(Question Bank) Version 3

This event is being organized in memory of S. Harminder Singh who was a big enthusiast of promoting and heritage among Canadian youth of Punjabi origin

Compiled by: Bulla Arts International Inc. Winnipeg, MB,; [email protected]; 204-290-0346



Sikh Heritage: ...... 3

Gurbani: ...... 23

Punjabi Culture: ...... 24

Punjabi Folk Songs: ...... 28

Relationships names: ...... 35

Punjabi Rhymes/games sing and play: ...... 38

Learn these word meanings: ...... 40 Punjabi Tongue Twisters to be spoken fast at least five times continuously (Fun Part): ...... 42

Miscellaneous Bolis: ...... 43

Competition Rules: ...... 46


Sikh Heritage:

Q. 1 Who is founder of ? Ans. Dev Ji

Q. 2 What does the word Sikh mean? Ans. A disciple/ A student/ A follower

Q. 3 Who is founder of The ? Ans. Ji

Q. 4 What does the word Khalsa mean? Ans. The Pure.

Q. 5 What year was The Khalsa founded? Ans. 1699

Q. 6 What was The Khalsa founded? Ans. April

Q. 7 What was the occasion when The Khalsa was founded? Ans. - The harvest festival of

Q. 8 Which town was The Khalsa founded? Ans. Sri

Q. 9 Name the five articles of faith in Sikhism. Ans. Kachh (Kachhehra), karda, kirpan, kes, kangha

Q. 10 What is the difference between the words talwar and kirpan? They both mean sword in English though. Ans. Talwar is a normal weapon. Kirpan is an article of faith which should never be used to attack someone. Its purpose is defence. It’s used to defend the weaker, vulnerable people who can’t defend themselves. Kirpan is a reminder for the to stand against injustice to humanity.

Q. 11 What does the word Guru mean? Ans. Teacher

Q. 12 Who is the present Sikh Guru? Ans. Sri Ji.


Q. 13 What does the word Gurudwara mean? Ans. It means the Guru’s door

Q. 14 What does the word Pangat mean? Ans. It means a row. People sit in a row while eating .

Q. 15 What does the word Sangat mean? Ans. Sangat means the company of good people. In Sikhism people meeting in presence of Sri Guru Granth sahib is called sangat.

Q. 16 What do you mean by Langar? Ans. It is a word used in Sikhism for community kitchen where free food is served for people without any discrimination of color, caste, religion, status or ethnicity.

Q. 17 Who started Langar, Sangat and Pangat? Ans. The institution of the langar, or free kitchen, is believed to have been started by the first Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak but it was already popular in Chisti Sufis of the and it is said to have been started by Baba Farid.

Q. 18 Is the Sikh turban one of the five articles of faith? Ans. No

Q. 19 Name Panj Pyaras (The five beloved ones). Ans. Bhai Daya Singh ji, Bhai Himmat Singh Ji, Bhai Mohkam Singh Ji, Bhai Dharam Singh Ji, Bhai Sahib Singh Ji.

Q. 20 What is the meaning of these five names? Ans. Daya- Compassion/Sumpathy, Himmat- Guts/the quality of being brave, Mohkam-strong/determined, Dharm- Religion, Sahib- , Master.

Q. 21 What do you mean by chaar sahibzadey? Ans. The four sons of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Q. 22 Name the chaar sahibzadey. Ans. Baba Ajit Singh Ji (The oldest), Baba Jujhar Singh Ji, Baba Ji, Baba Ji (The youngest).

Q. 23 Where and how did Baba Ajit Singh Ji (The oldest), Baba Jujhar Singh Ji sacrificed their life? Ans. Chamkaur Sahib, while fighting the battle of Chamkaur Sahib

Q. 24 Where and how did Baba Zorawar Singh Ji, Baba Fateh Singh Ji (The youngest) sacrificed their life?


Ans. They were bricked alive in Sirhind (Now called Fatehgarh sahib) for not converting to by the ruler Wazir Khan (Suba Sirhind)

Q. 25 What do you mean by Shabad Guru? Ans. Shabad means the words. Guru means the teacher. Shabad Guru means Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Q. 26 Who composed and edited Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji? Ans. First rendition Adi Granth edited by Sri Dev Ji. Later on tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji made additions. This second rendition came to be known as Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

Q. 27 What does the term “Sawa Lakh” mean in Sikhism? Ans. It indicates that one sikh has got courage to fight against 125,000 opponents.

Q. 28 Who is spiritual mother of khalsa? Ans. Mata Sahib Kaur

Q. 29 Who was Mata Sundari Ji (also called Mata Jeeto Ji? Ans. She was wife of Guru Gobind Singh.

Q. 30 What is sikh Jaikaara/slogan? Ans. Jo Boley So Nihaal, Sat Sri Akaal

Q. 31 What greeting Sikhs use when they meet each other? Ans. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Q. 32 What is Swayea Gappha? Ans. One fourth. For example if you need little quantity of parshaad, you can request the sewak this way- Swayea gappha please.

Q. 33 What does Jal mean in langar? Ans. Water.

Q. 34 What does the word Daas mean in Sikhism? Ans. Servant (Sewak).

Q. 35 What does parshaada mean in langar? Ans. Roti.

Q. 36 What does Samundar mean in Singh’s terminology? Ans. Milk


Q. 37 What does Soorma Singh mean in Nihang Singh’s terminology? Ans. A blind person.

Q. 38 What does the word Singh mean? Ans. Lion.

Q. 39 What does the word Kaur mean? Ans. Princess.

Q. 40 Name five Takhts of Sikhism? 1 Harmandir Sahib, Patna (also known as Patna Sahib) 2 Kesgarh Sahib, Anandpur 3 , Nander 4 Damdama Sahib, Talwandi Sabo () 5 ,

Q. 41 What is the script used in Sri Guru Granth Sahib? Ans. .

Q. 42 Which of the sikh Gurus started formal teaching of Gurmukhi script? Ans. Dev Ji

Q. 43 Who built Harmandir Sahib? Ans. Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Q. 44 What do you mean by the word granthi? Ans. The Sikh priest.

Q. 45 Who was appointed the first Granthi of Guru Granth Sahib? Ans. Baba Budha Ji.

Q. 46 What is the sikh marriage ceremony called? Ans.

Q. 47 How many 'Lawans' are recited during the Sikh marriage? Ans. Four

Q. 48 How much of his income must every Sikh contribute for Social/religious purposes? Ans. One-Tenth (called Daswandh)


Q. 49 When was Guru Nanak Dev Ji born & where? Ans. April 15, 1469 A.D. in Talwandi (now in - Nankana Saheb)

Q. 50 Name the parents of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Father: Mehta Kalu Ji Mother: Mata Tripta Ji

Q. 51 Who were Bebe Nanaki & Bhai Jai Ram? Ans. Bebe Nanaki was Guru Nanak Dev Ji's older sister & Bhai Jai Ram was her husband.

Q. 52 Name the wife of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Ans. Mata Sulakhani Ji

Q. 53 Name the sons of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 1 Baba Sri Chand Ji 2 Baba Lakhmi Ji.

Q. 54 Which Guru established the first (Sangat)? Where & when? Ans. Guru Nanak Dev Ji at Kartarpur in 1521 A.D.

Q. 55 What were Guru Nanak Dev Ji's travels called? Ans. Udaasian

Q. 56 Name the Muslim who accompanied Guru Nanak Dev Ji with a rabaab (a musical instrument invented by himself). Ans. Bhai Mardana Ji.

Q. 57 During his travels, Guru Nanak Dev Ji went to Sayyadpur (now called Eminabad) and stayed at a carpenter's house (considered of low caste according to the Hindu caste system). Name the carpenter. Ans. Bhai Laalo

Q. 58 Who was the (high caste) local official there whose feast Guru Nanak Dev Ji rejected? Ans. Malik Bhaago

Q. 59 Where was the first missionary center (Manji) established by Guru Nanak Dev Ji? Ans. The first 'Manji' was established at Bhai Laalo's house to spread Sikhism in Northern Punjab

Q. 60 Who was the founder of the Mughal dynasty in ? Ans. Babar

Q. 61 Name the reigning Mughal ruler during Guru Nanak Dev Ji's time.


Ans. Babar

Q. 62 What are the four hymns by Guru Nanak alluding to the invasions by Babar (1483- 1530 A.D.) collectively known as in Sikh literature? Ans. Babarvani (Guru Nanak described the atrocities of Babar and his men in Punjab)

Q. 63 When and where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji become 'Joti Jot' (immersed in the Eternal Light)? Ans. In 1539 at Kartarpur

Q. 64 How old was Guru Nanak Dev Ji when he passed away and transferred the 'Divine Light' over to Guru Angad Dev Ji? Ans. Seventy Years

Q. 65 What was the original name of Guru Angad Dev Ji? Ans. Bhai Lehna

Q. 66 Who was Mata Kheevi Ji? Ans. She was the wife of Guru Angad Dev Ji. She is the only woman in Sikh History whose name has been mentioned in Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Q. 67 Who was Humayun, and why was he visiting Guru Angad Dev Ji? Ans. Humayun was Babar's son. Having been defeated by Sher Shah, he was fleeing India via and hearing the repute of Guru Angad Dev Ji, came to meet him at Khadur Sahib for his blessings, with a good number of presents.

Q. 68 How old was Guru Amardas Ji when he met Guru Angad Dev Ji? Ans. 61 years old

Q. 69 For how many years did Guru Amardas Ji serve Guru Angad Dev Ji? Ans. 12 Years

Q. 70 What was the name of the river that Guru Amardas Ji walked to get water for Guru Angad Dev Ji's bath? Ans. River Beas

Q. 71 What is a baoli? Ans. A well with steps proceeding down to the water level.

Q. 72 Who established the system of preachers called 'masands'? Ans. Guru Amardas Ji


Q. 73 Why did Guru Amardas Ji refuse Emperor Akbar's offering of village revenues for the Guru-ka- langar? Ans. This Community Kitchen must be community supported and depend only on the offerings of the devout.

Q. 74 What did one have to do before he was allowed to attend discourse of Guru Amardas Ji? Ans. They had to partake Guru-ka-langar

Q. 75 What were the three special days declared by Guru Amardas Ji when all the Sikhs were to congregate from far and near at the Guru's place to hear His words? Ans. Baisakhi (April 13), (1st day of , mid January) and (festival of lights in October/November)

Q. 76 Guru Amardas Ji opposed the practice of Pardah. What is Pardah? Ans. Wearing of veil by women

Q. 77 Guru Amardas Ji opposed the practice of Sati. What is Sati? Ans. The practice of burning the widow on her husband’s funeral pyre is called Sati. When the husband died, the wife either voluntarily burnt herself on the pyre of her husband or was thrown into the fire without her consent. In popular term the woman who did perform this act was called Sati (truthful).

Q. 78 How many missionaries ('masands') did Guru Amardas Ji train and sent out to various places? Out of these, how many were women? Ans. Guru Amardas Ji trained and sent out 146 missionaries, out of which 52 were women. (Note: At one time, the country of Afghanistan and were under the jurisdiction of women masands.)

Q. 79 What was Guru Ramdas Ji's wife's name? Ans. Bibi Bhani Ji. (Daughter of Guru Amardas Ji.)

Q. 80 What was the original name of Guru Ramdas Ji? Ans. Bhai Jetha

Q. 81 Name the three sons of Guru Ramdas Ji. 1 Prithi Chand (eldest) 2 Mahadeo 3 Arjan Mal (later became Guru Arjan Dev Ji)

Q. 82 What was Guru Arjan Dev Ji's wife's name? Ans. Mata Ganga Ji


Q. 83 Name the only son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Ans. Hargobind

Q. 84 In which year was the first construction of Harmandir Saheb () completed? Ans. 1589 A.D.

Q. 85 Who was Bhai Gurdas? Ans. He was the nephew (son of younger brother) of Guru Amardas Ji. He was one of the most learned Sikhs and his writings are still respected by Sikhs. The copy of Guru Granth Sahib at Kartarpur is written in his hand.

Q. 86 Which Guru initiated Bhai Gurdas Ji into Sikhism? Ans. Guru Ramdas Ji

Q. 87 Whom did Guru Arjan Dev Ji dictate the Adi Granth to? Ans. Bhai Gurdas Ji

Q. 88 Under the rule of which Mughal Emperor was Guru Arjan Dev Ji made to sit on a red-hot iron plate? Ans. Jehangir

Q. 89 Where & when did Guru Arjan Dev Ji achieve martyrdom? Ans. In Lahore on May 25, 1606 A.D.

Q. 90 Name the Gurdwara, now in Pakistan, that stands at the place where Guru Arjan Dev Ji was martyred. Ans. Dehra Sahib

Q. 91 Name the wives of Ji. 1. Bibi Damodri, 2. Bibi Mahadevi, and 3. Bibi Nanaki

Q. 92 How many sons did Guru Hargobind Ji have? Name them. Ans. He had Five Sons. They were: 1. Baba Gurditta (Born of Bibi Damodri) (Father of Guru Harrai) 2. Baba Suraj Mal (Born of Bibi Mahadevi) 3. Baba Ani Rai (Born of Bibi Nanaki) 4. Baba Atal Rai (Born of Bibi Nanaki) 5. (Guru) Tegh Bahadur (Born of Bibi Nanaki)

Q. 93 Name the daughter of Guru Hargobind Ji.


Ans. Bibi Viro (Born of Bibi Damodri)

Q. 94 Where was Guru Hargobind Ji sent as a state prisoner? Ans. Fort of Gwalior.

Q. 95 How many princes who were already imprisoned in the Fort of Gwalior got freed along with Guru Hargobind Ji? Ans. 52.

Q. 96 Guru Hargobind Ji donned the sword as a twin symbol of two powers. Name them. Ans. Miri (Temporal Power) & Piri (Spiritual Power).

Q. 97 What is the literal meaning of Akal Takht? Ans. Throne of the Almighty.

Q. 98 Who built the Akal Takht (then called Akal Bunga)? Ans. Guru Hargobind Ji

Q. 99 When did Guru Hargobind Ji build Akal Takht (Akal Bunga) in Amritsar? Ans. In 1609 A.D.

Q. 100 Why did Guru Hargobind Saheb Ji build the Akaal Takht directly across from Harmandar Sahib? Ans. To represent the unity of spiritual and secular (military) affairs. Akaal Takhat (miri) was complimentary to Harmandar Saheb (piri).

Q. 101 In which year was the first battle between Emperor Shah Jahan and Guru Hargobind Saheb Ji fought? Ans. The battle took place in 1634 A.D. The Emperor sent an army of 7000 cavalry under the command of his general Mukhlis Khan to capture the Guru. In the ensuing battle the Gurus forces emerged victorious after the Guru killed Mukhlis Khan in single combat with his sword. This battle marked a turning point as the Sikhs now turned militant under mughal persecution.

Q. 102 How many battles did Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji fight against the attacking Mughal armies of Shah Jahan? Ans. Six battles (He won all the battles)

Q. 103 Name the person who recovered the Kabul horses from the Mughals. Ans. Bhai Bidhi Chand. (The horses belonged to a Sikh who was bringing them from Kabul as an offering for Guru Hargobind Ji, but they were seized on the way by the Mughals. Bidhi Chand recovered the first horse disguised as a hay-seller, and the second disguised as an astrologer.)


Q. 104 What were the names of two horses that Bidhi Chand rescued from the stables of the governor of Lahore? Ans. Dilbaag and Gulbaag

Q. 105 How many Gurus did Baba Budha Ji serve? Ans. Six

Q. 106 How old was Baba Budha Ji when he passed away in 1631? Ans. 125 years old

Q. 107 How old was Guru Harkrishan Ji when he received the Guruship? Ans. Five years old

Q. 108 How old was Guru Harkrishan Ji when he became 'Joti Jot'? Ans. Eight years old

Q. 109 What were the last words of Guru Harkrishan Ji announcing the next Guru? Ans. "Baba Bakale", which meant that his successor is his grand uncle and would be found at village of Bakala

Q. 110 How many members of the Sodhi family gathered at the village of Bakala claiming that they were the Guru and successor as named by Guru Harkrishan Ji? Ans. About 22 (twenty two)

Q. 111 Who found out the true Guru in Ji and proclaimed him to the world, thus exposing the fake pretenders? Ans. Bhai Makhan Shah

Q. 112 What was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji's wife's name? Ans. Mata Gujri Ji

Q. 113 How many children did Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji have? Name them. Ans. One son. Gobind Rai later became Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Q. 114 Who denied Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji entry to the Golden Temple? Ans. The Sodhi Mahants

Q. 115 Which Mughal Emperor ordered Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji to be beheaded at , Delhi? Ans.

Q. 116 Who were the other three martyred along with Guru Tegh Bahadur by order of Aurangzeb?


a. b. c. Bhai Dayala

Q. 117 How were these three martyred? a. Bhai Mati Das: Sawn into two halves b. Bhai Sati Das: Burnt in wrapped around his body c. Bhai Dayala: Boiled in hot water

Q. 118 Name the leader of the delegation of 500 Kashmiri that came to Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji for help. Ans. Pandit Kirpa Ram (later became the Sanskrit teacher of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and eventually became a Khalsa and died fighting in the battle of Chamkaur.)

Q. 119 How old was Gobind Rai (Guru Gobind Singh) then? Ans. 9 (nine) years old

Q. 120 Where & when did Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji achieve martyrdom? Ans. In Delhi on November 11, 1675 A.D.

Q. 121 Which Gurdwara stands at the place where Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was beheaded? Ans. Gurdwara Sis Ganj, Chandni Chowk, Delhi

Q. 122 Who cremated Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji's body after he was beheaded? Ans. Bhai Lakhi Shah.

Q. 123 Which Gurdwara stands at the place where the body of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was cremated after he was beheaded? Ans. Gurdwara Rakab Ganj, Delhi

Q. 124 Who took Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji's head to Anandpur? Ans. Bhai Jaita Ji.

Q. 125 Which Gurdwara stands at the place where Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji's head was cremated? Ans. Gurdwara Sis Ganj, Anandpur

Q. 126 When was Guru Gobind Singh Ji born & where? Ans. December 22, 1666 A.D. in Patna.

Q. 127 Which was the first battle fought between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the hill chiefs?


Ans. The Battle of Bhangani was fought in 1687 between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the hill chiefs led by Raja Bhim Chand of Bilaspur. The hill chiefs received a crushing defeat at the hands of the Guru.

Q. 128 In which battle did Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Pathans leave him at a very critical point? Ans. Battle of Bhangani

Q. 129 How many sons did Peer Budhu Shah have? How many of them died in the battle of Bhangani? Ans. He had four sons, two of which died in battle

Q. 130 What did Guru Gobind Singh Ji give Peer Budhu Shah in remembrance of services rendered in the battle at Bhangaani? Ans. A kangha with some of his broken hair, a kirpan (sword) and a turban

Q. 131 What was the name of the Sikh who drove a spear into the elephant's head at the battle of Anandpur? Ans. Bhai Bachittar Singh

Q. 132 In the battle of Anandpur Sahib, who gave water to all dying soldiers irrespective of whether they were Sikhs or ? Ans. Bhai Ghanaiya Ji

Q. 133 When and where did Guru Gobind Singh Ji separate from his mother and two younger sons before going to the fort of Chamkaur? Ans. December 20, 1704, at Sirsa River

Q. 134 Who betrayed Mata Gujri Ji and the two younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji to the Nawab of Sirhind? Ans. Gangu

Q. 135 Where were Mata Gujri Ji and the two younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji kept after being imprisoned? Ans. Saman Burj (tower), Sirhind

Q. 136 From which fort did the (5 chosen ones) order Guru Gobind Singh Ji to leave for his safety? Ans. Fort of Chamkaur

Q. 137 Name the two Pathans who helped Guru Gobind Singh Ji march through the Mughal camp. Ans. Nabi Khaan and Gani Khaan

Q. 138 Who were the 'Chaali Mukte' i.e. the forty freed ones referred to in the Sikh ‘Ardas’?


Ans. They were those forty Sikhs who first denied Guru Gobind Singh Ji to be their Guru and later on got martyred for his sake fighting near the lake of Khidrana, also called Isharsar,(Now called ) on 29 December, 1705 after realizing their mistake. Guru Gobind Singh Ji blessed them as Chali Mukte, the Forty Immortals. After them Khidrana became Muktsar - the Pool of Liberation.

Q. 139 Name the leader of the 'Chaali' (40) Mukte who fought for Guru Gobind Singh Ji in Muktsar. Ans. Bhai Maha Singh Ji.

Q. 140 Who was Mai Bhago Ji? Ans. Mai Bhago Ji led the forty Sikhs (Chaali Muktey) back to Guru Gobind Singh Ji. She had also suffered injury in the battle. Guru Gobind Singh Ji took her in his care and there after she stayed on with Guru Gobind Singh Ji as one of his bodyguard, in male attire. After the death of Guru Gobind Singh Ji at Nanded in 1708, she retired further south. She settled down at Jinvara, 11 km from Bidar in Karnataka where, immersed in meditation, she lived to attain a ripe old age. Her hut in Jinvara has now been converted into Gurdwara Tap Asthan Mai Bhago.

Q. 141 Name the Gurdwara that stands at the place where the younger Sahebzadas were bricked alive. Ans. Fatehgarh Sahib (Fort of Victory)

Q. 142 Where did Guru Gobind Singh Ji receive the news of the martyrdom of the younger Sahibzadas? Ans. While he was in Lakhi Jungle (forest)

Q. 143 What was his prophecy there? Ans. On hearing the news, he pulled a shrub from its roots with his arrow and said: "thus will this tyrannous rule be destroyed, root and branch."

Q. 144 What is the significance of Patna Sahib (one of the 5 Takhts)? Ans. It is the birth place of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Q. 145 Who built Harmandir Sahib, Patna (Patna Sahib)? Ans. Maharaja

Q. 146 What is the significance of Kesgarh Sahib (one of the 5 Takhts)? Ans. Khalsa Panth was created here on Vaisakhi of 1699 A.D. by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Q. 147 What is the significance of Damdama Saheb (one of the 5 Takhts)? Ans. Guru Gobind Singh Ji got the full Paath of Guru Granth Sahib written here. It was called 'Guru Ki Kashi' by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Q. 148 What does 'Damdama' mean?


Ans. Resting place.

Q. 149 Whom did Guru Gobind Singh Ji dictate the Guru Granth Sahib to? Ans. Ji

Q. 150 Who wrote the ‘Zaffarnama’? Ans. Guru Gobind Singh Ji wrote this 'Letter of Victory' in Persian to Aurangzeb.

Q. 151 When did Aurangzeb die? Ans. March 3, 1707 A.D.

Q. 152 Who was the eldest son of Aurangzeb and why didn't he become the next Emperor? Ans. Muhammad Sultan died before Aurangzeb on December 14, 1676.

Q. 153 Name the third son of Aurangzeb who proclaimed himself the Emperor of India after the death of Aurangzeb. Ans. Muhammad Azam

Q. 154 Name the second son of Aurangzeb who was the heir-apparent and who begged Guru Gobind Singh Ji's assistance against his brother, Muhammad Azam. Ans. Prince Muhammad Muazzam (later became Emperor Muhammad Muazzam Bahadur Shah)

Q. 155 In which battle did Guru Gobind Singh Ji lend a helping hand to Muhammad Muazzam? Ans. Battle of Jajau (June 18, 1707)

Q. 156 In which year did Guru Gobind Singh Ji become 'Joti Jot' (immersed in the Eternal Light)? Ans. In 1708 A.D.

Q. 157 What is the significance of Hazur Sahib (one of the 5 Takhts)? Ans. Guru Gobind Singh Ji became 'Joti Jot' (immersed in the Eternal Light) here in 1708 A.D.

Q. 158 Who built Hazur Saheb? Ans. Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Q. 159 On the banks of which river is Hazur Saheb situated? Ans. River Godavari

Q. 160 What was the relationship between Akbar, Jehangir, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb? Ans. Jehangir was Akbar's son, Shah Jahan's father and Aurangzeb's grandfather. (Akbar -->Jehangir -->Shah Jahan -->Aurangzeb)


Q. 161 Name the cities founded by the Gurus. 1 Guru Nanak Dev Ji: Kartarpur 2 Guru Angad Dev Ji: Khadur Saheb 3 Guru Amardas Ji: Goindval Saheb 4 Guru Ramdas Ji: Amritsar 5 Guru Arjan Dev Ji: TarnTaran, Kartarpur (Jullunder), Sri Hargobindpur 6 Guru Hargobind Ji: Kiratpur, Mehrey 7 Ji: Bagat and Chiryaghar of Kiratpur 8 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji: Anandpur (originally known as Chak Nanaki) 9 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: Paonta Saheb, Guru Ka Lahore

Q. 162 Name the five cardinal vices. a. Kam (Lust, fornication) b. Krodh (Anger, wrath) c. Lobh (Greed, hoarding) d. Moh (Worldly attachment) e. Ahankar (Conceit, egoism, pride)

Q. 163 What are the virtuous counterparts of these five vices? a. Self-Control of Kam b. Forgiveness of Krodh c. Contentment of Lobh d. Love of God of Moh e. Humility of Ahankar

Q. 164 Name ten historic in Pakistan. a. Bal Leela b. Chhevin Patshai c. Dehra Sahib d. Kyara Sahib e. Maal Ji Sahib f. Nankana Sahib g. Panja Sahib h. Pati Sahib i. Sacha Saoda j. Tambu Sahib


Q. 165 Where has the starting 'Pauri' of 'Ardas' i.e. from 'Sri Bhagauti Ji Sahay –to- Sab thain hoe sahay' taken from? Ans. It is the first 'Pauri' of 'Bhagauti Ki Vaar' (or 'Chandi Ki Vaar') taken from the ''.

Q. 166 Referring to the daily Sikh 'Ardas' where the various Sikh are remembered, write the type of martyrdom that the following Sikhs underwent: 1. Bhai Mati Das: Sawn into two pieces (Aariyaan naal cheere gaye) 2. Bhai Mani Singh: Body was cut at each joint (Band band kataye) 3. Bhai Taru Singh: His hair was scrapped off his scalp (Khopariaan utarwaiyaan) 4. Bhai Shahbaz Singh: He and his father (Subeg Singh) were crushed on the wheel. (Charakhariyaan te chare)

Q. 167 Write the inter-family relationships of the Gurus after Guru Amardas. 1. Guru Ramdas Ji was the son-in-law of Guru Amardas Ji 2. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was the son of Guru Ramdas Ji 3. Guru Hargobind Ji was the son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji 4. Guru Harrai Ji was the grandson of Guru Hargobind Ji 5. Guru Harkrishan Ji was the son of Guru Harrai Ji 6. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was the son of Guru Hargobind Ji 7. Guru Gobind Singh Ji was the son of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

Q. 168 When was born? Ans. October 27, 1670 A.D.

Q. 169 What was his name in childhood? Ans. Lachhman Das

Q. 170 What does "Bairagi" mean? Ans. One who gives up worldly life; a sect of Vaishanavs.

Q. 171 Name the Bairagi who captivated the heart of Lachhman Das and made him his disciple. Ans. Janaki Prasad

Q. 172 What was Lachhman Das named by the Bairagis? Ans. Madho Das Bairagi

Q. 173 Name the old Yogi that Madho Das met in Nasik and learnt 'Tantric Science' (secrets of yoga and occultism) from. Ans. Aughaar

Q. 174 When and where did Guru Gobind Singh Ji meet Madho Das? Ans. Autumn of 1708 in Nanded


Q. 175 What did Guru Gobind Singh Ji name Madho Das after administering Amrit (Pahul) to him? Ans. Banda Singh

Q. 176 What does 'Banda' mean? Ans. Slave

Q. 177 Who stabbed Guru Gobind Singh Ji? Ans. A pathan from Sirhind (sent by Wazir Khan)

Q. 178 What title was given to Banda Singh by Guru Gobind Singh Ji before he left for Punjab? Ans. Banda Singh 'Bahadur'

Q. 179 Who were the five 'Punj Pyare' appointed to assist Banda Singh? 1 Bhai Binod Singh 2 Bhai Kahan Singh (son of Bhai Binod Singh) 3 Bhai Baaj Singh 4 Bhai Daya Singh 5 Bhai Ram Singh (Brother of Bhai Baaj Singh)

Q. 180 What were the emblems of temporal authority bestowed upon Banda Singh before his departure to Punjab? Ans. A Nishan sahib (Flag) and a Nagara (Drum)

Q. 181 Whom did Guru Gobind Singh Ji nominate as the first (commander of the forces) of the Khalsa Panth? Ans. Banda Singh Bahadur

Q. 182 Why did Banda Singh Bahadur's army attack Samana? Ans. It was the residence of Sayyed Jalal-ud-din, the executioner of Guru Teg Bahadur, and of Shashal Beg and Bashal Beg, the executioners of the younger Sahibzadas at Sirhind.

Q. 183 Who abolished the Zamindaari (absentee landlord) system? Ans. Banda Singh Bahadur

Q. 184 When did Banda Singh Bahadur attack Sirhind, where the Nawab had ordered the live-burial of the younger Sahebzadas? Ans. On May 12, 1710 A.D. (The battle was fought at Chappar Chiri, 20 kms from Sarhind.)

Q. 185 What did Wazir Khan do, and who killed him?


Ans. Wazir Khan ordered the murder of the two younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Fateh Singh killed him in the Battle of Chappar-Chiri.

Q. 186 Whom did Banda Singh appoint as Governor of Sirhind after conquering Sirhind? Ans. Baaj Singh

Q. 187 Whom did Banda Singh appoint as Governor of Samana? Ans. Fateh Singh

Q. 188 What did Banda Singh Bahadur name the Fort of Mukhlispur after repairing it? Ans. Lohgarh meaning Iron Fort. (For all intents and purposes, it became the capital of the Sikh territories.)

Q. 189 After assuming royal authority at Lohgarh, what did Banda Singh Bahadur do? a. He struck coins in the name of the Guru. b. He introduced an Official Seal for his state documents and letters patent. c. He introduced his own Sammat or regnal year from the date of his conquest of Sirhind. d. He totally abolished the Zamindari (Landlord) System of the Mughals which had reduced the cultivators to the position of slaves.

Q. 190 What did Banda Singh Bahadur's Official Seal read? Ans. Deg o teg o fateh o nusrat bedirang, Yaft az Nanak Guru Gobind Singh (The Kettle and the Sword, Victory and ready Patronage have been obtained from Guru Nanak - Guru Gobind Singh)

Q. 191 What do Degh, Tegh, and Fateh mean? Ans. Degh means Kettle (symbol of charity or of the means to feed the poor) Tegh means Sword (symbol of power to protect the weak and helpless) Fateh means Victory

Q. 192 Name the Sikh who sacrificed his life when he disguised himself in the garments of Banda Singh Bahadur and seated himself in his place, so that Banda Singh could escape from the fort of Lohgarh and retreat to the hills of Nahan. Ans. Bhai Gulab Singh (on December 10, 1710)

Q. 193 What was Banda Singh Bahadur's second wife's name? Ans. Sahib Kaur. (He had by her a son, named Ranjit Singh - not the same as Maharaja Ranjit Singh)

Q. 194 What was the Sikh Enclosure at Gurdas Nangal called? Ans. Fortress (Garhi) of Gurdaspur


Q. 195 After eight long in the Fortress of Gurdaspur, who had a difference in opinion with Banda Singh? What was the difference in opinion? What happened as a result of this difference in opinion? Ans. Binod Singh had a difference in opinion with Banda Singh. Apparently, he proposed evacuating the enclosure and following their old tactics of cutting through the enemy's lines for a place of safety. Banda Singh was not in favor of it. Binod Singh, as per decision reached by his son Kahan Singh, left the enclosure.

Q. 196 Why were the bodies of Sikhs ripped open? Ans. The bodies of Sikhs were ripped opened in search of gold coins supposed to have been swallowed by them.

Q. 197 Where were Banda Singh and his companions taken from Gurdas Nangal? Ans. They were taken to lahore by Abdus Samad Khan and then despatched to Delhi under the charge of his son, Zakhriya Khan.

Q. 198 What was the name of the Sikh who broke the chains around his hands and feet when Emperor Farrukh Siyar taunted him and his fellow Sikhs? Ans. Baaj Singh

Q. 199 How many soldiers did Baaj Singh kill after breaking through the chains around his hands and feet? Ans. He killed seven soldiers

Q. 200 When was Banda Singh Bahadur executed? Ans. June 9, 1716

Q. 201 Name the son of Banda Singh Bahadur from his first wife. What was his fate? Ans. Ajai Singh. The executioner hacked the 4 year old child to pieces joint by joint with a long knife, dragged out his quivering heart and thrust it into the mouth of his father, Banda Singh Bahadur.

Q. 202 How was Banda Singh Bahadur executed? Ans. His eyes were first removed by the point of a butcher's knife. His left foot and then his two hands were severed from the body. His flesh was then torn with red-hot pincers, and finally he was decapitated and hacked to pieces limb by limb.


Nanak Naam Charhdi Klaa

Tere Bhane Sarbatt da Bhlaa



Q. 203 Sing first pauri of Japuji sahib. Ans. Source yourself

Q. 204 Sing second pauri of Japuji sahib. Ans. Source yourself

Q. 205 Sing third pauri of Japuji sahib. Ans. Source yourself

Q. 206 Sing fourth pauri of Japuji sahib. Ans. Source yourself

Q. 207 Sing fifth pauri of Japuji sahib. Ans. Source yourself

Q. 208 Sing mool mantar. Ans. Source yourself

Q. 209 Sing the salok in and expand it with meaning. Shalok: Pawan guru paawan pita maata dhart mahatt Divas raat doey daai daaya khele sagl jagat Changiaian buriaian vaachai dharm hadoor Karmi aapo aapni ke nerai ke door Jinni naam dhiaia gaye musakkat ghaal Nanak te mukh ujjalai keti chhutti naal Meaning- Air is the Guru, Water is the Father, and Earth is the Great Mother of all. Day and night are the two nurses, in whose lap all the world is at play. Good deeds and bad deeds-the record is read out in the Presence of the Lord of Dharma. According to their own actions, some are drawn closer, and some are driven farther away. Those who have meditated on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and departed after having worked by the sweat of their brows - O Nanak, their faces are radiant in the Court of the Lord, and many are saved along with them! (1)

Q. 210 Learn to sing any five gurbani shabads. Ans. Source yourself


Punjabi Culture:

Q. 211 Name Punjabi/desi months in sequence. Wind Chill… 1. 2. Visaakh 3. 4. Hardh 5. Saun 6. Bhaddon ਪਾਲ਼ਾ ਪੋਹ 7. Assu 8. Katta 9. 10. 11. Maagh 12. Faggan ਨਾ Q. 212 Name Punjabi/desi days of the week. 1. Somvar 2. Mangalvar 3. Budhvar 4. Veervar 5. Shukkarvar (Jumma) 6. Shanicharvaar (vaar) ਪਾਲ਼ਾ ਮਾਘ 7. Aitvaar

Q. 213 Name Punjabi/desi four seasons. 1 Patjhad/ Fiza (Fall) 2 Sardi (Winter) 3 / Bahaar (Spring) ਪਾਲ਼ਾ 4 Garmi/ Saun (Summer/Rainy Season)

Q. 214 Name five . 1 2 Gidha 3 Malwai Gidha ਵਾਅ ਦਾ 4 Sammi 5 Luddi 6 Jindua 7 Jhoomer


Q. 215 Name five rhythms of Bhangra 1 Chaal/Luddi/Kehrwa 2 Dhamaal 3 ਜੇ ਕਿਸੇ 4 Bhangra ਤੇ ਦੇﹱ Jhoomer ਕ 5 6 Phummania 7 Mahiya 8 Chaalan (Lehria/Jindua/Hularey/Punjab) ਲੋਿਾ拓

Q. 216 Name ten steps of bhangra 1 Chaal ਦਾ 2 Kabootar Chaal 3 First Dhamaal 4 Second Dhamaal ਸੁਭਾਅ 5 Third Dhamaal 6 Sialkoti ਜਾਣਨਾ 7 Single Bhangra 8 Sheesha ਹੋਵੇ 9 Single Jhoomer 10 Budha Jhoomer 11 Phummania ਤਾ拓 12 Mahiya 13 Mirza ਓਥੋਂ ਦੇ 14 Lehria 15 Jindua 16 Bedi ਲੋਿ ਨਾਚ 17 Hularey 18 Punjab 19 Sammian ਤੇ 20 Kachhan

Q. 217 Name five Punjabi head gears. ਲੋਿ ਗੀਤਾ拓 ਨੰ 1 /Pagg 2 Dumaala ਜਾਣੋ 3 Parna/Saafa/ Samosa


4 Patka 5 Chunni 6 Fulkari 7 Saalu/Shawl ਰਾਵੀ 8 Keski 9 Topi

Q. 218 Name five folk songs of Punjab. 1 Jindua ਨੰ 2 Tappe 3 Lungi 4 Madhanian 5 Malki Keema ਝਨਾਅ 6 Mirza 7 Heer 8 Moar ਛਦਾﹱQ. 219 Name five jewellery items for Punjabi women. ਪੁ 1 Tikka 2 Saggi Full 3 Kaante/Jhumkey/ Pippal Pattian/Lottan 4 Aarsi/ Mundri ਸਤਲੁਜ 5 Kangan/Churian 6 Kleerey

Q. 220 Name five jewellery items for Punjabi men. 1 Nattian ਦਾ 2 Kaintha 3 Kada 4 Chhaap/Mundri 5 Taweet ਿੀ Q. 221 Name five rivers of Punjab. 1 Satluj 2 Beas 3 Raavi 4 Jhanaab ਹਾਲ ?


5 Jehlam

Q. 222 What does ‘dhola Lamme diya’ mean in the song ‘vanjhli vja ve dhola lamme diya’? Ans. The old name of Punjab was Lamma des. Dhola lamme diya is addressed to a Punjabi young man.

Q. 223 What does the word pardes mean? Ans. Abroad; other country which is not your place of birth.


Punjabi Folk Songs:

Q. 224 Sing folk song Jindua. Ans. ਜਾਹ Q. 225 Sing folk song Mirza. Ans. ਵੇ Q. 226 Sing folk song Chhalla. Ans. !ਜਣਾﹱQ. 227 Sing folk song Jagga. ਸ Ans. Q. 228 Sing folk song Malki Keema. ਤੇਰੀ Ans.

Q. 229 Sing folk song Mahiya (also called Tappe). Ans. ਉਮਰ ਲੋਿ Q. 230 Sing folk song Lungi. Ans. Q. 231 Sing folk song Mora. ਗੀਤ Ans. Q. 232 Sing folk song kandhe uttey mehrama ve (Gharha). ਕਜੰਨੀ Ans.

Q. 233 Sing folk song Jugni. Ans. ਹੋਵੇ II

Q. 234 Sing folk song Laung Gawacha. Ans.

Q. 235 Sing folk song Madhania. Ans.


Q. 236 Sing folk song Lathey di chaadr. Ans. Tappe… Q. 237 Sing folk song Nikkdi sooee. Ans. Q. 238 Sing folk song Kala doria ਵੀਜ਼ਾ Ans.

Q. 239 Sing folk song Suhey ve cheerey waleya. ਗ ਕਗਆﹱAns. ਲ Q. 240 Sing folk song Sammi (Main wari main wari meri sammiye). Ans.

ਸ ਦਾ ਵੇﹱQ. 241 Sing folk song Buhe Baariyan. ਸ Ans. ਧﹱQ. 242 Sing folk song Suhaag. ਯੁ Ans.

Q. 243 Sing folk song Uddada ve jaawin kaawan. ਡਦਾ ਵੇ ਜਾਵੀ 拓 ਵੇ ਿਾਵਾ拓 ਵਕਹੰਦੜਾ ਜਾਵੀ,拓 ਦਾﹱਉ ਵਕਹੰਦੜਾ ਜਾਵੀ 拓 ਵੇ ਮੇਰੇ ਪੇਿੜੇ ਮੈਂ ਵਾਰੀ।..

ਸੀ 拓 ਵੇ ਅਕੜਆ ਬਾਬਲ ਮੇਰੇ ਨੰ ਅ ਾੜਾ ਬਣਨਾﹱਿ ਨਾ ਦﹱਇ ਰੋਊਗਾ ਭਰੀ ਿਚਕਹਰੀ ਛੋੜ ਮੈਂ ਵਾਰੀ।...... ਡਦਾ ਵੇ ਜਾਵੀ 拓 ਵੇ ਿਾਵਾ拓 ਵਕਹੰਦੜਾ ਜਾਵੀ।拓ﹱਉ ਘਰ , ਸੀ 拓 ਵੇ ਅਕੜਆ ਅੰਮੜੀ ਮੇਰੀ ਨੰﹱਿ ਨਾ ਦﹱਇ ...ਡੀਆ拓 ਫ਼ੋਲ ਮੈਂ ਵਾਰੀ।ﹱਰੋਊਗੀ ਮੇਰੀਆ拓 ਗੁ ਸਦਾ ਵਸਦਾﹱਡਦਾ ਵੇ ਜਾਵੀ 拓 ਵੇ ਿਾਵਾ拓 ਵਕਹੰਦੜਾ ਜਾਵੀ,...拓 ਹﹱਉ

, ਸੀ 拓 ਵੇ ਅਕੜਆ ਭਾਬੋ ਮੇਰੀ ਨੰﹱਿ ਨਾ ਦﹱਇ …ਸ ਆਪਣੇ ਪੇਿੜੇ ਮੈਂ ਵਾਰੀ।. ਵੇﹱਸ ਹﹱਸ ਗੀ ਹﹱਦ ਡਦਾ ਵੇ ਜਾਵੀ 拓 ਵੇ ਿਾਵਾ拓 ਵਕਹੰਦੜਾ ਜਾਵੀ,...拓ﹱਉ


, ਸੀ 拓 ਵੇ ਅਕੜਆ ਵੀਰ ਮੇਰੇ ਨੰﹱਸੇਂ ਤਾ拓 ਦﹱਦ

ਆਊਗਾ ਨੀਲਾ ਘੋੜਾ ਬੀੜ ਮੈਂ ਵਾਰੀ.... ਆਊਗਾ ਨੀਲਾ ਘੋੜਾ ਬੀੜ ਮੈਂ ਵਾਰੀ.... ਆਊਗਾ ਨੀਲਾ ਘੋੜਾ ਬੀੜ ਮੈਂ ਵਾਰੀ.... Tappe… ਆਊਗਾ ਨੀਲਾ ਘੋੜਾ ਬੀੜ ਮੈਂ ਵਾਰੀ....

Q. 244 Sing folk song Chann kithan Gujariayi raat. ਿੋਠੇ ਤੇ Ans. ਟ ਮਾਹੀਆﹱQ. 245 Sing folk song Do pal Beh ja kol ve. ਇ Ans.

Q. 246 Sing folk song Qasoori. ਬ ਤੈਨੰﹱAns. ਰ

Q. 247 Sing folk song Sadke Sadke. ਤੀﹱAns. ਿਲਮ ਕਦ Q. 248 Sing folk song Ghordi. Ans. ਐਨੇ Q. 249 Sing folk song Dachi Waleya. Ans. Q. 250 Sing folk song Sui ve. ਜ਼ੁਲਮ Ans.

Q. 251 Sing folk song Nahi Jana. Ans. ਨਾ ਕਲ Q. 252 Sing sithnia Ans. ਮਾਹੀਆ Q. 253 Sing Punjabi Chhand Ans.

Q. 254 Sing a boli with the word Pagg in it. Ans. Uddi pagg ve shaukeena teri lokan bhaaney mor uddeya….. Ashkey


Q. 255 Sing a boli with the word Rotian in it. Ans. Rang cho ke praant vich pai gya dhuppe tu pkaaiaan rotian….. Ashkey Ans. Chakk liawin mor bann ke ve meri dig payi charhi de vich gaani Ni gaani teri fer deoonga je tu dewengi mundri nishani

Q. 256 Sing a boli with the word Moga in it. Pindan vichon pind sunida pind sunida Moga bai urle paasey dhaab sunidi bai urle paasey dhaab sunidi parle paasey tobha bai tobhe te ikk sadhu rehinda bai tobhe te ikk sadhu rehinda bari os di sobha bai aondi jaandi nu ghara chakaonda bai aondi jaandi nu ghara chakaonda magr maarda goda lakk ohda patla jeha bhaar sehn na joga lakk ohda patla jeha….

Q. 257 Sing a boli with the word Kikkar in it. Ans. O tere maara charhia kikkar te tain daatan na kiti ni paasa vat ke lang gai kol di saadi si ghutt peeti hun kion tor gayi sajjna naal preeti hun kyon tor gayi Ans. O tere maara charhia kikkar te Tu pauri na layee meri latt tutt gayi tu pata lain na ayi Ans. Charhde sooraj dubbadey sooraj aakhan uthadee behandee kallan na jaawi khet nu Kikkar te kaato rehandi

Q. 258 Sing a boli with the word Tahli in it. Uchian lammina tahlian ve haania heth vagey dariaa


main daryawan di machhli ve sohneya baglaa bann ke aa ve sohneya baglaa bann kea aa….

Q. 259 Sing a boli with the word Pippal in it. Ans. Ah lai nattian kadha laeen pippal pattian kisey de naal gall na Karin….. Ashkey Ans. Thardian baajh na pippal sohndey Fullan baajh talaiaan Saggi full sirran te sohnde pairin jhanjran paian Soobedaarnian bann ke melna aaian Soobedaarnian……

Q. 260 Sing a boli with the word Winnipeg in it.

1. Waggdi ey Raavi vich sittiyan gnerian

Winnipeg hon gallan terian te merian

2. Munda Winnipeg vich paonda jhoomran

Surrey takk gallan hundian….. Ashkey o Ashkey

Q. 261 Sing a boli with the word Jagrawan in it. Aari aari aaei vich jagraawan de kehinde laggdi roshni bhari Vailian da katth ho hya Vailaina da katth ho gya othey botlan manga liyan chaali Chaalian chon ikk bach gayi Chaalian chon ikk bach gayi, oh chakk ke mehl nal maari Munshi dango da, daang rakhda kikeyan wali Modan kaonkian da O Modan kaonkian da jeehne kutt tee Pandori saari Dhan Kaur daudhar di O Dhan Kaur daudhar di lakk patla badn di bhari Arjan vailee ne pair jor ke gandaasi mari Parlo aa jandi Je hundi na puls (police) sarkari Parlo aa jandi


Q. 262 Sing a boli with the word Sass in it. Sass meri ne munde jamme sass meri ne munde jamme Jamme purey satt bai chhean war panjiri khadi O bai chhean waar panjiri khadi saddi wari bass Brekaan hun laggian, hun laggian meri sass brekan hun laggian

Q. 263 Sing a boli with the word Jeth in it. Mainu kehinda suit nahi paundi, Mainu kehinda suit nahi paundi Main paa liya shardaee jeth di nazar buri, Godeyan parne payee, jeth di nazar buri

Q. 264 Sing a boli with the word bapu in it. Ans. Harey harey ghaah uttey sapp fookan maarda bhajjo veero ve bapu kalla majhan chaarda Ans. Pehli vaari mainu mera bapu milan c aia Jaan lagge ne sau da note meri sass de hath fadaya sass meri nitt pucchdee tera bapu fer na aya

Q. 265 Sing a boli with the word Deor in it. Aa deora tera dho diyan, Aa deora tera kurta dho diyan Paa ke kalmi shora vich bharjaiyan de bol kalehria mora, vich bharjaiyan de

Q. 266 Sing a gidha boli. Do pittal de kunde do lohe de kunde Do pittal de kunde do lohe de kunde Lai gayi chandri Canada haye ni chhant ke munde

Q. 267 Sing a Malwai gidha boli. Pehilan naam hari da laiey, jisne jagat bnaya Bai bhaant bhaant de full khida ke O bhaant bhaant de full khida ke sohna baag sajaya Bai kadey kise di kahi na karda O kadey kise di kahi na karda Karda jo mann aya Bhangra pa mundeya sier satgur di chhaya bhangra pa mudeya


Q. 268 Sing a jhoomer boli. Tere hath mahi ve gaana chhohra ve Raavi vaaldeya Teri jutti jhoomran paiaan chhohra ve Raavi vaaldeya Tu ghada chukka ke jaawin chhohra ve Raavi vaaldeya Tu laggian tor nibhawin chhohra ve Raavi vaaldeya


Relationships names:

Q. 269 What do you mean by the word daada? Ans. Paternal grandfather.

Q. 270 What do you mean by the word daadi? Ans. Paternal grandmother.

Q. 271 What do you mean by the word Naana? Ans. Maternal grandfather.

Q. 272 What do you mean by the word Naani? Ans. Maternal grandmother.

Q. 273 What do you mean by the word Maasi? Ans. Mom’s sister (Both younger and older)

Q. 274 What do you mean by the word Maasad? Ans. Maasi’s husband.

Q. 275 What do you mean by the word Bhua? Ans. Dad’s sister.

Q. 276 What do you mean by the word Fuffad? Ans. Bhua’s husband.

Q. 277 What do you mean by the word Maama? Ans. Mom’s brother.

Q. 278 What do you mean by the word Maami? Ans. Maama’s wife.

Q. 279 What do you mean by the word Chaacha? Ans. Dad’s younger brother.

Q. 280 What do you mean by the word Chaachi? Ans. Chacha’s wife.

Q. 281 What do you mean by the word Taya? Ans. Dad’s older brother.


Q. 282 What do you mean by the word Tayi? Ans. Taya’s wife.

Q. 283 What do you mean by the word Sass? ਕਜੰਨਹੀ Ans. Your Spouse’s (wife’s/husband’s) mother.

Q. 284 What do you mean by the word Sahura? Ans. Your Spouse’s (wife’s/husband’s) father. ਰਾਹੀ 拓 Q. 285 What do you mean by the word Dadeohra? Ans. Your Spouse’s (wife’s/husband’s) paternal grandfather.

Q. 286 What do you mean by the word Dadehs? Ans. Your Spouse’s (wife’s/husband’s) paternal grandmother. ਮੇਰਾ ਵੀਰਾ

Q. 287 What do you mean by the word Naneohra? Ans. Your Spouse’s (wife’s/husband’s) maternal grandfather.

Q. 288 What do you mean by the word Nanehs? ਜੰਞ ਚਕੜਹਆ Ans. Your Spouse’s (wife’s/husband’s) maternal grandmother.

Q. 289 What do you mean by the word Pateohra? Ans. Your spouse chacha/Taya ਓਹਨਾ拓

Q. 290 What do you mean by the word Patees? Ans. Your spouse chachi/Tayi Q. 291 What do you mean by the word Saala? ਰਾਹਾ拓 ਦਾ ਰੇਤਾ Ans. Wife’s brother.

Q. 292 What do you mean by the word Saali? Ans. Wife’s sister. ੰਡ Q. 293 What do you mean by the word Nanaan? Ans. Husband’s sister.

Q. 294 What do you mean by the word Nandoia? Ans. Nanaan’s husband. ਬਕਣਆ

Q. 295 What do you mean by the word Nooh? Ans. Son’s wife.


Q. 296 What do you mean by the word Jawai? Ans. Daughter’s husband.

Q. 297 What do you mean by the word Jeeja? Ans. Sister’s husband.

Q. 298 What do you mean by the word Saaddhu? Ans. Two men whose wives are real sisters are sadhus to each other.

Live Punjabi Love Punjabi


Punjabi Rhymes/games sing and play:

Q. 299 Sing Bhanda Bhandaria Kinna ku bhaar. Ans. Bhanda bhandaria kinna ku bhar ikk muthi chakk lai dooji tyar

Q. 300 Sing Ittli Bittli Chaude kann Ans. Ittli Bittli Chaurey kann baagan vich khaloti jann jann ne puchhia kehra raah vajjey dholki tera vya

Q. 301 Sing Illey Illey tainu keehne maarya. Ans. Illey illey tainu keehne maarya makkhan ne maarya makkhan nu ghar aun de chaar tu dandey laun de

Q. 302 Sing Gor Gande Choohey Landey. Ans. Gor Gandey chuhey landey billian kaania kukkar ganjey ethey kitey sada kaaka majhan chharda firda c auh jaandi pair auh jandi pair….. thia gia thia gia thia gia

Q. 303 Sing Aatla Patatla. Ans. Aatla pataatla pataalo mitti cheekni khazana khede tootian matootian ptakk dhar deh

Q. 304 Sing Kotla Chhapakki. Ans. Kotla chhapaaki jumme raat aaee hai jehra aggad pichhad jhaku ohdi shaamat ayi hai ayi hai ji ayi hai

Q. 305 Sing Sundar Mundriye ho. Ans. Sunder mundriye ho! Tera kaun vicaharaa ho! Dullah bhatti walla ho! Dullhe di dhee vyayae ho! Ser shakkar payee ho! Kudi da laal pathaka ho! Kudi da saalu paatta ho! Salu kaun samete! Chache choori kutti! zamidara lutti! Zamindaar sudhaye! bade bhole aaye! Ek bhola reh gaya! Sipahee far ke lai gaya! Sipahee ne mari itt! Sanoo de de te teri jeeve jodi!(Cry or howl!) Bhaanvey ro te bhaanvey pit!


Q. 306 Sing Kikkli kleer di. Ans. Kikkli kaleer di Pagg mere veer di Dupatta bharjaee da Sirr te sajaeeda

Q. 307 Sing ikkad dukkad Ans. Ikkad dukkad bhambe bho assin nabbe poora sau sau galota tittar mota chall madaari paisa khota


Learn these word meanings:

Q. 308 Furniture 1. Table- Mez 2. Chair- Kursi 3. Rack- Rakhna 4. Shelve- Taand 5. Stepping stool- Pattdi 6. Bed- bistra 7. Cot- Manja 8. Sirhana- Head side of your bed (The word Sirhana is also used for ) 9. Paind- Feet side of your bed

Q. 309 Clothes/Dress 1. Shirt- Jhagga, Kameez, Kurta, Kutri 2. Jacket- Vaasket 3. - Bhoora, bhoori, kambal, kambli, khesi, , loee 4. - Rajaee, Leyff 5. Pants- Patloon 6. Pyjamas- Pajama 7. Nikker- Kachha, Kachhehra, Neekr 8. Shoes- Jodey, boot, raqaabi, jutti, khosey (a specially designed jutti) 9. Socks- Juraaban 10. Pillow- Sirhaana

Q. 310 Body Parts 1. Head- Sirr 2. Forehead- Mattha 3. Eye Brows- Sihlian, Bharwattey 4. Eyes- Akkhan 5. Eye Lashes- Jhimmney 6. Eye Balls- Deley 7. Ears- Kann 8. Nose- Nakk 9. Nostrils- Naasan 10. Lips- Bullh, honth 11. Mouth- Moonh 12. Face- Chehra 13. Muchhan- Moustache (Please note moustache in Punjabi is used as plural NOT singular; left moustache and right moustache) 14. Beard- Daahdi 15. Chin- Thoddi 16. Cheeks- Gallhan


17. Neck- Gardan, Kannhi 18. Throat- Glaa 19. Shoulder- Modhey 20. Back- Pith 21. Chest- Chhati 22. Ribs- Passlian 23. Armpit- Kachh 24. Belly- Dhidd, Gogad, tond 25. Waist- Lakk/Kammr 26. Shinn- Pinjani 27. Arm- Baanh 28. Biceps- Dauley 29. Elbow- Koohni, Urrk (Arrk)

Q. 311 Animal names and their babies 1. Cat- Billi 2. Kitten- Bloongda 3. Cow- Gaan 4. Calf- Vachha/ Vachhi 5. Buffalo- Majjh 6. Baby buffalo- Katta/Katti 7. Horse/Mare- Ghoda/Ghodi 8. Baby horse- Vachhera 9. Dog/Bitch- Kutta/ Kutti 10. Puppy- Katoora 11. Sheep- Bhed 12. Lamb- Laila 13. Goat- Bakkri 14. Baby Goat- Memna


Punjabi Tongue Twisters to be spoken fast at least five times continuously (Fun Part): 1 Kacha paapar, pakka paapar, Kacha paapar, pakka paapar 2 Kachhi bhucho, pakki bhuchho, Kachhi bhucho, pakki bhuchho 3 Roordi utte neeli leer ruley 4 Baggey daddu vatt tap, vatt tap daddua 5 Ikk oonth oocha ikk poonch oochi ek oochi poonch ooth ki 6 de khadkane te kharakdi hain khidkian 7 khidkian de khadkane te khadkada hai kharak singh 8 Pittal de pateele vich pakkia papeeta, papeeta pakkia Pittal de pateele vich 9 Chandu de chachey ne chandu di chachi nu chandi de chamche naal chattni chakhaee 10 Chandu di chachi nu chandu de chachey di chattni pasand na ayi 11 Gurdas mann, Bhagwant Mann, Babbu Mann, Harbhajan Mann, Harbhajan Mann, Babbu Mann, Bhagwant Mann, Gurdas mann, , Gurdas mann, Bhagwant Mann, Babbu Mann, Harbhajan Mann, Harbhajan Mann, Babbu Mann, Bhagwant Mann, Gurdas mann, 12 Maama maanj pateeli maanj, swere maanj, dupehre maanj, hun ho gayi hai saanjh, oh maama maanj pateelee maanj

ਜਦ ਜਦ ਮੈਂ ਦੁਨੀਆ拓 ਤੇ ਆਵਾ拓 ਮੇਰਾ ਦੇਸ ਹੋਵੇ ਪੰਜਾਬ


Miscellaneous Bolis:

Ans. Aawin baba Naanka jaawin baba Naanka, Aawin baba Naanka jaawin baba Naanka Eho jihian raunkaan liawin baba Naanka, Eho jihian raunkaan liawin baba Naanka Ans. Baarin barsin khattan giya si, baarin barsin khattan gia si, (Oye ki khatt liandaa?) Khatt ke lianda bataoon beh ja mere cycle te, tallian vajaunda jaoon beh ja mere cycle te Ans. Baarin barsin khattan giya si, baarin barsin khattan gia si, (Oye ki khatt liandaa?) Khatt ke lianda aanda bhain ji khatta scooter janda Khatta scooter janda bhain ji khatta scooter janda Ans. Baarin barsin khattan giya si, baarin barsin khattan gia si, (Oye ki khatt liandaa?) Khatt ke liandi roon Gera deh ni melney kohlu wargi tun ni gera deh ni melney Ans. Kadey aya karo kadey jaya karo, kadey aya karo kadey jaya karo Pattey tor tor seetian vajaya karo, pattey tor tor seetian vajaya karo Ans. Perde perde perde Punnian da chann bann ke Veera ayin ve bhain de vehrde Punnian da chann bann ke Ans. Jeth jathani chah si peendey peendey peendey lard pe ji othey kauli te gardvi khardke ji othey kauli te gardvi khardke Ans. Uchey tibbe meri boti chardi uchey tibbe meri boti chardi neewen kardi lede ni tor shaukeena di tu ki jaandi bhede ni tor shaukeena di Ans. Baarin barsin khattan giya si, baarin barsin khattan gia si, (Oye ki khatt liandaa?) Khatt ke liandi loee


ve tutt ke naa beh jeen veerna bhaina warga saak na koi tutt ke naa beh jeen veerna. Ans. Maawan dhian kappde dhondian, Maawan dhian kappde dhondian fatte naal fatta jord ke hun kion maye roni hain dhian nu sahurey tor ke hun kion maye roni hain dhian nu sahurey tor ke Ans. Baapu majhian de sangal fadawey Veer ghar putt jammeya Ans. Je maami tu nachna jaandi je maami tu nachna jaandi de gidhey vich gera ni roop tere di gith gith laali taithon sohna kehra ni deewa ki karna chanan ho ju tera ni deewa ki karna Ans. Gidha gidha karey melney gidha paoo bathera ni akh patt ke vekh utaanh nu (balle balle balle balle…. balley) ni akh patt ke vekh utaanh nu bharia piya banera ni sare pind da katth ho gya (balle balle balle balle…. balley) ni sare pind da katth ho gya ki budhra ki thera tainu dhupp laggdi srdey kaalja mera tainu dhupp laggdi Ans. Chunni rang de lalaria meri ve alsi de ful vargi Ans. Raaee raaee raaee, sasse teri mehn mar je, mere veer nu sukki khand paaee Ans. Tera charkha bolian paawey trinjana ch tu kattdi Ans. Teri kattani fukarey maarey, poonia de sapp ban gey Ans. Othey lai chall charkha mera jithey tere hal vagdey Ans. Babley ne varr toleya, jehda rohi de kikkar ton kala Ans. Jind loon di dali khur jaani lassi vich ghol mittra Ans. Jind soney dina mohran wargi, bojhey vich pa lai mittra


Ans. Terian main lakh mannian meri ikk je manne tan jaana Main patt te pwaoni morni tu vi thodi te pwa lai panj daana Ans. Toori tand saambh haardi vech vatt ke lambran te shahan da hisaab katt ke meehan di udeek ch siard kadh ke maal dhanda sambhne nu kaama chhadd ke pagg jhagga chaadra nawa swai ke samman wali daaang utte teil lai ke kachhey maar vanjhali anand chha giya maarda damamey jatt mele aa gaya. Ans. Aa giya visakh chet giya langh ni Kankan da ho giya sunehra rang ni haar te shingaar hun la lai balliey chall ni premiey visakhi challiye


Competition Rules:

Quiz Category 1. You should be at least 12 years of age and NOT an adult to participate. 2. You can make your own teams. 3. A team should be four members and a mix of boys and girls. 4. Just boys and just girls teams are not encouraged. 5. If you don’t have people to make a team, just register yourself and we will group you. 6. Registration form will be made available online at 7. We have limited seats so kindly register sooner to secure your seat. 8. There would be wonderful prizes for the winning teams 9. We will declare grand champion, champion and runner up teams. 10. Syllabus is available online at 11. Most of the questions will be from this booklet. 12. There would be some surprise questions as well.

Straight Talk Category 13. We have two sub categories under this. 14. 5-7 years age and 8-11 years age category. 15. They speak for under two minutes and 2-5 minutes respectively. 16. No themes for this competition. 17. They can deliver a talk, rhyme, song, story, bolis, skit, bhand etc. 18. They won’t be judged by their content. 19. Only speaking skills and confidence will form the basis of judgement. 20. We encourage kids to speak in . 21. They can speak in English as well however Punjabi language carries grace marks.

Acknowledgements: 1 Team Bulla 2