ADVOCATE INDUSTRY AND ENTERPRiSE, AND THE OF OF MECHANICAL OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. ------"-"_.. JOURNAL - AND ------:.:;--=:.=-=-:;�= - .... ----. ------<--.--.--..------'--..;:-�====:::;- YOLUME I.1 THURSDAY, NEW-YORK, JULY 9, 1846. [NUMBER 42. ) �-���-��=��.�� '-1l'jl(;JJ .�

© 1846 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. !!!'!'!!!'!!! !!!'!" !'!!! !'!!!!'!!! !'!!!!'!!!� ��!'!!!����!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!! !'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!! � �!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!��=' - !'!!!!'!!!!'!!! !'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!! �!'!!! !'!!! !'!!! · · � F i N lli NeW Inventi0n8. T ��0�re�ID��:�eW=8. 7��_, �.!!,!=w�, �-�.Ra:' �·'-�· �:l����· ;d inte Kence. I '

86 The Royal Mail steamer Britannia arrived at PENNSYLVANIA RULRoAD.-The books of Au invention somewhat quaint as well novel THE Liver· has been patented, fo r the protection of bees against Boston on Saturday last, fifteen days from subscription to this road, which is of such immense - the ravages of the moth. The invention pllrtakes pool. The news by this arrival is not very impor interest to the Philadelphians, were lately opened, $309,000 of operating. mechanism, and is to be operated by tant, though not ullinteresting. and stock to the amount of was taken up to The hives are arranged in a tightly joined The news of the success of the Americans in the the first day, and there appears a determination hens. 'houl!es, provided with ventilated doors of w ire late engagements with the Mexicans, had created press the enterprise through. In the Olean time the ��=====-===_ ====x======Mr. C. Gr,een, of Roxbury, regularly shut at night an people of Pittsburg, are pushing the Connelsville Mass., has eltab THURSDAY, JULY gause, which are to be d much surprise and admiration, some regret but W. NEW-YORK, Iished an improved 9. e route with every prospect of succes. The requi­ egg fa ctory, which produced - opened in the morning. The patent was granted more exultation. There ill in Englishmen a f eling 500 site amount of Slack has been subscribed at Pitts­ eggs per during the coldest weather.­ Drawings machinery, engraving on wood, and fo r combining, with the door of the bee house a of connexiOD with Americans , and alth ough the of burg, and letters patent have been issued by the He keeps his hens in a warmed house. lithographic drawings, neatly executed, low­ in such a manner that the weight of the first news of the war had produced considerable at the henTOO$t the door a night, nd Governor. These two roads are rivals, the fo rmer prices, at this office. fo wls going to roost doses t a sympathy for the Mexicans. that sympathy became An exchange paper sayll it is as ellt hard to tell when ---.,..,..,..,.�.- on their leaving, openil in the ssipated when the report of the brilliant victories completing a line from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, by reversed action di moderate drinking ends and drunkennel!!8 be�ins, as liT MASTER8-Who receive this paper, will g! was received. and the latter, an extension of the Baltimore and Po mornin to te ll when a pig ceases to be a pig and becomes a confera 'pecial fa vor by mentioning the subject oc­ -____.,N# � Ohio road, and calculated to divert the Pittsburg �enerally, speak in high hog. A fair compari n d The London papers, son. lICientific mee-hanic!!. The a\80, IMPROVEMENT FOR B LAGKSMITHS.-A·Imp rove trade to Baltimore. This road is the favorite with to aid, a cuionalJy v terms of praise of the gallantry of Gen. Taylor nd and influence of all our kind patl ons, in extending article called a has been in ented and the citizens of Pittsburg. Close and continual application of mind produ­ Tew Iron the American army, while the Mexicans are looked the notice and circulation of this paper, is most re­ introduced by a Mr. Brown, of Louisville, l{y.- ces a kind of distance and abstraction LITTLE MIAMI RAILROAD.-There it! a rapid in· of manners pon as boisterous and cowardly. llpectfully solicited. This tew iron conveys to the blast an unbroken co- u which is often mistaken it fo r haughtiness. Some � crease of businesl!I on this Road, and eventually lumn to the centre and under the fire, which thence 'f he heat of the weather fo r a lew days had been wise man said that. NORWICHSUBlleRIBE Rs.-Those of our subscri- must become the main route of Eastern travel fr om escaping fr om every point in a continuous current, intense, almost beyond plecedent, both in ber. at Norwich Ct., who have delayed payment the West and South-west. In a fe w weeks it will· The way to prevent getting crossed in love, is to preduces 8. steady, vi vid Ilnd intense heat upon the and in France : many had fa llen under what is their lubllcription lo r the second half year, are be open to Springfield, the termination of this road love very moderately till you have made lure of of iron wrought, without any liability to burn or melt, termed or sun· stricken. rellpectfully requested to pay the same to our agentl coup-l,e-801eil, where it intersects with the Mad River and Lake your ohjec� and then let on all you know. So say. in one part more than another. There is also said There appears to exist in general much good Meslrs. Safford and Parks, without fu rther delay ; Erie Road. The Summer arrangement is now the Sunday Atlall- to be a great saving of' fu el ; but as no particular de- fe eling towards this country, and no apprehension they havini fo r some time past, fu rni8hed the pa­ completed, connecting at Sandusky City with a dai­ scription is given, we can not judge its merits on- of any interference or otber occurrence to interrupt cX been re­ pera to subscribers their own responsibility. of ly line of steamboats to Buffalo, so that travellers All � cently erected in Richmond, Va. It _on ... Iy throul/:h the opinion of others. the present fa ir underlltanding. is said that lome ..",... tion. ----�·�'��H� ____ lIleet with no deten T. M. H . . �. '�'.�e��N_�--- of the women earn ei�hty cents per day : but To CORRESPONDENT8.-The favor of C whe­ STONE HAMMERING MA NE.-A machine hall Mechanical Movement. PORTLAND AND MONTREAL RAILRoAD.-1'hecon­ of Wilmington, will receive due attention. Perhaps HI ther they receive it, report does not say. recently been invented by Jacob Jenks, of Illinoi8, struction of thjs road is now lairly under way at we shall wind him up a fe w. saving of labor and The vill h in which promiaes to be a great both ends "f the line. The route fo r abo ut thirty a�f� 1827 have the a steam-en­ 330 We duly examined expense in the building line. The machine, when cOlltained only inhabitants, now numbers plall of miles fr om Montreal has been definitely located, 3,400. gine fu rnished by B. But being very simi­ 1'h;6ex tensive increase is attributable B. L. it propelled by the power of three men, dreesel in su­ aad is ready for contracts. At the south end ground to the WeI­ to many which have been tried and abandoned, 35 (0 land Callal. lar perior style a foot surface in from to seconds, has been broken, and preparations are made lor lor­ tbere appearing therein a difficultyunprovid ed 30 60 P and which in the old way would require fr om to warding the work with energy. A pap�r in ed men, fo r, we must dec.line an engraving it ..we .... ��r minutes hard labor, and then the work would not fu rnishing of , HUDSON RIVER RAILRoAD.-We hear but little says that "if a white girl is lober, careful and in­ at present. be near as well performed. It can be attaghed to The Rack and Wheel ;-a eimple method of con­ said on this subject, but are informed that dUstriouB, she should as much respocted and ta­ recently be The Syphonic Engine by H. appear. to be horse, water, or steam power, and can be construct­ T. D., verting a rotary to a rectilinear motion, or ver­ the Director!! and Commissioners have delayed ken care of as a colored woman." not sufficiently matured. The principle is evident­ ed so as to dress stone of any required Ilize, as ra­ vice -�� la. The principle of Lhis movement is applied to opening books of subscription in order to present to Iron castings m,By be bronzed by thorou�h clean- a good one, but will require more invention pidly, least with the attendance of one man, as moving the ofilaw-mills ; il is also used in the publi� such statements, bailed on critical sur­ ly it at. ing, and subsequent immersion in a solution of lul­ than we can afford, arrange and proportion in­ twelve good stone cutters could perform the same carriage, to it engine-lathes and various other machinery. But as veys, and other data, as will induce a very general phate of copper, when they acquire a coat of the a practical fo rm. labor. The machines coat one to two hun­ from a rack cannot be supposed to be endless, the motion subscription to the IItock, when the books are open­ to latter metal. They must be then waahed in water. of Providence, ii, we pre­ dred dollars. Our friend " Yankee," of die wheel or pinion must necessarily be occa· ed fo r that purpose : and tllat they express perfect � lume, in no particular hurry. The weather too lionally reversed. The conversion the rectili­ A car red at Chicago, Ill., ill REAPING MA!;RINE.-A 'new reaping machine 01 confidence in the entire success of this important io���u warm flying at present. \vas lately shipped Irom that port fo r near motion to the rotary, by this method, is less work. Wisconsin for -_.",...,..,.�##>H__ _ and rake combined, is spoken of in the Chicago fr equently practilled, but hal sometimes been ap­ Territory. The circum.tance attracted much GEOLOGICAL GLEANINGS IN Journal, as beini' superior to anything hitherto in­ NoaTHERN RAILRoAB.-The first allnual report at­ MISSIBSIPPI.-We plied to working drills, which require a recipruca­ tention and drew BOlDe quaint remark.. have on hand a valuable and original treatise un­ troduced. It cuts the grain and deposites it in bun­ of the Direetors of' the Northern Railroad-the ting rotary motion. The rack and pinion hae been der this head, the publication of wh ich we shall dles with �peed and accuracy, Rnd with one mlln to railroad from Concord, N. H., to the western bank Alarg;� through lately introduced on railroads enable the engine the walls of a commence next week. To our western patrons it attend it, will cut all ae-re grain fo r every mile (0 of river, near the mouth of White rio dwelling hous:! in Greenfield, MalS., 01 to aSC8ud hills w ith its load. In this case, the .hut Or! will be peculiarly interefilting. trave iled by the horse to which it attached. It ver-has been published. The route is miles in by a blast tho new railroad. It reported as ____ is of the constitute the pinions, and the rack­ 68 is -----N·���e�"N_ �� was invented by Mr. Foster, of Laporte, Ind. grade is fifty teetto the

© 1846 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. Selected Articles. Pitman's PhonOlrapbY. �'A.Natural Un1l'ersal Alpbabet." ( Communicated.) QUACKERY. We introduced this lubject several weeks since, charlatan of Paris, wall article under title V. in the Sci­ Malltaccini the famous and promiled to examine different systemll in An thill by J. W., th� . fe w a young man , of good family; and having 10 a ew use to see which was entitled to the preference. enlific American ot' July 2d ]846 merits a reo . r.. d hlm­ marks. Like many of his predecesors in the same years squandered a large estate, and r�duc� Th s we have done, and have no hesitation in de­ . i field,the author seemed not to have devoted suffi­ self to beggary, he fe lt must exercIse hIS IOg�­ ciding that Pitman's system, the purpose of re­ he fo r or he cast hIS cient attention to the subject. would certainly nuity, s.tarve. In this state of mi�ld porting speeches, or facilitating business correspon· It eyes around the various devices whIch save fr om dence, is preferable to auy otber system that conduce to the advancement of mankind, were has the The MiUerites. He articulate sounds, which are made tltesame indigence and are most favored by fo rtune. been introdueed ; but or. Rccount of' an excessive by or­ Continued from No. to a 41. perc ived it was Charlatanism, on w ich this variety sub ects "all spelled according natural, fixed, soon � � press and of business, and of other � gans and e shall not all the various branches and benefactress lavished her fa vors WIth most invariable principle." But the system proposed is V\' tallow blind that required attention, we have neglected.the Illus­ sects of those who are called Millerites, into all a o deficient in several important particulars. pleasure, and in the greatest abundance. An d � it tration this system, till several our readers their wild, extravagant, There is God ! � of of and irrational theories, and Deny it not ! there a cious domestic was the only relllallll g For last twenty years an alphabet combining and loqua � have expressed some impatience sundry commu­ the discordant systems,-at lea .. t not at present,-but is Go!l in Roman Who watches o'er the earth, of all his fo rmer grandeur; he dressed hIm on subject. We IlOW tbese qualities as fa r as the ordinary alpha­ article nications the are prepared, briefly illustrate the views, theory, and principal ar­ part By whose Almighty power 'twas fo rme!1 a livery, mounted a spleudid chario , bet ad mit�, has been in extensive use irt every of in gold lace � however to present the subject in a fo rm give auments of the who adhere to the original fa ith And ushered o bir . I!p to int t on a under the name, style, and tI­ a va· the world, having heen introduced the good few h and started tour our read rs chance to learn and practice by nd principles Mr. Miller, but have fixed on ano­ His power is fe lt in � this rated Mantaccil1i, who cures all seu@e of American missionaries and others. = of every clime, tle the celeb luable art, tbemselves. The ther d fini e and limited period within man has t od, 01 Dr. by Wherever r touch or simple look. Not chief recommendation of this alphabet is that it is e t of time, diseases witb a simple In Mr. Pitman's system, of using the periods wi'l terminate, And work proclaim and chim instead charac­ which and that obtained as much practice as his da­ se "natural," the prophetic aU his s e finding he ters r pre nt the letters of the common alpha­ in giving uni'versally acknQ1vledgcrl will appear his though it is perfect· there a God !" to e he determined to resort. to the vowel characters. Christ in glory j " There is- is ring genius anticipatod, bet, he employs various figures or sIgns to e.xpress powers of even by themse\veEl, that The system of ly evident, and admitted Go to e solemn solitudes still higher flights. He left Paris, and modestly an­ the elementarv consonant sounds, with occaBsional Mr. could 11ot, any possi· th ' W. by or however clear­ Where Nature holds her r ign, bility, be advertised in Europe-among the however 8anguine they lIIay he, nounced himself Lyons, as "the celebrated Dr. dots or dashes to designate the vowel sounds in ly they demonstrate ('o1Tcctne8S i e at Iudians o thei: In all her grandeur w ld and rude, re­ of America, or ill the Sandwich, or other Pacific may the � Mantaccini, who revives the dead will." T,p combination therewith . The several figures se­ present impossible them to O'er valley, hill, lain; at isles. Common move doubt he declared that in fifteen days he lected to express the consonant sound�, are fo und eenEe rebels against taking the Ro· view�, it is for galIl suf­ and p all ficient credence as produce another excitement Or to the mount in' tow'ring peblu; two all man alphabet and peverting almost every vowel to a s would go to the common churchyard. and restore to combined in quadripartite circles thuB : the hat pierce h passing cloud, minds the public. With regard to the ge­ t e fo r and the whom so umny wish to keep in of T life its inhabitants, though buried ten years.­ lIound, people neral of their fa ith, they believe that ( all And all, tho' silent, plainly in ignorance, principleF speak­ This declaration excited a general rumor and mur­ would also rebel if they were honestly a God scripture was given by inspiration God e8 e­ in ossession of the The people are virtual. of j' � " There is-there is !" mur against the doctor, who, not in the least dis­ p fa cts. cially prophetic part that the propheCIes The whispering 1:ephyr, lindthe winds told-" have to able to the j and cOllcerted, applied to the magistrated, and requested Iy You lIO right be wer� ealculated be tJoeful and in­ o read The ling tempests send, a German, italian, Latiu, or inteudeu fw d to h w that he might be put under guard to prevent his EB® Hawaiian, Delaware, even comllJOn people, who The flowers that bloom and birds that sing, Mandingo properly ; we will therefore make you structive to mankind, till; escape, 1.1ntil he should perform his undertaking. dilligently Ii) I

© 1846 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. General Agents. Christie has one authorised Agent in each city the rIIT!!l1!JW�'TI'm.£ �mm> ilJ@'ll'�W'a e Best Un illn. Thebut only Agency in New York is at of M. D. IRk Known, 28, 29, 30, 31 Philadelphia. F.dited by JOHN B. NEWMAN, Medals CoIaft ar.Amance, urt Arcade, No. Broadway, Circumstances make the man,and very often, as in the Tho SiZVf!:1" Premium ! Co., Co street, Boston. 182 At the Annual of dle American and Mechanics' In­ Hotehkiu" 13 Between John street alid Maiden Lane. present case, tbe book. For yearsth ere has been a steadi Fair attin New YGrk City. I y stitute for 1846, a SILVER MEDAL wa.s awarded by ; ••• A liberal discount is made · to purchasers of these increasing interest felt for the vegetable kingdom. Latterly I. A. L Local each to Thaddeus Davids for "the Best writing Ink Ag e nts . articles for places where there is no establi�hed agent. this taste has been partillllygratified the litera rymaga­ 500 6, 8, , South erwick ; D. A by known." gross 2, 16, and 32 oz. steel pen Haiae.-Shipley Ricker new book on " Galvanism and its Application as a Re­ zines, which owe their popularity, in a greatmeasure to 4 W. B C. ink ; 100 gr08s, ditto blue, red, japan, and copying ditto ; Bearce, Portland. may medial Agent," be had,gratis, at the General Agen- the beautiiul flower prints that adorn them. One speci­ 200 New m 8 i Fay, Keene j Wm. O. Ruggles, gross, Indel?ble Ink, warranted, with and without a a p h re.-J. cy, 182 Broadway. june25. men a month, however. is not enough, nor is it required H A. r; Buffam, preparation in elegant cases ; 5000 lbs. wafers, aU lizes Hanover ; C. Smith, Mancheste in such connection. work relating exclusively to the D. M. D r. J. A and qualities fr om 10 to 0 Ibs.; 10,000 Ihs., sealing wax Nashua ; Norris, ove Plumbe National Daguerrian Gallery, subject, is wanted by the public, and this want, the pre­ 5 ThomasL. Boynton, fr om 6cts. to $1, per Ibs. For sale, wholesale and retail, Vermont.- Windsor. se�t enterprise is intended to supply. PHOTOGRAPHIC on accommodating terms, by THADDEUS DAVIDS, Muaachusetts.-S. Thompson, Worcester ; B. Perry.Sa­ AND DEPOT, a a a Preceded by short introduction 011 Physiology, nd n Tenny, Npwbury­ Importer and manufacturer of seali g wax, wafers, inks. Locke's Portable Shower Bath. P. Seaver,Taunt on ; P.W. Broadway, corner of Mu rray street, New view of the Natural and the work lem ; W. ; W. Robinson Co., New 251 Tenney's Yo rk, Linmean Systems, will indelible inks, &c., No. John street, New York, and Otis Cary, Foxboro (over Jewelry store,) devoted to a separa�e co sideration of each plant.­ 112 HE subscriber hail the satisfaction to pert ; S. & by all stationers, booksellers, druggists, &c., in the United Bedford; Barker, Medford. Togetherbe with our own infnormation, we shall draw on to pu b ic that he has pe announce W. Awarded the Medal, fo ur first premiums and two " high. States. rfected, is pre­ Rllode bland.-Daniel Cobb, Providence i an, iny29 T the l , and ;H J. P un est honors," at the exhibition at Boston, New York, and the standard works on Chemistry, Botany, and Medicine, pared to furnish at short notice, portable shower-bath Bristol. . a Philadelphia, respe�tively, the best pictures and apparatus combining ;;very useful item of knowledge, and without far superior in util!ty an� convenience of management,t� Connecticut.-Peter Cook, Hartford ; E. Downes, New ever exhibited. lessening its value, present it in a concise and pleasing Water·power for ale. anythmg of the kmd hitherto offered. It a William S S constitu tes HaTen ; Woodward, Middletown; . Jones, and of for a . Price of these superb photographs reduced to that of fo rm . Obtaining our supplies fr om the slimesources as Rare Cltancefor a Ma mifacturer. light genteel article furniture bed-chambN", Colchester j Hunter, Thompsonville ; H. Snow, n so J. S. ordinary ones at other places, so that no onc need now the bee, we hope to &ecrcte as elegant a sweet fo r. the A a d perfectly constructed? that either a lady or gentle­ Meriden j Safford &. Parks, Norwich ; O. B. Butler, The Water-mills at the head of tide-water, in the plea­ man sit for an ordinary likeness on the score of e�onomy,­ mind, IlS it does for the body. The properties of each, can at any moment enJoy a copious shower without sant village orth1ield. taken in any weather. more especially the medicinal, will be confirmed, a East Haven, Ct., and within two miles the id of strvant N of of s, and withodt haviug a drop of the wa­ New York.-T. Dickiniion, Newark ; S. Hawks, Buf­ in ew Haven harbor, on an unfailing stream of ten or sprin T. Plumbe's premium and German Cameras, Instruc­ great number instances, by personal experience. To N ter kled on the carpet or floor. And by a slight fal o ; G. Hildreth, Lockport ; William M. Beau­ of the twelve horse.powers, are for sale at a very moderat e W. tions, plates, cases, &c. &c., fo rwarded to any dtsired this will be added its history ; its meaning in lan­ change in a part of the apparatus, the same may be con­ champ, Skaneatles ; M. Nevin, Fulton street, price, and on liberal terms of payment. This site is sus· point at lower rates than by ony other manufacturer. guage of flowers j and poetry, either original 01' selected verted to a steam· bath, either plain or aromatic. Tht'se Brooklyn ; Leonard, Oswego.15 8 ceptible ofa con Wanted-two or three skilful operators. Apply as siderable additioD bl power, ,by iocreasinj:( baths are manuf 3 1 M. S. from the gems 01 the children of song. the actured and may be'examined at No. New Agens,No. Commerce 8treet, New by head of water, if required : and its location is sllch above. jny29 The whole illustrated splendid colored engravings, Ann st. JOHN LOCKE. ark Jersey.-J.L.M. Francis, Hoboken1 ; Alfred Walling, Key­ that the cost of taken fr om nature. full size, and finished in the highest transportation of goods to the steamboat Dec 4. I J. is ... . ------port Lees Garside, Corner of Main and Market sts, LAP-WELDED landing merely trifling. A part of the price may re­ _ _-_._ ; style of modern art. Paterson. main on mortgage two three This work is designed to be eminently popular in its or years, if required. For Marylaad.-S. Sands, 122 Baltimore st., Baltimore. Boiler Flues. fu rther particulars enquire Valuable Books. application, and there is enough of that which is stron­ of Edwin Street, East Haven, District of Columbia.-W. H. Ward, ashington. 16 fe et long, and fr om It inches to 5 inches diame­ or Robert Atwater, 192 Pearl st., N. Y. may6. W ger than fiction about it, to render it, in no ordinary de. Just Publis hed .-John Petersburg ; C. ter, can be obtained only ofthc s M. avenport, Har- gree, intere ting and instructive. By DWARD heeling THE BROADWAY E WALKER, 114 Fulton It. . Terms.-Thls work will be published monthly, with Georgiabour,.-W Chas. O'Neal, Darien P.Il TENTE E, . T HOS. PROSSER, four or six flowers, handsomely painted, in each number. Daguerrean Gallery. VB. 7'HE Florida.-Major J. Nathans, Quincy. ROMA NlSM BIBLE. Price three dollars a year. or two copies sent to one ad­ 179 Broadway, N.Y. Illillois.-G. Arnold, Peru. Platt street, N.Y. " It is our belief that ten thousand copies wiJI be W. _.Il:}J_r� _ 28 dress for dol1llrs. A liberal discount allowed to Miniatures obtllinedat this establish Sep., 184510111. Ohio.-Col. A. P. Chesley, Huron ; Robin30n Jones, five very ment in superior in less than six months."-Knickerbocker, agents. WELLMAN, style, for One DoIlllr and upward CillciRnati ; M. F. Gates, Columbus. & s, according to size and u r e ' s r e m i u Publisher Ilnd propJ.rietor, K. Nassau st. DOJVLING'S HISTOR Y OF ROMANlSM. Wisoonlin Territorv.-Norris G n y P m finish. Every picture shall �ive satisfaction. With in various bindings. Hubbard, Southport. to 118 et , engravings, '.' Furnished Seminllries, Colleges, and loci ie8 N, B. Instruction given in the art and the im­ 52 A DAGUERRE AN GALLERY. , most In the short space of six months, this beautiful and po­ Travelli ug gents. copies fo r a-year. Broadway, proved apparatus, &c., fu rnished on as favorable terms as reached its Selleck. Frederick HAzeltine. Charles Ha­ in clnbs, 10 $20 T pular work has tenth edition-this is altoge­ 11�:p) N. Y. PARTICULAR NO ICE. elFewhere. P OSC . ma28 nltine.Clark Pictures taken Iltthis establishment are not cxcelled ther unparlllleled in the hi�tory of m can book-ma­ te hen Payne. Wm. H. Russell. We do not intend to confine ourselves to the botanical GEO. W. R H S p J. in this country-so say his numerous patrons. The pub­ A ll'i of each on the king. Every AmericaQ Prot.tant should fu rnish lic are fes pectfully invited to call and judge fo r the.m- dl'scriptions plant, but contrary, divested a him­ DR. of a thoroughly Engraving on Wood. self with copy of thil fa ithfu l history of RomanisiIl.­ selves. may6 teehniclllity, intend to make it scientific CHRISTIE'S work, will Price in all the departments of Botany. It also give THE subscriber is repared execute IMP$3. ORTANT NATIONAL WORK. Book for Mechanic!!. information on the cultivation of Plants and Flowers. In p tt'! GALVANIC RINGS a word, it will comprise the whole science. V@®lJD �lWCfil:R£W�®� THE MANUAL. THE .ENGINEER'S AND MECHA NIC'S of Machinery, Landscapes, Plans of every description upt publisll&I'ST.A:JES new andMAN'S enlarged editlon of J C!lJ®OOlP£mr)1@:r � a BRIDGENS. fo r newspAper�, book embellishments, &.c•. in good W. H. &te.,iD Pre8fctcnt!l' l\l essages, Comprising Weights, Measures, l\Icnsurat ion of superfi­ style, and at short notice, Rt 89 Nas au str,.- t. the two handlonle Tolumes, 8vo.;-the collecteJ from Die in whole ces and solids, tables of squares and cuhes,-square and Enmver, Sinker, SUN BUILDINGS, official documcnt�, by E. Esq. cube roots, circumferencc, and areM of circles, the me­ STE'E L LETTER CUTTER WILLIAII8, AND and adjoining the office of the Scientific American. chanical powers, centres of gravity, gravitation of bo­ No. \VillilLlI1, corner of Spruce VON'rENTS : marah A. R. HAIGHT. The Addresfie5 and Messagel Presidents dies ; strength, weight, and crush of materials ; water­ 184 st. 26. Namc·Stamps fo r Blacksmiths, Stone Cutters, Carpen­ theI. Un ited States, ashi gto ofto thPolke ; with co­of wheels; hydrostatics, hydraulics, statics, centres of per­ ters and machinists, steel letters and figures of all sizes from W n n a pious analytical Index to the same, of subjects, cussion and giration ; fr iction. heat, tables of weight and constantly on hand for marking iron, steel, brass and Rolling Mills, blast Furnaces Fo g , & r es and dates. names metals ; pipes, scantlin!!', and interest ; steam and th8 Notary seals, desk seals, door plates mllde and AND Iron works of all descriptious, erect!'d upon the most 2. An accouuJ the Inauguration of each Presi�ent ateam engine. engravedwood ; ; artificial flower stamps, vainers and loofers of improved plans ; steam or water powers. and a brief notlee of the principal political at r event1l hl� y J. M. SCRIBNER, A. M. made thc shortest notice and on most reasonllble te ms Drawing!, plans and estimates made buildings, administration. of MAGNETIC FLUID. B fOI" This remarkable invention, which has received the Recently published, and for sale by fu rnaces and machinery, and contracts for the whole or Biogr,a pbical aketch of each PrlljdenL fe b!!. 3. A almost universal approbation of the mediclll profession of HUNTINGTON & SA AGE, any part thereof taken and executed with promptneslRnd Declaration of Independence. V 0 4. Great Britain, eomprises on entirely new application of 216 Pearl st., price to $ 1 ,5 . de.patch ; Ilnd will also give his personal superintendence Articles of Confederation with brief $1,12 GALl'AN Ie BATTERIES 5. a rustol1 01 Galvanism, as a remedial agent, by means of which the jnyl simple, safe, and co venien construc­ in the erection of lron works of all kinds, such as Rolling the events and cireumstances which W to the u:llon, Of the most n t of ordillary Galvan!c Batteries, Electric and Magnetic ma­ fo r electro-typing, horticultural, and mills, blast furnaces-of hot and cold blasts-anthricite, the State�, and the fo rmation of the Constitution. tion other w chine�, &c., are entirely dispensed with, and the myste­ General atent genc . bituminous, and charcoal or wood fu rnaees, fo rges, trip­ 6. Constitution the United States, ith note. P A y Galvanic Experiments, of 81)9 power of Galvanism applied without any of the ob· hammers ; iron, brass, and bell fo undry, pucilingand heat­ references. riOUI THE subscriber has established an a�ency 111. his lor sale-price the office the .everaletatee. Jections which are inseparable from the general mode W the ing fu rnaees, air cupolo chaffery and refinery, or let out 7. synopsis of the Con"titutions of Ilrehouse, 12 Platt street, cw orl" for the protcc· 75 rcnts,-at of Sci· s A now ill Uge. The strong doses, and at irregular inter· N Y entific American. furnace . 8. Chronological Table. of Hi8torical tion and general rights !Ina intercsU event. ill the vals, in which Qalvanism is applied hy the machine�, has advancement of the Electro'l'latiu g all branches, brilliantly exe· N.B.-All letters directed, post-paid, to B. MER· Uuited States. of [nventors and Patentees. in its S. beeR pronounced, after a fa ir and impartial trial, to be as above. KEL, Founder-machinist, millwright, dr&llghtsman and Tables of Members of the Cabinets of the variout The objects of this agency are more particularly to 9. tUcilUdlll iKjIWiou.,and it was to remedy this radical de· cuted Engineer, Philadelphill. Pa. administl'!1tions, Ministen to ForeiKn tries, and otb­ aid and assist Inventors and Patentee� effecting sllles COlin fe ct thllt thia newapplication was projected, which, after Co.'S febl l. er principal public officers. of their inventions and good� and WAresin made OAMt:! & unceasing toil and perseverllnce, has been hrought to its of there· A Slatistical tablcs of Commerce and population with-and also fo r the Patent Right". ';tt �:"T EASOrlJRl"\, 80UTH EllN. AND WESTERN 10. i preseat state of perfection. Galvanic Rings answer sale and tmMfer of J 0 H N SON'8 Index, or analytical table of contents The i Arrangementil havc been made with a lalVyer II JiN illW(Q)lW a II. A Complete all the purposes of the most expensive machines, and in pac age Express. lID to the whole work. Price fa miliar with Patent Law�, will attend to Daiy k No. 144 UL O STREET. S!i. many other rellpects are more SAFE CERT,UN in ac· the Rnd legal branch the bU8ineB�who reasonahle res" ectfully gIVe nollce tbat their F T N complishing the desired object. the AD1\ MS SO co. (Near Broadway) : ew York. COMP ANION TO JOHN BUNYAN. Slltisfactory01 willUpO beIl arrangement!. fo r various Expresses have been per­ N The Galvanic Rings have been with entire IUC · their fo urth edition of' Dr. Cheever's Lectures on Pi!­ used term8. referencc" givcn. A p. with the greatest care, and enable to for­ eels all cllses of Rheumatism, acute or chronic, apply­ plications made to them BILL 01<' J<' A.RE. grim'5The Progress, lind life and times of John Bunyan, in x :>my be the ullllcn;;iltllcd \,rr�"n· fewllrcted,d with utmost security and rapidity, and ·at mo­ Roast Turkey, Boiled Ham, lid ing to the head, fa ce or limbs; gout, tic-dolore tooth­ aily, or hy letter, illustrated with bellutifnlthe steel , post-7lUid. derate I'Ilt��,the Mercha ndize of every description.1l 181 !!