y EVEI?|WHERB, o VenettSB BUnOo once or twice during the season. VlAWla?, WATfer,. .OMNlPRBSEMT, o Storm Dooro NOW 2 FAIRW AYS entertaining the easy United Rent- Drop in and look over the stock Monday at 8 p.m. at th-e, meeting -w St. Valentine’s Day • ------• Combiaation Wladown A ll way. of fine merchandlit that United of the Lutheran Women'e League ■y------Coveralls— Overalla for oN of your ' John Pratt, who has the fran- Rent-Alls always carry. at Pleasant Valley Clubhouse. i ^ MoiieliMtor Auvning Co. The Red Croea Bloodmobile will WATKINS-WEST Vakmrino Cends and The gueit epeakere Include El­ Shop Coats and Aprons IM WEST CENTER ST. seek blood for the heart on a day Telephone MI 0-8091 portyntods . . . bord, J. Shanahan and G. Zipfel rs- mer Schoek, principal of St. M at­ FUNCHAL Work Panta— Jackets EotahlUhed 1940 " Coventry ceived registration cards as com­ thew's Lutheran Day School of when persons give meseages from Next to Popular Market and Shirts to Match Open Wed.-Thnra.-Fri. tiU 9 mitteemen. New Britain, who will discuis the heart—St. Valentine's Djy.. a World Green Stamps o School Menus goale of Christian education; a The unit will SERVICE Free Alterations Elementary schools; Monday — !? > V = s ' j :?--i 5 Constables teacher from Schoek't itaff who Wedneaday from 10:45 am. to homemade vegetable beef soup, will explain the curriculum pre­ ORMAND J. WEST . ^ ------turkey salad sandwich; pineapple 6:30 pjn. In the hoepital's emer­ sently In use in Christian educa­ gency room. Tu R nP IK E garnish and Lincoln Logs, TUes- tion; and-Richard-CaFta D ire c to r Marry's FAIRWAY Appointed to Donors by appointment and day— baked m acaroni' and cheese member ..of Concordia Lutheran Main Street, Mnneheoter walk-ln donors are Invited. The * a u to BODY or chow mein and- .rice, carrot Church, Manchester, who is cur­ 148 E. CENTER ST. MEN'S STORE C9W0 UUNP8ED JAFANESF FOUCC ■ _ o Open Thnrs. and FrL tUl 9 • monthly quota for the Manchester t-w ' Special Duty sticks, buttered com cake, fruited rently heading Its board for or­ 747 MAIN STREET T 'l w n w a i e mswcdie caisa area is 150 pinta. .Mancheeter’e Oldeat gelatin and topping; Wednesday-^ ganizing a Christian day school in Next to Entrance to State barbecued chicken, mashed teU- The hoapltara east parking lot their church. He will discuss, from Theater MORTY MEEKLB BY DICK CAVALLl Special constables were apipoint- toee, buttered spinach, sweetheart will be open free of charge to don­ With Flneet FariHtlea MICKEY FINN M O D E R N •d for a six-month period recent­ cake; Thursday — hamburger on the laymsn'a point of view,'the pos­ ors and Red Cross personnel. BY LANK LEONARD sibilities and advantages of Chris­ *IHQ2e...fTp TH E NEXT T1ANB W R E C K E R ly by the selectmen for work In roll, baked potato, buttered r green beans and ice cream; F ri­ tian day schools. 1 ‘i^ H A P T H e 6R E A T! I'L L IT WAS A VERY FINI6HeC>/ . B R U TU S T V S E R V I C E develt^ment arpas. Upholstery DREAM, PHIL! CONFUSING ONE, SERVICE d ay-baked fish sticks, com nlb- After the presentation. Pastor VIC’S PIZZA SHOP N 0 W 1 0 T R / •PUTTINOONA They Include Harvey L. Libby PHIL/ 405 CENTER ST. lets, harvard beets, stewed fruit. Walter Abel, acting as moderator, AND IVlM Shops rro N . UTTLeiAeiOHr and Roy W. Martihdale, Water­ , Radio Today 158 W. Middle Turnpike J Com er o f GrtawoM, St. High school: Monday — home­ win 'direct questions from the floor -RE-ITPHOLSTERING Phone M l 9-8700 AR6N!TSaj,OU> front Park; Vernon L. Tilton, An­ made vegetable beef soup, turkey to the panel members. <2»eL;?*rLLBe TE L. M l 8-8205 thony M. CMlla and Kenneth A. salad sandwich, potato sticks and Hostesses for the meeting are e Modern Furniture White, Actors' Colony Elstates. W D RO — 1866 PIZZA Lincoln Logs; Tuesilay—veal scal- Mrs. EMward Kuehn, Mrs. Paul and Antiquee B e v y FOR WAU Hi^way Foreman Richard W. 1:00 Caah On lUod MOTOROLA lopinl 'or chow mein, buttered rice, Kuehn and Mrs. Robert Krepcib. 3:Ub Juirv Bialiop Show • Store Stoola and Boothe SPAGHETTI Flanders has been named tree buttered peas, com cake, fruited 6:06 Caah On Hand warden for the town. Grange T. Make Valentines ‘ 8:06 Raynor Hhln.a • Cuatom Furniture RAVIOLI gelatin; Wednesday — barbecued Wapping Grange will meet 1:0b Neara. SIxnoK SALES oad SERVICE Lee Named Cnbmaster chicken, mashed potatoes, buttered Blip Covera and Draperlea Tuesday at the Wapping Com­ W TIC — 1636 OPEN DAILY Robert Lee has been appointed spinach, sweetheart cake; Thurs- Made to Order We Service nU makes of TV, munity House. This will be a Val- 1:UU Muliltcr 7:30 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. cubmaster of Chib Scout Pack 65. V—hamburger on roll, baked po­ Radio nad Phonographs •ntliw meeting. The men will make 1:16 Your-Horn. Oecorato, Complete Selection of Mnteiiala O en rd Dubord will serve as his tato, buttered green- beans, ice 1:3rle r'lnat HUCOMMOPIV MANCHESTIR 11:30 Starltxht Srrenada OOCRTEOrSLY SERVED plaining the Chib Scout program. bration of their golden wedding Auxiliary will sponsor a record hop 1:00 SlKn-off Berube's Ostrinsky X CA n TSEE AWyTHING / APMIRAL.W/LLVOUBLOW ^ KI.WKPUKBA NMtTMUU ■ anniversary. The couple was mar­ today ' at the MaJii St. Hal.i: Bnolneooniea’n Luncheon Achievement awards - presented W H A Y —«16 TYPEWRITER SERVICE . WRONG WITH t h a t ! I CHAT W n YOU itr ried on Feb^ 12. 1912 In Worcester There will be guest stars, and I^UPWBAUOONFORMEjy f HaAPQUAtmntat Serred Dally 18 noon to 8 pjn. include: Bobcat pins to. J. Shana­ 1 :UU Club 81 479 Middle Tpke. E. DEALER IN WASTE y THINK GREAT! han, S. Eichner, J. James and J. and have five children. A daughter, Jerry Blihop, VTORC disc Jockey, AI>WRALASTERBidO« U I " j r ^ ^ l □ r ' 4:00 Sound Stags Mancheeter , SUREISABOREI y\.H«TAIR! f n " y * MHeMI 3-7043 DINNERS SERVED Zlpfel; gold arrows to G. Mills, E. Mrs. John Goldsnider, lives on Rt. will distribute free records and 7:3u Saturday Nixbt Dane# Party ^ MATERIALS Wednesday, Thnroday, FHday 8:00 Night 31lr"‘ iTigtit Archambault, A . -Aho, R. Durepo, 31. hata. 12-no Neva Sign OH JILT TYPEWRITERS SP^,.4«8PAI. — Meeting Canceled and J. Baasette; silver arrows to Hie Gleaner's Circle of Second w p o r — 141# ROYALS, UNDERWOODS. SCRAP METAL Wedneaday N lte la Fam ily NKo a. MtUa, E. Archambault and R. Congregational Church will meet The regular meeting of the 1:0U Newi L. C. SM ITHS Etc. at 8 pjn. Tuesday at the home of Cotqrias Club o f Our Savior 1m ~ 1:1U Lou Terri Maaeheater Shopping Parka do Durepo; bear badge to W. KUpat- PAPER Mrs. Elbert I. Carlson on Twin thenm Church, scheduled for to­ 3:0U Conn. MaJlroom Wo Handle Stntlonery Along Read Herald Advs. West Middle Tpke.— M l 8-9788 rlck. 6:00 Neva Weather, Also, lion badges to A. Aho, I. HUls'Dr. for a whist party. Hem- day, hha been canceled. T h e 6:18 Conn Bellroom^'' With Office Machine Suppllei RACS and IRON Dinamore, B. Gale and T. Pierce; bera are asked to bring sn old hat. next meeting la planned for Metfch 7:00 Bob Scott Your M all U at Aa Dealred Hostesses wUI be Mrs. Harvey 10th at 8 p.m. at the home o f Mr. 7:30 Neva, Weathtr wolf badge to J. Belanger and J. 8:00 Ray Somers A . J. BERUBE, Prop. 731 PARKER ST. James. Morris, Mrs. Robert Love and Mrs. and Mrs. A l Petersen. I I -.00 New. Tel. .Ml 8-873.5 or .MI 8-5879 Malcolm W, Woods. 11:10 Ray Sooiera M I 9-8477— M l 3-6348 Mrs. J. Rannard, M rs O. Kraua, Pack 186 Dinner 1:00 Del Rayea* Mrs. P. Archambault and Mrs. J. Uriel Lodge of Masons will hold Cub Scout Pack 186 will hold Its .y- its regular meeting at 7:80 p.m'. annual father-son Blue and Gold W IN P--12M 2W0 Eaton, den mothers, received cub 1:UU CBS Newa scout registration cards, G. Du- today at the Maaonlc Hall in Mar­ dinner today at 5:30 p.m. at l-.lu CBS—It'a New wltme ww •• THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE row. Hie fellowcraft degree will BY WHJiON 8CRCGG8 the Avery Street Elementary 1:U Sbuwcaae of Muaie be conferred. School. Included on the program 3:00 CBS Newa' rO:-'- 4S[P> 2:10 CBS—Tima to Traval mrm, FOKfiive mc/ i a m L l l L O U . ^ MBANmUf...^ DAVY JONES . The Senior Pilgrim FeUowOiip wtll be a film, ‘‘Miaaiea and UPSET ABOUT BIUIC J A H E ^ BY LEFP MeWILUAMB 2:15 Sboweaae oi Mualc ■VEVOtXKl o f First congregational Church Rockets”. An attendance of 100 la 2:26 Local Nawa and ShowesM eUNMiMG AWAV. AND ITH AJ ______TMimwlM)i9....4»^ l«*»»jlF *.W!N* arill serve a public ^ w gh etti sup­ axpected. 3:00 Newt BKU AA/ FAIUT/ 7 Paw hr it . ;V li n in O ih Wi ■ qM i I Km t 3:10 Showcaae oi Muate "Suburbia per from 5 to 7'p.m. today in the Auxiliary Dianer Event 8:36 Local Newa and Showcaae A Sorvicn S a p o rt vestry. Procseds will go towards Arrangementa have been com­ 4:00 .Newa UU. IS to Mfht lMl9 « ynr.aKt o M b i hb. 4:10 Showcaae ol Mualc the expense of renovating an area pleted for the National Security 4:86'Coming Events Of e M O v m « M1 3-6563 O ' ' I at QumuH Mamocial Hall. Today" Forum dinner of the Connecticut 6:UU Neww S i K n i i t y e WAOKHtO THE MAGAZINE OF In charge of the teen-agers American Legion Auxiliary Mon­ 8:10 C B S ^ tllln g America dance at 8 p.m. today at ..tha i:3| Local News and Showcase '■ 2 ^ i PUBA8AMT FLACES day at 7 p.m. at the Hedges in New t -M Boons Special Whore Personal AMOMTHLT FBATDRB OF Nathan Hale Ocenmuntty Center Britain. 6:00 m Newt Consideration 72S~BAIN ST, MANCHESTBB-PHONE IH 9-4501 will be Miss Roberta J. Garstka, 6:10 Wgu Straet Report TOOH HOMETOWN DAILT Speaktra tor the evening will be 6 :U oi Music la A Tradition buy THE PAINT THAT’S WORTH THE WORK M E W 8PA FE R Mrs. JoaStpb Gutaian. Paul Boudreau Col. John S. Rottner, U.B. Arm y 6:30 C K t—European Diary and Gordon Poole. Reeerve, "Americanlam In Ac­ 6:88 Phil Rlzxiito Sports 7:00 e r a Newa 400 Mon Siraot tion'': Chariea Troarbridge'‘‘Amer­ 7:10 Bhowcaaa and Viewa MaTheater Evening ican Legion Auxlllary'a Role in 7:88 CBS Newt and Sports MancliMtar Moving r i Oavantry asmspsndMit, F> Pnnl- a m Defenae"; Oimidr. O. H. Per­ |;00 CBS—Tha World Tonight PAINTS £Dntttt$ Ifnralii i: ls Bbowcaes ot Jan and TruckhKI Co. tos litOe^ tsiipluni FUgfim 8- ry, commanding offUier o f the Gold 10:00 Sboweaaa and Naws C n m UBS Tbaodor* Jtoewvalt, f ' 9BSL i2 :U a S a M • i ::y'd


•• 1* MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHES-raiR. CONN, SATURDAY, FEBRI^ARY 10, 1&62 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1962 PlO E SIGHT THE Illinois Youngster at VUlanova May'Be Americans Next Great Miler Refuse to Hall, 60-50 Herald Angle ■y EAKL YOST FLAVOIU7TTE8 Staadings Local Quintet 28-21 Sperte Bdtter W. U Pet. HUNTING Wlntergreen ...... 39 21 .fiSO i PHILADELPHIA (AP)- '•n^t who did hla cM ege nmnlnghSulllvan from the ' heart of Blgadldn’t plan when I would make myfeJohn Uelses, the woHti’s only 16 Orange .; . . . ■.36 24 .600 Sure of .500 Rebuttal in the.Offing at t. John's of New York, Ten country, Elliott laughed, and bid, but I felt ready with about a foot vaulter, missed the meet ...... 3 5 26 fi83 r ^ a n d Jumbo Jim Elliott doesn’t 8 be-, Almond .... Look for loquacious Frank Dascoli. the one-time Connecti­ want to put too much pressure "He a Just a young boy and I then said, "All" the Augustinian lap and a half to go and juat did." cause of a flu attack. SpS'armlnt ...... 33 27 .S6b cut policeman, to make a counter-attack on President Warren haven’t begun to work with him Fathers from Chicago west were That'k juat what’ he did. He Cary Welslger of the Quantlco Peppermint ...... 82 28 .683 Mark or Better FRACTURED TWISTERS Troy Nets 11 on his freshman sensation, really yet,” said Elliott. "I don’t educated at Villanova. Father Giles of the National League, folldwing the latter’s comments overtook Bob Vinton of the' Balti- Marines won the 1,000 yard ruii, Lemon ...... 3 2 28 .538 Tom Sullivan, but the renown­ want to put too much preasuro on Burkhardt at St. Regig High, where more Olympic Club, who waa lead­ barely edging Ed Moran of the Brandy ^. . . . . a .32 38 .583 ^FISHING J in the current issue of Sport magazine. Tall Frank, one of the him.” - , By FRANK CLINE As Club W ins ed Villanova coach thinks the Sullivan attended, sent the lad to ing, and turned back several blda New York Athletic Club In 2:11.8. Maple ...... 26 35 .417 best umpires in pro baseball until last season when his out­ youngster from Highland Park, Elliott said Sullivan, who won In me." by Close In the stretch run. Lee Martin, former Morgan P lu m ...... 21 se .860 Refusing to roll over and 4:08.7 and by about four yards Sullivan, without question one of In other events: HUNTING spoken remarks resulted in his dismissal from the N.L. staff, III., may be America’s next great State star, won the invitation 880 Vanilla ...... 30 40 .888 over CloM, Is on a pSr with former America's 1964 Olympic prospects, Frank Btidd of Villanova fla.shed play dead merely because its Sare. it's often been- said that l8 now In tha public ralatlona field »■ miler. in 1:55.4; Jack Yerman, ex-Cali­ 14th of Year Villanova great Ron Delany at this was-excited about his fim big win home In the 50-yard daah In :06.1, fornia ace, took the 600 by a 10- tournament hoj^s were shat­ deer arc wary and wise critters— In Pittsburgh; For several seasons. EUlott talked cautiously about the Leading Shooters were Laura prior to 1961, Dascoll did not see tors or the TV cameras. He should stage of their development. as a collegian. The bo/Avho once a few minutes before hearing hla yard margin over Don Webster, Rafteon 146-120—366, Janet Mall- tered the last time out, Man­ but deer can and do make mis- remember that his first duty la to future poMibilities of the 19-j^'ar- "You might say it’s six of one rSn a 4 :03.5 mile—fastdjit on record outdoor world record of :09.2 had Villanova freshman. In 1:12.1; Ukes! And the wise hunter will ■ / Turning in tlieir best defen­ eye to eye with the manner in old Sullivan after the lad won his hot 126-126—365, Clara Mathrison chester High’s basketball which Giles operstea his offics. be an impartial judge of play." and a half dozen of the other; Qa- for a schoolboy—explained that In been approved a.s an international Hayes Jones of Detroit won the 50- 118- 117- 346, Valerie Jencks 122- sive performance of tlie sea­ first major Invitation face lu t lany had more speed as a fresh­ rocent races he has been making standard. Budd. the world's fast­ .vard high hurdles In :08.1; Bob Last spring In St, Petersburg, after night in the Philadelphia Inquirer 119- 333. Marge Van Deusen ISO, appointing defeat with a 60-50 vic­ son, and they had to bewus* working an exhibition game at Al man, but Sullivan ig stronger. And his bid too late. est human, had'h alight cold, but Gardner the high jump at 6-6; advantages of these mistakes. If Games. But the Villanova coach remember, Delany became ' the Liicille Kulucka 140. Helen Haus- tory over HaU In West Hartford. A it also was their poorest onra- Lang Field, Dascoll told- me he Off the Cuff "Coach Elliott told me not to wait said he never felt better for an in­ ■lared Nourse of Duke the two- child 121. Alice 0>da 121, Morion you sec a doe cautiously walking could hardly restrain himself as graateat indoor runner of all time. until I was 10-yarde behind with door sprint. mlle in 9:04.8: Villanova the mile crowd of about , 500 watched we across a deer path—wait. Deer are sive night. East Catholic would quit, probably before the Ted Williams, according to the Sullivan raced to the lead with Baldyra 116. interaating contest last night at end of the season because of his new 1962 Red Sox Press Guide, is This boy has all the attributes to two laps to go. He noted 1 had 1 Rolando Cruz, a Villanova aoph- relay In meet record time o f‘3:22.6. gentlemen and smart, and usually High’s basketball team top­ about a lap and a halt to go and be sa good." plenty left at the finish and was omore, won the pole vault,' clear- the Warriors' bandbox. / V'V dislike for the president. Giles took listed sa an executive aasiatam in I and- Ron Delaney and hla Irish IIUAGE CHARMERS let a lady go first. If you bide I /a ped Northwest Catholic, 28-21, last beat Pete Close, the Marine lleut- Asked how he hapjtened to get just getting nipped. 1 actually Ing 15 feet u.atng a fiberglSa pole. mates the two-mlle relay in 7.44.2. With the victory, their eighth as action before the campaign ended the front office. Director of scout­ Standtoga against seven losses, the tajuns your lime, Mr. Big Will come right night at the victor’s Court. ing Nell Mahoney wll) have ‘ Joe after hi.'; lady and Into your sights. and the only Nutmeg umpire in the W. L. Pet. assured themselves of no/ worse The victory hiked Coach Don major leagues was bn the outside Dugan, Jack Burns, Bill Joyce. Man. Auto P a rts...... 58 26 .784 Hunters aren’t the only ones In Burns’ EJagles' record to 14-1 on Clay Sheedy end Larry Woodall than an even break lor the year. the woods who make noise—deer looking in. Jarvis Realty ...... 44 40 .895 If they can whip Wethersfield Fri­ the campaign. It also gatfe the combing the New England area in can raise up a storm too. Learn Giles has denied today charges Sports Schedule Trio Printers ...... 42 42 .580 day in their finale, Coach Phil V i eager Eagles a c ean sweep of the by Dascoll that NL umpires had quest o t talent ■. Vlnnle Drake, jBesg . Eaton ...... 42 42 .500 what to listen for In • the woods four-game series with thedr sister former quarterback with the Man­ .459 Hydia and his Junior studded squad Track down unfamiliar noises un been muzzled and reduced to sym­ (Bolton Dairy ...... 34 so can make It a winning^ campaign. Catholic schools. Northwest and chester Merchants’ footbal) team, Today Ingo Toys with Foe S2 .432 til you become familiar with them bolic blue suits. For the first time Howard Oil ...... 32 The triumph, coupled with Bris­ South Catholic. la now director of athletics at Green Manor vs. Rockville All- Top scorers were June McCann Look for rubbing trees, where deer since he fired Dascoll Isst season. tol C^tral’s two-p61nt decision Scholastic Baskethall Roundup' .... Alternating a tight man for man Giles countered the accusations Coutu Institute In Montreal. Drake Stars, 8:30, RockvUIe High. 127, Catherine Shannon 117, Shirley over Wethersfield, Vaulted the In­ have worn away tree bark with One More Win Threat of Death defense vrith a zone, the Eagles Wag an all around star athlete at Tuesday, Feb. IS Jerome 117, their antlers. If you hear any that he wsuin’t backing up his um­ dians back Into thM place In the limited the Went Hartford quintet pires. Ansonia High and later played at Plainville at Rockville, 8. Central Connecticut Interscholastic noise In the area, chances are It's To Coach, Player to but five field goals from the Quoted in the lead article In the Fordham and had a trial with the Cromwell at RHAM. RRHTAURANT LEAGUE a buck having a go at a tree. Will ^rap Up Philadelphia Eaglea of the Nation­ In Registering TKO Standings League standings over the van- Sometimes deer are attracted to Rockville Still Breathing, floor. The Eagles theimselveB had March Issue of Sport magazine, Ellington at Somers. qulahed Eagles/ Hall dropped the steppod In and stop)>ed.4^this was a great ahow by Ingo Marco Polo ...... 9 3 .7.V) If a . hunter makes a lot of noise S w i m m i n g — Manchester at the fight after 2:08 of the round. Relaxed o\k on Ihe court for the have Insist^ the- basketball 10 free throws while the Visitors a clause forbidding them to appear ington Senators’ outfielder Is HPHS. » mar Johansson, former world He was fast and used )ils left with Imperial ...... 7 5 -.683 and seems nonchalant about it. ;on Loses Squeaker Only one victory avray from the on the air or write articles for pub­ currently backing a batting tee. It was Johansson's ,ftrst fight lots of intelligence. Oak Grill ...... 7 5 .683 ' first time In over a month, the deer may come fairly close to see game must go on. made good on 1 1 attempts. Wednesday, Feb. 14 heavyweight champion, said Red and iTOlte quintet regained Central Connecticut Interscholas- Now they must await a de­ East Catholic led from start te lication without obtaining authori­ now on the .market, and endorsed since lost March, when he lost on "Maybe some jieople will be Draghl's ...... 8 S .600 what all the hollering is about. by severs) major leaguers. Includ- .. Rifle —__ Eastern. , va. Manchester today: ‘Tve won my first Us deft snooting touch and made tlc League swimming champion­ cision of Valley League officials finish but never enjoyed more than zation from the league president, a six round knockoiK to Heavy­ disappointed because he didn't Pizza Hou.se ...... 8 6 .800 Thi.s may sound like a hare­ ing Dick Groat, Roger Maris and comeback fight and I’ll win a knock By graves out with a hard up for a distinct height deficit with Keeping their flickering fore Granby finally pulled out the AVON — Piling up a fantastic ship Is Manchester Ugh follow­ upholding or rejecting last an eight point spread at any stage "I Itave never withheld such a re­ Friday, Feb. 16 weight Ohamplon Floyd PeUerson, Decl s ...... 6 6 .600 brained scheme but give It a try Pete Runnels. righ t- the punch that made lnf;o some s it in g shooting. The Indian tournament hopes alive last verdict. 34-6 telfUme advantage. Avon ing the Injun naitators’ 64-33 vic­ night’s 2-0 forfeit victory claim of the contest. Quarter scores all quest,” Giles claims. Manchester at Wethersfield. lot more in my bid to get back Inactivity has dropp^ Johansson Tri-Bolers ...... 6 8 600 sometime and you may be pleas­ Raferring to Dascoli’s heated famt/Js. But thi.s wa* his first sharp mooters hit at a 45 per cent night tvas Rockville High’s Both teams hit at a sizzling pace High*il basketball team wrenA on tory over Windhani of Willlman- over Chicopee. in the Eagles’ favor were 6-2, 16- Rockville at Windsor. to the top." to sixth place in the world stand- Air Nat. No. 2 ...... 3 9 .250 clip from the Held caging 25 of 65 antly .surprised. from the field la well played con­ from there to trounce RHAM, 56- tlc at the Arena pool yesterday Chicopee High did not show battle during the 1961 season with .ings, fight for 11 months. He took it CAMflNtJ hopeful quintet with a 61-40 9 and 24-16. East Hampton at RHAM. Johonason toyed with Joe By­ attempts and hooped 10 of 17 from test, Granby hooped 24 of 49 shots 39, last night. The victory enabled afternoon. up for the S4dieduled game last Troy Top Scorer Solly Hemus, then the St. Louis Here ’« Then* graves o t Jamaica, former BrlUs'n "Johansson Is faster now than easy. He took no risk.*. To me he Hottest pinners Included John A two-bladed knife—one with repeat victory over E. 0. Cardinal manager, Giles states, "I Windsor Locks at Ellington. looked very Impreaalt'e. Cheers Harrigan 144-399, Bill WIerjak 139- the free throw line. while Ellington also caged two Avon to qualify for the upcoming The victory was the sixth In night after Chicopee Coach Only player on either side to Springfield Indians have sold de­ Coventry at Wotjd.stock. Ghnpire heavyweight champion, be­ when 1 last fought him (in 1956)," a blade at each end— makes a seven meets overall for Coach Dick would have rejected Dascoll's re­ from the Goleborg/crowd showed 393, Vlo Abrallls 149-383, Paul Ckir- The rangy Warriors were not Smith of Storrs. The area’s dozen baskets while taking three Class C hoop tournament. William Moge and an unldoiU- lilt double figures was Eagles’ for­ fenseman Noel Price to the Detroit Hartford Frosh at East Catholic, fore a sellout crowd of 6,200 at said a bruised and battered By- first-rate candle holder In case you Sollanek’s charges. Four triumphs quest to debate Hemus on the air. Red Wing* of the National League. the fans were not disappointed." rcntl 137-137- 381, Larry Batea 188- nearly as effective caging 19 of need light'Inside a tent. Fasten other two quintets, Ellinglon and more attempts. Difference came Frank Nascombini and Joe fled player reportedly were ward BIU Troy who caged 11 3:30. : the Maesohallen Stadium last graves after the fight. the 08 shots they threw up from Avon, both went down to defeat at the foul line where G r a n b y Delbone combined, for half of the have come against CCIL foes, and threaten4sd with death by i If he had asked me for it. Dascoll The Indiana hos( Providence to­ night. Irish Referee Andy Smyihe Ahtquiat said Johansson may 379. Emil Palmierl 135-378, Bill the candle on one blade (prefer­ points on four field goals and three had already made statements re­ Swimming — Central at Man­ "I didn't want to rush In and the field. But on many occasions, with the Purple Knights losing a dunked 10 of 19 compared to nine victor’s points. Only RHAM play­ the locals are now assured of no anonymous telephone caHeri free throws. Reserve Gary Sulli­ night at 8 o’clock at the Coliseum.. stopped the fight in the seventh have one more fight before chal­ Sheekey 152-374, Jim Martin 139- ably the smaller) and stick the worse than a tie for the title. A flecting on his own judgment. chester, 4, Arena Pool. throw caution to the winds after the tall HaU front line stayed in­ squeaker at Granby, 68-57, while of 20 for the Purpl-e Knights. er to hit double figures was Gor­ Holyoke refused to postpone van turned in a more than satis­ Undefeated Green Manor basket­ round. lenging for the European title— 367, Ed Pagan! 135-363. Lee Court­ other blade Into the tent pole. Just victory over Bristol Central a Continuation of the controversy ball team ig acheduled for two Rifle — Manchester at Wind­ that second round knockdown," ney 363, Angle Pontlllo 139-360, side for two or three attempts be- the Hebron shooters were trounced Showing good scoring balance, don Weeman with 13 markers. the contest. While hundreds factory performance In taking a crown Ingo held before winning make sure the candle Is a safe dis­ week from Tuesday would give would have been detrimental to the WMkend games. Saturday night the ham. At that point Bygraves, who had said Johonason. "I wanted to make Fran Strekel 145-355, Dom Farr. fors finaUy connecting while Man­ tance from the walls of the tent by Avon, 68-39. Granby had four players In double Atos oke Oi'lando Zuliieta, 3.3, a rush to cut the margin to two Uie area with keroeene or petrole­ 2:08.2. Riflemen Win EigLth on the sports scene in more recent 'The Mets bring a very welcome Channel 8. a naitlve of Cuba who went record. spring after a long, long winter. points, 15-13, at the buzzer. The um Jelly, which will exclude the Rockville's Jayvees made It 17 60-yd. freeilyle: 1. Then (M). 2. years la taking place far from any through 123 fights then suddenly Warriors Closing Gap Haynes (W). 3. Saarl (M). Time. 24.8. field or arena. Injuns led throughout the second air. victories In 18 starts with a 69-53 160-yd. m edley relay: 1. Baxter (M ), raallzed it wa* lln)e to quit. quarter, again being up by as triumph In the prelim. Wilcox (W>. 3. .Levesgue (W). Time. It Is the amazing enthusiasm Orlando was No. 1 lightweight strange as It may seem, one of i 2:36.0. As Rusconi Features behind New York’s new National many aa seven points, when the Rockville <61) Diving: 1. Haynes (W). 2. Berube contender "for a (long time,’’ but Warriors stormed hack again to the most overlooked game fish In B. F. Pt* League entry, the Meta, who will he fought for the title only once. . 4 0 f But Time Rtmning Out (M). 3. Valone (W). Winning Points, operate at t-h* refurbished Polo Savage of Phils Rivals Powell , close the gap to a single point. 28- this country Is the largest North 1 ..... 0 2 57.17. \.anchester High’s undefeated«>the down-sUters fired thi » w n d Now he Is pracllfcally broke, he .American fresh-water fish , the Nipderwi'rfrr lOOyd. butterfly: 1. Thompson een involved In Total* The Warriors, who have won <*’ Tim e, 1:14.3? and three for the season. ing able to fill jn for the Army- I three fouls and had to be pulled to 12 100 vd. freeslvle relay: 1. Manches­ The match was tightly paced that time, and the first double de­ In me oil capital, but who would hander Oeaping from Charleston RIGHT MAN, WRONG GIjOVE—-Johnny Blanchard usually catches and ha,s played the some odd fights. Even he admits Smith (40) of their last 14, edged Boston for ter (Yetfallle, Miller. Berube, Baxter). engaged Tony Kubek at sliertr the sidelines for precautionary ICE FISHINfi B F PI*. games w-ith Boston and Phila­ with Captain Allan Sault and Jun­ feat for Hamden since Manchester have suspected that the customers to St. Louis) and Art Quirk, a outfield for the Yankees. The celebrated pinch-hitter plans to take on another chore, thst. In the odd ont* he always reasons.,Jim.Bly injured hin^elf in To keep your line free,r^of ire Ilallornn 1 ft 2 the third straight time, 126-124'at delphia . . .’’ he added, and let the Time. 1:42. did It four years ago. would get excited in blase, sophis­ stop for the New York Yankees. • quick southpaw on the small side thought he was ahead on points Lawniiii 4 1 9 ior Fred Jacobs posting Identlral so works but with first bascman'ssglove at the New York club's Fort Lauderdale, Fla., third canto and It may have ta m p ­ while ice fishing. s.iw an 'T " hole Boston last night and cut the Cel­ sentence trail off. Hamden summaries; ticated Manhattan? After all two “ Tresh Isn’t kidding." said Sim­ (graduating from Rochester to but lost. He Hays he wants no Morftnn . 3 0 6 tics leading margin to H games 182’s on the first firing relay, and base. ered hla effectiveness the^rest of In a four-inch square piece of pine Dtr*ei o 1 5 6 Wilt Chamberlain produced 48 Hamden’s Kllgour and DeFrank clubs walked out on them. The fat­ mons. long-time secretary of the Baltimore.)’’ aympathy, only a Job] In fact he Anhton .. 2 1 5 In the Eastern Division of the Na­ Manoheoter 910 Internstional League. "I ’ll be way. Drop this small piece of wood Into points and 29 rebounds and Tom Palmer Out Front providing Hamden scores two heads running the National League According to Simmons, some­ has been to a New (York State ORIJ4NDO ZULUETA Maine* 1 3 A tional Basketball Association. Meschery had 30 points for the Phil Rusconi ...... 97 8» 186 i greatly surprised If he doesn’t I*wt 24 Spilt Deilslnns Third period was holly foutfit your favorite spot and lower your McKatn 0 0 0 points up on the Manchester lead­ left the 16 million ]>eople of Uie thing of an authority on such mat­ Unemployment Office.! ft 0 0 Should the Warriors win to­ Warriors who had to overcome a Al Archibald...... 96 »9 185 make the club. with Hall actually going ahead line through it. Then gently pour I S-hwartlnK At Halfway Point ers. A pair of Manchester sopho­ New York metropolitan area with­ ters. these guys would make the Dtirliig a career of 67 victories, heart I didn’t I never threw a anti-freeze or denatured alcohol Jub"” <1 1 1 night, that would cut It to 5',4 — 23-polnt deficit late In the third AI SquU ...... 96 84 182 out basebt.Il for-half the iqguon. "F or some reason, Tresh re­ midway In the canto, 33-22. on a I 2 3 7 mores, however, broke the match big show expansion or no expan­ Honor JMiller, 42 defeats and 14 drswis. Ziilueta’s fight in my life. I lost my money couple of buckets from the side bv Into the hole in the wood. Your ; stHl a long way out —7 with 17 quarter to take It. They outscored Fred Jacobs .98 82 182 1 turned them over to day and night calls to me Andy High's first In Phoenix Open wide open with superb 89s In the 175 i sion. top purse waa $12,000.1 He fought many waya and loat property In Paul Gibson. A nifty two-pointer by bne will .stay Icc-frec r day and Total* ...... 15 10 . ^ games to go. Most of their re­ the Celtics 42-21 in the last quar­ standing position; Phil Rusconi and Phil Klemas ...... 94 81 racing. A krt of people wondered spring with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Salary Pitch Made his last bout a year ago August the wood pre.sent.s little Score at half. 27-2anel agreed that they re­ Cuba. I'm an American citizen now Tommy Kelley followed by a deft problem maining schedule, however, is Allan Archibald totaled 186 and 886 if baseball could ever win them quired no fringe benefita. Gets Praise and .sa.v* he wouldrj't make a in landing your lisli against second division teams and The winner was Meschery's re­ PHOENIX, Ariz, (AP)—The Held Chri.s Kllgour ...... 97 87 1920's. Wilbert Robinson didn't and am here with my wife of seven steal and layup by Don Simmons, GR.ANBY --- Last hopes of )K>sl- 185 respectively to take first and bock. comeback for any amoimt of mon­ they would have at least a long- bound layup of a Chamberlain shot In the $35,000 Phoenix Open faced Ernie DeFYank ...... 97 85 182 ! quite know what to do with High, year-s. .Something will turn up, 1 _ who was all over the floor making ARCHERY ing a winning record went down se<:ond place In the match and put Ute whoop-tee-do surrounding ey. 1 hope." steals and gelUng Into the Warri­ I To remove crimped field points shot chance. which Bill Russell blocked.. That just about the toughest assignment Bill Rogers ...... 96 82 178 1 the Meta comes from .two sections but simply had to find a place for the drain for Ellington High’s In tournament golf today—ti^ng to Manchester undeniably In the lead. On All Sides To Meat of Order No Money la-fk HUiry t.'herked Out ors’ hair In general all night, again ! trum brdken stiafts. or when you Should they lose, however, the gave Philadelphia a 125-124 lead, Bob Kneeland ...... 99 73 172 him. Tresh Is the same kind of a Hoop squad last night when It catch fast-finishing Arnold Palmer Phil Klemas recovered from a of New York’s baseball clientele. Revenge Mea.su red "I have none of what I made." In Isixlng you can't be sure of put the Injuns in command and the ! want to replace Ihe point with a Celtics would owm a 7H gAune Chamberlain blocked a Tommy weak prone to give Manchester Its Mike Csvaliere ...... 96 77 170 1 There U a hard core of never-say- ballplayer.” aay* Sliilueta, "I would not like dropped the one-]X)int decision to Heinsohn shot just before the buz­ who already holds a five-stroke Switch Hitter anything, but Zulueta-'s story visitors took a four point, 42-38. , hunting broad head, heat the point margin and prohibitive odds S i be­ fifth score. dte National League bugs, still For Tennis Event SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — to fight again. I had a little trou­ checked out. lead Into the final quarter. I over a flame. Tin- wotnl Inside Granby. A free throw by Joe Ca­ coming the Eastern Division tltll- zer that could have tied it. lead. Other Manchester gunners wer« Tresh, 23-year-old son of the one­ Ace relief )>ltcher Stu Miller NEW YORK tA P )—:Detroit Tigers’ officials began today sey with seconds left provided The long hitting defending cham­ Hamden’s rise from Its lowly royal to their dejMirted but not for- ble with one eye, " "Orlando will be all right," Hy- Knockout Blow the point will elmr and It ran then 1 1 ista for the sixth straight year. Share Honors Dave Landry. 171; Gory Harrison. time Chicago White Sox catcher, Is went to *a banquet lost night to make their salary pitches to,.the meat of the hatting order. One of his former managers the margin of victory for the host pion went Into the third round 10 status at the beginning of the sea­ gotten Dodgers and Giants. NEW YORK (AP)-Chuck Mc­ mie Wallman replied when^ re­ Manchester broke the game be pulleil off the salt by means of Knioks Triumph Heinsohn and Sam Jones shared son is remarkable. Firing only 850 167; George HazJey, 166; Bob Dun- a switch hitter who batted .815 for and came away with a trophy, < The Tigers lured catcher Dick Brown and pitcher Gordon was Hymje (The Mink) Wallman quintet which was an 18 point vic­ under par with 64-88—132. Yankee Haters Richmond last trip while leading Kinley, the chtfnky 'U.8. Davis minded of his former (Ighi'cr’a open qm<^y wflien the final canto a simple twist with a pair of New York outlasted Syracuse high point honors for Boston with against Manchester In Manchester. field, 164; and Paul Wilhelm, 164. Hiere la another segment of ' praise from the Nations! Seyfried into the fold yesterday, leaving pitchers Paul Foy- who recently had his licen.se re­ plight "He's a photographer. Ha pliers. tim of the Purple Knights earlier - i l l in the only other game last Art Wall Jr„ running second, had the league In double plays. (Supper,' seeks a measure qf re­ ■tarted. Paul Quey, who topped 120 23 each. to employ his best recovery shots Yankee haters. The motive of the League preaident, his fattest teck and Terry Fox on the unslgn--*' voked and wa* fined $5,000 by the 1* a good boy. He'll be all right. the vlfAors with 19 points, spun this year. night and advanced to within six Simmons and Tommy Richard­ venge today from Australian Rod contract ever with the San An 11-0 scoring burst midway and all hi* putting skill to scramble first group Is simple to understand. Laver in their semifinal match in ed list along with the Tiger* fear- New York Stale Athletic Qom- ' decisions. He fought up the mifldle for a laj-up to gel Ellington led at every turn games of the third-place Nats, who through the final period was the son, president of the International Fronclaco Giants, and a fire­ rookies, pitcher Pete Smith and holding quarter leads of 19-14, 31- for a 70. That left him at 137. -Generally ^leaking, if a person League, had agreed that Johnny the U.S. Indoor Tennis Champion­ some threesome of Norm 'Cash, «'> o'-e'' the world. the rally started. Simmons, after hold the last playoff spot. key to New York’s victory -over man's hat. shortstop Dalton Jone*. I fought seven champions , -About mv license. I won't give 29 and 47.-43. Once Granby closed At 139 were Bob Rosburg, Gene starts Os a National Lseguer, he (Boog) Powell, a huge Key West ships. Rocky Colsvito and Al Kaline. taking a neat pass from Quey who Those ^cslx games, however, Syracuse. The Nats who led 100-99 Yale, Trinity^ Wesleyan Score ratnalna one. On the other hand, He even stole the show from Tlie Philadelphia Phlllle,* came says Orland^o, but only once for , *„|,. ^-anl to manage. If I the gap the score changed hands “Look too big," Knlck Coach Eddie Llttler, Johnny Pot,' Don Masaen- 20-year-old hopping from . Roches­ McKinley first hopes to reverse Cosh, American League batUng up. had made a steal also canned a i before It started, didn’t come clos gale. Bob McAllister and Gardner nobody has been able to analyze the result of last year’s Wimble­ Willie Mays. within six of completing their the title. That ws* 19.’i7 in Den have to pay the $5,000. then I’ll several times down the stretch be- Donovan said. “ We’ve got all those ter to Baltimore, was a potential kingpin last Season with a .361 ver where I fought Joe Brown layup and Fred McCurry followed , er than five points after that. Dickinson. the feeling behind Yankee haters, don final and secondly ho|)es to ' Miller, 34, the winning pitch­ average, 41 homers and 132 run* ledgers after persuading outfield­ pay it. hut not without a fight. with one of his patented one- ' On Heavy Collegiate Schedule new major league home run king. er John Calliaon to agree to terms. In the 13th round I -went down Richie Guerin had 34 points and Although he needed four more unless it Is that they can’t stand That brought the name ot Ted avenge the loss of his Trinity er in the first 1961 All-Star batted In; Kaline, runner-up with No, I won’t manage out of New handers from the outside. A foul , Willie Naulla 33 for the winners, shots In the second round. Palmer sustained success. To them, the game and a star in the second The San Francisco Giants signed for the first tune In iny careci. York, I had (ive or six fighters. I Savage before the group gossip- (Tex.) University teammate, a .324 baiting mark, and Colavlto. I was ahead. The 14th I won ■by (Juey put the Injuns up by 11 ’ while A1 Bianchl had 23 for Syra­ felt he played as well a« he had Several ConnecUcut college bas-»,stralght victory In the Tri-State consistent pennant winning of the Frank FYoehling, to Laver last one, posted a 14-5 record with who smashed 45 htnners and ac­ ace Reliever .Stu Miller, 34-year-old gave them away. Their new man­ IJoints, 49-38, and Hall was fin- : ing In the International League of­ right-hander with a l4-.'i record easily. Then In tlie IMIi, Brown cuse. In hla seven-under-par performance ketball fives- took ■ the ■ opportunity ■ ^ loop, a record going back three Bombers, 11 In the lost IS cam­ night. the Giants and was credited counted for 140 RBI. all could lx- ager lost them. He couldn’t get' Ished as the victors stayed in i UConns After Seventh in Row^ fices, high up' In the old Ruppert last season. decked me for eight I got up. In addition to the Boston-Phila- of Thursday. last night to fatten on out-of-state years. paigns, -is galling. Maybe the Building. "Laver’s tough, I know that as with 12 saves. * difficult to get on the dotted line. them any fight.*. But Orlando will command the rest of the way. “ I just didn’t make any putts cleaned my gloves "and the refer­ delphia clash, tonight’s schedule rivals. Bob Hutter led Fairfield with 25 uncUously siqug biased reporting "How about Savage?” one asked, well ag anybody," M cK lnl^ said, He and the Giants’ Vice Brow^n, who blossomed ; Into a be all right Make that 28 stitches Other Injuns to hit double fig- j after hitting ,17 g i^ n s in regula­ points. on the air is a coritributlng-factor. ee said 'you're groggy ’ He stop­ for Ryff. Orlando woifi that fight. Host Tough Vermont Tonight includes a New York-Chlcago In Yale for one refused ,to slay beat­ thumbing through an advance "but on boards I think I have a President (Tharles (Chub) . capable receiver last season tlien ped the fight witli 21 second left. urea in addition to. Quey were ! the first game o f the Philadelphia tion,’’ he said. Hla longest .succees- en against Harvard and came from Up in Hartford, sophomore Barry Figures can be fairly boring, un- good chance." Feeney conferred'at the base­ 1 don't care what anyboidy else George May with 15 and Sim­ copy of Sports All Stars Baseball, was Injured and tailed off, wound Fox Will Perform "I wa.s a victim of clrciim- doubleheaider, and St. Louis at Cin­ ful putt was'six feet. behind for a 77-68 win. Fairfield Leghorn showed the way for the losa they’re In the front line of a FYoehUag, the lanky 19-year- ball banquet of the Sari Fran­ says " mons . . .Each side lost a man STORRS.— Shooting for Its sev--^ Vermont played that one with­ The highlight of hlg round was by Murray Olderman, which short­ up with a .266 batting average. stanoea before. In .Milan in 19.56. 10 cinnati In an afternoon game. kept up Its monotonously .winning Trinlt}' Bantams with 24 points. musical or In some such setting, ly will hit the newsstands. old. from Coral Gables. Fla., bat­ cisco Press A Union Lsogue Seyfried, a promlilng 26-year-old Meanw^tln. Zulucia is out of a M a fouls with McCurry fouling enlh straight win and hoping to an eagle on the seventh hole, the If WSox Want Him I thought I )>eat Diiillo I*il. .So Job unle.ss he lakes a lot of pic­ out Its top scorer and rebounder, ways In the Tri-State Conference, Bowdoin made on ominous' chal­ but they also can be revealing. For “ 'The most voluabla player in tled Laver for over two hours be­ Club after foiling to reach, right-hander,-was 14-8 With a 4.36 _____ j did 17,000 people, I» i got the ile- out for Injuns and Hall losing remain In the struggle for the course’s longest at 549 yards. A downing City College of New York, lenge midway in the second half, instance. In 1967, when New York fore bowing, 7-5, 10-12, 12-10 to agreement in previous meet­ ture.*. Gibson— Papooses salvaged 51/ -Benny Becton, (19.1 points and prodigious drive and a fantastic the International League l a s t earned run average at Denver of 8T. THOMA.S.' Pa„ (A l’ l Nel- f*"* ''» 7'ied me Yankee Conference championship, but Leghorn and Bob Brondenberg- last posaeaaed three major league the red-headed lefthander bidding ings. the American Ass' 13.6 rebounds) who was out with Johnson and Jones one-tron belt, estimated by playing 78-57. ' year,’ it-says here, 'was a young son Fox. still unsigned bv the Chi-' Connecticut's baak-etball five takes Wesleyan tripped Bates, 77-69; er ignited a Trinity rally that put clubs, these were the recorded at- man who is an aaaiatant . school to become the first Aussie to win When It wot Feeney's turn 8-7 record with Todd Potter ton on what could be a troublesome an Injured ank)e. The Cats will be partner Rosburg at 260 yards, put Pittsburgh and St. Louis each- cago White Sox, will report' fo r ' > Southern (Connecticut eased to a them out of reach. tendances: Y a n k e e a, 1,497,134; principal in tha SL Louis area. the indoor title. to talk, he announced, "Stu scxner with 21 points. Vermont quintet at the field house back at full strength for this one Likely Title Foes Palmer’s ball Just three fftet from signed one o f their most talented another seaaon with the club -iflf'»'K b t Fred Galia-na of Spain in 67-52 trimming of Stonehlll (Maas) 'Trinity, emerged with a 9-8 sea­ Dodders, 1,028,258; GianU, 858,923; Ha has been in organisad baseball "Froehllng," Laver aald,’ “ia a lind I' jiiat reached an agree- p ^ u c t a who slipped a bit dur­ they want m e" : Milan a 10-ronnd draw. In the ^ MancheRtvr (60) here tonight at 8. with Becton at center; 6-2 Jack the cup. He canned the putt. son record. F Ptn Palmer, golf’s leading money College, and Trinity booted Bow- total, l,179,3l&. juat two yaara, and already. ha’a terrific player. 1 was lucky to pull menL” ing the 1961 campaign, the Pi­ T o u e y ...... The Huskies, who opened the Shabel (14.7) and 6-3 John Stahler The 34-year-oJd second baseman 5-7 in NEW YORK (AP) — Harold winner In 1960 and No. 2 winner doln, 76-59. In New Haven, Semthem Oon- Uttia Okaage bean called the most axeiting thing- |thla"ona ou t" Although terme weren’t an­ rates getting second baseman Bill rib* with a right hand punch. 2-5 15 season with foun straight victories (4.9) at forwards; and 6-2 Dick said yesterday White Sox official* Johnson, the NBA light heavy­ last year, is noted for coming from Two teams hod their colors low­ necticut made It 7-7 for the yem:, .. In 1908, when the Dodgera and since Jackie Robinson. His name McKinley, o f fit Ann. Mo., oar- nounced formally, the 165- Mazeroski and the Cardinals sat­ Tliey fight too often over there. 1 SSenna I iMi 4 and own an overall record of 11-4, Ader (12.6) and 6-3 Dave Strass- weight champion, and the Doug waltzing StohehlU OoUege down Glanta went West, young man, and have contacted him only once since GOTEBORG, Bweden — Inge- 2 Blmmona ...... 6 (Mi 10 behind to win tournaments. The ered, Dainbury State losing 88-77 is Ted Savage. HTs 24 and the Itef had eUminated Pvt. Ron pound righthander wee believ­ isfying relief specialist Undy Mc­ last season. He didn’t want to fight in the fifth. mar Johansson, 200, Sweden, etn|>- 6 McCurry...... 4 n-1 Ji. w-ill be after their fourth win In burg (11.9 at guards. Jones o f New Ybrk probably will to North Adams (Mass.) SUta arid ^e Ifardm i*th without mu^ch the Yankeee were pleaaed to have Holmberg. Weat Point N. Y., to ed to have a pact calling for 1 Kvllvy ...... 1 last time he had held such a lead PhiUiea expect him to break into Daniel. Fox, voted the American T3ie referee turned him around ped Joe Bvgrnvrai, ->09, Jamaica, 2-4 4 six Yankee Conference starts. A ■ Vermont has an overall 8-9 rec­ battle it out fqr the undisputed Coast Guard bowing to Tufts, 61- trouble. ' Directing " the music waa the big field to themselves, the gain the semifinals along with the about $28,000 this season. 0 AndruGot ...... 0 'iMi ft at the halfway point was last year their rogulor outfleid on the Mazeroski, hero of the I960 League’a most valuable player in and made him-fight. He was cov­ B.W.I., 7. victory will move UConn to a sec­ ord and Is 2-5 in the conference, world title in Philadelphia In May at Baton Rouge,-La., where he 60. sophomore center Archie Tracy, Bombers drew only 1,428,438. Not strength of a league-leading .325 top-ranking American player, National League ^roaident World Series with a ninth inning ered with blofal. There was a riot 14 ToUla 25 1CM7 60 now that the New York Athletic 1959. was" bothered by an 'ailing ; 1X>S AN(iEI-K.S — Danny Val- ond-place tie with Rhode Island the YanCon wins coming against started *5-67 and won the tourna­ Up In Cambridge, Mass., the who had 31 points. only did 1,750,977 fazu vanish from batting average In Buffalo. He Whitney Reed, and Spanish Davis Warren Giles, told the banquet hdmer that w;on the deciding game i when the judge and the refeiee Hall (50) (4-2) and a game behind front- Commission finally has ousted ^ g h ^ arm in the latter part of last * waya ,Onlv two de/., 129';. 1*)K .Angeles, oiit|>olnt- 6 Glbaon 3-5 11 Maine and New Hampshire. ment by seven stroke?. Elis clambered back from an early Ontlast Batea the face o f New York, but the had it in the' clutch, too. He hit Cup|>er Manuel Santana. audience that "Miller added to against the New York Yankees, ed Pulga Merrano, 129';, I*>s An­ 3 L o rch ...... f.Mj n running Massachusetts (4-1) In Archie Moore. ' Connecticut, e m p l o y i n g the Jack Nicklaua, playing hts sixth 1 1 -polnt deficit on the allck sec­ Over in Middletown, the Wen- Yankees drew almoat 70,000 few­ JUS as tire Blaona swept the Llt- Reed, of Alameda. Calif., con­ the prestige o f the National hit at a .265 clip last year as the geles, 10. 1 J. B ly ...... 5*7 1!1 loop standings. Promoter Herm*m Taylor of er huffs than they did the year be­ quered Eugene Scott. St. James, In December. Fox expressed * I'''*'''- S O. B f y ...... 3-5 smoothest ball-handling club Coach tournament as a pro after winning ond half performances of Rick leymn Cardinals outlasted Bates in Ue World Series.'" League by Ms stellar perform­ Pirates fell to sixth place. He and oranges, and everything han­ WORf'K.STER. Ma?s.—Gene Ta­ 9 Philadelphia has the. inside track fore! There has been little change N. Y,, 7-5, - , to gain the semis some doubt* about continuing hi* 1 Lucas...... 1 'The Huskies held the up{>er hand Hugh Greer has directed in recent the National Amateur and intercol­ Kaminski and Captain Billy Mad­ a closely fought battle. Center Simmons waa asked who he 8 8 ances in both All-Star games." signed along with two rookies— dy, waa Uirown into the ring by pia, 1.57, New York, stopped John­ 0 Curran...... IM) 4 with a substantial offer to John­ in the Yankee attendance. 'Nome ogoiiut Santana. The alick-atrok- baseball earyer. Yesterday he said: against Vermont In Burlington years, plans on starting 6-0 Len­ legiate crowns last year, slipped to den. Wlnky Davenport waa high man wauld take had he a choice — The little hurler also recelv-- catcher Gary Rushing and Infield- some of the 10.000 fans. ny Green, 165, Springfield, Mass,, 0 Bermingham 0-0 *J son and Jones to meet In the arena run race and all last seaaon, it waa Ing ^Spaniard ousted U.S. Davis "The arm feel* good, but I have "Two bad decisions In a row in 0 Jackaon ...... 0-0 ft two' weeks ago. 67-63, but the ny Carlson (16.0) and 6-0 Andy a two-over 73 yesterda-y and is even Kaminski poured In 15 of his 17 with 23 points as Wesleyan (ooky well or Savage? ed the Sporting News’ "Fire­ er Duncan Campbell. 7. Catamounts gave the UConns or Convention Hall, May 12. par for M holes at 142. 1,747.736. Cupper Donald Dell. Betheada. ' Milan. That was too much. I al- C^uchry (12.2) at guards; 6-10 points in the second half tmd Mad­ its seven win as againat five losses.' "Powell.’’ replied Harry, "but man of the YeiLr" awqird. San McDaniel, wito saved 27 games bother me when 1 bowl, so I gueaa ST. P A i’I,, .Minn. — Del Flana­ 13 ToUla 19 12-18 50 some exciting moments before Johnson, 33-year-old Philadel­ den half of hit game-leading 24. Tufts’ Jumbos let an' early lead .Whether the vanishing fans re­ Md.. 6-4. 8-3. to i960 and compiled a brilliant mo.st wanted to quit but I won Score at half 3%27 Manchf'&iPi. Eddie Slomcenski (9.7) at center; phian, has Accepted a guarantee it would be a. difficult choice. Sav­ Francisco Fire Chief William It will be okay." gan, 1.59, St.jPaiil. outpointed I-ee giving up the victory. Connecticut 'Thd victory gives Yale a 6-1 Ivy slip away but lumbered back to tired Into the woodwork or what, FroeMlng trailed. 5-3, in the 2.09 BRA, put together a 10-6 rec­ eight of my next 1(1 fights, then 6-1 Dom Pem o (4.1) and 6-6 Ger­ of 820.(K>0' of the televlsioo money Ski Slope Open age la a right-hand batting speed Murray named Miller an hon­ Rallartl. 160. St. Paul, 10. lilt on a slx-);>olnt chain to break League record and 11-5 for the step o a the Cadets from tha Coast they’re coming out In the oi>cn to final set before rallyiM to break orary fire chief and presented ord last season but his earned run last seven In a row. ROME. ITALY — DulUo Lol, ry Manning (6.1) at forwards. cmd 40 per cent of the gate re­ demon who in center edvers two- Laver's serve at love. 'They traded Scholastic Basketball GOOD TURN/-Charlotte an 1 1 -all tie and stay ahdad for A limited supply of tickets will iMt. Nebo aid slope opened at 1 season.'Harvard's Ivy mark is 3-4 Guard Acadony In a game played greet the Meu. The season box him a helmet bearing a big average soared to 4.88 and he Cowboys Get NoIbh "Some fighters are rushed. One 143, Italy, outpointed James ElUt, ceipts. Jones, 24-yeor-old, second- atet advance ticket eale alone has thlrda of Um outfifld. Ha led tha aerviee-hreaka in the 15th' atul was Frankie Ryff- When I fought Whitton takes a tuen keeps late in the first quartur of go on sale when the. box office ranking contender from New York, this afternoon and wUI resin open and 10-7 overaU. In Medford, Mass. league with 31 stolen baaes. Ha’S 37, KOller's uniform number. saved only eight gamee. He took NEW YORK (A P )—The Dallas 140, Trenton, SJ., IQ. Middletown 82, Windsor 68. Its game with Vermont. A 10- Tonight the Yale road show Paul Godenboger o< Tufts took run to 1,300, whereas the beat ad­ 18th games before Laver, who a siaeable cut in pay while a mod­ him In Madison Square Garden the Bulkaley 104, Fitch 77. opeiu at 6 :S0 at which time UOonn has been offered $17,500 against nntil 19 tonight. Bob Brown re­ a better al^-around performer than wasted three match points, finally Cowboy* of the National Football around a snowshoe rac­ )>oint advantage was establioheu moves Into Hanover, NJH., -where point honors wlto 28. The Aesd- vance Bale the Giants ever had at Ever since A| Lang Field in St, est incroeae waa given to infielder League owe New York a player doctor look 21 stitches In the ring. Bristol Eastern 89, Platt 66. wrestlers will put on an exhibition .20 per cent of the TV receipts and m its the aid tow will not operate the Polo Grounds along this line Powell, bat the Oriolea’ big ing course. This hardly early in the second half, but the on mats laid out on the . Field Siraday as Manchester SM GInb the EUs win confront the Dart­ emy’s Bob Leggett hsd 19 Petersburg, Fla., was opened 14 Charlie Jamea. today after obtaining defensive It was nothing but bl(x)d. Still I College Basketball Bristol Central 61, Wethersfield the gate. was 926 In 1952. Section seating will hit more honM runs. lost the fight. They gave him the Yale 77. Harvard *8 ' would be noteworthy Vermonters were only a point In House court. members be at an ontlng. mouth Indians. Danbury State couldn’t make it years ago. a New York team has -The JBoeton Red Sox came up halfback Dick Nolan In a trade » - 6 ^ ' win elubs are being reorganised. Njs- The International League la Cincinnati bae increeaed its decision. It was something to make Fairfield 78. CCNT 57 save for the fact that she arrears. 55-54, In the fin ^ eight OonnecUeut has only one more The New York Mete will play Tha Fairfield Stags welcomed the on Its .home court agatnet^ North always playsd tha St. Louis Car­ with pitcher Don Scliwelt, named with the Giants. A spokesman for Flsiaville 74, Glastonbury 40. Uonal League tona, who had to go sanding up four playOn o t h e r night baseball schedule to 46 American League rookie of the you disgusted. Frankie told me I Tufts 71, Coast Guard 60 Seuthlngton 62. Newington 46. minutes and kept up a serious game remaining this month and 16 apring exhibition games againat OU portralta of the 16 membtln OCNT Beavers to their paaturaa Adams. Tha taoma team. tralUng dinals' to the first apring exhibi­ the Giants said Nolan, an eight- is the mayor of Ottawa -to Philadelphia to aae.their heroea than pitchers w h om I 'm togging games under lights at home in year after oompiling a 16-7 record year NFL veteran, will eventually ruined his career. He was tabbed Wesleyan 76, Bates 69 SUsirorUi 60, East Windsor 43. threat until two minutes remained that comes Tuesday night against alx othar National League teanu of the National Jockeys’ HaU of with a Ifi-point bannge lata In the moet of tha game. Made It 83-tt tion game. Next spring tha New opening that Canadian tha past four summata. again are *Oan’t miss.’ Tha othar playar 1982. Tha afi^tioa of Houston and and a 3.23 ERA. Aloo aignlng MCOI os '‘rookie of the year,' Trinity 78, Bowdoin 59 when the U(3onns set up an eight Massaehusetta in what promises to training In Florida. Their 13 other Fame are on display In the mem­ first half while tha viatton couldn’t early In tha neooad half knt faded York Meta, new team to tha Na­ me a coach with Dalla* but Stettord 65, Somers 38. aittrtng and batttng. , . athar than pitm an to abt-foot flvo- New Tortc to tha leagua etuaea tional Laamie, face tha Cards ea "The record books say I lose Bo. Oonn. 87, fitonahill 6$ Harwich 91, New Britain 62. capital's noted Winter point bulge to eliminate any furth­ be a battle for first .place In the exhiblttona are with American bers' clubhouse at Ivnllco in BalU< score a v a ia L thm afltra Tooy aocm aa oonact> wHJi tha fioK wore oaeonfi tiaganisn probably will play soma next sea- It tnma cutthat tha faaa w anat Inch fttat haiw aii nnlflalilir Oobr ths illCVMJte Saturday, M anb 10. a lot of flfhta but I know in my Kortli Adams 88, Donbuiy TT Windham 68, Maloney 61. Carnival. er threat , {^ coofeNne* >tiiidliigs. Laagua. zlvala. more. Wot F&nteht tt wto tlw UoA ad M poiata lor Ma kavR Chuck BehOUng and m- pair o f t o n . -W -r-i


Business Service Offered 13 THRRB qUGHTA BE A LAW BY PAGALY ami SHORTEN « H dp W n to d — Mato 86 H d p . Wanted— Male , 38 Aiticlen For Sale 45 Wanted— To Buy 58 Business Locations Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale RockvUle-V ernon 8HARPENINQ Sendee - Sawa, o n MAKHIB wanted, full or-part- ASSnTANT MANAGER—For na­ WAUJPAPBR, new selection of For Rent . 64 knivea, axea, abcara,. ‘ akatea, tional growing bowling chain. WE BUY, 813X or trade entlquo VALUE TO SPARE—5% room old­ FOR $5,900 —COVENTRY MANCHESTER — 6 room Cafie, Ume inpniings, all frinae boie&ts, CldMouts, gcod stock, S7c per eln- and used furalntre, china giaaa, er home, fireplace, dinmg room, walking distance to schools shop­ rotanr bladea. Quick aendee. Cm i - WlAM FSOQGlt WM OKTlHG HER JT ffiEMf R mcellmt 'woridng condiUans. Ap­ Must he peiaonable, compleUd gle toll, many others available 47c STORES available In choic4 shop­ 2 Minor Accidents tol Equipment Co, 88----- Main St.. ‘lOMOeoVlICA’rHEROrtJNarM^WM - ' CUAUfiiB-BO service oUigstlon, state salary ex­ aiiver picture fraroea and oid ping center locations in Manchea­ cellar la warm and comfortably 4 room ranch, full bath, artesian ping center, and bus line, imme­ ply. Qunver M a^aeturing Co., to 97c per single roll. Sherwin-Wil- cotna, old dolls and guna, hobby finished, 3-car garage, beautifiUly well, aluminum storms, screens diate occupancy, ,$13,800: CJarlton Mancheater. Houn dally 7-8, -fORIVEIEWEEPlNCHWMAWlRT- - ^ bcwunr m m w m Hartford Rd. pected, references required. AU liams, M l Main St. ter. For' Information call the Jar­ Damage Six Cars Thursday 7-9, Saturday 7-4. MI . e n u ksismb them apabt f references kem In ' strict confi­ collectiona,' attic contents wbola vis Realty Co., Managing Agents, Jandkcaj^d: 100x160 lot. Fari below and doors, lot 6(S5s900. A Thayer Realty, JA 8-7848. eitates. Furniture Repair Service bank appraisal of $16,000. Robert 8-7958, MANCHK8TER and suburbs — dence!’ Write Box J, Herald.' DELCO o il burner with all neces­ MI 3-4112. ADVERTISING BUT MOBOMICA, 1 TalcottvUle. Conn. Tel Ml 8-7446. Wolverton Agency, Ml 3-1914. For $19,900—MANCHESTER MANCHESTER — Here is your Citjfx police reported two minor VH!’nU!OmLSANP£ASf Sales work with well known com­ sary parts In excellent condition, accident* today In the wake of OUSMA APPUANCB Serrlee—Ro- CA H ^ COMB W ES., MMHSnMNlSMIwSE pany, tSQO mantbly starting In­ APPLIANCE SALESMAN, aalary cheap. MI 9-6898. EKCEUJ94T STORE tor anv bust- chance to buy a small (4 ,ri take care of Economical. High quality parts. i spacious rooms. 3 family sized bed- City. eJI your upbolsterlm needs at for private mortgagee. If you n e^ Order Dept. Knowledge ot typing NEW LONDON exchange call Enterprise 1945. FIVE ROOM completely furnished rooms, pine paneled den, breeze­ HELP! DUE to many recent tales, /ville, against Improper backing answer at the telephone listed 7 Simply caU the Guaranteed 90 days Famoua tor money to consolidate worrisome YOUNG MAN looking for part-Ums Apartments— Plats Mr. Kainln.ski attended schools' great savlnge. Call CH 2-2378. and shorthand desirable Apply cottage, Andover Lake, oil heat. U (Sc R Realty Co. way and garage. Huge lot in fine our listings are low Buyers are after an accident at West and Nye service since 198L Phone HI debts, to improve your property, Personnel, Iona Mfg. Co., Regent WE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE evening work, preferably office SERVEL gas refrigerator, $25; Tenements 63 waiting for all types of property. in Manchester, Northeastern Unv Sts.' 9-4587. Potterton's. ISO Center St. work or sales. MI 8-7163. References required. Call Ml residential area. Now selling fit a verally and University of Haid- MANCHESTER ANSWERING SERVICE WEAVING of Bums, moUl holes or for any purpose, and can pay St., Manchester. METROPOLITAN DISTRIBUTOR white porcelain double sink, $15. 9-7465. Ml 3-2692 greatly reduced price. If sellbig buying or trading ceJI Rankin, traveling north on West and tom clothing, hosiery runs, 122.25 per month for each $1,000 FOR A NEW . .. . VITAL ELEC­ Call Jn 9-3455 after 5 p.m. OEINERAL RENTAL agency, J. D. at once Free Inspections upon re­ ford, earning a B.S. degree in en­ St., passed the intersection and Ml 9^500 TELEVISION antennas and rotor you borrow, call Frank Burke, at TRONIC PRODUCT DEVELOPED Realty,. 4T0 Main Street. -iC gineering. and Renaselaer Polytech­ handbags repaired, tipper re- systems Installed and repaired. R. D. Mufdock MI S-6472 JARVIS REALTY CO. quest. Call the Ellswortb Mitten then stopped and started backing placementa, umbrellas repaired, Connecticut Mortgage Exchange, BY THE Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 3-5129 Realtors MLS Inaurers nic Institute where he received a Into Nye St. He failed to see tha and leave your measage. You’ll hear from our advertiser in Jig Serving Mancbeetei and sur- INK DRUMS for sale Call Wanted To-Rent 68 Agency, Realtors. Member of MLS men’s shirt collars reversed and 15 Lewis St., Hartford, CH 8-8897 MI MI 3-4112 MI 9-3519 service, HI 3-6930. ma.ster’s degree. He is etnployed car also being driven north on time without spending all evening at the telephone. rounding areas. Modem TV Serv­ days, JA 9-5558 eves. AKC REGISTERED, 1% year-old 8-2711. RCX3KVILLE— Apartments newly INVEST YOUR future In 2-family replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ ice. 405 Center St.. HI 8-n06. CLERK-TYPIST male Boxer, all shots, completely WANTED—4 or 5 room . apartment as a project engineer for Jacobs West St. by Douglas M. Baskin of ing Shop. decorated, dinette, kitchenette, living. Unique layout makes this SOUND VALUES HAVE CASH customers waiting for Mfg. Oo., Hartford, Clinton Dr., South Windsor, and DICTOGRAPH housebroken, 1^ 9-2376. MAKING A RUG? Pilgrim Mills bedroom, tile bathroom appli: for couple with twm small chil- 5-5 duplex more adaptable than CONNIE'S TV and Radio Service, Capes, Ranches, Colonials and An April wedding is' planned. collided ‘with it. The light front FLAT FINISH Holland window INSURANCE OFFICE has a big aasortment of colors for ances, $66 per month. Call , MI >dren, centrslly located. Cali CH most. New and near completion, $12,900 —8 large rooms, new kitch­ Lost and Found 1 Automobiles For Sale 4 available all hours. Satisfaction Business Opportunities 32 7-6682. en, new heat—old but solid and businesses. Call Gordon's Realty, of Baskin's car was damaged and shades made to measure. All you. CSieney Hall, Hartford Road. 3-1869, TR 5-3485. quality construction, all city con­ MI 3-0486, evenings MI 3-6314. guaranteed. CaU MI 9-1816. Must type at least CORP. WANTED—Good homes for 6 weeks Open daily noon till 9, Saturday, central. had to be towed from the scene. LOST—Yellow cat, with white OLDER CARS mechanics spe metal Venetian blinds at a new ESSO HAS excellent service sta­ venience#, Beechler-Smith, Real­ The Rankin vehicle receded minor old mongrel puppies. MI 9-9888. 10- 8 . THREE ROOMS heated. Main St., Superior Court chest, answers to "Kitty" vicin­ dais, tixit younelt cars, always low price. Keys made while you RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make, tion opportunity. Modem 2-bay 45 words per minute Married men over 25 who qualify Houses For Sale 72 tors, MI 9-8952. Ml 3-6969, $15,000—Older home, three bed­ CASH WAITING tor property own­ damage. / wait. Marlow's. and have a late model car will find with or without stove. Chill between rooms (not too big, but ade­ ity Chestnut St. Reward. Call MI a good selection. Look behind our free pickup and deUverydelivery oo smallemail eervlce center located at Man­ 33 FOOT aluminum extension lad­ ers. Please call us before you buy office. Douglas Motors 333 Main chester Green on heavily traveled - MI 9-2831 the career of their dreame and will Articles For Sale 45 5:30-7-.SO. Ml 3-8441, MANCHESTER Suburbs- Two-fam­ $13,500 •- ATTRACTIVE 6 room quate) big lot, plenty of priva­ or- eell. Sueedy eenrlee. J. D. 3-5228^______RADIO-TV REPAIRS au makes. radios,IS, phonographs. Hours 6-10 der. like new; one pair of ladder ranch, 2-car 'attached garage, Bolton Shooting p.m. H A E RtuUo and TV. MI highway with fine residential po­ ■tart at a ily ranch 5-4, two furaacee. ga­ cy and still central. Realty. Mi 8-5128. LOST—Lady’g beige wallet, Man- 1955 • PLYMOUTH, 4 door sedsin, Cars, phonographs changers. tential. Phone Mr. Dorley days, TV ANTENNAS, tubes, parts and jacks, both $50. MI 9-2291. NEW ADDITION to houae, quiet large lot, Carlton W. Hutchins, MI 9-6582, Ml S-147B. neighborhood, 3% large rooms, rage. completely modem, tremen­ $16,700—Owners have been trans­ cheater Knitting Mills, Saturday like- new mechanically, 48,000 Honest, economical. Guaranteed 90 9-4, JA 7-4188, nights Springfield Guaranteed Salary accessories bonanza arie—in our dous opportunity. Only $19,500. 9-5132, ferred, Green Manor ranch has Brings Jail Term WE CARRY... evening. Driver's license desper­ actual miles, good tires, standard days. Famoue for eervlce for 80 STate 2-4639. GOOD HOME In exchange for tak­ $100 monthly, stove, refrigerator, Legral Notice famoua do-it-yourself department. Diaihonda-^Watches— spacious yard. MI 3-5983. Carlton W, Hutchins. Ml 9-5132. SPLIT LEVEL— For thbse accus­ to bo sold. Corner lot,' extra ately needed. Call TR 6-2311. shift, 6 cylinder. A good car, re­ years. Phone Ml 9-4887. Potter- Millinery, Dressmaking 19 ing care of school age children, $130 A WEEK Rabbit ears 99c, stacked aluminum large patio—carpets Included. A Hartford man who shot a liable transportation. Asking $350. ton'i. Bome salary. Call after 5:30. MI Jewelry 48 BOLTON — Two pleasant homes. tomed to the finer things all one „ A T A COURT o r PROBATE held at S. S. PIERCE conical $9.09,'ichamiell 8 yagi, THREE ROOM apartment. Heat, could demand has been In­ Lot of house for the money. Coventr.v. within and for the Oltirirl nf friend with a 12-gauge shotgun at LOST—5 months old German Shep­ MI 3-1877. $6,000 SALARY YEARLY 9-9986. After ■ Training At O ur'/^ pen se $2.99, UHF bow ties FI-99 and up, One a seven room colonial with ( nventry, on the Rih dny nf rehriiary, herd puppy Answers to name ALTERATIONS — dressmaking, LEONARD W. YOST. Jewelers - stove, refrigerator Gables. 118 cluded In this lovely 8% room $17,400—Tanner Street Ranch —one 1961, a Bolt'bn rtamhake Sept. 23 was FAMOUS FOODS suits, quick service and reason­ Be your own boss and work only The appearance ■. PeretxiaUty .. SpMiai prices on channel master Main St, Ml 9-5229. 9-5, attached two-car garage. The block to Bowers school—3 bed­ "Midnight.” Call MI 8-0388. 1954 FORD, 2 door, automatic SLIPCOVERS AND IMMEDIATE placement—3 women and Caliber of the meh are more Repairs, a t^ sls watches eimrt- other a compact ranch with ga­ home.' The style Is condusive to Pieaent Hon. Elmore Turklnfton, sentenced yesterday to four to five able. MI 3-8688, 24 hours a week in nation’. No. 1 crc^flre and JFD signal comet those who enjoy split level living rooms, basement garage, cori Judge. transmission, radio, heater, good to work 8 to 4 hours dally sendc- Important than experience. ly. Rtaaonable prices. Open ’Tues­ rage selling for $14,750 ($2300 and Estate of William E. Orcult Isle of tires, good condition, $200, MI REUPHOLSTERY self-eervice business, coin operated antennas, 10 foot mast pipe $2.99, TWO ROOM apartment, heat, gaa at its best. On beautifully lana- ner lot—owners moved to San ,ve8re In state prison at Wethera- W tllM FormW ofM laundries, located in busy shopping Ing Avon customers In their vicin­ day through Saturday. Thursday stove and refrigerator furnished you can assume: 1st mortgage). Coventry In said District, deceased. 9-6489. Red Bird chimney mounts 99c, scaped spacious lot, 2-car gara,;e. Diego. The Exeriilrix having made written .Tleld. Announcements centers. Excellent financing avail­ ity. Excellent Income opportimity. VHF Mdre 2c per foot. Receiving evenings. 139 Spruce St. Ml 9-4887 Adults only.'Ml 3-6388. T, J. Crockett, Realtor. Ml 3-1577. Custom made slip covers, chairs Moving— Trucking— E X B O m V E S.i^-E18— Mancheater 4 bathrooms Priced in (he high $18,.500—Spring Street—Large 7 apiillcailnn to said Conn. In accordance"' Llnworth Jones, 33, of 165 Ken­ from $12.00 plus fabric. able. Write Box Y. Herald. FVll or part-time. No experience tubes 40% off, "21” tUuminlzcd with the statute, for an order of sale Country Storo INCOME TAXES prepared in your Storage 20 and Rockville/area resident, dis­ SIX ROOM ranch. 6 years old. 50s. Philbrick Agency, MI 9-8464 room home -5 down and 'bath of the whole or part of the real ejrfsie sington St., Hartford, pleaded 1954 SUPER BUICK, $250 Call MI necessary. For Interview cril BU picture tube epecial at $26.95 and home or by appointment. Exper­ Chairs reupholstered from $25.00 9-4932 now. turbed by limitations of ' your Fuel and Feed 49-A FIVE ROOM apartment, second Bowers ficnool. all rooms better with 2 up. Definite 4 bedroom- described therein. It Is ordered that guilty Jan. 12 to Msault w-ith in­ ROCTB as—Ml B-76M 9-6635. many more specials. See us first TWO-FAMILY flats 5-5, with 2 d application h f heard at the Probate ienced tax work. 24-hour service. plus fabric. MANCHESTER Moving and Track­ resent job? Life time opportun- floor. 18% Ford 8t. Tel. Ml s-4751; than average tn size entire base­ er-enclosed front porch, ga­ tent to murder. Call Ml 8-4728. and save. Open evenings till 9, rooms finished on third floor, 2- 'Ice In ('nventi-y, on the Iltih day nf TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. 1960 CHEVROLET Impala Con­ Workmanship guaranteed ing Company. Local and long dis­ Help Wanted— Female 35 SALESLADY needed, preferably y for msn 25 and over, liberal ment finlaheq off into large family rage. real big lot with plenty of February, 196S, at 11 ;IS) o'clock In'the He shot snd wounded Jake It, g Saturdays till 6. Satellite Electron­ . FOR SALE—Fireplace wood. Call car garage, off East Center St., vertible, black with white top, red tance moving, packing and stor­ evenings and weekends. Apply in starting/salary plus Incentive In- ic Service, 165 School St., Man­ TWO ROOM apartment a no bath, room 4%% mortgage, priced (or trees. Possible to assume FTIA forenoon: and that noilciV thereof ha Smith,. 24, of 315 Peart St;, Hart­ FEDERAL INCOME taxeg prepar­ CONNECTICUT registered licensed MI 9-0958. electricity and heat, $57. 180 Cen­ quirk tale, $16,900. Phllbrick near Post Office, Schools snd shop­ mortgage of $15,000 that is on given, by publishing n' copy of this interior, power steering, power MI 9-1154 after 6 age. Regular service throughout person. Hallmark Pharmacy. 277 group Insurance, life time cheater, MI 9-1788, , order In the Manchester Evening ford. In the .parking lot at the ed With your savings in mind. practical nurse for 11-7 a.m. shift after 20 y s M , 3 year pro- ter St. Call MI 3-245'7, 9-5 anly Agency, Ml 9-8464. ping. Philbrick Agency, MI 9-8464. property. Reasmiable rates. E. J Baylea. brakes, 14,000 original miles. Ex­ New England atates and Florida. W. Middle Tpke. Herald a newsitapSr having a circula­ Rosemount Restaurant. Rt. 85, MI 3-6563. in convalescent home In Rock­ donej training. Phone Mr. Ma- FOR SALE—Dry, hardwood, any tion it] said District, and bv posting a Tel. MI 9-8246. cellent condition. $1,995, Can be ville. Tel. TR 5-4291. length, delivered. Call after 8 CAPE—4 finished rooms, close' but $18,900—Lyness Street—8* bedroom Bolton, after an argument AN UNUSUAL bargain! Rsuphol- WANTED—Mature woman to Uve loney, at JA 7-7017 between 9-ll TO RENT—Small heated apart­ ranch with 1% baths, attached copy thereof on the public sign-post In financed. PI 2-7138. ster 3 piece living room set: sofa MANCHESTER Package Delivery. a.m. INVITATION p.m. PI 2-6689. ment. Tel. MI 3-5117 between 8:30- quiet location, nic* yard, garage, the Town ,df Coventry In said Dlslrlcl According to State's Atty. Joel INCOME TAX returns prepared by In as companion to seml-lnvalid. 4:30. CONSIDER good-sized rooms, rec room tn garage. Partially finished rec at least five days before-tsald day of H. Reed II, Jones and Smith each and 2 chairs. $145. Choose from Light trucking and package deliv­ No professional care needed. Re­ room, beautiful carpeting stays Hearing, anil, that return he made I'o COMMERCIAL former Internal Revenue agent in cellar, oil hot water heat, fairly this Court. claimed the same gloss of beer on group of tine fabrics. Work done ery. Refrigerators, washers and Legal Secretary ply stating experience and ealaty ..at $13,500 a neat 6 room Cape with house. the convenience of your home fo^ Auto Driving School 7-A by expert craftsmen on our prem- TO BID Garden— Farm— Dairy FOUR ROOM duplex, completely on bus line, 4 bedrooms, plus base- priced at $14,900, Robert Wolver- Attest. a counter at the clambake. An ar­ AND Individual and business. Ml 9-8938. stove moving specialty. Folding expected. Box I, Herald. El.MORE Tl'RKINfJTON. Judge isej. All work fully guaranteed. chairs for rent. SO 9-0752 Sealed bids will be received at Products 50 redecorated, furnace, garage, $90 ment family room. Shopping for tpn Agency, Ml 3-1914, $21.900-Alexander Street—spacious gument developed, he said. MORTLOCK'S Driving School—Of G o ^ stenographer skills req­ BOLTON NOTICE monthly. Cali Ml 9-7563, colonial, three bedrooms. 1% INDUSTRIML INCOME TAX returns prepared by flee, 448 Main St. Manchester Mill Fabric Salesroom, 175 Pine uisite for full-time position. the Office of the General Manager, value—call COLONIAL CHARM—Quality con­ AT A COURT OF PROBATK h^ld at Public Defender Robert J. Pig­ St., exclusive Cheney Fabric THE AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS (?>. On February 8, 1962, the Bolton 41 O nter Street, Manchester, Con­ MA<38, BALDWINS, Starks. Romes. baths. Rec room has fireplace. Coventry. wlihJn and for thp DiBtrirt of auditor. Business and individual. Learning correctly "May Save Downtown Hartford office. THREE ROOM heated apartment, struction by Gambolatl Just off Good residential area. Covf»ntry, on th^ 8th dav of F^hrviary. eon said evidence showed, however. Accounting services. Raymond salesroom, m Manchester. MI Moving, packing, storage -local Zoning Board of Appeals held a necticut until February 20, 1962 at Greenings, No. 1 size $1.40. No. 2 Smith was the aggressor until Your Life." Driver education and long distance. Agents for NOTICE public hearing on the application utility 75c. Bunce Farm. 629 West stove and refrigerator furnished, Beechler-Smith Porter Street. 3 bedrooms, attach .Girard, MI 9-6008. 3-7322. Budget terms arranged. 11:00 A.M. for Collection of Waste ed garage, new and completely T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor PiPBPnt Hon. Elmorp Turkingtnn. Jones, "in an alcohol fog,” , picked PAINTING classes. Member, Cormectlcut Pro- Lyons v m Lines Inc., world-wide JA 2-1165 of William B. Alliscm as agent for Onter. middle-age couple. Ml 8-7894. Jtidfr. fessloiial Driving School Assn Ml At a meeting, held by the Town and Purchase of Equipment. Realtors contemporary. Beechler • Smith, the shotgun from his car and fired. Insaraaea Coverage For TAX PROBLEMS? Call PI 2-6607 movers. Free estimates. MI 8-5187. Planning Com m ie^n of Manches­ Bolton Congregational Church So­ Bid forms and sj^cificatlons are MI 3-1577 Kptat^ of Ax^l I. Wrpl^ihulm lal** of 9-7398 EXPERIENCED hairdresser want­ FOR THE freshest eggs In town, MODERN 8 room apartment in Realtors, MI 9-8952, MI 3-0969. Coventry. In paid Dtatrirl deceaiH. Smith was wounded in the arm Your Proteetioa and have your return prepared for Building— Contracting 14 ter. Connecticut. Monday evening, ciety, Inc. for a variance on side available at the Controller’s Office, ■ The Exeruirlx hnvlns exhibited her ed, top wage, and commission. Vernon, heat and hot water includ­ MI 9-8952 MI 3-6969 and chest, but recovered. glOO.CNIO Oompenaatten you. You always save more 'Jian It February 5, 19612, It was voted to yard requirements less than Bol­ 66 Center Street, Manchester, come to or call Manchester Poul­ admlnlplrahoti account with said ratate PREPARE FOR driver's test ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, re­ Lujon Salon of Beauty. Call MI ed. Gall TR 5-5816 after 4 p.m. COMPLETE, compact ranch — 1 to ihia t'ourt for aliowancr. it la Reed esid Jones had the ^ n in the costs. Painting— Papering 21 adopt the following amendments ton Zoning Regulations. It was Connecticut. try Farm, 472' Keeney St., MI MANCRE18TER—4 bedroom home, $800,000 Pnblle LUMlIty Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class modeling all types of carpentry. 8-1939. 9-9904. We deliver free. weekdays, or any time Saturday bedrooms, fireplace, garage, coun BOWER.S3(*)WER.' SCHOOL RANCH ORDERED That the 19lh dav of car because he thought he could to the ZoiUiig Regulations of the unanimously resolved that said ap­ excellent cliaet and storage epace, Febniary. 1M2 at J1 .in n clock fore­ $25,000 Property Denwge room. Three Instructors No wait Nelson Higgins, Ml 4-1700. PAINTING, papering, floor sand­ Town of Manchester, Or Sunday. tr.v atmosphere, friendly neigh sell it to an scqualntsnce. He had ing. Manchester Driving Acade Town of Manchester: peal be granted on the .buip that Connecticut large enclosed porcli. 3-car Modern, Immaculate 8 bedroom noon. at thi' Ptiibale Office In the , ing. remodeling. Call Mr. Charles, WAITRESS, part-time. 10 a.m.-3 hors, assumable mortgage at $110 Mtinlcli>al Bnlldins in Maid ('oventry ' no thniiglit ot shooting anyone, I Personals 3 my PI 2-7249. the lot was established previous to Richard Martin, CLEAN LOCATION, duplex 4 room rage, $19,700 Philbrfea Agency, per month. Beechler-Smith Real ranch, 2 blocks from Bowers Established 1818 WHAT DO YOU need? More room, MI 9-0726. p.m., 6 days, good pay, good tips, / Household Goods 51 and the finnie la asxlsnrd for a hearlns Keed said. | rec rooms or attics finished, addi­ no weekends, pleasant atmosphere Amend Article I, Section II, Defl- the present Zoning Regulations, General Manager apartment, bath, pantry, hot 9-8464 tors, MI 9-8952. Ml 3-6969. School, plastered walls, fireplace, on the allowance of Raid adrnlnlMtrallnn 46 Veare Of Serrlee ElLECntOLUX Sales and Sendee, account with aald estate ami this Court The rlambakp was sponsored by I LARSON’S Connecticut's first U tions, storage cabinets, built-ins, EIXTERIOR and Interior peUnting. Apply In person. Brass Key Res­ nitiohs. Add the following deflnl- that it would be an obvious hard­ DRYER, 3 months old, excellent water. MI 9-1051. large kitchen, full basement, lovely bonded representative, Alfred censed driving school 'rained — $12,600 - ROCKVILLE. 6 room $17,800. FIVE ROOM ranch with yard with trees and stone wall. directs that notice of the time and the International Hod Carriers and . bookcase, ceramic tile bath foi- Paperhanging. Wallpaper hooka. taurant, Main St. tiqds: ship to build an educational build­ condition, apartment size gas place aiialsned for aald hearlns be Amell, 308 Henry St. Tel. Ml Certified and approved Is now of­ CHARTER OAK ST. 31%. 4 rooms ranch, largs living room,in cabinet porch, large kitchen with built-lns,, I. jiborers Union, to which Smith snd WM. DICKSON iiJca counters. If you have a leaky Wallpaper removed. Ceilings. ' (u) COMMISSION shall mean ing on this lot narrow enough to stove. MI 9-5133, after 8. Siven- to all per-Rona known lo he inler- 8-0460. fering classioom and behind first floor.. MI 9-5928 Or Inquire at kitchen,...... beautifullyl7s landscaped eBted thejein to appear and he heard Jones both belonged. roof or a house to build, call us Eloors. Good clean workmanship. meet the Zoning Requirements, and TOWN OF tiled bath,, fireplace, combination RELFIORE AGEN(;Y wheel Instruction for teenagers. the Planning and Zoning Com­ 81 Charter Oak. lot. shown by appointment. windows and doors, home In excel­ thereon bv malllni: on or before Feb­ Reed recommended the four-to- and I’m sure we can help you. MI Fully insured. Reasonable rates. R.N, PART-TIME, Call MI 9-23$8f that the uee of this land for an m - ruary 14. 1962. by certified mall, a copy A SON Ml 9-6075. mission of the Town of Man­ Marion E. Robertson.. Realtor, MI lent condition. One owner. Full MI 3-5121 ftve year term, which Judge Alva Automobiles For Sale 4 3-6352 after 5 p.m. Leo Pelletier. MI 9-6896 dr MI chester. ceesory building to the church Is^ TAPE RECXIRDERS for rent Mar­ of thia order to Phone Ml 8-OMt ANDOVER low's, 887 Main, o n MI 9-5221. THREE ROOM duplex, stove and 3-598)1. basement, hot water oil heat, re­ _llrnrv WeRterholm Burke Street. P. Loiseile handed down after Met- 9-5082. (v) DEPARTMENT OF PUB­ the best use of the land. refrigerator, automatic heat off NEED A CAR and hi d your credit BATHROOMS tiled, remodeling, WOMEN WANTED to do part-time Variance is therefore granted Zoning Board of Appeals cessed cast iron radiators, City Eael liartford. Conn. enlng to attorney’s arguments. Business Services Offered 13 LIC WORKS shall mean the 17 PIECE stainless steel waterless Hartford Rd. MI 9-0009. FLORBS'ICB ST.—7 room home In Amy ReynoldR. 6D9 Olenwood Ave . turned down? Short on down pay- additions, recreation rooms, ali CEHIJNG refinlehed, painting, wall- telephone survey work from own and will become ^effective Febru­ In accordance with the require­ water and sewerage. Near school, NEW CONTEMPORARY Split Teaneck, N .1 home. Box F, Herald. Department of' Public Works cookware, original cartons, reg. excellent condition inside and out, bus line, quiet neighborhood. Quick mentT BankmptT Reposseealon? ALL KINDS of clocks repaired. An­ types of carpentry. Also, fall-out papering. Wallpaper books on re­ ary, 10, 1962. The minutes of this ments of the Zoning Regulation.s THREE ROOM apartment, fur­ enclosed porch, one-car garage, Foyer Ranch—6 rooms plus ma­ Idnda r. WeRterholni. I0-< .30 or any time sonable rates. 80 years In Man- Amend Article I. Section m , SEVEN ROOM apartment. N. pine recreation room, bar, handy of Assumption and Verpisnrk Preaent Hon. Elmore Turklnston. PRESCRIPTIONS bunch; African violets, large size, ments of the Zoning Regulations Chairman of Joseph Remesch Jr. for a vari­ water oil heat, near bus line, good Judge. Saturday or Sunday. chestei. Raymond Flake. Ml Zones. Delete wording “nine tjrpes Cost Over $700 .School St.. $95 per month. MEd- io(:ation. Only $17,900. Carlton W. School. 808 W. Center St , on Silver 1955 FORD CONVERTIBLE, fair 98e each;- Cyclamen plants, $1.50 9-9237 for the Tmvn of Manchester, Conn., Byron H. Shinn, ance in Article 4.1 A will be heard, condition, ,good buy, Charles Les- Ketate of Minnie L Rentcheller. late of zones, ks follows” and substitute NEVER BEEN USED ford 3-7748. Hutchins, MI 9-5132. I.,ane bus line. Bob Samuelson, MI of Coventn* In aaid District, dereaaed. condition, new tires and top. Call SAM’S UPHOl^TERY - Retired and $1.9.5 each; also large assort­ the Zoning Board of AppeeUs will Secretary C. Davis Calkins,' perance. Ml 9-7620. "the following types of zones.” Add Bolton, Conn. I 9-0498 . The Administrator having made writ­ MI 9-1428. from the shop. Can taka care of ment of foliage plants, 25c each INTERIOR painting, decorating, hold a public hearing on Monday Secretary THREE ROOM apartment, includ­ ten application to said rourt. in ac­ OFF STREET PARKING ZONE. February 9, 1962 Sale Price $388 MODERN LIVING, front-to-back all your upholstering needs at and up. Open 7 days a week. Pon- ceilings, wallpapering, floor sand­ evening, February 19. 1962 at 8 Zoning Board of . Appeals ing heat, hot water and gas for split, 7 rooms, 2 ceramic‘’'baths, BRANFORD STREET—Older Co­ WAPPING—8 room ranch, 4%% cordance with the Rtatule, for an order tlcclirs Greenhouse, 433 N, Main. ing and reflnlshing. Clean work­ P.M. in the Hearing Room of the Amend Article II by adding SEC- lonial. 6 large rooms, including of Bale of the whole or part of the real great savings Call CH 2-2378 •nON XI OFF STREET PARK­ Pay Only $4 Week cooking. Electric refrigerator and attached garage, paneled family mortgage, $67 monthly. Many Im­ eatate dencribed therein. It In ordered 9-9814 large dining room and 26 foot liv­ 1954 DODGE, 2-door, radio, heater, manship. No Job too small. John Municipal Building ony the follow­ gas stove furnished. Cal) Ml 9-7737 room, plus secluded enclosed provements, Exceptional buy, that Raid application he heard at the WE DEUVER snow tires, $150. Call MI 9-2610. ING ZONE. (Full text on file in ing room, fully aluminum storme- Probate Offira in Coventry, on the l6th FLOORS WASHED and waxed, Verfaille, Ml 9-5750. ■ ing application: STATE HEAR­ Sacrificing completa bedroom, between 5-7 p.m. • porch, plus utility room, plus one- Rondinone, BU 0-1545.- windows cleaned, painting, paper­ Roofing— Siding 16 ING ALSO. Town Clerk's Office and available d. sunny front porch, oil heat $15,500r day of February 1962 at 11 00 o'clock In Planning Office.) complete living room and kitchen half acre Iqt. Step-aaver floor plan In the forenoon' and that notice thereof ing, walls washed, odd Jobs Handy Seymour Kudlow; 681 Main St.; decorator hirailure from model dis- CENTER ST.—6 room duplex, ga­ modprn bath. 2-csr garage. Quick A. A, DION, INC. Roofing,, aiding, The above amendments will be­ ilti for maxinium Ilvabllitv. Beechler. ANDOVER—Ijirge house, alumi he given, by puhliehing a copy of ihia Sailor CuloHes Man Service. Phone Ml 3-8948. Electrical Services 22 Bus. Zone III. Special exception is rage. oil furnace. $90 monthly. MI ' sale price of $14,500. Robert order In llie ManctieRier Evening PINE PHARMACY play home. We will, give you free num siding, ideal for large famllv painting Carpentry Alterations come effective as of February 18, Business Opportunity Smith, Realtors MI '9-8952 Ml Herald a newspaper having a circula­ requested to have Limited Repair­ delivery and free storage up to one 3-1118, 9-5. Wolverton Agency, MI 3-1914. $12,800. Joseph Barth Broker, MI 664 (;K.\TER s t r e e t —CORNER OF AUA.MS and additions. Ceilings Workman­ FREF. ESTIMATES—Prompt serv­ 1962. 3-6969. tion In Maid District, and bv r>oetitig a er license and certificate of ap­ year. 9-0320, copy thereof on the public slgn-oost In ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn 3t ice on all types of electrical wir­ Town Planning Commission PLEASANT—3% room heated, sec­ VERNON—6 room ranch. 3 bed Ml 3-4850 proval for same at above location. CUSTOM BUILT 9 room Ranch, the Town of t'overilrv In said Dlatrlcl Ushering In Spring! ing Licensed and insured Wilson All persons interested may at­ Martin E. Alvord, VERY SUCCESSFUL UflOCERY STORE ond floor, apartment. Convenient rooms, full tile bath, fireplace, MANCHESTER-2 level ranch. 58 at least five days before said dav of NORMAN’S large living room with fireplace, kitchen cabinets, built-in range, hearing and that return he made to Electrical Co., Mancheater. Ml tend this hearing. , Chairman 443 HARTFORD ROAD to bUs line and stores. MI 3-1059. formal dining room, family size feet lon){, 90x143 foot lot. city iitlll BIUWELL HOME Improvement 9-4817, Glastonbury. ME 8-7376. in an exclusive neighborhood. Sale includes building with plastered walls, basement garage, this Court.' Company-all types of siding and Zoning Board'Of Appeals Dorothy C. Johnson, kitchen. 2 bedrooms. 1% baths, ties, very central. Features include Attest. 1 Secretary income producing apartment. For individual attention MI 3-1524 constructed in 1958. Wllllsm F.LMORK TURKINGTON Judge ! roofing. Aluminum clapboards a Roger B. Bagley, Before you buy furniture any­ recreation robm with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, dining FOUR ROOM apartment, third Griael Broker, MI 9-9700. room, and.living room with fire PLUMBIND specialty Unexce’Jed workman­ Bonds— Stocks— Chairman call where—shop at Norman's. floor. MI 9-2497. enclosed breezeway, attached ge- D R CR gr OS IJMITATtON OF f'lAIMS ship Ml 9-6495. Daniel L. Hair, rage, landscaped yard 91x194. $12.(500—6 room Cape., low interest place, center entrance hallway— AT A COl’ RT OF rrtOBATK held at Mortgages 31 RANGE G.E, automatic deluxe, Marion E. Robertson Realtor. Ml and a 12x24 foot family room — Cotenlry. within and for the DIairIct of; Water Heaters Secretary Read Herald Advs. B &N AGENCY FIVE ROOM flat, first floor, near mortgage can be assumed. B A N Coventry, on the 8ih dav of Fehruan’, ' ALL TYPE.S of roofs repaired or push botton controls, deep well, Center. Available March 1. Ml 3-5953. lower level, a small kitchen, 2 A V' 19ft2 HEATING SEtXlND MORTGAGE mcxiey-We JANET BYOHOLSKY ROGER NEGRO Agency. Janet M Bvcholski. MI replaced, specializing in Bonded like new, $85. Call MI 3-7071. 3-8116. 9-5993, Roger M. Negro. XH 3-8727. lavatories, furnace room and ga­ Present Hon. Elmore Turktngtnn, . Humidifiers built-up and shingle roofing. can supply any amount ol money MI 9-898S Ml 8-8727 NEW RAUCH—6 rooms, 2 full rage, plus a 22x33 foot rec room, Judge I Coughlin Roofing Company, Man­ for mortgages Terms to fit your FIVE ROOM heated apartment, baths, large western style kitchen hall or what hav* you. Oil hot On motion of Rote C. Wellwood. Ad-j Dehumidtfiers needs. Construction mortgages SFACE — SPACE — SPACE mlnlatralrlx, Main Street, Coventry, AIR GONDITIONINQ chester. MI 3-7707. RUGS, Never used, 9x12 beige, $35; eec’ond floor, on bus line. $100 with bullt-ins, 2-car garage, prime water 2-zone baseboard heat, An­ Conn , on tile, estate of Frederick Cltea- j also available. J. D. Realty 470 Open For Inspection 9x15 green, $35. BU 9-6955. month. Adults preferred. Apply at location of beautiful homes. dersen windows. This-home has ler We||wor»d, late of Co^’entrv • v’lthln Air Cleaners Main St., Ml 8-6129 $27,500 Philbrick Agency, m I.Arge * room ranch In quiet: said (tlxfrlrt rb'ceHsed Hobby Shoppe. 403 Center St. neighborhood yet a minute from ' tremendous potentlsl for ■ really This f’ouH ■ doth »t<’cree thni six Roofing and Chimneys 16-A PORTABLE ZENITH stereo, four 9-8464. big family, professional use or nu>nlhs be allowed anr] IlmlteH for the Heat Pumps speakers, like new. Must be heard FIVE ROOM FLAT, steam oil Main St. shopping. 13x21 foot living | SUNDAY 3 P.M. to 5 P.M. room, fireplace. 3 large bedrooms, whatever. Built in- 1957 of. finest credliorf of said estate tfr exhibit their ROOFING—Specializing repairing to be appreciated. MI 3-7163. fired, adults preferred 2-car ga­ MAIN STREET shopping —custom materials. Cannot be dunlicated claims against the same to the Admin­ Wafer Fump.s roofs of all kinds, new roofs, gut­ brick and frame ranch, huge full basement, recreation room. 2-1 istratrix and dlreyi* that public notice WILLIAMS MANCHESTER- OPEN HOUSE rage. Inquire 21 EIro Street. for $25,000 cost. Price reduced to he given of this order hv advertising In . ter, work, chimneys cleaned, te- EXCELLENT LOCATION GAS STOVE for cooking and heat­ kitchen. 3 bedrooms. Immaculate car garage, $20,800. Evenings Bill ing, practically new. Call after 8 Boles, MI 9-9858. $20,000. Robert Wolverton Agency, a newspaper having a circiilatlon in Water Coolers paired. Aluminum siding 30 FOR DUPLEX for rent, 6 large rooms, condition reasonably priced Carl­ MI 3-1914 said district and t»\ ' iHitilng a copv years' experience. Free estimates. p.m., MI 9-9237. . 3 bedrooms, central heating. $105 ton W Hutchins, MI 9-5132. thereof on the puhllc sign po«t In said OIL SERVICE, Inc. Call Howley, Ml 3-538J-, Ml 3-0763. PROFESSIONAL TOMORROW 2 to S P.M. monthly Includes one-car garage. W ARREN E. HOWLAND Town of Coventry riearest the place Water Softeners M apartment, second lot. $19,(100. Philbrick ‘Agency, MI MANCHESTER-Ranch, large U?- down and doore. fireplace. fuUy id- PLUMBING AND heating — re- owner. Can be seen by appoint­ nets. MI 9-1676. floor, 3 Hawley Street. MI 9-6568. 9-8464. ing room, modem kitchen. 8 bed* Known for Quality Products and Seralce modeluig mstallaticns. repairs ment. eulated. ^ tv water and eewer. St. RCA TABLE TV sets, 21” , 'UHP- rooms. bat^. large rec room, Jamee Parish. Owner anxious to Rmirmbrr . . .' Many times, 841 Broad Rt.. Manchester—.511 9-4648 All work guaranteed, 25 years ex THREE ROOM apartment, second SAVE TIME—On .display,display, more excellent condition, 119.500. Phil­ penence 24-hour service Call Ml 4-0238 VHF, $40; 12” VHF, $20; baby floor, itove and refrigerator fur than 150 pictures with piprices ut sell. Vacant. Charles Lespersnee. even after all other methods of brick Agency, MI 9-M64. MI 9-7820. Earl VanCamp. Ml 9-4749 coach, like new, $18. Ml 9-9989. nished. Available March 1. MI homes In Manchester and vlcinu;i'. healina have failed, CIIIRO- 3-7591 Carlton W, fiutchlni MI 9'5137 • LAWBON SOFA and chair with COLUMBIA—At Columbia Lak* — GLA.'^TONBURY PRACTIC IIEAI.TH (ARE GERARD J. BARONOUSKY, New large ranch home. 6 rooms, Plumbing. Installalion and repair. custom made, covers, good condl- SIX LARGE rooms, sunporch, ga­ SIX R(X)M ranch—One-car garage, succeeds. 5001 -I M’ 9-5125, lioti, $68. MI 4-8066 evenings after ceramic tile bath and a half, beau, eXJUNTOY CLVB SETTING rage, oil steam heat, central. West 1% tiled baths, bullt-ins. corner tiful large living room, large bed- _ T. Side Realty, MI 9-4342 or MI fireplace, family rtmm with cathe-! JtSirge 8 bedroom Rdnch. Minutes 3-41710. . drat ceiling, city utilities, patio,: rooms, built-in appliances 1340 j (it)m' Manchester. Fireplace, ga- sq. ft. of living space, garage, rtigg s; „cre land Onlv 117.900 Reduced Mnsieal Ingtruments 33 hot water oil heat. Excellent loca-^ very large closets. Call Burt, tion, trees galore. Charles Les-i THREE ROOMS, flrrt floor, $75. Starkey Agency. C o 1 u m b 1 a , I OVERSIZED CAP.E . on quiet 7-room qplit level, 2 WHY PAY Main Street prices for •______perance. MI 9-7620. ______| "Academy 8-9243. any time for ap- street. Huge treed lot. 4 beeclaloi- or lo. RANCH $31,500. Call now for an Here’s the buy of a lifetime! Firepliice, plastered'WS;I]8, part-time music store? We sell no come $60 weekly. $19,800. Joseph active sports, you'll love this dash­ furniture, appliances, or record*- CENTRAL on bus line—3 room fur­ 90x178. Shown fay appointment. | BARROWS There's nothing like this pretty appointment to inspect. Your choice o f a . . . . ' Barth. Broker. MI 9-0320. ing sailor culotte dress highlighted 6% large rooms full cellar, heated garage, full basement and a lovely 130 x 130 lot Muaie and musical instrumenta nished apartment, heat and hot Marion E. RobertMn, Realtor. Ml NEW I w M m paJisy quilt (in eas.v applique) to Cape .Cod—4 rooms down. •k 4 Redroom Center HaU Colonial, 1% baths. are our only business. Ward Music water. Call Newinjgton MO 6-9868. SJi9S3. COLUMBIA—At CkJiumbla Lake — with bright contrast. One of the add that -Springtime freshncs.s to large nmipus room, two car full of sturdy shade trees. All this for oniy |15,900. WALLACE CONVENIENT! winners In the contest at UCLA. 2 unfinished up. Central it 7 Room SpUt Level (nearly finished), large rec room, kltcbf Co., tt Summer. Open evenings. bealtiful spilt level new home. 6 oflt handle your room! Fun to make, and also garage, amesite drive. Lot location, 2 blocks to Free parking at oUr door. SOOTH COVENTRY—4 room fur­ $11,500—2 bedroom ranch, cellai. No. 8302 with Patt-O-Rama is Be sure to see it! built-lns, 3 baths. j , rooms, ceramic tile bath snd a 55 E. Center St. .MI 9-5306 daci the work nice to u.sc! ■ 200x200—all landscaped. school, stores and bus. nished apartment, utilities, heated double garage, trees, near bps, half. 2-car garage, built-in dish­ in sizes 9, 11. 12. 13, 14, 16, 18. Pattern No. 5001-N ha.s pattern garage. Call PI 2-8494 after 5:30 stores Carlton W. Hutchins, MI PRICE REDUCED by $1,000, -Mod­ Bust 30% to 38. Size 11, 31% bust, Excellent financing avail­ it 6 Room Ranch, kitchen built-ins, 3 baths, 3-car garage. Wearing Apparel— Fnrs' 57 washer, garbage disposal, oven CAMEO pieces for applique; full directions. DIREOTipNS: From Mancheater. R t 6 and 44 to 3-J’a reatau- and weekends. . 9-5132. ern ranch, extras galore and only sleeveless, 5% yards of 35-inch; able. $1,000 down. Asking and rsi^e. Nothing like this To order, send 35c in coins to:— “ , PRICE $13,500. Shown by ap­ rant; ri^t oa Bolton Center Road to church; keep left at _ All with flreplacea; ft acre lots; city water. WOMEN’S CLOTHES, sizes 16-20; around the lake. Ckill Burt Starkey $12,300 now, Eugene E. Bushey 6% yards braid trim. 272 MAIN ST.—Pleasant, furnished MANCHESTER—6 room Cape In Anne Cabot,'The Manchester Eve­ pointment. chtUTh, atiU Belton Center Road, then right oh Brandy Street to ■hoes 7%->: gloves, hats, pocket- quiet location, nice yard with Agency, Columbia, ACademy Agency, M I'9-2083. To order, send 35c in coins to:— ning Herald, 1150 .WE. OF books, flowers, scarfs, maternity 8 rooms and bath, first floor, 8-9243, any time for appointment. Sue Burnett, The Manchester Eve­ No. 691. Look for'our sign. (DlreoUoiis; Hartford Road to Bridge StrM' heat, iighta, gaa. trees, upstairs ftnisbed in knotty DISCREETLY TINY-QUALITY PERFORMANCE A-MERICAS, NEW YORK 36. N.Y. JOHN H. LAPPEN QUALITY left on to Keeney Street Watch f

iWiC* TVeELT^ SATURDAY,-FEBRUARY 10. 19«t «•/ ■ii. About ToWu Heard Along Main Street Market Steady StO te Nt 78 M n. E^vlyn Rappa, past gritnd And on Some of lUtmcheater^K Side Too matrmi. Order of EJastem Star of Despite Excess Business Bodies the State of Connecticut, from Rou up PaJeattne Chapter' in New Haven, ,4“ Keep the Change * find out it he will be there before j will apeak at a meeting of Temple •fha office gang was planning m drive over for nothing.” Highland Dew ChapUr, OES, Wednesday, Feb. i4,’ fam veli party .for a^co*worJter and. Immediately,, there was an ex-: (ObStlBiiMl'froiii Om ) at 8 p.m. at the Masonic Temple. took up a collection to include the; plosive roar from the darkened din-; (Continued from Page One) Her subject will be an e^do\^’men^ price o f the dinner and a gift. i even electrified the Kutscher.,. Terpenlng, Ihc„ and fund program for the Order. The section boss was aslced t o ; studiously disinterested bystander tslers Of the Church of Scotland , Frank I t Jolin, all of Greenwich. buy the gift and was given the en-| "'ere doing their best to keep the ! It is aUeged in the complaint ■nie Man<*esler High School'tire purse. After buying a couple: argument dissolved ■ in country on the whisky sntpluir' p r o has .ichediUed informal con-1 of shares of company stock, and laughter as elder son bellowed Side that during the night of Feb. 11, ferences between parents and I while trying to figure what else he "I’D UKE YOU TO TURN THIS In response to an appeal from 1861,' and the early morning of the 1^ tdachers Mondav from 3 to .I p.m. should buy, he made a passing UOHT BACK ON BEFORE I the Dumbarton Presbj*tery, the following day, Joseph 'I'^inaki,' CLOBBER YOU!” Membera of the grildance depart' comment. in the office that "over ministers dash to their writing of 46 Mondngside Rd., Green­ ment will be available for confer­ a hundred bucks is a pretty good a-'im Rini niHi desks and weigh in with a strong wich, while inti^eated was served ences. collection." with alcoholic liquor in the Town THEN Bomebod.v told him the Two adult members of the cos- ViT® * TC and Country Restaurant, also tume committee for "The Blue- ^ "'•“ -hnow-n hlgh- Members of the Holy Name So­ money was fo coyer E'VERY- known as 'Terpenlng, Inc,, of hlrd." a play to be presented by j ‘ which . John is permittee, imd in ciety of St. James' C3iurch Will re­ THING, including the price of the The ministers hope they will dinner. ... i the Children's Wing of the Little: the Commuter Bar and GriH 'where ceive Corporate Communion at the j Theater of Manchester, were work-, Wear down the TV companies in 8 a.m. Mass tomorrow. Members Kutscher is permittee. Discussion I ing on costumes for characters ih the course of time. Said the Rev. At about 3 a.m; Feb. 12, 1981, will assemble in the downstairs Jam<^ Smith of Clydebank, chair­ church at 7:50. The scene was typical. Elder son , ~the ^play, namely Bread, Milk and it is claimed, Stettner was struck Lei man of the presbytery: "Nearly and killed by 'Tyminski’a auto on was studying at the dining room *'‘,!X . , ,,. every play shown on television' table,' Dad and the younger son The costume for Fii^ wax vrry , *irohnl oh fh» the Connecticut turnpike near the n ie Nayaug Yacht Club, Glas­ wsrp prcniim- sc ' (Complicated and toward the end of ‘ *aiures me use at alcohol on the Riverside ramp. tonbury, will meet Satiirday. Feb. ' , ', . , . , ' a dong and tedious sewing session' “ nd conveys the impres- An investigation conducted by O i 17, for a poUiick and dance. Res­ This arpimcnl involved a tele- ^-onien put down her Sion ' ...... that a honjie is incomplete Coroner Isadore L. Kotler indi­ ervations may be made by calling phone call the lo work and anked wearil>-. “ Wouldn't without a bar.’' cated that Stettner had halted his Tomor Mrs. Robert ’ Yoiing, South Glas­ make before Dad took him on what i, be simpler to Ju.st .'light a The presbytery's meetifig hall is tonbury. auto to remove snow from th* NBG-TV. could be a fruitlc.ss errand. In the match?''. in the shadow of the world's big­ windshield, and was walking across course of the argu . . . well, diS' HiTutirr 1 gest Scotch factory — H 1 r am the turnpike toward the center t o t a i The Keeney St. School .PTA will cussion. the youngster was walk' ■ Calorie Countdown Walker's, which is going right on sponsor a public military whist and esplanade when he vvas struck by j ing rather absently around the A five-year-old boy. seated with filling up those bonded warehouses setback card party on Friday, Fish. dining rooms talking at Dad in the 'Tymlnski'a west-bound car. held bowed. and hands clasped. against a possible future drought. 'The "Dram Shop" Act provides 18. at 8 p.m. Mrs. Andrew Lind- kitchen. Leaving the dining room ■ ^VtVinp : ta te n D m that one who serves liquor to an Ooiilat; intoxicated person is liable for SUSUowai ’ " « /f>''ditioned re- the delay and. in loud voice, subsequent damage resulting from aqd V tsi r I ^ " " ^ f“ h «nd plunged elder I ,bouted. "five, four, three, two, Boy Scouts Asked the intoxication. <. Actual and Mrs. Keith Merrill, Refresh-1 son and his studies into d a rk n e s s .:--, di Ai' [One In Attractive Frame] ; stitute, Richmond. Va., after com- f i l i n g . A pair of threcs-pronged ether eztraa daaIcBsd to make- Golden Delicious, Baldwins ani| Greenings. Crisp, juiev ; pletlhg a twp-week- Advance Bus bait hooks hangs from the under­ imme beating rseOf easy. and rich in flavor. Packed 4 qts., 8 qts. and 16 qt& Operations course along vrith 32 side and buzzing sound ilka bum­ (NO GROUPS) pneed according to quality. Apples until Mav 1st! , other Trallways drivers. ble bee, disabled, attracU flab, says maker. Presto Dyechem Go. lnc„ M o b ilh e o t irrSfi MUST BE SEE:N TO BE APPRECIATED Utility grades at 81.00 for bushel! bag. ; Frank P. Sheldon. C. L. U. at Yonkers, N.Y. ^ 163 E..Center St., associated with - 3= r t ^ j Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Solomon Baron, Ellington, this WE’RE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! I Company of Hartford, was named week was appointed to the new Come See Our 'leading Agency representative for national advuory committee on 11961 and has qualified for the egg marketing. Secretary 76 OAKLAND gT.l. (Reader’s Digest) December issue. Earl C Herrick of Bolton Cen­ Hie national contest, which ended WAPPlNor CONN. HANCHKSTfai. CONN. ter R d„ Bolton, was elected sec- on Jon. U , 1962, has a grand priaa: M l 3 -5 1 3 5 ratory of the New England Nura- for a two-weok trip to Kuropa for etrmen'a AssocUUaa'thla weak at twro. • M Id It CoMw St.

' "'I-'' ’4* n )

and • dch. iplalnt ■ tb. 11, of the ninaki, 3raen> served FEIl 10 FEB. 16 3Vwn Week E t r m t t t R O R A N N K Lii ^ 1 8 M S9 « g > t alto c.., of uid In VIDRO s y w WEKM-AIA. BItIBTS BBBiEBVBD. H. t . DIUtUNSON A OO. toe. where acstpL I hand it to him. He IM l, wbkdi ran only eight montba but says he wUl phone m « the next sold to the movies tor gIBAOOa. struck I^emer-Loewe Salute day. • " Later, came the' smash ” Briga-' I TV Personalities | ito on doen.” "Paint' Ybur WkBm.” ’Tfy ar the “I call him the next day. No answer. I call him iia the eve­ FWr Lady,’’ the film ‘\3lgl” and Jay Barbrae “Oameiot." »d by tomorrow ning. He’s out I oeU him mld- Tlw "dean** of tha “^ace” prina Indi- niiht. He’s not homo yet. Final­ . 'Hieir repeat for the Ameclcaa coeps at CaM Oaaavaral, Fla., is ly. I call him throe in the mcrhlng. muaioal theater is as g reat aa the a tall^ frocUe-taced young men ed his TomMKjw from 7:30,toi 8:90 onfrooin by way of tbe bilUaid room. He anewhrs. “Tou are really n the theater’s respect fo r them. “The who has witnesead more than BW . msc-TV, a musical salute t» tbe This time tor no reason I take serious,’’ he says. I toU him to musical play is the only hnBoctaat acroaa Uieater ^sUl be presented in colors mlaaUa humchlnga—and ia only 88 a abort cut. I go by way of the padc.a bag and meet me at the invention the theater h w produced y ean old. center . To fin the world around you witt card room. In the c i^ room I see station that night. He. quits hie ick by nosio aed deUght, you need o ^ in the tant SO years.” says M r. The ’’dean’’ la Jay Barbree, NBO Alam idaying bridge. I go up to job. H « packa Ms bag. He meets Lsiewe. “It has eonqusind t|>e News correqiondent at the Capa, msatlon the names of Maurice me at the station. We are off.” ovidea CSMTallar, Julie AndrefwSj Robert wortd. The Amertoan naiBoal Is who Uvee on the beaiA a abort The'brand new team flnlshed the this country’s opera.” ' to an Oeiiiat;- Richard Burton; atauiley “ ■Tou are Alaa Lemer?’ He mlealle Miot from the launch pad. node. ' ‘Tou write pretty good book, lyrioe, songs and dances in There are some huematlng side­ “The first iMmeh I ever ooverod, e for EUsnoway —i. and, A lan Jay Lerner time fo r the opening of the show,' r from aa|d rradeatck tnewe. lyrich,' 2 aay, remembecing the lights about acme of the starta and I got ao excited I called it a ‘bal- Actually, *nie Broadway of wxMda be wrote for'some songs in retiUed “Ufe of the Party." It tMB “Lemer-Loewe" Special. Rich­ lialt misUe’ on the air,’’ Bafhtee ra- a allow that was staged by the ran nine weeka in Detroit, which ard Burton, who origlaatad the called. I Xnmer and Loawe” is a salute to made it a hit tlM ihagie o f the Broadway must* lAmbe. ' T am Frederick Loewe. role of King Arthur in “Camelot," In IN I he saw more than 900 sal theater, that realm of srease- I have something to say to-irou.’ Thm the Lemer-Loewe team ceone all the way from Rome where mlaatlea laundied: AUea, Perah- Alaop palat, thrllUnf aoundf ma foot­ "Alan says he’ll talk to me as returned to New Toclc and decided he was filming the multi-mllhon lag. Saturn, Able-Thor. Titan. Not Ichard lights whorolbe wotM of make- soon as be llnishea the rubber. to invade Broadway. Their first doUer movie spectacle, . “Olap- ■only can ha now refer to thorn cop- >rd as hdlsTe becomes very real Indeed. After a while, we go over to a entry wns “W iiat’s U pT ”—and it patra,’’ with miaabeth Tayte Ja rectly as “ balllatlc mleenea’’ hut drive The stars of the ahow. enough comer. I'tdl him about the was a flop. But an artistic suooeas he saye he hae devMiqied a feeliidr on lor proposition. He asks to read tbe followed, "The Day Before Spring,” (CoaUnoed bn Bags Fenr) for the "birto’’ (a s t h ^ are csUm leehan •to provide a galaxy of their own, along the Florida coaet), ThAt is, irare aU given an opportunity to aU except one. jf our ahtae at his (o r hor> beet Iqr tito ^e him famed oompoaing team of Lerner “I was covering the launch of an in my and Loesre. They, will re-enact intermediate range baiueuc mtesUe lerday nonm production numbers from » yNtie ago.” he recalled, tment. their tooera. . l^Wch wee naturally dealgnatod in the IBRM, I waa etandlng ^ a radar As much a tribute to the com- *****^ Banana mver when aeSics as.to the musical theater. U started to come our way >ED *ThS' Broadway of Lamer and tha dam thing exploded. lioehsr' Brings to your Jiving room Wg (Aunk went through a. Car Sfate the greatest moments “My Fair terday andId The the femalndertomalnder fell•«. into tha M y . ” “Camelot” and many o f the Banana River. Prom then on. phar- other leOs known bub nevertheless ewijfone referred to it aa ly I* artMio iaiccesaes of this great ‘In the Banana River Mia- Oue- team. cm. I never could laugh ' about iaaion- If it were not for a chance meet­ that one.” 1 aaid, ing'at the Lamba Club in New Barbroo is a peraonal friend of and York in 1942, it may very well be the seven aetronaute. H e telia about that there never would have btim utrOMina Shepard and Grisaoni “M y F a ir,L a d y " or “Camelot.” who Were caught speeding in Day­ tona, north Cenaveral; 19k « in this exoluslye club ot .rUord whose members comprise aCtora» “The policeman asked for Orto- artial- aoma driver’s Uoenae. When he writers, composers aM producenr’ saw tha name, he asked him if he Haven etc. who are either active in ahow imajn- WM Grissom the astronaut. Whan bualneee, or were once, or ssplro Grissom nodded, the cop said, *Oh ly at to crack it, tho s e ^ were sown. cident yeah, aad Tm Alan Shepard.’ r the loewe had earUcr been ap­ “T%ao Shepard apolce up from victim proached to write a musical based the front aeat and aalA •No, Tm Sailor, on the play, “The Patay.“ The Alan Shepard’.” Mww was scheduled to go into ro- Barbrae waa bora ■ in BMrly hearsal in two weeks. But Loews ttounty, Oa., and wee educated at had not even begun on the 14 song Paries Mstropolitan Air CMIags in and dkaoa mambera. Uere’s the St. Ixiuia, Mo. When he was dls* way he remembers his piandary: charged from the A ir ' IV>rce la “Viniat do I do now? NaturaUy, 1854, he taught' liistnunrat flying IS at Seott Air Force Base to nu«eis I have no lyrio writers; I get up After doing some radio work at to go to' the men’s room at tha radio atoUon WALB 'to Albany, dub. Always I go to the men's Oa., Barbree went to Cocoa Beacto > 1- Fla. to 1957. He recalls: “I start, ed covering miasile shots then, ap* plied for a job with NBCB and got It.” Barbree'a latest assignment Is reporting the orbit flight of eatro- naut Jenn H. Glenn Jr. for. the s N B C Radio, Network. ^ t a m k SFOBTS FADE worn WEEK o r f e h . isih t o ELECTRONICS FKB.^ IStb , _ BATSRDAT, FEB. IMh V LABORATORIES 11:M CaoSlMta Bawtouf 4S liM WreeUias . «e Julie AJidrewa and the male dhoius go through a rouLlna tot "Tha Broadway of Lerner and LbewB’ liN Fretsaateasl Bewilae S apedal that will be.seen tomorrow‘night on NBC-TV from 7;S0 to 8:30, u. . * ^ Ten Fla Tima . tl. M 2 7 7 BROAD tiM m BaakelboH ' it. M CincInnaU Royals vs. St Louis F . Hawks 4 its CfcamMeneHw Bowllay • 4:M Baca at HiVWaah U , IS SATURDAY Tcfeiifoion PROGRAM Frateaelaaat Bowlera Tear IS SsW AM Star CMt n . M MUUea Deluir M eelaj ST Busan Haywkid, David Wayne. . Wreetllac S RAMO MSrATCH U:SI 8k» n u "Key Witness, John BeaL Trudy Biosraphy ■ siaser .Jane Fro- Fretesateaal Bewieri Tent 4t Watek H e. Whaid Marshall. man who sarvlvetf a ^ane crash (In presrets) The Tessa Asremeal Jachysi / A to return, on crutches, and com­ StSS OairTls Ot Tha Day U CARS (hUHUesiB Sewllac Sayerear 1 > SS plete the USO tour on which She SiM Telwvarta Dl«ast U:M Thie le «CaBs _ ^ Maahaat / ' 4S eil-barfc^ at the time at her T:W Apremanl Jartoat FOB BBITIS SBBVIOB Chaaisiss>l>$ »e t 3 Matty’s raaAsy Fanalea ( I crlpMi^ accident. (USD. UriS nykt Ot Tha M M TelU T h a ^ 7:M Ferry Maaen 1 Inwrenoe Welh Shew ^ W, U Costhis___ Clay___ vs _ Bonn)Boti (Color). ‘.The case of ■ the Poisan-Fen MIUlea''Dallar . Mavia U 10 round bearywetsht oontaot, liS* n rn a#, t > Pal.'' Mason enten a case and « i N Bars Qaa, WO Travel I ModlsM Bouara OaSden. M I 9 -llM I CrIsU ■ must decMs whether ward of a Gold proapeclDr who has ptnick U:4S Maka That Spare W. H 1 I S Oa t* planned business meiser leaked it rich heads, for a cowtowa to Baeday. Fob. 11th ' New Brilala Blsh gcheele L sA out throush the letters ot two pursue the slrl at hla dreams, ItN Duckrin Derby ■ IN I • \ m -1 ■ \ I » -1 K \ n I Ahead - 2! lUUe slris, tbtas settlns the stase I^adln rides wHh hlAi to act as MPIaltewBns n WiceUlas 4* for the murder o( an executlTS. a chaperone. , SriSWIaalas Mas darter Oondla- 1:M Aeceat f Talcs at WeOe Fbrso (Ceter^ ^ MiM Gaasiaoke • rnteasieaal BavOas S After. quairellns with her boy « :» {n fi^ 'p M b i Speetoedkar Tea Ma Ttaea a . IS "Portmit at Teresa.’’ Man seta fi lend, a headatrons youns lady, ian'a Major Leayue liW W s Three Theater » . out to kill the artlat with whom lavltaa other suitois to come JOHN L JENNEY ' ‘Youna Mr. Uncolii.' Heaiy hia intended bride baa fallen tn caUtns. Wendertol World e( OoU S Fooda, Alice Brsdr. „ Tha rishi at 4hs Woak I, « . M .' NewE Tsffc Olallater Dawllro Beeaeel neater *• iSuvin And Tbe Catenel S, M, « Cassius Clay va. Sonny Banks. 10 0. LEROY NORRIS I :IS Fre Baekethall a. ?• S "The WrecUns Crew." Ancr tbe Round. - Heavywetsht contest. liW Wide World Of Ssarte I. dS. M ClBclimaU itorala vs. St louis 'Cotonel and Calrta take Jobe with Beaaters Bsaert It AO SO O lATE , . Hawke (Color). a demollliaB crew, the Cotonel lt:tS Cameo Theater ■ n MbvIb I R plana .an "accident.'’ M:M Make Tkai Sanrs 4S. M Blu« St G M r Robert SM Baem Far One Msr^ t, 4S, SS lliW Balarday MIsIdNews B Wie a ih' ^ Sidt A lt e r l& J p t a Bteribis M Young, Florence iUce. "Senad One Day at the Orsan." InMuranee ttf AU Kind* SiDD IHuico Fnrtv ^ ^ t;M Tto Peteaders S «)M ChawpiMthls * "The Locked Room." Murder as B ond s 4:U Amerhsaa M Werh ■ M 11:11 8* 1. 8 p *el*«d B r 4:M Aek WaehiBsM » . » envisioned throush the mtouTs eye DeMito Jmm TV Beca al Tha Week IS JJ at three key jurors. Lockhart - SM N. MAIN STBBKT Tka TW M— 'M lU U Wmtkmu I f , || rtefeielsaal Bewteie Tew M "Rio Osloroso." Oarrett’a tite is 11:1D CMtata-TtaM B P H O N B M I o ooae "BalUmore 0|>eit. lire troin Colt Lanee. Towaoa. Md. CommehUnr endancered whan he aad his *The Judge Aim br Jack Back and Chrta %hen- f prisoner are siven food aad ahel- Sotbern. W E m STEUr 'Ih i MAIN annuBBT * ter In a poverty-atricken Mesleaa Late Shaw M kel of the two eeml-final aad town. ■ Mother te A Freshmaa." m ONB Ml f-SOSt final matches or Ike toumamedt. Leave R Ta Beaver A 4S, M U iU Mevto S ■ t;M Brad Davte.IlM ^ J "Beaver's Jacket." Problema da- "H uk,''_ Oebtse Monlsomery, QU/pfY SAFETY AM 8ter OeU (Cater) ___ th M velap (or Beaver apd bis pal Mona Tr Todar'a challencer M Don Jan- Richard beosuae they own iden­ TIahtrsro ”UET nOEBB BB UOBT* imry. tical Jackets. Richard loasa Ms Baa Fraaelsea Baoi Ms Tiaw WieatHac 9 aad Beaver tries la help. *f|}{1 :« MaWa a Weather Jaaler Oeetotaltew Oeau at the Barer Bsrmn _ U uki iais T W IN a A K S IVeteaeiaanl Bewteie "Utile Cseau'," Edward O. Rob- (la rreerasa) tasgn IHoiond O’Brien, who stam d in a:SSAlrla SUw ___ Tbe Third Man ) U the “Johnny MUhiigbt” aetiea, wiU . ELECTRIC 4w eeen in a new T V aei ias, "SM ' Free! MMntgimieTy St.” C O M M a C I A L oSS'^r&'y tha nar " W ^ A Soa« la My Heart.” WatM at aiaate R IIIO nillAL Mr4ie HI a :U Fealara Sterr INDUSTRIAL a.-M Brekea anew . Cook's ITIJNTIC FURNMC OIL 0diY«T7 sa l VICE STAIION C O m R A C i m e ;; 24 HOUR CUSTOMER SBRVfCB-M l 9-3701 - ty BMiiABW r. miBOO. BMp. m 9 -M 2 1 Jm ttahr’e Vbntosr Bbaah •• Ml Slg M lnh THha. B i^ C . L T. WOOD CO. aJSSfgg’iiS OffMsI IsdpasllsD ^toUsD ' a i i ■ V. 1 In- •I* my P A G E T W O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,' MANCHESTER. CONN„ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 190* MANcliiigi'EB BYBNmO HERALD, MANCSXISTEE, CONN.» SATTIRDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1902 P A G E T H R E E

.. There’s no petoa at hooM for MANCHESTER S U N D A Y Teievhton P R O G R A M George Rose' (Andrew DugRsui) T U E S D A Y Television P R O G R A M After hta wife, Anna (Peggy Me- T;M Braab Tka Meaaas. h S:M Otrsetlsaa ’•3 d:tt Amerieaa Bawostaad d, Id t:dd Rad Shsltoa Shew t Cay), takes' fiiU custody of laid- nPE a ii SUPPLY iM ‘tho‘(ho Bia "OHctna Churdi VlSic? Tks Brsadwor of Lerser and •At OaBm Of ^ Ab ; mOOftPOKATED Hm m L •r ombIm i (Ad Fsolaia Fltaa ~ g "Fieddto tbs Landlord." Guest wlg, an old-faahlaned pump organ, • iW Row T»gtB»«ot M u sl^ oaluta to the kli BrooS OiaSeBtol Cbeareem "GuafIghtMS,'* Raadolpk ftooU. star Joojr FEtye talks Freddie the and granta visitation rights to el­ •:ia trows • Wsatior way oomposbg ttam ot Alaa Jay Bortwra Brtttoo. ' Fraeloader Into ranting tnit hb derly MUidrva Gant (Cheerio WHOUSAliE »iU aiMrsa noar* ceatmy jto present day ia "Klnd- Lsrner and Fradsrick liOewa Vbt- d:3diSi^..ta.tota , I Theatm g .shack on the city dump during a •)M Mrwa erana of Lernsr and Loewa must- ' (C olor). bousing shortage. Meredith) to keitp it In tune in PLUMMNG and iiM rho UbiMsaaon M M Oseed Boars „ SS cab will reenact some production Ttatoe Of The Wsol U Dick PsimB Shew ‘‘Seated One. Day At The Organ,” _ , Tho Starr . 1:3» BdH^s Ohslea M, 4$. U numbers from their abowsr Julia Fust Skew 33 * te d s of AprU.'* A woman______b a Warner Brat.* "Room FWr One HEATING SUPPUES t : « Daoor aat CMUoth Interviews and news ssrtss. Psn- Andrews, Rlcbard .^ rton , Maih ^ ^-Ibe Big Khlfa." Jack Palaaoa, suspected of murdering one of bar •tW Kaa Tho Kafcor dall Tena, editorial director and ripa CheraUer. (CoImt). / Ua.-Lupuo. hushend's many girl friends. Mora” comedy for the A B O ’TV VISIT Oim SHOWBOOM anebonttaa, Fsflsw 5^.Baa._, Strsato ot Danger It network, Saturday, Feb/lO. j btenuBsaal ShswBma W "Annie ReeleFi Placs''. While re- 7on town, in "Blood OMCdlDoMltAi 4:1* man, ^omeduuii the McOuIn Sla- dild * ' fColec). . Fmtom . 13 M oney on “ CEOn’e Hundred". . ten; roeal trio, and Paul Amui,’ d:ld Rap ■rfciNigiR I grtrt^Dmw MeGraw Teem F »r A ftnur 4d, ( I Tueeday. Peb. IS (NBC-TV, 10-11 • Om O M tM etor M:M la fV a A M Uvo " $oeeph*<&lldESr aad Orchestra. . stogsr. Added, guests: .Baana Jaefc La fjtmmm tkm Audience panic (pal k» musical Joha Doremus Is host. (Color) ' Ahronl. brasU singer; Dsorga game with Bart Parka, stngtog p.ra. EOT). ^ • Om BMpoaaOMSty I Tlou This week's theme' "The Anf- CbrI. paqtaiiitmlat. and ' Cal emese. 8 ______nMM." Claude, noludlag act d:U It Ad Marshal Troop (John RuiseD) •:M tb rst WhersAm Tsar ll-M t ilt tS b J W iJ S S ^ VFVWC . —Wl AWnUWsorms, singer.Hftl • Om f ji U M t SIm i fiSfVralp^noa Slid mSSs ’ Weathse. Naws aad ftpm Cliff Norton, comedba. fighta a gang trying to free a Pedesal OsnuasaleaHoas "Cbaaga of Tsaus." Itan^l ______' Mmhi mm Wm i Rm cab’s Handred U iW o H l o e w l Ko«looo atsB haorlaga On TeleWi______Troop, taking kllbr (Phil Carey) ^ 5 ® . "Bload M «n y ." Spacbl guM datveroug kiUer ip "Chaise ot O r w I t T t k t t f fe x p e ric M ** o!“ Y H aow . OaoeUa Parker. S3S m .f : Venue" on "LAwmAn" over ABC- TUo Oar PBMa wash PrsKtammlas. 13. 11 to trial, atutoked by. prlaoner's t:M Brtda.aat _ OiK BL M star Ed Begley aad .jraest stars TWab Tfeo Ufo I^hlltbb of laSt^Week's tsstl- M:te OobaAos TraeMswa Larry Blydaa. Evemtt Oeoae and TV Sunday, Feb. 11. j IM 3.2443 •orroa Hoait m ocy aad quMtlonlBB. Oom- t o A ^ ^ S a t e r Don RlcUtq portray (mir prbi- u it f ceiiitoi Roaorto msniary by Bay Scherer, WafA- "Badge of Honor," starring Ai.A ld:ld^'!:X to .di43 K iM % a « h iy clpab stnunping tor control of M Anna Rooe (Peggy McCay) hired Okristoollsra tnaton reporter. Linkletter, Drama concerns a Boy ••Calcutta,' A b a Ladd, OeU Bao- diU Hews t t 33. « District______Attorney'somey' offloa la a U:W holaMe Wide et Sports «. 4*. tt 'Scout otflcbl with an aggressire sell. •:3S-Bparts wide open town. a beautiful Swedlah maid and al- BalMoo's atiwoaoi "The,.Los Ansslss TImep Track plan tor curbing juVsnIte deUn- PETERMilN’S M 'l t 7igt Te Tan Tha TraSk 1 TT Pmmlsra _ , g, 4d, M moet looee her huaband (Andrew Tho JUs* OoattaoBi M eet." PeaturiBK reeordwnmsah- guency. n a gHram Shsw- 3 "Mr.. Easy." Retired huainess ty- Duggan) in "G irl from Swtidai’’ on MdJBteAttag-Oa. ArsaM Tswa Jn( mller Peter melt of New Zea­ MIKba DaHar M e ^ • .. IS eoini (tods hlmselt dsep to the ^ Dowa BiMo taotltato land. (3S5J)* **■ ** "Ses Hawk," Bnol Flyaa, Oaude throes of anothsr business. “ Room For One More’f Saturday, lt:U M a s in Os ParaOs Oar Pblih U "aift'^of Water.” H ie Csftwrlghla Raina. jUMIw Dollar Movla See 7idd Feb, IT, over ABC-TV. U;ia Wa BsBaro B:M WosUaitsB Cearersatlsa 1 attempt to keep low-ccuntiy fOrm- Peopb la n a Rows 4:3* Osileae Bowl .3 e n from Inyading the Fonderoaa's u n d S L S ^ . ■’ 8 : 8 3 t 8 U :tt Ne«s. Waalher aad Spsrts ^ t^oaeom U p te e 11. *• moist hlgh-Iands during a eiinca] Make A DiffereRce Wlrare.YoE Save! Nmr^^ Wealher siS^ Spisita _ta an Etedo Ot Psotb News program for tesn-agera .drou^t * . ^ I T D O E S nidt ub t M. « Amerieaa Odytmy S3 Pailb Tate Robert Abemetby b on-tbe-air ‘Bos MSP s td. <3 7)U Westora Mose. BgUlghta 31 UFB INSURANCE U :tt’ Aaierieaas AtWaak ed itor.. . ■ "Put Your Dreams Away". D b -, ^Fbrtl-p-b. tttd '. t^ rta Oaatora Sd ChaMce to BAS Now! Uses Barry Boaooaor—WOwo 'Tbs Ohrlrtophers —1| appointed In love, a girl singles mu FsaH"Holiday,'' iSr^ Katherine HepbunC - For UneftUAled HeaUag t' N O ln A N D VOUB 1:M Yoar Gsaroiaalb^' 4:M TweaMeth tM tm rr _ A out one man to symbolise entire •€»ncAe N U:ld Mows aad Weather { "Operation: Brotbor'a Brolber” Special program esamlning "what DipMend - M Hams inth KBty "IS”/Lifer' m m eM U! Tombslone“ ■ (Oerald - - ■ Mohr) - - r) tight . It P af.I a Osort lt:U Memeal ot Meillatba 3 S. BotniM on taale m b i m I pro- Special retxHt on the U.B.8. Dla- out for guest star Olesele■ ! Yfi Msc- emcee, and Daffy Dock, guest, t rid News id mond Head, an Aimmuiltlon ofalp ~>'AfFArirF'.FTFF FFiFFF t;ld WM Tana reveal life, story of (he carrot- mlmM if Bfe Matured Zensle'a favors In the strangest chewing. hero, of the United States SocoodJneoi, Iwttle In the history ot the Baaeatatgg’g dhagat rtaageiaL laaTiiaTiaa Injured in a train wreck, Se- to a( 0 6S. which win sau from Norfolk. Ta.. of most ofjhe Republican leaden: KWy t:dd Gettrada B on Shew t Peb. 1 with a fores of M doctors Former Vi^Prealdent RIohard ld:td •'•sdld CnaMsa > 1 laai-aiAiN s To Ma n c h e s t e r .• " r o d t b n . OOVENTEV Bachetor Faftwr g, 4tL It ouiralirao, A Mexican saEMnan (David S. la ooailaMo for^ diala and . and 30 Ions of medical supplies Nnon. New Toik Oorernor Nelson Theotov 'i l » . W "Bentley _.aad the Romahody.'' O pAbtodhu). Aided by hi|. w ife L oUa fwitala ago 1ft to M . ; for the Republic of Liberia. Rockefelleiv ReuobUcan National : (Color) "Spellbound" starring with BHty Bentley Gregg's Eririfriend and (M iriam Colon), plant an Ingen- SaperauB * f Chairman Rep. William E. Miller Hugh O'Brian. A Woman psychia­ l:tdAuswscd nisoa Kelly Iwth play bomebodyi— ioug achepie to beoome financially < :• ' \\S4. l:M kestoiday's NewsrosI ^ of New York. >Va^ McOee Is trist attempts' to unlock the secret Tke Jaa Manay Shaw with dire results. a J. BMnrar jFalrsI . A Barrator.. of-wn amnesU victim (O'Brian) (Color) t:3d Dshb GIBb ' | indmndent In -"Strange Miracle" D EU SEN . Film . 33 Bear et State 18 who to suspected of murder. , ^ fcae TTymaa Prmsab When Maynard and a girt naroad on NBC-TVa ’^Alfred Hitchoock jvUh a low cost DIstrlet •Toaat Of New York". Cary Maureen O'Hara co-star. . itdd Bm m Aurty Eddie C W I "discover" saeb Preaenta’’> Tueaday, FU>. IS (8:80 Soponrtaor Otanl. Bdward Arnold. Adveatarea to Paradise d, 4t, Don WILLIS Gorogg LamMa Tenag other, Dahiw Isn't antlrsly satis­ Obaaipisiiskm BrMae On the adrtce -of a Teterlnarian, ZSr Adollolls Oaly Id SPECIALISTS IN SsTsa Hays fied wUh-Maimard's ebolce of a ?jn. BST): The coungjil of A priegt W babg pfia-Jaalsr Roger Addison reluctantly allows "Wlttiout Pity". t:dt Tke MOIluwlm mate and triea to dboourage Um BMiutfdo (hanndll) and the fUth IM E. OoBter Bswilak .* hb race horse. Lady Linda, to It:ld WkaPs My UseT WHEEL AUUNMENT oad Taoag Or. Ktabaa ' from Mling for a tomboy la a of a crippled child, MariA (Adeline Conversion Burner Stioot t:M Seaabr Bspsrb . M share a stall with Mister Ed In ll:dd B'anday Hews Special BBA&B SERVICE . *ke A Dor swaaUhlrt 1:31 Boa iay Spsrta Spertseabr . f oa attempt to make Lady Linda Mews GENERAL AUTO REPAIR . •:ld ^ Veedtat b Te Alfred BHeheseh Kssssb 33. St PedroAA) briJiga the dramA to a M l t-M M "National FI sure Skatinc Chan>- . forget k long-Ioet lore. Oar Fba startling clliiiAx. ALSO NEW plonshlps.” Compettnc skatars Balkmys *. t MIM miP i s m a i n ST. MANCHERTBR :3 P I t - « M l OnaertleM • " ia*?.?'?}*.. A MaaIcAb sklesmoa from an sections of the country -FhU savers 11 Naws B WMlhensolbernsaa (l^vld O p ot^n ) aided by hb GAS SDN USE o r CANADA will appear on tbs prosram. Jack Marertek 41, M PhMtoy’a PeathsanHAhsass j , ^ i w S l O s wife (Msnam (taloa), devisee on Oieg (Grant WUIlama) inveoti Whitaker,' lerlea kssl, and Amer- "Epitapfa tor a Oamhler." U:ld Saiiday mght Msvis J tngejttra scheme to become fl- gateg A murder involving two wom­ FUWtACES afts lea's-Dick Button, twics 'Olyml^ I Lsesb . S ^Mljhty Joe Young", Teny Moore naaclally IndepeadenL en and two men in '' Four-Oomered ficure skaO S ensmplOBiplon and fhre- After Mr. Orlgaby. b Injured In on 11 :U New Bmed • t d t it time woi Ulst,il, wwtU describe accident to the ancient train which "Hatter's Castle” . Robert New­ IKrSJSK. ‘“ s "M r W eltK ^ers.” M tf Squat Triangle’ ’ on the Warner Broa.’ the precl______ikadiy. he operates, 'nmmy. with Las­ ton, James Mason Hem's H< -SMka pe^opotblc -aeader of ''Hawaiian Eye" drama over ABC- Meet Tks Prate .*• M, sie's help, tries, to look after the Msvb ■ . t IS T. p. n m m W Ouesta: *BtKl _ ijp snifeia engineer s pet chimp, Male Animal” . Henry Pbiida. home nude bombs. TV Wedneoday, Feb. 14.. TOURAINE PAINTS Professor ot AnIhrieeolofT. NYU, wnibn Dollar Merle It Late Shew M- 23 Tolland Tpke. Pearl Primus. worM’a iortmost "Paughters Courageous". John "UndeV My Skin" John Garfield, MANCHESTER ethnic dancer, las Bsllwinis Shaw n. W It:M Prsvbws 4d M 3-4793 • BR U SH E S Wsmea’s Xaior L satas »swS^ Sssnuna » : W gews A Weather GTorfleld. Lane Eaten. u i u ; sat of Medttatisa OLDSMOBILE’^ WEDJNESDAYTe/cDMiofi PROGRAM • WALLPAPERS ‘’TODR OLDSMRHHLE pEALEB” Early S ^ w dt Millba Dollar Mevb , U i:te (tallege Of The A b rTke Riebord Cailaoa, NATURALLY IT S GAS • SANDERS. POLISHERS CaoUaeabl Otaesmam HUbi^r B r ^ e . gee 7:00. 512 WEST CENTER STREET . ((tolor) ll:t t News, Weather A Sparta I M O N D A Y Television P R O G R A M t:ld New Testament ' I Sea iSul News, Wsatter, tpeila t STEAMERS FOR RENT M l s - m i Faially_i(ark Big News 33 Okaaa^ Psfbys Tbsslsv d nUi Frsctaet 33, 33 > FaMs The Oai Bawa A Weather 3d t:dt OsOegs of- Tbs (Color). , . • "Ballet for Katie". Detectlvea ^aUaeatal Oaasrmm (0) 33. 33 Newt, Spetto, WeaHtor 4d Csatteea______atal ' CisascMm ~ (Oslsrk SW . TMm . of The Waal t » Roger Havlllond aiid Bert Kllng fto*hi43 11 :U Featam Fttm I Pavl’s Paiat aai g:M New Testasuat t FIrsI Skew ^ 33 tavestigato tha mysterious rtioot- VD ei^y Rldee Again.'' Marlene Royal t:ld Agrboltncs Naws t "The HacaOSers” . Don Duryea, Ing of a Policeman's biids. ' NEW or LISEI> ^ h w a y Falral Uelrich. James StewarL g;dd Rsarlss Semester S Keenan Wynn. Ssrbldst 'Add.n . ^ MenOag Bestlaar * 8 J n S Poor ghew 3d N Wallpaper Supply Cestlneatal Ctoserosm (Oebr) Esiiy Shaw " • Id "Who b ^ Iv b ? " When Investlga. 7tU Moa Ta Man fCotor) Icu Cream Co. ' M, 3d "Father Was A Fullback''. Fred tor Dave Thorne violates hb pro­ _ Waathst Faalam 4t dd M S Main S t .-.M l 9-0300 Csstlaastol Otasarssm d MacMucray. fessional .ebde, police bold ' ntan 7:13 Moa ThsKahsr U:37 Nswsreel d - DfOOEPORATED 7;td Cesstltatba an Basosa BIghta 3 The Admiral aad Swabby Shew 4d ^ rtly responsible (or min's mur- 11 lid Jash Paar'Bhew tt Taday Shew 31. Id Tapper 33 7• Ms. ThreeS****??, Stmgee 87 Warren St.—M l ft-ftftOft Msrahig BeMlaav * S:Sd Sea Bant M 3:3d AtSty Grilflth Shaw 3 Srtd ttapteln AaagarM 11:33 i£?rt>.- 'b 3 TiU Baa to Maa . t . Rmlw and Kb FriendsFT U ild Nsim A Waalher Film S3 When Andy's son, Ople, decides t:4t Moa ot DesHsy 13:33 Weather It SiSS Fella Tho Cal t - to eater s foot race In the annual t:U BrMkbe* Tbut MaaMal af MedHsHen Ovr SPEEDY SpoEioity T;td Camyas Oressreade t (Color) "JSherlff'a Boys' Day." Barney In- COIURN R MIODLEMOOKs I e c ;. - ___ege Of H h dsU News t. S3. lidd Lata Bows Oyer t:td Oaptala Kaagares 3 d:ddYsrt^Bear t eautlously volunteeni to IM bb 3:dt Hap Riehuds . 7.-dd jjF i^ W; Oa Mob.Straa* • • TRULY GELICIOUS Kseky oS W s Frier • rlubos II trainer. mVESTMENTS: Jnek (js Uuae jetieat Pmi______t:U Breakfast Tiom t SIghway Pairsi «d td:dd Hennesey . 3 V M E. OEOBOB r . JOHNSON JEw MaailCtT Jtomper Bqsm J '^ w a a l JuncUoD', A va Oardaer, f ;td CsUess el tks Ab Id . News It An unusual girl singer meals Onstaia "KAngame Stewart Granger. 30 Flavors, CHICKEN d:dd Bap liehards _ ,S d:U News. Sports. Wsothor Ig Chick Hennesey at a Son Dbgo PRiENpi-V AND HELPFUL TRANSAOnONB HANDLED d:U DsUta Drahe Bhmr MlBlaa Dattar Mevto U Jack falaaas Skew d SssUl Beeartty S3 party and gi.vea the young NaVy ON ALL EXCHANGES LISTED AND UNLISTED—MUTUAL FUNDS d:ld Msralng Serial Bamt-er Bssm B, M Si33 IVcsther News A Sports 3 doctor a new outlook oono Msrnias Marta g ^■o‘Sss.r"” Any Questiona? la i Gallons! irowN is 4 Mhwtos Caplala Basgarss 4d i>ople lees fortunate than hi CM MAIN OTREET " TEL. Ml ft^IlM "Reducing" Marie Dreosler, Polly Weather^ 1I^pat News 33 • ;IS Debbb Drake Shew 3 d;M News Aad Weather > .3 hriner 31. 3d Moron News aadJ Weather ft. 4d TIm world'a "ilBeBt eatiB’ oUck- l:Sd Marobg Serial I Barber Csmmaad ' 13 "The Hollow Watcher.*' A woman d:H BoUn A OOto 33. tt Pitas (1 an" Willi iBoompBrable tMto. Msrnlsg Msvb 1 Clabhsose . 13 (Audrey DaU) kills her toUier- Mtdd Calendar . 3! 43 7:U WstieeNsttom Mott. RlghUghtg . It "No More Ladles". Joan (hraw- Bapedlllsa lM 4d Boy Whmi » : 33 ib r t s Csmsra gs MANCHESTER . E*» Year tafsrmatlso In- taw (Denver I^le), and con­ Q: Now thdt "Fttor Gunn”'wag OAU. IN OEDEE ford, Robert Montgomery. vinces her husbontr (Warren Idtid Bsmenmohar’a Mavla 3 / t;W Kakts A.OUIa 33, Id d:4d Msa si Dcrtloy * | g Oati>s» that he did the killing la "Cor d f’ J^ed. MocMurray - — Tt$$ R?ta>srd not rantwad, wiiAt Are atiw OriUf ^ . Plek Dp 10 MbmtM Later ld:dd Calendar 3. «d grtf News - A A S3, SO self defense. Ann Sheridan Baasa T^ato Stevens' pkuig for Um future T — CYCLE SHOF Bar Wbea It Id 1:33 SpoTto M Ben Casey ~§ .’ 4d. S3 Pby P w irT i T— h eI Jem. Hartfleld Story." 8 - S 1. B. : CYCLE SALES aad SERVICE ld:3d Jieaiemaker’s Marts r ■ 1:33 Sf*-v fXsaer Mavis ' S "Victory Wears a (tauel Smlle.t’ lay Wooater rasuona that he must "The Eagle and The . Hawk". "Walk East on Beacon". George Dr. (taaey (aces slander suit For FIBRIGS, 3hs|i F U R III MILLS accompany three boys who want A : Stevens hAs been gilined to DEGI’S DRIVE-IN Frederic March, Cary Grant N t o r ^ ^ V lr ^ b Gilmore. brought by veteran doctor. Utid The Toxaa to run away from the train. stAT In an hour-iong gerleg. "MAn Colambia— ^Humber m o e n t e e ST.— b0 s-sooo Pby Year Boaek 13, m Mllltaa Dollar Malta U i f DmRMbricft - -.-ic. WoeImbm — ____ b Bight ' 8:8 Naws Speefal 4g. tS Color. Mli^to Denar Marts ' ^ M See 7:00 Showing Howard K. Smith — Nsws and (^ Uie World," to be produced In Barbara Beroaid Shaw *d •'Larceny. Inc." Ed-ward G. Rol>- lt:Sd Cve dst A Secret 3 foewy UmSSSStnio. Comment Europe. English— RoDfaat U:dd Tbs Pries b Bigkl 11. M Ar Medal pEttem Ar D Fabrics Inson, Jane Wyman. With Garry Moorv, boat aad -CantaB MAde SUPOOVER8 l A DEAPEEIBS „ -Team Fer A-Bsag Btdd BIralghtoway - 4d, (3 BOB KOBRNANh Prep, y iCtolor). • Weather, Lseal News IS emcee; pimelists BUI (hillen, U:td Lem oi Ub "Eacape IVom Oarknaoe", Scott l«ft Middle Tpke. West The Taaaa A ed, 33 News Of The Bear Aad Henry Morgan. Belay Palmer, at LOW MILL PEtCES!* Year FIrrt Impmmlsn aad "Cupper help girl to dtatreos. Q: .Are Patg and Gladya really U:ld CrttCealraUsn 33. 3d WssUisr SO Bess Myerson and guests'. Michel (Temeaflege then learn ehe eaeaped from a married tft each oUierT Mrs. F. a M I »-ft48« Years Far A Ssag A «A S3 13:tt Troth o r ttaessqaeeees' _ „ News sad Weather M „ de ta ^ g a French llluslontaL OgBtgt B t h t Da y Noea to t PAL— ndtHiftgjr M td ft PJM. mental lastitullon. ll:dd t.svr m Ufe > I T:ll Western Mass. HIghUghto 33 ll:td News. Weaiher aad Sparta 3 AM. Saerrti Fer Tsmsrrew Omeettest Blmto Ahaodf ' I A : No. Not in real Ufe, only on Year First Imprssstoa It. It Saerts Camera 33 News, Weather aad Sparta 3 Moke A Face t:3d Cheeknule ' 3 their TV Aerlea. • (Color). news • ss Btg hews 33 OHBNET HAU- ♦ itAETFORD RD - MANCHESTER » PM B PAEKmO U iU Tka Gsidlag UgM *3 "The Sound of Nervous Laughter," • Camsallage A 4A S3 Tttd Obeyesas A 4d, « News sad Weather 33 U :H Mewe Day Bepert Actor whoee receipt of a death ll:ld Search Far Tssssrrsw 3 "Rendetvous with a ______Miracle. News. Spsrts aad Weather dS Irtd Beet SeKss. threat Involves ChertmuUs, Inc., Q: How toll la Bert Parks And Troth Or Osaaegacaeas 3A Id Rronco captures bank robber, but 11:11 SaspcBss Theater • I MorrtcurteeJa In sir Investintioii. wliAt color eyea does he haveT Maks A Foes A «A 33 must save him from the girlfriend "Prisoner of Shark lataad.** War­ At BemLa Wttk ..... KWy Jeey Bbbspwww 11. M U :U The Ooldlsg Ugkt I who was leader of outbw gong. ner Baxter. Day ta Oeart "A Man's Friend." Mm. C. W. lt:SS News Day Bepsrt S3 Trna Adveslsre S3 T Iu Jack Paar Skew St lilt ia^9h The a WerM TUraa Barnes and Stella become attach­ A: Bert ta 8 feet U, and hiw l:dd B|irt Saner 3 Manhsnt is ((tolorl Highway Pabsl ed to a Great Dane that Larry blown eyee. I Married Jeoa . S • :*d. I^len al Yelvst _ 31. 3d Featare M ’ 4S Sseial*fl< round In Die street . At Bsme Wbk Kitty 31. 3d •Tha Test." Velvet proves It takes 11:37 Newsreel g Horvas '5a;* T » Gat (3 Day ta Csart — *d. S3 patience and practice to be^me ,M:3d Tke Jack Paar Shew ' 3 W. H. England Lumber Co^ Omnshe "The (tase of the Mtasliig Ant V How taU Aia Gmrry Moore l:ld As The World Taras d an expert rider. lOtlor) The ChrletopheiL Eater." T. C. orders Benny to 17 OAK ST. Blgkway Patrol ■ 8:$d The Prise Is Bight 31. Sd 11:33 Movie g • ■ -AT THf eSEEN-' , ' . 1:U At' Hama name inih BMiy lose the friendly soo stray Uiat and Durward Kirby T George' P. V- Bselal Notes WItk Kitty I t (Color) Bill Cullen b emcee. "You Ctan't Escape.^' Noelle MU- 3:dd The Joa Merray follows him home. A. Gariy ta 5 feet 7: Durward ta Phono Ml 3-4^47 Harvey OlsoB Shew -. 3d Riflemsa - A 4d. SI dleton.'Ouy Rolfe. Borns A AUee IS Best at Greoehs M "The Man From Sallnaa". Robert I;dd News sg O p e n All Day Saturday Foseward Mr. Lfeky > dd ft feet 4. . This Is The Answer S3 Culp guest stars as scbemlng Jaae'Wymaa Fmsseb didd Perry Cema’s Mmie RsBd tt, td OT Ml 3.4444 1:3S At Hsnie WHh Kilty 33 bounty hunter. | A concert by the New Vork Phil­ 3:3d Beoea Party Guest; Stngsr Dorothy (talluis. S:dd Passweid ' 3 All Star Dachphi Bswtiag IS Laiotta YauB (Color) (): When ig Betsy Palmer of ' ‘I've The Jsa Mnrray Shew (Osbr) t'.ld Danny Thsiaas Shew 1 harmonic, conducted by Leoitaurd Savae Keys Hawalba By#' _ t. id. di Dt A Secret’ expecUng her baby? — n , 3d Danny WUItama tries out bis Bernstein, wlU highlight the open­ (ltd The MflUeaalm •'Four-comered Triangle." Greg' J.N, Jane Wyman Preseals A 4d, a theory (hat P.T.A meetings should ing night of the Lincoln Center’s Ysaas Or. Mabaa 'TCocKenxIe hlvesUgales jealousy 3;3d Haase Party be fun with such success that the m » M m FUCD OUT TODAY gmoA Far A D w motivated tmirder. A : Some time in Morcli. Lsretta Yeang 33, 3d sehool superintendent-b ready to Philharmonic Hall. l^ e event Slid The VatdM b Y a o m 1 TV Hsom Of Stem , Id ITTEMES .Saves Keys A M . » wM be televised “live” by (3BS on HOW YOU CAN FINISH Oaa'FIm Daagbtom 33. 3d ' dismlst. the principal—nutll Dan­ iOmnim iImN RmeRrIu U 9 d:ldl>lrti Vaa Dyke Shsw 3 MULLIN'S S:dt Wyatt Karp 3 ny tries out another (heorv. Sunday, Sept: 23. ■' Rob end Laura learn that a friend Q r When adll Loretta Y'oting re­ FOiR Y O U E Vaiiiw Hr. Mabaa IA 3d Wk9 D0 f •• Trwtr m . n ((tolor). 4rtd Baagsr Aody Shaw 3 doesn't necessarily moks a good turn to teldvtaion? C-L. ^7 OLD BATTERY SALES and SERVICES HIGH SCHOOL Maka Haase far Daddy B A M bouse guest when Buddy comes to oeen Per A Day A 4A 43 . spend a few days with Uitm. ' A: Loretta ta piilaiuiiiM A new TV Jhe Verdict Is Yearn 3 A t HOME IN SPARE TIME Amarteaa Kaadslnad A, dt H drtd ta Tha PoMb lalems* U M:td A Tear ot tho TThlle Bsoss with aeries In which she'IM'U ptay A widow * Gonorol Ropolrt ar -Mve Dnsghtsrs SA M I f yoQ Eura. 17 dr ave r' aad hAv^StyPPAft out at arbddl, TwMg fa r FR E E Mrs. Jsha F. Ksasedy tt. tt with chflftren. tbanerllrat Bandstand f fOR EXPERT MOTOR TUNE-liPS aad FREE BaoUet. TeOs-how yow « « AT « . i i Mra John F, Kennedy, scoom-. Whs Os Ysb TrosIT ^ ' 4A U H OM E I N 8 P A E E •nME. ' panted hjr News Correspondent Harttori Btitral * Ronpo and Ftiol ORt 4:dd ttaager Aodv Shew 1 RBinMUE DTMAV1 8 ION SYSTEM ...dSSSScil^SSnSmd d.8 Charles <3aUtagwood, will escort Gt I heard that Walter Brennan Make. Kssm Far Daddy IA 3d tETim fX-BAV' METEOD POE t;td Fsatam Film 4 telertslao viewers ihtongb the of “ The Real MoCim’’ won three Amerlma Bandstand A «A S3 A M E B IC A N 80HOOIU Dept- "Private Worlda*. (Baadstte Col­ nrtaclpej menu on the ground, Academy Awards. 4 this' correct TlitCtb * Comploto Toxoco «:U to fke Pahito tatesao* U A PBErBCT JOEI lMW.43BdStwNwrYerklW.N y- ^ bert. CbarlM Beyer . first sod seemid floors of Ihs l:Sdt3he M ae Of Night • - p Theater ft ^ t t e House. ;^esldcnt John F. and for what pictureg did bd win Ml f .2S2t P ro m M H Here'V^llvm . «. 3d 8eiM.Hto ymw f i w «»-|MMe High Scitoel Booklet KeoilkedF'srtU also appear an lbs Uwm? M.B. PUppy The CIswa i N jRBIIG;. d'*oe#'og«eoo-oo*»dddOoeoosoeoooeeesedoddd«#*g * e ( Wea* « . J. MCDLLIN8 OR-. Prop. 4:W Amerieaa Newsstaad A M LITTLE JOE'S TEXACO • • • • ft • A* • • • RURmvk R 2 e s % y . d V i i A: Ygg, Walter bag won threg m CENTER sr. 3:M Peatarc Film s W MIDDI.B TrEB. AT BROAD ^ m s-7* 1d ^A44PRGG e o • • a • • a • • o • • e o • e o o e o o • • a • “J^s o d o » # ge^ * , ABCs fteeft******** "Aa Long Aa They're U-** ?<• M o r s I W ^ " Ogearg.’ ’ ta IftSd, fo r Ootng and 1^ Taaaad-Tpke.—Ml to tu "Abmluun Lincoln". Waiter Boo- I CWjT ssosse'sooosspAssaaeseee«»*»»»« seceeas* JBUUUGb ••aooooSdee Diana Dora (Color) Maa with ilmholaglcaf pn^em Ion. Una Merket .Tha Adariral nag Wsahhi goto rtefc e a ^ time ba tries Get tt’’; in IftM, lo t "Kentucky"; Kakb • OUb . . - M OXJKW knAM bavaava tbs 1street -bo -Bvet om. and ia 1*40, for ''The Wegtemgr."


I TV Notebo^ THURSDAY Television PROGRAM Com ing iShow9 | Bjr m O K KUEOnCB Cahaaalleat'______S:SS C^nte at M Wha Da Tea Trmwt ittt'S;!*7lfi!n . ) l mtntaUy disturbed ex-opavipt, y ' ■ WMyif pBf Bntotprla* AaM, CeattMelal fiM Baagar Aady Shaw u-. .■ ’ , •The Dragon.A auras trtan^ to- Naw Tork — (NBA) — "It la tColsM. Make Maam Pa* Daily tt. •I ft romance Dr. KUdare into talrtim’ Ed Foster (Dabbs O rew ) Mtorts b time,’' taya Viveca Undfora, “ that X*w Tests w l Amarieaa Baadafaaf A ft. H (he blame*for a aerioua medloiu reign o f terror by ahootiiic down I AarieaHere Nesps I la The PabUeHlereel It error of her Interae bayfrienA Innocent mail centetB, ia "The tha eraativa paopla took.orar Uia I Seatlae~satlae BesiMter I al Might 1 The Beal MaOsya A IA tt arta." '• CasUMeeslal Ctasaisest M. M ■aea'a HeVywead tl. tt "The Marriage; ■ Coaaselor". Outa(der” .oe ^Robert TBylor’sJDe- 111# baauUful and brilliant act- (Color) tllpyy Tha ClairB It Orandpa jumps to tbs wrong con­ tectivae” Friday, Feb. !• (NBO Caatiaeatel CIsaae I Ameneaa Newastaad A ff clusion on ctrcumatantlal avl- TV, 8:9(>-9:S0 pjn. EBT). raaa la, o f couraa, an exparlencad I laUa Amtrrieaw I Peatan Film S denca. • hand In teieWalon, 'faature illma Tadsr Shaw » . M "The Magic Carpet” . LocUle BaU. t:N TaU It Te Oraaehe I Xardas Samlaae John Agar,' Comedy - variety-human Intereat Connie Mestora (Judy Lewie) and oh tha atage. So aha knowa tha I* jfsB la Maw a Papaya Thehtaa • show starring Groucho Marx and whpla acopa of show bualneaa whaii WeaUMr B (Color) featuring Jack tVheeler aad Patty tries to refine two daug:fat«rs of a aha talka about IL 1 UalahU a Talaa al Iba Waat. It - Harmon. holdup nuuA while I fardhal W ill BsAaM Basart S Pint Shaw tt MyI* 'Three______Baas_ A ft. ft Foreman (ifon Coltler) queftlotM "Aa tlilngf ara today,” aha aaya, I Three Slaasaa S “ Big Houae U.8.A.” Broderick 'Le Petit Stowaway." Toung Chip "it ta tha man who know hoW to Caataia Eaiupaiae i Crawford. Ralph Meeker. sneaks aboard binary plane tak­ their possession o f stoten money, manlpulata money who run TV and kacky aad SBa M aeSa a Early new . tt ing Steve to secret deatmation. to “The Sistei*” on NBC-TWe ■ lU BMshlsai naaa S "She Devil". Mari Blanchard. t 7 Hear at Stars U "Outlaws” seriee Thuioday, Fbb. tha moytaa and tha theater. Why aiM Callaaa Of Tha Air at Admiral A Swabby Shaw t;N Kiag al DUunaada „ J ahould they? Ability with money Ssee Bmniieharda-Shaw S Tapper It Haaal St, tt 16 (7:30-S:S0 p.m. E8T). doaan’t mean they have creative Sach La Laaaa t I Sm Maal ft "The Investment Club.” Two Baaasar Beam tS. M PlbB (t Crooked stock salesmen make (ha When Teresa (Oeorgelte DQval), ability, too. Tha peaka/ot creative CsMBla Ksagaaaa «S I talU the Cat a horrible mistake pf -trying to de­ 1 DaUla Drahe 1 (Colbr) fraud Hazel and her frilow meu- the promised bride of Poderto effort have bean timaa when berz of the Bunzhine Girls Invest- the creative people ran the thea­ 1 Maralas Serial t Baehlel^leharry (Simon Oakland), runs away, he Maralaa llavla S SyiiabiM - * i ! mem Club. g at 41 sets out to find and kill artist MSI ter — when men ilka Shakeapeara •They Made Her A Spy". Alaa Highway Patral ft lane. Sally Ellen Newa ** -tt3y* of the House." While her Akins (Arthur Frans) with whom Old Brecht have bean their own Eahia S OlUa It, M t:U Newa. Waalhar. Sparta U parehta are away Margie takes she has faUwi to lovA in "Por­ pi^ucera. I think it ia high time Msec C ala^r f. m Ameneaa Mawareal tt charge of things, IncIiMing 'ra- trait of Teresa” on the ”Telas o f that the actora and tha wrltera Say Whaa St. M Weather News aaa Saarla t paperlng the living room. MiSC Hamaiaahar’a If avia t Nawa ewf Weather . I H:N TV BeMris _ . I Wells Fargo” color broadcast o f took thing* over themaelvea." ‘‘The Bride Wore Boota” . Barbara Caaaflaa Maaatad PaHn Slag Atanz WHh MUeh (Oalari Saturday, Feb. 10 (NBO-TV, 7:30- IQaa Llndfora objecta to much S^wyck, Robert Cummhupi. mmv aft Playf r.Teiat ‘ Heaeh ■ n. tt Mabheasa . . St (Color) Leslie Uggamz and Gloria 8:30 p.m. BST). * o f the/TV, ifiovia and atage prod­ (CMOt'. -_.or) Pahlle'Daraafar ft Lambert join MilM Miller aad the uct of today "becauae art ahould Barbara Baraard Shaw Cammaaweallh af NaUaea tt Sing Along Ganj* In a program Dr. Jerepty Wilson (Richard be truth and ao much of today*a Usi I The Price la BIsM I Mea af Dealiay tt spoofinkthe "Hollywood Silent (Oolori > SawB A A n .tt Screen Era.” Long), learns a lesson to humility efforta are not truth.” Tha Taxaa A ft. a i Sparta Parade ft The laohables A ft. U and medicine when he .visila his Her own lataat moyie effort la I CaacaalratlaB tt. tt I Evanladaa t •The ath Tree.” Gypsies In- hometown and is called, upon to loan Par A Saac A ft. It Sea Baal t volved in bootleg operaUon. "The King of Kings,” in which aha' Iwre •> Ute t Mlllloa Daliar Maria U MHm DetlM Merie M take over his late father’s prac­ playa Pontiua P 11 a t e’a wife, tm n tirai laayraaalaa tt. St "Romimee On The High Saaa”. Sea 7:00 tice. to "Home ’Town Doctor” .nn Claudia. (Color) Doris Day, Jack Canon 11:00 Nawa, Weather A Spaits t NBC-TV’s “Tales of wells Fargo” r Camaariaite t. M, tt Waalhar and News It Big News » •T liked making it,” she aaya. lS:Se Search -ftr Taatarraw t News aad W aa^r tt Raws aaf Waalhar It color broadcast Saturday, Feb. 17 *T had never been a particularly Tnlh ar Caaaeeaeacaa tt. tt Npsn.aad Wealbanwaa ft News. Sparta, Wadihar tt (7:30 to 8:10 p-m. BST)'. religious person and ^I suppose I ’m Mahe A pMe A *t. N Daeaveref II 11:11 Eerapa’s Pi zest Maries I O al& t U kM t Wealara Maaa. HlghUfhte tt "The Square Ring". Kay Kendall, atlU not retigious in the tradition­ > Newa Day Beyatl tt Sparta Csmen tt Jack Warner. Carol Lawrence, Isaac Stem, al sense. B u t'I learned so much i Bed Seller t H»wt ^ ft ack Paar Shaw (Galar) tt Mahalia Jackson, George Londen, about Him when I was doing the I Married laaa • ) The New Bab Camiplags J'aalare M . ft A| Heme WHh ElMy tt tt ll:t7 Newark t Anna Moffo, Ray Eberle, the Hod- role. Tou 'might say He was, the Day la Caarl It. IS Delivering a fancy cake by Aero- 11 :tt Jack Paar Shaw n emairM and the Tex Benekp Band first angry youpg man—He was l:lf As The WarM Tana t car turns into a dangerous assign­ (Color) will participate to "Portals of Mu­ angry and brilliant and He want­ Hlahway PaleM t ment for Bob Carson when ht la ll:tt Mavis t _ t Saclal Nalaa Wllh MUtf ' tt forced down near a ghost town. ‘Tormdo Alley”, Mark Stevens, sic” Friday, Feb. 18 oh NBC-TV’s ed to change the timea in which Harvey (Maaa tl Orilavrs tt Dorothy Malone. l:tt Newa ’ It ’’Bell Telephone Htiur” ’ color Jjle lived. Just as so many angry Beal at Oraaeha M "The Slaters". Connie Masten broadcast (9:30-10:30 p.m. EST). and . brilliant men have always Thia fa The Aaaiver It tries to civilize two half-wDd I Al Haaie With KIMy n daughters of a bold-up man. Stuart Bailey (Elfrem Zimballat wanted to change the Ume^ in I Paasward t Bias Aagels t Jr.) flushes a hermit out of hit which they lived, as they do to­ The daa Mareay Shaw St. It As Seharis Match Wlls tt Mrs. Barnes (Madge -Blake) day." , (Color)- Omia A Msrriel ft. tt cave into the arms of the Kiri who and Stella (Mario Tliomas) .be­ aaaa Wyaiaa Praaeala A ft. It "OparaUon Barry” . Iniprompta loves him to ‘”rhe Air Hermit” come attached <^to a Great Dane Miss Llndfora, one of those ac­ i Haaae Party t surgery comedy frightens neigh­ on the “ TT'Sunaet Strip” show for tresses who ia completely intense, Laratta Taaag tA tt bor boy dus tor tonmilectomy. that Larry (Warren Berltoger) Savaa Keya t. M it t:M Fnntler .dress S ABC-TV Friday, Feb. IS, finds to the street, but Joey (Joey always researches her ro'roles thor­ > Wyalt Kara t "The Courtslilp". The marshal of oughlyughly. Simlal Far Warnea tt, tt New Atlanta agrees to - let the Bishop) decides the dog’s appe­ An authoritative * *- report on tite is too big, to " A Man’s Beet U books a ra_ avaavailable about "The Indiscriminate Womaa". A T n- T Circus play In toi^ pro­ "How to Watch an Orbit Shot” wlU the character study of the pUtht of tha woman vided Casey will marry the towa'a ^Friend” on NBC-TVs --’Joey >r she is playing, she who attempts to eacapa from bar leading female clUaen. be presented on NBC-TVa, “To­ reads them so she cam 'interpret Inner contllcta by eagastae la Dr.aaa Beed Shew A ft. U Rlshop Show” Wedneeday, Feb. day" show the morning before the I f (8:30 p.m'. ~EST). the part accurately. fleeting affaln. “The New Office’. Dr. Stone fin­ attempt to place aatronaut John Perhape because of her very In- Qaaca Par A Day A ft. ft ally moves his office from home I:M .The Verdict la lea n t to downtowB medical building. H.. Glenn Jr. into oriiiit. teuity. she has never had a Guest'star Margaret O’Brien por­ emner to do what she most trays Nurse Loti Palmer, who wamts to do—play - comedy. tries to romance Dr. Kildare into "They always think I am trag-, taking the blame for n serious’ le," she says, "and I have had FRIDAY Television PROGRAM medical error of her interne boy­ tragedy in my life, but who iit l Sea Maal ft criminot dtia to overcrowded iron* friend, to the NBC-TV "Dr. KU­ hasn’t? I do not think of myself «:## •( tM Ate Marie Haaeh tt ditloiifl in women'a prison. C^atiBenUI CUftmai dare” episode, “ The Dragon," am a tragic person, but rather l:H F ^ z The Cat ^ t Mlllioo Dollar Movie See 7:6# 16 Thursday, Feb. 18 (8:30-9:30 p-m. IM a positive person.” (Cdlor) (Color). — i.foewiloeoo . 6 (:M New Testameat t:tt Beclre aad Bla Frleuds t Cget Hoolley Reportlag 66. 6# EST). Series regulars Richard ' ArriPttICare New* SvUabaa It I Ne4ro« Wootker tm 4 BpoHo 6 Chamberlain and Raymond Massey Broaico (Ty Hardin) unfrocks a C:M Sunrlee Semeeter HIshwav Patrol ft New0)\^n vte.' Wealber 8 ConllftenUl Ct*fler»iim Metre SS Big N e # s7 I f co-star aa Dr. Kildare and Dr, harlot in a nun’s dlothing auid sees Continental CinMr**m t :lf Newi, Bperto, Weather U Nowi aad Wealber 8# Gillespie, respectively, ' ' a boo^um converted to religion In 7:ftt Conititvllon A Hnmna Blftftl* Film u Now** Sporie.-v Weotber 46 Todn* Show B . Z:W Weather Netri A 8o.rU I 11:16 Fealare FUm^x 6 “ Rendezvous With a Miracle” on One of the world’s foremoAt "The Cheyenne Show” over ABC- Mornlnt SemlnoY t:M Nrwe A Weather S “ 71t Ocean DTHe'*. Edmund 7:U Man To Man Harbor Commaad 18 O'Brien. Joanne Dr^- magicians will be seen to a pro­ TV Monday, Peb. 12, Weather . Thie Is SperU n Jack Paar Skew ' x 66 7:M Thlt !• CConn Yaacy Derriager M (O d or). X gram of amazing magic when KA- Rniineet Report FUra 58 Newereel ^ ^ 6 anag’s "Vienna Magic Show” ia 7:16 Three Hlooftes t:M Mea af Dectiay 88 Aoard Tkeaier . ^ 4# presented on NBC-’FV’s ’’Interna­ i:t# Captain Kanaaro* 8 i« Newt vA A It. M Jock Paar Show 66. §6 “ ‘ *nd ■ HU “Frtettde 8:55 Bpertc ft (Color). tiona) Showtime” Friday, Feb. 16 ' 8:16 dreafcfilast lot TimeT 7:88 Death Valley Days 8 Moyle 8 8 (7:30-8:30 p.in. BST). 6:M ColUjt f vot, the- - sWhlplaeh <1 “Gunga Din". Cary Grant. Doug- • ttf Hap Richard* Mllflea Oallar Marie U laa Fairbanka Jr. . lack La lane "Christmas In July". Dick Powell, 12:50 Newa aad Weather 8 Hazel (Shirley Booth) plead! Remper B*ein Ellen Drew, 12:65 Moment of Meditatloa 8 with Mr. Baxter (Don D ^ o r e ) to' Captain Kanir*ro* Weather, Local Newa St 1:# Newa 89 6:16 Debbie Drake Show News aad Weather M. M addreas the members of the Sun­ 6:6# Momtnr MrUI New Herlsaas 5S shine Girl’s Investment Club—and Btornlnf MovU 7:15 Westera Mass. BIshllshIa ZS to pass along a few hot t ^ on ELECTRONICS ‘ ‘These Qlammir GlrU’* SiMria Camera St Ayres, Lana Turner. Newa - ft the stock market, to "The Invtoit- 6:66 KakU A Ollle 7;M Bawhide 5 Lerner-Loewe ment Club,” on NBC-TVs “Haael’T iABORATORlES lf:# f Calendar A woman attempts to clear the show Tluirsday, Feb. 18 (fitWrlO ^ ^ Say Wkea name of her late, obvioufly guilty lf:$# Homemaker's X*vl* bank-robbing son by bribing an (OonttoiMd from Pag* Om ) p.m. EST). His refusal leavtoHte “ And Baby Makes Three. entire town. doOr open to a pair of fly-by-nIgWv 277 BROAD Young. B vb a ra Hale. laternational Shewtlme tZ oU stock salesmen who are hungry ^ Play Vttar Ihnnrb n . a# Don Amechn la -host. Tonight — order .to make tiris ’TV special, fCofor* " ^ e Vienna Marie Show." •nie film conipany granted hint a for the girU’ 31,000. . SHOP STANEK'S fUrbam Bernard Shew Bob Newhart Shsw t lea'ye o f abaemse tor this atpptmr- t l :66 The -f^ c e I* Blgkl 66 6# Bascie 8 It Detectives Roger Havltlnnd FOR (Color) Th erapy Sales Shaw ft. IS •ance. _The Te*an“ Comedy program Including eongs, Still another 'star who inter­ (Gregory Walcott) and Bert Kltog TELEVISION ll:6 i CeneentraiUn Jokea and skits with aa aanst rupted making a toovie is Maurice (Ron Harper) Investigate the Yedrs For A Reng from puppeteer Clyde Adler mjrsterlous shooting of a poUce- RADIOS 16:6# Isove of Lite 8:tl The Third Man S Chevalier, the OaHlc gallant Who Yenr First Impressl*n Bhaaaaa M waa filming Walt Disney’s "The man's bride to the "BuUet for Ka- PHONOGRAPHS (Color) Ue” , episode of ITBC-TVs ”87Ui _ CnmsnfUg* ^ •s 4#. The Hathaways ' ~ ft. S3 Castaways" to London but waa AUTO RADIOS 16:6# Seareh F*r' Temerrew "Help Wanted". Elinor secreUp permitted to ‘come to New York Precinct’’ series Monday. Feb. 13 Tmtb Or Oensegnence* works aa cigarette girl la order (9-10 p.m. BST). ‘ Plus Dependable Service JCnlie A Fae* to buy Walter a special rift. .e for ttiis super special. AgtUn 16:46 The Onidlat Light t-.8t Beale M ' 3 Chevalier will “Diank Heaven for M I P -ilt4 I6>66 News Day Report ■‘Aren't Yqu Surprised To See Little GtrU," and hia infectious The CartwrighU refuse to join It## Best Seller Me?" SbortlT after Tod >nd Ruz a band of vigilantes, deciding to I M *rrM doan Me hired by an Import firm. In smile antLway with a song wUl i \ r\nio. >m ;\im Al Home WHh Kitty Dallas. Buz IB forced .by a menialr ■have tl)elr way aa usual with an use. brains apd muscle instead oC _DnylnC**rt ly deranged man to go on audience. guns to keep low country farm­ ttl# As the World Mential death ride. . ^ ers from invading the Pondaioan’s Higbwno Pntrol fiebert. Tayles’a OetscNves It, St Stanley Holloway wasn’t making SminllUI NoUsy WHh Kitty "The Outsider". A mahtally dln- moist high-lands during a critical turbed. ex-convict starts a relsn A movie but he was to the process Hnrw Olson SboA of turning a TV pilot when the call drought, in the "G ift of Water" ^ s l Of Oronebo of terror by ehooUng dosm Inno­ episode of “Bonanaa,” N B C ^ V PETS! Fzith Fsr Tsfzr\ cent mailmen. • came to once again become Lisa • PUPPIES llU Al Hsmr With iwtw The FUnsteaea' A ft. tt Doolittle’s father to “ My Fair fuU-hour oqlor seriee, Sunday, FUk. a BIRDS S:tl Pzsswsrf "OperaUon Barney" Fred and 11 (9 p.m. BST). Jza MurvKv Shsw O I t Barney (rite ilbiesa to take In ball Lady." He. too, received pemtito- e TROPICAL FISH (Color) ?- ■ Bzme. Bion to come and hp’II be "getting Wrmtm >BhMV • aims A Allea . ' It to the church on time” just 'as he 8 ^ Antoire,' the nizrmtor-lMet t:tt Nsusc Parir trit 77 Saaeet S «A . . A ft, U 0* AJooa Premiere, iiuiI mu his sec­ LITTLE ft McKinney Lonlla Vouus Bel Air Hermit’’. 8tu Bailey did when "M y Fair Lady" started esWrtth vengeful sSngStr its marvelous run on Rroadway, ond dramatic appearanoe hi the U WOODBRIDOE ST. S:tl nM^MI^MmlM I searching M fbianctaJa juries to "Ifc. Easy.” Tuaedoy.' MANCHESTER ITssag Dv Matsuo • • ard. Eeh. 18 from 10 to 11 pjn. (NWM J M l 8 -g m ■ basoa Pat A Dav A ft. TVa Meav at Stare It Evidently the packager o f the t:M Father Of The BrUe 3 over ABC-TV. In ”Mr. E a ^ ^ l:lt Ths> Verdict IsTean. NBC-TV "Tail Man" series feels Oar Five Daashlers Kay and Buckley return from t*ire piaya a bueiness tycoon wtio OMBBettoai HaBdataad their honeymoon i-^-- wshAMWM -.rortDo to . exoae coto m Tte Adudrai aad teiahhs *'nnit"%6Baer'^ orlm'to la ‘show started on tha .CBS Teievt- inioBca ;ni fia - thtetrily ptaetUtantr' Test M iftagar «l b##oaitiig filMorioa atoif Network in Reptotnhtr 185A o< p^chiatiy. ■ ■ * *


h i T h is U m m . . . i COMPLETE LANDSCAPE GARDEN 1 DMi*t Warriff DarflRC • . • page 6 You wives who have to leave home for a few days n 4 FLOWERING SHRUBS need no longer worry about what your family will do to survive without you. Author Albeit Brown has the b l o o m in g b u sh es.trees. ■ hilarious answer here, in his account of how he be­ ■ ■ ■ VINES, HEDGE PLANTS^^— came a successful househusband, with sample njenus (' V. and his secret-formula Continuous Snack Feeder, IWJP ( Fluff Catcher, and Conversation Terminator included. v \ \ ''LL . because the little boys lie them for me.” And a institute the Junior Humane Society, with head­ Mm— irtMirtrtrttaiwasa...... : ...... 7^ ^ m Happy Valentine's Day to you, too, little girl, quarters by an orange crate in the garage of the ______^______MMOFaiMMM rtiw IFMU Don H te M s a a John O. Dykstras. Inspired by appeab from the OOFastOrowingPlanls ^ Our cover artist depicts a Fred Delong, of tVillow Grove, , Birmingham Humane Society (and with the ■p ■ t®Make to o Fdet of Formal Hedge I—aonriAlirtrtieYedm rttsa'sLta^ 'f^ *,^ '^ ^ " •UNT AttORTMENT SELLS FOR StS.S4 at OHfifndividiial PricttI midwinter soene^of contrasts b the president of a group ^ of sportsmen and unanimous consent of Candy, John, Jim, and —the man of the house busily sportswomen calleg The Cycling Enthusiasts. Com­ Rickey Dykstra), the neighborhood abdicate has hurrying to clear away piles posed of more than l5o people, thb club uses turned the garage into a collection center. It is of snow outside, so that he Undem bicycles to give blind persons a chance for now a refuge for an assortment of lost or aban­ EVERT FLANT CERTDIEO NEALTNY AND FtfLLY RVARANTEED can get back into the warm, some fun and exercise. It works this way. Each doned birds, dogs, cats, kittens, and hamsters. So bicycle b “powered” by a sighted cyclist, called far they've raised A.lot of money—at least $30— ______FWh wrtrtpidj aem e-ii a. mm bright, blossomy comfort of LIS hb flower-filled greenhouse. the Captain, who steers, and a blind cycibt, called towards the maintenance of their ahdter by, seO^ the Stoker, who helps pedal. It's an excellent way soft drinks and holding a neighborhood circus. MASSES o r eOLORFUL MOONS Year After Year. N for blind people to get outdoor exercised and to ^ b ^ jo drt wlmte o fio N d M rtMta ttaoetao tart feel and hear the sounds of nature. There are We'd like to report a piece of fap mail that a t TjCV jS ^ J j iBi** about SOO potential blind riders in the area, ac­ Cook County, Illinois, taxpayer sent to the Weather cording to Bill McDonald, executive secretary of U O M M O %. M VW O W wpiv V . luv the Montgomery County Association for the Blind, SEND NO MONEY a— RMAL oaiaai rmt ' ^ but there's still a big shortage of steerers and of *-JSSSl2S2SWKJSftS!f^^ .« C OOIOHH1M 43 siKi tetam r mS b UAMON lOWNDM bicycles built for two. If you're interested in being aMOfOMM pIm OiaMas a CapUin, or if you have an old tandem you'd like dIrRO JtoSO bONMO Mfll bo SOBS 5d * CMMSItlU MMMS muiip aramA « M MHlfHMlMilkMitatadhMMar WM ----- r-T-*-si1iidiiiiai El AworiW. fOtar Art OiTMtar to contribute, Vlicase get in touch with Mr. Mc­ Donald at the Association. i • _ allgfiaiiiiwo k tumr 4- u j g i M i f 5T * * « , r t « r o s e rOM H ETlOD BffOI.. .Yowi ftr Only N il □ te l ’ SUWJtMA TODAY b OrtribWd ■■Mub b «>Mi .wnarnsrs s r c o a i rm S lo * f *« V u a * 4 p . • • • • • > c 1,-y ^ hi mIicW< wbwhwi toMMwWsi. UMwM Uhw at M tart rtd «M tap ■ SOb St., Nm Yaik 23. N. V. AOwrtbbu rttaw at S7S UrtaaWa A De Kalb County, Georgia, reader reminds us Bureau. It read, “I just ffiought you'd like to know Asa.. Haw Yarh 22. N. V. la * iw aU m at tSS N. MUkIgtm that nuny families now have a second telephone that 1 spent the last two hours shoveling six inches A«a, CMcaao I. M. Ytahar C Disylac Vln ta iiltart. talrick line installed when their daughters become teen- of ‘partly cloudy* out of ihy driveway." OOaMba, Atairtlilae Obabsr. tarS lOaa. AOiartbi.a SSaaaaar. amMeoeroga Martaa Fiaak, Dbactar af tabflilu r talaH»M. ® ta ta tbla Continued on page 4 ■rtrt^tat O w * S rtS ! i 1S3 M. MkMaaa Aaa, O lon i I. M. Z SuburbiaToday, February 1962 COmPUn. mummt umumimm. £ - £ 1 ^ ^ L V" / KW! fjS H W W lttW SUM GETTING AROUND Coftthmed fnm i page 2

A Torrance, Califomia, con6- Wfaen the poafaioo trf janitor at the For light touch up, or spondent writes to tell us about Virgil Mancheeter, Comeeticut, post office Houghland*s unusual occupation. Mr. fell vacant, aU applicants had to ful­ Houghla'nd, it seems, spends his time fill a government requirement that -between starching scouting the sidewalks near parkiitg they be aUe to lift a sandbag weigh­ meters and picking up stray coins ing 125 pounds. In tests at the post office, 49 men failed to lift the bag. The onty man who passed the test hurled the sandbag away and an­ nounced: “I dion’t warn the job now.” • • Boasting about' his record, the Police Chief in O ak C l^ , Texas, said: “The vice situatioa in Oak CUg is the best I’ve seen it in a long time.” dropped by careless motorists. Mr. Houghland, who calls himself the One enterprising supermarketeer “King of the Parking Meters,” once in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, has spent three months around Tucson, put in little brushes at the entrance Arizona, raking through the dirt un­ to his store that pop up as you enter der 2I,00(> meters, and made $42S., and brush off the soles of your shoes. • • Keeps the store a Id cleaner, he says. We're pleased to note that Tighl- squeeze, , is Tighisqueeze ■ = .'1 ^ once more. The town got its name a long time ago from farmers who said it would be a “tight squeeze” if their < fc - / horses could pull tobacco-laden wag­ ons over the steep hill where the com­ munity is located. A few months ago the name was^ changed to F airvi^ and we think it might be a great idea because a local official thought the —particularly during these wet, old name was ugly. The people didn’t sloshy February days—for someone agree, and protested so effectively the to invent an adaptation for the en­ name has been changed back to fa­ trances of the houses of all smaU,: miliar, comfortable Tighisqueeze. busy children. • • • • Brown Deer, Wisconsin’s, Assist­ A sign on the door of a Brentwood, ant Village Manager Andrew Damon C aiifom ia, music shop reads: “Out tttLICt/oUS and Trustee Robert Vandamme have to lunch. Usually Bach by one. suggested, informally, that the com­ Offenbach earlier.” munity hire women—not for the pur­ • • pose of checking on parking-meter A parking Id near Burbank, Calb violations but to read water meters. fo m ia , has a special section for small OYST E t They want to call them mermaids. cars, called “The Nursery.’.’ F e rn r illM , New! \ JUST SPRAY STEW THEN IRON. X wifftovt tMmfianing\ ,7 .# ^ ? * - / .....• ■’ ' ■ .... \ ^ - 4 ^ <6 For ce lla ra , cuff* For roolorloo I

- r .f e |

No Dampoiilng ... No WoHiiui. You dampen and atarch in one operation. 8ta>91o aprayaamoothly, evenly. Leavea Ctfarica ready to iron immediately. Your fingertip oontrola the ai»ay for liidrt to heavy atarching. ^ Yod^iriM can t aUck. An excluaive, easy fanning aid preventa “pull” and “drag” on your iront Ironing ia faster, easier, smoother. Get Sta>Flo SPRAY next :jl' III, ' ■ . ' ------"She broke her favorite paring km feT time :|nm shop. A t your grocer’s. SUgURlia TODAY A. E. STALEY MF6. CO.. DECATUR, ILL.

01'IUKA II iiiii MSioiiaiitfiiai niriiMiii spuof aofmm /mae Suburbia Today, February 1962 t/'

. ‘ . • *

lUUSTIATIONS sy WHITHfr DAMOW, J(. Vegetables t French fried potatoes, potato How to put a lot of happiness in your garage. chips, artichoke au beurre noir. /. Salad < None. D esaerut Chocolate cake with fudge frosting, Start with iwo new Buick Specials. Any two. They're all terrific. Don’t shrug your shoulde.s-it orange Jell-O with chocolate sauce and chocolate COTts a great deal 1 ^ than you think to put two of these great Buick Specials in your garage (Less NNV-' ice cream, Popsicles, fromage pont l’6v£que. Beveragesi Choetdate mOk, Coke, Irish coffee. than model of some cars we could name.) Once you get two Buick Specials in your garage V The popularity of this dinner taught me an y o ^ l discover some other nice things: There’s more room than there used to be: room for a ^ a t important lesson. Eveiy home with nonstop eaters for children should be equipped with a stomach toboggan, a power mower. Also room for you. And you can close the garage door without any pump, a convenience as necessary as a fire extin­ ex^nsive chrome leaking out. Actually, these Buick Specials are so much fun to drive you may guisher. I still can't understand why a hearty, well- balanced meal of edi their favorite dishes should find the gara^ almost ernpty most of the time. Visit your Buick dealer. He’ll let you drive a ’62 have caused the boys so much internal havoc. Once they recovered, I found myself faced with Buick Special with the^aluminum V-8 or the new history makiiig V-6. He’ll also show you how a serious, between-meal snack problem. It being ^ I t IS to own both, becau^ he wants you to have the happiest garage on the block-the home vacation, the boys were not oiily home most of the time, but they were usually surrounded by of America s new happy meidium-si^e car. iBoiclC S * 1 anywhere from five to IS of tlwir starving pals. To meet the snack requirements of this hor^, I hit on my Continuous Snack Feeder. In the cellar I found an old three-gallon stone crock in which my grandmother had stored either ^candled eggs or dill pickles. I simply filled this i crock with a SO-SO mixture of peanut butter and jelly. Then I laid in a stock of two dozen loaves \ of soft, spongy white bread and left them on a kitchen table beside the crock. The Continuous Snack Feeder required refilling Housewives, meet a great househusband. His wife has nothing only about every four days, and it eliminated the previous lament, that “There's nothing to cat in to fear when she leaves him in charge BY ALBERT BROWN this house since Mother left.”

As SHE KISSED ME and the boys good-bye, Mary heated stainless steel carriers full of the delicious XA. handed me a fat sheaf of notes and said, meals I had ordered. “I've written everything down for you, dear. Just But I abandoned this tempting notion as soon • ^ follow instructions and you won’t have a bit of as 1 read the section of Mary's instructions under trouble. Remember to wear your old, slacks when the heading: “Your Budget.” you clean the house, and do n o t smoke in bed." Still, I embarked on my cookery stint with a I’ll never forget the unhinged feeling that came certain elan. Here was one, phase of my job for over me that day. Earlier, Mary had said, “1 must which previous experience well fitted me. For six leave for Salt Lake City tonight, dear. Mother has years—ever since Mary gave m? a floppy chefs had a turn for the worse, and my brother is in hat and a long white apron with funny sayings Europe.” printed in red— I had been the acknowledged She had been unable to locate any baby sitter, Barbecue Boss of the house. My charcoal-gri|led friend, or cleaning woman to manage me and oiir steaks, marinated in a ^cret sauce blended of three young terrors during her absence. So she French dressing and peanut butter, enjoyed a sub­ had announced, with visible trepidation, that she stantial reputation.. would have to put m e in charge of everything. Dinner the first night after Mary^s departure During the 10 years of our married life, 1 had was a production that rivaled, at least in qutmtity, developed a feeling of revulsion, bom of inex­ the American plan dinner at Crosby’s Mansion perience and general ineptitude, toward washing House in Kinniput, Maine. I planned it with the machines, frozen .foods, supermarket carts, and boys’ favorite dishes in mind, plus a few of my other modem “conveniences” that our wives han­ “impulse purchases” at the Big Elephant Super­ e i l _ . dle with the precision and aplomb of jet pilots. market. It turned out to be a minor Lucullan Once when I tried to help Mary detach the wash­ feast. The menu, as 1 recdl it, was: ing machine, she called me a “manual moron.” A ppetiw rs: Mixed tuna fisji and chopped ripe M y invention— the continuous hearty-snack feeder. On page one of Mary’s instructions and ad­ olives on potato chips, pcaq£t butter and jelly on monitions, she made it clear that the most im­ crackers, watermelon rind, ^ e de foie gras. Mary’s instru^ions on “keeping everything portant of my many new duties was to give my Sonpat Chicken without , rice, vichyssoise. clean and tidy” were spelled out with the detail of charges* “three good meals a day.” I toyed with Entreest Choice of hot ^ogs with pickle relish, an army manual. But I soon made a startling dii^ the idea of making a deal with JXHiis’ Catering mustard, and catsup; hamburgers with pickle rel­ covery: When it comes to cleaning, women lack Service. 1 could see its shiny truck pulling up ish, mustard, and catsup; spaghettf with tomato both imagination and creativity, A recent piece of in front of our house three times a day with sauce; or'smoked brook trout aux champignons. social research shows that the modem homemaker C o n tin u e d on page 27 6 Suburbia Today, February 1962 / — • i - i ’■

The Spocks im their living room, wh moiooiAfHS n m aih n u h s r -MmoMiuuMEm often works after dinno’, late Into the i ...... '.X-: V

iW&' If

ft® Left: Another view of the much- used, much-enjoyed living 5'*^' '■ ' I.' . room, showing the pair of W-' , ‘ f ^ tall gold screens they made ■A themselves 30 years ago.

Author with the feunotts baby doctor. on

Above: Dr. Spock retires to a smqll, snug' BY MARION LOWNDES library if he has to work at night EdHor of 5v6orlMO Todoy when they have guests. Right: The sloop "Turtle,” and her proud owner. Sew John Spock was the artist. Your editor visits a hard-driving, dedicated man who revels, like his suburban neighbors, in the joys of home and weekends xmt o f doors

any small children , as wc all know, have . . .” on through to “Weaning . . . Worms . , .' two sons, Michael and John. They are also proud % * ... tion, over cool yellow walls and side chairs of gera­ children more. His wife says he would probably close imaginary friends. Nobody ever sees Zweiback.” and devoted grandparents. Mkhael’s older son nium velvet, and the tall screens the Spocks “She’s the cheapest boat three people ^eeuld Mthese characters, but they’re very good company Now a second book has appeared, “IJK Spock Danny is two, and Peter arrived last March—“very work until two every morning if she allowed it__ squeeze into and cruise,” he says. (And he carriw when they were first married to hide radiators and but she doeiui’t. I and usually have fine, fancy names like Timothy Talks With Mothers.” In the same friendly, sensi­ tall and handsome,” his grandmoUier reported, closet doors, as they are elding to this day. a picture of her in his wallet, along with Darmy’s.) and Ow, or Mr. Roosey-Goosey—names you He has been described at worit as hurrying to a ble way he counsels parents wher^re apt to be “with red hair.” John, who m 17, is taking his last There are nine big lamps in their 28-by-16-foot Apropos of ‘Turtle’s” cost, many people have don't forget. Today some 13 million mothers alsa confused by the chai^g attjpidn and habits of year of high school abioad, at the Westminster' clinic session with his long white coat billowing wondered if the spectacular success of “Baby and living room, and they keep them all on while they behind him like a sail about to be sheeted in, six- have a friend they have never seen, but they con­ their school-age child—“tlje^grittiness that comes School in Lx>ndon—a dariiig and far from carefree Child Care” has made Dr. Spock a very rich man. are reading or working or seeing their friends in foot-four of energy and enthusiasm. As so often sult him often and come away encouraged. H is between them,” as hejnits it—and from there he experiment undertaken at his own request. At last the evening. To this he gives one of ,his characteristic plain- happens with the busiest people, the energy and name is Dr. Spc«k. goes on to explore the turbulent adolescent world reports, however, he was rowirig on the crew, like language answers: “A lot oTpeople seem to think “Cleveland is gray as pewter day after day all enthusiasm carry over into the free time, too, what Benjamin Spock’s “Baby and Child Care” is the as well. his father before him, and “what a feeling of power that just because the book sold in the millions. winter,” Mrs. ^»ck says, “and I turn the lamps there is of It. biggest best seller ever written in this country, and “Ben has empathy,” a^Ueague from the Mayo and speed one gets:” School life was looking up. on at two in the afternoon if I am going to be out I’m a millionaire and that I’m a tightwad because is now in print in 16 foreign languages ais well, in­ Clinic observes. “He feels with the parent and with He is a skillful carpenter, and back in his intern we live relatively simply. The book, including all after dark. It’s nice to come home into light arid days he built the parlor ctesk as well as the screens cluding Arabic and. Finnish. When he was asked the cfiild, and because he can put himself in the UTWardlV there is nothing to distinguish the warmth.” foreign rights, averaged about $17,000 in royalties they still use. In his upstairs workshop—it used to * to write the book, he was a busy, practicing pedia­ aiudous parent’s place he can communicate his Spocks' comfortable 40-year-old stucco house over the past 12 years.” O of Child Development at Western be a sun porch— he and his son John built a Sail- trician, but over the next three years he somehow own learning to them. He knows what they want from any other comfortable old house on the On their fainily entires, they have had three . Reserve, Ben Spock keeps a schedule he would fish and lowered the completed craft out through found time to do it, working six hours a day on his to know and need to know.” He smiled suddenly. pleasant street where they live.. The surprises are masts break over them, and in the Bahamas “Tur­ never recommend to a patient. He is out of the the witKlow. She was launched, a great success, in vacation and four evenings of every woiicing w ^k . “His own boys were handfuls, too!” inside. There is a sense o t restfulness as soon as house before eight after a quick breakfast of hot tle” took 30-foot waves,, all in the day’s work to “1 wanted,” he says, “to offer parents ^ 'c o m ­ ^When the second book came *he editors of nearby Pymatuning Lake where they sail on free Dr. Spock. you come in which is in no way impaired by the cereal. (It’s always hot cereal, and Mrs. Spock has weekends. bination of psychological and physical (pafe needed Suburbia Today asked to pay a house call on this sight of Dr. Spock’s writing table and high stool discovered seven different kinds—a change for “He is completely without fear,” says his wife, in child care, i wanted to write to d mother in a very real, but usually invisible, friend of so many in one corner of the living room. The house looks everyday.) with a trace of regret in her voice. wice a w eek, during the winter, he leaves his way that would reassure her. I didn't Mirant to parents and children. easy to work in and much enjoyed. From room to When he . retires, he dreams of retiring to a Oihics and lectures keep him at medical school office for the lutKh hour and goes over to a scold or lecture her.” He lives, we found, in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, room the floors are covered in a sweep of pale something a little roomier— until after six in the evening, and when they have nearbyT rink where be puts on figure skates for an And from that now-famous opening sentence, with his wife Jane, whom he thanks in the intro­ gray carpeting, and ail the windows have the and cruising the Caribbean in the wintertime and had dinner he is very apt to go to his writing table hour of fim and practice arid the limbering up that “You know more than you think ybu do,” right duction of “Baby and Child Care” for contributing same treatment—long, translucent white curtains for more m rk. his old Maine-Cape Cod'beat in the summer. on, to the end, ^ has reassured countless appre­ “endless time, work, patience, much of the. practi­ «Mnes widi a turn on the quiet ice. Sunday mdro- For the present the palm-fringed islands are a which let the light through but mask the street. In the past seven years, in addition to a full-time ings are for «lcat|ng too. hensive mothers, while discussing, fully and cality in the detailed directions in the book, and “It’s easier for us—and the neighbors,” Mrs. mirage on a far horizon, and Dr. Spock continues .ill professorship, he has lectured, ai^ieared ion TV, He spends his summer vacation, by chmee, calmly, such sometiihes unavoidable problems as wonderful judgment.” They have been married a Spock says. to fill his 14-hour workir^ days helping profes­ and written about a hundred articles, aU uimrA at sailing off Cape Cod and down to Maine in a 23- “^ttenoids . . . Aggressiveness . . . Biting humans long time now,,since 1927, and^are the parents of The second impression is of brilliant illumina­ helping parents to understrmd and enjoy their sionals and parents with the endless problems— foot sloop, “The Turtle,” with his family for crew. endless even to him—of “raising them ri^t.” • ^ ' •8 ■ Suburbia Today, February 1962

Suburbia Today, February 1962 9 “M tU d t <* WUU". • «M* a t r / bS-mIw’ aria* a/ (U* ariaW | ka WaM«r C>aa to*a, anri _M runs the relays, helps eat the to sit down id a circle for a discus­ ADDRESS . . * ■Mtolal*toaaa(har B«lMalii panion through it aO. Connie expressed my opinkm exactly Chicago 11, lUmois cookies, and manages to get into sion of the skills they are working when, (me day, she looked at me over the din of the gnnvm^ If ra w cat Hfcaa fiA , it MO the middle of every circle. Pleaae enter my order far 27 facBMdaMd JaM far caisi on-for their awards. You should sec and laughed, “Aren’t we luckyU w edu o f TIME at the intro­ CITY ZONE ^ Boys who have been in school I t T a a r c a l the businesslike manner in which My den is now being handed over to Bea with m n d y ductory rate of |1.97. Start mi fa all day converge upon the den they divide into groups with pencil feelings. But I agree with C

w,CMaa»M.IH- Suburbia Today, February 1962 11 10 Suburbia Today, F e ^ r tit^ 1962 moTOGtAm IV (WJNO kiainin Planning a vacation abroad? Here are lodgings - Mm. <— w in^wiwiiiti READ'EM AND ACT! M the reasons fo r using Tampax'^ ► No discomfort. * / i 1 No irritation. 1 No belts, no pins, no pads, no bulk. A thousand years o f history—and central heating— can be yours for 1 Nothing to remind you it’s about $3 a day, now that storybook castles are taking paying guests time-of-thc-month for you. ‘ No embarrassment. ■ No odor. BY PHYLLIS BLODGETT AND CHRISTINA PAPPAS ‘ No disposal problems. + Nothing can show, no one id you know you could get lodging for yrour family at Ludwig the Severe, as a hunting castle, and later on it was can know. D Buig Lauenstein, buflt in Bavaria in 915 AJD.—tap- used as the seat of the Yehmic conrt.\The Austrians had to • No carrying problems. estriM, turrets, fortress rooms, battlements, and armor in­ take it by storm in 1797, but now it can be occupied by any­ Complete freedom. cluded—for half of what you’d pay for a motel at home? body has the modest asking price for a night’s lodging. Do what you like... bathe, Or, you can whi^ off to the C h itm D’Artigny, in Mont- Craigland, in likely, En^and, is one castle that bears shower, swim, dance, bazon, France, with wonderful meals and champagne for two mration because of its setting on the famous moody moors bowL ski. in panelled rooms overiooking the Indre River—fiill pen­ of Yorkshire. If the weather is right and the fog rolls in, Wear what you like... sion, $10. Castles in Spain—the Parador d’Oropesa, for in­ yen could swear Heathcliffe was right beyond the next knoll, stance—really exist In them your children can become stQl looking for Cathy. your slimmest sheath, your trimmest slacks. peiwnally acquainted with the history of the Moors and the Castle Rabenstein, near Frohnleiten, Austria, is a medi­ Knights Templar and Sancho the Brave and Alfonso the eval castle that was built up on the ruins of a Roman fort, Wise, and the cost rrf a douUe room is only $3. and now houses a fabulous art c(dlecti(Hi. Castle-hotels are springing all over Europe. One after another, the oymers of palaces and chiteaux are reno­ rance has many chiteau-hotds, such as the Chfiteau^^ vating and redecorating and tpening their proud estates to ' Mercues, in Gahors, which was om» the residence ofUie the public. They make excellent hotels, offering the most FBishops of Cahors. It is situated on a peninsula formed by astounding views of valleys apd mountains and rivers, plus a bend in the Lot River, overlooks a lovely valley, has many • •&.* I * •.'^ the romance of staying at a feudal estate or an imperial gardens and terraces, and the rooms are enormous. hunting lodge or an Elizabethan manor house, in roopis that FUimibo, in Ij^y, is ideally situated near Ravello on the rf'> • *-:-i .-r.^L ■' ': -V-: ' want for no modern convenience. ^ffs above Amalfi Drive, overlooks the sea and the charm­ '.*• *'v i '^1?^*." There are many different kinds of castles. In Germany, ing countryside, and was originally a 12th-century palace. depending on your interests, you may choose to stay at In Holland, try the Kasteel Oud-Wassenaar, between either a burg, which is a castle originally built as a strong­ Haarlem and Rotterdam. Though it looks like sm over­ Germany's Cochem Castle, which h’os originally built in the 10th cen­ hold, buttressed crenellated, or at a schloss, which is tury, stands high on a terraced hill overlooking the lovely Moselle valley. grown Charles Addams nightmare, it has dignififdt large the seat or palace of a noUe family. rooms and salons, beautiful bulb fields, and is only 10 min­ Burg Schnellenbeig, set on a n^tamtaintop surrounded by. utes frmn the Hague. ' • If you’d like a more complete list of European castle- woods, in Southern Westphalia; is a notable exaihple. Dating Whether your tastes run to living history (with a ghost or hotels, drop a line to Department C-H, SUBURBIA TO­ from the 1 Ith century, this castle bopsts a mammnth baro­ two thrown in free of charge) or whether you’d like to live DAY, 60 East 56th Street, New York 22, New York. nial hall and an armor chamber with a coDectioii of ancient in what is practically a museum,surrounded by priceless crests—plus a bowling alley. Burg Gruenwald, in the Isar antiques,or whether you’d just like a few days of utter peace valley, has a fascinating history typical of many of the castle- and quiet in luxury, with rMver-tiring views your only con­ hotels. A Gothic stronghold, it was built in 1293 by Duke cern, staying in a castle is a good way to vacation.

a cn sp l quiet parkland and welHaid-out gardens.


Tampax* internal sanitary protec­ “Aren't you supposed to sing, or something?" tion is available in your cttoice of three absorbencies (Rqpilar, Super and Junior) whereversuch piquets art sold. Try Tampax this month. 12 Suburbia Today, February 1962 —.r » • • T A M P A X K ra ^ prepared cookie mold and press lightly.^ (If using m sandbakkdse molds, half fin them with doufih.) Place the molds on a cookie sheet. 5. Bakeat37S*F10min.CooliiimoldtaboutT0min. With the point of a knife, carefully loosen cocrides from molds. Invert onto cooling rack. Sift eearfeetfeneps’ sugar over tops. About 4 dog. cookies

RASPBERRY RING CAKE to prepare: 25 min. ' to bake: SO-SS min. 34 cnp butler 1 towponu vanilla extract a T cnp sngor. flfflfflW 1 egg, well b—ten aHBiM V 2 enpa sifted cake lonr * - V l 2 teaspoons baking powder 34 tea^oou sah 94 cnp aailk '• 6 tshitspoons red raspberry Jani 34 teaspoon red food eolering 1. bottom only of a 2-qt ring mold. Set aside. 2 . Cream the butter and extract together until butter is softened. Add sugar graduaOy, beating until fluffy after each addition. Add egg in halves, beatfiv well after each addition. 3. Blend next three ingredients together. Beating only orangeTii^L” ^"**^* ^ it iT - ®^«»bha*B b until smooth after each addition, alternately add dry ingredients in fourths and milk in thirds to mixture. 4k Remove onefhird of the batter to aiRither bowl 0-- and blend in the jam and food coloring. Pour one-half of the plain batter into the mold; pour raspberry bat­ ter over first layer. Top„witb remaining plain batter. 5. Bake at^ 32S*F 50 to 55 min., or until a cake IJ m ' tester inserted in cake comes out clean. Cool 10 min. C<^orful red and white icing and fresh raspberry flavor make Raspberry Ring on cooling rack. Remove from mold and cool com­ Cake a fine choice for Valentine’s Day entertaining. pletely on rack. Decorate with Raspberry Ripple Icing. (See Photo.) One ring-shaped cake

RASPBEIUIY RIPPLE ICING Combine I cup sifted confecUoiiers* sugar, 2 tablespoons cream , and 34 teaspoon vanilla extract; All in Good Form beat until smooth. With a spoon drizzle frosting,over top of cake, allowing it to run down sides. Stir to­ gether 36 cup red raspberry jam , 2 tea^xions A medley of flavorful foods in fanciful molds water, and ^ teaspoon red food cohning in a saucepan; heat mixture until thin. Spoon over cake. MELANIE DE PROfT, Food Editor \ I UPTAUER CHEESE SPREAD Since the famous Hungarian Liptauer cheese origi- FESTIVE TURKEY MOLD onnaise mixture, blending well after each addition. naliy used in this spread is not readily available in EN BLANCHE Stir in the remaining ingredients. Turn into the mold this country, cream cheese is an excellent substitute. and chill until firm, about 4 hrs. TO prepare: 3S min. to chill: 3-4 hrs. TO prepare: 15 min. to chill: 2 hrs. 6. Unmold onto a chilled serving plate and garnish H cap cold water with w ater creaa. 8 to 10 servings 1 8-os. pkg. creaa* cbecae . S laUespooBs, (2 ear.) aollavored gelatin 34 cnp l^ter V . 1H cnpa hot tnAep broth or quick chicken broth S loUespoons {hick sour cream \ IM enpa majronnaiae PECAN FORM COOKIES 2 anchovy fillet* ^ -'1'6-os. can (H cnp) eraporated milk 1 teaspoon caper* IM teospoona monoaodiam glntamate TO prepare: is min. to bake: 10 min. 1 tablespoon finely dmpped onion 94 teoaptMMi cab 1 tablespoon prepared mustard , 2H enpa enbed eooked tnrkcjr 94 enp fionr . 34 teMpoon baking powder 134 teospocaw paprika m 1 cnp flnelp chopped celery 1 lempoou caraway seed ^ M cnp chopped pamley 34 teaspoon salt 34 cap (ifled coofectioaers' ragar 34 teaspoon salt 34 cnp dutpped aalted afanonda S rolled ondiovy fillets 34 cnp capcra 94 cnp pecans, grated (aboni 1 cap) 6 tahhnpoons batter, chilled 1. Lightly oil a 2-cup mold with salad or cooking oil i . Lightly oil a 636-cup fancy tubed mold with salad 1 leaspbon vanilla extract (not olive oil); set aside to drain. or cooking oil (not olive oil); set aside to drain. 1. L i ^ y greasie small cookie forms, about 134x34 2 . Cream first three ingredients together in a bowl Z. Sprinkle gelatin evenly over the cold water in a in. (usually available in the housewares section of a until well blended. Mash 2 anchovy fillets and the bowl. Let stand about 5 min. to soften. department store), or use sandbakkelse molds. capers; add to cheese mixture. „ '3 . Add the hot tu rk ^ broth to the softened gelatin 2 . Blend the first four ingredients together in a bowl. 3. Add the next five ingredients and blend thorough­ and stir until gelatin is completely dissolved. Cool; Mix in the pecans. ly. Spoon the c h e ^ spread into the mold, packing to chill until mixture b slightly thicker than consistency 3. Cut in the butter with a pastry blender or two eliminate air spaces. of thick, unbeaten egg white; stir occasionally. knives until mixtuit becomes a soft dough (requires 4. Chill 2 hn., or until firm. Unnudd onto a serving 4a Blend the mayonnaise, evaporated milk, mono- working beyond the stage when mixture resembles plate and garnish with ndled fillets. Serve with as­ sodhim glutamate, and salt together in a large bowl. coafse com meal). Mix in the extract sorted e rp ^ e ra and thin slices pum pnnilrkrl or 5. Add gelatin mixture in small amounts to the may- ^ Put about one teaspoonful of dough into r nrh rye bread. About 2. cups spread ^ Continued on page !6 14 Suburbin Today, February 1962

I kctmbn, '*-» - - SPICY RASPBERRY-CELATIN MOLD APPLE CHARLOTTE A ll in Good TO raEPAM: 35 m in . TO CHIU.; ABOUT 3Vi HRS. TO prbparb: 30 m in . TO BAKE.: ABOUT 40 MIN. 1)4 CHB* pcBeh alieM 6 Form Continued from page 14 1)4 CN|« lO icBJ pliMch s in iB )4 t i-im, pkg. Mack reepkerry-flaroced Bdada 5 1 5 aa. pkc* wNpfcwry Baiarwl gelatiB 6 large ^ p k s. !4 Mespeeeai* )4 . . 1 S«a. pkc. Crcaai ehetae 2 lakletpeoas Ummom Jalee 1. U ^tly oil B 6)4-cup ring mold with salad or , 1 cap galdea raUm cooking oil (not olive oil); drain. Arrange peach slices )4 cap caandy cheppad pacasM 3D in bottom of mok| to forin a crown; refirigerate. 1. Remove crusts from b r ^ slices; cut each into 3 strips. Dip into melted butter, line bottom of a 1)4- 2. Mix )4 cup water with spiced p^ach sirup. Heat 1 qt. deep glass casserole with stripe, then arrange le; cup of the liquid until very hot. Add to Mack rasp­ maining strips upright around sides. berry-flavored gelatin and stir until gelatin is com­ pletely dissolved. Stir in the remaining cold liquid. 2. Heat the 2 tablespoons butter in a skillet; add the 3. Pour enough dissolved gelatin oVer peaches in apples and cook until apples are tender but not mushy. mold to barely cover. Set both mold and remaining 3 . Sprinkle with sugar and lemo^ juice. Lightly i^ x ^ gdatin in refrigerator to chill until gelatin b slightly in raisins and nitfs. V \ thicker than consistency of thick, unbeaten egg white. 4. Turn apple mixture into bread-lined < When both mixtures are of the same consistency, 5 . Bake at 330°F about_4d min., or bread is "U says to give me half of your candy bar, spoon gelatin over jelled peaches in mold. golden brown. or they’ll stop the show.” sUBUiau TOMf 4 . Meanwhile, prepare raspberry-flavored gelatin ac­ 6. Cool; unmold and serve wiflHi choice of Aprleot cording to pkg. directions; stir in the salt. With a Sawee or sHdpped cream, x 6 to 8 servings spoon, stir cream cheese vigorously until softened. Gradually add the dissolved gelatin, stirring con­ PARTY HAM LOAF stantly until thoroughly blended with the cheese. COT SAUCE TO prepare: 25 m in . to bake: IV4 Hrs. 5. Chill until mixture gels slightly. Spoon over first TO PREPARE I cook: ABOUT 15 MIN. mixture (both layers should be of almod the same 14 rap pineapple sirup' Jam % rap firmly packed brawn sagar consistency when combined). Chill until firm. 1 tablespoon M ee vinegar 6. Unmbid onto a chilled serving plate and serve 24 pineapple chnnks apehes brandy with a bowl of CocobnI Creans. About 8 servings 24 whole doves Stir the first three ingredieiHs together in a saucepan. 4 sHcce bread, ca l in enhee "Daddy scud turn it off! Bring to b o il^ aind cook over low heat 5 to It) min., tOIVlOU tOMV COCONUT CREAM—Fold V* cup toaatc^^'^oeo-. stirring to prevent scorching. Sieve. Stir in apricot nnt into 1 cup thick soar cream. brandy. Serve hot cidd. cups, sauce 'M teaspoon Mara pepper )4 traspeen grenad nnimrg. )4 rap finely chopped enion Gramsd meat (1)4 W . hat )4 and )4 lb. veal) Thanks to a radically-changed E U 6 TR A S 0 1 .. . even in tinniest water 1. Mix the first three ingredients in a small saucepan; heat un­ til sugar is dissolved, stirring constantly. Pour 'A cup sirup into a 914x5)4x2)4-in. loaf pan. 2. Insert cloves in pineapple; with cloves down, arrange in pan in the sh«|>e of a pineapple. Look who’s showing' some spunk! NOW YOU CAN 3. Mix next three ingredients together in a large bowl; lightly mix'in. in order, a mixture of the seasonings, the onion, meat, b rin gin g up 1 and remaining sirup. Spoon lightly into loaf pan. F o u r tip s to ta m e a rock-a-bye rebel. Hints esUtetsd (1) Nothing quite so relaxing as a rocking 4. Bake at 3S0°F about 1)4 hrs. ty Mrs. Dan Otrbtr, chair session. (2) A lullaby, swast and low, ttathsr t f 5 Xstill "hath charais to sooths.'* (8) A favorite To unmold, loosep meat from sides of 'pan. Pour olT excess cuddle Urv somehow makes a crib seem juic^invert onto warm platter, and remove pan. Form leaves Sudden rebellion in the ranks? Even the cosier.. (4) Grandmother offered a spot of with green pepper strips to resemble pineapple crown. best-behaved baby feela the need to rebel from warm millilk toI encourageI drowsiness. Works time to time. And why not? A baby is a • today, too. No film! No streaks! No spots! About 8 servings human being, entitled to a few human quirks. (Besides, this show of ^spirit means he's Spootaltiee of the hooae. Don't forget 3,187 tests in all makes of growing up.) So when your baby occasionally these speelsl foods for your baby: Gerber refnses to go along with his regular Strained Egg Yolks-delicate in flavor dishwashers proved it! HarB's n Traenura of G ood Eoting from tfw I mealtime or naptime schedule, try to relax and enstard-y in texture, high in iron and let him relax before you fSed or bed Ihim vitamin A. Gerbbr Teething Biscuits — Fabulous Franch Cuisino. | down, If you don't force th^ issue, it wiwiU be extra-hard to soothe tender gums, specially T ry radieaUn-choHffeti Electraaol because it easier to get baby back on aehedule the shaped for easy grasping. Oeroer Cookies THE FRENCH COOKIOOK next timeime aroumarouna. for toddlers—animal-shaped for fun. twice • contains exeltuive new ingredtent '. conloira ot Frvndi cooking, fraoi Vkkywolio to Potili Baby will reliih regular mealtimes if as much protein as most other oookiiM, prevents excessive foaming due to pro­ Fovra, fraw Hon d'Ooovrot to flonlog Crops* Soiolto, plot they're •kept ; "lo ^ing-fbrward-to" n g times. The B-vitamins in the ieing. tein food soil. doxmi tt odisr iottad fodpo* and tolb lira to proporo fooioin needed ingredients? A smiliiw atmosphere. Frmch mvcm. A goodly variety of Gerber Strained Foods. Im p o rtan t: Gerber prepares over 100 baby • releases fuU-foree tpray aditm in jm ur There are more than enough to keep baby's foodi: cereals, strained and Junior, to meet mealtimes sestfoL your baby's nntritkmal needs. Ws're proud dishwasher... for m u^ better washing TOURS FOR ONLY 5 0 ^ to say: \ • , and rinsing! EACH enOpmU V ariety review with a delidoas point of view. Gerber Strained Foods offer plmty of "Beblee ere our boeinoee... • is stQI low priced! a rot sumnmuk t o m t lo o ia range for menu change. 10 laachms fruits. 0 oor .onlT boeinoee I"* ISB N. Mltklgae Ava« Cfclcwpo 1, HI. K iroen-good vegeteUra 9 savory meats. rextra-flavor-y high meat dinners. 10 tasty SPOTLESS Endoood Bod 4 ' to r whkti p lo o M Mod mn p o d p o id vegetable-meat dinners. 4 scrumptious get new Blue Ribbon desserta. 0 fruit-Ucious jnioea. Eikch one ------coploi of 'Tko Frondi Cookbook" @ SOt oock. (N o desimaed with a spedllc Hatritional need in tILMfm •toiop* or CO JI. ordon, plooio; lotbloctlow g»oroo*«*d or mino. Sample mam made for lip-smaddng:. DISHES roFo^i^I^id.) ElECntASOL blOMS a. I CMcksn Hign Meat Otimsr 'f'. Oissn Bsans Addrek* .'...... • Bananas with H n s sppl* Fonnuls or Milk JUST, • RELEASeO.y- •EU tabisei City gi Slots by KconomIcB LnbemlcKy to nastiro apotlaai ' raauHa fromnng (Mwiwaabar (Fitol *r Writo UsIWr) Work Sheet for FEBRUARY GARDENERS

The sap is stirring/ . . days are getting longer... now is the time to begin the garden year BY JOHN BRIMER

OUlDOORS Plant Bulbs Outdoors in the South. Many in seven- to eight-inch clay pots filled with rich Bring in Bulbs potted last autumn, and kept "summer" bulbs may be planted now and also soil, as soon as two good-sized leaves have formed. outdoors for forcing into bloom now. Keep pots F««d L aw ns everywhere by Washington’s Birthday, You Paperwhite and S/(/- Yes, Dear! T ip s o n Englishmen A)r\ l)a\ I who drink gin.., TIPSY 9 WOOD how many FINISHING V drink Gordon's? n o o n M V « r m m I rM croping WBcfi you pul the furith im the wood~not o« ef deep iato the wood . , . jreartTo be bkmt rf»nt it.Co«loij’$" IcaTca no brittle turf ace to acraich or mar. isM England's (nggest selling gin as it is You have a choice of Natural Miowaz or PLASTIC WOOD a wide range of color iiMief. Maintain Ameiica’s and the world’s.. with liquid ucaz and you iferer have to Vhjr?PSohabljr because we refinitb your floon. ***»« always refused to. A fresh look at a gr^ing ^ tam per with a good thing. STUCK suburban problem—finding living arrangements for the older

person that mil satisfy everyone ■ti

/ suppose if we have a property settlement Older citizem enjoy a music hour in the Senior Day Center n i wind up with all this junk." of their own community on the outskirts of Miami, Florida. BY GEORGE FIELDING EU O T garage Today's trend it to paneling Eaty*to-uae Minwaz brings out wood’s o —o n a t i f M i , , ond natural beauty. Simply apply Minwaz fcaap » twuiag —oelWy e a r l y a w h o l e generation has been added to the life chores they could do and enjoyed doing. Modem labor- Wood Finish to the panel after sanding with bondv 3-M-ONE. it thoroughly. Then add a light touch of hfcicrtsurl—w;tii»»iiili span of Americans since 1900, but the tragedy is that saving apidianpes and packaged gimmicks have done away Minwaz Finishing Waz. The result is a O b sole eserywhere. Nso much of the added time is being wasted or absorbed in with most of these. rich, hand>rubbed look. For authentic Colonial effects, try Cherry, Ipswich or a wearying struggle to find a decent place to live, peace of And where is your parent—or your in-law—going to Puritan Pine. Modem effects include Drift* tWMiOll mind, and some sense of pride and usefulness. sleep? If you have a bdlroom that isn’t being used, you’re wood. Straw or Spruce Gray. There are alrfiost 16,000,000 Americans today who are luckier than lots of suburban families. For old folks, one nmnaw Ewor eumiK fun 65 or over. Oidy about one out of four is gainfully em­ essential requirement is privacy, a place they can call their fro*" •o H y Upriug to . ployed. The majority arc living on savings or retirement own. You probably can’t compromise on this for very long, M i wMi Arians income of one kind or another. The median income is low— if at all. If there can’t be a separate lioom, chances are the less than $1,(KX}a year. Many, who are not working but are plan won’t work. Even if you can makeTunior move his mul­ firei willing and aUe,CBiinot find employment— “too old” is the titudinous effects out on the sleeping porch, you’re setting '’M «w th. an w - ■ I iM up a conflict that’ll haunt you. Also what about dividing up r *^^pr **«y» tw T automatic brush-off. At present, 69% of tbhse older people maintain homes bathroom time—a problem with which, if you have more than one active child, you are doubtless acquainted already? •WftM wtaM OF n w -sM I o( Mc- (owned or rented) either alone or with a spouse; three million live with relatives; aitd another million and a half, Better stop and think how ah older member of the fam­ all told, live with other pet^e, or in institutions, including ily wUI fit in with all the other demands on your time— ^your « fodf •Td like to see anyone hold w incommunivador hospitals. Wherever they are, the over-all problem is the husband’s corrunuter schedule, your nursery and social Unfinished furniture /«r thm DrUnmmt inability of the purchasing power of most forms of retire­ schedule. Junior’s school schedule. “If only,” says a harried Minwax imparu a rich, warm plow lo un-. Sta-U r FUrmr housewife in Skokie, Illinois, “Mother didn't have that finiahed (umiiurc . . . cabiiwti . . . new Stamm ttHm wiito W» ment income to keep up with the rising cost of living. thclvci and wood trim. Cbootc wood with Outside the'city, the pnrf»lems of the senior citizen are ‘pushed around’ look all the time, as though she were in uniform Krain and land lilk-amooih. the way and knew it and was being so patient about it” On Finiih a, above in your choice of Minwax SUtUUIA TODAY especially severe. In hundreds of typical, bustling, commu­ quicfc.dryinA colon. nities from Bellevue, Washington, to Natick, Massachu­ the brighter side, a no-less-busy woman reports: “I can tell you one thing: It’s a Messed comfort when Fm late getting tor ovor SO yoora M inwu Wood Fioiahe, setts, the accent, today is on youth. Youth—the schooling hBve been the aiandard of qualicy with and happiness and welfare of youth—^is their main reason hbme from the bridge dub or a frustrating shopping spree archicecta, cnaiam buildcn and antique dealer,. Alto ccoaomical and easy to uie for my worm problems— for existence. Neither the average suburban home nor the to know that dinner’s progressing right on schedule and on f / > . Im Afitas SUrSK^IBT do are Minwax Finiahinc Wax. liquid or average suburban coountudty has been designed to pro­ top of tluit Mother’s going to be beaming because she’s had paate.aod that wonderful new icpadrtlicfc *»*r'*W itor far yoo! for aurface acratchca , T a b 24 wufr sail ao easy vide a place for old folks. the chance to do something for all of us.” - Bleod-Fil. to aw with iaaertip coo* I.SW Puhrex Worai Caps trab . . and inaaai nniiiiin Stop for a minute and think this through before you rise OCIAL WORKERS'who Specialize in die problems of our FREE power one leactse. Chaicc 5 up in righteous indignation and say our town is different. aua ceuroM now *«»•«: 3 kp. aadVikp- Suppose, suddenly, you had to find a place for an aging senior dtizens are beeW ng convinced that the “three- KM MW lOOMiT, ~tcM'ti«alpaMitau«_ for CYcry tO liiv nawL With S “Wood Ffnhhini" ,T DM »OM CM M rW M I as oM.ee* aaeoadWooal parent to live. (Most likely it would be your mother. The generation household” really works well only when there is ! oa dw tiU* dtiYe a reciprocal need for it—when all concern^ benefit from ------f yon a* an*td of average American woman is widowed at^ 70; the average the arrangement and when there are no serious personality MINWAX, 'I____ oaraaadled timradsMity. man who survives his wife doesn’t lose her until he is 85.) Oapl. ST.2Z ■ ■ — ------ice. sate feat of clashes among them. 11 Weal43ndS«.,NewYacliM,N.V.. | i.ia use! What do you do? Make roonl in your own home? Don’t, for Medium-rent and low-rent housing space especially de­ SeodbooklcaontheilfawaaMefbod g the sake of all concerned, take snap judgment on this. Does ' of wood finiabiaB, with color card g I must been out of my mind when signed for—and restricted to— odSnipancy by older people ahowinx all 14 ataia cRxcta. Abo ad- B your parent really want to live with you? Can you make an drcaa Of toy aeareat dtalet. ■ / bought you that chair” is being provided in increasing quantities in and near many older person fed really needed rather than an added burden? NAME.... Time was when both Grandpa and Grandma were very of our larger cities. Federal aid for “housing (or the aged” ADDRESS.. helpful family members; there were any number of little now runs into many miflioris annually. States are hdping. Continued on page 22 CITY_____ “STATE o»»_ * ,?“**^*“ February 1962 Suburbia Today, February 1962 21 la Caaada: Britiah Faiaia. Oakville. Om. tan Chicago is notable for its efforts in behalf of be kept up in proper shape on a one-fainily basis The special constructioa features required for Continued from page 2! the elderly. by aging owners. churches or sometimes by local social agencies or beneath her social level.) This senuoommunal Grandma Under all this pressure and persuasion—and a In newer areas, preplanning for a proportion of the homes of older folks are pretty well worked organized by senior dtizens titemselves. “Odden type of housing dten has central dining facilities too. New York law, for example, now requires growing realization of the facts—many suburban old-age housing is fin^'hg favor. A report of the out by this time. They include: (1) complete Age” and “Gdden Years” a p p ^ frequently as for those who find that eating alone is no fim or 10% of all state-aided housing space to be set communities are awakening to the need for a rea­ New Jersey Old Age Study Commission predicts dwelling fadlities.on one floor; (2 ) few, if any, names. Others ate more ori^al — “Cracker are tired of cooking for themselves. ^aside for senior citizens. sonable amount of low-rent housing within their that from now on “there will be no emnmunity in steps; (3) no thresholds or other tripping hazards; Bari,” “Stitch and Chatter,” “Spit’n Argue.” Here To sum up^ what we’re fiued with is a vast and There are, of course, complications. People in borders. There are other advantages besides tak­ which the needs of the elderly ate not reckoned (4) non^p surfaces in hallways, bathrooms, and and there a name shows up that doem’t seem too rising increase in the proportionate number of our general are

Gro-Pnp Ribbofl ca i supply the ,) How to “ Balance” ■otrieBts that n iy be mssiag Thb beautiful ranch-style heme is ready Dogs love the foods that people eat. But you can never be sure that scraps from the table are giving your dog ^1 the table scraps the nutrients needed for a long and happy life. for you te complete ^ That’s the reason thoui^tfiil fam­ ilies are adding Gro-Pup Ribbon to ... - you feed your dog every "scrap meal" they feed. Gro-Pup Ribbon is an unusual kind of dog f(^. It contains an extra bonus of protein, vitamins and min­ *Price may em j slightly in digeremt m**s. erals—far in excess of the minimum levels set by the 'National Research Council. WHEN YOUR HOME IS COM­ the coupon for complete information Even when fed with large amormta PLETED, YOUXL FIND YOU PAID on how you can own your Uwn home of "unbalanced” leftovos, Gro-Pup YOURSELF APPROXIMATELY thru IBCs easy No Money Down—^ I ;'|i can safeguard against improper diet. $3.50 PER HOUR FOR THE WORK Immediate Financing Plan. Regardless * YOU DID IN YOUR SPARE TIME! of your income, thete's an IBC Home ^ - '■*. . When you feed Gro-Pup Ribbon Take your fim step toward new to fit your budget—as low as $I,395r| every day you can be confident that home ownership today! d ip and mail MontUy payiinenis as low as $31.10! your dog is getting an abundance of the dietary essentials you know he No MoRey Down • Buih or your lot—oeywhenf N needs. Why don’t you start tomorrow? Pay yourself $3.30 per hour while enjoying in rent: First, all the profits to middle men IB C H O N U S • Dapt. B -lll the security of owning and finishing your are eliminated—you deal direedy with IBC P. O . Box 109, ChorlMton. Rtbiois own home! And, as thousands of satisfied. This, alone, saves hundreds of dollars. Your- Plaosa ruth ma FH S Htarotura. GRO-PUP RIBBON IBC Home owners will gladly td l you, the second savings—the big one-comes from do­ n I ho^-q^lot Q Hava your rapratantoliva coll ing the inside finishing work yourself. You thrill and sadsfa^on goes on year after year I undarstond'-l^raquatt puli ma undar NO OBUGATIOH save THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, and you I'jc ... for from roof to foundation an IBC Home rum Wmg to Rmwmrd is “quality packed.” don’t have to be a carpenter. Onca-^tfae shell Noaw.. : , ------Your Dog-Gro-rup With thu plan you don’t need a penny to is up the heavy work Dog BiseuU Tremte pay d o w n -< ^ a lo t And that can be is done, and your IBC in T -B om Worm in town or out in the country—wherever representative will be Oly. JStota- available whenever YOU prefer to live. CowMy. .Phono Na_ Here’s why you can own and enjoy an you need him for coun­ IBC Home for less than you are now paying sel or advice. Suburbia Today’s Cross-Country Shopper Suburbia Today's Cross-Country Shopper

PRE-SEASON OFFER 10 CUSHION MUMS $1 YARNS Caawarta ha ( w m m m m m Manufachirod m out own mill for afghani, A U n iq « * ORDER NOW, fay Ihh eprlng when delivered at half ruga, awoaftra, dr...... tapaatry. baby and OMB OP A SIMB S ' "S I our cetalee price fo pat new cufoman. Normally da- erawel wetk. SAMPLES and price, mm COMPUTS lAMPdOr VALMOMi valap lo buehal baekaf tica whan mahna. Myriada of upon roquott. Wo hope wo can atfablldi .n Crwitd la ewaaen BM l 4 f« dazxllng floware aach 1 to 3" diamafar form Giant acflvo account wHh you. Frempt mall order Hvi, iMiidHiiada emrli af ort Balia of Color. Aiat. Colon aa availablo, haniy roof wrvica. IISTBR TABN STOBB, SMIwater Read emffc and tore oiedea wall p a p POKTAILE BBohd M RM* • RID MB, BHBwaldr IT, A I. Gal aaea prialad iataeta Bo­ dIvltiorM from nurcory grown blooming efoefc. ORDER COPYJ t t by April I and got FREE « 3 t i u tuboroao (U.S.A. ld uoR-popan. Bock one era- SCOOTER Drown). tO for tlXD-30 for «3J0 piM C.O.D. .rad by Iba ouadaifat orHeh al iarapa eod iiiollcaloady oao- poatago. Caih oidon add 39c; aafit poatpald. Bloom ■1 tvltd by fhair Baa N# mats STK E raaN C , STEAININC . . POtM HP noxt Fall or roplacod froo. t i n A Naca. of brow corelally ham- i yaa'iabawileUaglykaaatifalINSrAim,Y tw rc A U rawed into kaid uaod la farm NUCHIOAN SUU CO. D«|W. CS-IS7S OtMd R^gidi 2 , M kfc. rasgalfkaat daalgai. Ne two 2K S L £ r« tt wetwrwyw wtUTlBGBGF- MGiuPGt Xra u Atunra. OlfW HO arrfwwmw Kpab raply. BiirTahie coUectioii, Ustoric CuuuUan CoanacaotatiTe Stampt alGa oHkonk a a, Iwa wBI I> 3« M.r.H.. IM aUW« aw atiim ..!^ i-'• fiTcn (t m I Choic*, icarca lUmpa U nitd ovar on« ]r«u. M u j Urge, multi­ > lir la mm w la w t tM . W rlak. hwl colon including St. Lawrence Seaway, EiUrao and Kiuak, <^aan EUzabetli FREE 32-PG. BOOKLET Weed boadiamaly. at I W-. IM t VatawMIr la war krai Iw In- >ltM Orav lt«» awltllra; la car Iraak Hr portrait, other colorful istnea. AQ ganniiie, all diflarant. Thii oner narar made HDW TD BUY Tbh prbt lamp-KH cataat IMMIM. cramika. wrarararlw X- a*«kl»x complafa wHk oil flItlaGi, anMww—amar 1 1 la a rkrai! $241 n— iiinr. «o- 0awiTnac7»r»Mi;rN5.' i noaiDA Ku. rtw. iWI. fAT t h is WUKK n trm r anil Coiwdo. M f t — Conadloa CowiawofBflvsa oltwr J baw. wirlag. l-vtoy ascbal, Bead Iw dttarlallw Weikart. other atampa on approTaLj e«>nh>rimpM:ollan for impoctieo. twdoiod tOd for IiuiiJ1bii. * I W iliifiw t Pripsrg ale. (Sbode aol tacladad) Include______10c tor handling and ■ (ruASC WNT) I PAINT VOW OWN WAU MUBAll YANKEE SEA CHEST pMtaga. WiDUma Stamp Co., i j Loam how to M go vahioa Enjoy Iho boaufy> craotivo ladifaciion of Staad. opproa. I I ' Ugh, of Florida raaidantial watar- Dept ST2C Si . Sccphea.l .. f painting a lovaly 5 to 14 ft. wide mural apprai. d--fo-4' la die. Gapl. M IS WdOaday. Miaa. front p ro p o rty l When, diraclly on your woHI Now "painLbyciuni. ayarall baigM awamMad N A . Canada I ' wharo and how to buyl bare" mefhed le fun, Inccadtbly may. Taka. N art Iholr tWy DuiniBg Rood all ab o u t TUNTA |utt 3 ID 9 heun. Artitte chaigo up to 1390 approa. U". kigb, Naedi Inept nml fboffy bob o4 orange rtrou. A RUSH COUPON N O W /, wallpaper tconka coat $100 and more. Our coieelMl gab i t charmett hi tbob cMbm Thuru's Somutliiiig for GORDA ISLES on fabulout comploto kite,. $12.99 upl Alto fabuloui Charlono Harbor . . . Flor- of aietli calored M t * totMt,** Tbuy'ra l3Vb "B M LIghf" mural kHa. Many exqul.iie hi„ eoft mod cu6dly and tbey*N mdd m tda-a only ma|or al|.watar- modem, provincial, oriental, ate. datlgnt. A Evoryouo In farmny Uaia. Ra etcHlat ITM mhr^ 2 5 -®®a A ^^v^aiPa Y^NH w^^Ne CALIF. GOLD EMBEOEO IN LUCITE ffont colony. Writa fOr your at wan eatlag ttgara, graWaaaa aat baara. i tiunning pratllga teuchl Bond for FREE Color draa al oH oga, odara fbaaa. avaa taaa* FREE COPTI awlb paebyaaraa, faradaaa erlM baara, Catalog.. "How to" dolalU (and. lOc for • UoMaU poatago handling). 0. M, SniDNOt agu e. Vaa'H uoaf teverol pain for Hw tM 'lP'M IP'Pi NOW $ 3 9 9 SUBURBIA TODAY WrHoOepl. Stadayl sar-ria^asn..^ - oepi. n o ckBdroa os year gM IM. S2.7B far aoa, ONLY DATED aMgatara ta xaeraa la M t awin ae diaatay al MURAL A m COMPANY, IBM 9. laBraa SI.as dw pair, peifage paid. OBOBB n im A OOROA ISUS • r.O . Bax ,10*4 Dape. ST. P„ lea Angalai 19, CaUf. 1 en Afmse, A V. IA H. V. edMMama. DRBU Big Baigahi Catatag. AttraC' t _____ PBOM HecMs Nalr. 74BB PeU Sfrost. faivigna BBisinxLa. bwl m-i htha HIWTA GORPA W FLORWA tlea ataaiB oBtn far fraa caaildareflaaTWkiabli YOUR OLD FUR into NEW ! tat nwBiinik ainai a arraUya aa. n. v. USD's , CaNtclac^ BaMa. StM lOe far auWag. 19 wtm n co PAMOM. . Rate _T »»_ „ I a FBWMBGMIBdiarram □ eAB. I ^ JLU IBCB., ! n 9u P u t AwMUB. aGBrnnu Coulru. a m Yfr% CAPE, STOLE \>ATOW New Style Zinnias 2 aam< x«APX-o-Lsm c.o.d. n.m Mm »gm* 1 * r- *y r ▼ ^ dm 1 '^ nae □ '«» Mtm □ mnwr m i* | i a I «mewG M.M. yw »«9 pmiGu». or JACKET WILDLIFE Birpeeana^ I ora,------I $^so Giants r r O f n WONDERS in.tt UMMUm ruBlr***U Ua.____ — ;J S n C I A L I Romantic Spain Souvonirt of privato ednogo originally Cat Mo IMPOn at Rnaa! l i t . I I I IS-PAQE Gat-Acgaaialed lignod l>y Asayon and lowotors during Gold M o^ woiBoa. a tait fWU or aporo tiaao big PackatafSaadt Beautiful Hand tu»h Oayt ovor 100 yoara agol Sturdy papor- profit Homo lm_port*Export Booinosa. lO M AN OUCATIM WrouBht Iron pieces • wolght or Idoal gift for ft>o coin colWtor FREE BOOK! '* H ^ to Im m ^ N Export** FW DITIK FAMILY GIVE c o n n COIN co. roToala bow you cob buy dasitiiif import dam uw Gm mpy u^m ^mgb $ CooDto ti., Wii^HMd n , M. V. bargaiiia s.' FREE COF^I MolUBgar. 1717 Woatwood. N unn BHB-snm lAHu-FM m sw ideal for bads,bordaB,b a wealth of inforaiatlon not avallabla Kil. penofud gift: perfect for your ownI ow. Set of SOO, thisspaiiif, have tba bast siiuiiaa ever, S 7 M ppd. aUawtMra. Evary paga it filtad with Intar- VM.' Id two-mne'pUitic boi, 60S. Shipped io 2 days. acting and atcliing data tba antira family all season loag. SewM DlwsTeelay. EASTERNIVIATIC Washington is will anioy raading . . . it filli a definita Or, for larger Dlantinim, we'll sand UM NEWEST STYLE FRAMES with finaat naad and balongt in every home. Beautifully i w S e e * # r M e , I M lie e d s fa r $1. PiOfloConvax lanaaa for paopit who llluitratad by tha W a l t e r D r a k e ColorMlo Spring. U, Colo. Aa* far tAaBsrpstSasd Catalog FA£E. TRAVERSE ROD MOTOR need aimpla magnifying lanaaa to read author, W. Wlllnun. W. ATIM BuifB i CO.. 4M Bsnao BMa finaat print and do praciaion work and‘ VITAMINS COST WILDLIFE WONDERS P t* . 22, P a OP CSali^ iM a or NaaraMo, CaW. have no eye diaeaaa. Send name, ad- will prove to be a Cmnrts « 9 (raMtii iN 9 b 2V* Mti ti feanini Baaloss lie for draaa. age, aa> and only $3.9S NOW. vahubla tall-itudy IWfrrr poiiteinei avaMax MR teWMxttlMHfeM for DELUXE MODEL, or aant C.O.O. TOO MUCH couria - now In terii p^tebMggmMMHWrNRI* iN - COtSlOge Satiafaction guaranteed. daily uia by many Tstbimi$ m, D. C. Now the truib ia .omc. R E T IR E O R i n v e s t s JCNAR CO. DaRt. «S 0 aducaticnal liittllu- wrict u Lgpvni. CmgliliMbRabnlxii Nwa tm FimUki W JJJL. At ra d ^ 170 W. 74 S t New Yaik 23, N. Y. Neirer' again need you pay h i ^ prkea for tuna. Tou'll want Siad duct« BBBf didr kw kmn a mdMimI «w w ^ iricamtm! Now thouandi of famiiim buy aavaral eoplat at TRIVET — With w Otl Iw iiliwXt- tftw t dwk.ww* handle, can abo be . . . iww a.’t fort. Save caiK with every order. Plan has EBBCAnSWU. BEIMBCN BUBEMI Stndekoek or mangy order to: FREE gift fduurda «x>. Write for fevcaling 3B34 madam Ft. AW., WiaMagUa S, B.C. FREE BOMC—ourpHse. gift certifkam f ^ BVTS FIOR MMAD. GRANMIRY, N.J. CACMA4» HOUWE Sw«.» you—CD FOODS PLUS VITAMINS, DEFT. NS89. 62 Worn 49ih Senet. New York 56. ftboh m cMiactiaii of olt-dfffortnt fttioiot N. Y. GROG BUCKET nNAh OfffVI - 1 fortlin Aimialt ttMipa from romoto comort I---—— ^aiM w If you think your garden i« W inter’s pawn, ponder these yesr- of dm worM — Africa. Ciotic Oriofit. ivtrywfiorol Wortd'f Carfotf Airmait. Ftyinc •Ovw aatleoally adnrtltid falr>Tratfe priom n r round varieties. Ooewr. BoNibor. $3.00 Htftcopliry many otAora, DOWN THIS MONTH { n m Coltocuop of thrlHlM taacaAiO atampa We’re Joining our greenhouses to Contem poraries on cliffs ...... SpoMlia. JotiLa fanbatic Moon Aoekat atampa. 00111 of tMao romarliaMo coHocttona D O N T P A Y Splits, C a ^ Ranchers dotting bleak suburban drifts . . . — coplaMM atampa amnfe pp to 39p oaalil — for eafy loa to cootr moiHng coata. blnu New—yoa eaa grow the Now you can be s CompUat Growerl Just send 25# for YEAR Olliof aomottooBl ataaiMa for year froo aiamf* Werld’o moot amasiag To- O V E R 25c Rptlam pdm Mf lariaHi Catalot. ACT MWi ROUND GARDENING IN YOUR OWN GREENHOUSE. iamoa$id>mampa,Poptffn<. lamiHiwa, W. T. N r Tlw W b iWIb N mbI { MIVS YOU Know how to buy a perm anent greenhouse, no money down, for , as little as $850 how to install it yourself ... how to grow rASTEN AlfTTKIKC A FIORIOA HOMESITC HAIR COLORIIO • DwUe tbw PfedUvelepweal Selal HaGwIar $1.M aim nmr! I anything all year w ithout the chorea of outdoor gardening . . . TO A K T a m ELSE C r a m S h a ra u M -T lG l ! I how to suit your needs from a selection of 106 models for every TOM ATO groem 14 to 20 n. high w ia huge Indl wolt b - yracfleaBy as a b M { arehitectund setting. lag ao mneh ao t pounda and paanauriag 4 in. acront. PIm , m t UfUaw ■wkXkL . yaw mir taaaMril-Ukt meaty, lolld tomatoaa, In 76 Hm ImM Hn uWU...TaUYt woodarlul flayor. Unax- veraon serves gg g bsM T ~ I oncioaa 2Sd be oowor paMasd otti Oat *ap M * ao itaptam to tlm flmr ^ or a called for caanlog and handUns. Sand me your dOpaga, full MVil rotk 1 0 0 UM vafL fA tT IN oleetrkol YOUNG THROATS for OLD attelng. Ontrialda^othn •nod ica biKktIiB Wahwl. color VGUIM M IND GAROCNlNb caiolos. riitimoi: forrlap ttrtooa mruia mm to^mrtott. Ju.l tie our omiuing chemical pod on, known variotlm. Qroera bbnds and handU . . . UN..... plaatm, MMi. mM; headMe m pan oaP pmm. and proceed wMi ncirmol odivitif.Ouar- ■nulated. An gttnclin. ridMuMui ew- H M ia mood oBi mmol forattam: imra; ablm: anta^ tofo and offactiira. Urn on# 0) venation niaca sal al aariy Hmeika. POMBV; NNV Nor; pouin: dMMmpooia: cor hour a day for 30 days. ■aHer than MakeianijtiiiHtTwB qsBitilw.SlTtl; A drtntt tiMiima; laptaa Maika. pamllpa taaPs. YBOPICAL gulf NOMESmt. INC I 4 quart siN, USAS. Ordar M ay. IIC^fcAEia aaMm. a m a . aoUi. Mta. Brno moet plastic isrrgory. Fom raluvancHlng SlKB((Iiaiil3PAta.) P. O. eox 177* OEPT. S I oaaimA Nr a cAlM Doom. Inforsnotion bidudad urith order. No ax- *'ke c.0il.’t picMA WiaMp area F f i tUBOttS OarJ ea OeMa Combt tbiMf Paada Garde, Florida t porte, no C.O.D.'s. Sand exactly S2.00 mewy MBwel $w *e heaK om4 OmM s. too chock or monoy onUr for "Thimrt Pod" ■ UMaKtS SEED A PLANT CO. Haow ...... j' SI JS SPdL Fife & E ^ m l ‘fOI M w p tll AMvMf ...... , v ...... I P. 0. ta384. HMMtaMg Nal. Mbau RUB WAmneoMM co. Aoi-unai cosMiTica L O R D & BURNHAM Dept. 9 #1 Wsrib M., fan Fiewdiee T4. Cai. 0 » y ...... J I Oapl tOL IrvUslon, N. V. . dhdalen Sumham Corporation L.fUnWOOO CO, Ba^ SGAC-OT W. Sa g P o o g ** Don’t Worry, DarUng Suburbia Today's Cross-Country Shopper Continued from page 6

W n t a n m CHARCOAL BROIL ON YOUR BOAT LIGHT THE with MAXIMUM SAFETY, NO MESS WAY • MO O0ir. mo omoku • NO ASHES ON DECK • NO AtESS m OAUEY Venatile.a4iusUblecrilL Fits flassuff socket. Cooks out- s j boud for maumum safety, Your Own swings inboard for .serving PRIVATE POSTOmCE^ ease. A quality product built At-Honwl to rigid marine standards. A t Tkd Bsw ntesist MONIICiaO It at! a weltosa. tort a atoto fe .atari.. your marine dealer or order tator eton la rldi. kiaxllh lti llairkari d ire c t. aaarit ead kcaaw. kaainatud m tlM y diloilod. SAft—SalM kraasa U. f. fatlsmcs lack kas SrtaN allk n wklsetlia lack. Oaly ika A^ua Bar-B*9t»« Carp.. IMTOKTED W AU SCROLLS awasr kasara ksw to saaa H. Bax M i. Mairoaa. ftlaaa. B A R U M P Hoad gafaaaad to garapa toC QC m o lA IO I-£m toriky SH s It la. aaaalasat no wntiolilwww Itojagioe. pratoctod trsai plltorsta aas eeeelareHwafaradsoffae aviw w m o . umr. fwMHti toftrw tiluof 11 PHOTO FH Aim DaUeato (a to tala (to Oscar a< aay kaaw pc .. oiottfM. it it ( NIW. IXCtUSIVS-Tka toraalar Haws 7a.i. sascaHrs sMca . . . w.atoitat tot ellta, tool a niNor wMta tlata •m m !• Hw aaty ku sM it Uadi tsM aaly lack kaatosaMiy weed-freeied. tS* a 47' .... aM toftirta ( ky Ika ■aaatoctorar. xrilk saaaadlllsaal far year tsmUl'and alia rick Haoa.laak. Aksiract la tmert lad aMoey-kock laaraalaa. TsnaaaUiad altk >ad Mack. Nsral Saalaiy la Maa vlatol aad i n s * awbw to •• axtra carl, •atoaslM. wllk a daik af kraws. la l.sSlaa to PUNstoaa Makataay. Ctoltorala S ic raU r akape a l $S aM ia. Calalaa as la- . MSTPAID t idwisd. Oak ar paatal calani rifkl ar t framea compteir Pa. Keiideau Add 4 % Seles Tex kauri apatoae. wish glaas. gik lop DISIAN IMPORTS CO. S erry N k Steeepi or COD’s ttk .fS . aactsald aaywkaia la Mw U. I. bnokiodriaieiatitt Dapl. STt, Sox 117, Jsrkhe, 1. I., N. V. Tm STM im COMPANY eaatl Treat yoar- TAYUMI OinS S71 U>. Wayaa Aas.. Wayaa I, Pa. ■•a S IS , Stotfaati, Mtasaarl r arif to sntrai of ItMtot <■7 Pietw* Slat...... g4.W ea. ppd. COBBLER’S BENCH LAMP AntOher of my inventions— cleaning cart loaded for bear, and ever ready. M A R IN lirS • Meticulously hand-crafted in pine Y O U c a n enjoy SCONCI • Perfect end table decorator walks an average of six miles a day. I can believe it. She and billows ^ntly in the biwze, eventually settling on the A tailhfat nproilat - • Hand stained and rubbed most also stoop and squat another h d f mile a day. sticky surface of the tape. Return in about an hour with (sotoilBItMcaMaoi • Bxpss fitted COFFEE m bber gloves and haul in the tape. aa oM aailiao vnatL It seemed to me that with a little creative thinjiing and V oatlu enmandwiriSii inroa • 22W" High - 5’I" Wide - 12" Long at your fingertips 1 didn’t really mind putting in a 12-hour day at all the aiyoMrolyoiMrotmordaHfbi experimentation, 1 should be able to eliminate much o f the TMI SAOtHi, a haixicraftad oclotnal in firioB aa • gift, tasks I ’vto mentioned in this article. A fter all, our wives do raflad in mrlluw... i g t S each ttme Mary and her sisters-in-homemaking spend walking, antt9ua'9rainad, txtra haavy saddlt'^laathaf, U, Post Paid ■ ■ v e « i post Paid in office or home pinea compirtr with jogging, stoofMng, pushing, pulling, and kneeling. as much. But I did resent having my 12 hours stretched to Kand>«tainad and hand>rubbad lo a Iwttrout pfauui rhhniur an«l Send Check or Money Order - No COD. Bmore now. I see water trickling down the fream. finaly canad lop and tidat, getting that last little pile o f stuff into the dustpan without •Mdamul txrilom, brau ball faat. $12.95 aa. hall from the direction of the bathtoom.” ppd. backing into the wall on the opposite side of the room. “Sorry to hang up; h|it one o f Butch’s friends is throwing „ ^ IMHbWOOO INOUtnillt INC. First, 1 purchased, a long-handled dust^n of the type 47to3 Varaan Mvd., Uap Itlaad CHv I, M. T. darts at the portrait of Mary’s grandmother.” H m m Ihqr tIhBr Patatl used by those uniformed gentlemen who sweep up ciga­ Speciol price reduction H ocquakit “Guess I’d better get off the phone. Butch is shaving Ramue brings ^amorous more p o e ^ tolti MM dMOrallve tal­ rette butts in the lobbies o f our leading hotels. 1 took this to ent of Scandinavian wooctoiariiart beauty. Select one of eleven CrtXtt your own Ump in • minul#. Product ot>d to kitroduce our now gift shop. This unif wailkbie complete with Jamie’s head.” b#«uly, simplicity, charm - d#tfyl magic Dtract importationt aavo you aquaro tap. Top and baaa ara Fibartsin cups end supply of ingroditntk—in- “ I must dash. The couple who are going .to adopt Jamie lamp bata. Wa. p ie f ^ 1 variafidnt: a china and moro. Sea our ipaco-savini I I n i;.\ I II I. stent coffee, croam, sugar, stirrers. cut off the two outside comets of the pap to a 90-dcgrce pastels. Pick the one that ban and., tta pot. thart ara hurtdradt of units and oMwr fumituro of aolld piaatic —- complataly raalat uta have just arrived.” ______othart. Um "anythirtg** at fwMsd - a bowl Norso croftsmaraMp. CiMCP to Gold and abuta. Top aaaily raimwad; can ba A wondetfuL gift eetlly hnieHed.' angle. I now had a long-handled, triangular dustpan. — briags out yoMF-pooPft-iadi- of flowart. poMad plant, figurirta. vata, Modal Owroo plana. itaad aa hot p a d . ChasB SS.9S ppd., largar vILT. If. iaOit ll-T. Itas. • P J l, DAVID WOOD STUDIOS •“ - ^ S O C O O ^ Then I brought my triangular dustpan smartly into each bat# r* X 9** 14.93 ppd. (Add 50c Watt of , lal. Ik toT k ML. P. O. Bo« 125S « Wtotohottoh. Wi«, Mary got back one evening just before dinnertime. I had clean, lastingly lovely. ANita.1 $010 ONIV tv MML W l l PdfPAID comer, being careful to hit both baseboards and to keep the Send US your pool’s di- T IliO NOVSi everything in apple-pie order. A ll dirw boys had bath^ or OapG. f — North C##way, ioM M L TThmaBaammaaeMiMMwi bottom o f the pan flat on the floor. W rt that doesn’t make maisions, tell whether it’a Earlg Aaurtnui been bathed. The house, I thought, looked immaculate. Pota­ the pan doesn't amount to much and can be ignored. metal, concrete or plaster, 'BOOTJACK' TOrUBUOYI toes were baking and string beans steaming. A two-inch ■ Coffee Hosty sc 1 next brought m y newly awakened talents to bear on the and the type of paint now Put a Glow o f Color W A U LAMP to - - WwU$ fm ^ I 3736 Lemar Am MampMslRTeim. steak was i^ d y for the charcoal. I was wearing my chefs on pool. On riedpt, we’ll »• Kcpndocfioa of old diM fluff problem— dust under’' the beds. This I brought under in Your Fireplace! boaisck, handerxited (toia muroLsoi S ;^ aend,- free, color chart, 82- 'S S c L - ' ifftli ' * : piae with rich hcinra aa- apron and hat. Naw, natural aah toiabaw laps, traatod I I bmandoiad $_ _(check control with my Fluff Catcher M ethod. It works as follows: page Hsindbook on Painting ciqiie Giiiib. A rk«n-i-p • • b rtN s 4eep^t or money order). Pfeoea tend me A fter giving me a quick kiss, hugging the boys, and sweep­ r i » » v ** to ta preduoa salt potoal tooat at tod, I aniqne acesoory far any h«s#l Os# #r I ’i ! x r e ^ £ Crisscross approxim ate^ 300 yards o f Scotch tape (the Pools, and iq>ecifte advice on i m Oreen or Mue, bum up to ASritoa. ' foook N oa-iaroith solid jCoffea Host Units ing the living room with her beautiful eyes, Mary said, the Uniqua for pifh ar haw a ma. widest available) back and forth across the' bedroom at your pool. \ ( ) WMta and GoM ( ) Boifs very first thing (and 1 quote), “You poor dears! Ifs about AMoano $99S m wx ytllow atow ibads. For 'w & S S rS P S m r, various levels until the room resembles a giant spider web. what todiaiil dwde, add ter mm time Mommy came home and fixed you some nourishing coioiis • rPAio 3 0 c c a m . raun sss to Osad Jto r.urstoy.* Then place electric fan* on the floor to blow the fluff out ASK for n « Cotalap *12** sad. Ms o.a.M.’s food and got rid o f all this /ifth/*' $and Chach w M. O . ta Dopt. ST CQUIPMtNT CO. from under the beds. Leave the room wWle the fluff floats INEIIOL GO.,1116.^ ■toda CtaakM MWk ■ CRy______JtonsL. ROBERTO ASSOCIATES (9UV 9 iUxgr 8 tablr ' 4S S M rm Saem tam An.. lhBaM|.U, a L ■wk eity Mdl. Wtodtowk. M. r . I ^ S t ilia ______tTAA Sn» MM, m 7. C riri. MI4 OMb— tod, a Kaaaws Cltr to Ma. \ ■ ■ Suburbia Today,Febnury 1962 rraolito R4 A U Bor Mora Crara Country Thoppoi r o r

By DAVID M PARIS (A P )- sand police and stood by in the today as worried -T' • officials girded street clashes ar knee. ' Security forces trated to counter t ' onstration schedule ternoon on the vaj Repiibllque In east< Frwich Socialist a "peaceful onstration Secret Arfhy Org agalnst^ollce repr ftions last T) eight dead am '^jured. The French .Cor quickly summoned 1 join the Socialists Rockt ^Swin

NEW YORK (AF son A. Rockefeller “swinging to the ri^ The potential Re; dential candidate asked «n a natiorr prograrti Stmday ni becoming more com politics. "Not in the snapped.. He appeared on Aj SpaHsM MAHMNSO s«U P ... Hearty casting Oo. "Issues garbanzo beam in lusty meal broth, cn- Earlier, he had Uvciied with spicy Chorizoa sausage. Needs only garlic toast, green salad . . . for a he might have bee memorable meal! -- as the OOP's 19f new excitement in nominee because hr French • >... Authentic •ral." French recipe, with rich beef stock,aged Rockefeller said 1 Parmesan cheese.. Superb—poured over the Kennedy adrnln; Charge it to us...Use this specialCredif^ardRefund! toasted French bread, heated mldlrcoti¥aaieiica...aad Cuba was a failure have caeloaed two labab from any oTU sm Chicken Cacchsora, States becau.se it r Kdttbullar or Beef Stroganoif. Pleaia amd |ndh$l.00 MB in U.S. ciinency. In the ranks of V sphere powers—a t part by the lack of t vv.-' f - consultation, he saic The governor Kennedy administra errv. Swedish KOTTBUU_AR of the Cuban invar Plump meatballs in a savory clear It was "the f ■ - ' > - ______— policy" that he opp diU-spiced sour cream saueb. that had he hem Superb main itish with would have gone a HERB’S ^ L L YOU HAVE TO DO: mashed dr parsley invasion but woult potatoes. And exciting, American air and n as hot appetizersi He warned ags BuvAiny3 u \a two of the three “Famous Foods” meat entrtes, that an exchange V ' ^ American priaon«-.s CliickenSfiic Cacciatore; Kottbullaror Beef Stroganoff. Abel for Powers, ai represented a thav Serve them to your family^ You’ll appreciate the con­ war. He said the F venience. And your family will enjoy this different taste treat. Italian CHICKEN Save the labels . . . and mail them in with the. Special CACCIATORE Glenn _ Crcxlit Card Refund above. We’ll send you a crisp $1.00 Succulent chicken cooked bill as your refund—so you’ll enjoy one can FREE. Take “hunter style” with advantage of this offer now. These treasured continental tomatoes, mushrooms, No. S] pungent herbs. Magnificent .a- recipes are brought painstakingly to gourmet perfection. in a ring o f rice, And they come to you complete, all it^ jr to heat and ' with crisp bread sticks! By HOWARD I serve. CAPE CANAVEB —John H. Glenn Jr. will be no joy ride SSBVmi Soup items are IKK iiKlud^ in this offer. Offer expires 90 days after busy man as his t dais this ad appears.- Limit of one refund to a family, please. around the globe s second. Tlie finely tuned a number of tasks he seeks an answe tlon: How well can i apace, especially du weightlessness. Fk>f be all but about 20 intended 4-hbur, SO- Man's ability to weightless state is i jor enigmas of sipai Project Mercury lau solve. When Soviet »co« man Titov made 17 globe in the spaca<

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