The Frisco Employes' Magazine, August 1925
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Pnge 44 August, 1925 Frisco Employesy Hospital Association Splendid Suggestion in Better Service Contest wins Prize Recelpta and Dlsbnrse~~nentsafter March 31. 19%. through June SO. 1OZG for Cement, Okla.. Agent Balance brought forward from March 31, 1925.................................................. $ 12.877.42 (Continued from Page 21.) their work cheerfully and by keeping RECEIPTS: ready at all times to hvor the public. From assessments on members........................................................ $56,582.77 " Interest on dally balances In bank .................................. 56.22 will help to make pleased Frisco pa- interest on securities in treasury ....................................... 2,185.00 trons. When ticket clerks and bag* donation by st. I*-9. F. RY. co ........................................ 125.00 gagemen show travelers courteous at- sundry account8 collectible.......................... ... 1.466.37 proceeds sale U. S. A. 3% Treasury Ctfs. of Indebt., tention, are cheerful and accommo- Serles TD-1925. due Dec. 15. 1925: dating, and the trainmen do likewise, April 16, 1925-$20.000 at par ................ $20,000.00 June 9, 1925-$10.000 at 99 31/32 ............ 9,996.88 they are making pleased kisco pa- June 29. 1925-910.000 at oar................ 10.000.00 trons. When these people think of accrued interest at'3%on above to dates of sale......................................... 132.63 40,129.51 travel, they will think of 'Frisco'. And that means more passengers and more proceeds U. S. A. 445% Treasury Notes, earnings. Serles C-1925, due Juno 15, 1925, sold June 6, 1925.......................................... $20,000.00 The warehousemen and helpera, by accrued interest. Dec 15. 1924, to June 6, 1825............................................. 427.75 20,427.75 120,972.62 the careful handling of. freight are making pleased patrons. Seotionmen. $133,850.04 shopmen, carmen, trainmen, EVERY- DISBURSENENTS: ONE, has hls part to play and a payrolls ............................................................................................ $26,643.33 chance to make another Frisco patron. professional, ordlnary and emergency services................ 9.102.92 If each employe would do that, think labor, material and supplies.................................................... 7,033.14 of the number of Frisco boosters it provlsions .......................................................................................... 4,760.31 drugs 4,705.08 would make. Ilght, water. ice, gas, fuel and telephones............................ 1,605.51 all other expenses.......................................................................... 655.86 "With each one thinkfng of some $5,000. face amount, Southern Paciflc Co. apecial service he can offer, and with Equipt. Trust S's, (mature May 1, 1929). each one pulling toward the goal of purchased June 6, 1925, at 101.7746, (4.50% basis) ................................................. $ 5,088.73 a bigger, better railroad. with each and accrued lnterest, May lrt to 'June one carving 'Better Service' on his 6,1925 .............................................................. 24.31 5,113.04 particular link, OUR railroad will Boar '' $6,000, face amount, Southern Ry. Co. higher and each employe will be glad Equlpt. Trust 6'8, (mature March 1, to think he has done his part. TEEAT 1927). purchased June 6, 1925, at 101.1636. (4.30% basis) .................................................. $ 5,058.18 is my thought about It. mat Is and accrued Interest. March 1st to June yours?" 6,1925 .................................................................. 65.98 5,124.16 Honorable Mention to Seven " $6.000. face amount, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. Equipt. Trust 6% purchased June .- The judges awarded honorable men- 6. 1925: tion to E. R. Ruse, palntcr. Fort $2,000, (mature Dec. I, 1929), at 101.8106, (466 % basis) .............................................. $ 2,036.21 Smith, Ark.; Frank Rigg, engineer, $2,000. (mature Ieb. 1, 1929), at 101.5015, 226 West Chestnut Street, Enid, Okla- (4,5595 basls) ............................................... 2.030.03 homa; L. E. Rice, conductor, Cape $1,000. (mature AUK. I. 19291, at 101.6881, ; (4.55% basis) ................................................. 1.016.88 Girardeao, Yo. John A. Aldredge. accrued Interest, at 5%. on above to clerk to the division freight and pas- date of purchase........................................... 53.47 5,136.59 senger ageH, Dallas, Texas; W. K. James, telegraph operator, Rogers- -- " $6,000, face amount, Clnclnnati. New Or- leans & Texas Paclflc Ry. Equipment rille, Mo.; J. A. Whitten, chief clerk Trust 5's. purchased June 6. 1925: to the superintendent of terminals, \< (mature Aprll 1. 1928), at 100.7855, Birmingham, Ala.; and J. A. Sander- r. --..basis) .................................................... $ 2,015.71 son, operator, Cedar Gap. Mr. San- $3.000, I... Xre April 1, 1929), at 101.0395 (4.10% basis) .................................................... 3,031.19 derson was winner in July, but sent accrued Interest, at 5%. on above, to in further recommendations stating date of purchase ................................................ 46.14 5,092.04 that he was interested, but did not wish to compete for the August but- $16,000 face amount, New York Central inks 4%% J3qulpt Trust Notes. (ma- ton. ture May 16, 1930). purchased June 9, The August contest is Iaunched up 1925 at 99.5618, (4.60% basis) .................... $ xnd'accrued interest. May 15th to June on publication of this magazine. If you can get new business, or if your head is full of ideas on improvement " $10,000. face urnbunt, St. L.-S. F. Ry. Co. of service, or any one of the many Equlpt. Trust 6% Gold Notes, (mature Jan. 16. 1935). purchased June 29. 1925, ramifications of these two general at 106.7433 (5.10% basls) $10,674.83 terms, send your suggestions to Mr. and accrued interest. Jan. 15th to June H. F. Sanborn, assistant to the traffle 29, 1925 273.33 10,947.66 vice-president, Frisco Bullding, St. " $2~.000.face amount, Chesapeake & Ohio Rq. Louis. Mo., before August 15. Co. Equlpt. Trust 6% Notes, Series "V' (mature July 1. 1928). purchased ~prii 16. 1925, at 101.778. (4.40% basis) ............ St0.955.60 and accrued Interest, Jan, let to Aprll Sounded Familiar! 16, -1925 ................................ -.- . 291.67 20,847.27 C117.163.09 Mrs. Duncan-The doctor said that Balance, June 30, 1925. P. M.. at First I needed a little change. National Hank. St. LOUIS,Mo ........ Duncan (absentmindedly) -W e 1 1, help yourself, my dear. You know (Contiitrted oil ne+t page.) the pockets I keep it in! August, 1925 (Contimted from Puge 44.) THE ASSOCIATION OWNS: ar Value I HE ADVOCATES SAFETY 1 30,000.00 Little injuries that seem insignifi- cant at the time, often grow into 10,000.00 dangerous ailments, in the experience 5,000.00 of E. L. Hill, assistant superintendent of the southwestern division, who left 15,000.00 the Frisca Hospital at Sherman. Tex., recently. Hill wants to pass on to 5,000.00 readers of the Magazine the necessity 15,000.00 of immediate attention to injuries, and cites his own case to prove his claim. 5,000.00 He wae assisting in the re-railing of 10,000.00 Number 8 after a derailment near Bristow. Okla., May 24. While work. 2,000.00 ing, he was struck on the right leg 20.000.00 by a rail, but thought little of the incident. A few days later his limb 20,000.00 began to pain hiin, and exanrination 7,500.00 revealed a progressed case of infec- tion due to the blow. For a time the 1,000.00 doctors feared amputation of the in- 2,000.00 jured member would be necessary, but Hi11 recovered and is again at his 4,000.00 work. "First aid treatment consisting 7,000.00 of a god soaking of that wound with iodine, would have saved me a lot 10,000.00 of suffering," Hill says. He pratsed the members of the hospital staff at 3,000.00 Sherman, as "eflicient and kindly". 5,000.00 1,000.00 of our subject, and the special agent wlll be greatly aiding the police when 4,000.00 he fa able to furnish facts concerning the operations of receivers of stolen 4,000.00 goods. 6,000.00 Questionable Characters: Railroad . yards are fre~uentIylocated in dis- 2,000.00 tricts where to observe the crimlnal 2,000.00 element, one has merely to look around. If the special agent's terri- 10,000.00 tory is so sltuated, he should tax him- 10,000.00 self with observing police characters. and questionable persons in general. 10,000.00 Quite frequently he will be able to fur- 35,000.00 nish the police department with acts concerning the movements of some 15,000.00 person wanted by the police for lnves- tlgation or otherwise. If he can do 12,750.00 so he is aiding the police, hence co- 4.250.00 operating. $292,500.00 In making reports to the police, ver- tt. Louls, Missourl. July 3, 1925. F. H. HAMILTON, bal or otherwise, the special agent Treasurer. .&oufd keep in mind the definition of Information as set forth In a fore- going paragraph, namely, that it be Co-Operation With Police Officers At such places, railroads generally timely. that it be specific. Thfs Bug- (Cantinucd from Page 16.) have a larger number of epecial of- gests the absolute necessity of the a ear was entered in a certain part of ficers, hence are in better position to special agent seeing to it that what- town at about a certain time, can go closely observe all circumstances sur- ever he gives the police 19 either ab- into detail with respect to the manner rounding box car Dr freight platform solutely accurate, or if not known to of operation. It is a recognized sci- larcenies, or other law violations af- be accurate, he must See to it that entific tact that each human being fecting the property of railroads. the police have such understanding performs certain acts In a certain Fences: P o 1i c e departments In at the time they receive it. manner, or as the result or a certain larger cities always endeavor to keep Make Reports Promptly sequence of thought peculiar to, or up wlth the activlttes of fences.