The Upperchurch Families Michael F. McGraw
[email protected] Revised May 28, 2006 This list was originally circulated several years ago as The Ryans of Central New York. Since that time more families have been found and more connections established. Although Ryan is the most numerous surname the organizing theme has been broadened to cover the Upperchurch area of Co. Tipperary because all of the families on this list come from the Upperchurch area, with one exception. They arrived over an extended period of time but they all settled in the tri- county area in New York where the counties of Onondaga, Cortland and Madison come together. In the sections below families are grouped together with children’s families indented under their parents. The primary names are: RYAN, McGRATH, DWYER, BURKE, HEFFERNAN, LONERGAN, HAYES, DUGGAN, PHELAN, McAULIFFE, SHANAHAN, KENNEDY and CAREY.. These twenty-eight (28) families arriving in the central New York area, many of whom had connections back to the Upperchurch area of Co. Tipperary, Ireland. They are listed in family groups however the entire family didn’t always arrive together in America. Sometimes individuals came alone and sent for their immediate families after getting established. Over the subsequent years brothers and sisters and their families would join the original relative to settle in the same area. Eventually even the parents would sometimes be brought over to America. The order of the listings is based on the earliest arrival of a member of the family group. The various families are labeled by a location. The label will describe where they settled, where they lived the longest or sometimes the location that was their point of origin in Ireland.