.. - ■ J.J,-''M . .- -v 7 • ..I . I' P4CS EIGHTEEN jPHIDAY, FEBRUARY 9. l^CT “I iKan^lrpat^r Evening V^raUi Average Daily Net Prera Ron • : . : ’7 Far tha Waak E eM — ------ ■ ‘M Febnm fy 8. IM S The Weather Kehler Circle, South Methodist Foreeaat of D. a. WwatWr : Church, will sponsor a food sale at ■ • t ' Ailout Town House and Hale’s department store LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY. WINF, MONDAY thm FRIDAY. 1:10 P.M.e^TURDAY AT11:10 A.M. tomorrow at 9:30 am . 13,543 ^ Chmd#, eoia tonlgM, m m ' Our- T h « ZipMT p u b wUi hold a act-, Announce Engagements raftha Audit ri<k Ib hiuy Mel%aw Low M to 15. - <■ back party Saturday for members A tty. 'and Mra. David W . Keith. O PE N 6 D A Y S ample, I a* Ctreolatiaa tK- Soadiiy eeiatoaed atM. torrSMtog and flriands at 8 p.m. 68 HUlcrest Rd., will be hoet and t:30 A.M. tdd:45 PM . free parking ekmdtnoaa. High M to 86.' hostess at the Lutz Junior Museum Mancheater^A City of ViUage Charm liQas Roberta Joiuu, daughter of Sunday from 2 to S p.ih. OPEN THURSDAYS in the Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Johns, 9:30 A.M. to9:00 PJd. rear VOL. U m . NO. I l l (TWELVE PA G E S-T V B E p n O N -B U B U R B U TODAY) MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 250 Greenwood Dr., will participate Confessions for young, people KL 1962 AAvaitlaiag on Paga 10) In a concert as a member o f the will ^ heard tomorrow at 11 am. Main Straat, Manchestar—-Ml/3-4123 PRICE n V E CENTS 84-pieoe band of Lebanon Valley at St. John s Polish National Cath­ College, Annvllle, Pa., to be pre­ olic Church. ■/ sented at Indijsntown Gap M ili­ tary Reservation Feb. 15. Miss OUR NEW WEAR-EVER CENTER Johns is a graduate of Manches- t w High School. Sisterhood Plans / Ib e Rev. Walter Abel, pastor of Quiz on Music ANOTHER EXCITING ADDITION our Saviour Lsitheran Church, U2 Pilot Wapplng,' will be in charge of ra­ In honor Of Jewish Music Month, TO HOUSE and HALE'S dio broadcasts, sponsored by the a muaical panel-quiz program will er Ministerial Associa- be presented by the Sisterhood of WINF Sunday at 7,;35 Temple Beth Sholom next Tues­ FAMOUS HOUSEWARES / I dally next week. day. Feb. IS at 8:15 p.m. at the • ■*■> ; ^ "V Temple. E ver Ready Circle, K ing’s Mrs. Lewis Segal, chairman for OauM tem , will meet at the home DEPARTMENT! the program, will present melodies of Mrs. Richard Nieae, 219 Vernon e for Soviet from liturgical, Hebrew and Yid­ St., Tuesday at 8 p.m. Hoete.sses dish music to panel members. In- w ill be Mrs. James Pickles and ,x<f*jdlng Mrs. Israel Goodstlne. Mrs. ^ t a . Helen Stephenson. Norman Fendell. Mrs. Robert The engagement of Miss Brl-i ■ The engagement of Miss Bar­ 1 Some Problems Remain Kama, Mrs. Harry Kovenaky, Mrs. / ^ f r e e lecture on Christian Sbi- gitfa Nordin of Bollebygd, Sweden, bara Helen Simp.son of the Ash­ Nathan Sandals and Leo Juran. State News enee^vlll be presented Tuesday, at to' Jay M. O’Brien of Hartford has ford section of Tolland to Ray­ Other participants w ill include mond Edward Bidwell Jr. of Man­ 8 p.m. At Shafer auditorium. Wil- ’ been announced by her parents, llmantlc State College. Miss Na- Cantor George Wald and Mrs. Bet­ chester ha* been announced by her 2nd American Held ty Hall, who will both sing, and Mr. and Mrs. Joel Nordin of Sw'e- parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill E orad Price of London, England, will Powers, Abel Swap Roundup qpeak on "Chriatian ^sence. Re­ Mrs. William Cooper, pianist. Com­ den. Simpson Sr. ligion of Comfort and Joy." The munity singing will also be led by Miss Nordin is a niece of Mrs. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and public is invited. Cantor Wald. David Solomonson, 19 Arm ory Mrs. Raymond E. Bidwell Sr., 118 By Reds Also Fre^d Husbands of members are also St., Manchester, and has spent one M cKee St. State Snowfall invited to attend and match wifs year in this town. She left January M i** Simpson 1* a 1960 graduate Cuts W orld Tension with the panel. Refreshments will of Edwin O. Smith High School, first to return home. 2 to 5 Inches MOSCOW ( A P)—.The Soviet Union said today one of the be served. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Stores, and 1* employed at Cheney Bfo*. Alythtinum Mrs. Edward J. O’Bri-en of Hart­ By JOHN M. AGHTOWER 8clasdc tradition 'qf a trade be­ reasons U2 pilot Francia Gary Powers was released was a de­ Mr. Bidwell attended Manchester ford. WASHING’rON (AJ») — ’Ihe tween nations of men who were NEW H AVEN, Feb. 10 sire to improve relations with the United States. | High School and Is employed at Soviet release U2 pilot Francia Mlsa Nordin Is attending the of Important to sSdi side. Fitting (A P )— Connecticut w»s pelt­ A brief announcement on Moscow radio also said' Powers Wiiijo^ V$11-95 Board Increases Cheney Bros. Gary Power* 'effactivaiy closes College of Commerce in Boras, into this thaqry is the fact that ed during the night by snow No date has been announced for the book on one o f the moat fam­ had bwn released in rraponse to pleas from his relatives. It Sweden, and will graduate in June. some moves in connection with Museum Support the wedding. (Dlnneen Studio) FREE! to the first 250 ous spy cases of history. What that ranged from about two D^rs $29415 Mr. O’Brien is a 1953 graduate of the Pgwers-Ahai deal are reported it means to U.S.-Soviet relations to have started aa long ago as to five inchee. Kingswood School, West Hartford Because of the expanded use and VALENTINE "SWEETHEART" can only ba judged by future last May, a few months after the Score* of accident* on streets ia i. Doors $59.95 Increased exhibits at Lutz Junior and a 1957 graduate of Colby Col­ events. Kennedy administration took of­ and highwaya were reported, but Museum, the board of education lege, Watervilie, Maine. He is Serv­ SEE IT TOMORROW! - FOIL CAKE PAN ’There is a keen awareness in fice, most 'of them were minor. Plus InstallatloB. has decided to allocate an extra ing as a programmer with the U.S. the highest quarters of govem- Khrushchev's son-in-law, Alexei State Police said there were no $1,000 to the nesv school budget Arm y on Governor’s Island. N. T., with every purchase of any item on ment here, however, that Premier Adzhubei, lunched here la ^ week tleups. The State Highway Depart­ UASHINGTON (AP)—American U2 pilot Francis Gary MANCHESTER and will be discharged from to support the museum. cur Wear-Ever self service display. Khrushchev has recently appeared with Prasidant Kennedy and his ment began sanding and plowing Powers was freed from a Russian prison and traded dra­ AW NING C O . The added fund* bring the total service on Feb. 16. to be Interested in decreasing Otrid press secretary, Pierre Salinger. operations yesterday afternoon, N o date has been announced for matically today for master Soviet spy Rudolf Abel in an early PH O N E » n 8-S091 allocation for the museum to W ar tenslans and seeking better A day earlier Salinger had mat in shortly after the . flakes began to 83,000. the wedding. (lyirlnz Studio*) avenues o f communication with Paris with Mikhail Kharlamov lo accumulate. morning exchange at the middle of a bridge between East Washtaigtmi. talk about exchanging t<m-level Light snow was still falling In Germany and West Berlin. President Kennedy has bean talavision tnterviawa and other- some parts of the state In mld- A second American was also freed. Frederic Leroy Pryor, working to the Same end. Wheth­ ■wise improving eommunloatlcns. momlng today. It was accom­ an American •student who had been held by the Communist er so designed ornot, the exchange Govemment offleiata said that panied by rising north winds and o f Powers and convicted Soviet the Adidiubel and Kharlamov oon- below freezing temperatures. The East Germans since he was arrested in East ^ r lin Aug. 25. spy Rudolf Abel seems to flt into ferenoes did not deal with the lo)v during the night at the U.S. He wa.s liberated shortly before Powers was turned over to THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. that'pattern. Abel-Pofwers axdumge. Weather Bureau In Windsor Locks, U.S. authorities in Berlin and Abel was released to East Ger­ Initially, well-informed officials They did, nevertheless, bear up- was 23. man officials. YJ were Inclined to regard the ex- The biggest accumulatlbn was dumge as meaning more In the (Coatiaaed aa Page nve) reported - in the Lltchflild area, Announcement of the trade -was made at the White House at 3 :19 a.m. to a corp of newsmen routed out o f bed. w e a r T-e v e r WEAR-EVER wheVe between 4 and 5 Inches had WEAR-EVER WEAR-EVER WEAR-EVER fallen at 7:S0 a.m. Preildent Kennedy had gottan f TEA KETTLE FRY PAN COVERED The Merrit, Wilbur Cross and the word only a few mlnutea be­ wide bottom for PERCOLATOR EGG POACHER No Time for l^leasnres ConnecUcut Turnpike, the state’s fore In his WlUte Houae quartera.
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