California State Library Sac ramento 9, Calif or ni a SI Bob Titchenal To Be Nev Football Coach Former SJS A1L4iiierican To Succeed Ex-Teammate Bob Titchenal. freshman coach Spartan teams of the late 1930's. en to a successful career In pro- at the University of Southern In his announcement Dr. Waist- fessional football. California, was named to replace quint said the reasons that Titche. The nest qualification wits to Robert T. Bronzan as head foot- nal was chosen from a lengthy get a pers¦in who was familiar ball coach at San Jose State Cul- list of applicants were five. with the athletic system here. . lege. He said that San Jane State Titchenal filled the bill in that In an announcement made late WWI looking for a man with ex- respect. yesterday afternoon by college perience :La head coach at a ma- The fifth factor in the selection president J ix h n T. Wahlquist, jor college. Titchenal WWI head of the new coach was to get I Titchenal, a San Jose State grad- coach at the Univeniity of New man that WAN WVII thought of by ! uate,' WaS named Mexico from 1953 until 1955. leading oillcF,,e football men. I t o replace t h e The second qualification was Titchenal was personally rec- I retiring De mran that the new mentor have a grad- , ommended to Hr. Wahiquist by Brorman uate degree that could be used in Henry "Red" Sanders, football EDITH ALCOCK ALEC GRANT ROY DICKSON TERRY ARNOLD need his retire- teaching physical education coach at the Unicrsit of Cal- ment in the courses at SJS. Titchenal Is com- ifornia at Los Angeles and by spring and will pleting work toward a doctorate Jess Hill, football colu-h at the work toward a at University of Southern Cali- rnisersity of Southern Califor- SJS-Oxford Split Teams Debate doctorate lieliree fornia. He will have full profes- nia. at Stanford Uni- sorship status here. Wahlquist added that because versity. Wahiquist also sough( a grad- Titchenal met all the qualifica- Titchenal was uate of San Jose State. Theft, tions for the job he was the a teammate of nal was captain of the 1939 grid strongest candidate for the post. Dangers of Nationalism at 8 p.m. Bronzan on the team and gained All American Titchenal, married and the fath- high - scoring recognition that year. He went er of three sons. started his ath- letic career at Hoover High School Dr. George Bruntz Moderates; In Glendale. After a year at Comnock prep Concert Hall Is Discussion Site school. Bob entered San Jose State In 1936. Ile ii it'. an quit- Two students from Oxford and two from SJS will debate in Con- standing foothillt player for the cerf Hall at 8 o'clock tonight on the subject "Nationalism Is a Dan- Spartans for the nest three gerous Anachronism in the 20th Century." The debate teams will be years. split, one from each school on each team. Dr. George Bruntz, chair- During that time San Jose State man of the lecture series, will be moderator. gained the reputation of being the Roy Dickson, from Jamaica, B.W.I., and Alec Grant, of London, highest scoring team in the na- will represent Oxford University. Dickson has a B.A. degree in philos- ophy, politics and economics. He* tion. As a player, "'Fitch" played is interested in politics, ethics and VOL. 44 SAN JOSE, CALIFOROIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1966 ko. 43 in winning eames 35 times while being on the losing side on just art and plans to go into govern- Dinner Program ment service in the West Indies. UNITED PRESS ROUNDUP three occasions As captain during his senior Grant has a B.A. degree in law. Officially To Open Council Requests $200 His main interest is politics, and year, blonde Rob led the Spartans to their best mark in history. he plans to be a lawyer. Both Ox- Religious Events Thirteen wins :111ti II, defeats. ford students have been active in British Diplomat After graduation. he played labor societies. A dinner-program Sunday even- Sum From Cal Poly for the profeaxional WaahinKton Terry Arnold and Edith Alcock ing in the First Methodist Church Finance held the spotlight in yesterday's meeting of Student Redakina and then entered tin- will represent SJS. They have social hall will officially open Council with $365 appropriated to campus groups and a request for . United States \m y. It.' played both participated in previous in- SJS' eighth annual Religion-in. Fears Red Gains $200 sent to Cal Poly. for meteral serxice teams during ternational debates and in the de- Life week. "The Faith We Live LONDON Foreign Secretary !further units as a Yugoslav de- The latter item, covered in a letter from ASB president Ray bate warm-up with By" is the theme of this year's Selwyn Lloyd warned Wednesday ' taehment arrived in the key city the war. two Stanford Freeman to the Cal Poly student council, concerns damages to the students at Stanford Monday., program, which will run from that only the Communists gain of the Suez Canal zone. Returning to civilian life, Titch San Jose State campus. Students of the Southern California school turned in good performances with Miss Alcock is a senior English Dec. 2-7. from what he termed the "acute are suspected of painting sidewalks and buildings in the vicinity of 22 DIE IN IRAQ RIOTS the and the major and Arnold is a graduate Tickets for Sunday's banquet difference of opinion" between Spartan Stadium. The request for.- CAIRO - - The Middle East . student in history. can be purchased today and to- Britain and the United States over $200 is to cover cost of repainting maks agency, quoting refugees, Ti t c he na I st rt ed his coaching Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity morrow for $1 in either the Mideast policy. Stu- the defaced structures. Second Drama said Wednesday that MI persons career as assistant to ex-5/15 will give a dhuter-Thursday sflht dent Y or the Outer Quad. This split scolds to be Minaing, Major appropriation at yester- were killed and 60 wounded in Coach Dud De Groot at the Uni- in honor of the four debaters. Dr. . The program will feature an as evidenced by newspaper editor- day's meeting was $300 to the Of '56 Season "massive" demonstrations in the versity of West Virginia. The pair and Mrs. John Wahlquist, Dr. and opening address by Dr. Grant C. ials sharply critical of the United Athletic Department for instal- Iraqi capital of Baghdad. went to University of New Niexi- Mrs. George Bruntz, Dr. and Mrs. Burton, executive dean. The ad- States interference in British in- lation of glare shields on the new co in 1950. Lawrence Mouat, Dr. and Mrs. dress will be followed by a panel Opens Friday ternal affairs and the action of a stadium lights. HITNGARY GRANTS AMNESTY The new Spartan coach went Harold Crain and Mrs. Terry Ar- discussion. "Shadow and Substance," sec- group of 120-odd conservative Campus Chest Committee and VIENNA -- Hungary's puppet to Denver University as an as- nold have been invited to the ond play of the current SJS members of parliament in adopt- Three faiths Will he repre- Blood Drive Committee were ap- government offered an amnesty sistant for two years before dinner. The Oxford students will drama series, will open tomorrow ing a resolution declaring that the sented in the discussion, with propriated $50 and $15, respect- Wednesday to the 92,000 Hungar- returning to New MPIirn as spell; the night at the SAE house. night at 8:15 o'clock in the Col- U.S. attitude gravely threatened Rabbi Morton C. Merman of ively, to cover campaign costs. ian refugees from Communist ter- head coach of the 1953 la(bos. lege Theater. It will run Saturday the Atlantic alliances. the Union of American Hebrew Campus Chest Committee speci- ror if they return to their home- Ills fled year at New Mexico and Thursday through Saturday The Admiralty also announced Congregations. San Francisco; fied that it will repay the $50 land by the end of this year. relmited in a 5-3-I mark for the the Rev. R. Wilbur Simmons, of next week. that the U.S. Sixth Fleet In the from profits of the drive. Lobos. (Inc of the losses was to Intermission Acts pastor Ii Dr. James Clancy, professor of Mediterranean caused "temporary EGYPT BLOCKS !SHIPS 0 f t e First Congre- The Council also engaged in a Man Jose State. gational Church, Sacramento, drama, is the director of the inconvenience" during Britain's OSLO Egypt has stationed lengthy discussion of a possible According to Wahlquist. It is and the Rev. Joseph O. play, which concerns the re-kind- attack on Egypt last month. troops along the Suez Canal to Slated for Shows Sullivan, campaign to supply clothes to ƒpected that the present assist- Cat holic chaplin at the Dllell ling of religioussfaith by an Irish Viscount Hailsham, First Lord prevent two Norwegian ships Intermission Hungarian students, left destitute ant coaches, Bill Perry, Gene entertainment has Industrial School, peasant girl. J. Wendell Johnson, of the Admiralty, said personal trapped during the fighting from Tracy, tak- by the recent battles in that coun- Menges and Max Coley will be been scheduled for Theta Chi's associate professor of drama, is messages between the commander leaving through the channel clear- ing part. try. 8th annual "All-Greek Show" to technical director, and Miss Her- of a British carrier task force and retained. SJS's College Religious Coun- Investigation Into the matter ed by Britain and France, it was be presented in Morris Dailey neice Prisk, associate professor of the American fleet prevented any reported Wednesday. cil, an interfaith organization, is showed, however, that Santa Clara Auditorium tomorrow and Satur- drama, is costume designer. Incidents. sponsor of the week's program, County residents have already day nights at 8 o'clock. George Dailey is stage manager He praised the "good sense and NEW INDIA AMBASSADOR which will include panel discus- turned out to help the Hungari- Special Events During a 15 minute break, a and Jacquelyn Morris Hi his assis- judgment" of the American and AUGUSTA President Eisen- five-piece sions, morning and evening wor- ans. In a telephone conversation Alpha Phi Omega combo tant. Barbara D'Arnico, Margaret British commanders in a way hower Wednesday named Ells- ship and lectures by churchmen with Freeman, a spokesman for will perform the first evening and Tilton, E I i Feldstein. Ronald which suggested that the fleets worth Bunker, retiring president Herald Week a band, representing the principal faiths. the local Red Cron Chapter re- led by Tom Burns, will Moesle and John Michelis are had a CIOSP rail in the tense of the American Red Cross, as the As part of the vealed that his group had all the play Saturday night. activities, visit- on stage crew. waters off Egypt. new ambassador to India. Twelve ing clergymen will present class- clothes they could handle. Of Chest I)rie. fraternities tomorrow Robert Hosfeldt, Carol Brolin, room talks on various phases It was therefore decided that ASB Campus ("hest Drive Week night and seven sororities Satur- of Marlyce Brolin and Larry Peter- PROBES DORSEY NOTE day religious study. Instructors de- the Council request a portion of Dec. 10-14. will he highlighted by night will compete for first. sen are the electrical crew. Prop- GREENWICH, Conn. - Police siring to obtain speakers should the funds collected in the Campus F, a talent-thon, a faculty auction, second and third place trophies, erty crew consists of Ruth McCor- Chief David Robbins said Wednes- amous toadies which enntaet the Rev. Jini Martin. ad- Chest drive be used to aid Hun- a box lunch special, and a peruhrul will be awarded in both mick, Jane Dicliaton, Jan Pearson day that a "highly personal" note viser to the College garian students. solicitation drive. Nancy Tran- divisions. Religious and Phillip Upton. written by Tommy Dorsey to his 1 0 Attend Itanquet The presentation of four-minute Council. In other action yesterday, the estranged wife a few hours be- som publicity o-chairman, an- skits will provide the basis for The week's program will be Council: fore the bandleader suffocated in Enough football c iaching talent nounced today. I,) the selection of winners. The per- concluded Friday evening with the 1. Accepted the resignation of his sleep "had nothing to do with coach La Honda High to de- Wiley Schmidt. sra esii events formances also will be judged on presentation of "Shadow and Sub_ Jack H. Holland from the Awards J.C. Scribes the case." cisive victory over unstoppable chairman, annour-ed the activi- originality and preparation. In stance," a drama of faith. The Committee. His successor will be Although he has accepted the Oklahoma University has been in- ties during a meeting held in the addition to preparing its skit, Play will be presented in the Col- appointed by President John T. To Meet Here medical examiner's finding that vited to attend the fourth annual Student Union Monday Spar-Ten Football Banquet if all each organization makes its own lege Theater at 8:15 p.m. Wahiquist from recommendations Some 150 to 200 junior college death was accidental and caused The talent-thon, a new idea on of. the Personnel Deans. invitations are accepted. the San Jose State Campus. will costumes, props, and large repli- Claudette Allen, senior edu- journalism students and advisers by "asphyxiation due to inhala- cas of its Greek pin, 2. Set Dec. 10 as a tentative be held in Morris Dailey Audi- cation major, is general chair- are expected to attend the Fall tion of food. Robbins said his in- The banquet is scheduled for date for an open Council meeting. torium from 3-9 pm. Both pro- Judges will be local radio and man for "Rellgion-inLife" week. conference of the Journalism AS- vestigation would continue until Dec. 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Scot- Er TV men, a drama 3. Learned that a Council com- fessional and amateur talent win instructor and She is being amsisted by Clan. sedation of Junior Colleges to be he receives a report of an analysis tish Rite Temple. mittee is currently investigating be featured, A '25 cent admission a personality in the entertain- dette Bartiness, art and book held on campus Saturday. of the contents of Dorsey's stom- Out-going Cal Coach Lynn ment field. means of streamlining and mod- charge will admit spectators on dImplays; Connie F:vans, banquet An address by Pulitzer Prize- ach from the state toxicologist. He fPappyi Waldorf, and his unsuc- ernizing student government a "come and go as much as you Co-chairmen of the show are arrangements: Lois Minim, ban- pro- winning Ed Montgomery, San expected this report "in several cessful opponent of last week, Theta Chi's Firman cedure. Composing the committee like" basis. Brown and quet program; Betty Roberts, Francisco Examiner reporter, and days." Chuck Taylor of Stanford, have Bob Silva. Publicity &airman are Joan Oeser, Al Walburg, Free- Box lunches. prepare-I by sor- classroom speakers; Ellen competition in various areas of accepted invitations already, as Dave DeFehr advises man, and Dr. Lowell G. Walter, FAVORS UCLA BOLTING (pities and expected to ts. bid on students to Bakenlins, finance; Ben Zell- journalism will be high points of has Joe Verducci of San Francisco come early since the show usually Council adviser. LOS ANGELES Edwin W hotly by fraternity men, will be man, hospitality; Mary Jo Glea- the convention. being held at &IS State. plays to a packed house. The pub- son, house diacussians 4. .Appointed Dick Robinson and Peuley, chairman of the Board of sold to the highest bidder. for the first time. Terry Brennan. youthful Notre lic La welcome and there is no the Public Relations Committee to Regents of the University of Cal- Faculty members will he auc- A schedule of the week's pro- Erv Harlacher of Monterey Pe- Dame coach. and of charge. according to DeFehr. gram direct San Jose State's entry in ifornia. said Wednesday that "un- tioned to "hash" for various cam- can be found on page four. ninsula College. association presi- the Air Force Academy have ac- the Selah Pereira Blood Drive less a compromise can be reached pus fraternity, sorority, and in- dent, will preside over the con- cepted invitation; sent to them Contest. between UCLA and the Pacific dependent living groups. This ference, which will open at 9:45 and have announced that they will '5. Appointed Mary Lu Odegard, Cpast Conference I am in favor event was "very sucressful in War Film am. in the Concert Hall of the be present if their schedules per- Show Today Marian Brugnone and Ellen Step- of UCLA's withdrawal." 1955," according to Schmidt. and Music Building. mit. They both will be on the "Triumph of the Will," a cap- of Hitler's rise and regime. It ovich to the Health Service Com- has been succestui On other cam- An invocation will be delivered U.N. FORCES TO ARRIVE West Coast around Dec. 12 for the was mit tee. puses. tured German film considered a produced by the Nazi party by the Rev. James Martin. adviser UNITED NATIONS Seem- annual East-West Shrine Game. under the direction of Josef Bob Hosfeldt. general chairman documentary elastic, will be Goeb- to the SJS Student Y, after which tary-General Dag Hammarskjold Invitations also have been ex- hels, head of Hitler's propaganda for the drive, urged all Partici- shown today at 1:30 p.m. by Dr. a greeting to the conventioneers announced Wednesday that "vir- tendpd to Jack Meyers. head men- pating campus organizations to machine. Fair Weather To Prevail will be extended by Dr. C. tor at William Vatcher, assistant profes- Grant tually all elements" of a 4100- COP and to turn names of their ream captains According to Richard D. Lewis, Variable high thin clouds will Burton. SJS executive dean of the San sor of political science. The film. mars United Nations emergency Francisco 49ers. In to the Student Aide. dies Of- director of audio visual services, prevail today, but they aren't Montgomery's captured by American forces when address will follow force will be deployed in Egypt Spartan Coach Bob Denman, fice as soon as possible. the movie is a classic example of expected to detract f rom t he Dr. Burton's welcome. within two weeks, they entered Berlin, will be shown completing his final year as Gold- Team captains will receive the film propaganda -end reveals how week-long fair weather diet that Contests in news writtng. tea- In the College Theater and is open He made his announcement af- en Raider football tutor, will be names of the students their teams carefully 1 h (;ornmns planned the weatherman has so far pro- ture writing, sports to the public. writing. edi- ter France denied published re- honored at ceremonies to he held are to contact, from Nancy Striek. events in order to photograph vided. The mercury is expected tonal writing, advertising and ports that it was building up its at the banquet. 13 an- ler, solicitations. chairman Mon- The film portrays the period be- them and show Germany the to reach 62-67. a couple of de- press photography will also be tank strength in Port Said and nounced his reitignation during the day, Dec. II, at 4 p.m In Room tween 1934-36, relating the story of Nazism. gm-cu chillier than yesterady. conducted. Pledged that it would withdraw _Sprinterm last EMIL Psychiatrists, Please Take Notice! Full-Time Director Writer Discusses Complex Demons By Off Beat MARILYN 11 I t Serves at New Are you tormented by a group repspunsibtlities to the protected By (LAIR K. BIGGS of ideas or mental processes which existence of your childhood (Re- Page 2 Thursday, November 29 1956 Presbyterian Bldg. lien (Hank) Roirlimuth has door to discover a coat hanging tor some reason hose been in- member that embai.1 ass:rig e% e- By LOC ANNE BoNE the saddest %toad to on the porch with a sight attached EDITORIAL hibited or restrained, or have not ning when your ',senate tennii tale in the The tell Ile recentls spent user $31N) saying "Nancy Brooke, Hung in been assimilated by or brought you on the floor pli*ing with your newest addition to the Sum in Until now, no one has into harmony with the main body. blocks?) Your case eould be diag- Jose State College campus com- repairing his car. The day Effigy." munity !Whining completion the re- been able to discover the persons Accent on Understanding Faiths of your mental processes? Do you nosed as regression. is a center for the some of regard these ideas or processes as 850 Presbyterian affiliated stu- pairs It e n is 11,4 sideswiped, responsible or the reason for the ANXIETY NEVROsIS? Students and faculty will dents. The Presbyterian Student (musing nearly WO damage to hanging. Nancy swears she has be given an opportunity to under- the causative agent in the Pro- Maybe you has.' an anxiety stand and appreciate their own and other religious duction of certain abnormal men- Center, located on th corner of his car. Ben claims a jinx. It been playing it straight. , heritages during' neurosis. Do you experience "free- ReligionM-Life Week 11th and San Fernando streets, seems Margie Schmutz and Much was written in local news- Dec. 2-7. tal states? Have you been dragged floating" feats of inipending doom through an emotional experience opened this full under a full-time Barry Brost n acre n itli him in papers about the Big Game be- Panel discussions, worship services quest speakers in classrooms or become extremely depressed which has been repressed because director, the ,Rev. V. Donald Em- the uccident anti also in one tween Cal and Stanford being the and lectures by clergymen of the and dissatisfied with life without and represent.itives principal reli- of its painful or disagreeable con- mel. earlier in the year. Could it pus- battle of the have-nots. SJS clan gions of the world will be given to aid each individual to find deerler; being able to point to the source a tent? If you find yourself nodding The Ceriter, Wily be, Ben? see a real battle of the have-nots spiritual and intellectual of the apprehenxion and correct one of 150 such dedication to God and to enrich the stu. your head to each of these Nancy ittouks, S1S cued, hus come off this afternoon when the life and it? Are you careful to avoid enter- programs on state coltrge and uni- dent's own the lives of his fellow man. joined the ranks of Coach Brun- SPARTAN DAILY editorial staff questions, it's best you discover ing any room un'ess your girl versity campuses in the United zan and U(' in on the ad staff in a touch Religion in Life Week, a College Religious Council activity, 41 55 hat demon has possessed tyou. makes it through the doorway States, is sponsored by the De- Puppy Waldorf of takes the effigy hanging category. One football game. set aside each year to emphasize the need of spiritual understand-i Noah Webster would diagnose first without losing life or limb? partment of Campus Christian ing not only of a person's own faith your case as an "extreme com- Lire of the Presbyterian denomin- morning gins in the Kappa Kap- The editorial staff appears to but also that of the other fellow. Or maybe you are caught in Speakers for Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Judaism and Buddhism plex." at ion. pa Gamma house came out the rate a four touchdown advantage, the clutches of a conspoision.. wit participate .n newt week's activities. Perhaps ypu have an inferiority Do you have insistent obsessions The function of the Center if complex. Do you feel you are lower which commonly lead to bizarre "attempting to present a Chris- The inner theme of understanding another's faith is interwoven in station, rank, degree, or grade and incomprehensible actions , Han perspective upon all areas INSURANCE in the spirit of planning for Religion-in-Life Week. Students and faculty than other people? Do you auto- LIFE having no observable %aloe and of the academic life," according of all faiths in coordinating activities are learning the principles of matically- sit on the exam your even puzzling you as to your to the Rev. Emmet. "We scant for other faiths. philosophy instructor just return- performance? Do sou wash your to produce Christian students ed to prevent the "3.95" on your COLLEGE STUDENTS In accordance with our other regular courses of study that thrive hands at least once an hour? Do who V. ill take seriously their 14-ft to feast gleeful eyes on the on the understanding of the life around us, Religion-in-Life Week you search through the gravel itnai responsibilities in the cam- As low $52.50 a year for $10,000 (age 21/ grade that made his 60'4 an "A"? as gives an insight into the understanding of religion and the contribu- along the sidewalk? Are you pus c moony." He emphasized Or, you might be suffering tion of faith to the lives and culture of ourselves and others. the one who spilled ink on the the importance of participating PhcnP from an opposite condition sued In a sariety of school atilt it Religion often has been relegated upholstery In your house- to the realm of the accepted have a superiority complex. Ilo social, religious, and academic. RAY K. FARRIS, C. L. U. mother's new car? but not of the understood. SJS now has the opportunity to look for, you consider yourself extremely During the week, small discus- Office CY 3-8550 Res. CY 5-6273, CV 5.6274 itself into the world's religions. Clergymen and representatives of the exalted in dignity and compara- Are you extremely overconcern- sion groups are scheduled on such many faiths will be ready to make religion understood and to give tively higher in station than ed about your health and physical topics as the responsibility of the deeper appreciation of the religions as institutions of spiritual faith. anyone you knout Do you pass condition. dwelling morbidly upon Christian in business, education, 8.P. your history prof in the inner every minor bodily sensation as a economics, science and sociology. quad and punching your buddy, sign of some dread disease? When Weekly Wednesday night meetings 11111s1 ISIS in the ribs ttith your elbow. your stomach growls, do you run are primarily concerned with un- Tau Delta Phi Scholastic Frat Pledges chuckle, "Heh, heh. How did. to the health office with visions derstanding the basis of our Chris- eser get his Ph.D? of an ulcer? Do you go to the TB that fellow tian faith. Sank Walk Plank' for Their Colorful Initiation He's so illiterate he can't even X-ray trailer whence fa- you cough? Were you one who traveled miles Dinner is served at 6 p.m. fol- By MOSE litt(A1 I read my blue books!" for a fifth 9/ Hadacol? If so, you lowed by a varied program of Vestiges of an old pirate tradi- chair and dangle his feet over Maybe you're not quite sure Frank probably a hypochondriac. movies, speakers and discussion prominent on the what your complex really stems are tion are campus edge. After a few moments groups. An active social program "CALIFORNIA again as the Tau Delta, known as of "relaxation." the pledge is from. All you know is that the A COMPLEX FOR IOC is encouraged for Presbyterian who walk the plank. put intoned to return to varieties of obstacles you run into These are only a few of the the men the Tower students and friends.. At the pre- Announcing a Special Service to their 31-man pledge class through of "strength." Renard for the every day are without end, rang- more popular complexes running sent time, plans tige underway to venture k one leaf ing from physical defects to miss- rampant today. Do not feel too an intensive pledging period. from the By provide weekly Friday night pro- Students Now Available covered %ails. ing a bus or being spurned in love. elated if your state remains un- Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri- grams featuring social and square Filled with the frustrations of described for it is possible that days find the Inner Quad echoing The chair, the plank, and the dancing, games and refreshments. war, economic uncertainty. marital you are suffering from the un- with proud tributes to the Tower noose, ars all part of what the Dinners, theater parties, and ex- unhappiness, racial discrimination, mentioned complexes of neuras- Fraternity as the pledges yell out Tau Dells term as an "informal" change parties with Stanfort Cal. and international tension, our era thenia, reaction formation, multi- JUNIOR CHARGE ACCOUNT their noon salute and the active initiation I that's an understate- and San Francisco State groups has been called the "age of anxie- ple personality, repression, flight members chant. "Louder." ment!) Formal Initiation. to be are under consideration by the your complex is due into fantasy. and so forth. Just before salute time, the held Dec. 2. traditionally takes ty." Perhaps Executive Council. The Center is California's leading clothiers for men and to continued frustration resulting white tongued plank, adorned place at Chateau Boussey. Or It is possible that you, be- regularly open from 8:30 a.m. to from thwarted emotional drives among the more fortunate. women is pleased to announce that a Special with brilliant red chair and An honorary scholastic fra- ing 4:30 p.m. where students may re- prevented from attaining their dangling noose. slips out of the ternity, Tau Delta Phi exem- hike already licked your prob- lax. talk or study. Charge Account for Students is now available. goals. and know how to administer tower window more than 90 plifies its high standards by lem As university pastor for San This account affords many of the privi- EYELIDS DROOP self-hypnosis %t hen the going ft. above the ground. rigid entrance requirements. 10511. State, the Rev. Emmel will You may gaze into the mirror gets rough. leges of a regular H it F Charge Account Spectacular is the red robed Pledges must have at lea*t a Ilene as student counselor as with drooping eyelids and parted hooded figure which perches upon 8.00 grade point average, must By the way, *ho is your psy- well as Presbyterian activities and has been carefully planned to provide a lips to murmur, "Oh Arthur, I the balcony. Below, the pledges. base completed 30 semester chiatrist? Mine Just hung himself. director. He graduated from the helpful and needed service to young men and can't sleep tonight. Please hand decked out in suits and red ties, units and must show leadership College of Idaho in 1949 and me the script to "the Brothers women. look upward. hailing the seat of qualities. worked on hilt bachelor of ditin- Karamozov'." If you are guilty of wisdom, the plank of courage, ' lty degree at the Boston Univer- Students who can meet the simple require- The chief purpose of the frater- this, you suffer from an identifi- Account our Fral the tower of strength, and Tau nity. is to promote education and sity School of Theology and San ments of the new account are invited to Delta Phi. cation complex. , foster schplastic improvement. Francisco Theological seminary. Or you may be puzzled be- Tours Si Inn make use of this new credit service. Walking the plank, an initiation I These standards are esteemed by Ile received his master of sacred fraternity annuls, cause you frequently move from Forty-three members and fete unique in the fraternity which annually theology degree at the San Fran- town to town, change from one friends of Alpha Eta Sigma hon- occurs twice a year at Washing- awards a $25 award to the male cisco Seminary in 1953 and is Apply for your Square. Pledges blind- boarding house to another, orary accounting fraternity. jour- Account ton are undregraduate who makes the working toward a doctorate. While practice frequent divorce, or neyed to San Francisco recently folded and led to the plank. With greatest improvement in his grade an undergraduate, the Rev. Ern. only a rope around their waist to start a flew job every other to visit Price-Waterbrook, inter- at point average and offers a $100 mel was active in the Student Y week. If so, you are the victim national accounting firm. protect them. the pledges totter Work Aid for Scholars fund to activities and was sent as a dele- or crawl to the chair at the end of a nomadism complex and are promote extra-curricular scho- William Bear d, Price-Water- gate to the World Conference of trying to escape from a frus. HARRIS & FRANK of the plank. lastic endeavors. brook executive,* arranged trans- Christian Youth in Oslo, Norway. Each pledge must silt in the 1 trating situation. Be careful, 127 S. Tau Delta Phi Is the oldest portation for the local group and He was minister of a Presbyterian FIRST ST. your frustration is probably tra- fraternity on campus, Founded in conducted a tour of the account- Church in Orenco, Oregon, until SAN veling on the same ticket. JOSE 1916 it is presently celebrating its ing firm's offices. During the tour coming to SJS this fall. The Rev. Spartan Daily- 40th anniversary. Then, you may find yourself he discussed the long history of Emmel lives in Los Gatos with his - fleeing from painful reality and the firm. wife and three young children. San Jose State College Traditionally the tower frater- Erered es secc-d clots matter nity displays a gigantic christrnas April 24, 1934, of San Joss, Calif., tree in the balcony. This tradition under the act of March 3. 1879. is but one of the closely guarded Member California Nen-spew Pub- activities of the fraternity. lishers' Association. mck ifiekas lakrm,Ko,! Publfshed daily by Nut Associated Students of San Jose Stets CoUogo, except Saturday and Sunday, during Cancer Research H. college year with on issue dur- ing each final examination period. on Cigarettes Out Subscriptions ccepted only on rims hool year bosis. In NEW YORK Ti e /1,ƒ’- WINSTONis always good company ! Fall semester, $3; in Spring semis-bit, ,.st report on one of the most $1.50. Telephone: CYprisss 44414Edi. careful statistical studies of the torisl, Ext. 210; Advertising Dont relationship I if any) between Ext. 211. cigarette smoking and lung can- Press of the Glob. Printing Co., cer, shows that the non-smokers VVINSTON 1445 South First St. Son Jose. Cof. who died of lung cancer, did so LIKE A TASTES GOOD! 411OPI"9 much later in l i f e than t h e CIGARETTE Editor smokers who died of the malady. JOHN KEPLINGER The British Medical Journal SHOULD! Butkus; tvlnages singled this out for comment from JACK ERICKSON Day Editor the four-year report of the Dell. DON STEVENS Hill Study. The report has high prestige in the science world be- cause Dr. Richard Doll and Prof. A. Bradford Hill are members of the British Medical Council and have international repute in the field of medical statistics.

ilyi#AVRMIs GASOLINE PRICES UP! A nen English Ford soils for $1545 and costs $9 96 wittily. Gets up to 35 miles per gallon. Almost CHRISTMAS GIFT any car wilt maks His mammy SUGGESTIONS FOR THE ARTIST down poymont.

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AININE SJS Spartan Gridders Leave for Hawaii Finale ay DICK O'( 'ON AI Ler the passing game, howetr, there is little else. Hoping to contilme an J8 year 'Ply- .4184 To %sin. the Spartan!: must oh. mastery over the University of Linemen score the opposition. If flaw ,, Cop Glory Hawaii Rainbows, Jose the San 31 points against San Jos. State Spartans left San Francisco scores the locals will have the distinctio:. International Airport this morn- being the most scored on teal:, On All-American; ing bound for Honolulu and to- of morrow night's game. in the entire nation. With Dyer and Iladarna lead- It will be homecoming garrk for the way. Hawaii ma¦ be able the Rainbows, which makes it ing John Witte Named to hand the honor to San Jose even more difficult for the Spar- NEW YORK UP-- Center was picked for the first team by tans, This will mark the fourth Ntato. of Oklahoma, guard 81 per cent of the voters. homecoming game appearance Icy looking at the bright side. Jim Parker of Ohio State and end SJS this year and they have yet Jim! quarterback Bob Itenthal So outstandin2 is this group of of Michigan stole to win. Ian become the leading Pasm'T ii collegians that six of t h e 10 the glamor from the backs today Spartan history by completing L: players eligithe for the National San Jose lied San Diego State and led the nation-wide voting for aerials. Football League draft Monday In the Aztec homecoming game, the 1956 United Press All-America were made the number one choice lOst to Arizona state in the With two scoring passes, llic Football Team. Bob can nation that of the pro teams, while another Sun-Devils Homecoming and lead the in "dream The team," selected in was a second pick. lost the SJS Welcome Grads" department. a poll of 251 sports writers and game to Denver. Angular Art l’ocirII ran grab Hornung, the brilliant 205- radio and television broadcasters The two teams have met four the national lead in receptions from coast-to-coast, was pound quarterback who manager with three catches ia the game. corn- times over the years. San Jose G t on down to primsed of: to shine on both offense and Two scoring aerials against the defense during Notre Dame's State has won three of the four the BETA KAPPA Ends---Kramer and Joe Wal- Rainbows would give him the most dismal season in 23 years, contests. The lone Rainbow vic- ton or Pittsburgh. tory came in 1938 by a 13-12 lead In that department. -the store with was the "bonus" pro choler of It will mark the final game for TaeklesJohn Witte of Ore- count. the college education" the Green Bay Puckers. Kramer Spartan seniors, Valt Ackemann, g1)11 State and LIM %I i41111.1% of Jose was selected on the regular The two squads met at San Mel Powell, Charles Kaaihue, Jim 277 E. SAN FERNANDO Kentucky. last year and the Golden Raiders first round by Oren Bay, Tubbs Hughes, Pat Hiram, Austin lima- GuardsParlor ;mil Bili Maas by the Chicago Cardinals, l'ar- racked up an impressive of Baylor. ker by the Baltimore Colts, win. CenterTubbs. Brown try the Cleveland Browns, Sun Jose Si att. will be looking BacksTommy McDonald of and Glass by the Detroit Lions. at a familiar lace in the Hawaii Oklahoma, of Walton %US the see 1-r lllll quarterback spot. Dick 111111411111111, Bourbon's Tennessee, Paul Hornung o f draft pick of the Washington former freshman footballer at Notre Dame and Jimmy Brown Redskins and McDonald the SJS, will Vali the signals for number three choice of the the Rainbows. French Laundry of Syracuse. Philadelphia Eagles. SOCCERMAN HIONOREP13-- Tony Critelli, San illoP4P fullback, was Skippy Dyer will also be back The Midwest thus placed three named on the Northern California IntercollIgiate Soccer team Cash players on the honor team, the Jon Arnelt of Southern Califor. for the third year In a row. Critelli, 'lathe of Brooklyn, is a to harass the Spartans. Dyer, out- and Carry Midlands. South and East two nia, restricted to playing five Junior at SJS. He was named to the honor team its a freshman at standing player in last year's Hula 15% DISCOUNT games because of Pacific Coast San Francisco City College. Bowl, is the top runner of ill, each, and the Pacific Coast and 378 W. St. CYpre,,s Southwest one each. Kramer and Conference disciplinary action Rainbows. A native of New I Santa Clara 5 1767 leans and one of the two Hornung are the only repeaters against his school, was named to 11. E. DALMON from last year's mythical eleven. the third team. Hawaiians on the Rainbow sqi Dyer was the leading scorer for Michaels is the lone junior in the There was only one close race DINNER SPECIAL group, all others being seniors. SIP01111111-% the Islanders last year. in this year's voting. That was for DREADED VIAL CUTLETS Coach warned Tubbs, the superb 205-pound the third and fourth backfield oaily Report on Spartan Athletics SOUP POTATOES co-captain, linebacker and blocker positions, where Hornung and that the University of Hawaii VEGETABLE BREAD & BUTTIR would rather defeat SJS more Larg Bottle ol Milk Or of the top-rated Sooners, was Brown polled a slightly higher Thursday, November 29, 1956 SPARTAN DAILY Page 3 than made a first-team selection of 87 %lite than of Stan- any other team on its schedule. per cent of the participants in ford, the number one draft choice 85` the poll. Kramer and Parker each of the San Francisco Fort y- The Hawaii coach is Hank Niners. Soccer Fullback Critelli Vaseoneellos, a San Jose State aft graduate, who Is enjoying a ARCHIE'S Parker, at 250 pounds, anchors good coaching career in the HAVENLY FOODS averages a heavyweight line that Honored for 3rd Year Islands. A tri ph in this game Have you tried our 229 pounds. Exceptionally fast STEAK HOUSLA would be the icing on his cake. and mobile for a player of his Tony Critelli, San Jose State soccer back, has been named to 545 to 9 P.M. CHEF'S SPECIAL San Jose will counter S. 2nd St. Hours 7 A.M. bulk, the six-foot-three Buckeye the Northern California Intercollegiate Soccer Association All Star with the STEAK DINNER 1.85 best passing attack in its history. Served at ell teurt from Toledo was equally good on squad for 1956. On Bayskore N. of Julian -CY 3-1682 offense and defense. A standout Critelli, a defensive standout on the Spartan squad, won the linebacker on defense, he aver- honor for the third year in a row. His top performance during the KON01 13441 aged 54 minutes per'game during season came against the league champions, the San Francisco Dons. 4Never-ii Ohio State's tough schedule. Given the tough chore of guarding USF's Joe Njoku-Obi, holder crest of the league scoring record, little Tony held him scoreless as the In FirstFi _ti ; Spartans lost a 2-1 heartbreaker. I Other members of the first team Sounding are Njoku-Obi and Benito Razon Bowl Contest It's not the spirit, Off at forward, and Robert Machado, a back, all of USE. In a contest that will set foot- By SAL ORLANDO Stanford placed two men, ball back to the dark ages, the Much has been said, written and discussed about the football but the gift back Peter Mack and forward SPARTAN DAILY.editorial staff State and the reasons behind the poor showings situation at San Jose Mike Assfo-Boakyi. City College and the advertising element of of Spartan teams the past two years. of San Francisco is represented the same publication will meet in that counts! times people have blamed the players, the coach. At various by forward Tony Quiteno and an alleged football game at Spar- the administration, the student body and the sports editor of the back Al Morales. tan Field today at 3:30 p.m. SPARTAN DAII.V. But lets face facts. an Jose State will not be- AUSTIN-HEALEY California placed hack Pablo The first annual "Ink Bowl" come a real major factor in national football circles until some effort on display Dibos and goalie Walt Sablinsky will pit the high powered offense is made to get promising gridders enrolled. It Is as simple as that. 102 Horsepower on the honor team. Back Gus of the writers against the rock. To simplify matters even more. we don't have to go too far to 4 Seats DEC. 10 Portorarrero of San Francisco headed enough grid talent to keep SJS in good football matetial for defense of the ad-men. MOTOR CENTER find State completes the squad. BRITISH shme time to come. Prep football in this area is on the upgrade and The writers will count on the 2180 W. SAN CARLOS a little inducement from the college would go a long in bolstering running of Jim "Front Page" the stockpile of footballers. Hushaw and the passing of John The Santa Clara Valley Athletic League now is rated as the Volleyball Starts "Daddy-0" spaiding. Addition- - third best schoolboy loop in Northern California by prep followers, al power will be generated by Slate Fred "Here and There" Claire - Show and with the rapid increase in population in this area, the Peninsula Saturday Moroni?: Athletic League and the two divisions of the Coast Counties Athletic The Interfraternity Volleyball and the most Dennis e player of League ptobably will grow in quality. Sal "Scooner" Orlando. STUD 1.0 Tournament will be held Satur- 's ----- With the talent that is right in the backyard of San Jose State, big, big day morning at 10:30 o'clock in Others on the scribe squad are The big, why is the caliber of Spartan football on the downhill ride? The comedy of the year. the Women's Gym. A double ell1 Clark "Specs" Biggs, John "Big sivation is liken to the farmer with a beautiful crop of corn in his mination setup will be in effect Chief" Keplinger, Alex "F:es-ein JUNE JACK field yet is starving to death. for tourney play. Bigger- Goff and 'Dick "Ronnie ALLYSON LEMMON Prospects Go Elsewhere Pairings for the games will be h a s Harvey, I have Bandit.- RUN announced at the Women's Gym O'Connor. "YOU CAN'T A look at the 1906 Spartababe roster shows only two gridders Saturday. morning, according to top prospects, There is some question as to AWAY FROM IT from the Santa Clara Valley. Of last year's other Wally Perry, IFC athletic chair- the appearance of the hucksters four are at Santa Ana .I.C. waiting for admittance to l'SC, two man. the COP frotth starting lineup and another trio at Stanford. but a tentative starting lineup EXPOSE" are in Last year Sigma Alpha Epsilon "MIAMI We have talked to many high school players who wish to go on follows: Lee J. Cobb - Patric,a M,dina captured the tournament with to college but when we mention San Jose State, they smile. One Delta Upsilon. The DU and SAE Rill "Three Over" Boggle former "Player of the Year" in San Jose told us he would "be glad teams again are favorites for the and Larrs "Last Dou-n" Kauf- to come to State but I can't even get tuition. Heck, I can't afford to tourney. man at ends. Henry "Godtilla. TOWNE hometown college." Comedy come to my The IFC howling tournament King of the Monsters" Ilustedt A Spicy the same wherever we go. "THE MEV The story is will be held next Wednesday at at center and Nick "Smiley" A, High school grads all over the valley are expressing interest in 3:15 pm. at Bridgeman's Bowling Bell at guard. Has Five Legs" somebody comes along and whispers the magic "The Sheep San Jose State until Alley. For information about Backs will he J o e "Twinkle Starring Fernandel scholarship. word either event, fraternities are ask- Toes" Kennedy. Jack "Swinging Student Rfes tackle from Gilroy High, Bob Harrison, had San Last year a ed to contact Perry at the SAE Doors" Erickson and Jerry "All Jose State coming out of his ears until three weeks before regis- house. Shot" Humps!. tration. Harrison. who was selected on the All-America prep squad, EL RANCHO played his freshman football this year for Washington state. "ATTACK" Freshman coach Max Coley, who does most of the talking to Eddie Albert Jack Palance 'high school seniors for SJS finds the problem the same whcre¦ er he goes. San Jose Health Club How many friends "REIEL IN TOWN" John Payne Ruth Roman Local Support ONE YEAR FREE! If these omit, ore Gathering the local players will give the athletic picture here not obteIned can you Spare? within 60 &vol. CALIFORNIA an added boost. Local _players attract the hometown crowd and pos- "LOVE ME TENDER" sibly would do sometRing that always has been missing support GAIN REDUCE Christmas gifting is so easy ILaI - Debra Page+ Richard of the townsfolk. 3" on your CHEST 4" on your WAIST at Roos, and you can have 6 intIc., ELVIS PRESLEY and When San Jose Junior College was first established after leaving 2" on your ARMS 3" on HIPS a'so your months to pay! Inquire today, MASSACRE' Washington Sqquare, it was thought the Jaycee would develop into a .2" on your LEGS 3" on your LEGS Den. Cloth farm club for future Spartan teams. That dream evaporated with 15 Lbs. WEIGHT IS Lbs. WEIGHT dawn. the light of GUARANTEED The Jaguar. won sesen, lost one and tied one this Near in PERSONAL INSTRUCTION SARATOGA .winning the Coast Conference title. Four of the top collegiate of lack of Of rar prospects on that team are going on to collegeIdaho state College Don become dull because "FANTASIA" MONEY The reason is obvious. ewercise. Stop in today a* the San Jose Stereophonic Sound that is. goirro Health BACK 13.4,vis Club. 113 E. Santa Clara Street. Also And thus does San Jose State finds itself in a unique situation Special Short Subjects Hop caliber-foatball_plagerure_being turned away hecattae seem- Cy 7.3251. 3 blocks from campus. FIRST AND SANTA Revs CLAM Student 1 ingly this school does not want to enter the realm of major football. '

Page 4 SPARTAN DAILY Thursday, November 29, 1956 Foreign Students Spartans An Pin nin gs, Council To Discuss Prof Emeritus Men's P.E. Building Discuss Near East Engagements, Recent Nuptials Language Need, Shows Photos ANDERSON-YARNELL ilvie, Al p h a Otnicrun l'i, and George Stone, professor emeri- Problems Friday A Thanksgiving family dinner Glenn Dollar was announced re- Class Enrollments tus of San Jose State, is exhibit- Dedication Wednesday prmided the setting for the an- cently. Miss Ogilvie is a senior An examination of the depart- ing a collection of his photographs art major The International Student Or- nouncement of t h e pinning of from Hillsborough and mental requirements for Foreign and related materials in the lobby Dedication ceremonies for the new half-million dollar addition to Dollar, an electronic major at during the ganization will present a Sharon Yarnell, Delta Zeta. to Languages will be discussed to- of the College Theater will be held next Wednesday panel San Jose J.C. the Men's Physical Education Building Jon Anderson. Miss Yarnell is a The wedding . is day at 3:30 p.m. in SD120 at the run of "Shadow and Substance." morning at 10:30 a.m. discussion on "The Problems of scheduled after Miss Ogilvie s photographs in junior education major from Cos- Faculty Council meeting, accord- In addition to Wren, assistant to Dr. Roy E. Simp- the Near East" at their regular graduation. Dr. Dale P. administrative ta Mesa and Anderson is a sen- ing to Dr. William E. Gould, pro- color, as well as black-and-whites. son, state superintendent of public instruction, has been selected to meeting on Friday at 12:30 p.m. ior engineering major from San DI'NN-STEPHENS fessor of journalism. the display includes articles from address. Wrens is a 1946 graduate of San deliver the dedicatory Dr. in Roam 33. according to Barbat.i Jose Senior Chi Omegas presented A State law, under consider :a- 1917 editions of Powlar Science Jose State College. magazines Hartman. publicity chairman of a skit at the chapter house Mon- non by the Council. may prohibit and Illustrated World The dedication program. open BAILIFF-HATTON day night to reveal the engage- any department except the Fore- which tell of Stone's pioneer work to the public. will be held in one the group. Miniature Christmas packages Radio t; ment of Nancy Stephens, senior ign Language Department from in photographing the story of the of the two gymnasiums on the revealed t h e pinning of Diane Members of the panel are Yeuel speech and drama major, to Jim requireing a foreign language development of plant and animal second floor of the new structure. ¦ Hatton, Delta Gamma. to John Of fers Drama., Beebe, Iraq; Seung Ho New. Kor- Dunn. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Dunn course for graduation. life. College President John T. Wahl- Bailiff, Theta CM, at Stanford Is is the com- ea; Shaul Yatsin, Israel, represen- a graduate student and a re- The Faculty Ciouncil will decide Also in the display quist is scheduled to preside over Monday night. Miss Hatton is a o. tative from Stanford; Dr. David sident of San Rafael. The couple, whether they can take any action mendatory letter which President 'The Hi the ceremonies and to make the sophomore liberal arts major who Stone, thank- Edgell, who taught English at plan a June wedding, were on the matter, said Dr. Gould. Eisenhower wrote to "The Big Shift" is the name introductory address. T h e SJS from Millbrae End Bailiff is a the University of Cairo before serenaded by the brothers of SAE. The report on the survey of ing him for pictures of Carmel and elf the Radio Guild show which Choraliers. directed by William J. junior history major from San had sent coming to SJS. and Dr. E.P. Pan- HALLOWAY-STOCKTON class sizes, now being made by Point Lobos which Stone kill be presented tonight at 8:30 Erlendson. associate professor of Pedro. assistant professor of Dean Halloway, business ad- the Social Science Dept., will be to the president. o'clock over radio station KEEN. music. will present four musical agopoulos, CRANE-MILLERBORG ministration June graduate, was continued. The point beyond which program will be a dramatic selections. history. This Connie Millerborg, KKG pledge. married recently to Shirley Stock- good teaching methods break presentation of problems incurred Arrangements for the program Mrs. Lois Henderson. assistant announced her pinning to Dick ton of Bakerstield. While at SJS, down in a history course was set democratic form of public have been made by a committee professor of English. will moderate Music Group in a Crane, an Alpha Kappa Phi at Halloway w a a affiliated with at 60 students, at a previous meet- education. It briefly traces the headed by . head the panel. COP. Both are sophomores from ATO. ing of the Council. of three representative of the Men's Physical Education problems A movie entitled "Workshop for Stockton; Miss Millerborg. an ed- KNAPP-MACKIN The Faculty Welfare Conunittee Holds Concert students through 16 years of Department. Peace- will be shown after the ucation major, and Crane, an art A Thanksgiving motiff at the also will give a report. The Fac- Program for the Survey of Mu- school. Many of these problems are panel period. Refreshments will be student Chi Omega house recently re- ulty Council is made up of fac- sic Literature class this morning faced by S.JS students. according served and the meeting is open DOLLAR-OGILVIE vealed the pinning of Eileen Mac- ulty representatives and admini- at 11:30 o'clock will feature a T. McCann, assistant to Frank Firms Continue to everyone. Mrs. Hartman stated. The engagement of Kathy Og- kin, senior elementary education strative advisers. piano trio and a fluth trio. professor of speech, who directs major, to Kappa Alpha Richard Dr. Bert M. Morris, professor The concert is open to all stu-

. the broadcasts. Knapp, senior business admini- of chemistry, is president of the dents and faculty, according to The play also shows how earlier Senior Interviews stration major. Both are from group. W. Gibson Walters, associate pro- civilizations handled these prob- Religion-in-Life Week San Jose. fessor of music. lems and what progress hae been During This Week MITCHELL-LANZ The Mozart E Major Piano Trio made. Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. With the passing of a lx of Professor Offers will be played by Donald Homuth. The cast will include Wayne Offers Many Activities of Los Angeles will continue to bon bons to her itappa Delta cello, assistant professor of music: narrator: Jerry Lindholm, Ward. interview senior mechanical, elec- Religion-in-Life week runs from Sunday. Dec. 2 through Friday. sorority sisters, Janet Lanz en- Paper on Money Patrick Meierotto, piano, assistant Tod; Bob George. Joey: Karla trical, chemical engineers and phy- Dec. 7. Each evening. thing groups will conduct discussions in their flounced her engagement to Clyde Presentation of a paper entitled professor of music; and Walters, Miss Farnum: Dick Wil- Linden. sicists today from 9:30 a.m. to houses and clergymen will present npeeches daily In classrooms. In Mitchell, junior electronics en- "The Distribution of Money in violin. son. Gorman; Stella Gardiner. Jer- 4:30 p.m. addition, the following schedule will be followed. gineering major. Miss Lanz re- North Carolina" by be Jackson "Bourree in A Minor" by Handel ra; and Douglas Coleman. announ- T. Main. assistant profesor Of will be played by three flute stu- Also to meet with seniors today MONDAY. DE('. 3 ceived her ring on her 20th birth- his- cer. recorder. the German are representatives of the San S:30 a.m. Lutheran morning worship in Memorial Chapel. day. Mitchell formerly attended tory, will highlight this evening's dents on the Baylor where meeting of Phi Alpha Theta, na- wooden flute and the French flute Bernardino Air Material Area of 10:30 a.m. Lecture by Rabbi Morton ('. Fierrnan in Memorial Chapel. he was affiliated Performers are Terry Payton, Lou Norton Air Force Base. Calif.. 11:30 um. Informal diacussion "Is War Justifiable?" in Student Y. with Alpha Phi Omega. tional history honor society. , Keith Olsen, the society's presi- Anne Bone and Kathy Ferguson. Blood Drive who will talk to senior industrial. 2:30 p.m. Panel discussion '"Falth and You" in Memorial Chapel, PARRISH-BELEW mechanical. electrical. civil and Marlene Belew passed the tra- dent, said the meeting, to be held Panelists are the Rev. John Duryea, Rabbi Morton Mer- aeronautical engineers during the ditional ,box of candy to her Al- at 7:30 o'clock in Room 49, is 11. 12 man. Rev. ft. Wilbur simmons and Rev. Arthur Takeinoto. Set Dec. same hours. pha Chi Omega sisters to an- open to all interested history ma- Ad Frat To Meet The Blood Dri%e Curnmittce met Tomorrow. t w o organizations. TUESDAY, DEC. 4 nounce her marriage to Bill Par- jors. Alpha Delta Sigma, advertising Monday with representatives from U.S. Naval Ordinance Labs of 6:30 a.m. Buddhist morning worship In Memorial Chapel rish. The couple were wed Aug. Other business to be conducted fraternity, will meet tonight at independent houses and Greek Point Mugu. Calif.. and Fibreboard 10:30 a.m. Student panel. "How Does a College Education Influence 11 at Carmel. Parrish is a grad- will include the selection of a del- 7:30 o'clock in J101. All members organizations to discuss plans for Products of San Francisco, will My Faith?" In Memorial Chapel uate of the University of Illinois egate to the national convention and advertising majors are urged the forthcoming All-Campus Blood screen seniors during the 9:30- 1130 Informal discussion, "What ('an Religions Other Than and the former Miss Belew is of Phi Alpha Theta. which will to attend this meeting and to Drive, which will be held Dec. 11 4:30 period. Our Own Offer Cs?" in Student Y. student teaching in this area. be held in St. Louis during the come prepared to work on the from 8 a.m. to noon and Dec. 12 Electrical. electronic, aeronauti- 2:30 p.m. Lorture by Rev. R. Wilbur Sinaniens in Memorial Chapel SAPPINGTON-BECKMAN Christmas holidays. Playboy magazine project. from 2 to 4:30 p.m. cal, mechanical and chemical en- 7:15 p.m. Christian Science worship in Memorial Chapel Sharon Beckman, senior busi- The main purpose of the meet- gineers, chemists. physicists and 8:00 p.m. Lecture, "This Is My Faith" in Memorial Chapel ness major, became engaged to ing was to give the representatives mathematicians will be sought by WEDNESDAY. DEC. 5 Tom Sappington, senior business Your clothes just information on the Blood Credit the Point Mugu Labs, while the 7:45 a.m. Quaker morning worship in Memorial Chapel administration major Sunday. Club. If San Jose State meets San Francisco concern will speak 9:30 a.m. Lecture, "This is My Faith" by Rev. Junes Mara in Me- Miss Beckman received her ring naturally look better the quota set by the Red Cross. to business administration. elec- moil's! Chapel. while in San Francisco. when they're laundered all members of the Student Body trical, mechanical. civil. and chem. 17:30 p.m. Informal discussion, "Does Religion Serve God or Man?" PUTAS-SCHALLER at . . . will become members of the Cre- teal engineering majors. In Student Y Bill Putas passed cigars to his dit Club. Credit Club members Pacific Mutual Life Insurance 330 p.m. Panel discussion. "How Does My Faith Affect My Mar- Lambda Chi Alpha brothers Mon- and their immediate families are Co. of San Francisco will arrive riage!" by Rev. John Duryea In Memorial Chapel day night to announce his en- TROY LAUNDRY and entitled to draw blood free. at SJS Friday to seek group sales- 7:15 p.m. Choral reading. "The Bomb That Fell On America" In gagement to Sue Schaller. Miss Organizations represented were men and actural trainees. The Memorial Chapel Schaller is a senior occupational Alpha Omicron Pi. Chi Omega. company's representatives, w ho 8:00 p.m. Movie. "Martin Luther," In Memorial Chapel therapy major and Putas is a DRY CLEANING Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Phi, Sig- will interview during the 9:30 THURSDAY, DEC. 6 senior aeronautical engineering 722-726 Almaden Ave. CY 3-8668 ma Kappa. Kappa Kappa Gamma. a.m. to 4.30 lam. period. will be 7:45 a.m. Disciple* of Christ morning worship in Memorial Chapel major. Kappa Alpha Theta. Sigma Chi, interested in seniors with back- 9:30 a.m. Student panel. "How Do My Actions Reflect My Faith?" Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Lambda grounds in mathematics and busi- In Memorial Chapel Chi Alpha, Alpha Tau Omega, ness. 12:30 p.m. Informal discussion, "What Is the Message of Religion Phi Kappa Alpha, and several to Marriage and the Family?" in Student If members of the Independent 3:30 p.m. Lecture. "This is My Faith" by Rev. Arthur Takemoto It's FUN to GO FORMAL Boarding House Council. Speech Students In Memorial Chapel Present Readings 1:30 p.m. Leaders Symposium "How Does Your Faith Support and Challenge Our Present Social, Political and Economic It's SMART to GO SELIX! Policewomen Plan An Oral Interpretation Read- Order!" by Rev. John Duryea, Rabbi Morton Fireman, ing Hour will he presented by Rev. Wilbur Simmons and Rev. Arthur Takemoto in Mrs. Noreen Mitchell's Speech 30 Memorial Chapel Largest, finest and most complete stock of Formal Party, Exchange classes at 4 p.m. in Studio Thea- FRIDAY. DEC. 7 Wear and Accessories in the West! Featuring the Members of Pi Delta Omega, ter today. Anyone interested is 7:45 a.m. Roman Catholic worship In Newman Hall policewomen's sorority. at their invited to attend. according to 9:30 a.m. Lecture, "Can Christianity Save Chilization?" by Rev. latest Campus Styles...priced for collegiate meeting last week. decided to hold the Speech Department. Wilbur Simmons in Memorial Chapel Selections will be read by Dale 12:30 p.m. Informal discussion, "Is Religion Conformity?" in Student an exchange with Chi Pi Sigma on budgets! Available for Purchase or Rental! Dec. 14 and a Christmas party Falk, Stanley Rooney. Loree Ar- at Ju)enile Hall. The date for thur, Roy Deeds. Eileen Bureau, 7:15 p.m. Jewish Sabbath worship service in Memorial Chapel the party is undecided as yet. Harry Stephens and John Snyder. 9:15 p.m. "Shadow and Substance" presented by the Speech and The women also decided to en- Admission is free. Driiiiiii Department in the College Theater ter pistol team competition " against Michigan State's women Vet Form Sign-up police majors. Deadline Friday 00.11K Attendance forms for November must be FORMAL WEAR signed by Korean Vets by SALESRENTALS Beta Beta Beta will meet to- Christian Council cuuft.rence. Dis Friday in the Korean Veterans SAN FRANCISCO OAKLAND BERKILIY SAN JOSE day at 1:30 p.m. in S 213. Dr. cussions will open Wednesday at Office, Room 122-A, Mrs. Sue Ran- ritussifidi will demonstrate a 11:30 a.m. and Thursday at 12:30 kin, secretary. announced. F. A. Ellis l'Olt RENT micro-manipulator. and 3:30 p.m. The forms must be signed in -Bruins for four girls in lovely pri- Tel-Sigma will take a field trip order to collect subsistence from 75 SOUTH 2nd vate home. Kit. priv, CY 2-7666. California Student Teachers the William F. James ranch the Veterans Administration Phone CYpress Room for man. Kitchen Pi Aisociation will hold an execu- to by IN SAN JOSE 4-2322 Friday. Signups may be made at Dec. 20 for class attendance dur- Linen $M a mo. 633 S. 5th St. tive board meeting tonight at 8:30 CSTA the Social Science office. ing Nmember. Clean room for men. FurnaCe o'clock in Room 49. The Student-Faculty Luncheon will be heat, linen furnished. 406 S. 11th St. held Friday front 11:30 a.m.-1 4hflAilbA. p.m . also in Room 49. WANTED s*. SHIRT nOx Independent Housing Council I5x33 Riders to L.A. Lease noon Fri. will meet today at 4.:;0 p.m. in it's just around the corner Return Sun. CY 4-0164. a. COAT Room 21. Mother's helper. Private room. laleanational Students Organ- MEN: I SIZE 40 11, iv.ard 330 a mn. Near Rose Gar. ization will discuss 'The problem den A\ 6-06.42. of the Near East" tomorrcnv at Steady bahyaltter for sat% Junior 1230 p.m. in Room 53. Let's have your or semor Ed. smiler preferred Iota Delta Phi will meet tonight LADIES' NIGHT CY 241418. at 7:30 o'clock at the home of vital statistics FOR SALE Dr. Gregory. Transportation will the Catholic .50 Ford cony. R. H. OD, WW, be provided from AN EVENING ESPECIALLY PLANNED Women's Center at 7 p.m. COME INTO mosher's for men (;ood cond $450. CI 4-1475. ' AND FILL OUT A SIZE CARD FOR SPARTAN LADIES. NO MEN '53 Ford raw. R, H. WW. ob. Phil Alpha Theta will meet to- r..itoct sell this week. $943. 459 N. night at 7:30 o'clock in Room WHEN THERE S AN OCCASION F:../P A ALLOWED, EXCEPT FOR ONE Main will be 1 Ph St. CT 2-1002 after 6 p.m. 49. Dr. Jackson GIFT, YOUR FRIENDS AND . . . GIRL FRIENDS guest speaker. SANTA CLAUS. HE'S THE HOST. '49 Olds. 2 dr. sedn. It. H. WW, WILL FIND IT HANDY. Physics Morlety will meet to- pipes, Al shape. 470 S. 11th St. at 12:30 p.m. on the Science $375 day REMEMBER Christmas is coming! Building roof. SURPRISES REFRESHMENTS Roger .22 single six. $45. Polished Social Affairs Committee will aluminum valve cover, side plate meet today at 3:30 p.m. in Room for MG, $8 Handeuffs, $4. CT 5- 24. WATCH FOR YOUR irabti Student Christian Council will INVITATION FROM SANTA Range. Cacelleeti ir-enditIont Si x institute study' groups in prep- moier's for men burner. Gas. $50. 146 S. 10th St. aration for the L'aited Student p.