Pleione 6(2): 273 - 297. 2012. ISSN: 0973-9467 © East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy A synopsis of the Family Chenopodiaceae in India T. K. Paul Botanical Survey of India, Central National Herbarium, Howrah-711103, India E- mail:
[email protected] Received revised 07.12.2012; Accepted 11.12.2012 Abstract The present paper presents a concise account of Chenopodiaceae in India. In all 19 genera with 50 species, 1 subspecies, 3 varieties have been recognized and another 2 genera and 14 species are cultivated or introduced. The genera and species are arranged in alphabetical order. Within the enumeration Key to genera and species, correct nomenclature, reference to type materials wherever available, phenology and distribution also have been added. Key words: India, Chenopodiaceae, Synopsis, comb. et stat. nov. INTRODUCTION The plants of Chenopodiaceae Ventenat, commonly known as ‘Goosefoot’ family, are mostly grow as weed and some are food plants like spinach, chard, beets, sugar beet and quinoa. The family is placed in the order Caryophyllales by Cronquist (1981), Takhtajan (1969) and Dahlgren (1975). Hutchinson (1959) and Thorne (1968, 1992) included the family in the order Chenopodiales, Ulbrich in Engler & Prantl (1934) in the order Centrospermae and Bentham & Hooker (1880) in the series Curvembryeae. Bentham & Hooker (1880) divided the family into two series, cyclobeae and spirolobeae. Cyclobeae is characterized by annular embryo, albumen copious whereas in spirolobeae the embryo is spiral and albumen scanty or absent. Williams & Ford-Lloyd (1974) recognised three subfamilies: Chenopodieae (embryo cyclical, operculum absent, endosperm absent, ovary superior), Salsoleae (embryo spiral, operculum absent, endosperm absent, ovary superior), Beteae (embryo cyclical, operculum present in fruit, endosperm present, ovary semi-inferior).