Robert Frysztak, PhD. Structure of the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine HEAD‐ MUSCLE TABLE PROXIMAL ATTACHMENT DISTAL ATTACHMENT MUSCLE INNERVATION MAIN ACTIONS BLOOD SUPPLY MUSCLE GROUP (ORIGIN) (INSERTION) Anterior floor of lateral to Oculomotor (CN III), inferior Abducts, elevates, and laterally Inferior oblique Lateral sclera deep to lateral rectus Ophthalmic Extra‐ocular nasolacrimal canal division rotates eyeball Inferior aspect of eyeball, posterior to Oculomotor nerve (CN III), inferior Depresses, adducts, and laterally Inferior rectus Common tendinous ring Extra‐ocular corneoscleral junction division rotates eyeball Lateral aspect of eyeball, posterior to Lateral rectus Common tendinous ring Abducent nerve (CN VI) Abducts eyeball Ophthalmic artery Extra‐ocular corneoscleral junction Medial aspect of eyeball, posterior to Oculomotor nerve (CN III), inferior Medial rectus Common tendinous ring Adducts eyeball Ophthalmic artery Extra‐ocular corneoscleral junction division Passes through trochlea, attaches to Body of sphenoid (above optic foramen), Abducts, depresses, and medially Superior oblique superior sclera between superior and Trochlear nerve (CN IV) Ophthalmic artery Extra‐ocular medial to origin of superior rectus rotates eyeball lateral recti Superior aspect of eyeball, posterior to Oculomotor nerve (CN III), superior Elevates, adducts, and medially Superior rectus Common tendinous ring Ophthalmic artery Extra‐ocular the corneoscleral junction division rotates eyeball Lesser wing of sphenoid, anterior to Oculomotor nerve (CN III), superior Levator palpebrae superioris Superior tarsal plate Raises upper Ophthalmic artery Extra‐ocular; eyelid division Parasympathetic fibers via short Constricts ciliary body and lens Ciliary Corneoscleral junction Ciliary body Ophthalmic artery Eye; intrinsic ciliary (CN III) rounds up (accommodation) Dilator pupillae Radial fibers in iris Blends with sphincter pupillae fibers Sympathetic fibers from SCG Dilates pupil Ophthalmic artery Eye; intrinsic Circular smooth muscle of iris that Parasympathetic fibers via Sphincter pupillae Blends with dilator pupillae fibers Constricts pupil Ophthalmic artery Eye; intrinsic passes around pupil oculomotor nerve (CN III) Auricular branch of posterior Anterior part of medial surface of helix Posterior auricular and temporal Auricularis anterior Temporal , epicranial Elevates and draws forward auricular artery, parietal branch of Facial expression of ear branches of facial nerve superficial temporal artery Auricular branch of posterior Posterior auricular and temporal Auricularis posterior Base of mastoid process Lower part of cranial surface of auricle Retracts and elevates ear auricular artery, parietal branch of Facial expression branches of facial nerve superficial temporal artery Auricular branch of posterior Posterior auricular and temporal Auricularis superior , Upper part of medial surface of auricle Retracts and elevates ear auricular artery, parietal branch of Facial expression branches of facial nerve superficial temporal artery Posterior portion of alveolar process of and opposite sockets of Compresses cheeks, expels air Muscular branches of , Buccinator Angle of mouth Buccal branches of facial nerve Facial expression molar teeth, anterior border of between , aids in mastication buccal branch of pterygomandibular raphe Draws eyebrows downward and Zygomatic and temporal branches of Zygomatic and anterior branches of Corrugator supercilii Medial part of supra‐orbital margin Skin of medial half of eyebrow medially, produces wrinkles in Facial expression facial nerve superficial temporal artery frowning Continuous with platysma on oblique Mandibular and buccal branches of Depressor anguli oris Angle of mouth into orbicularis and skin Depresses angle of mouth Inferior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression line of mandible facial nerve Lateral surface of mandible between Skin to lower , mingling with Mandibular and buccal branches of Depresses lower lip and draws it Depressor labii inferioris symphysis and mental foramen deep to orbicularis oris, medial fibers joining Inferior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression facial nerve lateralward depressor anguli oris those of opposite side Zygomatic and buccal branches of Narrows nostril, draws septum Depressor septi nasi Incisive fossa of maxilla Septum and posterior part of ala of nose Superior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression facial nerve downward Epicranial aponeurosis at level of coronal Skin of frontal region, epicranial Wrinkles forehead skin, raises Frontal branch of superficial temporal Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis Temporal branches of facial nerve Facial expression suture aponeurosis eyebrows artery of maxilla immediately Angle of mouth; fibers intermingle with below infra‐orbital foramen and under Zygomatic and buccal branches of orbicularis oris, depressor anguli oris, Elevates angle of mouth Superior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression cover of zygomatic head of levator labii facial nerve zygomaticus superioris Zygomatic and buccal branches of and angular Maxilla above infra‐orbital foramen Skin of upper lip Elevates upper lip, dilates nares Facial expression facial nerve branches of facial artery

07/16/2015 Robert Frysztak, PhD. Structure of the Human Body Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine PROXIMAL ATTACHMENT DISTAL ATTACHMENT MUSCLE INNERVATION MAIN ACTIONS BLOOD SUPPLY MUSCLE GROUP (ORIGIN) (INSERTION)

Angular head: upper part of frontal Angular head: into greater alar cartilage, Angular head: elevates upper lip and process of maxilla skin of nose, lateral upper lip Infra‐ dilates nostril Infra‐orbital head: orbit above infra‐ orbital head: into muscular substance of Zygomatic and buccal branches of Infra‐orbital head: raises angle of Superior labial branch and angular Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi Facial expression orbital foramen upper lip between angular head and facial nerve mouth branches of facial artery Zygomatic head: malar surface of caninus Zygomatic head: into skin of Zygomatic head : elevates upper lip nasolabial groove and upper lip laterally

Mentalis Incisive fossa of mandible Skin of Mandibular branch of facial nerve Raises and protrudes lower lip Inferior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression Draws ala of nose toward septum, Canine eminence above and lateral to Zygomatic and buccal branches of Superior labial, septal, and lateral Nasalis Aponeurosis on nasal cartilages compresses nostrils; alar part opens Facial expression incisive fossa of maxilla facial nerve nasal branches of facial artery nostrils Occipital branch of posterior Occipital belly (occipitalis) of Lateral 2/3 of superior nuchal line and Skin of occipital region, epicranial Posterior auricular branches of facial Moves backward auricular artery, descending branch Facial expression epicranius mastoid process aponeurosis nerve of Medial orbital margin, palpebral Skin around orbit, palpebral ligament, Facial and superficial temporal Orbicularis oculi Facial nerve (CN VII) Closes Facial expression ligament, lacrimal bone upper and lower eyelids Zygomatic, buccal, and mandibular Compression, contraction, and Inferior and superior labial branches Orbicularis oris Maxilla above incisor teeth Skin around lips Facial expression branches of facial nerve protrusion of lips of facial artery

Platysma Skin below , upper thorax Mandible, oral muscles Facial nerve Tenses skin of neck Submental and suprascapular arteries Facial expression Draws down medial angle of Fascia covering lower parts of nasal bone Temporal and zygomatic branches of Angular and lateral nasal branches of Procerus Skin between and above eyebrow eyebrows, produces transverse Facial expression and upper part of lateral nasal cartilage facial nerve facial artery wrinkles over bridge of nose Fascia over masseter superficial to Zygomatic and buccal branches of Skin at angle of mouth Retracts angle of mouth Superior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression platysma facial nerve Zygomatic and buccal branches of Draws angle of mouth backward and Zygomaticus major Angle of mouth Superior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression facial nerve upward Zygomatic and buccal branches of Zygomaticus minor Zygomatic arch Angle of mouth, upper lip Elevates upper lip Superior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression facial nerve Inferior belly: from upper border of and suprascapular ligament, Hyoid branch of , Inferior belly: to intermediate tendon Steadies and depresses Omohyoid ending in tendon under Ansa cervicalis sternocleidomastoid branch of Infrahyoid Superior belly: to body of hyoid bone hyoid sternocleidomastoid muscle Superior belly: from this tendon Posterior surface of manubrium sterni, Sternocleidomastoid and hyoid Medial part of lower border of body of Depresses and hyoid bone, Sternohyoid posterior sternoclavicular ligament, Ansa cervicalis branches of superior thyroid artery, Infrahyoid hyoid bone steadies hyoid bone medial end of clavicle hyoid branch of lingual artery

Posterior surface of manubrium sterni Oblique line on lamina of thyroid Depresses larynx and thyroid Cricothyroid branch of superior Sternothyroid below and deep to origin of sternohyoid, Ansa cervicalis Infrahyoid cartilage cartilage thyroid artery edge of first costal cartilage Oblique line on lamina of thyroid Lower border of body and greater horn Thyrohyoid branch of C1 nerve via Depresses larynx and hyoid bone, Hyoid branch of superior thyroid Thyrohyoid Infrahyoid cartilage of hyoid bone (CN XII) elevates artery Inferior border of thyroid cartilage and External branch of superior laryngeal Cricothyroid Anterior Lengthens and tenses vocal ligaments Superior and inferior thyroid arteries Laryngeal its inferior horn nerve Lateral crico‐arytenoid Arch of cricoid cartilage Muscular process of Recurrent laryngeal nerve Adducts vocal folds Superior and inferior thyroid arteries Laryngeal Posterior surface of lamina of cricoid Posterior crico‐arytenoid Muscular process of arytenoid cartilage Recurrent laryngeal nerve Abducts vocal folds Superior and inferior thyroid arteries Laryngeal cartilage Shortens and relaxes , Thyro‐arytenoid Posterior aspect of thyroid cartilage Muscular process of arytenoid cartilage Recurrent laryngeal nerve Superior and inferior thyroid arteries Laryngeal sphincter of vestibule Closes intercartilaginous portion of Transverse and Arytenoid cartilage Opposite arytenoid cartilage Recurrent laryngeal nerve Superior and inferior thyroid arteries Laryngeal rima glottides Tenses anterior vocal ligament, Vocalis Vocal process of arytenoid cartilage Vocal ligament Recurrent laryngeal nerve Superior and inferior thyroid arteries Laryngeal relaxes posterior vocal ligament Superior head: infratemporal surface of Bilaterally: protrude mandible Pterygoid fovea, capsule of Mandibular nerve (CN V ), muscular Lateral pterygoid greater wing of sphenoid 3 Unilaterally and alternately: Muscular branches of maxillary artery Mastication temporomandibular joint, articular disc branches from anterior division Inferior head: lateral pterygoid plate produces side‐to‐side grinding

07/16/2015 Robert Frysztak, PhD. Structure of the Human Body Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine PROXIMAL ATTACHMENT DISTAL ATTACHMENT MUSCLE INNERVATION MAIN ACTIONS BLOOD SUPPLY MUSCLE GROUP (ORIGIN) (INSERTION)

Mandibular nerve (CN V ), via Elevates and protrudes mandible; Transverse facial artery; masseteric Masseter Zygomatic arch Ramus of mandible, coronoid process 3 Mastication masseteric nerve deep fibers retrude it branch of maxillary and facial arteries

Bilaterally: protrude and elevate Medial surface of lateral plate of Medial surface of ramus and angle of Mandibular nerve (V ), nerve to mandible Medial pterygoid pterygoid, pyramidal process of palatine mandible inferior to mandibular 3 Facial and maxillary arteries Mastication medial pterygoid Unilaterally and alternately: bone, maxillary tuberosity foramen produces side‐to‐side movements

Superficial temporal and maxillary Floor of , deep temporal Coronoid process and ramus of Mandibular nerve (CN V ),deep Elevates mandible; posterior fibers Temporalis 3 arteries, middle, anterior, and Mastication fascia mandible temporal nerves retrude mandible posterior Posterior auricular, anterior Pulls stapes posteriorly to lessen Stapedius Pyramidal eminence of temporal bone Stapes Facial nerve tympanic, and middle meningeal Middle ear oscillation of tympanic membrane arteries Cartilage of pharyngotympanic (auditory, Mandibular branch of trigeminal Tenses tympanic membrane by Superior tympanic branch of middle Tensor tympani Handle of malleus Middle ear eustachian) tube nerve (CN V 3) drawing it medially meningeal division of maxillary artery

Sternocleidomastoid branch of Sternal head: anterior surface of Lateral surface of mastoid process; Bilaterally: flex head, raise thorax superior thyroid and occipital manubrium Sternocleidomastoid lateral half of superior nuchal line of Accessory nerve (CN XI) Unilaterally: turns face toward arteries, muscular branch of Neck Clavicular head: upper surface of medial opposite side , occipital branch 1/3 of clavicle of posterior auricular artery Inferior surface of middle third of Clavicular branch of thoraco‐acromial Subclavius Upper border of 1st rib and its cartilage Nerve to subclavius Anchors and depresses clavicle Neck clavicle artery Ascending palatine artery branch of Elevates during Temporal bone (petrous portion) Vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus facial artery, descending palatine Palatal artery branch of maxillary artery Ascending pharyngeal arteries, Elevates posterior , depresses Palatoglossus Palatine aponeurosis of soft palate Lateral aspect of tongue Vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus palatine branches of facial and Palatal palate maxillary arteries Tenses soft palate, opens Scaphoid fossa of medial pterygoid plate, Ascending palatine artery branch of pharyngotympanic (auditory, Tensor veli palatini spine of sphenoid, pharyngotympanic Palatine aponeurosis Mandibular nerve facial artery, descending palatine Palatal eustachian) tube during swallowing (auditory, eustachian) tube artery branch of maxillary artery and yawning Ascending palatine artery branch of Uvular muscle Nasal spine, palatine aponeurosis Mucosa of uvula Vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus Shortens, elevates, and retracts uvula facial artery, descending palatine Palatal artery branch of maxillary artery

Oblique line of thyroid cartilage and Constricts wall of pharynx during Ascending pharyngeal artery, Inferior pharyngeal constrictor Median raphe of pharynx Vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus Pharyngeal constrictor cricoid cartilage swallowing branches of superior thyroid artery Ascending pharyngeal artery, and horns of hyoid Constricts wall of pharynx during ascending palatine and tonsillar Middle pharyngeal constrictor Median raphe of pharynx Vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus Pharyngeal constrictor bone swallowing branches of facial artery, dorsal lingual branches of lingual artery Ascending pharyngeal artery, Hamulus, pterygomandibular raphe, Constricts wall of pharynx during ascending palatine and tonsillar Superior pharyngeal constrictor Median raphe of pharynx Vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus Pharyngeal constrictor mylohyoid line of mandible swallowing branches of facial artery, dorsal branches of lingual artery Tenses soft palate; pulls walls of Ascending palatine artery branch of , superior palatine Palatopharyngeus Lateral pharyngeal wall Vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus pharynx superiorly, anteriorly, and facial artery, descending palatine Pharyngeal elevator aponeurosis medially during swallowing artery branch of maxillary artery Pharyngotympanic (auditory, eustachian) Elevates pharynx and larynx during Pharyngeal branch of ascending Salpingopharyngeus Side of pharyngeal wall Vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus Pharyngeal elevator tube swallowing and speaking pharyngeal artery Ascending pharyngeal artery, Elevates pharynx and larynx during ascending palatine and tonsillar Stylopharyngeus Medial aspect of styloid process Pharyngeal wall Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) Pharyngeal elevator swallowing and speaking branches of facial artery, dorsal branches of lingual artery

07/16/2015 Robert Frysztak, PhD. Structure of the Human Body Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine PROXIMAL ATTACHMENT DISTAL ATTACHMENT MUSCLE INNERVATION MAIN ACTIONS BLOOD SUPPLY MUSCLE GROUP (ORIGIN) (INSERTION)

Ascending cervical branch of inferior Anterior tubercles of transverse Inferior surface of basilar part of Ventral rami of cervical nerves Flexes and assists in rotating cervical thyroid artery, ascending pharyngeal Longus capitis Prevertebral processes of C3–C6 occipital bone (C1–C4) vertebrae and head artery, muscular branches of Vertical portion: into C2–C4 vertebrae Vertical portion: C5–T3 vertebrae Inferior oblique portion on anterior Bilaterally : flex and assist in rotating Prevertebral branches of ascending Inferior oblique portion: T1–T3 vertebrae tubercles of transverse processes of Ventral primary rami of cervical cervical vertebrae and head pharyngeal artery, muscular branches Longus colli Superior oblique portion: anterior Prevertebral C5–C6 vertebrae Superior oblique nerves (C2–C8) Unilaterally: flexes vertebral column of ascending cervical and vertebral tubercles of transverse processes of portion: tubercle of anterior arch of laterally arteries C3–C5 vertebrae atlas Base of occipital bone in front of Ventral rami of cervical nerves Muscular branches of vertebral Rectus capitis anterior Lateral mass of atlas Flexes head Prevertebral foramen magnum (C1–C2) artery, ascending pharyngeal artery Muscular branches of vertebral Upper surface of transverse process of Inferior surface of jugular process of Ventral rami of cervical nerves Rectus capitis lateralis Flexes head laterally to same side artery, occipital artery, ascending Prevertebral atlas occipital bone (C1–C2) pharyngeal artery Anterior tubercles of transverse Anterior rami of cervical nerves Ascending cervical branch of inferior Scalene (anterior) Scalene tubercle on 1st rib Elevates 1st rib, bends neck Prevertebral processes of C3–C6 (C5–C8) thyroid artery Posterior tubercles of transverse Upper surface of 1st rib (behind Anterior rami of cervical nerves Muscular branches of ascending Scalene (medius) Elevates 1st rib, bends neck Prevertebral processes of C2–C7 subclavian groove) (C3–C7) cervical artery Muscular branches of ascending Posterior tubercles of transverse Outer surface of 2nd rib (behind Anterior rami of lower four cervical cervical division of inferior thyroid Scalene (posterior) Elevates 2nd rib, bends neck Prevertebral processes of C4–C6 attachment of serratus anterior) nerves artery, superficial branch of transverse cervical artery Anterior belly : branches of Anterior belly: digastric fossa of Raises hyoid bone and base of Posterior belly: mandible Intermediate tendon attached to body Anterior belly: nerve to mylohyoid Digastric tongue, steadies hyoid bone, opens muscular branches of posterior Suprahyoid Posterior belly : mastoid notch of of hyoid Posterior belly: facial nerve mouth by lowering mandible auricular artery, muscular branches temporal bone of occipital artery Inferior genial tubercle on back of Branch of C1 through hypoglossal Elevates hyoid bone and depresses Geniohyoid Anterior surface of body of hyoid bone Sublingual branch of lingual artery Suprahyoid symphysis of mandible nerve (CN XII) mandible Nerve to mylohyoid nerve (branch of Elevates hyoid bone, base of tongue, Sublingual branch of lingual artery, Mylohyoid Mylohyoid line of mandible Median raphe and body of hyoid bone Suprahyoid trigeminal nerve) floor of mouth; depresses mandible submental branch of facial artery

Body of hyoid bone at junction with Elevates hyoid bone and base of Muscular branches of facial artery, Stylohyoid Posterior border of styloid process Facial nerve Suprahyoid greater horn tongue muscular branches of occipital artery

Genioglossus of mandible Dorsum of tongue, hyoid bone Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Depresses and protrudes tongue Sublingual and submental arteries Tongue; extrinsic

Hyoglossus Body and greater horn of hyoid bone Lateral and inferior aspect of tongue Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Depresses and retracts tongue Sublingual and submental arteries Tongue; extrinsic Retracts tongue and draws it up for Styloid process and stylohyoid ligament Lateral and inferior aspect of tongue Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Sublingual artery Tongue; extrinsic swallowing Inferior longitudinal muscle of Under surface of tongue between Shortens tongue, turns tip and sides Deep lingual branch of lingual artery, Tip of tongue blending with styloglossus Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Tongue; intrinsic tongue and downward branches from facial artery

Superior longitudinal muscle of Tip of tongue; unites with muscle of Shortens tongue, turns tip and sides Deep lingual branch of lingual artery, Submucous fibers at back of tongue Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Tongue; intrinsic tongue opposite side upward branches from facial artery

Deep lingual branch of lingual artery, Transverse (tongue) Median fibrous septum of tongue Dorsum and sides of tongue Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Narrows and elongates tongue Tongue; intrinsic branches from facial artery

Mucous membrane on dorsum of Fibers extend from dorsum to Deep lingual branch of lingual artery, Vertical (tongue) Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Flattens and broadens tongue Tongue; intrinsic forepart of tongue undersurface of tongue branches from facial artery
