Lecture Notes on Metal Forming Process
LECTURE NOTES ON METAL FORMING PROCESS 2019 - 2020 III B.E VI Semester Mr. Sachin Pande, Assistant Professor SECAB INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOG Navraspur Bagalkot road,Vijaypur – 586101 Department of Mechanical Engineering Page 1 METAL FORMING B.E, VI Semester, Mechanical Engineering [As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme] UNIT 1 Stress, strain, Two dimensional stress analysis and three dimensional stress analysis, relation between engineering stress and true stress, relation between engineering strain and true strain, yield criteria, yield locus, theory of plasticity, Hot working, cold working, strain hardening, recovery, recrystallisation and grain growth, Comparison of properties of Cold and Hot worked parts UNIT II ROLLING: Bulk deformation processes - Economics of bulk forming, principles and theory of rolling, types of Rolling mills and products. Forces in rolling and power requirements, applications and, limitations, defects in rolled products - machinery and Equipment. FORGING PROCESSES: Principles of forging -Types Forging - Smith forging, Drop Forging - Roll forging - Forging hammers: Rotary forging - forging defects, Forces in forging of strip, disc and power requirements, applications, Equipment and their selection. UNIT III EXTRUSION PROCESSES: Basic extrusion process and its characteristics. Mechanics of hot and cold extrusion - Forward extrusion and backward extrusion - Impact extrusion Hydrostatic extrusion, forces in extrusion of cylindrical and non cylindrical components - characteristics and defects in extruded parts. Wire Drawing: Process Mechanics and its characteristics, determination of degree of drawing, drawing force, power, and number of stages-defects in products. UNIT IV Sheet Metal Working - Economical Considerations - Stamping, forming and other cold working processes: Blanking and piercing - Bending and forming - Drawing and its types - Cup drawing and Tube drawing - coining - Hot and cold spinning.
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