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UPLANDRICE. Insectl--1I M Gm T -E!R.EOLOU T RTANCE ,AND 1111 ESEARCH PAPER, SERIES NUMBER 123 JANUARY 1987 UPLANDRICE. INSECTl--1i M gm T -E!R.EOLOU t RTANCE ,AND" ONTzROL J.A. LITSINGER, DANDI SOEKARIAAl. BARRION, and T~einternation' Rice Research Instiute P.O.".16 93, Manila, Philippines UPLAND RICE INSECT PESTS: THEIR ECOLOGY, IMPORTANCE, AND CONTROL J.A. Litsinger'. A.T. Barrion2. 3 and Dandi Soekarna ABSTRACI The diversity of upland rice environments gives rise to a more heterogeneous insect fauna compared with the more homogeneous lowlands. A wide array of soil-inhabiting pests - ants, termites, white grubs, crickets, root aphids, root mealybugs, root bugs, and wireworms -- common in upland rice cannot tolerate flooding. Seedling maggots replace the aquatic whorl maggots as vegetativc foliar pests. lnsect-vectored virus diseases arc rare in upland rice. Small upland ricefields cause concentrations of the more vagile seed pests during ripening. The less stable upland environment -- more restricted growing season, smaller area planted, greater drought stress - poses greater problems of survival to insects, which have overcome them by polyphagy, greater longevity, off-season dormancy, and/or dispersal. There is no one insect that specializes in upland rice. Yield losses to insects, however, are comparable to those of lowland rice. Cultural conrol methods include increased tillage, higher seeding rates, and crop rotation for soil pests. Foliar pests can be minimized by synchronous planting of early­ maturing varieties. Plant resistance as a method of insect control has iot been greatly exploited because the other breeding objectives of high yield, drought tolerance, and blast resistance take priority. Resistance to stem borers should be a high priority. A rich fauna of natural enemies exists, but they face even greater problems of survival than the pests. The normal low yields of upland rice preclude high levels of insecticide use. Seed treatment and baiting are low-cost mnethods, as is low-volume sprayi 1g. Entomologist, Entomology Department, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), P.O. Bo- 933, Manila, Philippines. 2 3 Scnior research assistant, Entomology Department, IRRI. Senior researcher, Pest and Disease Section, Bogor Institute for Food Crops (BORIF), Jalan Cimanggu, Kecil 2, Bogor, Indonesia. UPLAND RICE INSECT PESTS: THEIR ECOLOGY, IMPORTANCE, AND CONTROL Upland ricefields are nonpuddled and unbunded, without Although a dryland habitat represents an extreme the expectation of impounding water. They may be located hydrological condition, upland rice is host to all but the in many settings - in isolated pockets surrounded by most aquatic insects (11, 176). Whorl maggots, case­ irrigated wetland fields, or along steep slopes of recently worms, water weevils, and bloodworms require ponding. cleared forest. Each enviionment produces a unique Many soil and scedling pests are not common in lowland composition of insect species. ricefields. Deep water rice is established in dry soil and, Information on upland rice insect pests is limited and therefore, has more in common with upland and rainfed scattered among reports dealing with other rice cultures. We lowland rice than with irrigated rice, even though water found eight reports specifically treating insect problems of depths may later reach 1-3 in.Second to deep water rice, upland rice culture (11, 59, 66, 79, 116, 120, 163, 176) but upland rice represents the most unstable rice environment none worldwide in scope. Most literature focuses on one for foliar insects. But upland rice is highly stable for soil species or a group of related species. Table I lists upland rice insects. insect pests that others have identified and those we have The significance of abiotic factors in upland rice insect observed. Many citations refer to lists of pests with rice as a ecology will be apparent in a discussion of the most recorded host, or are based on insect habits. prevalent groups of insects attacking upland rice Papers concerning upland rice often fail to distinguish worldwide. between the two ecologically significant aspects ---culture and environment embodied in th': term upland rice. It Soil -inhabiting pests is dangerous to extrapolate results of studies of insect Well-drained, nonpuddled upland rice soils favor pests pests in well-drained fields where seeds of upland rice that pass at least one growth stage underground. Soil .varieties are sown into dry soil (upland rice culture) but in pests feed on underground plant parts (sown seed or an otherwise lowland environment (fields surrounded by roots), develop entirely in a subterranean habitat, and flooded rice). Insects readily fly from the lowland rice- leave only for adult mating and dispersal flights. Soil fields to the fields planted in upland rice culture. These pests include ants (Formicidae), termites (Isoptera), mole insects, therefore, are not necessarily upland rice insects, crickets (Gryllotalpidae), field crickets (Gryllidae), white They breed on lowland rice and colonize upland rice. We grubs and black beetles (Scarabacidac), root aphids gain greater ecological significance from faunistic records (Aphididae), root-feeding mealybugs (Pseudococcidae), and ecological studies from an upland rice environment, root-feeding bugs (Lygacidac, Cydnidae), false wire­ where lowland ricefields ar- out of the effective dispersal worms (Tenebrionidac), wireworms (Elateridae), root range of most insect species (tens of kilometers away). In weevils (Curculionidae), and soil-inhabiting cutworms border areas where lowlands and uplands meet, studies (Noctuidac). cannot accurately represent either upland or lowland rice A subterranean environment limits mobility, particularly (181). in locating food, and soil insects have adapted by 1)being long-lived either as individuals (beetles or orthopterans), as IPEST (iROUPS colonies olsocial insects (ants or termites), or as dependents on social insects (mealybugs and aphids), and 2) having a Upland rice insects are more influenced by physical than wide host range (all species). by biological or socioeconomic parameters: I) well- Anis. Species of -rrestrial ants, notably the ubiquitous drained soils (lack of prolonged flooding or soil puddling), fire ant Solenopsis geminata and harvester ants Pheidole 2) high probability of drought during crop growth, 3) spp., specialize in feeding on ungerminated grass seed. restricted growing season (lengthy nonrice fallow), 4) Solenopsis readily colonizes disturbed habitats, which in ricefields interspersed with other crops (diversified flora), turn initially encourage the growth of grasses (39). Colonies and 5) low use of agrochemicals (because of low and of these granivorous ants have a specialized caste that unstable yield), processes seed for food. Foraging workers bring seed to 4 IRPS No. 123, January 198/ Table 1.Insect pests of upland rice worldwide. Order Family Species Distribution Reference Isoptera Rhinotermitidae Coptotermesformosanus Shiraki Asia 85 Heterotermesindicola (Wasmann) Asia Termitidae 82 Anacanthotermesviarum (Koenig) Asia 190 Anacanthotermesrugifrons Mathul et Sen-Sarma Asia 190 Captiterpnesnitobei (Shiraki) Asia 82, 85 Corniterrnesstriatus (lHagen) Latin America 151 Procapriterines mnushae Oshima Asia 82, 85 Pericapritermes nigerianus Silvestri (=socialis) Africa 7 Macroternes nutalensis (Haviland) Africa 85 Macrotermes beiiicosus Smcat hman Africa 85 Macroterines gilius (Hagen) Asia 178 Macrotermnes spp. Africa 12 Odontoterniesformosanus (Shiraki) Asia 82, 85 Procornitermesarauloi Emerson Latin America 85, 195 Procornitermws triacifer (Siivestri) Latin America 195 Trinerviterniesgenzinatus Wasmann Africa 85 [= ebenerianus Sjostedt] Microceroterynesspp. Asia 193 Microterinesspp. Asia, Africa 11, 12, 157 Synternes nolestits (Burmeister) Latin America 60, 85, 195 Termites unspecified Dermaptera Forficulidae Asia 72 DiaperasticuserythrocephalusOlivier Africa 36 Don lineare (Eschscholtz) Orthoptera Gryllotalpidae Latin America 186 GryllotalpaafricanaPalisot de Baeuvois Africa 12, 32 Gryllotalpa orientalis (=africanu) Burmeistera Asia 59, 72, 76, 84 Neocurtilla (= Gryllotalpa)hexadacryla(Perty) Latin America 81, 150, 195, 203, 211 Scapteriscusdidact),hts(Latreille) Latin America 81 Gryllidae Grjllusassinilis(= bimaculatus)(Fabricius) Asia 76 Gryllus (=Liogryllus) bimaculatusde Geer Asia 178 Brachytrupes portentosus (Lichtenstein) Asia b Brachytnmpes mnembranaceus Drury Africa 48 Plebeiogrylhsplebejus (Saussure) Asia b Teleogryllus testaceus(Walker) Asia 76, 178 Teleogryllus occipitalis (Serville) Asia b Loxoblenimus haani Saussure Asia b Velarifictorusaspersus(Walker) Asia b Velarifictonis sp. Asia b Euscyrtus concinnus (de Haan) Asia Pyrgomorphidae b Atractomorpha burri I. Bolivar Asia 55 A tractomorphapsittacinapsittacina(de Haan) Asia Tettigoniidae 178 Conocephahslongipennis(de Haan) Asia 178 Conocephalusrnaculatus(Lethierry) Asia 178 Conocep.tahissaltator Saussure Latin America 65 Euconocephah s varius (Walker) Asia 178 Caulopsiscuspidatus (Scudder) Latin America 68, 81 Caulopsis oberthuriScudder Latin America 68 Phaneroptera furcifera (Stal) Asia 178 Tetrigidae Amphinofus spp. Asia Acrididae 178 Aiolopus thalassinustamulus (Fabricius) Asia 178 Acrida ivilleinsei Dirsch Asia 178 Gesomida mundata zonocera Navas Asia 178 Gonistabicolor (de Haan) Asia 55 Oxyajaponicajaponica (Thunberg) Asia 72, 178 Oxya hya intricata (Stal) Asia 178 Oxyafitscovittata (Marscliall) Asia 78 Oxya velox (Fabricius) Asia 178 Gas frimargus niarmoratusgrandis (Saussure) Asia 178 Xenocatantopshunilishumilis
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