Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1965-05-29
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Forecast Clear to partly cloudy with rilln, temperoturn DI Holiday through Sunday. Highs today 601 In northe ••t to Since MclnUy Is e Unlvenity helidey, ....... will ...., 70 In southwest. Occolionol cloudine.. north, be no Deily I ...n printed for Tuesd.y, The ..iIt !noltly foir south ond wormer through Sund.y. Issue of The D.lly I... " will be .... Wt4Mt4ey, Hi'ghl today 55·6S northeest, 65·75 10UthWltlt. Semng the UnWetrlty of 10WtJ and the People of 10W4 City Established in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, fay 25, 1115 Kelso (hosen To Head Board as u.s. Copters Of Athletics Bowen Rea~oints Ray, Name~ F~hr 10 Va~ancy; Both' fo S-.rve Six Years e Over Viet am Hugb E. Kelso, assOciate prof~ or of political science, hilS been namM chairman of the Board in Control of Athliltlfs by President Howard R. Bowen. Kelso succeeds Guerrillas Tf¥ 1sf Serious George S. Easton. dean of dentis try. Easton, who has been a mem ber for 15 years, is retiring from Strike at Marine Defenses the board. Bowen appointed Samuel M. AICOi\, outh \ 'irt Nam ( \P) - A ('Olli ion of two II Fahr, professor of law, 10 fill the rm} h('II(1)pH' r~ in night J.:iIl £'d nine AmNir'lIls and ininr vacancy on the board and reap two \eriOllsh • I the Bi£'11 I (oa air ba\(' Frida\'_ pointed Robert F. Ray of exten sion division. Both appojntments Flaming \\Tt:'<.o\.:agl' \\'a~ ~('attrr£'d at the hasl', \\ herr 27 ditd are for regular six-year terms. ~Iay 16 in a ,('riI'S of .homb c\.p]o\ions offiCially called aed- Ray will continue as the U of I dental. I faculty representative to the Big Si ter ships o( the 1181h Helicop- land early warning. tations - wl"re Ten conference. tel' Co. - one ri ing from iI. pad bla ted in ucce ive raid by Other faculty members of the and the other descending on a trip American plane . Board in Control of Athletics are from aigon - smashed into e ch In lallation on ~ Willis M. Fowler, professor of in other only 50 to 100 feet in the air. ternal medicine; Max S. Hawkins, field secretary, alumni, records Other airmen of the company te - secretary; Robert V. Hogg. profes cued the injured. sor of mathematics; Philip Hub THE ACCIDENT came on a day bard, professor of engineering; of relatively heavy action in the Willard R. Lane, professor, college Miller at Groundbreaking of education; Sherwood D. Tuttle, !:round war, sustained air strike chairman of the department of against Communi t North Viet Nam Iowa's Republican Sen. Jack Miller and Democr.tic COngrelimOn geology; Gilbert P. Maynard, pro and a ri e of rei igious factors in The Hawk BaUroom in Coil John Schmidhauser spoke Friday .. tternoon hero at tM ,round fessor of accounting, and Louis C. Saigon', current polltlcal crisis. ville will continu to o~rate breaking ceremony for the propos lid O.knoll Home for IOnior citl. Zopf, dean of Pharmacy. I!D Viet Cong guerrillas sl.9ged their d r "prob lion" conditions. lens. Shown are Miller, Dr. Kenneth Berg, project consult.. nt, Alumni members are Leo Fitz holding the shovel that spaded the first dirt for thll construdion, fir t rio us attack on the U.S. cording to Coralvill Ci ty AUo gibbons, Estherville, and Jonathan Marine beachhead at Chu Lui. 52 and Schmidhauser. -Photo by Ken Kephort Fletcher, Des Moines. mile south of DII Nang, and lib· Donald Diehl. but alcoholic e<!uently cut Highway 1 betwe n erogc moy nol be served on the 'tC r ;~i1aH III~II,I HIU:l:ltl!' 11I4!!1i III 111I1U.t_IUIII!';I, :UII"I!II UI:U 'j Elwin T. Jolliffe, vice-president [or business and finance, and Louis tho e tronghold during cIa h . premises E. Alley, head of the department with government troops in ot least At II special cion Thllt"sday of physical education for men, are nine areas. They were reported to night, the oralville City Council Our Time Is Your Time, ex-officio members. have partly destroyed one or two r fused to reco ider reinstatine bridges. the Hawk's beer permit and (lIdi- ONE MARINE was killed and 10 cated it "would not act favorably" But lowa/s Time Is DST were wounded in the brief opening on a new application for SlICIl a 14-Car Train fight, six miles west of Chu Lai. permiL for an indefinite perlod' t)f By JUDY BRUHN . Boy Hit By Car SIx Viet Cong were killed and one time. StoH Writer Is. Derailed; Todd Seaton, S, SOn of Mr. and Mrs, Max D. berty. The Seaton boy wos hit when he r.n into was wounded and captured dur- A com pIa int filed by the' Coral There's no time like the present - but what .time is it? For Seaton, 423 Center St., Is comforted while woitlng Dodge Street from Hor.co M.nn School .t 2:~5 ing the exchange or mall arm fire Iville Police Dep rtmenl charged residents of Iowa it is now one hour later than it was Friday for on omlMll .. nce .fter he wos Itruck Frid.y by 0 p,m. He was t.ken t. Mercy Hospital where ho Is and grenade . Don Kessler, proprietor of th at this time. Coed Aboard car. Accordin, to pollee, the car was driven by lilted In satlsf.ctory condition. No ch.r.o. were Both sides mode offensive ~trikes Hawk with 001 ke ping hours In DST, initials that stand (or Daylight Savings Time but could R.. y Vernon 8eltz, 24, Rurol Routt 1, North Li· filed .g.lnst 8eltt. -Photo by Ke" Kephort below Saigon. connection with n prlval party conceivably be called something else by its opponents, began MARSEILLES, Ill. IA't - A Rock Guerrillas armed with mortor held there 1ay 8. at 2 a.m. this morning. Island Railroad 14·car passenger ( d and recoilless rines overran a Diehl aid the council had betD ,.,....... TO KEEP UP WITH the time, clocks should have been set militIa outpost at Mea Thanh Ra, inform~ of th complaint. A hear· ahead one hour. Thus, at 2 a.m. the clock sbould have read ~~~l:d ~edO~o~~W~e~a!~:-:rt ommencement .Ban €oncert Full Weekend 15 miles southwest of this cily. Ing on the complaint is Sclreduled 3 a.m. day night and 16 persons were in- They kl11ed 24 men and wounded Wedn dny in orruviUe PolJce Exceptions to the time change are several towns along the 12. A U.S. military spokesman aid Court. Mississippi River that have been on "summer hours" since April jU~~~ f~~inoc:::me:O~~~~iZ;:~m Slated. for Wednesday Night Is Scheduled an undetermined number of mill Council members also agreed tiam n were missin,. One Viet 25 and the Council Bluffs area, where unofficial central standard b Omaha, Neb., to Chicago. that any other infracUon of the Cong was reported killed. • time is expected to prevail all summer. ol'dinance by Kes ler would result b The~jU~d ~e~e /aken ~o ~- The University Commencement son; "Ode" by Ralph Hermann : For AI u m n i in revocation Of his dance holl per The annual rock-the-clock game, a favorite Iowa summer t;::"~- g osplta n near y t- Band Concert, the opening activity "Voices Of Spring Waltz" by Jo- A GOVERNMENT spokesman said 95 guerrillas were killed and mit. sport, is being played under a set of new rules this year. • •• • oC Commencement weekend, will hann Strauss and Aubl'ey Winter: To the 1965 Univer ity graduate, 15 captured in sweeping operation Henry .58, .112 Fifth St. be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday on and "Tropical" by Morton GOUld. a THE STATE LEGISLATURE didn't bother trying to keep up FaJrc~ild, commencement has become synon in Phong Dinh Province, 9S mil LOST CHANDELIER- with its neighbors. Illinois, by state law, is on daylight time from Pla~e,. Coralville, .IS Itsted among the east lawn of Old Capitol. the Injured. The injured are report The program will close with ymous with Alumni Weekend. June outhwest o( Saigon. Government WASlIlNGTON IA't - Souvenir the last Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October. Nebraska ed to be in "(air condition." The go-member Commencement " Old Gold," the University hymn. 3 to 5. But, to the alumni who will casualties were 10 killed and 39 hunters may be responsible (or bans daylight time. There were no reports oC fa band will be conducted by Frede be here, Alumni Weekend means wounded. In addition four Amerl· breaking oil n piece of Sam Hous ~ The legislature adopted instead what it considered a compro- talities. rick C. Ebbs, director of University just what it says - a time for re cans - three ground advisers and ton's sword In tile Capitol's Sta mise and proclaimed daylight time would be official time in • In Marseilles, a community of Bands. Thomas L. Davis will be unions, open houses and bus tours. a helicopter pilot - were injured tuary Hall. but who toolt the the assistant conductor. Finals slightly. chandelier'! Iowa from Memorial Day to Labor Day. I 4.300 in northeastern Illinois just A registration desk (or alumni When Memorial Day falls on a Sunday, as it does this year, south of Ottawa, the main street The band's opening selection will i will be in the nion South Lobby North of the border radar sites That was one o( the questlOJll daylight time is to start on the preceding Saturday.