Head & Neck Muscle Table

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Head & Neck Muscle Table Robert Frysztak, PhD. Structure of the Human Body Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine HEAD‐NECK MUSCLE TABLE PROXIMAL ATTACHMENT DISTAL ATTACHMENT MUSCLE INNERVATION MAIN ACTIONS BLOOD SUPPLY MUSCLE GROUP (ORIGIN) (INSERTION) Anterior floor of orbit lateral to Oculomotor nerve (CN III), inferior Abducts, elevates, and laterally Inferior oblique Lateral sclera deep to lateral rectus Ophthalmic artery Extra‐ocular nasolacrimal canal division rotates eyeball Inferior aspect of eyeball, posterior to Oculomotor nerve (CN III), inferior Depresses, adducts, and laterally Inferior rectus Common tendinous ring Ophthalmic artery Extra‐ocular corneoscleral junction division rotates eyeball Lateral aspect of eyeball, posterior to Lateral rectus Common tendinous ring Abducent nerve (CN VI) Abducts eyeball Ophthalmic artery Extra‐ocular corneoscleral junction Medial aspect of eyeball, posterior to Oculomotor nerve (CN III), inferior Medial rectus Common tendinous ring Adducts eyeball Ophthalmic artery Extra‐ocular corneoscleral junction division Passes through trochlea, attaches to Body of sphenoid (above optic foramen), Abducts, depresses, and medially Superior oblique superior sclera between superior and Trochlear nerve (CN IV) Ophthalmic artery Extra‐ocular medial to origin of superior rectus rotates eyeball lateral recti Superior aspect of eyeball, posterior to Oculomotor nerve (CN III), superior Elevates, adducts, and medially Superior rectus Common tendinous ring Ophthalmic artery Extra‐ocular the corneoscleral junction division rotates eyeball Lesser wing of sphenoid, anterior to Oculomotor nerve (CN III), superior Levator palpebrae superioris Superior tarsal plate Raises upper eyelid Ophthalmic artery Extra‐ocular; eyelid optic canal division Parasympathetic fibers via short Constricts ciliary body and lens Ciliary Corneoscleral junction Ciliary body Ophthalmic artery Eye; intrinsic ciliary nerves (CN III) rounds up (accommodation) Dilator pupillae Radial fibers in iris Blends with sphincter pupillae fibers Sympathetic fibers from SCG Dilates pupil Ophthalmic artery Eye; intrinsic Circular smooth muscle of iris that Parasympathetic fibers via Sphincter pupillae Blends with dilator pupillae fibers Constricts pupil Ophthalmic artery Eye; intrinsic passes around pupil oculomotor nerve (CN III) Auricular branch of posterior Anterior part of medial surface of helix Posterior auricular and temporal Auricularis anterior Temporal fascia, epicranial aponeurosis Elevates and draws ear forward auricular artery, parietal branch of Facial expression of ear branches of facial nerve superficial temporal artery Auricular branch of posterior Posterior auricular and temporal Auricularis posterior Base of mastoid process Lower part of cranial surface of auricle Retracts and elevates ear auricular artery, parietal branch of Facial expression branches of facial nerve superficial temporal artery Auricular branch of posterior Posterior auricular and temporal Auricularis superior Temporal fascia, epicranial aponeurosis Upper part of medial surface of auricle Retracts and elevates ear auricular artery, parietal branch of Facial expression branches of facial nerve superficial temporal artery Posterior portion of alveolar process of maxilla and mandible opposite sockets of Compresses cheeks, expels air Muscular branches of facial artery, Buccinator Angle of mouth Buccal branches of facial nerve Facial expression molar teeth, anterior border of between lips, aids in mastication buccal branch of maxillary artery pterygomandibular raphe Draws eyebrows downward and Zygomatic and temporal branches of Zygomatic and anterior branches of Corrugator supercilii Medial part of supra‐orbital margin Skin of medial half of eyebrow medially, produces wrinkles in Facial expression facial nerve superficial temporal artery frowning Continuous with platysma on oblique Mandibular and buccal branches of Depressor anguli oris Angle of mouth into orbicularis and skin Depresses angle of mouth Inferior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression line of mandible facial nerve Lateral surface of mandible between Skin to lower lip, mingling with Mandibular and buccal branches of Depresses lower lip and draws it Depressor labii inferioris symphysis and mental foramen deep to orbicularis oris, medial fibers joining Inferior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression facial nerve lateralward depressor anguli oris those of opposite side Zygomatic and buccal branches of Narrows nostril, draws septum Depressor septi nasi Incisive fossa of maxilla Septum and posterior part of ala of nose Superior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression facial nerve downward Epicranial aponeurosis at level of coronal Skin of frontal region, epicranial Wrinkles forehead skin, raises Frontal branch of superficial temporal Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis Temporal branches of facial nerve Facial expression suture aponeurosis eyebrows artery Canine fossa of maxilla immediately Angle of mouth; fibers intermingle with below infra‐orbital foramen and under Zygomatic and buccal branches of Levator anguli oris orbicularis oris, depressor anguli oris, Elevates angle of mouth Superior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression cover of zygomatic head of levator labii facial nerve zygomaticus superioris Zygomatic and buccal branches of Superior labial artery and angular Levator labii superioris Maxilla above infra‐orbital foramen Skin of upper lip Elevates upper lip, dilates nares Facial expression facial nerve branches of facial artery 07/16/2015 Robert Frysztak, PhD. Structure of the Human Body Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine PROXIMAL ATTACHMENT DISTAL ATTACHMENT MUSCLE INNERVATION MAIN ACTIONS BLOOD SUPPLY MUSCLE GROUP (ORIGIN) (INSERTION) Angular head: upper part of frontal Angular head: into greater alar cartilage, Angular head: elevates upper lip and process of maxilla skin of nose, lateral upper lip Infra‐ dilates nostril Infra‐orbital head: orbit above infra‐ orbital head: into muscular substance of Zygomatic and buccal branches of Infra‐orbital head: raises angle of Superior labial branch and angular Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi Facial expression orbital foramen upper lip between angular head and facial nerve mouth branches of facial artery Zygomatic head: malar surface of caninus Zygomatic head: into skin of Zygomatic head : elevates upper lip zygomatic bone nasolabial groove and upper lip laterally Mentalis Incisive fossa of mandible Skin of chin Mandibular branch of facial nerve Raises and protrudes lower lip Inferior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression Draws ala of nose toward septum, Canine eminence above and lateral to Zygomatic and buccal branches of Superior labial, septal, and lateral Nasalis Aponeurosis on nasal cartilages compresses nostrils; alar part opens Facial expression incisive fossa of maxilla facial nerve nasal branches of facial artery nostrils Occipital branch of posterior Occipital belly (occipitalis) of Lateral 2/3 of superior nuchal line and Skin of occipital region, epicranial Posterior auricular branches of facial Moves scalp backward auricular artery, descending branch Facial expression epicranius mastoid process aponeurosis nerve of occipital artery Medial orbital margin, palpebral Skin around orbit, palpebral ligament, Facial and superficial temporal Orbicularis oculi Facial nerve (CN VII) Closes eyelids Facial expression ligament, lacrimal bone upper and lower eyelids arteries Zygomatic, buccal, and mandibular Compression, contraction, and Inferior and superior labial branches Orbicularis oris Maxilla above incisor teeth Skin around lips Facial expression branches of facial nerve protrusion of lips of facial artery Platysma Skin below clavicle, upper thorax Mandible, oral muscles Facial nerve Tenses skin of neck Submental and suprascapular arteries Facial expression Draws down medial angle of Fascia covering lower parts of nasal bone Temporal and zygomatic branches of Angular and lateral nasal branches of Procerus Skin between and above eyebrow eyebrows, produces transverse Facial expression and upper part of lateral nasal cartilage facial nerve facial artery wrinkles over bridge of nose Fascia over masseter superficial to Zygomatic and buccal branches of Risorius Skin at angle of mouth Retracts angle of mouth Superior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression platysma facial nerve Zygomatic and buccal branches of Draws angle of mouth backward and Zygomaticus major Zygomatic arch Angle of mouth Superior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression facial nerve upward Zygomatic and buccal branches of Zygomaticus minor Zygomatic arch Angle of mouth, upper lip Elevates upper lip Superior labial branch of facial artery Facial expression facial nerve Inferior belly: from upper border of scapula and suprascapular ligament, Hyoid branch of lingual artery, Inferior belly: to intermediate tendon Steadies hyoid bone and depresses Omohyoid ending in tendon under Ansa cervicalis sternocleidomastoid branch of Infrahyoid Superior belly: to body of hyoid bone hyoid sternocleidomastoid muscle superior thyroid artery Superior belly: from this tendon Posterior surface of manubrium sterni, Sternocleidomastoid and hyoid Medial part of lower border of body of Depresses larynx and hyoid bone, Sternohyoid posterior sternoclavicular ligament, Ansa cervicalis branches of superior thyroid artery, Infrahyoid hyoid bone steadies hyoid bone medial end of clavicle hyoid branch of lingual artery Posterior surface
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