Sue Bloy, Clerk to the Parish Council  0116 2786280 17 Shetland Way, Countesthorpe Email: [email protected] , LE8 5PU ______


PRESENT Members: Mr H Gopsill (Chair), Mrs A Burrell, Mr R Lamming and Mrs M Wakley District and County Councillor: Mr S Galton District Councillor: Mr P Elliott Clerk: Mrs S Bloy Members of the Public: There were three members of the public present. In addition, Mr P Stone (Stone Planning Services) and Mr J Roddy (Charterpoint Senior Living) were in attendance for agenda item 7 and Prof D Chiddick for agenda item 8. ACTION 20/26 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Mrs E Derrick, Mrs K Goodacre, Mrs S Johnstone, Mr J King and Mrs E Hale. 20/27 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION FROM MEMBERS ON MATTERS IN WHICH THEY HAVE A DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST No requests had been received. 20/28 VACANCY ON THE PARISH COUNCIL It was reported that as no requests for an election had been received, the Parish Council is now able to fill the vacancy by co-option. 20/29 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 13 JANUARY 2020 The Minutes of the above meeting were approved and signed as a true record, subject to the correction of “Newstead” (minute 20/7, line 2) and the addition of “Mrs M Wakley reported that consultation letters had been delivered to neighbouring properties regarding the proposed wildflower area on Court Road and all responses had been positive. A site meeting is to be held with the LCC to confirm suitability of the site.” 20/30 MATTERS ARISING FOR INFORMATION It was reported that an update on the enforcement case in relation to the erection of a wall to the front of a property on Road has been requested by the Clerk (minute 20/10 refers). 20/31 MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC There were no matters raised by members of the public. 20/32 PRESENTATION BY STONE PLANNING SERVICES ON A PROPOSAL FOR A RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME ON LAND AT UPPINGHAM ROAD The Chair welcomed Mr P Stone and Mr J Roddy to the meeting. It was noted that Stone Planning is working with Charterpoint Senior Living to redevelop the Vans for Sale garage site at 787 Uppingham Road, together with the adjacent properties at 783 and 785 Uppingham Road as a 76-bed care home. Pre-application discussions had been held with the Planning Authority and letters are to be distributed to neighouring properties and St Luke’s school prior to submission of a planning application. The following issues were raised for consideration by the developers: ▪ the necessity to consult with the GP practice;



▪ the adequacy of off-street parking for staff and visitors; ▪ the lack of local public transport for staff; ▪ the proposed ratio of staff to residents in the care home; ▪ the potential for providing pedestrian access to St Luke’s’ school from the A47. The Chair thanked the presenters, noting that the Parish Council will give formal consideration as a consultee when an application has been submitted to the Planning Authority. 20/33 PRESENTATION BY PROF D CHIDDICK ON PLANS FOR “THE HUB” AT MANOR FIELD The Chair welcomed Prof D Chiddick following an informal update on developments by Prof Chiddick and Associate Rector T Devass prior to the meeting. It was noted that significant funds towards the redevelopment and extension of the Manor Field Pavilion as “The Hub” have been raised/committed by St Luke’s as a “Resourcing Church”. The aim is to provide a café/meeting space and space for community support services. A public presentation is planned in March at the Memorial Hall and it is anticipated that a planning application will be submitted in the coming months. It was noted that the proposed extension to the car park will take up a small section of the play area and that there will be a net gain in the number of car parking spaces. The Chair thanked Prof Chiddick for the update, adding that the Parish Council looked forward to developments and future consideration of a planning application. 20/34 GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE A provisional date of Thursday 6 March 2020 was noted. 20/35 CLERK’S REPORT The following planning decision was reported: 19/01918/PCD – discharge of conditions 8 (archaeology), 9 (site access scheme) and 10 (access separation scheme) of 19/00569/FUL (913 Uppingham Road, Bushby). Approved. In addition, the Clerk reported that she has received notification from Groundwork UK that the Parish Council’s application for a grant of £2,191 has been approved. It was proposed by Mr H Gopsill and seconded by Mr R Lamming, that the grant be accepted and that the Clerk complete the due diligence process. Clerk 20/36 COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS There was nothing to report. 20/37 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Mrs A Burrell did not take part in discussion other than to provide advice. a) 19/01464/FUL – erection of single storey front porch and two storey side and rear extension (10 Stirling Drive). It was agreed to submit a NEUTRAL response. b) 20/00014/FUL – installation of new canopy, 2 air condition units and 1 freezer in rear yard, installation of cycle hoops and key klamp trolley bay rails to front elevation and external decoration (The Cooperative, 22 Station Road, Thurnby). It was agreed to submit a NEUTRAL response. c) 20/00025/PCD – discharge of conditions 3 (materials), 4 (levels) and 5 (landscaping) of 19/00569/FUL (913 Uppingham Road, Bushby). Noted. d) 20/00026/VAC – variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of 19/00569/FUL to change the house designs (913 Uppingham Road, Bushby). The Clerk reported that the case officer had confirmed that the collective impact of trees as cover to the development from the countryside will be taken into consideration. It was agreed to submit a NEUTRAL response, leaving detailed consideration to the officer. e) 20/00127/FUL – raising of garage roof eaves and ridge height and installation of roof lights to front and rear (10 Dalby Avenue, Bushby). It was agreed to submit a



NEUTRAL response. f) 20/00140/TCA – works to trees (726 Uppingham Road, Thurnby). In response to a question raised regarding works to trees/hedges during bird nesting time, it was noted that this aspect is covered in notes to applicants accompanying planning approval. It was agreed to submit a NEUTRAL response. g) 20/00147/TCA – works to trees (The Manor House, Main Street, Thurnby). It was agreed to submit a NEUTRAL response. h) 19/01941/FUL – amended plans to provide an elevation plan showing the proposed gates in a closed position from the street scene. (17 Dalby Avenue, Bushby). It was agreed to consider this application, in addition to those listed in the agenda and, submit a NEUTRAL response. It was proposed by Mr R Lamming and seconded by Mr H Gopsill that the above decisions be approved. This was RESOLVED. 20/38 RECEIPT OF HARD COPY PLANNING APPLICATION DOCUMENTATION It was agreed that the Parish Council wished to continue to receive hard copies of the following documentation: application form (these are needed in particular for works to trees); site location; current and proposed plans; and visuals. Other non-essential documents could be viewed on line. 20/39 PLANNING ENFORCEMENT MATTERS It was reported that there were no new case. 20/40 FINANCIAL MATTERS It was proposed by Mrs A Burrell and seconded by Mr H Gopsill that the following be approved. This was RESOLVED. Payments i) ICP Cleaning Services (3 weeks Hill Court cleaning) - £101.31 (84.42 + 16.89 VAT) ii) Target (dog bins – 5 weeks) - £147.25 (122.70 + 24.55 VAT) iii) Quick Cabs (taxibus) - £26.00 iv) JCS Cleaning Services (Hill Court, external windows) - £21.78 (18.15 + 3.63 VAT) v) Coles Nurseries (replacement tree for Wadkins) - £114.00 (95.00 + 19.00 VAT) vi) Tranter Fire and Security (Fire extinguisher maintenance (£87.83) + Dorgard units for Hill Court (£644.00)) - £742.23 (618.53 + 123.70 VAT) vii) DCK Accounting Solutions (Payroll) - £30.00 (25.00 + 5.00 VAT) viii) S R Bloy (Salary) - £929.60 ix) S R Bloy (reimbursement purchase of stationary items) - £9.99 Direct Debits i) HDC (Waste collection and monthly maintenance) -£79.57 ii) Total Gas and Power (electricity at Hill Court) - £32.95 iii) BT (Clerk and PCIC phone and broadband) - £115.47 iv) ESPO (gas) - £29.24 v) EMH Homes (service charge and insurance) - £146.67 Purchases i) Coles Nurseries (replacement trees for Telford Way and Oak for Jubilee Walk) In addition, the following income was noted: i) LCC (urban grass cutting) - £2616.31 ii) HMRC (VAT refund) - £3758.42 20/41 HIGHWAYS MATTERS a) Grange Lane pedestrian safety scheme – the following matters were reported: ▪ an update has been included in the forthcoming issue of the TABS newsletter; ▪ a request has been made for monitoring video footage to be taken on Grange Lane and Court Road/Main Street, noting that there may be issues regarding



release of the footage to the Parish Council for analysis; ▪ a resident had sent to the Clerk a video of a vehicle driving down the pavement on Grange Lane which had been forwarded to Highways. b) Speed and volume survey in Thurnby, Bushby and – it was reported that the survey had been completed for a seven-day period. Unfortunately, the tubes on Grange Lane had failed to operate, so the exercise is to be repeated for that stretch. 20/42 SCRAPTOFT NORTH SDA a) Report of meeting of the Scraptoft North SDA Community Partnership Group held on 5 February 2020 – Mrs A Burrell reported that there had been little progress since the last meeting. There was to be a meeting with LCC Highways the following day and it would have been seemed sensible for the Group to meet after that. It was reported that Scraptoft Parish Council had held a drop in for residents which had been well attended with many comments collected. b) Transport assessment on behalf of and Scraptoft Parish Councils – it was reported that an initial meeting is to be held on Tuesday 11 February with consultants Edwards and Edwards. It will be important to provide the consultants with the outcome of the speed and volume survey. 20/43 ADOPTION OF PUBLIC OPEN SPACE ON THE JELSON DEVELOPMENT OFF PULFORD DRIVE It was agreed to seek advice from the LRALC on issues relating to other Parish Councils taking on responsibility for public open space. In addition, it was agreed to seek advice from the internal auditor on accounting matters in relation to the funds to be transferred to the Parish Council. Clerk 20/44 INDOOR SPORTS FACILITY AT WADKINS It was proposed by Mrs A Burrell and seconded by Mr R Lamming that Pick Everards be commissioned to undertake a condition survey of the Wadkins Pavilion, through the Parish Council’s agreement with Scape Procure. This was RESOLVED. 20/45 LOCAL GOVERNMENT DEVOLUTION The content of a joint letter sent to Rt Hon R Jenrick MP regarding the above, signed on behalf of the six Borough and District Councils in was noted. Concern was expressed at the creation of a Combined Authority for the , commensurate with that in the West Midlands, due to the very different make up of the two regions. 20/46 URBAN GRASS CUTTING INCLUDING ESTABLISHMENT OF A WILDFLOWER VERGE a) Urban grass cutting - it was reported that the Memorandum of Understanding between Scraptoft, Stoughton and Thurnby and Bushby Parish Councils is in preparation and invitations to quote are being sought from contractors. b) Wild flower verge to the west of the Scout and Guide hut on Court Road – it was reported that Mrs M Wakley and the Clerk had attended a site meeting with an officer from Highways who had confirmed that she was satisfied with the suitability of the site and that issues contained in the Wildflower Verge Agreement had been met. Mr H Gopsill offered to provide a compost bin for use by the volunteers in connection with the wild flower verge and another area being established in the grounds of the Scouts and Guides hut. 20/47 ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS a) The availability of free trees through the Woodland Trust was noted. It was suggested that consideration be given to planting British hardwood trees on the Jelson site. b) Correspondence between TABS, Leicestershire County Council and Harborough



District Council regarding air pollution was noted. c) Other environmental matters – it was suggested that a village Spring clean be arranged to take place April. 20/48 AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING The following items were agreed: ▪ Co-option to the Parish Council ▪ Update on the Community Resilience Plan ▪ Succession planning in relation to the Clerk’s role 20/49 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Monday 9 March 2020, commencing at 7.00 pm, at the Hill Court Community Centre

The meeting closed at 20:55

………………………………… Chair, 9 March 2020